Example #1
        return 1.4
    elif atom.mass == 32.06 :
        return 1.85
    else :
        return 2.0

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Program make a PQR file")
    parser.add_argument('-f','--file',help="the input gro-file")
    parser.add_argument('-p','--topol',help="the topology file")
    parser.add_argument('-o','--out',help="the output pqr-file",default="conv.pqr")
    parser.add_argument('-m','--mol',nargs="+",help="the molecule to write out",default=["protein"])
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ref = gmx.TopFile(args.topol)
    pdbfile = pdb.PDBFile(args.file)

    mols = []
    for topol_mol in ref.moleculetypes :
        for argmol in args.mol :
            if topol_mol.name.lower() == argmol.lower() :

    natom = sum([len(mol.atoms) for mol in mols])
    pdbfile.residues = [res for res in pdbfile.residues if res.atoms[0].serial <= natom]
    pdbfile.atoms = pdbfile.atoms[:natom]

    start = 0
    for mol in mols  :
Example #2

import argparse
import math

from sgenlib import gmx

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Program make Glycam pair params")
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help="the input top-file")
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--molecule', help="the molecule name")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    reftop = gmx.TopFile(args.file)

    atypes = {}
    for atype in reftop.atomtypes:
        atypes[atype.name] = atype

    refmol = None
    for mol in reftop.moleculetypes:
        if mol.name == args.molecule:
            refmol = mol
    if refmol is None:
        print "Could not find moleculetype %s. Exit." % args.molecule

    for pair in refmol.pairs:
Example #3
                        help="how many POPI molecules to replace")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Read in a gro-file
    popimem = pdb.PDBFile()
    popimem.read(args.file, gro=True)
    # Read in a template IPC-file
    ipc_pdb = pdb.PDBFile(filename=args.template)
    # Read in the z-matrix of the IPC molecule
    ipc_zmat = [
        line.strip().split() for line in open(args.zmat, "r").readlines()
    # Read in the atom order of the IPC itp-file
    ipctop = gmx.TopFile(args.itp)
    ipc_atomlist = [atom.name for atom in ipctop.moleculetypes[0].atoms]
    nreplace = args.nreplace

    # Check where the middle of the membrane is
    midz = popimem.xyz[:, 2].mean()

    # Hash the IPC atoms
    ipc_hash = {}
    for atom in ipc_pdb.atoms:
        ipc_hash[atom.name.strip()] = atom.xyz

    # Find POPI residues in lower and upper part of the membrane
    popires_low = []
    popires_upp = []
    for residue in popimem.residues:
Example #4
                        help="the protein molecule")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Read a Xrya structure file
    xray = gpcr_lib.load_xray(args.mol, loadsigma=True)
    pdb = xray.pdbfile

    # Remove cholesterols at the end
    while pdb.residues[-1].resname == "CHOL":
        for atom in pdb.residues[-1].atoms:
        del pdb.residues[-1]
    pdb.xyz = np.array([atom.xyz for atom in pdb.atoms])

    # Read a Gromacs topology file
    top = gmx.TopFile(args.top)

    # Store away all interesting LJ parameter pairs
    roh_type = "SP1"  #"SC1"
    roh_pairs = []
    for p in top.pairtypes:
        if p.atomi == roh_type or p.atomj == roh_type: roh_pairs.append(p)

    # Find the protein molecule definition
    protein_type = None
    for m in top.moleculetypes:
        if m.name == "Protein": protein_type = m
    if protein_type is None:
        raise Exception("Could not find a protein molecule type")

    # Check that the given structure is compatible with the found protein force field