Example #1
def sg_rnn(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a simple rnn.
      tensor: A 3-D `Tensor`.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
      ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.   
      init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
      last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
      A `Tensor`. If last_only is False, the output tensor has shape [batch size, time steps, dim].
        If last_only is True, the shape will be [batch size, dim].
    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step function
    def step(h, x):
        # simple rnn
        ### Replace tensor[:, i, :] with x. bryan ###
        y = ln(
            tf.matmul(tensor[:, i, :], w) + tf.matmul(h, u) +
            (b if opt.bias else 0))
        return y

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.orthogonal('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u = init.identity('U', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, out = init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step func
        h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Example #2
def sg_rnn(tensor, opt):

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.orthogonal('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u = init.identity('U', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # permute dimension for scan loop
    xx = tf.transpose(tensor, [1, 0, 2])

    # step func
    def step(h, x):

        # layer normalization
        def ln(xx, opt):
            if opt.ln:
                # calc layer mean, variance for final axis
                mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(xx, axes=[len(xx.get_shape()) - 1])

                # apply layer normalization ( explicit broadcasting needed )
                broadcast_shape = [-1] + [1] * (len(xx.get_shape()) - 1)
                xx = (xx - tf.reshape(mean, broadcast_shape)) \
                         / tf.reshape(tf.sqrt(variance + tf.sg_eps), broadcast_shape)

                # apply parameter
                return gamma * xx + beta

        # apply transform
        y = ln(tf.matmul(x, w) + tf.matmul(h, u) + (b if opt.bias else 0), opt)

        return y

    # loop by scan
    out = tf.scan(step, xx, init_h)

    # recover dimension
    out = tf.transpose(out, [1, 0, 2])

    # last sequence only
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[:, tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]-1, :]

    return out
Example #3
def sg_upconv(tensor, opt):
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 2, 2, 1), pad='SAME')
    opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size,
                                      (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
    opt.stride = opt.stride if isinstance(
        opt.stride, (tuple, list)) else [1, opt.stride, opt.stride, 1]
    opt.stride = [1, opt.stride[0], opt.stride[1], 1] if len(
        opt.stride) == 2 else opt.stride

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.dim, opt.in_dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # tedious shape handling for conv2d_transpose
    shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()
    out_shape = [
        tf.shape(tensor)[0], shape[1] * opt.stride[1],
        shape[2] * opt.stride[2], opt.dim

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(tensor,
                                 padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)
    # reset shape is needed because conv2d_transpose() erase all shape information.
    out.set_shape([None, out_shape[1], out_shape[2], opt.dim])

    return out
Example #4
def sg_aconv1d(tensor, opt):

    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(2 if opt.causal else 3), rate=1, pad='SAME')

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (1, opt.size, opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    if opt.causal:
        # pre-padding for causality
        if opt.pad == 'SAME':
            pad_len = (opt.size - 1) * opt.rate  # padding size
            x = tf.pad(tensor,
                       [[0, 0], [pad_len, 0], [0, 0]]).sg_expand_dims(dim=1)
            x = tensor.sg_expand_dims(dim=1)
        # apply 2d convolution
        out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(x, w, rate=opt.rate,
                                  padding='VALID') + (b if opt.bias else 0)
        # apply 2d convolution
        out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(
            tensor.sg_expand_dims(dim=1), w, rate=opt.rate,
            padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)
    # reduce dimension
    out = out.sg_squeeze(dim=1)

    return out
Example #5
def sg_aconv(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a 2-D atrous (or dilated) convolution.
      tensor: A 4-D `Tensor`.
      size: A tuple or list of integers of length 2 representing `[kernel height, kernel width]`.
        Can be an int if both values are the same.
        If not specified, (3, 3) is set automatically.
      rate: A positive int32. The stride with which we sample input values across
        the `height` and `width` dimensions. Default is 2.
      in_dim: An `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: An `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
      bias: Boolean. Whether to add biases to the filters.
      A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), rate=2, pad='SAME')
    opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size,
                                      (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(tensor, w, rate=opt.rate,
                              padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #6
def sg_conv1d(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a 1-D convolution.
      tensor: A `Tensor`.
      size: An `integer` representing `[kernel width]`.
        If not specified, 2 is set implicitly.
      stride: An `integer`. The number of entries by which
        the filter is moved right at each step.
      in_dim: An `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: An `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
      bias: Boolean. Whether to add biases to the filters.
      A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=2, stride=1, pad='SAME')

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size, opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.conv1d(tensor, w, stride=opt.stride,
                       padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #7
def sg_rnn(tensor, opt):

    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step function
    def step(h, x):
        # simple rnn
        y = ln(
            tf.matmul(tensor[:, i, :], w) + tf.matmul(h, u) +
            (b if opt.bias else 0))
        return y

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.orthogonal('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u = init.identity('U', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, out = init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step func
        h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Example #8
def sg_dense(tensor, opt):
    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply transform
    out = tf.matmul(tensor, w) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #9
def sg_upconv(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a upconvolution (or convolution transpose).
      tensor: A 4-D `Tensor`.
      size: A tuple or list of integers of length 2 representing `[kernel height, kernel width]`.
        Can be an int if both values are the same.
        If not specified, (3, 3) is set implicitly.
        The default value is [1, 2, 2, 1].
      stride: A tuple or list of integers of length 2 or 4 representing stride dimensions.
        If the length is 2, i.e., (a, b), the stride is `[1, a, b, 1]`.
        If the length is 4, i.e., (a, b, c, d), the stride is `[a, b, c, d]`.
        Can be an int. If the length is an int, i.e., a, the stride is `[1, a, a, 1]`.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`. 
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
      A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 2, 2, 1), pad='SAME')
    opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size,
                                      (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
    opt.stride = opt.stride if isinstance(
        opt.stride, (tuple, list)) else [1, opt.stride, opt.stride, 1]
    opt.stride = [1, opt.stride[0], opt.stride[1], 1] if len(
        opt.stride) == 2 else opt.stride

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.dim, opt.in_dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # tedious shape handling for conv2d_transpose
    shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()
    out_shape = [
        tf.shape(tensor)[0], shape[1] * opt.stride[1],
        shape[2] * opt.stride[2], opt.dim

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(tensor,
                                 padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)
    # reset shape is needed because conv2d_transpose() erase all shape information.
    out.set_shape([None, out_shape[1], out_shape[2], opt.dim])

    return out
Example #10
def sg_conv1d(tensor, opt):
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=2, stride=1, pad='SAME')

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size, opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.conv1d(tensor, w, stride=opt.stride,
                       padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #11
def sg_aconv(tensor, opt):
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), rate=2, pad='VALID')
    opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size, (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(tensor, w, rate=opt.rate, padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #12
def sg_conv(tensor, opt):
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1, 1), pad='SAME')
    opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size, (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
    opt.stride = opt.stride if isinstance(opt.stride, (tuple, list)) else [1, opt.stride, opt.stride, 1]
    opt.stride = [1, opt.stride[0], opt.stride[1], 1] if len(opt.stride) == 2 else opt.stride

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.conv2d(tensor, w, strides=opt.stride, padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #13
def sg_aconv1d(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies 1-D atrous (or dilated) convolution.
      tensor: A 3-D `Tensor`.
      causal: Boolean. If True, zeros are padded before the time axis such that
        each activation unit doesn't have receptive neurons beyond the equivalent time step.
      size: An `integer` representing `[kernel width]`. As a default it is set to 2
        if causal is True, 3 otherwise. 
      rate: A positive int32. The stride with which we sample input values across
        the `height` and `width` dimensions. Default is 1.
      in_dim: An `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: An `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
      bias: Boolean. Whether to add biases to the filters.
      A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(2 if opt.causal else 3), rate=1, pad='SAME')

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (1, opt.size, opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    if opt.causal:
        # pre-padding for causality
        if opt.pad == 'SAME':
            pad_len = (opt.size - 1) * opt.rate  # padding size
            x = tf.pad(tensor,
                       [[0, 0], [pad_len, 0], [0, 0]]).sg_expand_dims(dim=1)
            x = tensor.sg_expand_dims(dim=1)
        # apply 2d convolution
        out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(x, w, rate=opt.rate,
                                  padding='VALID') + (b if opt.bias else 0)
        # apply 2d convolution
        out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(
            tensor.sg_expand_dims(dim=1), w, rate=opt.rate,
            padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)
    # reduce dimension
    out = out.sg_squeeze(dim=1)

    return out
Example #14
def sg_dense(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a full connection.
      tensor: A 2-D `Tensor`.
      in_dim: An `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: An `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added. 
      A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply transform
    out = tf.matmul(tensor, w) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #15
def sg_conv(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a 2-D convolution.
      tensor: A 4-D `Tensor`.
      size: A tuple or list of integers of length 2 representing `[kernel height, kernel width]`.
        Can be an int if both values are the same.
        If not specified, (3, 3) is set implicitly.
      stride: A tuple or list of integers of length 2 or 4 representing stride dimensions.
        If the length is 2, i.e., (a, b), the stride is `[1, a, b, 1]`.
        If the length is 4, i.e., (a, b, c, d), the stride is `[a, b, c, d]`.
        Can be an int. If the length is an int, i.e., a, the stride is `[1, a, a, 1]`.
        The default value is [1, 1, 1, 1].
      in_dim: An `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: An `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`. 
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.

      A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
    # default options
    opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1, 1), pad='SAME')
    opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size,
                                      (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
    opt.stride = opt.stride if isinstance(
        opt.stride, (tuple, list)) else [1, opt.stride, opt.stride, 1]
    opt.stride = [1, opt.stride[0], opt.stride[1], 1] if len(
        opt.stride) == 2 else opt.stride

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # apply convolution
    out = tf.nn.conv2d(tensor, w, strides=opt.stride,
                       padding=opt.pad) + (b if opt.bias else 0)

    return out
Example #16
def sg_lstm(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies an LSTM.

      tensor: A 3-D `Tensor`.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
      ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.   
      init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
      last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
      A `Tensor`. If last_only is False, the output tensor has shape [batch size, time steps, dim].
        If last_only is True, the shape will be [batch size, dim].
    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step func
    def step(h, c, x):
        # forget gate
        f = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_f) + tf.matmul(h, u_f) +
                (b_f if opt.bias else 0)))
        # input gate
        i = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_i) + tf.matmul(h, u_i) +
                (b_i if opt.bias else 0)))
        # new cell value
        cc = tf.tanh(
                tf.matmul(x, w_c) + tf.matmul(h, u_c) +
                (b_c if opt.bias else 0)))
        # out gate
        o = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_o) + tf.matmul(h, u_o) +
                (b_o if opt.bias else 0)))
        # cell update
        cell = f * c + i * cc
        # final output
        y = o * tf.tanh(cell)
        return y, cell

    # parameter initialize
    w_i = init.orthogonal('W_i', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_i = init.identity('U_i', opt.dim)
    w_f = init.orthogonal('W_f', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_f = init.identity('U_f', opt.dim)
    w_o = init.orthogonal('W_o', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_o = init.identity('U_o', opt.dim)
    w_c = init.orthogonal('W_c', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_c = init.identity('U_c', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b_i = init.constant('b_i', opt.dim)
        b_f = init.constant('b_f', opt.dim)
        b_o = init.constant('b_o', opt.dim, value=1)
        b_c = init.constant('b_c', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, c, out = init_h, init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step function
        h, c = step(h, c, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Example #17
def sg_gru(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a GRU.
      tensor: A 3-D `Tensor`.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
      ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.   
      init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
      last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
      A `Tensor`. If last_only is False, the output tensor has shape [batch size, time steps, dim].
        If last_only is True, the shape will be [batch size, dim].

    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step func
    def step(h, x):
        # update gate
        z = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_z) + tf.matmul(h, u_z) +
                (b_z if opt.bias else 0)))
        # reset gate
        r = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_r) + tf.matmul(h, u_r) +
                (b_r if opt.bias else 0)))
        # h_hat
        hh = tf.tanh(
                tf.matmul(x, w_h) + tf.matmul(r * h, u_h) +
                (b_h if opt.bias else 0)))
        # final output
        y = (1. - z) * h + z * hh
        return y

    # parameter initialize
    w_z = init.orthogonal('W_z', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_z = init.identity('U_z', opt.dim)
    w_r = init.orthogonal('W_r', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_r = init.identity('U_r', opt.dim)
    w_h = init.orthogonal('W_h', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_h = init.identity('U_h', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b_z = init.constant('b_z', opt.dim)
        b_r = init.constant('b_r', opt.dim)
        b_h = init.constant('b_h', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, out = init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step function
        h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Example #18
def sg_gru(tensor, opt):

    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step func
    def step(h, x):
        # update gate
        z = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_z) + tf.matmul(h, u_z) +
                (b_z if opt.bias else 0)))
        # reset gate
        r = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_r) + tf.matmul(h, u_r) +
                (b_r if opt.bias else 0)))
        # h_hat
        hh = tf.tanh(
                tf.matmul(x, w_h) + tf.matmul(r * h, u_h) +
                (b_h if opt.bias else 0)))
        # final output
        y = (1. - z) * h + z * hh
        return y

    # parameter initialize
    w_z = init.orthogonal('W_z', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_z = init.identity('U_z', opt.dim)
    w_r = init.orthogonal('W_r', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_r = init.identity('U_r', opt.dim)
    w_h = init.orthogonal('W_h', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_h = init.identity('U_h', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b_z = init.constant('b_z', opt.dim)
        b_r = init.constant('b_r', opt.dim)
        b_h = init.constant('b_h', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, out = init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step function
        h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Example #19
def sg_gru(tensor, opt):

    # parameter initialize
    w_z = init.orthogonal('W_z', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_z = init.identity('U_z', opt.dim)
    w_r = init.orthogonal('W_r', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_r = init.identity('U_r', opt.dim)
    w_h = init.orthogonal('W_h', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_h = init.identity('U_h', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b_z = init.constant('b_z', opt.dim)
        b_r = init.constant('b_r', opt.dim)
        b_h = init.constant('b_h', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # permute dimension for scan loop
    xx = tf.transpose(tensor, [1, 0, 2])

    # step func
    def step(h, x):

        # layer normalization
        def ln(xx, opt):
            if opt.ln:
                # calc layer mean, variance for final axis
                mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(xx, axes=[len(xx.get_shape()) - 1])

                # apply layer normalization ( explicit broadcasting needed )
                broadcast_shape = [-1] + [1] * (len(xx.get_shape()) - 1)
                xx = (xx - tf.reshape(mean, broadcast_shape)) \
                         / tf.reshape(tf.sqrt(variance + tf.sg_eps), broadcast_shape)

                # apply parameter
                return gamma * xx + beta

        # update gate
        z = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_z) + tf.matmul(h, u_z) + (b_z if opt.bias else 0), opt))
        # reset gate
        r = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_r) + tf.matmul(h, u_r) + (b_r if opt.bias else 0), opt))
        # h_hat
        hh = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_h) + tf.matmul(r*h, u_h) + (b_h if opt.bias else 0), opt))
        # final output
        y = (1. - z) * h + z * hh

        return y

    # loop by scan
    out = tf.scan(step, xx, init_h)

    # recover dimension
    out = tf.transpose(out, [1, 0, 2])

    # last sequence only
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[:, tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]-1, :]

    return out
Example #20
    def wrapper(tensor, **kwargs):

        import sg_initializer as init
        import sg_activation

        # kwargs parsing
        opt = tf.sg_opt(kwargs) + _context

        # set default argument
            shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()
            # batch normalization off, layer normalization off, dropout off
            opt += tf.sg_opt(shape=shape,
            assert not (
                opt.bn and opt.ln
            ), 'one of batch normalization and layer normalization is available.'

            # disable bias when normalization on
            opt += tf.sg_opt(bias=not (opt.bn or opt.ln))

        # automatic layer naming
        if opt.name is None:

            # layer function name will be used as layer name
            opt.name = func.__name__.replace('sg_', '')

            # find existing layer names
            exist_layers = []
            for t in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES):
                scope_name = tf.get_variable_scope().name
                prefix = scope_name + '/' if len(scope_name) > 0 else ''
                i = t.name.rfind(prefix + 'layers/' + opt.name)
                if i >= 0:
            exist_layers = list(set(exist_layers))

            # layer name numbering
            if len(exist_layers) == 0:
                opt.name += '_1'
                opt.name += '_%d' % (
                    max([int(n.split('_')[-1]) for n in exist_layers]) + 1)

        # all layer variables start with 'layers/' prefix
        with tf.variable_scope('layers', reuse=opt.reuse):

            with tf.variable_scope(opt.name):

                # call layer function
                out = func(tensor, opt)

                # apply batch normalization
                if opt.bn:
                    # offset, scale parameter
                    beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
                    gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

                    # offset, scale parameter
                    mean_running = init.constant('mean', opt.dim)
                    variance_running = init.constant('variance',

                    # calc batch mean, variance
                    mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(
                        out, axes=range(len(out.get_shape()) - 1))

                    # update running mean, variance
                    def update_running_stat():
                        decay = 0.99
                        update_op = [
                            mean_running.assign(mean_running * decay + mean *
                                                (1 - decay)),
                            variance_running.assign(variance_running * decay +
                                                    variance * (1 - decay))
                        with tf.control_dependencies(update_op):
                            return tf.identity(mean), tf.identity(variance)

                    # select mean, variance by training phase
                    m, v = tf.cond(
                        update_running_stat,  # updated running stat and batch mean, variance
                        lambda: (mean_running, variance_running)
                    )  # saved mean, variance

                    # apply batch normalization
                    out = tf.nn.batch_normalization(out, m, v, beta, gamma,

                # apply normalization parameters
                if opt.ln:
                    # offset, scale parameter
                    beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
                    gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

                    # calc layer mean, variance for final axis
                    mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(
                        out, axes=[len(out.get_shape()) - 1], keep_dims=True)

                    # apply normalization
                    out = (out - mean) / tf.sqrt(variance + tf.sg_eps)
                    # apply parameter
                    out = gamma * out + beta

                # apply activation
                if opt.act:
                    out = getattr(sg_activation, 'sg_' + opt.act.lower())(out)

                # apply dropout
                if opt.dout:
                    out = tf.cond(_phase,
                                  lambda: tf.nn.dropout(out, 1 - opt.dout),
                                  lambda: out)

                # rename tensor
                out = tf.identity(out, 'out')

                # add final output summary
                if opt.reuse is None or not opt.reuse:

                # save node info for reuse
                out._sugar = tf.sg_opt(func=func,
                                       arg=tf.sg_opt(kwargs) + _context,
                # inject reuse function
                out.sg_reuse = types.MethodType(sg_reuse, out)

        return out
Example #21
def sg_lstm(tensor, opt):

    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step func
    def step(h, c, x):
        # forget gate
        f = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_f) + tf.matmul(h, u_f) +
                (b_f if opt.bias else 0)))
        # input gate
        i = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_i) + tf.matmul(h, u_i) +
                (b_i if opt.bias else 0)))
        # new cell value
        cc = tf.tanh(
                tf.matmul(x, w_c) + tf.matmul(h, u_c) +
                (b_c if opt.bias else 0)))
        # out gate
        o = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_o) + tf.matmul(h, u_o) +
                (b_o if opt.bias else 0)))
        # cell update
        cell = f * c + i * cc
        # final output
        y = o * tf.tanh(cell)
        return y, cell

    # parameter initialize
    w_i = init.orthogonal('W_i', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_i = init.identity('U_i', opt.dim)
    w_f = init.orthogonal('W_f', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_f = init.identity('U_f', opt.dim)
    w_o = init.orthogonal('W_o', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_o = init.identity('U_o', opt.dim)
    w_c = init.orthogonal('W_c', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_c = init.identity('U_c', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b_i = init.constant('b_i', opt.dim)
        b_f = init.constant('b_f', opt.dim)
        b_o = init.constant('b_o', opt.dim, value=1)
        b_c = init.constant('b_c', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, c, out = init_h, init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step function
        h, c = step(h, c, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out