def attach_to_container(self, container_pid, is_route=False, gateway=None): self._is_attach_to_container = True self._attach_to_container_pid = container_pid try: ip('link', 'set', 'netns', self._attach_to_container_pid, self._veth_name) nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'link', 'set', self._veth_name, 'up') if '' not in self._ip_netmask: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'addr', 'add', self._ip_netmask, 'dev', self._veth_name) except Exception as e: raise VEthAttachException("attach macvlan eth error:\n{}".format(e.message)) if is_route: if not gateway: raise ValueError("Please set the gateway for %s" % self._veth_name) else: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'route', 'del', 'default') nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'route', 'add', 'default', 'via', gateway, 'dev', self._veth_name) #arping my gateway, cause the gateway to flush the ARP cache for my IP address try: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ping', '-c', '1', gateway) except Exception as e: logger.warning(e.message) return self
def create(self): try: ip('link', 'add', self._veth_name, 'link', self._link_to, 'address', self.gen_mac_address(), 'type', 'macvlan', 'mode', 'bridge') except Exception as e: raise VEthCreateException("create macvlan eth error:\n{}".format(e.message)) return self
def ndp_proxy(method, vm): validate_method(method) vm_info = hedron.virtual_machine_info(vm) ip6 = vm_info['network_interfaces'][0]['ipv6'] device = get_default_v6_route_device() sh.ip('-6', 'neigh', method, 'proxy', ip6, 'dev', device) return True
def delete(network="default"): """ Delete a routing rule """ try: sh.ip("route", "del", network) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2: pass
def delete(self): try: if self._is_attach_to_container: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'link', 'del', self._veth_name) else: ip('link', 'del', self._veth_name) except Exception as e: raise VEthDeleteException("delete macvlan eth error:\n{}".format(e.message))
def create(self): try: ip('link', 'add', self._veth_name, 'link', self._link_to, 'address', self.gen_mac_address(), 'type', 'macvlan', 'mode', 'bridge') except Exception as e: raise VEthCreateException("create macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message)) return self
def delete(self): try: if self._is_attach_to_container: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'link', 'del', self._veth_name) else: ip('link', 'del', self._veth_name) except Exception as e: raise VEthDeleteException("delete macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message))
def down(self): try: if self._is_attach_to_container: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'link', self._veth_name, 'down') else: ip('link', 'set', self._veth_name, 'down') except Exception as e: raise VEthDownException("down macvlan eth error:\n{}".format(e.message)) return self
def route(method, vm): """ Not needed if using primary is bridged with the public interface, but doesn't hurt, either. """ validate_method(method) vm_info = hedron.virtual_machine_info(vm) ip6 = vm_info['network_interfaces'][0]['ipv6'] arguments = _route_command(method, ip6) sh.ip(arguments) return True
def up(self): try: if self._is_attach_to_container: docker('exec', self._attach_to_container_id, 'ip', 'link', 'del', self._veth_name) else: ip('link', 'set', self._veth_name, 'up') except Exception as e: raise VEthUpException("up macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message)) return self
def down(self): try: if self._is_attach_to_container: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'link', self._veth_name, 'down') else: ip('link', 'set', self._veth_name, 'down') except Exception as e: raise VEthDownException("down macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message)) return self
def create(self): try: veth_lockfile = join(settings.RUN_ROOT, self._veth_name + '.lock') with FileLock(veth_lockfile).acquire( timeout=settings.LOCK_TIMEOUT): ip('link', 'add', self._veth_name, 'link', self._link_to, 'address', self.gen_mac_address(), 'type', 'macvlan', 'mode', 'bridge') except Exception as e: raise VEthCreateException("create macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message)) return self
def delete(network="default"): """Delete a routing rule. Args: network: destination of the routing rule to be delete Raises: FIXME """ try: sh.ip("route", "del", network) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2: pass
def ifupdown(iface, up): """Set an interface to up or down status. Args: iface: interface name. up: status for the interface, True for up and False for down. Raises: ValueError """ if not up: dhclient(iface, False) try: sh.ip("link", "set", iface, "up" if up else "down") except Exception: raise ValueError("Cannot update the link status for \"%s\"." % iface)
def ifupdown(iface, up): """Set an interface to up or down status. Args: iface: interface name. up: status for the interface, True for up and False for down. Raises: ValueError """ if not up: dhclient(iface, False) try: sh.ip("link", "set", iface, "up" if up else "down") except: raise ValueError("Cannot update the link status for \"%s\"." % iface)
def add(dest, dev="", src="", nexthop=None): """ Add a routing rule Args: dest: destination for the routing rule, "default" for default route ex. "" or "default" dev: routing device, could be empty ex. "wwan0", "eth0" src: source for the routing rule, fill "gateway" if dest is "default" ex. "", "" nexthop: nexthop info. for load balance [ { "via": "", "dev": "wwan0", "weight": 1 }, { "via": "", "dev": "eth0", "weight": 1 } ] """ if "default" == dest: if nexthop: param = ["route", "add", dest] for nh in nexthop: param.append("nexthop") for k, v in nh.iteritems(): param.extend([k, v]) sh.ip(*param) elif dev: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "dev", dev, "via", src) else: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "via", src) elif "" == src: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "dev", dev) else: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "dev", dev, "proto", "kernel", "scope", "link", "src", src)
def get_vpn_gateway(_output_level=2): # TODO: We could just parse this from the `remote` options in the `openvpn` # conf and check against an existing route. # TODO: Extract the corresponding port for the firewall rule too, while # you're at it! external_ip = get_connection_info()['ip'] ip_r = sh.ip('r', _bg=True) with output.Attempts( 'Resolving IP of VPN gateway', num_attempts=20, _output_level=_output_level ) as attempts: for attempt in attempts: if ip_r.process.is_alive(): attempt.passed() else: attempt.successful = True if not attempts.successful: raise NetworkError('Failed to resolve IP of VPN gateway') gateway_ip_candidates = difflib.get_close_matches( external_ip, ip_r.stdout.split(), ) if not gateway_ip_candidates: raise NetworkError( 'No candidates for VPN gateway IP identified. Nothing is similar' ' to {} in {}'.format(external_ip, ip_r.stdout)) elif len(gateway_ip_candidates) > 1: raise NetworkError( 'Multiple candidates for VPN gateway IPs identified: {} are' ' similar to {}'.format(gateway_ip_candidates, external_ip) ) else: gateway_ip = gateway_ip_candidates.pop() row = '^{} via .+ dev (?P<device>\S+) $'.format(gateway_ip), ip_r.stdout, re.MULTILINE ) if not row: raise NetworkError('No route to VPN gateway detected.') return'device'), gateway_ip
def attach_to_container(self, container_pid, is_route=False, gateway=None): self._is_attach_to_container = True self._attach_to_container_pid = container_pid try: ip('link', 'set', 'netns', self._attach_to_container_pid, self._veth_name) nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'link', 'set', self._veth_name, 'up') if '' not in self._ip_netmask: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'addr', 'add', self._ip_netmask, 'dev', self._veth_name) except Exception as e: raise VEthAttachException("attach macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message)) if is_route: if not gateway: raise ValueError("Please set the gateway for %s" % self._veth_name) else: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'route', 'del', 'default') nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ip', 'route', 'add', 'default', 'via', gateway, 'dev', self._veth_name) #arping my gateway, cause the gateway to flush the ARP cache for my IP address try: nsenter('-t', self._attach_to_container_pid, '-n', 'ping', '-c', '1', gateway) except Exception as e: logger.warning(e.message) return self
def compareIp(): logging.debug("Comparing ip...") #ip a s eth0 | egrep -o 'inet [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | cut -d' ' -f2 curIp = str(cut(egrep(ip('a', 's', 'eth0'), '-o', 'inet [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'), '-d', ' ', '-f2')).strip() masterNetworkCfg = cat('/etc/systemd/network/').split('\n') for i in range(len(masterNetworkCfg)): if masterNetworkCfg[i] == '[Address]': masterIp = masterNetworkCfg[i+1].split('=')[1].strip() logging.debug("Master ip found, breaking the loop...") break if curIp==masterIp: logging.debug("Master IP == cur IP...") return True, masterIp logging.debug("Master IP != cur IP...") return False, masterIp
def build_network(_server): network = _server['meta']['network'] sort_order = ['physical', 'symlink', 'bond', 'tagged'] networks = sorted(network.items(), key=lambda x: sort_order.index(x[1]['type'])) for name, net in networks: if net['type'] == 'symlink': continue elif net['type'] == 'bond': sh.modprobe('bonding', 'mode=4', 'miimon=100', 'xmit_hash_policy=1') sh.ifconfig(name, 'up') for iface in net['interfaces']: sh.ifenslave(name, iface) elif net['type'] == 'tagged': iface = net['interfaces'][0] sh.vconfig('add', iface, net['vlan']) sh.ifconfig(name, 'up') # Assign ip if required if net.get('ip'): ip = netaddr.IPNetwork('/'.join((net['ip'], net['mask']))) sh.ip('addr', 'add', str(ip), 'brd', str(ip.broadcast), 'dev', name)
def add(dest, dev="", src=""): """Add a routing rule. Args: dest: destination for the routing rule, default for default route. dev: routing device, could be empty src: source for the routing rule, fill "gateway" if dest is "default" Raises: FIXME """ if "" == src: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "dev", dev) elif "default" == dest: if dev: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "dev", dev, "via", src) else: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "via", src) else: sh.ip("route", "add", dest, "dev", dev, "proto", "kernel", "scope", "link", "src", src)
def show(): """List all routing rules. Returns: A list of dict for each routing rule. [ {"dest": "", "src": "", "dev": ""}, {"default": "", "dev": ""} ] """ rules = [] routes = sh.ip("route", "show") for route in routes: rule = dict() route = route.split() if "default" == route[0]: rule["default"] = "" if "via" in route: rule["default"] = route[route.index("via")+1] rule["dev"] = route[route.index("dev")+1] else: rule["dest"] = route[0] rule["dev"] = route[route.index("dev")+1] if "src" in route: src = route.index("src") elif "via" in route: src = route.index("via") else: src = -1 if -1 != src: rule["src"] = route[src+1] rules.append(rule) return rules
def tearDown(self): # Create a network namespace ns = ip("netns", "show", if ns and (str( in ns.stdout): try: ip("netns", "delete", except (ErrorReturnCode, ErrorReturnCode_1) as e: print "Didn't delete ns: %s" % e try: os.remove("/var/run/netns/%s" % except OSError: pass # Wipe all cali interfaces regex = r'((?:cali)[0-9a-f]+):' interface_names = re.findall(regex, ip('link').stdout) for interface in interface_names: ip('link', 'del', 'dev', interface)
def ifconfig(iface, dhcpc, ip="", netmask="24", gateway="", script=None): """Set the interface to static IP or dynamic IP (by dhcpclient). Args: iface: interface name. dhcpc: True for using dynamic IP and False for static. ip: IP address for static IP netmask: gateway: Raises: ValueError """ # TODO(aeluin) catch the exception? # Check if interface exist try: sh.ip("addr", "show", iface) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: raise ValueError("Device \"%s\" does not exist." % iface) except Exception: raise ValueError("Unknown error for \"%s\"." % iface) # Disable the dhcp client and flush interface dhclient(iface, False) try: sh.ip("-4", "addr", "flush", "label", iface) except Exception: raise ValueError("Unknown error for \"%s\"." % iface) if dhcpc: dhclient(iface, True, script) else: if ip: net = ipcalc.Network("%s/%s" % (ip, netmask)) sh.ip("addr", "add", "%s/%s" % (ip, net.netmask()), "broadcast", net.broadcast(), "dev", iface)
def ifconfig(iface, dhcpc, ip="", netmask="24", gateway="", script=None): """Set the interface to static IP or dynamic IP (by dhcpclient). Args: iface: interface name. dhcpc: True for using dynamic IP and False for static. ip: IP address for static IP netmask: gateway: Raises: ValueError """ # TODO(aeluin) catch the exception? # Check if interface exist try: sh.ip("addr", "show", iface) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: raise ValueError("Device \"%s\" does not exist." % iface) except: raise ValueError("Unknown error for \"%s\"." % iface) # Disable the dhcp client and flush interface dhclient(iface, False) try: sh.ip("-4", "addr", "flush", "label", iface) except: raise ValueError("Unknown error for \"%s\"." % iface) if dhcpc: dhclient(iface, True, script) else: if ip: net = ipcalc.Network("%s/%s" % (ip, netmask)) sh.ip("addr", "add", "%s/%s" % (ip, net.netmask()), "broadcast", net.broadcast(), "dev", iface)
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import re from sh import ip if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "yads.settings") primary_ip = re.sub(r'(?s).*? src\s(.*?)\s.*', r'\1', str(ip("route", "get", ""))) if not primary_ip: primary_ip = "" os.environ['DJANGO_LIVE_TEST_SERVER_ADDRESS'] = primary_ip + ':15000-16000' from import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
if option == "nslookup": print(Fore.YELLOW + "enter the website to nslookup: ") webar = raw_input() print bada.nslookup(webar) elif option == "whois": print(Fore.YELLOW + "Enter the website to find its public data: ") whois_ar = raw_input() print bada.whois(whois_ar) elif option == "ip": print(Fore.YELLOW + "Finding your system ip address ") print bada.ip("addr") elif option == "dig": print(Fore.YELLOW + "enter the website to find its DNS servers ......") dig_ar = raw_input() print bada.dig(dig_ar) elif option == "nmcli": print(Fore.YELLOW + "To check the information about your connection ..............") print elif option == "scan": print( Fore.YELLOW +
import threading from http.server import HTTPServer import socket import logging as log import atexit # get_ip_address from sh import ip, awk, cut import prometheus_client import consul # Do not use addr and remove the address option from the register function # if you are running this on a regular instance with a local Consul agent addr = cut(awk(ip("addr", "show", "dev", "eth0"), "/inet / { print $2 }"), "-d/", "-f1").strip() print(addr) # consul should be a hostname that is accessible from the clever app container c = consul.Consul(host="consul") def deregister_id(service_id): def dereg(): c.agent.service.deregister(service_id) return dereg def start_prometheus_server(name, port_range): for port in range(*port_range): try: httpd = HTTPServer(("", port), prometheus_client.MetricsHandler) except (OSError, socket.error): # Python 2 raises socket.error, in Python 3 socket.error is an
def ip_a(): out: sh.RunningCommand = sh.ip('--json', 'a') doc = json.loads(out.stdout) return doc
from sh import ifconfig from sh import ip import base64 import json import socket import struct GATD_HOST = '' GATD_PORT = 16284 #Create a tun device and setup the configuration to it tun = pytun.TunTapDevice(name='ipv6gatd') ifconfig(, 'up') ifconfig(, 'mtu', '1280') ip('-6', 'route', 'add', '2001:470:1f10:1320::2/128', 'dev', # Parameters for the ipv4 connection to gatd gatdsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) gatdaddr = (GATD_HOST, GATD_PORT) # Loop waiting for packets to get routed to this tun interface, strip them, # and send the import bits back to gatd while True: buf = pkt = dpkt.ip6.IP6(buf[4:]) if type( != dpkt.udp.UDP: continue gatdpkt = {}
def show(): """ List routing rules Returns: A list of dict of each routing rule. [ ..., { "dest": "", "dev": "eth1", "src": "" }, { "default": "", "dev": "wwan0", "weight": 1, "priority": 1 }, { "default": "", "dev": "eth0", "weight": 1, "priority": 2 } ] """ rules = [] """ ip route show default nexthop via dev wwan0 weight 1 nexthop via dev eth0 weight 1 dev wwan0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src """ routes = sh.ip("route", "show") nexthop_priority = 1 for route in routes: rule = {} spec = route.split() if "default" in route: if "via" in spec: rule["default"] = spec[spec.index("via") + 1] if "dev" in spec: rule["dev"] = spec[spec.index("dev") + 1] elif "nexthop" in route: rule["default"] = spec[spec.index("via") + 1] rule["dev"] = spec[spec.index("dev") + 1] rule["weight"] = int(spec[spec.index("weight") + 1]) rule["priority"] = nexthop_priority nexthop_priority += 1 else: rule["dest"] = spec[0] if "dev" in spec: rule["dev"] = spec[spec.index("dev") + 1] if "src" in spec: src_idx = spec.index("src") elif "via" in spec: src_idx = spec.index("via") else: src_idx = -1 if -1 != src_idx: rule["src"] = spec[src_idx + 1] # empty dict if len(rule) == 0: continue rules.append(rule) return rules
def get_ip_by_interface(iface): ip = sh.awk( sh.grep(sh.grep(sh.ip("addr", "show", iface), "inet"), "-v", "inet6"), "{print $2}").split("/")[0] return ip
def get_default_v6_route_device(): ip_ro_output = sh.ip('-6', 'ro') device = _default_route_parse(ip_ro_output) return device
def setup_networking(ob_num: int): """Sets up networking. Installs some debs manually that are required for configuring networking, since we don't yet have networking and can't apt install them. Then configures DNS and network interfaces, then bounces the network interfaces. """ print(" === Setting up networking === ") # Install network management packages manually via dpkg, since we can't apt # install them without networking already setup. print("Installing dependencies for setting up networking...") dpkg("-i", *glob("./*.deb")) print("Configuring resolved...") # Default to the Mikrotik router for DNS, with a fallback of Google's DNS sed("-i", "s/^#DNS=$/DNS=", "/etc/systemd/resolved.conf") sed("-i", "s/^#FallbackDNS=$/FallbackDNS=", "/etc/systemd/resolved.conf") systemctl("restart", "systemd-resolved") # Not sure if still used, but some things might be expecting orange boxen to # have this configuration file. with open("/etc/orange-box.conf", "w") as f: f.writelines([f"orangebox_number={ob_num}"]) # Disable the external ethernet port (en*) and use both of the internal # ones (enx*). The enx* interfaces map to vlan1 and vlan2, which in turn # get mapped to `172.27.{orange box #}.X` and `172.27.{orange box # + 2}.X`, # respectively. They are both bridged to the wireless network that the # orange box is connected to, hence not needing en* connected. print("Writing network configuration...") interfaces = list( sorted( Path(iface).name for iface in glob("/sys/class/net/*") if Path(iface).name.startswith("en"))) internal_ips = [f"172.27.{ob_num}.1", f"172.27.{ob_num + 2}.1"] gateway_ips = [f"172.27.{ob_num + 1}.254", f"172.27.{ob_num + 3}.254"] sh.ip("addr", "flush", "dev", interfaces[1]) sh.ifconfig(interfaces[1], f"{internal_ips[1]}/23") systemctl("stop", "NetworkManager") systemctl("disable", "NetworkManager") with open("/etc/network/interfaces", "w") as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent(f""" # These are generated by orange-box build scripts auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto {interfaces[0]} iface {interfaces[0]} inet manual auto {interfaces[1]} iface {interfaces[1]} inet manual auto {interfaces[2]} iface {interfaces[2]} inet manual auto br0 iface br0 inet static address {internal_ips[0]} netmask gateway {gateway_ips[0]} dns-nameservers {internal_ips[0]} {gateway_ips[0]} bridge_ports {interfaces[1]} bridge_stp off bridge_fd 0 bridge_maxwait 0 auto br1 iface br1 inet static address {internal_ips[1]} netmask bridge_ports {interfaces[2]} bridge_stp off bridge_fd 0 bridge_maxwait 0""")) print("Restarting network interfaces...") bridges = ["br0", "br1"] # Take down all of the interfaces for iface in interfaces + bridges: sh.ifdown("--force", iface) # Bring up all interfaces except enp* for iface in interfaces[1:] + bridges: sh.ifup("--force", iface) print("Waiting for network to come up...") for _ in range(60): try: ping("-c1", "") break except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: print(" - Still waiting for") else: print("Waited too long for network to come up.") print("Please fix the network.") sys.exit(1) print("Waiting for DNS to come up...") for _ in range(60): try: ping("-c1", "") break except (sh.ErrorReturnCode_1, sh.ErrorReturnCode_2): print(" - Still waiting for") else: print("Waited too long for DNS to come up.") print("Please fix the DNS.") sys.exit(1)