Example #1
def create_transformation_matrix(coors):
    Create a transposed coordinate transformation matrix, that transforms 3D
    coordinates of quadrilateral cell vertices so that the transformed vertices
    of a plane cell are in the :math:`x-y` plane. The rotation is performed
    w.r.t. the centres of quadrilaterals.

    coors : array
        The coordinates of cell vertices, shape `(n_el, 4, 3)`.

    mtx_t : array
        The transposed transformation matrix :math:`T`, i.e.
        :math:`X_{inplane} = T^T X_{3D}`.

    :math:`T = [t_1, t_2, n]`, where :math:`t_1`, :math:`t_2`, are unit
    in-plane (column) vectors and :math:`n` is the unit normal vector,
    all mutually orthonormal.
    # Local coordinate system.
    t1 = coors[:, 1, :] + coors[:, 2, :] - coors[:, 0, :] - coors[:, 3, :]
    t2 = coors[:, 2, :] + coors[:, 3, :] - coors[:, 0, :] - coors[:, 1, :]
    n = nm.cross(t1, t2)
    t2 = nm.cross(n, t1)

    t1 = t1 / norm(t1)[:, None]
    t2 = t2 / norm(t2)[:, None]
    n = n / norm(n)[:, None]

    # Coordinate transformation matrix (transposed!).
    mtx_t = nm.concatenate((t1[:, :, None],
                            t2[:, :, None],
                            n[:, :, None]), axis=2)

    return mtx_t
Example #2
def create_transformation_matrix(coors):
    Create a transposed coordinate transformation matrix, that
    transforms 3D coordinates of element face nodes so that the
    transformed nodes are in the `x-y` plane. The rotation is performed
    w.r.t. the first node of each face.

    coors : array
        The coordinates of element nodes, shape `(n_el, n_ep, dim)`.

    mtx_t : array
        The transposed transformation matrix :math:`T`, i.e.
        :math:`X_{inplane} = T^T X_{3D}`.

    :math:`T = [t_1, t_2, n]`, where :math:`t_1`, :math:`t_2`, are unit
    in-plane (column) vectors and :math:`n` is the unit normal vector,
    all mutually orthonormal.
    # Local coordinate system.
    t1 = coors[:, 1, :] - coors[:, 0, :]
    t2 = coors[:, -1, :] - coors[:, 0, :]
    n = nm.cross(t1, t2)
    t2 = nm.cross(n, t1)

    t1 = t1 / norm(t1)[:, None]
    t2 = t2 / norm(t2)[:, None]
    n = n / norm(n)[:, None]

    # Coordinate transformation matrix (transposed!).
    mtx_t = nm.concatenate((t1[:, :, None],
                            t2[:, :, None],
                            n[:, :, None]), axis=2)

    return mtx_t