Example #1
def dcos_state():
    client = mesos.DCOSClient()
    json_data = client.get_state_summary()

    if json_data:
        return json_data
        return None
Example #2
def get_tasks(task_id='', completed=True):
    """ Get a list of tasks, optionally filtered by task id.
        The task_id can be the abbrevated.  Example: If a task named 'sleep' is
        scaled to 3 in marathon, there will be be 3 tasks starting with 'sleep.'

        :param task_id: task ID
        :type task_id: str
        :param completed: include completed tasks?
        :type completed: bool

        :return: a list of tasks
        :rtype: []

    client = mesos.DCOSClient()
    master = mesos.Master(client.get_master_state())
    mesos_tasks = master.tasks(completed=completed, fltr=task_id)
    return [task.__dict__['_task'] for task in mesos_tasks]
Example #3
def __get_all_agents():
    """Provides all agent json in the cluster which can be used for filtering"""

    client = mesos.DCOSClient()
    agents = client.get_state_summary()['slaves']
    return agents
Example #4
def master_ip():
    """Returns the public IP address of the DC/OS master.
    return: DC/OS IP address as a string
    return mesos.DCOSClient().metadata().get('PUBLIC_IPV4')