infile = 'Postproc_input_mac.XML' try: inpardat = ET.parse(infile) except: raise IOError("Cannot open {0}!".format(infile)) inpars = inpardat.getroot() # bring in SFR plotting utility sfr_utils_path = inpars.findall('.//SFR_utilities_path')[0].text if sfr_utils_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(sfr_utils_path) import sfr_plots as SFRp path = inpars.findall('.//path')[0].text GIS_folder = inpars.findall('.//GIS_folder')[0].text MFname = inpars.findall('.//MODFLOW_basename')[0].text SFR_gis_lines = inpars.findall('.//SFR_gis_lines')[0].text SFRoutfile = inpars.findall('.//SFRoutfile_name')[0].text node_number_attribute = inpars.findall('.//node_number_attribute')[0].text shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, SFRoutfile), os.path.join(path, GIS_folder, SFRoutfile)) # plot_streamflows arguments are (<MODFLOW DIS file>,<intersect> from SFR XML input file (or similar, <SFR package output file>) stuff = SFRp.plot_streamflows(os.path.join(path ,MFname+'.dis'), SFR_gis_lines, os.path.join(path, GIS_folder, SFRoutfile), node_number_attribute) stuff.join_SFR_out2streams(use_arcpy=False) # can use symbology in SFR_flow_symbology.lyr to visualize flow in in ArcMap as line thickness
# adds streamflow output from SFR package to river_explode linework import sfr_plots as SFRp import shutil import os # copy SFR output file to folder with post-processed GIS results shutil.copy(<...streamflow.dat>, os.path.join(<path>, <...streamflow.dat>)) # plot_streamflows arguments are (<MODFLOW DIS file>,<intersect> from SFR XML input file (or similar, <SFR package output file>) stuff = SFRp.plot_streamflows(<MFdis>, <intersect>, <...streamflow.dat>, <node_attribute> ) stuff.join_SFR_out2streams() # can use symbology in SFR_flow_symbology.lyr to visualize flow in in ArcMap as line thickness
import shutil try: infile = sys.argv[1] except: infile = 'Postproc_input.XML' try: inpardat = ET.parse(infile) except: raise IOError("Cannot open {0}!".format(infile)) inpars = inpardat.getroot() # bring in SFR plotting utility sfr_utils_path = inpars.findall('.//SFR_utilities_path')[0].text if sfr_utils_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(sfr_utils_path) import sfr_plots as SFRp path = inpars.findall('.//path')[0].text GIS_folder = inpars.findall('.//GIS_folder')[0].text MFname = inpars.findall('.//MODFLOW_basename')[0].text SFR_gis_lines = inpars.findall('.//SFR_gis_lines')[0].text SFRoutfile = inpars.findall('.//SFRoutfile_name')[0].text shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, SFRoutfile), os.path.join(path, GIS_folder, SFRoutfile)) # plot_streamflows arguments are (<MODFLOW DIS file>,<intersect> from SFR XML input file (or similar, <SFR package output file>) stuff = SFRp.plot_streamflows(os.path.join(path,MFname+'.dis'), SFR_gis_lines, os.path.join(path, GIS_folder, SFRoutfile)) stuff.join_SFR_out2streams() # can use symbology in SFR_flow_symbology.lyr to visualize flow in in ArcMap as line thickness