def displaySubscriptions(chat_id): with open("transcoder_subscriptions.json", "r") as f: subscriptions = json.load(f) message = [t for t, cid in subscriptions.items() if chat_id in cid] send_message( "You are subscribed to the following orchestrators:\n" + "\n".join(message), chat_id)
def check_rewardCall_status(block): """Sends a notification if a transcoder didn't call reward yet but is in the active set """ for address in transcoder.keys(): if transcoder[address].rewardCalled == False and transcoder[ address].isActive == True: for chat_id in transcoder[address].subscriber: send_message( "WARNING - Orchestrator {} did not yet claim rewards at block {} of 5760 in the current round!" .format(address[:8] + "...", str(block % 5760)), chat_id) time.sleep(1.5)
def getTranscoder_IfValid(message, chat_id): transcoderAddr = message[message.find("0x"):message.find("0x") + 42] if w3.isAddress(transcoderAddr): transcoderChecksum = w3.toChecksumAddress(transcoderAddr) if bonding_manager_proxy.functions.isRegisteredTranscoder( transcoderChecksum).call(): return transcoderChecksum else: send_message( "The entered address is not a registered orchestrator. Please try again", chat_id) else: send_message("The entered address is not valid. Please try again", chat_id)
def handleUnsubscribe(subscriptions, chat_id, transcoderChecksum): """Handles subscription removal Check if the chat_id is subscribed to the transcoder. If true: delete chat_id from transcoder. If the transcoder has no subscribers, remove the transcoder. """ if chat_id in subscriptions[transcoderChecksum]: subscriptions[transcoderChecksum].remove(chat_id) if not subscriptions[transcoderChecksum]: del subscriptions[transcoderChecksum] with open("transcoder_subscriptions.json", "w") as f: json.dump(subscriptions, f, indent=1) send_message( "You are now unsubscribed from orchestrator {}".format( transcoderChecksum), chat_id) else: send_message("You are not subscribed to this orchestrator", chat_id)
def handleSubscription(subscriptions, chat_id, transcoderChecksum): """Handles adding a subscription Cases: 1) transcoder & chat_id is already in subscriptions: do nothing 2) t is in subscriptions but not c: append c to t 3) t is not in subscriptions: add t & c """ if subscriptions.get(transcoderChecksum): if chat_id in subscriptions[transcoderChecksum]: send_message("You are already subscribed to this address", chat_id) return else: subscriptions[transcoderChecksum].append(chat_id) else: subscriptions[transcoderChecksum] = [chat_id] with open("transcoder_subscriptions.json", "w") as f: json.dump(subscriptions, f, indent=1) send_message( "Subscription added, you will now be notified about events of {}". format(transcoderChecksum), chat_id)
def process_round(): """After a new round has begun, check for missed reward calls. Also checks if the transcoder became active/inactive. """ activeTranscoders = get_active_transcoders() for address in transcoder: if (transcoder[address].rewardCalled == False and transcoder[address].isActive == True): for chat_id in transcoder[address].subscriber: send_message( "NO REWARDS CLAIMED - Orchestrator {} did not claim the rewards in the last round! You did not get any rewards for your stake." .format(address[:8] + "..."), chat_id) time.sleep(1.5) transcoder[address].rewardCalled = False if address not in activeTranscoders: transcoder[address].isActive = False for chat_id in transcoder[address].subscriber: send_message( "WARNING - Orchestrator {} is no longer in the active orchestrator set! You will no longer receive rewards for your stake." .format(address[:8] + "..."), chat_id) time.sleep(1.5) elif transcoder[ address].isActive == False and address in activeTranscoders: transcoder[address].isActive = True for chat_id in transcoder[address].subscriber: send_message( "Orchestrator {} is back in the active orchestrator set! You will get notified if and when rewards are called." .format(address[:8] + "..."), chat_id) time.sleep(1.5)
def main(): with open('block_records.txt', 'r') as fh: blockOld = int(fh.readlines()[-1]) while True: try: block = w3.eth.blockNumber roundNumber = int(block / 5760) roundNumberOld = int(blockOld / 5760) update_transcoder_instances() # In this case, process the previous round from blockOld to the first block of the new round if roundNumber > roundNumberOld: roundStartBlock = roundNumber * 5760 check_rewardCut_changes(blockOld, roundStartBlock) check_rewardCall(blockOld, roundStartBlock) # Set the blockOld to last processed blocknumber blockOld = roundStartBlock # Write to processed blocks file with open('block_records.txt', 'a') as fh: fh.write(str(blockOld) + "\n") process_round() roundNumber += 1 print("processed round at block {}".format(str(block))) # Run checks once there are at least 500 new blocks since last check if block > blockOld + 500: check_rewardCut_changes(blockOld, block) check_rewardCall(blockOld, block) check_rewardCall_status(block) # Set the blockOld to last processed blocknumber blockOld = block # Write to processed blocks file with open('block_records.txt', 'a') as fh: fh.write(str(blockOld) + "\n") print("Processed until: " + str(blockOld)) except Exception as ex: print(ex) # Only send telegram message if its a different error if str(ex) != latestError: send_message(ex, MY_TELEGRAM_ID) latestError = str(ex) time.sleep(poll_interval)
def check_rewardCut_changes(fromBlock, toBlock): """Checks for changes in the reward & fee cut values between fromBlock and toBlock. If an event exists, get the caller of the event and check if it is in the subscription list. Get the new and old fee and reward cut values and check if either one changed. Send notification to the subscribers. """ rewardCut_filter = w3.eth.filter({ "fromBlock": fromBlock, "toBlock": toBlock, "address": '0x511Bc4556D823Ae99630aE8de28b9B80Df90eA2e', "topics": ['0x7346854431dbb3eb8e373c604abf89e90f4865b8447e1e2834d7b3e4677bf544'], }) for event in rewardCut_filter.get_all_entries(): caller = w3.toChecksumAddress("0x" + event["topics"][1].hex()[26:]) if caller in transcoder.keys(): rewardCut = w3.toInt(hexstr=event["data"][2:][:64]) feeShare = w3.toInt(hexstr=event["data"][2:][64:]) previousData = bonding_manager_proxy.functions.getTranscoderEarningsPoolForRound( caller, int(event["blockNumber"] / 5760)).call() pRewardCut = previousData[4] pFeeShare = previousData[5] tx = event["transactionHash"].hex() if rewardCut != pRewardCut or feeShare != pFeeShare: message = "REWARD AND/OR FEE CUT CHANGE - for Orchestrator {caller}!\n\n" \ "New values:\nReward cut = {rewardCut} (old: {pRewardCut})\n" \ "Fee cut = {feeCut} (old: {pFeeCut})\n" \ "[Transaction link]({tx})".format( caller = caller[:8]+"...", rewardCut = str(rewardCut/10**4)+"%", pRewardCut = str(pRewardCut/10**4)+"%", feeCut = str(100-(feeShare/10**4))+"%", pFeeCut = str(100-(pFeeShare/10**4))+"%", tx = tx) for chat_id in transcoder[caller].subscriber: send_message(message, chat_id) time.sleep(1.5)
def check_rewardCall(fromBlock, toBlock): """Checks for reward transactions between blockOld and block. If an event exists, get the caller of the event and check if it is in the subscription list. Sends notification to the subscribers and sets the rewardCalled attribute for the caller to true. """ rewardCall_filter = w3.eth.filter({ "fromBlock": fromBlock, "toBlock": toBlock, "address": '0x511Bc4556D823Ae99630aE8de28b9B80Df90eA2e', "topics": ['0x619caafabdd75649b302ba8419e48cccf64f37f1983ac4727cfb38b57703ffc9'], }) for event in rewardCall_filter.get_all_entries(): caller = w3.toChecksumAddress("0x" + event["topics"][1].hex()[26:]) if caller in transcoder.keys( ) and transcoder[caller].rewardCalled == False: tokens = round(w3.toInt(hexstr=event["data"]) / 10**18, 2) roundNr = int(event["blockNumber"] / 5760) data = bonding_manager_proxy.functions.getTranscoderEarningsPoolForRound( caller, roundNr).call() totalStake = round(data[2] / 10**18) rewardCut = data[4] / 10**4 rewardCutTokens = round(tokens * (rewardCut / 10**2), 2) tx = event["transactionHash"].hex() message = "Rewards claimed for round {roundNr} -> Orchestrator {caller} received {tokens} LPT " \ "for a total stake of {totalStake} LPT (keeping {rewardCutTokens} LPT due to its {rewardCut} reward cut)\n" \ "[Transaction link]({tx})".format( roundNr = roundNr, caller = caller[:8]+"...", tokens = tokens, totalStake = totalStake, rewardCutTokens = rewardCutTokens, rewardCut = str(rewardCut)+"%", tx = tx) for chat_id in transcoder[caller].subscriber: send_message(message, chat_id) time.sleep(1.5) transcoder[caller].rewardCalled = True
def checkMessage(updates): for update in updates["result"]: try: message = update["message"]["text"] chat_id = update["message"]["chat"]["id"] if message == "/start": send_message("Welcome to the Orchestrator-Watcher bot!\n\nThis bot is provided by the " \ "[0x525-Transcoder](, " \ "Discord: vires-in-numeris. Tips to 0x525419FF5707190389bfb5C87c375D710F5fCb0E are appreciated, thank you!\n\n" \ "The following commands are available:\n - *subscribe* <orchestrator address>\n - *remove* <orchestrator address>\n - " \ "*subscriptions*\n\nPlease enter *subscribe* followed by the orchestrator address " \ "(e.g. 'subscribe 0x525419FF5707190389bfb5C87c375D710F5fCb0E') to get notified about the following events:\n - " \ "reward calls\n - missed reward calls\n - when the reward/fee cut changes\n - orchestrator becomes inactive\n\n" \ "If you no longer want to be notified, enter *remove* followed the orchestrator address.\n\n" \ "If you want to check your subscriptions, enter *subscriptions*.", chat_id) elif "subscribe" in message.lower() and "0x" in message: transcoderChecksum = getTranscoder_IfValid(message, chat_id) if transcoderChecksum: with open("transcoder_subscriptions.json", "r") as f: subscriptions = json.load(f) handleSubscription(subscriptions, chat_id, transcoderChecksum) elif "remove" in message.lower() and "0x" in message: transcoderChecksum = getTranscoder_IfValid(message, chat_id) if transcoderChecksum: with open("transcoder_subscriptions.json", "r") as f: subscriptions = json.load(f) handleUnsubscribe(subscriptions, chat_id, transcoderChecksum) elif "subscriptions" in message.lower(): displaySubscriptions(chat_id) else: send_message( "The following commands are available:\n - *subscribe* <orchestrator address>\n - *remove* <orchestrator address>\n - *subscriptions*", chat_id) except Exception as ex: print(ex) send_message(ex, MY_TELEGRAM_ID)