Example #1
    def checkSagaIsInstalled(ignoreRegistrySettings=False):
        if SextanteUtils.isWindows():
            path = SagaUtils.sagaPath()
            if path == "":
                return "SAGA folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running SAGA algorithms."
            cmdpath = os.path.join(path, "saga_cmd.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(cmdpath):
                return ("The specified SAGA folder does not contain a valid SAGA executable.\n"
                        + "Please, go to the SEXTANTE settings dialog, and check that the SAGA\n"
                        + "folder is correctly configured")

        settings = QSettings()
        if not ignoreRegistrySettings:
            SAGA_INSTALLED = "/SextanteQGIS/SagaInstalled"
            if settings.contains(SAGA_INSTALLED):

            from sextante.core.Sextante import runalg
            result = runalg("saga:thiessenpolygons", points(), None)
            if not os.path.exists(result['POLYGONS']):
                return "It seems that SAGA is not correctly installed in your system.\nPlease install it before running SAGA algorithms."
            s = traceback.format_exc()
            return "Error while checking SAGA installation. SAGA might not be correctly configured.\n" + s;

        settings.setValue(SAGA_INSTALLED, True)
Example #2
    def checkGrassIsInstalled(ignoreRegistrySettings=False):
        if SextanteUtils.isWindows():
            path = GrassUtils.grassPath()
            if path == "":
                return "GRASS folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running SAGA algorithms."
            cmdpath = os.path.join(path, "bin\r.out.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(cmdpath):
                return ("The specified GRASS folder does not contain a valid set of GRASS modules.\n"
                        + "Please, go to the SEXTANTE settings dialog, and check that the GRASS\n"
                        + "folder is correctly configured")

        settings = QSettings()
        if not ignoreRegistrySettings:
            GRASS_INSTALLED = "/SextanteQGIS/GrassInstalled"
            if settings.contains(GRASS_INSTALLED):

            from sextante.core.Sextante import runalg
            result = runalg("grass:v.voronoi", points(),False,False,"270778.60198,270855.745301,4458921.97814,4458983.8488",-1,0.0001,None)
            if not os.path.exists(result['output']):
                return "It seems that GRASS is not correctly installed and configured in your system.\nPlease install it before running GRASS algorithms."
            s = traceback.format_exc()
            return "Error while checking GRASS installation. GRASS might not be correctly configured.\n" + s;

        settings.setValue(GRASS_INSTALLED, True)
Example #3
    def checkGrassIsInstalled(ignoreRegistrySettings=False):
        if SextanteUtils.isWindows():
            path = GrassUtils.grassPath()
            if path == "":
                return "GRASS folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running SAGA algorithms."
            cmdpath = os.path.join(path, "bin\r.out.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(cmdpath):
                return (
                    "The specified GRASS folder does not contain a valid set of GRASS modules.\n"
                    "Please, go to the SEXTANTE settings dialog, and check that the GRASS\n"
                    + "folder is correctly configured")

        settings = QSettings()
        if not ignoreRegistrySettings:
            GRASS_INSTALLED = "/SextanteQGIS/GrassInstalled"
            if settings.contains(GRASS_INSTALLED):

            from sextante.core.Sextante import runalg
            result = runalg(
                "grass:v.voronoi", points(), False, False,
                "270778.60198,270855.745301,4458921.97814,4458983.8488", -1,
                0.0001, None)
            if not os.path.exists(result['output']):
                return "It seems that GRASS is not correctly installed and configured in your system.\nPlease install it before running GRASS algorithms."
            s = traceback.format_exc()
            return "Error while checking GRASS installation. GRASS might not be correctly configured.\n" + s

        settings.setValue(GRASS_INSTALLED, True)
Example #4
    def checkSagaIsInstalled(ignoreRegistrySettings=False):
        if SextanteUtils.isWindows():
            path = SagaUtils.sagaPath()
            if path == "":
                return "SAGA folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running SAGA algorithms."
            cmdpath = os.path.join(path, "saga_cmd.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(cmdpath):
                return (
                    "The specified SAGA folder does not contain a valid SAGA executable.\n"
                    "Please, go to the SEXTANTE settings dialog, and check that the SAGA\n"
                    + "folder is correctly configured")

        settings = QSettings()
        if not ignoreRegistrySettings:
            SAGA_INSTALLED = "/SextanteQGIS/SagaInstalled"
            if settings.contains(SAGA_INSTALLED):

            from sextante.core.Sextante import runalg
            result = runalg("saga:thiessenpolygons", points(), None)
            if not os.path.exists(result['POLYGONS']):
                return "It seems that SAGA is not correctly installed in your system.\nPlease install it before running SAGA algorithms."
            s = traceback.format_exc()
            return "Error while checking SAGA installation. SAGA might not be correctly configured.\n" + s

        settings.setValue(SAGA_INSTALLED, True)
Example #5
    def checkSagaIsInstalled(cls):
        if SextanteUtils.isWindows():
            path = SagaUtils.sagaPath()
            if path == "":
                return "SAGA folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running SAGA algorithms."
            cmdpath = os.path.join(path, "saga_cmd.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(cmdpath):
                return ("The specified SAGA folder does not contain a valid SAGA executable.\n" 
                        + "Please, go to the SEXTANTE settings dialog, and check that the SAGA\n" 
                        + "folder is correctly configured")
        SAGA_INSTALLED = "/SextanteQGIS/SagaInstalled"
        settings = QSettings()
        if settings.contains(SAGA_INSTALLED):
            qgis = QGisLayers.iface
            crs = qgis.mapCanvas().mapRenderer().destinationCrs()
            fields = []
            fields.append(QgsField("NUM_FIELD", QVariant.Int))
            filename = SextanteUtils.getTempFilename("shp")
            writer = SextanteVectorWriter(filename, None, fields, QGis.WKBPoint, crs)
            for x in range(5):
                for y in range(5):
                    attrs = []
                    outFeat = QgsFeature()
                    pt = QgsPoint(x, y)
            del writer.writer
            del writer       
            from sextante.core.Sextante import runalg              
            result = runalg("saga:thiessenpolygons", filename, None)
            if not os.path.exists(result['POLYGONS']):
                return "It seems that SAGA is not correctly installed in your system.\nPlease install it before running SAGA algorithms."
            s = traceback.format_exc()
            return "Error while checking SAGA installation. SAGA might not be correctly configured.\n" + s;

        settings.setValue("/SextanteQGIS/SagaInstalled", True)