Example #1
    def test_vector_matrix( self ):
        from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op
        problem  = self.problem

        state = problem.create_state_vector()
        problem.apply_ebc( state )

        aux1 = eval_term_op( state, "dw_diffusion.i1.Omega( m.K, q, p )",
                           problem, dw_mode = 'vector' )
        aux1g = problem.variables.make_full_vec( aux1 )
        problem.time_update( conf_ebc = {}, conf_epbc = {} )
        mtx = eval_term_op( state, "dw_diffusion.i1.Omega( m.K, q, p )",
                          problem, dw_mode = 'matrix' )
        aux2g = mtx * state
        problem.time_update( conf_ebc = self.conf.ebcs,
                            conf_epbc = self.conf.epbcs )
        aux2 = problem.variables.strip_state_vector( aux2g, follow_epbc = True )

        ret = self.compare_vectors( aux1, aux2,
                                   label1 = 'vector mode',
                                   label2 = 'matrix mode' )
        if not ret:
            self.report( 'variable %s: failed' % var_name )

        return ret
Example #2
    def test_consistency_d_dw( self ):
        from sfepy.base.base import select_by_names
        from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op

        ok = True
        pb = self.problem
        for aux in test_terms:
            term_template, (prefix, par_name, d_vars, dw_vars, mat_mode) = aux
            print term_template, prefix, par_name, d_vars, dw_vars, mat_mode

            var_names = nm.unique1d( d_vars + dw_vars )
            variables = select_by_names( pb.conf.variables, var_names )
            pb.set_variables( variables )

            vecs = {}
            for var_name in d_vars:
                var = pb.variables[var_name]
                n_dof = var.field.n_nod * var.field.dim[0]
                vecs[var_name] = nm.arange( n_dof, dtype = nm.float64 )
                var.data_from_data( vecs[var_name] )

            term1 = term_template % ((prefix,) + d_vars)
            pb.set_equations( {'eq': term1} )

            mat_args = {'m' : {'mode' : mat_mode}} 
            pb.time_update( extra_mat_args = mat_args )

            dummy = pb.create_state_vector()
            if prefix == 'd':
                val1 = eval_term_op( dummy, term1, pb )
                val1 = eval_term_op( dummy, term1, pb, call_mode = 'd_eval' )
            self.report( '%s: %s' % (term1, val1) )
            term2 = term_template % (('dw',) + dw_vars[:-1])

            vec = eval_term_op( dummy, term2, pb )
            val2 = nm.dot( vecs[par_name], vec )
            self.report( '%s: %s' % (term2, val2) )

            err = nm.abs( val1 - val2 ) / nm.abs( val1 )
            _ok = err < 1e-12
            self.report( 'relative difference: %e -> %s' % (err, _ok) )

            ok = ok and _ok
        return ok
Example #3
    def test_linear_rigid_body_bc( self ):
        import scipy
        if scipy.version.version == "0.6.0":
            # This test uses a functionality implemented in scipy svn, which is
            # missing in scipy 0.6.0
            return True
        from sfepy.base.base import Struct
        from sfepy.solvers.generic import solve_stationary
        from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct
        from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op

        status = IndexedStruct()
        problem, vec, data = solve_stationary( self.conf,
                                              nls_status = status )
        ok = status.condition == 0
        self.report( 'converged: %s' % ok )
        out = problem.state_to_output( vec )

        strain = eval_term_op( vec, 'de_cauchy_strain.i1.Y( u )', problem )
        out['strain'] = Struct( name = 'output_data',
                                mode = 'cell', data = strain,
                                dof_types = None )

        name = op.join( self.options.out_dir,
                        op.split( self.conf.output_name )[1] )
        problem.domain.mesh.write( name, io = 'auto', out = out )

        # Check if rigid body displacements are really rigid should go here.

        return ok
Example #4
    def __call__( self, volume, problem = None, data = None ):
        problem = get_default( problem, self.problem )
        problem.select_variables( self.variables )

        dim = problem.get_dim()
        coef = nm.zeros( (dim, dim), dtype = nm.float64 )

        for ir in range( dim ):
            for name, val in self.get_variables( problem, ir, None, data,
                                                 'row' ):
                problem.variables[name].data_from_data( val )

            for ic in range( dim ):
                for name, val in self.get_variables( problem, None, ic, data,
                                                     'col' ):
                    problem.variables[name].data_from_data( val )

                val = eval_term_op( None, self.expression,
                                    problem, call_mode = 'd_eval' )

                coef[ir,ic] = val

        coef /= volume

        return coef
Example #5
    def __call__( self, volume, problem = None, data = None ):
        problem = get_default( problem, self.problem )
        problem.select_variables( self.variables )

        dim, sym = problem.get_dim( get_sym = True )
        coef = nm.zeros( (sym, sym), dtype = nm.float64 )

        for ir, (irr, icr) in enumerate( iter_sym( dim ) ):
            for name, val in self.get_variables( problem, irr, icr, data,
                                                 'row' ):
                problem.variables[name].data_from_data( val )

            for ic, (irc, icc) in enumerate( iter_sym( dim ) ):
                for name, val in self.get_variables( problem, irc, icc, data,
                                                     'col' ):
                    problem.variables[name].data_from_data( val )

                val = eval_term_op( None, self.expression,
                                    problem, call_mode = 'd_eval' )

                coef[ir,ic] = val

        coef /= volume

        return coef
Example #6
def iterate( vec_vhxc, pb, conf, eig_solver, n_eigs, mtx_b, log,
             n_electron = 5 ):
    global itercount
    itercount += 1
    from sfepy.physics import dft

    pb.update_materials( extra_mat_args = {'mat_v' : {'vhxc' : vec_vhxc}} )

    dummy = pb.create_state_vector()

    output( 'assembling lhs...' )
    tt = time.clock()
    mtx_a = eval_term_op( dummy, conf.equations['lhs'], pb,
                       dw_mode = 'matrix', tangent_matrix = pb.mtx_a )
    output( '...done in %.2f s' % (time.clock() - tt) )

    print 'computing the Ax=Blx Kohn-Sham problem...'
    eigs, mtx_s_phi = eig_solver( mtx_a, mtx_b, conf.options.n_eigs )

    if len(eigs) < n_electron:
        print len(eigs)
        print eigs
        raise Exception("Not enough eigenvalues have converged. Exiting.")

    print "saving solutions, iter=%d" % itercount
    out = {}
    var_name = pb.variables.get_names( kind = 'state' )[0]
    for ii in xrange( len(eigs) ):
        vec_phi = pb.variables.make_full_vec( mtx_s_phi[:,ii] )
        update_state_to_output( out, pb, vec_phi, var_name+'%03d' % ii )
    pb.save_state( "tmp/iter%d.vtk" % itercount, out = out )
    print "solutions saved"

    vec_phi = nm.zeros_like( vec_vhxc )
    vec_n = nm.zeros_like( vec_vhxc )
    for ii in xrange( n_electron ):
        vec_phi = pb.variables.make_full_vec( mtx_s_phi[:,ii] )
        vec_n += vec_phi ** 2

    vec_vxc = nm.zeros_like( vec_vhxc )
    for ii, val in enumerate( vec_n ):
        vec_vxc[ii] = dft.getvxc( val/(4*pi), 0 )

    pb.set_equations( conf.equations_vh )
    pb.variables['n'].data_from_data( vec_n )
    print "Solving Ax=b Poisson equation"
    vec_vh = pb.solve()

    #sphere = eval_term_op( dummy, conf.equations['sphere'], pb)
    #print sphere

    norm = nla.norm( vec_vh + vec_vxc )
    log( norm, norm )

    return eigs, mtx_s_phi, vec_n, vec_vh, vec_vxc
Example #7
def post_process( out, problem, mtx_phi ):
    from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op

    for key in out.keys():
        ii = int( key[1:] )
        vec = mtx_phi[:,ii].copy()
        strain = eval_term_op( vec, 'de_cauchy_strain.i1.Y23( u )', problem )
        strain = extend_cell_data( strain, problem, 'Y23' )
        out['strain%03d' % ii] = Struct( name = 'output_data',
                                           mode = 'cell', data = strain,
                                           dof_types = None )
    return out
Example #8
    def __call__( self, volume, problem = None, data = None ):
        problem = get_default( problem, self.problem )
        problem.select_variables( self.variables )

        coef = nm.zeros( (1,), dtype = nm.float64 )

        for name, val in self.get_variables( problem, data ):
            problem.variables[name].data_from_data( val )

        val = eval_term_op( None, self.expression,
                            problem, call_mode = 'd_eval' )

        coef = val / volume

        return coef
Example #9
def verify_incompressibility( out, problem, state, extend = False ):
    """This hook is normally used for post-processing (additional results can
    be inserted into `out` dictionary), but here we just verify the weak
    incompressibility condition."""
    from sfepy.base.base import Struct, debug
    from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op

    vv = problem.variables
    one = nm.ones( (vv['pp'].field.n_nod,), dtype = nm.float64 )
    vv['pp'].data_from_data( one )
    zero = eval_term_op( state,
                         'dw_stokes.i1.Omega( u, pp )',
                         problem, pp = one, call_mode = 'd_eval' )
    print 'div( u ) = %.3e' % zero

    return out
Example #10
    def __call__( self, volume, problem = None, data = None ):
        problem = get_default( problem, self.problem )
        problem.select_variables( self.variables )

        coef = nm.zeros( (1,), dtype = nm.float64 )

        ldata = data[self.requires[0]]
        var0 = problem.variables[0]
        ndata = nm.zeros( (var0.n_nod,), dtype=nm.float64 )
        for ivar in ldata.di.vnames:
            ndata += ldata.states[ldata.di.indx[ivar]] 

        problem.variables[0].data_from_data( ndata )

        val = eval_term_op( None, self.expression,
                            problem, call_mode = 'd_eval' )

        coef = val / volume

        return coef
Example #11
def main():
    from sfepy.base.base import spause
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op, ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.homogenization.utils import create_pis
    from sfepy.homogenization.coefs import CorrectorsRS, ElasticCoef

    nm.set_printoptions( precision = 3 )

    spause( r""">>>
First, this file will be read in place of an input
(problem description) file.
Press 'q' to quit the example, press any other key to continue...""" )
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    required.remove( 'equations' )
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other )
    print conf.to_dict().keys()
    spause( r""">>>
...the read input as a dict (keys only for brevity).
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Now the input will be used to create a ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf,
                                          init_variables = False,
                                          init_equations = False )
    print problem
    spause( r""">>>
...the ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$ is expressed
using $\Pi$ operators, computed now. In fact, those operators are permuted
coordinates of the mesh nodes.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    req = conf.requirements['pis']
    pis = create_pis( problem, req['variables'][0] )
    print pis
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\Pi$ operators.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Next, $E_{ijkl}$ needs so called steady state correctors $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$,
computed now. The results will be saved in: %s_*.vtk
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" %  problem.ofn_trunk )

    save_hook = make_save_hook( problem.ofn_trunk + '_rs_%d%d' )

    req = conf.requirements['corrs_rs']
    solve_corrs = CorrectorsRS( 'steady rs correctors', problem, req )
    corrs_rs = solve_corrs( data = pis, save_hook = save_hook )
    print corrs_rs
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$ correctors.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Then the volume of the domain is needed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    volume = eval_term_op( None, 'd_volume.i3.Y( uc )', problem )
    print volume

    spause( r""">>>
...the volume.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Finally, $E_{ijkl}$ can be computed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    get_coef = ElasticCoef( 'homogenized elastic tensor',
                            problem, conf.coefs['E'] )
    c_e = get_coef( volume, data = {'pis': pis, 'corrs' : corrs_rs} )
    print r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$, symmetric storage
with rows, columns in 11, 22, 12 ordering:"""
    print c_e
Example #12
def solve_eigen_problem1( conf, options ):

    pb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )
    dim = pb.domain.mesh.dim


    dummy = pb.create_state_vector()

    output( 'assembling lhs...' )
    tt = time.clock()
    mtx_a = eval_term_op( dummy, conf.equations['lhs'], pb,
                       dw_mode = 'matrix', tangent_matrix = pb.mtx_a )
    output( '...done in %.2f s' % (time.clock() - tt) )

    output( 'assembling rhs...' )
    tt = time.clock()
    mtx_b = eval_term_op( dummy, conf.equations['rhs'], pb,
                       dw_mode = 'matrix', tangent_matrix = pb.mtx_a.copy() )
    output( '...done in %.2f s' % (time.clock() - tt) )

    #mtxA.save( 'tmp/a.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )
    #mtxB.save( 'tmp/b.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )
        n_eigs = conf.options.n_eigs
    except AttributeError:
        n_eigs = mtx_a.shape[0]

    if n_eigs is None:
        n_eigs = mtx_a.shape[0]

##     mtx_a.save( 'a.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )
##     mtx_b.save( 'b.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )
    print 'computing resonance frequencies...'
    eig = Solver.any_from_conf( pb.get_solver_conf( conf.options.eigen_solver ) )
    eigs, mtx_s_phi = eig( mtx_a, mtx_b, conf.options.n_eigs )
    from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh
    bounding_box = Mesh.from_file("tmp/mesh.vtk").get_bounding_box()
    # this assumes a box (3D), or a square (2D):
    a = bounding_box[1][0] - bounding_box[0][0]
    E_exact = None
    if options.hydrogen or options.boron:
        if options.hydrogen:
            Z = 1
        elif options.boron:
            Z = 5
        if options.dim == 2:
            E_exact = [-float(Z)**2/2/(n-0.5)**2/4 for n in [1]+[2]*3+[3]*5 +\
                    [4]*8 + [5]*15]
        elif options.dim == 3:
            E_exact = [-float(Z)**2/2/n**2 for n in [1]+[2]*2**2+[3]*3**2 ]
    if options.well:
        if options.dim == 2:
            E_exact = [pi**2/(2*a**2)*x for x in [2, 5, 5, 8, 10, 10, 13, 13,
                17, 17, 18, 20, 20 ] ]
        elif options.dim == 3:
            E_exact = [pi**2/(2*a**2)*x for x in [3, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11,
                11, 12, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17] ]
    if options.oscillator:
        if options.dim == 2:
            E_exact = [1] + [2]*2 + [3]*3 + [4]*4 + [5]*5 + [6]*6
        elif options.dim == 3:
            E_exact = [float(1)/2+x for x in [1]+[2]*3+[3]*6+[4]*10 ]
    if E_exact is not None:
        print "a=%f" % a
        print "Energies:"
        print     "n      exact         FEM      error"

        for i, e in enumerate(eigs):
            from numpy import NaN
            if i < len(E_exact):
                exact = E_exact[i]
                err = 100*abs((exact - e)/exact)
                exact = NaN
                err = NaN
            print "%d:  %.8f   %.8f  %5.2f%%" % (i, exact, e, err)
        print eigs
##     import sfepy.base.plotutils as plu
##     plu.spy( mtx_b, eps = 1e-12 )
##     plu.pylab.show()
##     pause()
    n_eigs = eigs.shape[0]

    mtx_phi = nm.empty( (pb.variables.di.ptr[-1], mtx_s_phi.shape[1]),
                       dtype = nm.float64 )
    for ii in xrange( n_eigs ):
        mtx_phi[:,ii] = pb.variables.make_full_vec( mtx_s_phi[:,ii] )

    save = get_default_attr( conf.options, 'save_eig_vectors', None )
    out = {}
    for ii in xrange( n_eigs ):
        if save is not None:
            if (ii > save[0]) and (ii < (n_eigs - save[1])): continue
        aux = pb.state_to_output( mtx_phi[:,ii] )
        key = aux.keys()[0]
        out[key+'%03d' % ii] = aux[key]

    ofn_trunk = options.output_filename_trunk
    pb.domain.mesh.write( ofn_trunk + '.vtk', io = 'auto', out = out )

    fd = open( ofn_trunk + '_eigs.txt', 'w' )
    eigs.tofile( fd, ' ' )

    return Struct( pb = pb, eigs = eigs, mtx_phi = mtx_phi )
Example #13
def solve_eigen_problem_n( conf, options ):

    pb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )
    dim = pb.domain.mesh.dim


    dummy = pb.create_state_vector()

    output( 'assembling rhs...' )
    tt = time.clock()
    mtx_b = eval_term_op( dummy, conf.equations['rhs'], pb,
                       dw_mode = 'matrix', tangent_matrix = pb.mtx_a.copy() )
    output( '...done in %.2f s' % (time.clock() - tt) )

    #mtxA.save( 'tmp/a.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )
    #mtxB.save( 'tmp/b.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )

        n_eigs = conf.options.n_eigs
    except AttributeError:
        n_eigs = mtx_a.shape[0]

    if n_eigs is None:
        n_eigs = mtx_a.shape[0]

##     mtx_a.save( 'a.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )
##     mtx_b.save( 'b.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' )

    if options.plot:
        log_conf = {
            'is_plot' : True,
            'aggregate' : 1,
            'yscales' : ['linear', 'log'],
        log_conf = {
            'is_plot' : False,
    log =  Log.from_conf( log_conf, ([r'$|F(x)|$'], [r'$|F(x)|$']) )

    eig_conf = pb.get_solver_conf( conf.options.eigen_solver )
    eig_solver = Solver.any_from_conf( eig_conf )
    vec_vhxc = nm.zeros( (pb.variables.di.ptr[-1],), dtype = nm.float64 )
    aux = wrap_function( iterate,
                         (pb, conf, eig_solver, n_eigs, mtx_b, log) )
    ncalls, times, nonlin_v = aux
    vec_vhxc = broyden3( nonlin_v, vec_vhxc, verbose = True )
    out = iterate( vec_vhxc, pb, conf, eig_solver, n_eigs, mtx_b )
    eigs, mtx_s_phi, vec_n, vec_vh, vec_vxc = out

    if options.plot:
        log( finished = True )
    coor = pb.domain.get_mesh_coors()
    r = coor[:,0]**2 + coor[:,1]**2 + coor[:,2]**2
    vec_nr2 = vec_n * r

    n_eigs = eigs.shape[0]

    mtx_phi = nm.empty( (pb.variables.di.ptr[-1], mtx_s_phi.shape[1]),
                       dtype = nm.float64 )
    for ii in xrange( n_eigs ):
        mtx_phi[:,ii] = pb.variables.make_full_vec( mtx_s_phi[:,ii] )

    save = get_default_attr( conf.options, 'save_eig_vectors', None )
    out = {}
    for ii in xrange( n_eigs ):
        if save is not None:
            if (ii >= save[0]) and (ii < (n_eigs - save[1])): continue
        aux = pb.state_to_output( mtx_phi[:,ii] )
        key = aux.keys()[0]
        out[key+'%03d' % ii] = aux[key]

    update_state_to_output( out, pb, vec_n, 'n' )
    update_state_to_output( out, pb, vec_nr2, 'nr2' )
    update_state_to_output( out, pb, vec_vh, 'vh' )
    update_state_to_output( out, pb, vec_vxc, 'vxc' )

    ofn_trunk = options.output_filename_trunk
    pb.domain.mesh.write( ofn_trunk + '.vtk', io = 'auto', out = out )

    fd = open( ofn_trunk + '_eigs.txt', 'w' )
    eigs.tofile( fd, ' ' )

    return Struct( pb = pb, eigs = eigs, mtx_phi = mtx_phi )