Example #1
def search(name=None, type=None, domain="local"):
    Search available Zeroconf services

    The result is a dictionary with service (name, type, domain) keys 
    and data values ; data are dictionaries with "hostname", "address", 
    "port" and "txt" keys.

    def name_match(service):
        name_, _, _ = service
        return name is None or name_ == name

    if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):

        options = {"terminate": True, "resolve": True, "parsable": True, "no-db-lookup": True, "domain": domain}
        if type:
            results = sh.avahi_browse(type, **options)
            results = sh.avahi_browse(all=True, **options)
        results = [line.split(";") for line in results.splitlines()]

        info = {}
        for result in results:
            if result[0] == "=":
                symbol, _, ip_version, name_, type_, domain_, hostname, address, port, txt = result
                name_ = decode(name_)
                if ip_version == "IPv4":
                    info[(name_, type_, domain_)] = {"hostname": hostname, "address": address, "port": port, "txt": txt}

    elif sys.platform.startswith("win"):

        if not type:
            type = "_http._tcp"

        process = subprocess.Popen("dns-sd -Z " + type + " " + domain, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo)
        results = process.stdout.read()
        results = [line.split() for line in results.splitlines()]

        info = {}
        name_ = port = hostname = address = ""

        for result in results:

            if len(result) == 14 and result[1] == "SRV":
                name_ = decode(result[0]).split(".")[0]
                port = result[4]
                hostname = result[5]
                address = get_address(hostname)
                type_ = decode(result[0])[(decode(result[0]).find(".") + 1) :]

            if len(result) == 3 and result[1] == "TXT":
                txt = str.replace(result[2], '"', "")
                info[(name_, type_, domain)] = {"hostname": hostname, "address": address, "port": port, "txt": txt}

    filtered_info = [item for item in info.items() if name_match(item[0])]
    return dict(filtered_info)
Example #2
    def search(self, name=None, type=None, domain="local"):
            Search for a service in specified domain
        options = {"terminate": True, "resolve": True, "parsable": True,
                   "no-db-lookup": True, "domain": domain}
        if type:
            results = sh.avahi_browse(type, **options).splitlines()
            results = sh.avahi_browse(all=True, **options).splitlines()

        info = {}
        for result in [line.split(';') for line in results]:
            if result[0] == "=":
                ip_version, name_, type, domain_ = result[2:6]
                name_ = decode(name_)

                if ip_version != "IPv4":

                info[(name_, type, domain_)] = dict(zip(NAMES, result[6:]))

        filtered_info = [i for i in info.items() if name_match(name, i[0])]
        return dict(filtered_info)
Example #3
def discovery(hostnames=True,targets=[]):
	if not targets:
		targets = ["nodes"]

	discovery = sh.avahi_browse('-trp', '_ssh._tcp').split('\n')
	hosts = []
	for host in discovery:
		host = host.split(';')
		if host[0] == '=' and ( 'avahi' in targets \
				                or ( 'nodes' in targets and host[3][:5] == 'node-' ) \
				                or ( 'special' in targets and host[3] in special_hosts ) ):
			if hostnames:
	return hosts
Example #4
def search(name=None, type=None, domain="local"):
    Search available Zeroconf services

    The result is a dictionary with service (name, type, domain) keys 
    and data values ; data are dictionaries with "hostname", "address", 
    "port" and "txt" keys.
    def name_match(service):
        name_, _, _ = service
        return (name is None or name_ == name)

    if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):

        options = {
            "terminate": True,
            "resolve": True,
            "parsable": True,
            "no-db-lookup": True,
            "domain": domain
        if type:
            results = sh.avahi_browse(type, **options)
            results = sh.avahi_browse(all=True, **options)
        results = [line.split(";") for line in results.splitlines()]

        info = {}
        for result in results:
            if result[0] == "=":
                symbol, _, ip_version, name_, type_, domain_, \
                hostname, address, port, txt = result
                name_ = decode(name_)
                if ip_version == "IPv4":
                    info[(name_, type_, domain_)] = {
                        "hostname": hostname,
                        "address": address,
                        "port": port,
                        "txt": txt

    elif sys.platform.startswith("win"):

        if not type:
            type = "_http._tcp"

        process = subprocess.Popen("dns-sd -Z " + type + " " + domain, \
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
        results = process.stdout.read()
        results = [line.split() for line in results.splitlines()]

        info = {}
        name_ = port = hostname = address = ""

        for result in results:
            if len(result) == 14 and result[1] == "SRV":
                name_ = decode(result[0]).split(".")[0]
                port = result[4]
                hostname = result[5]
                address = get_address(hostname)
                type_ = decode(result[0])[(decode(result[0]).find(".") + 1):]

            if len(result) == 3 and result[1] == "TXT":
                txt = str.replace(result[2], '"', '')
                info[(name_, type_, domain)] = {
                    "hostname": hostname,
                    "address": address,
                    "port": port,
                    "txt": txt

    filtered_info = [item for item in info.items() if name_match(item[0])]
    return dict(filtered_info)