def __init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file): SfaServer.__init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file, 'registry') sfa_config = Config() if Config().SFA_REGISTRY_ENABLED: from import engine from import DBSchema DBSchema().init_or_upgrade()
def __init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass, key_file, cert_file, logRequests=True): """Secure XML-RPC server. It it very similar to SimpleXMLRPCServer but it uses HTTPS for transporting XML data. """ logger.debug("SecureXMLRPCServer.__init__, server_address=%s, cert_file=%s"%(server_address,cert_file)) self.logRequests = logRequests self.interface = None self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.method_map = {} # add cache to the request handler HandlerClass.cache = Cache() #for compatibility with python 2.4 (centos53) if sys.version_info < (2, 5): SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self) else: SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self, True, None) SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass) ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) ctx.use_privatekey_file(key_file) ctx.use_certificate_file(cert_file) # If you wanted to verify certs against known CAs.. this is how you would do it #ctx.load_verify_locations('/etc/sfa/trusted_roots/plc.gpo.gid') config = Config() trusted_cert_files = TrustedRoots(config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_file_list() for cert_file in trusted_cert_files: ctx.load_verify_locations(cert_file) ctx.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER | SSL.VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, verify_callback) ctx.set_verify_depth(5) ctx.set_app_data(self) self.socket = SSL.Connection(ctx, socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type)) self.server_bind() self.server_activate()
def main(): # Generate command line parser parser = OptionParser(usage=" [options]") parser.add_option("-r", "--registry", dest="registry", action="store_true", help="run registry server", default=False) parser.add_option("-s", "--slicemgr", dest="sm", action="store_true", help="run slice manager", default=False) parser.add_option("-a", "--aggregate", dest="am", action="store_true", help="run aggregate manager", default=False) parser.add_option("-c", "--component", dest="cm", action="store_true", help="run component server", default=False) parser.add_option("-t", "--trusted-certs", dest="trusted_certs", action="store_true", help="refresh trusted certs", default=False) parser.add_option("-d", "--daemon", dest="daemon", action="store_true", help="Run as daemon.", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() config = Config() logger.setLevelFromOptVerbose(config.SFA_API_LOGLEVEL) # ge the server's key and cert hierarchy = Hierarchy() auth_info = hierarchy.get_interface_auth_info() server_key_file = auth_info.get_privkey_filename() server_cert_file = auth_info.get_gid_filename() # ensure interface cert is present in trusted roots dir trusted_roots = TrustedRoots(config.get_trustedroots_dir()) trusted_roots.add_gid(GID(filename=server_cert_file)) if (options.daemon): daemon() if options.trusted_certs: install_peer_certs(server_key_file, server_cert_file) # start registry server if (options.registry): from sfa.server.registry import Registry r = Registry("", config.SFA_REGISTRY_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) r.start() if ( from sfa.server.aggregate import Aggregate a = Aggregate("", config.SFA_AGGREGATE_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) a.start() # start slice manager if ( from sfa.server.slicemgr import SliceMgr s = SliceMgr("", config.SFA_SM_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) s.start() if ( from sfa.server.component import Component c = Component("", config.component_port, server_key_file, server_cert_file) # c = Component("", config.SFA_COMPONENT_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) c.start()
def create_default_dirs(): config = Config() hierarchy = Hierarchy() config_dir = config.config_path trusted_certs_dir = config.get_trustedroots_dir() authorities_dir = hierarchy.basedir all_dirs = [config_dir, trusted_certs_dir, authorities_dir] for dir in all_dirs: if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir)
def server_proxy(url=None, port=None, keyfile=None, certfile=None, verbose=False): """ returns an xmlrpc connection to the service a the specified address """ if url: url_parts = url.split(":") if len(url_parts) > 1: pass else: url = "http://%(url)s:%(port)s" % locals() else: # connect to registry by default config = Config() addr, port = config.SFA_REGISTRY_HOST, config.SFA_REGISTRY_PORT url = "http://%(addr)s:%(port)s" % locals() if verbose: print "Contacting registry at: %(url)s" % locals() server = SfaServerProxy(url, keyfile, certfile) return server
def get_rspec(self, api, cred, slice_urn): logger.debug("#### called max-get_rspec") #geni_slice_urn: urn:publicid:IDN+plc:maxpl+slice+xi_rspec_test1 if slice_urn == None: (ret, output) = self.call_am_apiclient("GetResourceTopology", ['all', '\"\"'], 5) else: slice_id = self.get_plc_slice_id(cred, slice_urn) (ret, output) = self.call_am_apiclient("GetResourceTopology", [ 'all', slice_id, ], 5) # parse output into rspec XML if output.find("No resouce found") > 0: rspec = "<RSpec type=\"SFA\"> <Fault>No resource found</Fault> </RSpec>" else: comp_rspec = self.get_xml_by_tag(output, 'computeResource') logger.debug("#### computeResource %s" % comp_rspec) topo_rspec = self.get_xml_by_tag(output, 'topology') logger.debug("#### topology %s" % topo_rspec) rspec = "<RSpec type=\"SFA\"> <network name=\"" + Config( ).get_interface_hrn() + "\">" if comp_rspec != None: rspec = rspec + self.get_xml_by_tag(output, 'computeResource') if topo_rspec != None: rspec = rspec + self.get_xml_by_tag(output, 'topology') rspec = rspec + "</network> </RSpec>" return (rspec)
def __init__(self, auth_hierarchy, logger): self.auth_hierarchy = auth_hierarchy self.logger = logger self.config = Config() self.interface_hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN self.root_auth = self.config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH = Shell(self.config)
def __init__(self): self.logger = _SfaLogger(logfile='/var/log/sfa_import.log', loggername='importlog') self.AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() self.config = Config() self.TrustedRoots = TrustedRoots(Config.get_trustedroots_dir(self.config)) self.plc_auth = self.config.get_plc_auth() self.root_auth = self.config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH # connect to planetlab = None if "Url" in self.plc_auth: from sfa.plc.remoteshell import RemoteShell = RemoteShell(self.logger) else: import PLC.Shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals = globals())
def __init__(self, srv): self.version_json_dict = { 'api_version': None, 'apilib_version': None, 'api_timezone': None, 'api_timestamp': None, 'oar_version': None } self.config = Config() self.interface_hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN self.timezone_json_dict = { 'timezone': None, 'api_timestamp': None, } #self.jobs_json_dict = { #'total' : None, 'links' : [],\ #'offset':None , 'items' : [], } #self.jobs_table_json_dict = self.jobs_json_dict #self.jobs_details_json_dict = self.jobs_json_dict self.server = srv self.node_dictlist = {} self.json_page = JsonPage() self.parsing_resourcesfull = ParsingResourcesFull() self.site_dict = {} self.jobs_list = [] self.SendRequest("GET_version")
def TestIotlabshell(param = None): config = Config() shell = IotlabShell(config) message_and_wait("\r\n \r\n GetReservedNodes") nodes = shell.GetReservedNodes() print nodes message_and_wait("\r\n GetPersons") persons = shell.GetPersons() print "\r\n \r\n GetPersons", persons message_and_wait("\r\n GetLeases for the login avakian") leases = shell.GetLeases(login='******') print leases message_and_wait("\r\n GetLeases for slice iotlab.avakian_slice") leases = shell.GetLeases(lease_filter_dict= {'slice_hrn':'iotlab.avakian_slice'}) print leases message_and_wait("\r\n GetLeases t_from 1405070000 ") leases = shell.GetLeases(lease_filter_dict={'t_from':1405070000}) print leases
def __init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass, key_file, cert_file, logRequests=True): """Secure XML-RPC server. It it very similar to SimpleXMLRPCServer but it uses HTTPS for transporting XML data. """ logger.debug( "SecureXMLRPCServer.__init__, server_address=%s, cert_file=%s, key_file=%s" % (server_address, cert_file, key_file)) logger.debug("SecureXMLRPCServer HandlerClass=%s" % (HandlerClass)) self.logRequests = logRequests self.interface = None self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.method_map = {} # add cache to the request handler HandlerClass.cache = Cache() #for compatibility with python 2.4 (centos53) if sys.version_info < (2, 5): SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self) else: SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__( self, True, None) SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass) ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) ctx.use_privatekey_file(key_file) ctx.use_certificate_file(cert_file) # If you wanted to verify certs against known CAs.. this is how you would do it #ctx.load_verify_locations('/etc/sfa/trusted_roots/plc.gpo.gid') config = Config() trusted_cert_files = TrustedRoots( config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_file_list() for cert_file in trusted_cert_files: ctx.load_verify_locations(cert_file) ctx.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER | SSL.VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, verify_callback) ctx.set_verify_depth(5) ctx.set_app_data(self) self.socket = SSL.Connection( ctx, socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type)) self.server_bind() self.server_activate()
def __init__(self, config=None): if not config: config = Config() opts = parse_novarc(config.SFA_NOVA_NOVARC) self.client = glance_client.get_client(host='', username=opts.get('OS_USERNAME'), password=opts.get('OS_PASSWORD'), tenant=opts.get('OS_TENANT_NAME'), auth_url=opts.get('OS_AUTH_URL'))
def __init__(self, conf_file="/etc/sfa/registries.xml"): Interfaces.__init__(self, conf_file) sfa_config = Config() if sfa_config.SFA_REGISTRY_ENABLED: addr = sfa_config.SFA_REGISTRY_HOST port = sfa_config.SFA_REGISTRY_PORT hrn = sfa_config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN interface = Interface(hrn, addr, port) self[hrn] = interface
def run(self, options): """ Create the special iotlab table, lease_table, in the SFA database. Import everything (users, slices, nodes and sites from OAR and LDAP) into the SFA database. Delete stale records that are no longer in OAR or LDAP. :param options: :type options: """ config = Config() interface_hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN root_auth = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH testbed_shell = IotlabShell(config) # leases_db = TestbedAdditionalSfaDB(config) #Create special slice table for iotlab if not self.exists('lease_table'): init_tables(engine)" lease_table table created ") # import site and node records in site into the SFA db. self.import_sites_and_nodes(testbed_shell) #import users and slice into the SFA DB. self.import_persons_and_slices(testbed_shell) ### remove stale records # special records must be preserved system_hrns = [ interface_hrn, root_auth, interface_hrn + '.slicemanager' ] for record in self.all_records: if record.hrn in system_hrns: record.stale = False if record.peer_authority: record.stale = False for record in self.all_records: if record.type == 'user':"IotlabImporter: stale records: hrn %s %s" % (record.hrn, record.stale)) try: stale = record.stale except: stale = True self.logger.warning("stale not found with %s" % record) if stale:"IotlabImporter: deleting stale record: %s" % (record)) try: global_dbsession.delete(record) global_dbsession.commit() except SQLAlchemyError: self.logger.log_exc("IotlabImporter: failed to delete \ stale record %s" % (record))
def get_trusted_certs(registry=None, verbose=False): """ refresh our list of trusted certs. """ # define useful variables config = Config() data_dir = config.SFA_DATA_DIR config_dir = config.SFA_CONFIG_DIR trusted_certs_dir = config.get_trustedroots_dir() keyfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.key" certfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.cert" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" node_gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = node_gid.get_hrn() # get credential cred = GetCredential(registry=registry, verbose=verbose) # make sure server key cert pair exists create_server_keypair(keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, hrn=hrn, verbose=verbose) registry = server_proxy(url=registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) # get the trusted certs and save them in the right place if verbose: print "Getting trusted certs from registry" trusted_certs = registry.get_trusted_certs(cred) trusted_gid_names = [] for gid_str in trusted_certs: gid = GID(string=gid_str) gid.decode() relative_filename = gid.get_hrn() + ".gid" trusted_gid_names.append(relative_filename) gid_filename = trusted_certs_dir + os.sep + relative_filename if verbose: print "Writing GID for %s as %s" % (gid.get_hrn(), gid_filename) gid.save_to_file(gid_filename, save_parents=True) # remove old certs all_gids_names = os.listdir(trusted_certs_dir) for gid_name in all_gids_names: if gid_name not in trusted_gid_names: if verbose: print "Removing old gid ", gid_name os.unlink(trusted_certs_dir + os.sep + gid_name)
def __init__(self, conf_file="/etc/sfa/aggregates.xml"): Interfaces.__init__(self, conf_file) sfa_config = Config() # set up a connection to the local aggregate if sfa_config.SFA_AGGREGATE_ENABLED: addr = sfa_config.SFA_AGGREGATE_HOST port = sfa_config.SFA_AGGREGATE_PORT hrn = sfa_config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN interface = Interface(hrn, addr, port) self[hrn] = interface
def __init__(self, config=None): if not config: config = Config() if has_nova: # instantiate managers self.auth_manager = KeystoneClient(config=config) self.image_manager = GlanceClient(config=config) self.nova_manager = NovaClient(config=config) else: logger.debug('nova access - REST') raise SfaNotImplemented('nova access - Rest')
def ParseSites(self): """ Returns a list of dictionnaries containing the sites' attributes.""" nodes_per_site = {} config = Config() #logger.debug(" \tParseSites self.node_dictlist %s"\ #%(self.node_dictlist)) # Create a list of nodes per site_id for node_id in self.node_dictlist: node = self.node_dictlist[node_id] if node['site'] not in nodes_per_site: nodes_per_site[node['site']] = [] nodes_per_site[node['site']].append(node['node_id']) else: if node['node_id'] not in nodes_per_site[node['site']]: nodes_per_site[node['site']].append(node['node_id']) #Create a site dictionary whose key is site_login_base # (name of the site) and value is a dictionary of properties, # including the list of the node_ids for node_id in self.node_dictlist: node = self.node_dictlist[node_id] node.update({ 'hrn': self.iotlab_hostname_to_hrn(self.interface_hrn, node['hostname']) }) self.node_dictlist.update({node_id: node}) if node['site'] not in self.site_dict: self.site_dict[node['site']] = { 'site': node['site'], 'node_ids': nodes_per_site[node['site']], 'latitude': "48.83726", 'longitude': "- 2.10336", 'name': config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH, 'pcu_ids': [], 'max_slices': None, 'ext_consortium_id': None, 'max_slivers': None, 'is_public': True, 'peer_site_id': None, 'abbreviated_name': "iotlab", 'address_ids': [], 'url': "", 'person_ids': [], 'site_tag_ids': [], 'enabled': True, 'slice_ids': [], 'date_created': None, 'peer_id': None }
def the_flavour(flavour=None, config=None): if config is None: config = Config() if flavour is None: flavour = config.SFA_GENERIC_FLAVOUR flavour = flavour.lower() #mixed = flavour.capitalize() module_path = "sfa.generic.%s" % flavour classname = "%s" % flavour logger.debug("Generic.the_flavour with flavour=%s" % flavour) try: module = __import__(module_path, globals(), locals(), [classname]) return getattr(module, classname)(flavour, config) except: logger.log_exc("Cannot locate generic instance with flavour=%s" % flavour)
def call_am_apiclient(self, client_app, params, timeout): """ call AM API client with command like in the following example: cd aggregate_client; java -classpath AggregateWS-client-api.jar:lib/* \ net.geni.aggregate.client.examples.CreateSliceNetworkClient \ ./repo https://geni:8443/axis2/services/AggregateGENI \ ... params ... """ (client_path, am_url) = Config().get_max_aggrMgr_info() sys_cmd = "cd " + client_path + "; java -classpath AggregateWS-client-api.jar:lib/* net.geni.aggregate.client.examples." + client_app + " ./repo " + am_url + " " + ' '.join( params) ret = self.shell_execute(sys_cmd, timeout) logger.debug("shell_execute cmd: %s returns %s" % (sys_cmd, ret)) return ret
def __init__(self, string=None, filename=None, create=False): self.xml = None if create: self.create() elif string: self.load(string) elif filename: self.load(filename) else: # load the default file c = Config() api_versions_file = os.path.sep.join([c.config_path, 'api_versions.xml']) self.load(api_versions_file)
def __init__(self, auth_hierarchy=None, logger=None): self.config = Config() if auth_hierarchy is not None: self.auth_hierarchy = auth_hierarchy else: self.auth_hierarchy = Hierarchy() if logger is not None: self.logger = logger else: self.logger = _SfaLogger(logfile='/var/log/sfa_import.log', loggername='importlog') self.logger.setLevelFromOptVerbose(self.config.SFA_API_LOGLEVEL) # ugly side effect so that other modules get it right import sfa.util.sfalogging sfa.util.sfalogging.logger = logger
def __init__(self): logger.setLevelDebug() #SFA related config config = Config() self.login_pwd = LoginPassword() self.authname = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH self.conn = ldap_co() self.ldapUserQuotaNFS = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_QUOTA_NFS self.ldapUserUidNumberMin = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_UID_NUMBER_MIN self.ldapUserGidNumber = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_GID_NUMBER self.ldapUserHomePath = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_HOME_PATH self.baseDN = self.conn.ldapPeopleDN self.ldapShell = '/bin/bash'
def __init__(self, name=None, auth=None, **kwds): config = Config() = id if name is not None: Xrn.__init__(self, **kwds) if 'type' in kwds: self.type = kwds['type'] if auth is not None: self.hrn = '.'.join([auth, cleanup_name(name)]) else: self.hrn = name.replace('_', '.') self.hrn_to_urn() else: Xrn.__init__(self, **kwds) = self.get_name()
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, tenant=None, url=None, config=None): if not config: config = Config() opts = parse_novarc(config.SFA_NOVA_NOVARC) if username: opts['OS_USERNAME'] = username if password: opts['OS_PASSWORD'] = password if tenant: opts['OS_TENANT_NAME'] = tenant if url: opts['OS_AUTH_URL'] = url self.opts = opts self.client = keystone_client.Client(username=opts.get('OS_USERNAME'), password=opts.get('OS_PASSWORD'), tenant_name=opts.get('OS_TENANT_NAME'), auth_url=opts.get('OS_AUTH_URL'))
def GetCredential(registry=None, force=False, verbose=False): config = Config() hierarchy = Hierarchy() key_dir = hierarchy.basedir data_dir = config.data_path config_dir = config.config_path credfile = data_dir + os.sep + 'node.cred' # check for existing credential if not force and os.path.exists(credfile): if verbose: print "Loading Credential from %(credfile)s " % locals() cred = Credential(filename=credfile).save_to_string(save_parents=True) else: if verbose: print "Getting credential from registry" # make sure node private key exists node_pkey_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.key" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" if not os.path.exists(node_pkey_file) or \ not os.path.exists(node_gid_file): get_node_key(registry=registry, verbose=verbose) gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = gid.get_hrn() # create server key and certificate keyfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.key" certfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.cert" key = Keypair(filename=node_pkey_file) key.save_to_file(keyfile) create_server_keypair(keyfile, certfile, hrn, verbose) # get credential from registry registry = server_proxy(url=registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) cert = Certificate(filename=certfile) cert_str = cert.save_to_string(save_parents=True) cred = registry.GetSelfCredential(cert_str, 'node', hrn) Credential(string=cred).save_to_file(credfile, save_parents=True) return cred
def __init__(self, encoding="utf-8", methods='sfa.methods', config="/etc/sfa/sfa_config", peer_cert=None, interface=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None, cache=None): XmlrpcApi.__init__(self, encoding) # we may be just be documenting the API if config is None: return # Load configuration self.config = Config(config) self.credential = None self.auth = Auth(peer_cert) self.interface = interface self.hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN self.key_file = key_file self.key = Keypair(filename=self.key_file) self.cert_file = cert_file self.cert = Certificate(filename=self.cert_file) self.cache = cache if self.cache is None: self.cache = Cache() # load registries from sfa.server.registry import Registries self.registries = Registries() # load aggregates from sfa.server.aggregate import Aggregates self.aggregates = Aggregates() # filled later on by generic/Generic self.manager = None self._dbsession = None
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, tenant=None, url=None, config=None): if not config: config = Config() opts = parse_novarc(config.SFA_NOVA_NOVARC) if username: opts['OS_USERNAME'] = username if password: opts['OS_PASSWORD'] = password if tenant: opts['OS_TENANT_NAME'] = tenant if url: opts['OS_AUTH_URL'] = url self.opts = opts self.client = nova_client.Client(username=opts.get('OS_USERNAME'), api_key=opts.get('OS_PASSWORD'), project_id=opts.get('OS_TENANT_NAME'), auth_url=opts.get('OS_AUTH_URL'), region_name='', extensions=[], service_type='compute', service_name='', )
def __init__(self, peer_cert = None, config = None ): self.peer_cert = peer_cert self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() if not config: self.config = Config() self.load_trusted_certs()
class Auth: """ Credential based authentication """ def __init__(self, peer_cert = None, config = None ): self.peer_cert = peer_cert self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() if not config: self.config = Config() self.load_trusted_certs() def load_trusted_certs(self): self.trusted_cert_list = \ TrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_list() self.trusted_cert_file_list = \ TrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_file_list() # this convenience methods extracts speaking_for_xrn # from the passed options using 'geni_speaking_for' def checkCredentialsSpeaksFor (self, *args, **kwds): if 'options' not in kwds: logger.error ("checkCredentialsSpeaksFor was not passed options=options") return # remove the options arg options=kwds['options']; del kwds['options'] # compute the speaking_for_xrn arg and pass it to checkCredentials if options is None: speaking_for_xrn=None else: speaking_for_xrn=options.get('geni_speaking_for',None) kwds['speaking_for_xrn']=speaking_for_xrn return self.checkCredentials (*args, **kwds) # do not use mutable as default argument # def checkCredentials(self, creds, operation, xrns=None, check_sliver_callback=None, speaking_for_xrn=None): if xrns is None: xrns=[] def log_invalid_cred(cred): if not isinstance (cred, StringTypes):"cannot validate credential %s - expecting a string"%cred) error="checkCredentials: expected a string, received %s"%(type(cred)) else: cred_obj=Credential(string=cred)"failed to validate credential - dump=%s"%\ cred_obj.dump_string(dump_parents=True)) error = sys.exc_info()[:2] return error # if xrns are specified they cannot be None or empty string if xrns: for xrn in xrns: if not xrn: raise BadArgs("Invalid urn or hrn") if not isinstance(xrns, list): xrns = [xrns] slice_xrns = Xrn.filter_type(xrns, 'slice') sliver_xrns = Xrn.filter_type(xrns, 'sliver') # we are not able to validate slivers in the traditional way so # we make sure not to include sliver urns/hrns in the core validation loop hrns = [Xrn(xrn).hrn for xrn in xrns if xrn not in sliver_xrns] valid = [] if not isinstance(creds, list): creds = [creds] logger.debug("Auth.checkCredentials with %d creds on hrns=%s"%(len(creds),hrns)) # won't work if either creds or hrns is empty - let's make it more explicit if not creds: raise Forbidden("no credential provided") if not hrns: hrns = [None] error=[None,None] speaks_for_gid = determine_speaks_for(logger, creds, self.peer_cert, speaking_for_xrn, self.trusted_cert_list) if self.peer_cert and \ not self.peer_cert.is_pubkey(speaks_for_gid.get_pubkey()): valid = creds else: for cred in creds: for hrn in hrns: try: self.check(cred, operation, hrn) valid.append(cred) except: error = log_invalid_cred(cred) # make sure all sliver xrns are validated against the valid credentials if sliver_xrns: if not check_sliver_callback: msg = "sliver verification callback method not found." msg += " Unable to validate sliver xrns: %s" % sliver_xrns raise Forbidden(msg) check_sliver_callback(valid, sliver_xrns) if not len(valid): raise Forbidden("Invalid credential %s -- %s"%(error[0],error[1])) return valid def check(self, credential, operation, hrn = None): """ Check the credential against the peer cert (callerGID) included in the credential matches the caller that is connected to the HTTPS connection, check if the credential was signed by a trusted cert and check if the credential is allowed to perform the specified operation. """ cred = Credential(cred=credential) self.client_cred = cred logger.debug("Auth.check: handling hrn=%s and credential=%s"%\ (hrn,cred.pretty_cred())) if cred.type not in ['geni_sfa']: raise CredentialNotVerifiable(cred.type, "%s not supported" % cred.type) self.client_gid = self.client_cred.get_gid_caller() self.object_gid = self.client_cred.get_gid_object() # make sure the client_gid is not blank if not self.client_gid: raise MissingCallerGID(self.client_cred.pretty_subject()) # validate the client cert if it exists if self.peer_cert: self.verifyPeerCert(self.peer_cert, self.client_gid) # make sure the client is allowed to perform the operation if operation: if not self.client_cred.can_perform(operation): raise InsufficientRights(operation) if self.trusted_cert_list: self.client_cred.verify(self.trusted_cert_file_list, self.config.SFA_CREDENTIAL_SCHEMA) else: raise MissingTrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()) # Make sure the credential's target matches the specified hrn. # This check does not apply to trusted peers trusted_peers = [gid.get_hrn() for gid in self.trusted_cert_list] if hrn and self.client_gid.get_hrn() not in trusted_peers: target_hrn = self.object_gid.get_hrn() if not hrn == target_hrn: raise PermissionError("Target hrn: %s doesn't match specified hrn: %s " % \ (target_hrn, hrn) ) return True def check_ticket(self, ticket): """ Check if the ticket was signed by a trusted cert """ if self.trusted_cert_list: client_ticket = SfaTicket(string=ticket) client_ticket.verify_chain(self.trusted_cert_list) else: raise MissingTrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()) return True def verifyPeerCert(self, cert, gid): # make sure the client_gid matches client's certificate if not cert.is_pubkey(gid.get_pubkey()): raise ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch(gid.get_subject()+":"+cert.get_subject()) def verifyGidRequestHash(self, gid, hash, arglist): key = gid.get_pubkey() if not key.verify_string(str(arglist), hash): raise BadRequestHash(hash) def verifyCredRequestHash(self, cred, hash, arglist): gid = cred.get_gid_caller() self.verifyGidRequestHash(gid, hash, arglist) def validateGid(self, gid): if self.trusted_cert_list: gid.verify_chain(self.trusted_cert_list) def validateCred(self, cred): if self.trusted_cert_list: cred.verify(self.trusted_cert_file_list) def authenticateGid(self, gidStr, argList, requestHash=None): gid = GID(string = gidStr) self.validateGid(gid) # request_hash is optional if requestHash: self.verifyGidRequestHash(gid, requestHash, argList) return gid def authenticateCred(self, credStr, argList, requestHash=None): cred = Credential(string = credStr) self.validateCred(cred) # request hash is optional if requestHash: self.verifyCredRequestHash(cred, requestHash, argList) return cred def authenticateCert(self, certStr, requestHash): cert = Certificate(string=certStr) # xxx should be validateCred ?? self.validateCred(cert) def gidNoop(self, gidStr, value, requestHash): self.authenticateGid(gidStr, [gidStr, value], requestHash) return value def credNoop(self, credStr, value, requestHash): self.authenticateCred(credStr, [credStr, value], requestHash) return value def verify_cred_is_me(self, credential): is_me = False cred = Credential(string=credential) caller_gid = cred.get_gid_caller() caller_hrn = caller_gid.get_hrn() if caller_hrn != self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: raise SfaPermissionDenied(self.config.SFA_INTEFACE_HRN) return def get_auth_info(self, auth_hrn): """ Given an authority name, return the information for that authority. This is basically a stub that calls the hierarchy module. @param auth_hrn human readable name of authority """ return self.hierarchy.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) def veriry_auth_belongs_to_me(self, name): """ Verify that an authority belongs to our hierarchy. This is basically left up to the implementation of the hierarchy module. If the specified name does not belong, ane exception is thrown indicating the caller should contact someone else. @param auth_name human readable name of authority """ # get auth info will throw an exception if the authority doesnt exist self.get_auth_info(name) def verify_object_belongs_to_me(self, name): """ Verify that an object belongs to our hierarchy. By extension, this implies that the authority that owns the object belongs to our hierarchy. If it does not an exception is thrown. @param name human readable name of object """ auth_name = self.get_authority(name) if not auth_name: auth_name = name if name == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: return self.verify_auth_belongs_to_me(auth_name) def verify_auth_belongs_to_me(self, name): # get auth info will throw an exception if the authority doesnt exist self.get_auth_info(name) def verify_object_permission(self, name): """ Verify that the object gid that was specified in the credential allows permission to the object 'name'. This is done by a simple prefix test. For example, an object_gid for plc.arizona would match the objects plc.arizona.slice1 and plc.arizona. @param name human readable name to test """ object_hrn = self.object_gid.get_hrn() if object_hrn == name: return if name.startswith(object_hrn + "."): return #if name.startswith(get_authority(name)): #return raise PermissionError(name) def determine_user_rights(self, caller_hrn, reg_record): """ Given a user credential and a record, determine what set of rights the user should have to that record. This is intended to replace determine_user_rights() and verify_cancreate_credential() """ rl = Rights() type = reg_record.type logger.debug("entering determine_user_rights with record %s and caller_hrn %s"%\ (reg_record, caller_hrn)) if type == 'slice': # researchers in the slice are in the DB as-is researcher_hrns = [ user.hrn for user in reg_record.reg_researchers ] # locating PIs attached to that slice slice_pis=reg_record.get_pis() pi_hrns = [ user.hrn for user in slice_pis ] if (caller_hrn in researcher_hrns + pi_hrns): rl.add('refresh') rl.add('embed') rl.add('bind') rl.add('control') rl.add('info') elif type == 'authority': pi_hrns = [ user.hrn for user in reg_record.reg_pis ] if (caller_hrn == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN): rl.add('authority') rl.add('sa') rl.add('ma') if (caller_hrn in pi_hrns): rl.add('authority') rl.add('sa') # NOTE: for the PL implementation, this 'operators' list # amounted to users with 'tech' role in that site # it seems like this is not needed any longer, so for now I just drop that # operator_hrns = reg_record.get('operator',[]) # if (caller_hrn in operator_hrns): # rl.add('authority') # rl.add('ma') elif type == 'user': rl.add('refresh') rl.add('resolve') rl.add('info') elif type == 'node': rl.add('operator') return rl def get_authority(self, hrn): return get_authority(hrn) def filter_creds_by_caller(self, creds, caller_hrn_list): """ Returns a list of creds who's gid caller matches the specified caller hrn """ if not isinstance(creds, list): creds = [creds] creds = [] if not isinstance(caller_hrn_list, list): caller_hrn_list = [caller_hrn_list] for cred in creds: try: tmp_cred = Credential(string=cred) if tmp_cred.get_gid_caller().get_hrn() in [caller_hrn_list]: creds.append(cred) except: pass return creds
def __init__(self, basedir = None): self.config = Config() if not basedir: basedir = os.path.join(self.config.SFA_DATA_DIR, "authorities") self.basedir = basedir
def run (self, options): config = Config () interface_hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN root_auth = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH shell = DummyShell (config) ######## retrieve all existing SFA objects all_records = global_dbsession.query(RegRecord).all() # create hash by (type,hrn) # we essentially use this to know if a given record is already known to SFA self.records_by_type_hrn = \ dict ( [ ( (record.type, record.hrn) , record ) for record in all_records ] ) # create hash by (type,pointer) self.records_by_type_pointer = \ dict ( [ ( (record.type, record.pointer) , record ) for record in all_records if record.pointer != -1] ) # initialize record.stale to True by default, then mark stale=False on the ones that are in use for record in all_records: record.stale=True # DEBUG #all_records = global_dbsession.query(RegRecord).all() #for record in all_records: print record ######## retrieve Dummy TB data # Get all plc sites # retrieve only required stuf sites = [shell.GetTestbedInfo()] print "sites: " + sites # create a hash of sites by login_base # sites_by_login_base = dict ( [ ( site['login_base'], site ) for site in sites ] ) # Get all dummy TB users users = shell.GetUsers() # create a hash of users by user_id users_by_id = dict ( [ ( user['user_id'], user) for user in users ] ) # Get all dummy TB public keys keys = [] for user in users: if 'keys' in user: keys.extend(user['keys']) # create a dict user_id -> [ keys ] keys_by_person_id = {} for user in users: if 'keys' in user: keys_by_person_id[user['user_id']] = user['keys'] # Get all dummy TB nodes nodes = shell.GetNodes() # create hash by node_id nodes_by_id = dict ( [ ( node['node_id'], node, ) for node in nodes ] ) # Get all dummy TB slices slices = shell.GetSlices() # create hash by slice_id slices_by_id = dict ( [ (slice['slice_id'], slice ) for slice in slices ] ) # start importing print " STARTING FOR SITES" for site in sites: site_hrn = _get_site_hrn(interface_hrn, site) # import if hrn is not in list of existing hrns or if the hrn exists # but its not a site record site_record=self.locate_by_type_hrn ('authority', site_hrn) print site_hrn print site_record if not site_record: try: print "TRY TO CREATE SITE RECORD" urn = hrn_to_urn(site_hrn, 'authority') if not self.auth_hierarchy.auth_exists(urn): print "create auth "+urn self.auth_hierarchy.create_auth(urn) auth_info = self.auth_hierarchy.get_auth_info(urn) site_record = RegAuthority(hrn=site_hrn, gid=auth_info.get_gid_object(), pointer= -1, authority=get_authority(site_hrn)) site_record.just_created() print "urn: "+urn print "auth_info: " + auth_info print site_record global_dbsession.add(site_record) global_dbsession.commit()"DummyImporter: imported authority (site) : %s" % site_record) self.remember_record (site_record) except: # if the site import fails then there is no point in trying to import the # site's child records (node, slices, persons), so skip them. self.logger.log_exc("DummyImporter: failed to import site. Skipping child records") continue else: # xxx update the record ... pass site_record.stale=False # import node records for node in nodes: site_auth = get_authority(site_hrn) site_name = site['name'] node_hrn = hostname_to_hrn(site_auth, site_name, node['hostname']) # xxx this sounds suspicious if len(node_hrn) > 64: node_hrn = node_hrn[:64] node_record = self.locate_by_type_hrn ( 'node', node_hrn ) if not node_record: try: pkey = Keypair(create=True) urn = hrn_to_urn(node_hrn, 'node') node_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(urn, create_uuid(), pkey) node_record = RegNode (hrn=node_hrn, gid=node_gid, pointer =node['node_id'], authority=get_authority(node_hrn)) node_record.just_created() global_dbsession.add(node_record) global_dbsession.commit()"DummyImporter: imported node: %s" % node_record) self.remember_record (node_record) except: self.logger.log_exc("DummyImporter: failed to import node") else: # xxx update the record ... pass node_record.stale=False all_records = global_dbsession.query(RegRecord).all() for record in all_records: print record site_pis=[] # import users for user in users: user_hrn = email_to_hrn(site_hrn, user['email']) # xxx suspicious again if len(user_hrn) > 64: user_hrn = user_hrn[:64] user_urn = hrn_to_urn(user_hrn, 'user') user_record = self.locate_by_type_hrn ( 'user', user_hrn) # return a tuple pubkey (a dummy TB key object) and pkey (a Keypair object) def init_user_key (user): pubkey = None pkey = None if user['keys']: # randomly pick first key in set for key in user['keys']: pubkey = key try: pkey = convert_public_key(pubkey) break except: continue if not pkey: self.logger.warn('DummyImporter: unable to convert public key for %s' % user_hrn) pkey = Keypair(create=True) else: # the user has no keys. Creating a random keypair for the user's gid self.logger.warn("DummyImporter: user %s does not have a NITOS public key"%user_hrn) pkey = Keypair(create=True) return (pubkey, pkey) # new user try: if not user_record: (pubkey,pkey) = init_user_key (user) user_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(user_urn, create_uuid(), pkey) user_gid.set_email(user['email']) user_record = RegUser (hrn=user_hrn, gid=user_gid, pointer=user['user_id'], authority=get_authority(user_hrn), email=user['email']) if pubkey: user_record.reg_keys=[RegKey (pubkey)] else: self.logger.warning("No key found for user %s"%user_record) user_record.just_created() global_dbsession.add (user_record) global_dbsession.commit()"DummyImporter: imported person: %s" % user_record) self.remember_record ( user_record ) else: # update the record ? # if user's primary key has changed then we need to update the # users gid by forcing an update here sfa_keys = user_record.reg_keys def key_in_list (key,sfa_keys): for reg_key in sfa_keys: if reg_key.key==key: return True return False # is there a new key in Dummy TB ? new_keys=False for key in user['keys']: if not key_in_list (key,sfa_keys): new_keys = True if new_keys: (pubkey,pkey) = init_user_key (user) user_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(user_urn, create_uuid(), pkey) if not pubkey: user_record.reg_keys=[] else: user_record.reg_keys=[ RegKey (pubkey)]"DummyImporter: updated person: %s" % user_record) = user['email'] global_dbsession.commit() user_record.stale=False except: self.logger.log_exc("DummyImporter: failed to import user %d %s"%(user['user_id'],user['email'])) # import slices for slice in slices: slice_hrn = slicename_to_hrn(site_hrn, slice['slice_name']) slice_record = self.locate_by_type_hrn ('slice', slice_hrn) if not slice_record: try: pkey = Keypair(create=True) urn = hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice') slice_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(urn, create_uuid(), pkey) slice_record = RegSlice (hrn=slice_hrn, gid=slice_gid, pointer=slice['slice_id'], authority=get_authority(slice_hrn)) slice_record.just_created() global_dbsession.add(slice_record) global_dbsession.commit()"DummyImporter: imported slice: %s" % slice_record) self.remember_record ( slice_record ) except: self.logger.log_exc("DummyImporter: failed to import slice") else: # xxx update the record ... self.logger.warning ("Slice update not yet implemented") pass # record current users affiliated with the slice slice_record.reg_researchers = \ [ self.locate_by_type_pointer ('user',user_id) for user_id in slice['user_ids'] ] global_dbsession.commit() slice_record.stale=False ### remove stale records # special records must be preserved system_hrns = [interface_hrn, root_auth, interface_hrn + '.slicemanager'] for record in all_records: if record.hrn in system_hrns: record.stale=False if record.peer_authority: record.stale=False for record in all_records: try: stale=record.stale except: stale=True self.logger.warning("stale not found with %s"%record) if stale:"DummyImporter: deleting stale record: %s" % record) global_dbsession.delete(record) global_dbsession.commit()
class Auth: """ Credential based authentication """ def __init__(self, peer_cert = None, config = None ): self.peer_cert = peer_cert self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() if not config: self.config = Config() self.load_trusted_certs() def load_trusted_certs(self): self.trusted_cert_list = TrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_list() self.trusted_cert_file_list = TrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_file_list() def checkCredentials(self, creds, operation, hrn = None): valid = [] if not isinstance(creds, list): creds = [creds] logger.debug("Auth.checkCredentials with %d creds"%len(creds)) for cred in creds: try: self.check(cred, operation, hrn) valid.append(cred) except: cred_obj=Credential(string=cred) logger.debug("failed to validate credential - dump=%s"%cred_obj.dump_string(dump_parents=True)) error = sys.exc_info()[:2] continue if not len(valid): raise InsufficientRights('Access denied: %s -- %s' % (error[0],error[1])) return valid def check(self, cred, operation, hrn = None): """ Check the credential against the peer cert (callerGID included in the credential matches the caller that is connected to the HTTPS connection, check if the credential was signed by a trusted cert and check if the credential is allowed to perform the specified operation. """ self.client_cred = Credential(string = cred) self.client_gid = self.client_cred.get_gid_caller() self.object_gid = self.client_cred.get_gid_object() # make sure the client_gid is not blank if not self.client_gid: raise MissingCallerGID(self.client_cred.get_subject()) # validate the client cert if it exists if self.peer_cert: self.verifyPeerCert(self.peer_cert, self.client_gid) # make sure the client is allowed to perform the operation if operation: if not self.client_cred.can_perform(operation): raise InsufficientRights(operation) if self.trusted_cert_list: self.client_cred.verify(self.trusted_cert_file_list, self.config.SFA_CREDENTIAL_SCHEMA) else: raise MissingTrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()) # Make sure the credential's target matches the specified hrn. # This check does not apply to trusted peers trusted_peers = [gid.get_hrn() for gid in self.trusted_cert_list] if hrn and self.client_gid.get_hrn() not in trusted_peers: target_hrn = self.object_gid.get_hrn() if not hrn == target_hrn: raise PermissionError("Target hrn: %s doesn't match specified hrn: %s " % \ (target_hrn, hrn) ) return True def check_ticket(self, ticket): """ Check if the tickt was signed by a trusted cert """ if self.trusted_cert_list: client_ticket = SfaTicket(string=ticket) client_ticket.verify_chain(self.trusted_cert_list) else: raise MissingTrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()) return True def verifyPeerCert(self, cert, gid): # make sure the client_gid matches client's certificate if not cert.is_pubkey(gid.get_pubkey()): raise ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch(gid.get_subject()+":"+cert.get_subject()) def verifyGidRequestHash(self, gid, hash, arglist): key = gid.get_pubkey() if not key.verify_string(str(arglist), hash): raise BadRequestHash(hash) def verifyCredRequestHash(self, cred, hash, arglist): gid = cred.get_gid_caller() self.verifyGidRequestHash(gid, hash, arglist) def validateGid(self, gid): if self.trusted_cert_list: gid.verify_chain(self.trusted_cert_list) def validateCred(self, cred): if self.trusted_cert_list: cred.verify(self.trusted_cert_file_list) def authenticateGid(self, gidStr, argList, requestHash=None): gid = GID(string = gidStr) self.validateGid(gid) # request_hash is optional if requestHash: self.verifyGidRequestHash(gid, requestHash, argList) return gid def authenticateCred(self, credStr, argList, requestHash=None): cred = Credential(string = credStr) self.validateCred(cred) # request hash is optional if requestHash: self.verifyCredRequestHash(cred, requestHash, argList) return cred def authenticateCert(self, certStr, requestHash): cert = Certificate(string=certStr) # xxx should be validateCred ?? self.validateCred(cert) def gidNoop(self, gidStr, value, requestHash): self.authenticateGid(gidStr, [gidStr, value], requestHash) return value def credNoop(self, credStr, value, requestHash): self.authenticateCred(credStr, [credStr, value], requestHash) return value def verify_cred_is_me(self, credential): is_me = False cred = Credential(string=credential) caller_gid = cred.get_gid_caller() caller_hrn = caller_gid.get_hrn() if caller_hrn != self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: raise SfaPermissionDenied(self.config.SFA_INTEFACE_HRN) return def get_auth_info(self, auth_hrn): """ Given an authority name, return the information for that authority. This is basically a stub that calls the hierarchy module. @param auth_hrn human readable name of authority """ return self.hierarchy.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) def veriry_auth_belongs_to_me(self, name): """ Verify that an authority belongs to our hierarchy. This is basically left up to the implementation of the hierarchy module. If the specified name does not belong, ane exception is thrown indicating the caller should contact someone else. @param auth_name human readable name of authority """ # get auth info will throw an exception if the authority doesnt exist self.get_auth_info(name) def verify_object_belongs_to_me(self, name): """ Verify that an object belongs to our hierarchy. By extension, this implies that the authority that owns the object belongs to our hierarchy. If it does not an exception is thrown. @param name human readable name of object """ auth_name = self.get_authority(name) if not auth_name: auth_name = name if name == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: return self.verify_auth_belongs_to_me(auth_name) def verify_auth_belongs_to_me(self, name): # get auth info will throw an exception if the authority doesnt exist self.get_auth_info(name) def verify_object_permission(self, name): """ Verify that the object gid that was specified in the credential allows permission to the object 'name'. This is done by a simple prefix test. For example, an object_gid for plc.arizona would match the objects plc.arizona.slice1 and plc.arizona. @param name human readable name to test """ object_hrn = self.object_gid.get_hrn() if object_hrn == name: return if name.startswith(object_hrn + "."): return #if name.startswith(get_authority(name)): #return raise PermissionError(name) def determine_user_rights(self, caller_hrn, reg_record): """ Given a user credential and a record, determine what set of rights the user should have to that record. This is intended to replace determine_user_rights() and verify_cancreate_credential() """ rl = Rights() type = reg_record.type logger.debug("entering determine_user_rights with record %s and caller_hrn %s"%(reg_record, caller_hrn)) if type == 'slice': # researchers in the slice are in the DB as-is researcher_hrns = [ user.hrn for user in reg_record.reg_researchers ] # locating PIs attached to that slice slice_pis=reg_record.get_pis() pi_hrns = [ user.hrn for user in slice_pis ] if (caller_hrn in researcher_hrns + pi_hrns): rl.add('refresh') rl.add('embed') rl.add('bind') rl.add('control') rl.add('info') elif type == 'authority': pi_hrns = [ user.hrn for user in reg_record.reg_pis ] if (caller_hrn == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN): rl.add('authority') rl.add('sa') rl.add('ma') if (caller_hrn in pi_hrns): rl.add('authority') rl.add('sa') # NOTE: for the PL implementation, this 'operators' list # amounted to users with 'tech' role in that site # it seems like this is not needed any longer, so for now I just drop that # operator_hrns = reg_record.get('operator',[]) # if (caller_hrn in operator_hrns): # rl.add('authority') # rl.add('ma') elif type == 'user': rl.add('refresh') rl.add('resolve') rl.add('info') elif type == 'node': rl.add('operator') return rl def get_authority(self, hrn): return get_authority(hrn) def filter_creds_by_caller(self, creds, caller_hrn_list): """ Returns a list of creds who's gid caller matches the specified caller hrn """ if not isinstance(creds, list): creds = [creds] creds = [] if not isinstance(caller_hrn_list, list): caller_hrn_list = [caller_hrn_list] for cred in creds: try: tmp_cred = Credential(string=cred) if tmp_cred.get_gid_caller().get_hrn() in [caller_hrn_list]: creds.append(cred) except: pass return creds
def get_gids(registry=None, verbose=False): """ Get the gid for all instantiated slices on this node and store it in /etc/sfa/slice.gid in the slice's filesystem """ # define useful variables config = Config() data_dir = config.data_path config_dir = config.SFA_CONFIG_DIR trusted_certs_dir = config.get_trustedroots_dir() keyfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.key" certfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.cert" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" node_gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = node_gid.get_hrn() interface_hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN # get credential cred = GetCredential(registry=registry, verbose=verbose) # make sure server key cert pair exists create_server_keypair(keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, hrn=hrn, verbose=verbose) registry = server_proxy(url=registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) if verbose: print "Getting current slices on this node" # get a list of slices on this node from sfa.generic import Generic generic=Generic.the_flavour() api = generic.make_api(interface='component') xids_tuple = api.driver.nodemanager.GetXIDs() slices = eval(xids_tuple[1]) slicenames = slices.keys() # generate a list of slices that dont have gids installed slices_without_gids = [] for slicename in slicenames: if not os.path.isfile("/vservers/%s/etc/slice.gid" % slicename) \ or not os.path.isfile("/vservers/%s/etc/node.gid" % slicename): slices_without_gids.append(slicename) # convert slicenames to hrns hrns = [slicename_to_hrn(interface_hrn, slicename) \ for slicename in slices_without_gids] # exit if there are no gids to install if not hrns: return if verbose: print "Getting gids for slices on this node from registry" # get the gids # and save them in the right palce records = registry.GetGids(hrns, cred) for record in records: # if this isnt a slice record skip it if not record['type'] == 'slice': continue slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(record['hrn']) # if this slice isnt really instatiated skip it if not os.path.exists("/vservers/%(slicename)s" % locals()): continue # save the slice gid in /etc/sfa/ in the vservers filesystem vserver_path = "/vservers/%(slicename)s" % locals() gid = record['gid'] slice_gid_filename = os.sep.join([vserver_path, "etc", "slice.gid"]) if verbose: print "Saving GID for %(slicename)s as %(slice_gid_filename)s" % locals() GID(string=gid).save_to_file(slice_gid_filename, save_parents=True) # save the node gid in /etc/sfa node_gid_filename = os.sep.join([vserver_path, "etc", "node.gid"]) if verbose: print "Saving node GID for %(slicename)s as %(node_gid_filename)s" % locals() node_gid.save_to_file(node_gid_filename, save_parents=True)
class sfaImport: def __init__(self): self.logger = _SfaLogger(logfile='/var/log/sfa_import.log', loggername='importlog') self.AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() self.config = Config() self.TrustedRoots = TrustedRoots(Config.get_trustedroots_dir(self.config)) self.plc_auth = self.config.get_plc_auth() self.root_auth = self.config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH # connect to planetlab = None if "Url" in self.plc_auth: from sfa.plc.remoteshell import RemoteShell = RemoteShell(self.logger) else: import PLC.Shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals = globals()) def create_top_level_auth_records(self, hrn): """ Create top level records (includes root and sub authorities (local/remote) """ urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'authority') # make sure parent exists parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) if not parent_hrn: parent_hrn = hrn if not parent_hrn == hrn: self.create_top_level_auth_records(parent_hrn) # create the authority if it doesnt already exist if not self.AuthHierarchy.auth_exists(urn):"Import: creating top level authorities") self.AuthHierarchy.create_auth(urn) # create the db record if it doesnt already exist auth_info = self.AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(hrn) table = SfaTable() auth_record = table.find({'type': 'authority', 'hrn': hrn}) if not auth_record: auth_record = SfaRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=auth_info.get_gid_object(), type="authority", pointer=-1) auth_record['authority'] = get_authority(auth_record['hrn'])"Import: inserting authority record for %s"%hrn) table.insert(auth_record) def create_sm_client_record(self): """ Create a user record for the Slicemanager service. """ hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN + '.slicemanager' urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'user') if not self.AuthHierarchy.auth_exists(urn):"Import: creating Slice Manager user") self.AuthHierarchy.create_auth(urn) auth_info = self.AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(hrn) table = SfaTable() sm_user_record = table.find({'type': 'user', 'hrn': hrn}) if not sm_user_record: record = SfaRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=auth_info.get_gid_object(), type="user", pointer=-1) record['authority'] = get_authority(record['hrn']) table.insert(record) def create_interface_records(self): """ Create a record for each SFA interface """ # just create certs for all sfa interfaces even if they # arent enabled interface_hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN interfaces = ['authority+sa', 'authority+am', 'authority+sm'] table = SfaTable() auth_info = self.AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(interface_hrn) pkey = auth_info.get_pkey_object() for interface in interfaces: interface_record = table.find({'type': interface, 'hrn': interface_hrn}) if not interface_record:"Import: interface %s %s " % (interface_hrn, interface)) urn = hrn_to_urn(interface_hrn, interface) gid = self.AuthHierarchy.create_gid(urn, create_uuid(), pkey) record = SfaRecord(hrn=interface_hrn, gid=gid, type=interface, pointer=-1) record['authority'] = get_authority(interface_hrn) table.insert(record) def import_person(self, parent_hrn, person): """ Register a user record """ hrn = email_to_hrn(parent_hrn, person['email']) # ASN.1 will have problems with hrn's longer than 64 characters if len(hrn) > 64: hrn = hrn[:64]"Import: person %s"%hrn) key_ids = [] if 'key_ids' in person and person['key_ids']: key_ids = person["key_ids"] # get the user's private key from the SSH keys they have uploaded # to planetlab keys =, key_ids) key = keys[0]['key'] pkey = None try: pkey = convert_public_key(key) except: self.logger.warn('unable to convert public key for %s' % hrn) if not pkey: pkey = Keypair(create=True) else: # the user has no keys self.logger.warn("Import: person %s does not have a PL public key"%hrn) # if a key is unavailable, then we still need to put something in the # user's GID. So make one up. pkey = Keypair(create=True) # create the gid urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'user') person_gid = self.AuthHierarchy.create_gid(urn, create_uuid(), pkey) table = SfaTable() person_record = SfaRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=person_gid, type="user", pointer=person['person_id']) person_record['authority'] = get_authority(person_record['hrn']) existing_records = table.find({'hrn': hrn, 'type': 'user', 'pointer': person['person_id']}) if not existing_records: table.insert(person_record) else:"Import: %s exists, updating " % hrn) existing_record = existing_records[0] person_record['record_id'] = existing_record['record_id'] table.update(person_record) def import_slice(self, parent_hrn, slice): slicename = slice['name'].split("_",1)[-1] slicename = _cleanup_string(slicename) if not slicename: self.logger.error("Import: failed to parse slice name %s" %slice['name']) return hrn = parent_hrn + "." + slicename"Import: slice %s"%hrn) pkey = Keypair(create=True) urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'slice') slice_gid = self.AuthHierarchy.create_gid(urn, create_uuid(), pkey) slice_record = SfaRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=slice_gid, type="slice", pointer=slice['slice_id']) slice_record['authority'] = get_authority(slice_record['hrn']) table = SfaTable() existing_records = table.find({'hrn': hrn, 'type': 'slice', 'pointer': slice['slice_id']}) if not existing_records: table.insert(slice_record) else:"Import: %s exists, updating " % hrn) existing_record = existing_records[0] slice_record['record_id'] = existing_record['record_id'] table.update(slice_record) def import_node(self, hrn, node):"Import: node %s" % hrn) # ASN.1 will have problems with hrn's longer than 64 characters if len(hrn) > 64: hrn = hrn[:64] table = SfaTable() node_record = table.find({'type': 'node', 'hrn': hrn}) pkey = Keypair(create=True) urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'node') node_gid = self.AuthHierarchy.create_gid(urn, create_uuid(), pkey) node_record = SfaRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=node_gid, type="node", pointer=node['node_id']) node_record['authority'] = get_authority(node_record['hrn']) existing_records = table.find({'hrn': hrn, 'type': 'node', 'pointer': node['node_id']}) if not existing_records: table.insert(node_record) else:"Import: %s exists, updating " % hrn) existing_record = existing_records[0] node_record['record_id'] = existing_record['record_id'] table.update(node_record) def import_site(self, hrn, site): shell = plc_auth = self.plc_auth urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'authority')"Import: site %s"%hrn) # create the authority if not self.AuthHierarchy.auth_exists(urn): self.AuthHierarchy.create_auth(urn) auth_info = self.AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(urn) table = SfaTable() auth_record = SfaRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=auth_info.get_gid_object(), type="authority", pointer=site['site_id']) auth_record['authority'] = get_authority(auth_record['hrn']) existing_records = table.find({'hrn': hrn, 'type': 'authority', 'pointer': site['site_id']}) if not existing_records: table.insert(auth_record) else:"Import: %s exists, updating " % hrn) existing_record = existing_records[0] auth_record['record_id'] = existing_record['record_id'] table.update(auth_record) return hrn def delete_record(self, hrn, type): # delete the record table = SfaTable() record_list = table.find({'type': type, 'hrn': hrn}) for record in record_list:"Import: removing record %s %s" % (type, hrn)) table.remove(record)
def __init__(self, peer_cert=None, config=None): self.peer_cert = peer_cert self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() if not config: self.config = Config() self.load_trusted_certs()
class Auth: """ Credential based authentication """ def __init__(self, peer_cert=None, config=None): self.peer_cert = peer_cert self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() if not config: self.config = Config() self.load_trusted_certs() def load_trusted_certs(self): self.trusted_cert_list = TrustedRoots( self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_list() self.trusted_cert_file_list = TrustedRoots( self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()).get_file_list() def checkCredentials(self, creds, operation, xrns=[], check_sliver_callback=None, speaking_for_hrn=None): def log_invalid_cred(cred): cred_obj = Credential(string=cred) logger.debug("failed to validate credential - dump=%s" % cred_obj.dump_string(dump_parents=True)) error = sys.exc_info()[:2] return error # if xrns are specified they cannot be None or empty string if xrns: for xrn in xrns: if not xrn: raise BadArgs("Invalid urn or hrn") if not isinstance(xrns, list): xrns = [xrns] slice_xrns = Xrn.filter_type(xrns, 'slice') sliver_xrns = Xrn.filter_type(xrns, 'sliver') # we are not able to validate slivers in the traditional way so # we make sure not to include sliver urns/hrns in the core validation loop hrns = [Xrn(xrn).hrn for xrn in xrns if xrn not in sliver_xrns] valid = [] speaks_for_cred = None if not isinstance(creds, list): creds = [creds] logger.debug("Auth.checkCredentials with %d creds on hrns=%s" % (len(creds), hrns)) # won't work if either creds or hrns is empty - let's make it more explicit if not creds: raise BadArgs( "no credential provided") #Forbidden("no credential provided") if not hrns: hrns = [None] for cred in creds: for hrn in hrns: try: self.check(cred, operation, hrn) valid.append(cred) except: if speaking_for_hrn: try: self.check(cred, operation, speaking_for_hrn) speaks_for_cred = cred valid.append(cred) except: error = log_invalid_cred(cred) else: error = log_invalid_cred(cred) continue # make sure all sliver xrns are validated against the valid credentials if sliver_xrns: if not check_sliver_callback: msg = "sliver verification callback method not found." msg += " Unable to validate sliver xrns: %s" % sliver_xrns raise Forbidden(msg) check_sliver_callback(valid, sliver_xrns) if not len(valid): raise Forbidden("Invalid credential") if speaking_for_hrn and not speaks_for_cred: raise InsufficientRights( 'Access denied: "geni_speaking_for" option specified but no valid speaks for credential found: %s -- %s' % (error[0], error[1])) return valid def check(self, credential, operation, hrn=None): """ Check the credential against the peer cert (callerGID included in the credential matches the caller that is connected to the HTTPS connection, check if the credential was signed by a trusted cert and check if the credential is allowed to perform the specified operation. """ cred = Credential(cred=credential) self.client_cred = cred logger.debug("Auth.check: handling hrn=%s and credential=%s"%\ (hrn,cred.get_summary_tostring())) if cred.type not in ['geni_sfa']: raise CredentialNotVerifiable(cred.type, "%s not supported" % cred.type) self.client_gid = self.client_cred.get_gid_caller() self.object_gid = self.client_cred.get_gid_object() # make sure the client_gid is not blank if not self.client_gid: raise MissingCallerGID(self.client_cred.get_subject()) # validate the client cert if it exists if self.peer_cert: self.verifyPeerCert(self.peer_cert, self.client_gid) # make sure the client is allowed to perform the operation if operation: if not self.client_cred.can_perform(operation): raise InsufficientRights(operation) if self.trusted_cert_list: self.client_cred.verify(self.trusted_cert_file_list, self.config.SFA_CREDENTIAL_SCHEMA) else: raise MissingTrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()) # Make sure the credential's target matches the specified hrn. # This check does not apply to trusted peers trusted_peers = [gid.get_hrn() for gid in self.trusted_cert_list] if hrn and self.client_gid.get_hrn() not in trusted_peers: target_hrn = self.object_gid.get_hrn() if not hrn == target_hrn: raise PermissionError("Target hrn: %s doesn't match specified hrn: %s " % \ (target_hrn, hrn) ) return True def check_ticket(self, ticket): """ Check if the tickt was signed by a trusted cert """ if self.trusted_cert_list: client_ticket = SfaTicket(string=ticket) client_ticket.verify_chain(self.trusted_cert_list) else: raise MissingTrustedRoots(self.config.get_trustedroots_dir()) return True def verifyPeerCert(self, cert, gid): # make sure the client_gid matches client's certificate if not cert.is_pubkey(gid.get_pubkey()): raise ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch(gid.get_subject() + ":" + cert.get_subject()) def verifyGidRequestHash(self, gid, hash, arglist): key = gid.get_pubkey() if not key.verify_string(str(arglist), hash): raise BadRequestHash(hash) def verifyCredRequestHash(self, cred, hash, arglist): gid = cred.get_gid_caller() self.verifyGidRequestHash(gid, hash, arglist) def validateGid(self, gid): if self.trusted_cert_list: gid.verify_chain(self.trusted_cert_list) def validateCred(self, cred): if self.trusted_cert_list: cred.verify(self.trusted_cert_file_list) def authenticateGid(self, gidStr, argList, requestHash=None): gid = GID(string=gidStr) self.validateGid(gid) # request_hash is optional if requestHash: self.verifyGidRequestHash(gid, requestHash, argList) return gid def authenticateCred(self, credStr, argList, requestHash=None): cred = Credential(string=credStr) self.validateCred(cred) # request hash is optional if requestHash: self.verifyCredRequestHash(cred, requestHash, argList) return cred def authenticateCert(self, certStr, requestHash): cert = Certificate(string=certStr) # xxx should be validateCred ?? self.validateCred(cert) def gidNoop(self, gidStr, value, requestHash): self.authenticateGid(gidStr, [gidStr, value], requestHash) return value def credNoop(self, credStr, value, requestHash): self.authenticateCred(credStr, [credStr, value], requestHash) return value def verify_cred_is_me(self, credential): is_me = False cred = Credential(string=credential) caller_gid = cred.get_gid_caller() caller_hrn = caller_gid.get_hrn() if caller_hrn != self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: raise SfaPermissionDenied(self.config.SFA_INTEFACE_HRN) return def get_auth_info(self, auth_hrn): """ Given an authority name, return the information for that authority. This is basically a stub that calls the hierarchy module. @param auth_hrn human readable name of authority """ return self.hierarchy.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) def veriry_auth_belongs_to_me(self, name): """ Verify that an authority belongs to our hierarchy. This is basically left up to the implementation of the hierarchy module. If the specified name does not belong, ane exception is thrown indicating the caller should contact someone else. @param auth_name human readable name of authority """ # get auth info will throw an exception if the authority doesnt exist self.get_auth_info(name) def verify_object_belongs_to_me(self, name): """ Verify that an object belongs to our hierarchy. By extension, this implies that the authority that owns the object belongs to our hierarchy. If it does not an exception is thrown. @param name human readable name of object """ auth_name = self.get_authority(name) if not auth_name: auth_name = name if name == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: return self.verify_auth_belongs_to_me(auth_name) def verify_auth_belongs_to_me(self, name): # get auth info will throw an exception if the authority doesnt exist self.get_auth_info(name) def verify_object_permission(self, name): """ Verify that the object gid that was specified in the credential allows permission to the object 'name'. This is done by a simple prefix test. For example, an object_gid for plc.arizona would match the objects plc.arizona.slice1 and plc.arizona. @param name human readable name to test """ object_hrn = self.object_gid.get_hrn() logger.debug( "VERIFY OBJECT PERMISSION. \n\n object_hrn: %s \n name: %s \n get_authority(name): %s" % (object_hrn, name, get_authority(name))) if object_hrn == name: return if name.startswith(object_hrn + "."): return #if name.startswith(get_authority(name)): #return raise PermissionError(name) def determine_user_rights(self, caller_hrn, reg_record): """ Given a user credential and a record, determine what set of rights the user should have to that record. This is intended to replace determine_user_rights() and verify_cancreate_credential() """ rl = Rights() type = reg_record.type logger.debug( "entering determine_user_rights with record %s and caller_hrn %s" % (reg_record, caller_hrn)) if type == 'slice': # researchers in the slice are in the DB as-is researcher_hrns = [user.hrn for user in reg_record.reg_researchers] # locating PIs attached to that slice slice_pis = reg_record.get_pis() pi_hrns = [user.hrn for user in slice_pis] if (caller_hrn in researcher_hrns + pi_hrns): rl.add('refresh') rl.add('embed') rl.add('bind') rl.add('control') rl.add('info') elif type == 'authority': pi_hrns = [user.hrn for user in reg_record.reg_pis] if (caller_hrn == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN): rl.add('authority') rl.add('sa') rl.add('ma') if (caller_hrn in pi_hrns): rl.add('authority') rl.add('sa') # NOTE: for the PL implementation, this 'operators' list # amounted to users with 'tech' role in that site # it seems like this is not needed any longer, so for now I just drop that # operator_hrns = reg_record.get('operator',[]) # if (caller_hrn in operator_hrns): # rl.add('authority') # rl.add('ma') elif type == 'user': rl.add('refresh') rl.add('resolve') rl.add('info') elif type == 'node': rl.add('operator') return rl def get_authority(self, hrn): return get_authority(hrn) def filter_creds_by_caller(self, creds, caller_hrn_list): """ Returns a list of creds who's gid caller matches the specified caller hrn """ if not isinstance(creds, list): creds = [creds] creds = [] if not isinstance(caller_hrn_list, list): caller_hrn_list = [caller_hrn_list] for cred in creds: try: tmp_cred = Credential(string=cred) if tmp_cred.get_gid_caller().get_hrn() in [caller_hrn_list]: creds.append(cred) except: pass return creds
def get_gids(registry=None, verbose=False): """ Get the gid for all instantiated slices on this node and store it in /etc/sfa/slice.gid in the slice's filesystem """ # define useful variables config = Config() data_dir = config.data_path config_dir = config.SFA_CONFIG_DIR trusted_certs_dir = config.get_trustedroots_dir() keyfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.key" certfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.cert" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" node_gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = node_gid.get_hrn() interface_hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN # get credential cred = GetCredential(registry=registry, verbose=verbose) # make sure server key cert pair exists create_server_keypair(keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, hrn=hrn, verbose=verbose) registry = server_proxy(url=registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) if verbose: print "Getting current slices on this node" # get a list of slices on this node from sfa.generic import Generic generic = Generic.the_flavour() api = generic.make_api(interface='component') xids_tuple = api.driver.nodemanager.GetXIDs() slices = eval(xids_tuple[1]) slicenames = slices.keys() # generate a list of slices that dont have gids installed slices_without_gids = [] for slicename in slicenames: if not os.path.isfile("/vservers/%s/etc/slice.gid" % slicename) \ or not os.path.isfile("/vservers/%s/etc/node.gid" % slicename): slices_without_gids.append(slicename) # convert slicenames to hrns hrns = [slicename_to_hrn(interface_hrn, slicename) \ for slicename in slices_without_gids] # exit if there are no gids to install if not hrns: return if verbose: print "Getting gids for slices on this node from registry" # get the gids # and save them in the right palce records = registry.GetGids(hrns, cred) for record in records: # if this isnt a slice record skip it if not record['type'] == 'slice': continue slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(record['hrn']) # if this slice isnt really instatiated skip it if not os.path.exists("/vservers/%(slicename)s" % locals()): continue # save the slice gid in /etc/sfa/ in the vservers filesystem vserver_path = "/vservers/%(slicename)s" % locals() gid = record['gid'] slice_gid_filename = os.sep.join([vserver_path, "etc", "slice.gid"]) if verbose: print "Saving GID for %(slicename)s as %(slice_gid_filename)s" % locals( ) GID(string=gid).save_to_file(slice_gid_filename, save_parents=True) # save the node gid in /etc/sfa node_gid_filename = os.sep.join([vserver_path, "etc", "node.gid"]) if verbose: print "Saving node GID for %(slicename)s as %(node_gid_filename)s" % locals( ) node_gid.save_to_file(node_gid_filename, save_parents=True)