Example #1
def handle_chat(_type, args):
    if _type == 'chat_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'ob_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|c9f5f9fff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'speaker_msg':
        node, uname, msg = args[0]
        from utils.notify import notify, SPEAKER
        notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 『文々。新闻』',
               u'%s: %s' % (uname, msg), level=SPEAKER)
        node = node and '|G%s' % ServerNames.get(node, node)
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'%s|ccc3299ff『文々。新闻』|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (node, uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'system_msg':
        _, msg = args[0]
        return u'|B|R%s|r\n' % msg

        return None
Example #2
    def on_message(self, node, topic, message):
        if topic == 'speaker':
            from settings import ServerNames
            username, content = message

            foo = str(random.randint(0x10000000, 0xffffffff))
            content = content.replace('||', foo)
            content = re.sub(r'([\r\n]|\|(c[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}|s[12][A-Fa-f0-9]{8}|[BbIiUuHrRGYW]|LB|DB|![RGOB]))', '', content)
            content = content.replace(foo, '||')

            send = u'{}『文々。新闻』{}: {}'.format(
                ServerNames.get(node, node), username, content,

            groups_on = [int(i) for i in State.dao.get_all_groups_on()]

            pool.map_async(lambda f: f(), [
                partial(State.aya.send_group_message, uin, send)
                for uin, num in State.aya.get_group_tuples()
                if num in groups_on

        elif topic == 'aya_charge':
            uid, fee = message
            if fee < 50: return
            qq = State.dao.get_binding_r(uid)
            if not uid: return
            uin = State.aya.qq2uin(qq)
            if not uin: return
            State.aya.send_buddy_message(uin, u'此次文文新闻收费 %s 节操。' % int(fee))
Example #3
def handle_chat(_type, args):
    if _type == "chat_msg":
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace("|", "||")
        return u"|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n" % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == "ob_msg":
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace("|", "||")
        return u"|c9f5f9fff%s|r: %s\n" % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == "speaker_msg":
        node, uname, msg = args[0]
        from utils.notify import notify, SPEAKER

        notify(u"东方符斗祭 - 『文々。新闻』", u"%s: %s" % (uname, msg), level=SPEAKER)
        node = node and "|G%s" % ServerNames.get(node, node)
        uname = uname.replace("|", "||")
        return u"%s|ccc3299ff『文々。新闻』|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n" % (node, uname, msg)

    elif _type == "system_msg":
        _, msg = args[0]
        return u"|B|R%s|r\n" % msg

        return None
Example #4
    def on_message(self, node, topic, message):
        if topic == 'speaker':
            from settings import ServerNames
            username, content = message

            foo = str(random.randint(0x10000000, 0xffffffff))
            content = content.replace('||', foo)
            content = re.sub(
                '', content)
            content = content.replace(foo, '||')

            send = u'{}『文々。新闻』{}: {}'.format(
                ServerNames.get(node, node),

            groups_on = [int(i) for i in State.dao.get_all_groups_on()]

            pool.map_async(lambda f: f(), [
                partial(State.aya.send_group_message, uin, send)
                for uin, num in State.aya.get_group_tuples()
                if num in groups_on

        elif topic == 'aya_charge':
            uid, fee = message
            if fee < 50: return
            qq = State.dao.get_binding_r(uid)
            if not uid: return
            uin = State.aya.qq2uin(qq)
            if not uin: return
            State.aya.send_buddy_message(uin, u'此次文文新闻收费 %s 节操。' % int(fee))
Example #5
def handle_chat(_type, args):
    if _type == 'chat_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'ob_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|c9f5f9fff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'speaker_msg':
        node, uname, msg = args[0]
        from utils.notify import notify, SPEAKER
        notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 『文々。新闻』',
               u'%s: %s' % (uname, msg), level=SPEAKER)
        node = node and '|G%s' % ServerNames.get(node, node)
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'%s|ccc3299ff『文々。新闻』|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (node, uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'system_msg':
        _, msg = args[0]
        return u'|B|R%s|r\n' % msg

        return None
Example #6
    def on_message(self, node, topic, message):
        if topic == 'speaker':
            from settings import ServerNames
            username, content = message

            send = u'{}『文々。新闻』{}: {}'.format(
                ServerNames.get(node, node), username, content,

            groups_on = [int(i) for i in dao.get_all_groups_on()]
            gids = [
                g['gid'] for g in aya.group_list
                if aya.gcode2groupnum(g['code']) in groups_on

            pool.map_async(lambda f: f(), [
                partial(aya.send_group_message, i, send)
                for i in gids
Example #7
    def on_message(self, node, topic, message):
        if topic == 'speaker':
            from settings import ServerNames
            username, content = message

            send = u'{}『文々。新闻』{}: {}'.format(
                ServerNames.get(node, node),

            groups_on = [int(i) for i in dao.get_all_groups_on()]
            gids = [
                g['gid'] for g in aya.group_list
                if aya.gcode2groupnum(g['code']) in groups_on

                lambda f: f(),
                [partial(aya.send_group_message, i, send) for i in gids])
Example #8
def handle_chat(_type, args):
    if _type == 'chat_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'ob_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|c9f5f9fff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'speaker_msg':
        node, uname, msg = args[0]
        node = node and '|G%s' % ServerNames.get(node, node)
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'%s|ccc3299ff『文々。新闻』|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (node, uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'system_msg':
        _, msg = args[0]
        return u'|B|R%s|r\n' % msg

        return None
Example #9
def handle_chat(_type, args):
    if _type == 'chat_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'ob_msg':
        uname, msg = args[0]
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'|c9f5f9fff%s|r: %s\n' % (uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'speaker_msg':
        node, uname, msg = args[0]
        node = node and '|G%s' % ServerNames.get(node, node)
        uname = uname.replace('|', '||')
        return u'%s|ccc3299ff『文々。新闻』|cff0000ff%s|r: %s\n' % (node, uname, msg)

    elif _type == 'system_msg':
        _, msg = args[0]
        return u'|B|R%s|r\n' % msg

        return None