Example #1
 def read_irs(self, x, y, o, r, objects):
     # data
     vis_sensors_domain = []
     ir_reading = []
     # for each sensor
     for ir_angle in self.ir_angles:
         ir_val = 0
         min_dist = self.ray_length
         # location and orientation according to agent
         ir_o = geometry.force_angle(o + ir_angle)
         ir_x = x + r * np.cos(ir_o)
         ir_y = y + r * np.sin(ir_o)
         # define visual domain
         arc_start = ir_o + self.beam_angles[0]
         arc_end = ir_o + self.beam_angles[1]
         # to be sure the angle is counter-clockwise
         if arc_start > arc_end:
             arc_end += np.radians(360)
         # get arc angle points and force angles
         arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.s_points)
         arc_angles = np.array(
             [geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
         # get the arc coordinates and create polygon
         arc_x = ir_x + self.ray_length * np.cos(arc_angles)
         arc_y = ir_y + self.ray_length * np.sin(arc_angles)
         vis_coords = [(ir_x, ir_y)]
         [vis_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_x, arc_y)]
         vis_domain = Polygon(vis_coords)
         # check for intersections
         for w in objects["walls"]:
             wall = LineString([(w.xmin, w.ymin), (w.xmax, w.ymax)])
             if vis_domain.intersects(wall):
                 dist = Point(ir_x,
                 if dist < min_dist:
                     min_dist = dist
         round_objects = objects["trees"] + objects["agents"]
         for obj in round_objects:
             obj_loc = Point(obj.x, obj.y)
             obj_space = obj_loc.buffer(obj.r)
             if vis_domain.intersects(obj_space):
                 dist = Point(ir_x, ir_y).distance(
                 if dist < min_dist:
                     min_dist = dist
         # get ir value
         if min_dist < self.ray_length:
             # IR reading for a given distance from empirical fitting data
             # gaussian 3371*e^(-(d/8.5)^2) fits well [0, 3500]
             k = -1 * ((dist / 8.5)**2)
             ir_val = (3371 * np.exp(k)) / 3500
     return ir_reading
Example #2
 def read_olf(self, x, y, o, r, objects):
     # sensor location-orientation
     olf_x = x + r * np.cos(o)
     olf_y = y + r * np.sin(o)
     olf_val = 0
     # define sensor domain (polygon)
     arc_start = o + self.olf_angles[0]
     arc_end = o + self.olf_angles[1]
     # to be sure the angle is counter-clockwise
     if arc_start > arc_end:
         arc_end += np.radians(360)
     # get arc angle points and force angles
     arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.s_points)
     arc_angles = np.array([geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
     # get the arc coordinates and create polygon
     arc_x = olf_x + self.olf_range * np.cos(arc_angles)
     arc_y = olf_y + self.olf_range * np.sin(arc_angles)
     olf_coords = [(olf_x, olf_y)]
     [olf_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_x, arc_y)]
     olf_domain = Polygon(olf_coords)
     # check for each tree
     min_dist = self.olf_range
     trees = objects["trees"]
     for tx in trees:
         tree_loc = Point(tx.x, tx.y)
         tree_space = tree_loc.buffer(tx.r)
         if olf_domain.intersects(tree_space):
             dist = Point(olf_x, olf_y).distance(
             if dist <= min_dist:
                 olf_val = (1 / np.exp(min_dist / self.olf_range))**2
     return olf_val
Example #3
    def feed(self, objects):
        # "mouth" location
        fx = self.x + self.r * np.cos(self.o)
        fy = self.y + self.r * np.sin(self.o)
        # feeding area: arc
        arc_start = self.o - np.radians(self.feeding_angle / 2)
        arc_end = self.o + np.radians(self.feeding_angle / 2)
        # force counter-clockwise
        if arc_start > arc_end:
            arc_end += np.radians(360)
        # get arc angle points and force angles
        arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.genotype.s_points)
        arc_angles = np.array([geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
        # get the arc coordinates and create polygon
        arc_x = fx + self.olf_range * np.cos(arc_angles)
        arc_y = fy + self.olf_range * np.sin(arc_angles)
        feeding_coords = [(fx, fy)]
        [feeding_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_x, arc_y)]
        feeding_area = Polygon(feeding_coords)
        # check for trees to feed
        feeding = False
        trees = objects["trees"]
        for tree in trees:
            if feeding_area.intersects(tree):
                feeding = True
                feed_rate = self.feed_rate * (1 /
                                              np.exp(dist / self.feed_range))

        self.feeding_states.append([feeding_area, feeding])
Example #4
def crop_ground_truths(x, y, tile_size, gt_coords, gt_polys):
    Takes a tile location+dimensions and finds all ground truths that
    intersect that tile

    param x: the x-coord of the top-left vertex of the tile
    param y: the y-coord of the top-left vertex of the tile
    param tile_size: the length of the tile side
    param gt_coords: a list of the ground truths in the form of the vertices
    param gt_polys: a list of the ground truths in the form of Shapely polygons
    returns: a list of shifted ground truth coordinates that intersect the tile
    tile = Polygon([(x, y), (x, y + tile_size), (x + tile_size, y + tile_size),
                    (x + tile_size, y)])

    intersects_tile = [tile.intersects(gt) for gt in gt_polys]
    intersects_tile = np.asarray(intersects_tile)

    keep_indices = np.argwhere(intersects_tile)

    # Hack because squeezing a 1x1 matrix will return a scalar,
    # which will break the code
    if (len(keep_indices) == 1):
        keep_indices = keep_indices[0]
        keep_indices = np.squeeze(keep_indices)

    keep_gt = np.asarray(gt_coords[:, :, keep_indices])
    keep_gt[:, 0, :] = keep_gt[:, 0, :] - np.asarray([x])
    keep_gt[:, 1, :] = keep_gt[:, 1, :] - np.asarray([y])
    # TODO: Sort ground truths by area for marking shrunk away don't
    # care regions correctly when generating targets.

    return keep_gt
Example #5
def cropGroundTruths(x, y, tile_size, gt_coords, gt_polys):
    Takes a tile location+dimensions and finds all ground truths that
    intersect that tile

    param x: the x-coord of the top-left vertex of the tile
    param y: the y-coord of the top-left vertex of the tile
    param tile_size: the length of the tile side
    param gt_coords: a list of the ground truths in the form of the vertices
    param gt_polys: a list of the ground truths in the form of Shapely polygons
    returns: a list of shifted ground truths that intersect the tile
    tile = Polygon([(x, y), (x, y + tile_size), (x + tile_size, y + tile_size),
                    (x + tile_size, y)])
    intersects_tile = [tile.intersects(gt) for gt in gt_polys]
    intersects_tile = np.asarray(intersects_tile)

    keep_indices = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(intersects_tile))
    keep_gt = np.asarray(gt_coords[:, :, keep_indices])
    print len(keep_gt), len(keep_gt[0]), keep_gt
    keep_gt[:, 0, :] = keep_gt[:, 0, :] - np.asarray([x])
    keep_gt[:, 1, :] = keep_gt[:, 1, :] - np.asarray([y])
    # TODO: Need to sort ground truths by area

    return keep_gt
def areDoorsInRoom2021(level):
    level_doorfix = level.copy()
    # for each room in level, check each door; 
    for room in level_doorfix['rooms']:
        # inDatabase Check: 
        for o in room['objList']:
            if o['modelId'] in sk_to_ali or o['modelId'] in suncg:
                o['inDatabase'] = True
                o['inDatabase'] = False
        if not os.path.exists('room/{}/{}f.obj'.format(room['origin'], room['modelId'])):
            room_meta = p2d('.', 'room/{}/{}f.obj'.format(room['origin'], room['modelId']))
            room_polygon = Polygon(room_meta[:, 0:2]) # requires python library 'shapely'
        except Exception as e:
        for r in level['rooms']:
            for obj in r['objList']:
                if obj is None:
                if 'coarseSemantic' not in obj:
                if obj['coarseSemantic'] not in ['door', 'Door']:
                block = windoorblock_f(obj)
                block_polygon = Polygon(block['windoorbb']).buffer(.03)
                # for this time, we do not duplicate doors, instead we add roomIds to the obj. 
                if room_polygon.intersects(block_polygon):
                    if 'roomIds' not in obj:
                        obj['roomIds'] = []
    return level_doorfix
Example #7
def roi_overlap(ROIs1,
    rotate/translate rois ROI1 and ROI2 by parameters param1 and param2,
    and then test which ROIs overlap

    ROIs1_trans = rottrans_rois(ROIs1, param1[0], param1[1], param1[2],
                                im1_shape[0], im1_shape[1])
    ROIs2_trans = rottrans_rois(ROIs2, param2[0], param2[1], param2[2],
                                im2_shape[0], im2_shape[1])

    # NOTE: for plotting the variable im1 is missing
    if pplot:
        axes = plt.subplot(111)
        axes.imshow(im1, cmap='gray')
        draw_rois(ROIs1, axes, 'red')
        draw_rois(ROIs2_trans, axes, 'green')

    # test which ROIs overlap
    ri = 0
    roi_map = {}
    for r in ROIs1_trans:
        (x0, y0) = (r[0][0], r[1][0])
        polyg1 = Polygon(list(zip(r[0], r[1])) + [(x0, y0)])

        si = 0
        for s in ROIs2_trans:
            (x0, y0) = (s[0][0], s[1][0])
            polyg2 = Polygon(list(zip(s[0], s[1])) + [(x0, y0)])

            if polyg1.intersects(polyg2):
                p = polyg1.intersection(polyg2)
                if (p.area >= polyg1.area * thr_ovlp) or (
                        p.area >= polyg2.area * thr_ovlp):
                    #if roi_map.has_key(ri):
                    if ri in roi_map:
                        roi_map[ri] = [si]
            si = si + 1

        ri = ri + 1

    for r in list(roi_map.keys()):
        if len(roi_map[r]) > 1:
            roi_map.pop(r, None)

    roi_map = [(k, roi_map[k][0]) for k in roi_map.keys()]

    return roi_map
Example #8
def generate_poly_tiles(poly: Polygon, out):
    bbox = poly.envelope
    tiles = {}
    for z in range(0, 19):
        tiles[z] = set()

        tile_xs = []
        tile_ys = []
        for i in range(0, 4):
            x = bbox.boundary.xy[0][i]
            y = bbox.boundary.xy[1][i]
            tile_x, tile_y = deg2num(y, x, z)
        min_tile_x, min_tile_y = (min(tile_xs), min(tile_ys))
        max_tile_x, max_tile_y = (max(tile_xs), max(tile_ys))

        for tile_x in range(min_tile_x - 1, max_tile_x + 1):
            for tile_y in range(min_tile_y - 1, max_tile_y + 1):
                nw = num2deg(tile_x, tile_y, z)
                sw = num2deg(tile_x, tile_y + 1, z)
                ne = num2deg(tile_x + 1, tile_y, z)
                se = num2deg(tile_x + 1, tile_y + 1, z)
                box = Polygon([nw, sw, se, sw, nw])
                if box.intersects(poly):
                    tiles[z].add((tile_x, tile_y))

    for z in tiles:
        for (x, y) in tiles[z]:
            out.write('{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(x, y, z))

    out.write('0 0 0\n')
 def track(self, posx, posy, hollows, obstacles):
     valid = True
     copyx = self.posx
     copyy = self.posy
     if self.posx > posx:
         self.posx -= self.body.speed
         self.posx += self.body.speed
     if self.posy > posy:
         self.posy -= self.body.speed
         self.posy += self.body.speed
     coords = [[self.posx, self.posy],
               [self.posx, self.posy + self.imageHeight],
               [self.posx + self.imageWidth, self.posy + self.imageHeight],
               [self.posx, self.posy + self.imageHeight]]
     enemyRec = Polygon(coords)
     for o in obstacles:
         coordsObs = [[o.posx, o.posy], [
             o.posx + (o.imageWidth / 3), o.posy
         ], [o.posx + (o.imageWidth / 3), o.posy + (o.imageHeight / 3)],
                      [o.posx, (o.posy + o.imageHeight / 3)]]
         polygonO = Polygon(coordsObs)
         if enemyRec.intersects(polygonO):
             valid = False
     if valid:
         valid = self.verifyPos(copyx, copyy, hollows)
     if not valid:
         self.posx -= self.posx - copyx - 2
         self.posy -= self.posy - copyy - 2
    def get_raw_dirs_groups(self,
        lon_step = self.lon_step
        lat_step = self.lat_step

        min_lat_lon = numpy.array(polygon).min(0)
        max_lat_lon = numpy.array(polygon).max(0)
        farm_polygon = Polygon(polygon)

        raw_dirs = {}
        min_lat_r = int(min_lat_lon[0] / lat_step) * lat_step
        max_lat_r = int(max_lat_lon[0] / lat_step + 1) * lat_step

        min_lon_r = int(min_lat_lon[1] / lon_step) * lon_step
        max_lon_r = int(min_lat_lon[1] / lon_step + 1) * lon_step

        min_lat_r = round(min_lat_r, 3)
        max_lat_r = round(max_lat_r, 3)
        min_lon_r = round(min_lon_r, 3)
        max_lon_r = round(max_lon_r, 3)

        last_updated = farm[dataset]['last_updated']
        last_updated = datetime.strptime(farm[dataset]['last_updated'],

        for curr_lat in numpy.arange(min_lat_r, max_lat_r, lat_step):
            for curr_lon in numpy.arange(min_lon_r, max_lon_r, lon_step):
                curr_lat = round(curr_lat, 3)
                curr_lon = round(curr_lon, 3)
                grid_pol = Polygon([[curr_lat, curr_lon],
                                    [curr_lat + lat_step, curr_lon],
                                    [curr_lat + lat_step, curr_lon + lon_step],
                                    [curr_lat, curr_lon + lon_step]])

                if grid_pol.intersects(farm_polygon):
                    prefix = 'satellite/raw_satellite_data/' + dataset + '/' + str(
                        curr_lat) + '_' + str(curr_lon) + '/'
                    all_files = list(
                    dates = set()
                    for file in all_files:
                        splited = file.key[len(prefix)::].split('/')
                        if len(splited) > 0:
                            cdate = datetime.strptime(splited[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
                            if last_updated < cdate:

                    for date in dates:
                        if date not in raw_dirs:
                            raw_dirs[date] = []
                        raw_dirs[date].append((curr_lat, curr_lon))

        rel_keys = sorted(raw_dirs.keys())[-max_results::]
        oraw_dirs = {rk: raw_dirs[rk] for rk in rel_keys}
        return oraw_dirs
Example #11
def collide_ln(ln):
    for poly in POLY_LIST:
        polygoly = Polygon([list(elem) for elem in poly])
        for i in range(0, int(ln.length), 5):
            ip = ln.interpolate(i)
            if polygoly.intersects(ip):
                return True
    return False
def collide_ln(ln):
	for poly in POLY_LIST:
		polygoly = Polygon([list(elem) for elem in poly])
		for i in range(0, int(ln.length), 5):
			ip = ln.interpolate(i)
			if polygoly.intersects(ip):
				return True
				circle(screen, GREEN, [int(ip.x),int(ip.y)], 3, 0)
	return False
Example #13
def get_zip(lat, long):
    zips = search.by_coordinates(lat, long, radius=20, returns=40)
    print('11370' in [json.loads(i.to_json())['zipcode'] for i in zips])
    possiblezips = []
    otherzips = []
    for azip in zips:
        azip = json.loads(azip.to_json())
        if azip['zipcode'] == '11370': print(len(azip['polygon']))

        if lat < azip['bounds_north'] and lat > azip['bounds_south']:
            if abs(long) < abs(azip['bounds_west']) and abs(long) > abs(

    if (len(possiblezips) > 1):
        for azip in possiblezips:
            lons_lats_vect = np.column_stack(
                np.column_stack([tuple(l) for l in azip['polygon']
                                 ]))  # Reshape coordinates
            polygon = Polygon(lons_lats_vect)  # create polygon
            point = Point(long, lat)  # create point

            if polygon.contains(point):
                possiblezips[0] = azip

        if possiblezips[0] in otherzips:

    #check that all of the nearby zip codes are adjacent to the present zip code:
    p1 = Polygon([tuple(l) for l in possiblezips[0]['polygon']])
    finalzips = []
    for azip in otherzips:
        if depth(azip['polygon']) > 2:
            p2 = Polygon([tuple(l) for l in azip['polygon'][0]])

            if azip['zipcode'] == '11370':
            p2 = Polygon([tuple(l) for l in azip['polygon']])
            if azip['zipcode'] == '11370':

        if p1.intersects(p2):

    return {
        "zipCode": possiblezips[0]['zipcode'],
        "nearbyZipCodes": [i['zipcode'] for i in finalzips],
        "nearbyCoords": [tuple([i['lat'], i['lng']]) for i in finalzips],
        "nearbyCountyNames": [i['county'] for i in finalzips],
        "presentCounty": possiblezips[0]['county']
Example #14
 def subset(self, ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max):
     poly = Polygon(
         LinearRing([(ra_min, dec_min), (ra_min, dec_max),
                     (ra_max, dec_max), (ra_max, dec_min)]))
     mask = np.array([
         for i in range(len(self.table))
     log.debug('{} catalogs intersect.'.format(mask.sum()))
     return VphasCatalogSet(self.table[mask])
def collides(obj):
    for poly in POLY_LIST:
        polygoly = Polygon([list(elem) for elem in poly])
        if polygoly.intersects(obj):
            return True
        inters = polygoly.exterior.intersection(obj)
        print inters
        if not inters.is_empty:
            return True
    return False
Example #16
def check_gv_word_in_azure_intersection(gv_info,azure_info):
    poly_coordinates = [tuple(azure_info["boundingBox"]["p1"]),
    point_coordinates = [gv_info[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(gv_info), 2)] 
    point = Polygon(point_coordinates)
    polygon = Polygon(poly_coordinates)
#    print(polygon.contains(point))
    return polygon.intersects(point)
Example #17
def compare_tile_segment(coordinates, tile, image_dir, tile_images_directory):
    Compares whether the box bounded by the tile's original coordinates intersects the tumor
    segment indicated in the xml file. Saves all tiles images.
        coordinates: a list of tumor segments coordinates from xml annotations
        tile: the tile being investigated
        image_dir: directory of original WSI files
        tile_images_directory: directory to which images of tiles will be saved

        Depending on the positivity of the tile:
           - if positive tumor: returns the coordinates on that tile image of the tumor region(s)
           - if negative: returns None, None values
    box = Box(tile.o_c_s, tile.o_r_s, tile.o_c_e, tile.o_r_e)

    for i in range(len(coordinates)):
        # We disregard coordinates with less than 2 xy values
        if len(coordinates[i]) < 3:

        if not os.path.exists(tile_images_directory + tile.file_title + "_" + str(tile.tile_num) + '.png'):
            save_tile_image(tile, image_dir, tile_images_directory)
            print(tile.file_title + "_", str(tile.tile_num) + ".png image saved")            

        segment = Polygon(coordinates[i])

        if segment.intersects(box):
            segment = transform(reflection(1), segment)
            box = transform(reflection(1), box)

                overlap = segment.intersection(box)
                print("Error in ", tile.file_title, " num: ", tile.tile_num, " coord index: ", i)

            if isinstance(overlap, MultiPolygon):
                x_overlap_shifted_list = []
                y_overlap_shifted_list = []
                for element in overlap:
                    x_overlap_shifted, y_overlap_shifted =  get_xy(tile, element)
                return x_overlap_shifted_list, y_overlap_shifted_list
                x_overlap_shifted, y_overlap_shifted = get_xy(tile, overlap)

            return x_overlap_shifted, y_overlap_shifted


    return None, None
def validatePosition(curr, size, existing):
    img_box = Polygon([tuple(curr), (curr[0] + size[0], curr[1]),
                       (curr[0] + size[0], curr[1] + size[1]), (curr[0], curr[1] + size[1])])

    flag = True
    for region in existing:
        poly = Polygon(region)
        if poly.intersects(img_box):
            flag = False
    return flag
 def verifier(self, displayWidth,
              displayHeight):  # Verifica que los agujeros no se superpongan
     quantity = self.map.hollowsN
     if quantity == 2:
         h1 = self.map.hollows[0]
         h2 = self.map.hollows[1]
         polygon1 = Polygon(h1.corners)
         polygon2 = Polygon(h2.corners)
         if polygon1.intersects(polygon2):
             print('No verificado')
             self.build_hollows(displayWidth, displayHeight)
Example #20
 def subset(self, ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max):
     poly = Polygon(LinearRing([(ra_min, dec_min),
                                (ra_min, dec_max),
                                (ra_max, dec_max),
                                (ra_max, dec_min)]))
     mask = np.array(
                  for i in range(len(self.table))]
     log.debug('{} catalogs intersect.'.format(mask.sum()))
     return VphasCatalogSet(self.table[mask])
 def attack(self, enemies, coords, coords2):
     playerRec = Polygon(coords2)
     for e in enemies:
         if e.room == self.room:
             coords = [
                 [e.posx, e.posy], [e.posx, e.posy + e.imageHeight], [e.posx + e.imageWidth, e.posy + e.imageHeight],
                 [e.posx, e.posy + e.imageHeight]
             polygonE = Polygon(coords)
             if polygonE.intersects(playerRec):
                 e.body.defaultLife -= self.damageV
     return enemies
Example #22
def isThereNoCollisions(points, wholeMap):
    p1 = Polygon(points)
    x0, y0 = points[0]
    for collisionsIndex in range(collisionsLen):
        collision = collisions[collisionsIndex]
        x1, y1 = collision[0]
        if wholeMap and (x1 - x0)**2 + (
                y1 - y0)**2 > 625:  # 15 * 15 = 225 # 25 *25 = 625
        p2 = Polygon(collision)
        if p1.intersects(p2):
            return False
    return True
 def attack(self, coords2, room, life):
     playerRecFeets = Polygon(coords2)
     if self.room == room:
         coords = [[self.posx, self.posy],
                   [self.posx, self.posy + self.imageHeight],
                       self.posx + self.imageWidth,
                       self.posy + self.imageHeight
                   ], [self.posx, self.posy + self.imageHeight]]
         polygonE = Polygon(coords)
         if polygonE.intersects(playerRecFeets):
             life -= self.body.damage
     return life
Example #24
def get_natura_table(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon):
    import os
    from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
    natura_table = []
    min_grid_lat = ''
    min_grid_lon = ''
    resolution = ''
    grid_tables = []
    grid_lat_lon_min_max_list = []
    grid_files_list = []
    for filename in os.listdir(
        if filename.endswith("info"):
            with open(
                    'visualizer/static/visualizer/natura_grid_files/' +
                    str(filename), 'r') as file:
                natura_info = json.load(file)
            min_grid_lat = natura_info['min_lat']
            min_grid_lon = natura_info['min_lon']
            max_grid_lat = natura_info['max_lat']
            max_grid_lon = natura_info['max_lon']
            grid_polygon = Polygon([(max_grid_lat, min_grid_lon),
                                    (min_grid_lat, min_grid_lon),
                                    (min_grid_lat, max_grid_lon),
                                    (max_grid_lat, max_grid_lon)])
            spill_polygon = Polygon([(max_lat, min_lon), (min_lat, min_lon),
                                     (min_lat, max_lon), (max_lat, max_lon)])
            if grid_polygon.intersects(spill_polygon):
    print 'Intersection of spill area with grid areas'

    for grid_file in grid_files_list:
        import sys
        if sys.argv[1] == 'runserver':
            with open(
                    'visualizer/static/visualizer/natura_grid_files/' +
                    str(grid_file).split('__')[0] + '_.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
                reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
                natura_table = [[int(e) for e in r] for r in reader]
            import pyarrow.parquet as pq
            natura_table = pq.read_table(
                'visualizer/static/visualizer/natura_grid_files/' +
                str(grid_file).split('__')[0] + '_.parquet')

    print 'Creation of grid tables'
    return grid_tables, grid_lat_lon_min_max_list
def compare_poly(p1, p2, p1_, p2_):
    poly1 = Polygon([p1, (p1[0], p2[1]), p2, (p2[0], p1[1])])
    poly2 = Polygon([p1_, (p1_[0], p2_[1]), p2_, (p2_[0], p1_[1])])
    if poly1.intersects(poly2):
        PT1 = Point(p1)
        PT2 = Point(p2)
        PT1_ = Point(p1_)
        PT2_ = Point(p2_)
        if poly1.contains(PT1_) and poly1.contains(PT2_):
            return True
        elif poly2.contains(PT1) and poly2.contains(PT2):
            return True
        elif poly1.contains(PT1_):
            ul = (p1_[0], p1_[1])
            lr = (p2[0], p2[1])
            area1 = poly1.area
            area2 = poly2.area
            area = (lr[0] - ul[0]) * (ul[1] - lr[1])
            if float(area) / float(area1) >= 0.5 and float(area) / float(
                    area2) >= 0.5:
                return True
        elif poly2.contains(PT1_):
            ul = (p1[0], p1[1])
            lr = (p2_[0], p2_[1])
            area1 = poly1.area
            area2 = poly2.area
            area = (lr[0] - ul[0]) * (ul[1] - lr[1])
            if float(area) / float(area1) >= 0.5 and float(area) / float(
                    area2) >= 0.5:
                return True
        elif p1[0] > p1_[0]:
            ur = (p2_[0], p1_[1])
            ll = (p1[0], p2[1])
            area1 = poly1.area
            area2 = poly2.area
            area = (ur[0] - ll[0]) * (ur[1] - ll[1])
            if float(area) / float(area1) >= 0.5 and float(area) / float(
                    area2) >= 0.5:
                return True
        elif p1_[0] > p1[0]:
            ur = (p2[0], p1[1])
            ll = (p1_[0], p2_[1])
            area1 = poly1.area
            area2 = poly2.area
            area = (ur[0] - ll[0]) * (ur[1] - ll[1])
            if float(area) / float(area1) >= 0.5 and float(area) / float(
                    area2) >= 0.5:
                return True

    return False
Example #26
def is_intersecting(object, polygon):
    p1 = Pn([(o.x, o.y) for o in polygon.list_points])
    obj_half_width = object.width / 2
    obj_half_height = object.height / 2
    top_left = (object.x_center - obj_half_width,
                object.y_center - obj_half_height)
    bottom_right = (object.x_center + obj_half_width,
                    object.y_center + obj_half_height)
    top_right = (object.x_center + obj_half_width,
                 object.y_center - obj_half_height)
    bottom_left = (object.x_center - obj_half_width,
                   object.y_center + obj_half_height)
    p2 = Pn([top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right])
    return p1.intersects(p2)
def checkbb(bbs, ps, secs, lsfornextlevel):
    if len(secs) == 0:
        return {}
    thisbb = bbs.pop()
    thisp = ps.pop()
    thissec = secs.pop()
    thisl = lsfornextlevel.pop()
    new_lfornextlevel = []
    if len(thisl) == 0:
        return checkbb(bbs.copy(), ps.copy(), secs.copy(),
    # i denotes the chosen discrete prior;
    i = thisl[np.random.randint(len(thisl))]
    prior1 = thisp[i]
    bb1 = rotate_bb_local_np(thisbb, prior1[3]) + prior1[[0, 2]]
    polygon1 = Polygon(bb1).buffer(.15)
    # bb visualization; 
    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)
    rect = patches.Polygon(bb1,True,alpha=0.4)
    vp = PatchCollection(vis_patches, alpha=0.4)
    # ax.add_patch(rect)
    plt.plot(thisp[:, 0], thisp[:, 2], 'ro', alpha=0.4)

    for (bb, p, sec, l) in zip(bbs, ps, secs, lsfornextlevel):
        # check all other discrete priors;
        new_l = []
        for j in l:
            if j == i:
            prior2 = np.array(p[j])
            bb2 = rotate_bb_local_np(bb, prior2[3]) + prior2[[0, 2]]
            polygon2 = Polygon(bb2).buffer(.05)
            if not polygon1.intersects(polygon2) or tier[sec] != tier[thissec]:

    # recursively add the following discrete priors;
    pendinglist = checkbb(bbs.copy(), ps.copy(), secs.copy(),
    if thissec not in pendinglist:
        pendinglist[thissec] = [i]
    return pendinglist
Example #28
    def __GetZipFromGPS(self, lon, lat):

        ZipCodeResult = None

        x = int((lon - float(self.ZipGridDict['Meta']['lon_min'])) *
        y = int((lat - float(self.ZipGridDict['Meta']['lat_min'])) *

        if ((x >= 0 and x < self.ZipGridDict['Meta']['lon_fields'])
                and (y >= 0 and y < self.ZipGridDict['Meta']['lat_fields'])):

            NodeLocation = Point(lon, lat)
            FieldIndex = str(y * self.ZipGridDict['Meta']['lon_fields'] + x)

            for ZipCode in self.ZipGridDict['Fields'][FieldIndex]:
                ZipFileName = self.ZipAreaDict[ZipCode]['FileName']
                ZipAreaJson = None

                with open(ZipFileName, "r") as fp:
                    ZipAreaJson = json.load(fp)

                if "geometries" in ZipAreaJson:
                    TrackBase = ZipAreaJson["geometries"][0]["coordinates"]
                elif "coordinates" in ZipAreaJson:
                    TrackBase = ZipJson["coordinates"]
                    TrackBase = None
                    print('Problem parsing %s' % ZipFileName)

                AreaMatch = 0

                for Track in TrackBase:
                    Shape = []

                    for t in Track[0]:
                        Shape.append((t[0], t[1]))

                    ZipPolygon = Polygon(Shape)

                    if ZipPolygon.intersects(NodeLocation):
                        AreaMatch += 1

                if AreaMatch == 1:
                    ZipCodeResult = ZipCode

        return ZipCodeResult
Example #29
def find_skiarea(slopeCoords, point, slope, skiarea):
    slopeCoords = toArray(slopeCoords)
    nearest = None
    areaNearest = []
    valNearest = 1000000000
    area2 = []
    for areas in skiarea:
        for area in areas["GeoShape"]["GeoCoordinate"]:
            name = (areas["name"] if "name" in areas else "-")
            shape = np.array(area).shape
            # print(str(shape) + "\t"+ name)
            area2 = area
            if len(shape) != 1:
                area2 = area[0]
                for i in range(1, len(area)):
            mean = get_mean(area2)
            if valNearest > np.linalg.norm(mean - np.array(point)):
                nearest = name
                areaNearest = toArray(area2)
                valNearest = np.linalg.norm(mean - np.array(point))
    found = False
    if len(slopeCoords) > 2:
        p1 = Polygon(slopeCoords)
        p2 = Polygon(areaNearest)
        found = p1.intersects(p2)
    elif len(slopeCoords) == 2:
        p1 = LineString(slopeCoords)
        p2 = Polygon(areaNearest)
        found = p1.intersects(p2)
    if nearest != None and nearest != "-" and found:
        slope["skiarea"] = nearest
        return True
    return False
Example #30
    def overlapsScene(self, extent, bbox):

        # create scene extent polygon
        p1 = Polygon([(extent['ulx'], extent['uly']),
                      (extent['lrx'], extent['uly']),
                      (extent['lrx'], extent['lry']),
                      (extent['ulx'], extent['lry']),
                      (extent['ulx'], extent['uly'])])

        # create aoi polygon
        p2 = Polygon([(bbox['ulx'], bbox['uly']), (bbox['lrx'], bbox['uly']),
                      (bbox['lrx'], bbox['lry']), (bbox['ulx'], bbox['lry']),
                      (bbox['ulx'], bbox['uly'])])

        return p1.intersects(p2)
Example #31
def check_vicinity(gv_bb,bb):


    point_coordinates = [gv_bb[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(gv_bb), 2)] 
    polygon_gv = Polygon(point_coordinates)


    p1 = bb[:2][0]-5 , bb[:2][1]-5
    p2 = bb[2:4][0]+5 , bb[2:4][1]-5
    p3 = bb[4:6][0]+5 , bb[4:6][1]+5
    p4 = bb[6:][0]-5 , bb[6:][1]+5
    poly_coordinates = [p1,p2,p3,p4]
    polygon_az = Polygon(poly_coordinates)
#    print(polygon.contains(point))
    return polygon_gv.intersects(polygon_az)
Example #32
def ugrid_area():
    # path = '/home/benkoziol/htmp/src_subset_1.nc'
    path = '/home/benkoziol/l/data/ocgis/ugrid-cesm-subsetting/UGRID_1km-merge-10min_HYDRO1K-merge-nomask_c130402.nc'
    rd = RequestDataset(path)
    vc = rd.get_raw_field()

    face_nodes = vc['landmesh_face_node'].get_value()
    face_node_x = vc['landmesh_node_x'].get_value()
    face_node_y = vc['landmesh_node_y'].get_value()
    face_center_x = vc['landmesh_face_x'].get_value()
    face_center_y = vc['landmesh_face_y'].get_value()

    areas = []
    for ctr, idx in enumerate(range(face_nodes.shape[0])):
        if ctr % 10000 == 0:
            print '{} of {}'.format(ctr, face_nodes.shape[0])

        curr_face_indices = face_nodes[idx, :]
        curr_face_node_x = face_node_x[curr_face_indices]
        curr_face_node_y = face_node_y[curr_face_indices]
        face_coords = np.zeros((4, 2))
        face_coords[:, 0] = curr_face_node_x
        face_coords[:, 1] = curr_face_node_y
        poly = Polygon(face_coords)
        parea = poly.area
        poly = shapely.geometry.box(*poly.bounds)

        pt = Point(face_center_x[idx], face_center_y[idx])

        if not poly.intersects(pt):
            print idx, np.array(pt), poly.bounds

        # if parea > 1:
        #     print idx
        #     print face_nodes[idx, :]
        #     print face_coords
        #     print poly.bounds
        #     sys.exit()

Example #33
  def __init__(self,
    resolution is integers representing the cardinality of the dimensions.
    For exaple, axis_resolution=4 would create a 4x4 grid.

    average_path_length is the average length of a path taken for the transition
    self.axis_resolution = axis_resolution
    self.orientation_resolution = orientation_resolution
    self.average_path_length = average_path_length
    self.vehicle_length = vehicle_length
    self.x_variance = x_variance
    self.y_variance = y_variance
    self.orientation_variance = orientation_variance
    self.orientation_tolerance = ANGLE_MOD * 1.0 / orientation_resolution

    is_bad = [[False] * axis_resolution for _ in range(axis_resolution)]
    if obstacles:
      for r, c in itertools.product(range(axis_resolution), range(axis_resolution)):
        (x1, x2), (y1, y2), (_, _) = self.StateToCoorRange((r, c, 0))
        # CCW
        square = Polygon([(x2, y2),
                          (x1, y2),
                          (x1, y1),
                          (x2, y1)])
        if square.intersects(obstacles) or obstacles.contains(square):
          is_bad[r][c] = True

    self.is_bad = is_bad
    def categorizeBuildings(self):
        def isLeft(a,b,c):
            return ((b[0] - a[0])*(c[1] - a[1]) - (b[1] - a[1])*(c[0] - a[0])) > 0;

        def getIntersectionArea(bldPoly,line,perpLine,bldID):
            if not line.intersects(bldPoly):
                return 0.0
            pt1 = list(line.coords)[0]
            pt2 = list(line.coords)[1]
            perppt1 = list(perpLine.coords)[0]
            perppt2 = list(perpLine.coords)[1]
            dx = perppt2[0] - perppt1[0]
            dy = perppt2[1] - perppt1[1] 
            pt3 = (pt1[0]-dx,pt1[1]-dy)
            pt4 = (pt2[0]-dx,pt2[1]-dy)
            linePoly = Polygon([pt1,pt3,pt4,pt2])
                intersection_area = linePoly.intersection(bldPoly).area
                return intersection_area/bldPoly.area
                return -1

        def overlapsNeighbor(bldPoly,neighborPoly):
                intersection_area = bldPoly.intersection(neighborPoly).area
                return intersection_area/bldPoly.area > 0.05
                return False

        Rd2BldLeft = {}
        Rd2BldRight = {}
        for bld in self.buildingCenters.keys():
            bldID = self.buildingCenters[bld][0]

            #if bldID < 3700 or bldID > 3800:
            #if bldID != 3751:

            roads = self.segment_lookup([bld[0],bld[1]],10)
            p1 = (bld[0], bld[1])
            p1LatLon = to_latlon(p1)
            res = self.buildingKDTree.query([bld[0],bld[1]], 20)
            neighbors = []
            for item in res[1][1:]: #start from index 1 because index 0 is always the original building bld
                buildingID = self.buildingCenters[self.buildingCenters.keys()[item]][0]
                neighbor = self.buildings[buildingID]
                #this part removes a bug that some neighbor shapes have extra information, which will result in Polygon error later on.
                start = neighbor[0]
                for i in range(1,len(neighbor)):
                    if neighbor[i] == start and i > 2:
                neighbor = neighbor[:i+1]
            roadDict = {}

            bldVertices = self.buildingCenters[bld][1]
            bldPolygon = Polygon(bldVertices)

            for rd in roads: 
                rdLine = LineString([rd[0],rd[1]])   
                intersectsSomething = False
                p3Intersect = self.perpIntersectPoint(p1,rd[0],rd[1])
                if not p3Intersect:

                for vertex in bldVertices:
                    if intersectsSomething:
                    p3 = self.perpIntersectPoint(vertex,rd[0],rd[1])
                    vertexLatLon = to_latlon(vertex)

                    if p3:
                        p3LatLon = to_latlon(p3)
                        perpLine = LineString([p1,p3])

                        for neighbor in neighbors:
                            neighborPoly = Polygon(neighbor)
                            if overlapsNeighbor(bldPolygon,neighborPoly):
                            if perpLine.intersects(neighborPoly):
                                intersectRd = False
                                intersectionRdArea = 0
                                if neighborPoly.intersects(rdLine):
                                    intersectRd = True
                                    intersectionRdArea = getIntersectionArea(neighborPoly,rdLine,perpLine,bldID)
                                if intersectionRdArea > 0.4 or not intersectRd:
                                    #if bldID == 4287 or bldID == 4288:
                                        #print intersectionRdArea
                                    #road_lines.poly(shapeType=shapefile.POLYLINE, parts=[[vertexLatLon,p3LatLon]])
                                    intersectsSomething = True
                        for rd2 in roads:
                            if rd2 == rd:
                            roadLine2 = LineString([rd2[0],rd2[1]])
                            if perpLine.intersects(roadLine2):
                                intersectsSomething = True
                if not intersectsSomething:
                    perpLine = LineString([p1,p3Intersect])
                    if perpLine.length > (3*bldPolygon.length)/4:
                    #if rdLine.length < (bldPolygon.length/3):
                    #        continue
                    p3IntersectLatLon = to_latlon(p3Intersect)
                    road_lines.poly(shapeType=shapefile.POLYLINE, parts=[[p3IntersectLatLon,p1LatLon]])
                    if isLeft(rd[0],rd[1],p1):
                        if rd not in Rd2BldLeft:
                            Rd2BldLeft[rd] = [bldID]
                        if rd not in Rd2BldRight:
                            Rd2BldRight[rd] = [bldID]

        return (Rd2BldLeft, Rd2BldRight)