Example #1
def create_problem(filename):
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition

    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf_file(filename,
    return problem
Example #2
def vary_omega1_size(problem):
    """Vary size of \Omega1. Saves also the regions into options['output_dir'].

      problem: ProblemDefinition instance
      a generator object:
      1. creates new (modified) problem
      2. yields the new (modified) problem and output container
      3. use the output container for some logging
      4. yields None (to signal next iteration to Application)
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.solvers.ts import get_print_info

    output.prefix = 'vary_omega1_size:'

    diameters = nm.linspace(0.1, 0.6, 7) + 0.001
    ofn_trunk, output_format = problem.ofn_trunk, problem.output_format
    output_dir = problem.output_dir
    join = os.path.join

    conf = problem.conf
    cf = conf.get_raw('functions')
    n_digit, aux, d_format = get_print_info(len(diameters) + 1)
    for ii, diameter in enumerate(diameters):
        output('iteration %d: diameter %3.2f' % (ii, diameter))

        cf['select_circ'] = (lambda coors, domain=None: select_circ(
            coors[:, 0], coors[:, 1], 0, diameter),
        conf.edit('functions', cf)
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf)

        problem.save_regions(join(output_dir, ('regions_' + d_format) % ii),
        region = problem.domain.regions['Omega_1']
        if not region.has_cells_if_can():
            print region
            raise ValueError('region %s has no cells!' % region.name)

        ofn_trunk = ofn_trunk + '_' + (d_format % ii)

        out = []
        yield problem, out

        out_problem, state = out[-1]

        filename = join(output_dir, ('log_%s.txt' % d_format) % ii)
        fd = open(filename, 'w')
        log_item = '$r(\Omega_1)$: %f\n' % diameter
        nm.savetxt(fd, state())

        yield None
Example #3
def create_problem(filename):
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition

    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf_file(filename,
    return problem
Example #4
def save_only( conf, save_names, problem = None ):
    """Save information available prior to setting equations and
    solving them."""
    if problem is None:
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf, init_variables = False )

    if save_names.regions is not None:
        problem.save_regions( save_names.regions )

    if save_names.field_meshes is not None:
        problem.save_field_meshes( save_names.field_meshes )

    if save_names.region_field_meshes is not None:
        problem.save_region_field_meshes( save_names.region_field_meshes )

    if save_names.ebc is not None:
        if not hasattr( problem, 'variables' ):
            problem.set_variables( conf.variables )
            ts = TimeStepper.from_conf( conf.ts )
            ts.set_step( 0 )
            ts = None
            problem.variables.equation_mapping( conf.ebcs, conf.epbcs,
                                                problem.domain.regions, ts,
                                                conf.funmod )
        except Exception, e:
            output( 'cannot make equation mapping!' )
            output( 'reason: %s' % e )
            problem.save_ebc( save_names.ebc )
Example #5
def main():
    from sfepy.base.base import output
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.applications import solve_evolutionary

    output.prefix = 'therel:'

    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file(__file__, required, other)

    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)

    # Setup output directory according to options above.

    # First solve the stationary electric conduction problem.
    problem.set_equations({'eq' : conf.equations['1']})
    state_el = problem.solve()
    problem.save_state(problem.get_output_name(suffix = 'el'), state_el)

    # Then solve the evolutionary heat conduction problem, using state_el.
    problem.set_equations({'eq' : conf.equations['2']})
    phi_var = problem.get_variables()['phi_known']

    output('results saved in %s' % problem.get_output_name(suffix = '*'))
    def from_conf( conf, options ):
        from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition

        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)
        test = Test( problem = problem,
                     conf = conf, options = options )
        return test
def vary_omega1_size( problem ):
    """Vary size of \Omega1. Saves also the regions into options['output_dir'].

      problem: ProblemDefinition instance
      a generator object:
      1. creates new (modified) problem
      2. yields the new (modified) problem and output container
      3. use the output container for some logging
      4. yields None (to signal next iteration to Application)
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.solvers.ts import get_print_info
    output.prefix = 'vary_omega1_size:'

    diameters = nm.linspace( 0.1, 0.6, 7 ) + 0.001
    ofn_trunk, output_format = problem.ofn_trunk, problem.output_format
    output_dir = problem.output_dir
    join = os.path.join

    conf = problem.conf
    cf = conf.get_raw( 'functions' )
    n_digit, aux, d_format = get_print_info( len( diameters ) + 1 )
    for ii, diameter in enumerate( diameters ):
        output( 'iteration %d: diameter %3.2f' % (ii, diameter) )

        cf['select_circ'] = (lambda coors, domain=None: 
                             select_circ(coors[:,0], coors[:,1], 0, diameter),)
        conf.edit('functions', cf)
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )

        problem.save_regions( join( output_dir, ('regions_' + d_format) % ii ),
                              ['Omega_1'] )
        region = problem.domain.regions['Omega_1']
        if not region.has_cells_if_can():
            print region
            raise ValueError( 'region %s has no cells!' % region.name )

        ofn_trunk = ofn_trunk + '_' + (d_format % ii)

        out = []
        yield problem, out

        out_problem, state = out[-1]

        filename = join( output_dir,
                         ('log_%s.txt' % d_format) % ii )
        fd = open( filename, 'w' )
        log_item = '$r(\Omega_1)$: %f\n' % diameter
        fd.write( log_item )
        fd.write( 'solution:\n' )
        nm.savetxt(fd, state())

        yield None
Example #8
    def from_conf( conf, options ):
        from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition

        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )
        test = Test( problem = problem,
                     conf = conf, options = options )
        return test
def main():
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.base.plotutils import plt

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog')
    parser.add_option('-n', '--no-plot',
                      action="store_true", dest='no_plot',
                      default=False, help=helps['no_plot'])
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other )

    # Create problem instance, but do not set equations.
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf,
                                           init_equations = False )

    # Solve the problem. Output is ignored, results stored by using the
    # step_hook.
    u_t = solve_branch(problem, linear_tension)
    u_c = solve_branch(problem, linear_compression)

    # Get pressure load by calling linear_*() for each time step.
    ts = problem.get_timestepper()
    load_t = nm.array([linear_tension(ts, nm.array([[0.0]]), 'qp')['val']
                       for aux in ts.iter_from( 0 )],
    load_c = nm.array([linear_compression(ts, nm.array([[0.0]]), 'qp')['val']
                       for aux in ts.iter_from( 0 )],

    # Join the branches.
    displacements = {}
    for key in u_t.keys():
        displacements[key] = nm.r_[u_c[key][::-1], u_t[key]]
    load = nm.r_[load_c[::-1], load_t]

    if plt is None:
        print 'matplotlib cannot be imported, printing raw data!'
        print displacements
        print load
        legend = []
        for key, val in displacements.iteritems():
            plt.plot( load, val )
            legend.append( key )

        plt.legend( legend, loc = 2 )
        plt.xlabel( 'tension [kPa]' )
        plt.ylabel( 'displacement [mm]' )
        plt.grid( True )

        plt.gcf().savefig( 'pressure_displacement.png' )

        if not options.no_plot:
Example #10
    def from_conf(conf, options):
        from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition

        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf)

        test = Test(problem=problem, conf=conf, options=options)
        return test
Example #11
def solve_direct(conf, options, problem=None, step_hook=None,
                 post_process_hook=None, post_process_hook_final=None,
                 pre_process_hook=None, nls_status=None):
    """Generic (simple) problem solver."""

    if problem is None:
        is_eqs = not options.solve_not
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=is_eqs)

        problem.setup_default_output(conf, options)

    if pre_process_hook is not None: # User pre_processing.

    ofn_trunk = problem.ofn_trunk

    save_names = Struct( ebc = None, regions = None,
                         regions_as_groups = None, field_meshes = None,
                         region_field_meshes = None )
    if options.save_ebc:
        save_names.ebc = ofn_trunk + '_ebc.vtk'
    if options.save_regions:
        save_names.regions = ofn_trunk + '_region'
    if options.save_regions_as_groups:
        save_names.regions_as_groups = ofn_trunk + '_regions'
    if options.save_field_meshes:
        save_names.field_meshes = ofn_trunk + '_field'

    is_extra_save = False
    for name, val in save_names.to_dict().iteritems():
        if val is not None:
            is_extra_save = True
    if is_extra_save:
        save_only( conf, save_names, problem=problem )

    if options.solve_not:
        return None, None, None

    if hasattr( conf.options, 'ts' ):
        # Time-dependent problem.
        state = solve_evolutionary_op(problem, options,
        # Stationary problem.
        state = solve_stationary_op(problem, options,

    if post_process_hook_final is not None: # User postprocessing.
       post_process_hook_final(problem, state)

    return problem, state
Example #12
def make_h1_projection_data(target, eval_data):
    Project scalar data given by a material-like `eval_data()` function to a
    scalar `target` field variable using the :math:`H^1` dot product.
    order = target.field.approx_order * 2
    integral = Integral('i', order=order)

    un = target.name
    v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', target.field, 1, primary_var_name=un)
    lhs1 = Term.new('dw_volume_dot(v, %s)' % un, integral,
                    target.field.region, v=v, **{un : target})
    lhs2 = Term.new('dw_laplace(v, %s)' % un, integral,
                    target.field.region, v=v, **{un : target})

    def _eval_data(ts, coors, mode, **kwargs):
        if mode == 'qp':
            val = eval_data(ts, coors, mode, 'val', **kwargs)
            gval = eval_data(ts, coors, mode, 'grad', **kwargs)
            return {'val' : val, 'gval' : gval}

    m = Material('m', function=_eval_data)
    rhs1 = Term.new('dw_volume_lvf(m.val, v)', integral, target.field.region,
                    m=m, v=v)
    rhs2 = Term.new('dw_diffusion_r(m.gval, v)', integral, target.field.region,
                    m=m, v=v)

    eq = Equation('projection', lhs1 + lhs2 - rhs1 - rhs2)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    ls = ScipyDirect({})

    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    pb = ProblemDefinition('aux', equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)


    # This sets the target variable with the projection solution.

    if nls_status.condition != 0:
        output('H1 projection: solver did not converge!')
Example #13
    def test_solving(self):
        from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct
        from sfepy.fem \
             import FieldVariable, Material, ProblemDefinition, \
                    Function, Equation, Equations, Integral
        from sfepy.fem.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC
        from sfepy.terms import Term
        from sfepy.solvers.ls import ScipyDirect
        from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton

        u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', self.field, self.dim)
        v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', self.field, self.dim,

        m = Material('m', lam=1.0, mu=1.0)
        f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]])

        bc_fun = Function('fix_u_fun', fix_u_fun,
                          extra_args={'extra_arg' : 'hello'})

        fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', self.gamma1, {'u.all' : bc_fun})
        shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', self.gamma2, {'u.0' : 0.1})

        integral = Integral('i', order=3)

        t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic_iso(m.lam, m.mu, v, u)',
                      integral, self.omega, m=m, v=v, u=u)

        t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_lvf(f.val, v)', integral, self.omega, f=f, v=v)

        eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2)
        eqs = Equations([eq])

        ls = ScipyDirect({})

        nls_status = IndexedStruct()
        nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

        pb = ProblemDefinition('elasticity', equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)
        ## pb.save_regions_as_groups('regions')

        pb.time_update(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u, shift_u]))

        state = pb.solve()

        name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_high_level_solving.vtk')
        pb.save_state(name, state)

        ok = nls_status.condition == 0
        if not ok:
            self.report('solver did not converge!')

        _ok = state.has_ebc()
        if not _ok:
            self.report('EBCs violated!')

        ok = ok and _ok

        return ok
Example #14
def main():
    from sfepy import data_dir

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--show", action="store_true", dest="show", default=False, help=help["show"])
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + "/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh")
    domain = Domain("domain", mesh)

    min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:, 0]
    eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x)
    omega = domain.create_region("Omega", "all")
    gamma1 = domain.create_region("Gamma1", "nodes in x < %.10f" % (min_x + eps))
    gamma2 = domain.create_region("Gamma2", "nodes in x > %.10f" % (max_x - eps))

    field = Field("fu", nm.float64, "vector", omega, space="H1", poly_space_base="lagrange", approx_order=2)

    u = FieldVariable("u", "unknown", field, mesh.dim)
    v = FieldVariable("v", "test", field, mesh.dim, primary_var_name="u")

    m = Material("m", lam=1.0, mu=1.0)
    f = Material("f", val=[[0.02], [0.01]])

    integral = Integral("i", order=3)

    t1 = Term.new("dw_lin_elastic_iso(m.lam, m.mu, v, u)", integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u)
    t2 = Term.new("dw_volume_lvf(f.val, v)", integral, omega, f=f, v=v)
    eq = Equation("balance", t1 + t2)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    fix_u = EssentialBC("fix_u", gamma1, {"u.all": 0.0})

    bc_fun = Function("shift_u_fun", shift_u_fun, extra_args={"shift": 0.01})
    shift_u = EssentialBC("shift_u", gamma2, {"u.0": bc_fun})

    ls = ScipyDirect({})

    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    pb = ProblemDefinition("elasticity", equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)

    pb.time_update(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u, shift_u]))

    vec = pb.solve()
    print nls_status

    pb.save_state("linear_elasticity.vtk", vec)

    if options.show:
        view = Viewer("linear_elasticity.vtk")
        view(vector_mode="warp_norm", rel_scaling=2, is_scalar_bar=True, is_wireframe=True)
Example #15
def make_l2_projection(target, source):
    Project `source` field variable to `target` field variable using
    :math:`L^2` dot product.
    order = target.field.get_true_order()**2
    integral = Integral('i', order=order)

    un = target.name
    v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', target.field, 1, primary_var_name=un)
    lhs = Term.new('dw_mass_scalar(v, %s)' % un, integral,
                   target.field.region, v=v, **{un : target})

    def eval_variable(ts, coors, mode, **kwargs):
        if mode == 'qp':
            val = source.evaluate_at(coors)
            val.shape = val.shape + (1,)
            out = {'val' : val}
            return out

    m = Material('m', function=eval_variable)
    rhs = Term.new('dw_volume_lvf(m.val, v)', integral, target.field.region,
                   m=m, v=v)

    eq = Equation('projection', lhs - rhs)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    ls = ScipyDirect({})

    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    pb = ProblemDefinition('aux', equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)


    # This sets the target variable with the projection solution.

    if nls_status.condition != 0:
        output('L2 projection: solver did not converge!')
Example #16
def solve_stationary(conf, save_names=None, nls_status=None):

    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )

    problem.time_update( None )

    if save_names is not None:
        save_only( conf, save_names, problem = problem )

    state = problem.solve( nls_status = nls_status )

    return problem, state
Example #17
def main():
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.base.plotutils import pylab

    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other )

    # Create problem instance, but do not set equations.
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf,
                                           init_equations = False )

    options = Struct( output_filename_trunk = None )
    # Solve the problem. Output is ignored, results stored by using the
    # step_hook.
    u_t = solve_branch( problem, options, linear_tension )
    u_c = solve_branch( problem, options, linear_compression )

    # Get pressure load by calling linear_*() for each time step.
    ts = problem.get_timestepper()
    load_t = nm.array( [linear_tension( ts, nm.array( [[0.0]] ) )['val']
                        for aux in ts.iter_from( 0 )],
                       dtype = nm.float64 ).squeeze()
    load_c = nm.array( [linear_compression( ts, nm.array( [[0.0]] ) )['val']
                        for aux in ts.iter_from( 0 )],
                       dtype = nm.float64 ).squeeze()

    # Join the branches.
    displacements = {}
    for key in u_t.keys():
        displacements[key] = nm.r_[u_c[key][::-1], u_t[key]]
    load = nm.r_[load_c[::-1], load_t]

    if pylab is None:
        print 'pylab cannot be imported, printing raw data!'
        print displacements
        print load
        legend = []
        for key, val in displacements.iteritems():
            pylab.plot( load, val )
            legend.append( key )

        pylab.legend( legend, loc = 2 )
        pylab.xlabel( 'tension [kPa]' )
        pylab.ylabel( 'displacement [mm]' )
        pylab.grid( True )

        pylab.gcf().savefig( 'pressure_displacement.png' )
Example #18
    def __init__(self, conf, options, output_prefix, init_equations=True, **kwargs):
        """`kwargs` are passed to  ProblemDefinition.from_conf()

        Command-line options have precedence over conf.options."""
        Application.__init__(self, conf, options, output_prefix)

        is_eqs = init_equations
        if hasattr(options, "solve_not") and options.solve_not:
            is_eqs = False
        self.problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=is_eqs, **kwargs)

        self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options)
Example #19
    def test_solving(self):
        from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct
        from sfepy.fem \
             import FieldVariable, Material, ProblemDefinition, \
                    Function, Equation, Equations, Integral
        from sfepy.fem.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC
        from sfepy.terms import Term
        from sfepy.solvers.ls import ScipyDirect
        from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton

        u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', self.field, self.dim)
        v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', self.field, self.dim,

        m = Material('m', lam=1.0, mu=1.0)
        f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]])

        bc_fun = Function('fix_u_fun', fix_u_fun,
                          extra_args={'extra_arg' : 'hello'})

        fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', self.gamma1, {'u.all' : bc_fun})
        shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', self.gamma2, {'u.0' : 0.1})

        integral = Integral('i', order=3)

        t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic_iso(m.lam, m.mu, v, u)',
                      integral, self.omega, m=m, v=v, u=u)

        t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_lvf(f.val, v)', integral, self.omega, f=f, v=v)

        eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2)
        eqs = Equations([eq])

        ls = ScipyDirect({})

        nls_status = IndexedStruct()
        nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

        pb = ProblemDefinition('elasticity', equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)
        ## pb.save_regions_as_groups('regions')

        pb.time_update(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u, shift_u]))

        state = pb.solve()

        name = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'test_high_level_solving.vtk')
        pb.save_state(name, state)

        ok = nls_status.condition == 0
        if not ok:
            self.report('solver did not converge!')

        _ok = state.has_ebc()
        if not _ok:
            self.report('EBCs violated!')

        ok = ok and _ok

        return ok
Example #20
def make_l2_projection_data(target, eval_data):
    Project scalar data given by a material-like `eval_data()` function to a
    scalar `target` field variable using the :math:`L^2` dot product.
    order = target.field.approx_order * 2
    integral = Integral("i", order=order)

    un = target.name
    v = FieldVariable("v", "test", target.field, primary_var_name=un)
    lhs = Term.new("dw_volume_dot(v, %s)" % un, integral, target.field.region, v=v, **{un: target})

    def _eval_data(ts, coors, mode, **kwargs):
        if mode == "qp":
            val = eval_data(ts, coors, mode, **kwargs)
            return {"val": val}

    m = Material("m", function=_eval_data)
    rhs = Term.new("dw_volume_lvf(m.val, v)", integral, target.field.region, m=m, v=v)

    eq = Equation("projection", lhs - rhs)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    ls = ScipyDirect({})

    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    pb = ProblemDefinition("aux", equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)


    # This sets the target variable with the projection solution.

    if nls_status.condition != 0:
        output("L2 projection: solver did not converge!")
Example #21
def vary_y3_size( problem ):
    """Vary size of Y3 inclusion."""
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.solvers.ts import get_print_info
    default_printer.prefix = 'vary_y3_size:'

    y3_diameters = [0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4]
    if diameters_g is None:
        y3_diameters = nm.linspace( 0.15, 0.45, 16 )
        y3_diameters = diameters_g
#    y3_diameters = [0.45]
    ofn_trunk, output_dir = problem.ofn_trunk, problem.output_dir
    join = os.path.join

    conf = problem.conf
    cr = conf.get_raw( 'regions' )
    n_digit, aux, d_format = get_print_info( len( y3_diameters ) + 1 )
    for ii, diameter in enumerate( y3_diameters ):
        output( 'iteration %d: diameter %3.2f' % (ii, diameter) )
        opts = problem.conf.options

        cr['Y3'] = ('nodes by select_y3_circ( x, y, z, %.5f )' % diameter, {})
        conf.edit( 'regions', cr )
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )

        problem.save_regions( join( output_dir, ('regions_' + d_format) % ii ),
			      ['Y2', 'Y3'] )
        for region in problem.domain.regions:
            if not region.has_cells_if_can():
                raise ValueError( 'region %s has no cells!' % region.name )

        opts.plot_options['show'] = False
        opts.fig_name = join( output_dir,
                              (('band_gaps_%s' % d_format)
                               + '_y3_%03.2f' + fig_suffix) % (ii, diameter) )
        problem.ofn_trunk = ofn_trunk + '_' + (d_format % ii)
        out = []
        yield problem, out

        evp, bg = out[-1]

        filename = join( output_dir,
                         ('band_gaps_%s.txt' % d_format) % ii )
        log_item = '$r(Y_3)$: %f\n' % diameter
        save_log( filename, bg, log_item )

        yield None
Example #22
def recover_micro_hook(micro_filename,

    # Create a micro-problem instance.
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    pb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf_file(micro_filename,

    coefs_filename = pb.conf.options.get_default_attr('coefs_filename',
    output_dir = pb.conf.options.get_default_attr('output_dir', '.')
    coefs_filename = op.join(output_dir, coefs_filename) + '.h5'

    # Coefficients and correctors
    coefs = Coefficients.from_file_hdf5(coefs_filename)
    corrs = get_correctors_from_file(dump_names=coefs.dump_names)

    recovery_hook = get_default_attr(pb.conf.options, 'recovery_hook', None)

    if recovery_hook is not None:
        recovery_hook = pb.conf.get_function(recovery_hook)

        aux = max(pb.domain.shape.n_gr, 2)
        format = get_print_info( aux, fill = '0' )[1] \
            + '_' + get_print_info( pb.domain.mesh.n_el, fill = '0' )[1]

        for ig, ii, iel in region.iter_cells():
            print 'ig: %d, ii: %d, iel: %d' % (ig, ii, iel)

            local_macro = {}
            for k, v in macro.iteritems():
                local_macro[k] = v[ii, 0]

            out = recovery_hook(pb, corrs, local_macro)

            # save data
            suffix = format % (ig, iel)
            micro_name = pb.get_output_name(extra='recovered_'\
                                            + recovery_file_tag + suffix)
            filename = op.join(output_dir, op.basename(micro_name))
            fpv = pb.conf.options.get_default_attr('file_per_var', False)
            pb.save_state(filename, out=out, file_per_var=fpv)
Example #23
def solve_stationary( conf, data = None, save_names = None, nls_status = None ):

    if data is None:
        # Term-dependent data.
        data = {}
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )

    problem.time_update( None )

    if save_names is not None:
        save_only( conf, save_names, problem = problem )

    state = problem.solve( nls_status = nls_status )

    return problem, state, data
Example #24
def make_h1_projection_data(target, eval_data):
    Project scalar data given by a material-like `eval_data()` function to a
    scalar `target` field variable using the :math:`H^1` dot product.
    order = target.field.approx_order * 2
    integral = Integral('i', order=order)

    un = target.name
    v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', target.field, 1, primary_var_name=un)
    lhs1 = Term.new('dw_volume_dot(v, %s)' % un,
                    **{un: target})
    lhs2 = Term.new('dw_laplace(v, %s)' % un,
                    **{un: target})

    def _eval_data(ts, coors, mode, **kwargs):
        if mode == 'qp':
            val = eval_data(ts, coors, mode, 'val', **kwargs)
            gval = eval_data(ts, coors, mode, 'grad', **kwargs)
            return {'val': val, 'gval': gval}

    m = Material('m', function=_eval_data)
    rhs1 = Term.new('dw_volume_lvf(m.val, v)',
    rhs2 = Term.new('dw_diffusion_r(m.gval, v)',

    eq = Equation('projection', lhs1 + lhs2 - rhs1 - rhs2)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    ls = ScipyDirect({})

    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    pb = ProblemDefinition('aux', equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)


    # This sets the target variable with the projection solution.

    if nls_status.condition != 0:
        output('H1 projection: solver did not converge!')
Example #25
def recover_micro_hook( micro_filename, region, macro,
                        naming_scheme = 'step_iel',
                        recovery_file_tag='' ):

    # Create a micro-problem instance.
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    required.remove( 'equations' )
    pb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf_file(micro_filename,

    coefs_filename = pb.conf.options.get_default_attr('coefs_filename', 'coefs')
    output_dir = pb.conf.options.get_default_attr('output_dir', '.')
    coefs_filename = op.join(output_dir, coefs_filename) + '.h5'

    # Coefficients and correctors
    coefs = Coefficients.from_file_hdf5( coefs_filename )
    corrs = get_correctors_from_file( dump_names = coefs.dump_names ) 

    recovery_hook = get_default_attr( pb.conf.options,
                                      'recovery_hook', None )

    if recovery_hook is not None:
        recovery_hook = getattr( pb.conf.funmod, recovery_hook )

        aux = max(pb.domain.shape.n_gr, 2)
        format = get_print_info( aux, fill = '0' )[1] \
            + '_' + get_print_info( pb.domain.mesh.n_el, fill = '0' )[1]

        for ig, ii, iel in region.iter_cells():
            print 'ig: %d, ii: %d, iel: %d' % (ig, ii, iel)

            local_macro = {}
            for k, v in macro.iteritems():
                local_macro[k] = v[ii,0]

            out = recovery_hook( pb, corrs, local_macro )

            # save data
            suffix = format % (ig, iel)
            micro_name = pb.get_output_name(extra='recovered_'\
                                            + recovery_file_tag + suffix)
            filename = op.join(output_dir, op.basename(micro_name))
            fpv = pb.conf.options.get_default_attr('file_per_var', False)
            pb.save_state(filename, out=out,
Example #26
def solve_direct( conf, options, problem = None, step_hook = None,
                  post_process_hook = None ):
    """Generic (simple) problem solver."""
    if problem is None:
	problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf )
	if options.output_filename_trunk:
	    ofn_trunk = options.output_filename_trunk
	    problem.ofn_trunk = ofn_trunk
	if options.output_format:
	    problem.output_format = options.output_format
    ofn_trunk = problem.ofn_trunk
    save_names = Struct( ebc = None, regions = None, field_meshes = None,
                         region_field_meshes = None )
    if options.save_ebc:
        save_names.ebc = ofn_trunk + '_ebc.vtk'
    if options.save_regions:
        save_names.regions = ofn_trunk + '_region'
    if options.save_field_meshes:
        save_names.field_meshes = ofn_trunk + '_field'
    if options.save_region_field_meshes:
        save_names.region_field_meshes = ofn_trunk + '_region_field'

    is_extra_save = False
    for name, val in save_names.to_dict().iteritems():
        if val is not None:
            is_extra_save = True
    if is_extra_save:
        save_only( conf, save_names )

    if options.solve_not:
        return None, None, None
    if hasattr( conf.options, 'ts' ):
        # Time-dependent problem.
        out = solve_evolutionary_op( problem, options,
				     post_process_hook = post_process_hook,
                                     step_hook = step_hook )
        # Stationary problem.
        out = solve_stationary_op( problem, options,
				   post_process_hook = post_process_hook )

    state, data = out
    return problem, state, data
Example #27
    def __init__(self, conf, options, output_prefix,
                 init_equations=True, **kwargs):
        """`kwargs` are passed to  ProblemDefinition.from_conf()

        Command-line options have precedence over conf.options."""
        Application.__init__( self, conf, options, output_prefix )

        is_eqs = init_equations
        if hasattr(options, 'solve_not') and options.solve_not:
            is_eqs = False
        self.problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf,

        self.setup_output_info( self.problem, self.options )
Example #28
def save_only( conf, save_names, problem = None ):
    """Save information available prior to setting equations and
    solving them."""
    if problem is None:
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)

    if save_names.regions is not None:
        problem.save_regions( save_names.regions )

    if save_names.regions_as_groups is not None:
        problem.save_regions_as_groups( save_names.regions_as_groups )

    if save_names.field_meshes is not None:
        problem.save_field_meshes( save_names.field_meshes )

    if save_names.ebc is not None:
        problem.save_ebc( save_names.ebc )
Example #29
def vary_y3_size(problem):
    """Vary size of Y3 inclusion."""
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.solvers.ts import get_print_info

    output.prefix = "vary_y3_size:"

    y3_diameters = [0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4]
    if diameters_g is None:
        y3_diameters = nm.linspace(0.15, 0.45, 16)
        y3_diameters = diameters_g
    #    y3_diameters = [0.45]
    ofn_trunk, output_dir = problem.ofn_trunk, problem.output_dir
    join = os.path.join

    conf = problem.conf
    cr = conf.get_raw("regions")
    n_digit, aux, d_format = get_print_info(len(y3_diameters) + 1)
    for ii, diameter in enumerate(y3_diameters):
        output("iteration %d: diameter %3.2f" % (ii, diameter))
        opts = problem.conf.options

        cr["Y3"] = ("nodes by select_y3_circ( x, y, z, %.5f )" % diameter, {})
        conf.edit("regions", cr)
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf)

        problem.save_regions(join(output_dir, ("regions_" + d_format) % ii), ["Y2", "Y3"])
        for region in problem.domain.regions:
            if not region.has_cells_if_can():
                raise ValueError("region %s has no cells!" % region.name)

        opts.plot_options["show"] = False
        opts.fig_name = join(output_dir, (("band_gaps_%s" % d_format) + "_y3_%03.2f" + fig_suffix) % (ii, diameter))
        problem.ofn_trunk = ofn_trunk + "_" + (d_format % ii)
        out = []
        yield problem, out

        evp, bg = out[-1]

        filename = join(output_dir, ("band_gaps_%s.txt" % d_format) % ii)
        log_item = "$r(Y_3)$: %f\n" % diameter
        save_log(filename, bg, log_item)

        yield None
Example #30
def save_only(conf, save_names, problem=None):
    Save information available prior to setting equations and
    solving them.
    if problem is None:
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)

    if save_names.regions is not None:

    if save_names.regions_as_groups is not None:

    if save_names.field_meshes is not None:

    if save_names.ebc is not None:
        problem.save_ebc(save_names.ebc, force=False)

    if save_names.ebc_nodes is not None:
        problem.save_ebc(save_names.ebc_nodes, force=True)
Example #31
    def __init__( self, conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs ):
        """`kwargs` are passed to  ProblemDefinition.from_conf()

        Command-line options have precedence over conf.options."""
        Application.__init__( self, conf, options, output_prefix )

        if options.output_filename_trunk is None:
            ofn_trunk = op.join( self.app_options.output_dir,
                                 io.get_trunk( conf.filename_mesh ) )
	    options.output_filename_trunk = ofn_trunk
            ofn_trunk = options.output_filename_trunk

        self.problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf, **kwargs )
        self.problem.ofn_trunk = ofn_trunk
        self.problem.output_dir = self.app_options.output_dir

        if hasattr( options, 'output_format' ):
            self.problem.output_format = options.output_format
            self.problem.output_format = self.app_options.output_format
Example #32
    def eval_homogenized_coefs( self ):
        if self.cached_coefs is not None:
            return self.cached_coefs

        opts = self.app_options

        if opts.homogeneous:
            rtm = opts.region_to_material
            mat_region = rtm.keys()[0]
            mat_name = rtm[mat_region]

            mat = self.problem.materials[mat_name]
            coefs = mat.get_data( mat_region, 0, opts.tensor_names )
            dc = opts.dispersion_conf
            dconf = ProblemConf.from_dict( dc['input'], dc['module'] )

            dconf.materials = self.conf.materials
            dconf.fe = self.conf.fe
            dconf.regions.update( self.conf.regions )
            dconf.options['output_dir'] = self.problem.output_dir

            volume = opts.volume(self.problem, 'Y')
            problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(dconf, init_equations=False)
            he = HomogenizationEngine( problem, self.options, volume = volume )
            coefs = he()

##         print coefs
##         pause()
        output.prefix = self.output_prefix

        self.cached_coefs = coefs
        return coefs
Example #33
    def test_ebc(self):
        import numpy as nm
        from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition

        pb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(self.test_conf)

        vvs = pb.variables
        set = vvs.set_state_part
        make_full = vvs.make_full_vec

        svec_u = nm.ones((vvs.adi.n_dofs["u"],), dtype=nm.float64)
        svec_phi = nm.empty((vvs.adi.n_dofs["phi"],), dtype=nm.float64)

        svec = vvs.create_stripped_state_vector()
        set(svec, svec_u, "u", stripped=True)
        set(svec, svec_phi, "phi", stripped=True)

        vec = make_full(svec)

        ii_u = vvs.di.indx["u"].start + vvs["u"].eq_map.eqi
        ii_phi = vvs.di.indx["phi"].start + vvs["phi"].eq_map.eqi

        ok_ebc = vvs.has_ebc(vec)
        ok_u = nm.all(vec[ii_u] == svec_u)
        ok_phi = nm.all(vec[ii_phi] == svec_phi)

        msg = "%s: %s"
        self.report(msg % ("ebc", ok_ebc))
        self.report(msg % ("u", ok_u))
        self.report(msg % ("phi", ok_phi))

        ok = ok_ebc and ok_u and ok_phi

        return ok
Example #34
def main():
    import os
    from sfepy.base.base import spause, output
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog')
    parser.add_option('-n', '--no-pauses',
                      action="store_true", dest='no_pauses',
                      default=False, help=help['no_pauses'])
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.no_pauses:
        def spause(*args):

    nm.set_printoptions( precision = 3 )

    spause( r""">>>
First, this file will be read in place of an input
(problem description) file.
Press 'q' to quit the example, press any other key to continue...""" )
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    required.remove( 'equations' )
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other )
    print conf.to_dict().keys()
    spause( r""">>>
...the read input as a dict (keys only for brevity).
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Now the input will be used to create a ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)
    # The homogenization mini-apps need the output_dir.
    output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'output')
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
    problem.output_dir = output_dir
    print problem
    spause( r""">>>
...the ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$ is expressed
using $\Pi$ operators, computed now. In fact, those operators are permuted
coordinates of the mesh nodes.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    req = conf.requirements['pis']
    mini_app = cb.ShapeDimDim( 'pis', problem, req )
    pis = mini_app()
    print pis
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\Pi$ operators.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Next, $E_{ijkl}$ needs so called steady state correctors $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$,
computed now.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    req = conf.requirements['corrs_rs']

    save_name = req.get( 'save_name', '' )
    name = os.path.join( output_dir, save_name )

    mini_app = cb.CorrDimDim('steady rs correctors', problem, req)
    corrs_rs = mini_app( data = {'pis': pis} )
    print corrs_rs
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$ correctors.
The results are saved in: %s.%s

Try to display them with:

   python postproc.py %s.%s

['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" % (2 * (name, problem.output_format)) )

    spause( r""">>>
Then the volume of the domain is needed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    volume = problem.evaluate('d_volume.i3.Y( uc )')
    print volume

    spause( r""">>>
...the volume.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Finally, $E_{ijkl}$ can be computed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    mini_app = cb.CoefSymSym('homogenized elastic tensor',
                             problem, conf.coefs['E'])
    c_e = mini_app(volume, data={'pis': pis, 'corrs_rs' : corrs_rs})
    print r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$, symmetric storage
with rows, columns in 11, 22, 12 ordering:"""
    print c_e
integral = Integral('i', order=2)

term = Term.new('dw_laplace(s, t)', integral, omega,
                s=s, t=t)
eq = Equation('temperature', term)
eqs = Equations([eq])

t_left = EssentialBC('t_left',
                     left, {'t.0' : 10.0})
t_right = EssentialBC('t_right',
                      right, {'t.0' : 30.0})

ls = ScipyDirect({})
nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls)

pb = ProblemDefinition('temperature', equations=eqs,
                       nls=nls, ls=ls)
pb.time_update(ebcs=Conditions([t_left, t_right]))

temperature = pb.solve()
out = temperature.create_output_dict()

field_u = Field.from_args('displacement', np.float64,
                          'vector', omega, 1)
u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field_u, mesh.dim)
v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field_u, mesh.dim,

lam = 10.0 # Lame parameters.
mu = 5.0
te = 0.5 # Thermal expansion coefficient.
T0 = 20.0 # Background temperature.
Example #36
def main():
    from sfepy import data_dir

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog')
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh')
    domain = Domain('domain', mesh)

    min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:, 0]
    eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x)
    omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
    gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1',
                                  'nodes in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps))
    gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2',
                                  'nodes in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps))

    field = H1NodalVolumeField('fu',

    u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field, mesh.dim)
    v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, mesh.dim, primary_var_name='u')

    m = Material('m', lam=1.0, mu=1.0)
    f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]])

    integral = Integral('i', order=3)

    t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic_iso(m.lam, m.mu, v, u)',
    t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_lvf(f.val, v)', integral, omega, f=f, v=v)
    eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.all': 0.0})

    bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, extra_args={'shift': 0.01})
    shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0': bc_fun})

    ls = ScipyDirect({})

    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    pb = ProblemDefinition('elasticity', equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)

    pb.time_update(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u, shift_u]))

    vec = pb.solve()
    print nls_status

    pb.save_state('linear_elasticity.vtk', vec)

    if options.show:
        view = Viewer('linear_elasticity.vtk')
Example #37
File: ls.py Project: mfkiwl/sfepy
    def __init__(self, conf, problem, **kwargs):
        from sfepy.fem.state import State
        from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
        from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
        from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

        ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs)

        # init subproblems
        pb_vars = problem.get_variables()
        # get "master" DofInfo and last index
        pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx
        self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy()
        last_indx = -1
        for ii in self.adi_indx.itervalues():
            last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop])

        # coupling variables
        self.cvars_to_pb = {}
        for jj in conf.coupling_variables:
            self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None]
            if jj in pb_vars.names:
                if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None:
                    self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1

                    self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1

        # init subproblems
        self.subpb = []
        required, other = get_standard_keywords()
        master_prefix = output.get_output_prefix()
        for ii, ifname in enumerate(conf.others):
            sub_prefix = master_prefix[:-1] + '-sub%d:' % (ii + 1)
            confi = ProblemConf.from_file(ifname,
            pbi = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(confi, init_equations=True)
            sti = State(pbi.equations.variables)
            pbi.equations.set_data(None, ignore_unknown=True)
            pbi_vars = pbi.get_variables()
            self.subpb.append([pbi, sti, None])

            # append "slave" DofInfo
            for jj in pbi_vars.names:
                if not (pbi_vars[jj].is_state()):

                didx = pbi.equations.variables.adi.indx[jj]
                ndof = didx.stop - didx.start
                if jj in self.adi_indx:
                    if ndof != \
                      (self.adi_indx[jj].stop - self.adi_indx[jj].start):
                        raise ValueError('DOFs do not match!')

                        {jj: slice(last_indx, last_indx + ndof, None)})
                    last_indx += ndof

            for jj in conf.coupling_variables:
                if jj in pbi_vars.names:
                    if pbi_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None:
                        self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = ii

                        self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = ii

        self.subpb.append([problem, None, None])

        self.cvars_to_pb_map = {}
        for varname, pbs in self.cvars_to_pb.iteritems():
            # match field nodes
            coors = []
            for ii in pbs:
                pbi = self.subpb[ii][0]
                pbi_vars = pbi.get_variables()
                fcoors = pbi_vars[varname].field.coors
                dc = nm.abs(nm.max(fcoors, axis=0)\
                            - nm.min(fcoors, axis=0))
                ax = nm.where(dc > 1e-9)[0]
                coors.append(fcoors[:, ax])

            if len(coors[0]) != len(coors[1]):
                raise ValueError('number of nodes does not match!')

            kdtree = KDTree(coors[0])
            map_12 = kdtree.query(coors[1])[1]

            pbi1 = self.subpb[pbs[0]][0]
            pbi1_vars = pbi1.get_variables()
            eq_map_1 = pbi1_vars[varname].eq_map

            pbi2 = self.subpb[pbs[1]][0]
            pbi2_vars = pbi2.get_variables()
            eq_map_2 = pbi2_vars[varname].eq_map

            dpn = eq_map_2.dpn
            nnd = map_12.shape[0]

            map_12_nd = nm.zeros((nnd * dpn, ), dtype=nm.int32)
            if dpn > 1:
                for ii in range(dpn):
                    map_12_nd[ii::dpn] = map_12 * dpn + ii
                map_12_nd = map_12

            idx = nm.where(eq_map_2.eq >= 0)[0]
            self.cvars_to_pb_map[varname] = eq_map_1.eq[map_12[idx]]
Example #38
def main():
    from sfepy.base.base import spause
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op, ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.homogenization.utils import create_pis
    from sfepy.homogenization.coefs import CorrectorsRS, ElasticCoef

    nm.set_printoptions( precision = 3 )

    spause( r""">>>
First, this file will be read in place of an input
(problem description) file.
Press 'q' to quit the example, press any other key to continue...""" )
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    required.remove( 'equations' )
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other )
    print conf.to_dict().keys()
    spause( r""">>>
...the read input as a dict (keys only for brevity).
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Now the input will be used to create a ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf,
                                          init_variables = False,
                                          init_equations = False )
    print problem
    spause( r""">>>
...the ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$ is expressed
using $\Pi$ operators, computed now. In fact, those operators are permuted
coordinates of the mesh nodes.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    req = conf.requirements['pis']
    pis = create_pis( problem, req['variables'][0] )
    print pis
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\Pi$ operators.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Next, $E_{ijkl}$ needs so called steady state correctors $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$,
computed now. The results will be saved in: %s_*.vtk
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" %  problem.ofn_trunk )

    save_hook = make_save_hook( problem.ofn_trunk + '_rs_%d%d' )

    req = conf.requirements['corrs_rs']
    solve_corrs = CorrectorsRS( 'steady rs correctors', problem, req )
    corrs_rs = solve_corrs( data = pis, save_hook = save_hook )
    print corrs_rs
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$ correctors.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Then the volume of the domain is needed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    volume = eval_term_op( None, 'd_volume.i3.Y( uc )', problem )
    print volume

    spause( r""">>>
...the volume.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Finally, $E_{ijkl}$ can be computed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    get_coef = ElasticCoef( 'homogenized elastic tensor',
                            problem, conf.coefs['E'] )
    c_e = get_coef( volume, data = {'pis': pis, 'corrs' : corrs_rs} )
    print r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$, symmetric storage
with rows, columns in 11, 22, 12 ordering:"""
    print c_e
Example #39
def generate_probes(filename_input, filename_results, options,
                    conf=None, problem=None, probes=None, labels=None,
    Generate probe figures and data files.
    if conf is None:
        required, other = get_standard_keywords()
        conf = ProblemConf.from_file(filename_input, required, other)

    opts = conf.options

    if options.auto_dir:
        output_dir = opts.get_('output_dir', '.')
        filename_results = os.path.join(output_dir, filename_results)

    output('results in: %s' % filename_results)

    io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename_results)
    step = options.step if options.step >= 0 else io.read_last_step()
    all_data = io.read_data(step)
    output('loaded:', all_data.keys())
    output('from step:', step)

    if options.only_names is None:
        data = all_data
        data = {}
        for key, val in all_data.iteritems():
            if key in options.only_names:
                data[key] = val

    if problem is None:
        problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf,

    if probes is None:
        gen_probes = conf.get_function(conf.options.gen_probes)
        probes, labels = gen_probes(problem)

    if probe_hooks is None:
        probe_hooks = {None : conf.get_function(conf.options.probe_hook)}

    if options.output_filename_trunk is None:
            options.output_filename_trunk = problem.ofn_trunk

    filename_template = options.output_filename_trunk \
                        + ('_%%d.%s' % options.output_format)
    if options.same_dir:
        filename_template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename_results),

    output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename_results)

    for ip, probe in enumerate(probes):
        output(ip, probe.name)


        for key, probe_hook in probe_hooks.iteritems():

            out = probe_hook(data, probe, labels[ip], problem)
            if out is None: continue
            if isinstance(out, tuple):
                fig, results = out
                fig = out

            if key is not None:
                filename = filename_template % (key, ip)

                filename = filename_template % ip

            if fig is not None:
                if isinstance(fig, dict):
                    for fig_name, fig_fig in fig.iteritems():
                        fig_filename = edit_filename(filename,
                                                     suffix='_' + fig_name)
                        output('figure ->', os.path.normpath(fig_filename))

                    output('figure ->', os.path.normpath(filename))

            if results is not None:
                txt_filename = edit_filename(filename, new_ext='.txt')

                write_results(txt_filename, probe, results)

                output('data ->', os.path.normpath(txt_filename))
Example #40
def main():
    import os
    from sfepy.base.base import spause, output
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog')
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.no_pauses:

        def spause(*args):


First, this file will be read in place of an input
(problem description) file.
Press 'q' to quit the example, press any other key to continue...""")
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file(__file__, required, other)
    print conf.to_dict().keys()
...the read input as a dict (keys only for brevity).
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

Now the input will be used to create a ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)
    # The homogenization mini-apps need the output_dir.
    output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'output')
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
    problem.output_dir = output_dir
    print problem
...the ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$ is expressed
using $\Pi$ operators, computed now. In fact, those operators are permuted
coordinates of the mesh nodes.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    req = conf.requirements['pis']
    mini_app = cb.ShapeDimDim('pis', problem, req)
    pis = mini_app()
    print pis
...the $\Pi$ operators.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

Next, $E_{ijkl}$ needs so called steady state correctors $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$,
computed now.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    req = conf.requirements['corrs_rs']

    save_name = req.get('save_name', '')
    name = os.path.join(output_dir, save_name)

    mini_app = cb.CorrDimDim('steady rs correctors', problem, req)
    mini_app.setup_output(save_format='vtk', file_per_var=False)
    corrs_rs = mini_app(data={'pis': pis})
    print corrs_rs
...the $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$ correctors.
The results are saved in: %s.%s

Try to display them with:

   python postproc.py %s.%s

['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" % (2 * (name, problem.output_format)))

Then the volume of the domain is needed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    volume = problem.evaluate('d_volume.i3.Y( uc )')
    print volume

...the volume.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

Finally, $E_{ijkl}$ can be computed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    mini_app = cb.CoefSymSym('homogenized elastic tensor', problem,
    c_e = mini_app(volume, data={'pis': pis, 'corrs_rs': corrs_rs})
    print r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$, symmetric storage
with rows, columns in 11, 22, 12 ordering:"""
    print c_e
Example #41
def main():
    from sfepy import data_dir

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog')
    parser.add_option('-s', '--show',
                      action="store_true", dest='show',
                      default=False, help=help['show'])
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh')
    domain = Domain('domain', mesh)

    min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0]
    eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x)
    omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
    gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1',
                                  'nodes in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps))
    gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2',
                                  'nodes in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps))

    field = Field('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega,
                  space='H1', poly_space_base='lagrange', approx_order=2)

    u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field, mesh.dim)
    v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, mesh.dim, primary_var_name='u')

    m = Material('m', lam=1.0, mu=1.0)
    f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]])

    integral = Integral('i', order=3)

    t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic_iso(m.lam, m.mu, v, u)',
         integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u)
    t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_lvf(f.val, v)', integral, omega, f=f, v=v)
    eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.all' : 0.0})

    bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, extra_args={'shift' : 0.01})
    shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun})

    ls = ScipyDirect({})

    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    pb = ProblemDefinition('elasticity', equations=eqs, nls=nls, ls=ls)

    pb.time_update(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u, shift_u]))

    vec = pb.solve()
    print nls_status

    pb.save_state('linear_elasticity.vtk', vec)

    if options.show:
        view = Viewer('linear_elasticity.vtk')
        view(vector_mode='warp_norm', rel_scaling=2,
             is_scalar_bar=True, is_wireframe=True)