Example #1
def generate_rbox(im_size, polys, tags):
    score map is (128, 128, 1) with shrinked poly
    poly mask is (128, 128, 1) with differnt colors

    geo map is  (128, 128, 5) with
    h, w = im_size
    poly_mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    score_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    geo_map = np.zeros((h, w, 5), dtype=np.float32)
    # mask used during traning, to ignore some hard areas
    training_mask = np.ones((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    for poly_idx, poly_tag in enumerate(zip(polys, tags)):
        poly = poly_tag[0]
        tag = poly_tag[1]
        poly = np.array(poly)
        tag = np.array(tag)
        r = [None, None, None, None]
        for i in range(4):
            r[i] = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[i] - poly[(i + 1) % 4]),
                       np.linalg.norm(poly[i] - poly[(i - 1) % 4]))
        # score map
        shrinked_poly = shrink_poly(poly.copy(),
                                    r).astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :]
        cv2.fillPoly(score_map, shrinked_poly, 1)

        # use different color to draw poly mask
        cv2.fillPoly(poly_mask, shrinked_poly, poly_idx + 1)
        # if the poly is too small, then ignore it during training
        poly_h = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[3]),
                     np.linalg.norm(poly[1] - poly[2]))
        poly_w = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[1]),
                     np.linalg.norm(poly[2] - poly[3]))
        # if min(poly_h, poly_w) < FLAGS.min_text_size:
        if min(poly_h, poly_w) < 10:
                         poly.astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :], 0)
        if tag:
                         poly.astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :], 0)

        xy_in_poly = np.argwhere(poly_mask == (poly_idx + 1))
        # if geometry == 'RBOX':
        # 对任意两个顶点的组合生成一个平行四边形
        fitted_parallelograms = []
        for i in range(4):
            p0 = poly[i]
            p1 = poly[(i + 1) % 4]
            p2 = poly[(i + 2) % 4]
            p3 = poly[(i + 3) % 4]

            #fit_line ([x1, x2], [y1, y2]) return k, -1, b just a line
            edge = fit_line([p0[0], p1[0]], [p0[1], p1[1]])  #p0, p1
            backward_edge = fit_line([p0[0], p3[0]], [p0[1], p3[1]])  #p0, p3
            forward_edge = fit_line([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]])  #p1, p2

            #select shorter line
            if point_dist_to_line(p0, p1, p2) > point_dist_to_line(p0, p1, p3):
                # 平行线经过p2
                if edge[1] == 0:  #verticle
                    edge_opposite = [1, 0, -p2[0]]
                    edge_opposite = [edge[0], -1, p2[1] - edge[0] * p2[0]]
                # 经过p3
                if edge[1] == 0:
                    edge_opposite = [1, 0, -p3[0]]
                    edge_opposite = [edge[0], -1, p3[1] - edge[0] * p3[0]]
            # move forward edge
            new_p0 = p0
            new_p1 = p1
            new_p2 = p2
            new_p3 = p3
            new_p2 = line_cross_point(forward_edge, edge_opposite)
            if point_dist_to_line(p1, new_p2, p0) > point_dist_to_line(
                    p1, new_p2, p3):
                # across p0
                if forward_edge[1] == 0:
                    forward_opposite = [1, 0, -p0[0]]
                    forward_opposite = [
                        forward_edge[0], -1, p0[1] - forward_edge[0] * p0[0]
                # across p3
                if forward_edge[1] == 0:
                    forward_opposite = [1, 0, -p3[0]]
                    forward_opposite = [
                        forward_edge[0], -1, p3[1] - forward_edge[0] * p3[0]
            new_p0 = line_cross_point(forward_opposite, edge)
            new_p3 = line_cross_point(forward_opposite, edge_opposite)
                [new_p0, new_p1, new_p2, new_p3, new_p0])
            # or move backward edge
            new_p0 = p0
            new_p1 = p1
            new_p2 = p2
            new_p3 = p3
            new_p3 = line_cross_point(backward_edge, edge_opposite)
            if point_dist_to_line(p0, p3, p1) > point_dist_to_line(p0, p3, p2):
                # across p1
                if backward_edge[1] == 0:
                    backward_opposite = [1, 0, -p1[0]]
                    backward_opposite = [
                        backward_edge[0], -1, p1[1] - backward_edge[0] * p1[0]
                # across p2
                if backward_edge[1] == 0:
                    backward_opposite = [1, 0, -p2[0]]
                    backward_opposite = [
                        backward_edge[0], -1, p2[1] - backward_edge[0] * p2[0]
            new_p1 = line_cross_point(backward_opposite, edge)
            new_p2 = line_cross_point(backward_opposite, edge_opposite)
                [new_p0, new_p1, new_p2, new_p3, new_p0])

        areas = [Polygon(t).area for t in fitted_parallelograms]
        parallelogram = np.array(fitted_parallelograms[np.argmin(areas)][:-1],
        # sort thie polygon
        parallelogram_coord_sum = np.sum(parallelogram, axis=1)
        min_coord_idx = np.argmin(parallelogram_coord_sum)
        parallelogram = parallelogram[[
            min_coord_idx, (min_coord_idx + 1) % 4, (min_coord_idx + 2) % 4,
            (min_coord_idx + 3) % 4

        rectange = rectangle_from_parallelogram(parallelogram)
        rectange, rotate_angle = sort_rectangle(rectange)
        #print('parallel {} rectangle {}'.format(parallelogram, rectange))
        p0_rect, p1_rect, p2_rect, p3_rect = rectange
        # this is one area of many
        for y, x in xy_in_poly:
            point = np.array([x, y], dtype=np.float32)
            # top
            geo_map[y, x, 0] = point_dist_to_line(p0_rect, p1_rect, point)
            # right
            geo_map[y, x, 1] = point_dist_to_line(p1_rect, p2_rect, point)
            # down
            geo_map[y, x, 2] = point_dist_to_line(p2_rect, p3_rect, point)
            # left
            geo_map[y, x, 3] = point_dist_to_line(p3_rect, p0_rect, point)
            # angle
            geo_map[y, x, 4] = rotate_angle
        gen_geo_map.gen_geo_map(geo_map, xy_in_poly, rectange, rotate_angle)

    ###sum up
    # score_map , in shrinked poly is 1
    # geo_map, corresponding to score map
    # training map is less than geo_map

    return score_map, geo_map, training_mask
Example #2
def read_shp(filename, encoding=None, type=False, strings_to_float=True):
    """Read shapefile to dataframe w/ geometry.
    if the reading fails, provid a type among ('polygon', 'polyline', 'point')

        filename: ESRI shapefile name to be read  (without .shp extension)

        pandas DataFrame with column geometry, containing individual shapely
        Geometry objects (i.e. Point, LineString, Polygon) depending on
        the shapefiles original shape type

    sr = shapefile.Reader(filename)

    cols = sr.fields[:]  # [:] = duplicate field list
    if cols[0][0] == 'DeletionFlag':
    cols = [col[0] for col in cols]  # extract field name only

    records = [row for row in sr.iterRecords()]

    if sr.shapeType == shapefile.POLYGON or type == 'polygon':
        geometries = [
            if len(shape.points) > 2 else np.NaN  # invalid geometry
            for shape in sr.iterShapes()
    elif sr.shapeType == shapefile.POLYLINE or type == 'polyline':
        geometries = [LineString(shape.points) for shape in sr.iterShapes()]
    elif sr.shapeType == shapefile.POINT or type == 'point':
        geometries = [Point(*shape.points[0]) for shape in sr.iterShapes()]
        raise NotImplementedError

    data = [r + [g] for r, g in zip(records, geometries)]

    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols)

    if strings_to_float:
        for col in df.columns:
                # the column is a string of an int, we keep it that way
                asint = df[col].astype(int)  #  do_nothing

            except (ValueError, TypeError, OverflowError):
                # invalid literal for int() with base 10:
                    df[col] = df[col].astype(float)
                except (ValueError, TypeError):

    if np.NaN in geometries:
        # drop invalid geometries
        df = df.dropna(subset=['geometry'])
        num_skipped = len(geometries) - len(df)
        warnings.warn('Skipped {} invalid geometrie(s).'.format(num_skipped))
    if encoding:
        return pandasdbf.convert_bytes_to_string(df,
    return df
    def eval_points(self):
            while not self.__stopped:
                if not self.__data_available:

                with self.__vals_lock:
                    scan_msg = self.__curr_msg
                    self.__data_available = False

                # https://answers.ros.org/question/202787/using-pointcloud2-data-getting-xy-points-in-python/
                point_cloud = self.__laser_projector.projectLaser(scan_msg)

                # Publish point cloud data
                if self.__publish_point_cloud:

                # Shift all points counter clockwise 90 degrees - switch x,y and multiply x by -1
                all_points = []
                for p in pc2.read_points(point_cloud,
                                         field_names=("x", "y", "z"),
                    x = -1 * p[1]
                    y = p[0]
                    # Track only points in front of robot -- NW and NE quadrants
                    if y >= 0:
                        all_points.append(Point2D(x, y))

                if len(all_points) == 0:

                # Determine outer range of points
                max_dist = round(
                         for p in all_points]) * self.__max_dist_mult, 2)
                rospy.loginfo("Points: {} Max dist: {}".format(
                    len(all_points), round(max_dist, 2)))

                # Reset all slices
                [s.reset(max_dist) for s in self.__slices]

                # Assign each slice
                for p in all_points:
                    # Do int division to determine which slice the point belongs to
                    slice_index = int(p.angle / self.__slice_size)

                # Adjust for slice_offset, which is a subset of slices
                nearest_points = [s.nearest for s in self.__slices]
                if self.__slice_offset > 0:
                    nearest_points = nearest_points[self.__slice_offset:-1 *

                if len(nearest_points) == 0:

                # Perform these outside of lock to prevent blocking on scan readings
                # Calculate contour and centroid
                nearest_with_origin = [Origin] + nearest_points + [Origin]
                icx = [p.x for p in nearest_with_origin]
                icy = [p.y for p in nearest_with_origin]
                polygon = Polygon(zip(icx, icy))
                poly_centroid = polygon.centroid

                # Convert to msgs
                c = Contour()
                c.max_dist = max_dist
                c.slice_size = self.__slice_size
                c.all_points = np.asarray(
                    [p.to_ros_point() for p in all_points])
                c.nearest_points = np.asarray(
                    [p.to_ros_point() for p in nearest_points])
                c.centroid = Point2D(poly_centroid.x,

                # Publish centroid and contour


        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # This will prevent callstack dump on exit with Ctrl+C
Example #4
 def test_centroid(self):
     polygon = Polygon([(-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1)])
     point = Point(0, 0)
     polygons = GeoSeries([polygon for i in range(3)])
     points = GeoSeries([point for i in range(3)])
     assert_geoseries_equal(polygons.centroid, points)
Example #5
    def testMerge(self):
        fake_image = FakeImage(30, 11, 3)
        fake_builder = FakeTileBuilder()
        topology = fake_image.tile_topology(fake_builder, 12, 9, 2)

        tile1 = topology.tile(1)
        tile2 = topology.tile(2)
        tile3 = topology.tile(3)
        tile4 = topology.tile(4)
        tile5 = topology.tile(5)
        tile6 = topology.tile(6)

        #    0    5    10   15   20        30  (col)
        #  0 +---------+---------+---------+
        #    |         | E--F    |         |
        #    |         | |  |    |         |
        #    |         | G--H    |         |
        #  4 |         |         |         |
        #    |    A----z----B    |  I---J  |
        #    |    |    |    |    |  |   |  |
        #  7 +----u----t----s----+--p---q--+
        #    |    |    |    |    |  |   |  |
        #  9 |    C----w----D    |  K---L  |
        #    |         |         |         |
        # 11 +---------+---------+---------+
        # (row)

        A = (5, 5)
        B = (5, 15)
        C = (9, 5)
        D = (9, 15)

        E = (1, 12)
        F = (1, 15)
        G = (3, 12)
        H = (3, 15)

        I = (5, 23)
        J = (5, 27)
        K = (9, 23)
        L = (9, 27)

        p = (7, 23)
        q = (7, 27)
        s = (7, 15)
        t = (7, 10)
        u = (7, 5)
        w = (9, 10)
        z = (5, 10)

        EFHG = Polygon([E, F, H, G, E])
        Aztu = Polygon([A, z, t, u, A])
        zBst = Polygon([z, B, s, t, z])
        tsDw = Polygon([t, s, D, w, t])
        utwC = Polygon([u, t, w, C, u])
        IJqp = Polygon([I, J, q, p, I])
        pqLK = Polygon([p, q, L, K, p])
        ABCD = Polygon([A, B, D, C, A])
        IJLK = Polygon([I, J, L, K, I])

        tiles = [tile1.identifier, tile2.identifier, tile3.identifier, tile4.identifier, tile5.identifier, tile6.identifier]
        tile_polygons = [[Aztu], [EFHG, zBst], [IJqp], [utwC], [tsDw], [pqLK]]

        polygons = SemanticMerger(1).merge(tiles, tile_polygons, topology)
        self.assertEqual(len(polygons), 3, "Number of found polygon")
        self.assertTrue(polygons[0].equals(ABCD), "ABCD polygon")
        self.assertTrue(polygons[1].equals(EFHG), "EFHG polygon")
        self.assertTrue(polygons[2].equals(IJLK), "IJLK polygon")
Example #6
def generate_rbox(im_size, polys, tags):
    h, w = im_size
    poly_mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    score_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    geo_map = np.zeros((h, w, 5), dtype=np.float32)
    # mask used during traning, to ignore some hard areas
    training_mask = np.ones((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    for poly_idx, poly_tag in enumerate(zip(polys, tags)):
        poly = poly_tag[0]
        tag = poly_tag[1]

        r = [None, None, None, None]
        for i in range(4):
            r[i] = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[i] - poly[(i + 1) % 4]),
                       np.linalg.norm(poly[i] - poly[(i - 1) % 4]))
        # score map
        shrinked_poly = shrink_poly(poly.copy(),
                                    r).astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :]
        cv2.fillPoly(score_map, shrinked_poly, 1)
        cv2.fillPoly(poly_mask, shrinked_poly, poly_idx + 1)
        # if the poly is too small, then ignore it during training
        poly_h = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[3]),
                     np.linalg.norm(poly[1] - poly[2]))
        poly_w = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[1]),
                     np.linalg.norm(poly[2] - poly[3]))
        if min(poly_h, poly_w) < FLAGS.min_text_size:
                         poly.astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :], 0)
        if tag:
                         poly.astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :], 0)

        xy_in_poly = np.argwhere(poly_mask == (poly_idx + 1))
        # if geometry == 'RBOX':
        # 对任意两个顶点的组合生成一个平行四边形 - generate a parallelogram for any combination of two vertices
        fitted_parallelograms = []
        for i in range(4):
            p0 = poly[i]
            p1 = poly[(i + 1) % 4]
            p2 = poly[(i + 2) % 4]
            p3 = poly[(i + 3) % 4]
            edge = fit_line([p0[0], p1[0]], [p0[1], p1[1]])
            backward_edge = fit_line([p0[0], p3[0]], [p0[1], p3[1]])
            forward_edge = fit_line([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]])
            if point_dist_to_line(p0, p1, p2) > point_dist_to_line(p0, p1, p3):
                # 平行线经过p2 - parallel lines through p2
                if edge[1] == 0:
                    edge_opposite = [1, 0, -p2[0]]
                    edge_opposite = [edge[0], -1, p2[1] - edge[0] * p2[0]]
                # 经过p3 - after p3
                if edge[1] == 0:
                    edge_opposite = [1, 0, -p3[0]]
                    edge_opposite = [edge[0], -1, p3[1] - edge[0] * p3[0]]
            # move forward edge
            new_p0 = p0
            new_p1 = p1
            new_p2 = p2
            new_p3 = p3
            new_p2 = line_cross_point(forward_edge, edge_opposite)
            if point_dist_to_line(p1, new_p2, p0) > point_dist_to_line(
                    p1, new_p2, p3):
                # across p0
                if forward_edge[1] == 0:
                    forward_opposite = [1, 0, -p0[0]]
                    forward_opposite = [
                        forward_edge[0], -1, p0[1] - forward_edge[0] * p0[0]
                # across p3
                if forward_edge[1] == 0:
                    forward_opposite = [1, 0, -p3[0]]
                    forward_opposite = [
                        forward_edge[0], -1, p3[1] - forward_edge[0] * p3[0]
            new_p0 = line_cross_point(forward_opposite, edge)
            new_p3 = line_cross_point(forward_opposite, edge_opposite)
                [new_p0, new_p1, new_p2, new_p3, new_p0])
            # or move backward edge
            new_p0 = p0
            new_p1 = p1
            new_p2 = p2
            new_p3 = p3
            new_p3 = line_cross_point(backward_edge, edge_opposite)
            if point_dist_to_line(p0, p3, p1) > point_dist_to_line(p0, p3, p2):
                # across p1
                if backward_edge[1] == 0:
                    backward_opposite = [1, 0, -p1[0]]
                    backward_opposite = [
                        backward_edge[0], -1, p1[1] - backward_edge[0] * p1[0]
                # across p2
                if backward_edge[1] == 0:
                    backward_opposite = [1, 0, -p2[0]]
                    backward_opposite = [
                        backward_edge[0], -1, p2[1] - backward_edge[0] * p2[0]
            new_p1 = line_cross_point(backward_opposite, edge)
            new_p2 = line_cross_point(backward_opposite, edge_opposite)
                [new_p0, new_p1, new_p2, new_p3, new_p0])
        areas = [Polygon(t).area for t in fitted_parallelograms]
        parallelogram = np.array(fitted_parallelograms[np.argmin(areas)][:-1],
        # sort thie polygon
        parallelogram_coord_sum = np.sum(parallelogram, axis=1)
        min_coord_idx = np.argmin(parallelogram_coord_sum)
        parallelogram = parallelogram[[
            min_coord_idx, (min_coord_idx + 1) % 4, (min_coord_idx + 2) % 4,
            (min_coord_idx + 3) % 4

        rectange = rectangle_from_parallelogram(parallelogram)
        rectange, rotate_angle = sort_rectangle(rectange)

        p0_rect, p1_rect, p2_rect, p3_rect = rectange
        for y, x in xy_in_poly:
            point = np.array([x, y], dtype=np.float32)
            # top
            geo_map[y, x, 0] = point_dist_to_line(p0_rect, p1_rect, point)
            # right
            geo_map[y, x, 1] = point_dist_to_line(p1_rect, p2_rect, point)
            # down
            geo_map[y, x, 2] = point_dist_to_line(p2_rect, p3_rect, point)
            # left
            geo_map[y, x, 3] = point_dist_to_line(p3_rect, p0_rect, point)
            # angle
            geo_map[y, x, 4] = rotate_angle
    return score_map, geo_map, training_mask
Example #7
def _create_polygons(df):
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon

    return [Polygon(_get_vertices(df, area)) for area in df.index]
def get_polygons(confidence, size, input):
    Makes a list of Polygon objects which we can use to download the appropriate tiles

    :param confidence: Confidence that the object in the dataset has been accurately identified. 3 is low confidence, 2 is medium, and 1 is high confidence
    :return: List of Polygon objects denoting the coordinates of the objects

    logging.info("Beginning reading of AoI polygons")

    coordlist = []

    # Open file with object locations and confidence
    file = open(str(input), "r")
    contents = json.loads(file.read())
    logging.debug("Input GeoJSON file: %s" % contents)
    # Iterate through each object, making a polygon for each one and adding it to coordlist

    count = 0
    for feat in tqdm(contents['features'],
                     desc='Identifying hit polygons',

        if 'Confidence' in feat['properties'].keys():
            classification = feat['properties']['Confidence']
            logging.debug("No confidence variable found")
            classification = 1
        if classification <= confidence:
            coord = feat['geometry']['coordinates']
            if feat['geometry']['type'] == "MultiPolygon" or feat['geometry'][
                    'type'] == 'Polygon':

                polygon_coords = Polygon(format_coords(coord))
                centroid = polygon_coords.centroid
                centre = [centroid.x, centroid.y]

            elif feat['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
                centre = list(coord)
                raise TypeError("Unsupported geometry type")
            # TODO: Add functionality for lines

            logging.debug("Centre: %s" % centre)

            point = Point(centre[1], centre[0])

            # If Areas of Interest are too close together, then we skip to avoid duplicate dataset elements
            if check_duplicates(point, coordlist):

                polygon_coords = square_polygon(centre[1], centre[0], size)
                raise SyntaxError("Geojson must use lat/long coordinates")

            coordlist.append((count, polygon_coords, classification))
            count += 1

    return coordlist
Example #9
    def plot(self, ax, m, lutfn=None, default_polygon_color='grey', **kwargs):
        Plots a shapefile. This function assumes that a shapefile containing polygonal
        data will have an attribute column named 'SYMBOL', which is used to pick corresponding
        color values from the colour lookup table, described in function processLUT.

        :param ax: plot axis
        :param m: basemap instance
        :param lutfn: colour look-up-table file name, which if not provided, polygons
                      are coloured by the default colour (default_polygon_color). This
                      parameter is ignored for shapefiles that contain only line data
        :param default_polygon_color: default color for polygons; overridden by colors
                                      provided in look-up-table, if given
        :param kwargs: list of relevant matplotlib arguments, e.g. alpha, zorder, color, etc.
            legend_handles: legend handles for polygonal data; empty list for line data
            legend_labels: symbol names for polygonal data; empty list for line data

        # Populate lookup table

        patches = []
        legend_handles = []
        legend_labels = []
        handles = set()

        ecolor_is_fcolor = False
        if ('edgecolor' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['edgecolor'] == 'face'):
            ecolor_is_fcolor = True
        # Process geometry
        for i, feature in enumerate(self._geometries):
            fcolor = None
            symbol = ''
            if (self._hasLUT):
                symbol = self._properties[i][self._symbolkey]
                fcolor = self._lutDict[symbol]
            if (fcolor == []): fcolor = default_polygon_color

            if (isinstance(feature, Polygon)):
                polygon = feature
                x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
                if m is None:
                    px, py = x, y
                    px, py = m(x, y)
                ppolygon = Polygon(zip(px, py))

                if (fcolor is not None): kwargs['facecolor'] = fcolor
                if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys() and not ecolor_is_fcolor):
                    kwargs['edgecolor'] = 'none'
                    kwargs['edgecolor'] = fcolor
                if ('fill') not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['fill'] = True

                pp = PolygonPatch(ppolygon, **kwargs)

                # filter duplicates
                if (symbol not in handles):

            elif (isinstance(feature, MultiPolygon)):
                multiPolygon = feature

                for polygon in multiPolygon:
                    x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
                    if m is None:
                        px, py = x, y
                        px, py = m(x, y)
                    ppolygon = Polygon(zip(px, py))

                    if (fcolor is not None): kwargs['facecolor'] = fcolor
                    if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()
                            and not ecolor_is_fcolor):
                        kwargs['edgecolor'] = 'none'
                        kwargs['edgecolor'] = fcolor
                    if ('fill') not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['fill'] = True

                    pp = PolygonPatch(ppolygon, **kwargs)

                    # filter duplicates
                    if (symbol not in handles):
                # end for
            elif (isinstance(feature, LineString)):
                line = feature
                x, y = line.coords.xy
                if m is None:
                    px, py = x, y
                    px, py = m(x, y)
                ax.plot(px, py, **kwargs)
            # end if
        # end for
        if (len(patches)):
            ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, match_original=True))

        return legend_handles, legend_labels
Example #10
def get_way_attrs(id, tags, buffer):
    way = g_way(id)
    if is_road(way):
        way['type'] = 'way'
        if not tags:
            all_w_buildings = query_way_buildings(id)
            w_buildings = filter(
                lambda x: not buffer or Point(x['center_lon'], x['center_lat'])
                .within(buffer), all_w_buildings)

            shape = LineString(g_way_geom(id))

            all_building_polygons = {
                b['id']: Polygon(g_way_geom(b['id']))
                for b in w_buildings
            w_buildings = filter(
                lambda b: not filter_building(shape, b, all_building_polygons),

            way['buildings'] = map(lambda x: 'way/{}'.format(x['id']),

            all_intersects = query_intersect_ways(id)
            w_intersects = filter(
                lambda (w, cuts): not buffer or nodes_in_buffer(cuts, buffer),
            way['intersect'] = map(lambda x: 'way/{}'.format(x[0]),

            for node in query_way_elms(id):
                p = Point(node['lon'], node['lat'])
                if not buffer or p.within(buffer):
                    if 'contains' not in way:
                        way['contains'] = []
                    n_key = _elm_key(node, MATCH_TAGS)
                    if n_key is None:
                        n_key = 'node'
                        'id': 'node/{}'.format(node['id']),
                        'type': n_key

    elif is_building(way):
        way['type'] = 'building'
        if not tags:
            for node in query_building_elms(way):
                p = Point(node['lon'], node['lat'])
                if not buffer or p.within(buffer):
                    if 'contains' not in way:
                        way['contains'] = []
                    n_key = _elm_key(node, MATCH_TAGS)
                    if n_key is None:
                        n_key = 'node'
                        'id': 'node/{}'.format(node['id']),
                        'type': n_key

            way['ways'] = map(lambda x: 'way/{}'.format(x['id']),
            surr = []
            way['surrounding_buildings'] = surr
            for w in query_surrounding_buildings(id):
                if w['id'] == int(id):
                    way['center'] = {
                        'lat': w['center_lat'],
                        'lon': w['center_lon']
                    p = Point(w['center_lon'], w['center_lat'])
                    if not buffer or p.within(buffer):

            way['areas'] = map(
                lambda aid: 'area/{}'.format(aid),
                g_coord_area(way['center']['lat'], way['center']['lon']))

    if 'nd' in way:
        del way['nd']
    return way
Example #11
def bbox_iou(box1, box2, x1y1x2y2=True):
    Returns the IoU of two bounding boxes
    if not x1y1x2y2:
        # Transform from center and width to exact coordinates
        b1_x1, b1_x2 = box1[:, 0] - box1[:, 2] / 2, box1[:, 0] + box1[:, 2] / 2
        b1_y1, b1_y2 = box1[:, 1] - box1[:, 3] / 2, box1[:, 1] + box1[:, 3] / 2
        b2_x1, b2_x2 = box2[:, 0] - box2[:, 2] / 2, box2[:, 0] + box2[:, 2] / 2
        b2_y1, b2_y2 = box2[:, 1] - box2[:, 3] / 2, box2[:, 1] + box2[:, 3] / 2
        # Get the coordinates of bounding boxes
        b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[:, 0], box1[:, 1], box1[:, 2], box1[:, 3]
        b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[:, 0], box2[:, 1], box2[:, 2], box2[:, 3]

    # get the corrdinates of the intersection rectangle
    inter_rect_x1 = torch.max(b1_x1, b2_x1)
    inter_rect_y1 = torch.max(b1_y1, b2_y1)
    inter_rect_x2 = torch.min(b1_x2, b2_x2)
    inter_rect_y2 = torch.min(b1_y2, b2_y2)
    # Intersection area
    inter_area = torch.clamp(inter_rect_x2 - inter_rect_x1 + 1, min=0) * torch.clamp(
        inter_rect_y2 - inter_rect_y1 + 1, min=0
    # Union Area
    b1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1 + 1) * (b1_y2 - b1_y1 + 1)
    b2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1 + 1) * (b2_y2 - b2_y1 + 1)

    iou = inter_area / (b1_area + b2_area - inter_area + 1e-16)


    # 已知4个角点求IOU-scores
    # b1xc = box1[:, 0]
    # b1yc = box1[:, 1]
    # b1x1 = b1xc + box1[:, 2]
    # b1y1 = b1yc + box1[:, 3]
    # b1x2 = b1xc + box1[:, 4]
    # b1y2 = b1yc + box1[:, 5]
    # b1x3 = b1xc + box1[:, 6]
    # b1y3 = b1yc + box1[:, 7]
    # b1x4 = b1xc + box1[:, 8]
    # b1y4 = b1yc + box1[:, 9]

    # b2xc = box2[:, 0]
    # b2yc = box2[:, 1]
    # b2x1 = b2xc + box2[:, 2]
    # b2y1 = b2yc + box2[:, 3]
    # b2x2 = b2xc + box2[:, 4]
    # b2y2 = b2yc + box2[:, 5]
    # b2x3 = b2xc + box2[:, 6]
    # b2y3 = b2yc + box2[:, 7]
    # b2x4 = b2xc + box2[:, 8]
    # b2y4 = b2yc + box2[:, 9]

    ious = []
    for i in range(box1.size(0)):
        b1xc = box1[i, 0]
        b1yc = box1[i, 1]
        b1x1 = b1xc + box1[i, 2]
        b1y1 = b1yc + box1[i, 3]
        b1x2 = b1xc + box1[i, 4]
        b1y2 = b1yc + box1[i, 5]
        b1x3 = b1xc + box1[i, 6]
        b1y3 = b1yc + box1[i, 7]
        b1x4 = b1xc + box1[i, 8]
        b1y4 = b1yc + box1[i, 9]

        b2xc = box2[i, 0]
        b2yc = box2[i, 1]
        b2x1 = b2xc + box2[i, 2]
        b2y1 = b2yc + box2[i, 3]
        b2x2 = b2xc + box2[i, 4]
        b2y2 = b2yc + box2[i, 5]
        b2x3 = b2xc + box2[i, 6]
        b2y3 = b2yc + box2[i, 7]
        b2x4 = b2xc + box2[i, 8]
        b2y4 = b2yc + box2[i, 9]

        line1 = np.concatenate(b1x1.numpy(), b1y1.numpy(), b1x2.numpy(), b1y2.numpy(),\
            b1x3.numpy(), b1y3.numpy(), b1x4.numpy(), b1y4.numpy()).reshape(4,2)
        poly1 = Polygon(line1).convex_hull

        line2 = np.concatenate(b2x1.numpy(), b2y1.numpy(), b2x2.numpy(), b2y2.numpy(),\
            b2x3.numpy(), b2y3.numpy(), b2x4.numpy(), b2y4.numpy()).reshape(4,2)
        poly2 = Polygon(line2).convex_hull

        union_poly = np.concatenate((line1,line2))

        inter_area = poly1.intersection(poly2).area  #相交面积

        #union_area = poly1.area + poly2.area - inter_area
        union_area = MultiPoint(union_poly).convex_hull.area
        if union_area == 0:
            iou= 0
            iou=float(inter_area) / union_area
        ious += iou

    return torch.Tensor(iou)
Example #12
def get_area_multipolygon(id):
    area_geoms = g_area_geom(str(id))
    area_polys = [Polygon(points) for points in area_geoms]
    return MultiPolygon(area_polys)
Example #13
def g_area_geom(id):
    debug('Area geometry of ' + str(id))

    def transform_tag_value(k, v):
        if k == 'admin_level':
            return int(v)
        return u'"{}"'.format(v)

    result = api.query("""area({});out;""".format(id))

    area_tags = result.areas[0].tags
    area_tags = {
        key: transform_tag_value(key, v)
        for key, v in area_tags.items()
        if key in ['type', 'name:en', 'name', 'boundary', 'wikidata', 'is_in']

    if 'name' not in area_tags:
        return []

    geom = api.query(u"""    
            out geom;

    if geom is None:
        return []

    tag_filters = u''.join(
        [u'["{}"={}]'.format(key, value) for key, value in area_tags.items()])

    if not geom.relations:
        geom = api.query(u"""    
                    out geom;

    if geom.relations:
        area_poly = relation_multipolygon(geom.relations)
        geom = api.query(u"""
                    out geom;
                    out skel qt;
        all_points = list(geom.ways).pop().nodes
        area_poly = Polygon(
            map(lambda n: (float(n.lon), float(n.lat)), all_points))

    if isinstance(area_poly, Polygon):
        area_poly = MultiPolygon([area_poly])

    return [
        map(lambda x: tuple(x[0]), zip(p.exterior.coords)) for p in area_poly
Example #14
            print "trure"
            return True
    print "false"
    return False

def checkifPointisinbound(polygonpoints, point):
    p2 = Point(point)
    for poly in polygonpoints:
        p1 = Polygon(poly)
        if p1.contains(p2):
            print "true"
            return True
    print "false"
    return False

#p2=LineString([(-1.0, -1.0), (0.0, 6.0)])

#polysOneLine(polygonpoints, [(-1.0, -1.0), (0.0, 6.0)])

checkifPointisinbound(polygonpoints, (7, 7))

p1 = Polygon(polygonpoints[0])
#print p1.contains(Point(1,2))
#[[(-1.0, -1.0), (0.0, 6.0), (1.0, 6.0), (2.0, 2.0), (4.0, 2.0), (4.0, 3.0), (4.0, 4.0)]]

#print p2.intersects(p1)
Example #15
def repair_invalid(polygon, scale=None, rtol=.5):
    Given a shapely.geometry.Polygon, attempt to return a
    valid version of the polygon through buffering tricks.

    polygon: shapely.geometry.Polygon object
    rtol:    float, how close does a perimeter have to be
    scale:   float, or None

    repaired: shapely.geometry.Polygon object

    ValueError: if polygon can't be repaired
    if hasattr(polygon, 'is_valid') and polygon.is_valid:
        return polygon

    # basic repair involves buffering the polygon outwards
    # this will fix a subset of problems.
    basic = polygon.buffer(tol.zero)
    # if it returned multiple polygons check the largest
    if util.is_sequence(basic):
        basic = basic[np.argmax([i.area for i in basic])]

    # check perimeter of result agains original perimeter
    if basic.is_valid and np.isclose(basic.length,
        return basic

    if scale is None:
        distance = tol.buffer * polygon_scale(polygon)
        distance = tol.buffer * scale

    # if there are no interiors, we can work with just the exterior
    # ring, which is often more reliable
    if len(polygon.interiors) == 0:
        # try buffering the exterior of the polygon
        # the interior will be offset by -tol.buffer
        rings = polygon.exterior.buffer(distance).interiors
        if len(rings) == 1:
            # reconstruct a single polygon from the interior ring
            recon = Polygon(shell=rings[0]).buffer(distance)
            # check perimeter of result agains original perimeter
            if recon.is_valid and np.isclose(recon.length,
                return recon

    # buffer and unbuffer the whole polygon
    buffered = polygon.buffer(distance).buffer(-distance)
    # if it returned multiple polygons check the largest
    if util.is_sequence(buffered):
        buffered = buffered[np.argmax([i.area for i in buffered])]
    # check perimeter of result agains original perimeter
    if buffered.is_valid and np.isclose(buffered.length,
        log.debug('Recovered invalid polygon through double buffering')
        return buffered

    raise ValueError('unable to recover polygon!')
Example #16
    def plotlocal(self,
                  centre_shift=[0., 0.],
        Plots a shapefile as lines in local coordinates (for overlaying on
        existing depth slice plotting functions, for example)
        :epsg_from: epsg the sh in
        :epsg_to: epsg you would like the output to be plotted in
        :centre_shift: option to shift by [x,y] to convert (for example) to 
        :ax: axes instance to plot on
        :map_scale: 'km' or 'm' - scale of map we are plotting onto
        :kwargs: key word arguments to the matplotlib plot function
        local coordinates.
        # set default line colour to black
        if 'color' not in kwargs.keys():
            kwargs['color'] = 'k'

        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.subplot(111)

        if map_scale == 'km':
            scale_factor = 1000.
            scale_factor = 1.

        patches = []
        legend_handles = []
        legend_labels = []
        handles = set()

        ecolor_is_fcolor = False
        if ('edgecolor' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['edgecolor'] == 'face'):
            ecolor_is_fcolor = True
        # Process geometry
        for i, feature in enumerate(self._geometries):
            fcolor = None
            symbol = ''
            if (self._hasLUT):
                symbol = self._properties[i][self._symbolkey]
                fcolor = self._lutDict[symbol]
            if (fcolor == []): fcolor = default_polygon_color

            if (isinstance(feature, Polygon)):
                polygon = feature
                x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
                px, py = self._xy_to_local(x, y, epsg_from, epsg_to,
                                           centre_shift, scale_factor)
                ppolygon = Polygon(zip(px, py))

                if (fcolor is not None): kwargs['facecolor'] = fcolor
                if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys() and not ecolor_is_fcolor):
                    kwargs['edgecolor'] = 'none'
                    kwargs['edgecolor'] = fcolor
                if ('fill') not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['fill'] = True

                pp = PolygonPatch(ppolygon, **kwargs)

                # filter duplicates
                if (symbol not in handles):

            elif (isinstance(feature, MultiPolygon)):
                multiPolygon = feature

                for polygon in multiPolygon:
                    x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
                    px, py = self._xy_to_local(x, y, epsg_from, epsg_to,
                                               centre_shift, scale_factor)
                    ppolygon = Polygon(zip(px, py))

                    if (fcolor is not None): kwargs['facecolor'] = fcolor
                    if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()
                            and not ecolor_is_fcolor):
                        kwargs['edgecolor'] = 'none'
                        kwargs['edgecolor'] = fcolor
                    if ('fill') not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['fill'] = True

                    pp = PolygonPatch(ppolygon, **kwargs)

                    # filter duplicates
                    if (symbol not in handles):
                        # end for
            elif (isinstance(feature, LineString)):
                line = feature
                x, y = line.coords.xy
                px, py = self._xy_to_local(x, y, epsg_from, epsg_to,
                                           centre_shift, scale_factor)
                ax.plot(px, py, **kwargs)
                # end if
        # end for
        if (len(patches)):
            ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, match_original=True))

        return ax, legend_handles, legend_labels
def plot_grid_world(episode_df, inner, outer, scale=10.0, plot=True):
    plot a scaled version of lap, along with throttle taken a each position
    stats = []
    outer = [(val[0] / scale, val[1] / scale) for val in outer]
    inner = [(val[0] / scale, val[1] / scale) for val in inner]

    max_x = int(np.max([val[0] for val in outer]))
    max_y = int(np.max([val[1] for val in outer]))

    print(max_x, max_y)
    grid = np.zeros((max_x + 1, max_y + 1))

    # create shapely ring for outter and inner
    outer_polygon = Polygon(outer)
    inner_polygon = Polygon(inner)

    print('Outer polygon length = %.2f (meters)' %
          (outer_polygon.length / scale))
    print('Inner polygon length = %.2f (meters)' %
          (inner_polygon.length / scale))

    dist = 0.0
    for ii in range(1, len(episode_df)):
        dist += math.sqrt(
            (episode_df['x'].iloc[ii] - episode_df['x'].iloc[ii - 1])**2 +
            (episode_df['y'].iloc[ii] - episode_df['y'].iloc[ii - 1])**2)
    dist /= 100.0

    t0 = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(episode_df['timestamp'].iloc[0]))
    t1 = datetime.fromtimestamp(
        float(episode_df['timestamp'].iloc[len(episode_df) - 1]))

    lap_time = (t1 - t0).total_seconds()

    average_throttle = np.nanmean(episode_df['throttle'])
    max_throttle = np.nanmax(episode_df['throttle'])
    min_throttle = np.nanmin(episode_df['throttle'])
    velocity = dist / lap_time

    print('Distance, lap time = %.2f (meters), %.2f (sec)' % (dist, lap_time))
    print('Average throttle, velocity = %.2f (Gazebo), %.2f (meters/sec)' %
          (average_throttle, velocity))

    stats.append((dist, lap_time, velocity, average_throttle, min_throttle,

    if plot == True:
        for y in range(max_y):
            for x in range(max_x):
                point = Point((x, y))

                # this is the track
                if (not inner_polygon.contains(point)) and (
                    grid[x][y] = -1.0

                # find df slice that fits into this
                df_slice = episode_df[(episode_df['x'] >= (x - 1) * scale) & (episode_df['x'] < x * scale) & \
                                   (episode_df['y'] >= (y - 1) * scale) & (episode_df['y'] < y * scale)]

                if len(df_slice) > 0:
                    #average_throttle = np.nanmean(df_slice['throttle'])
                    grid[x][y] = np.nanmean(df_slice['throttle'])

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
        imgplot = plt.imshow(grid)
        plt.title('Lap time (sec) = %.2f' % lap_time)

    return lap_time, average_throttle, stats
Example #18
def VectorizeSwathPolygons(params, processes=1, **kwargs):
    Vectorize spatial units' polygons

    # parameters = ValleyBottomParameters()
    # parameters.update({key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs.keys() & parameters.keys()})
    # kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs.keys() - parameters.keys()}
    # params = SwathMeasurementParams(**parameters)

    defs = ReadSwathsBounds(params)

    def arguments():

        for (axis, gid), (measure, bounds) in defs.items():
            yield (

    output = params.output_swaths_shapefile.filename(tileset=None)
    # config.filename(params.output_swaths_shapefile, mod=False)

    schema = {
        'geometry': 'Polygon',
        'properties': [
            ('GID', 'int'),
            ('AXIS', 'int:4'),
            ('VALUE', 'int:4'),
            # ('ROW', 'int:3'),
            # ('COL', 'int:3'),
            ('M', 'float:10.2')
    crs = fiona.crs.from_epsg(2154)
    options = dict(driver='ESRI Shapefile', crs=crs, schema=schema)

    with fiona.open(output, 'w', **options) as dst:

        with Pool(processes=processes) as pool:

            pooled = pool.imap_unordered(starcall, arguments())

            with click.progressbar(pooled, length=len(defs)) as iterator:
                for axis, gid, measure, polygons in iterator:
                    for (polygon, value) in polygons:

                        geom = asShape(polygon)
                        exterior = Polygon(geom.exterior).buffer(0)

                        feature = {
                            'geometry': exterior.__geo_interface__,
                            'properties': {
                                'GID': int(gid),
                                'AXIS': int(axis),
                                'VALUE': int(value),
                                # 'ROW': row,
                                # 'COL': col,
                                'M': float(measure)


                        for ring in geom.interiors:

                            if not exterior.contains(ring):

                                feature = {
                                    'geometry': Polygon(ring).buffer(0).__geo_interface__,
                                    'properties': {
                                        'GID': int(gid),
                                        'AXIS': int(axis),
                                        'VALUE': int(value),
                                        # 'ROW': row,
                                        # 'COL': col,
                                        'M': float(measure)

    def test_AreaTablesAreaInterpolate(self):
        polys1 = gpd.GeoSeries([
            Polygon([(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 5), (0, 5)]),
            Polygon([(0, 5), (0, 10), (10, 10), (10, 5)])

        polys2 = gpd.GeoSeries([
            Polygon([(0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 7), (0, 7)]),
            Polygon([(5, 0), (5, 10), (10, 10), (10, 0)]),
            Polygon([(0, 7), (0, 10), (5, 10), (5, 7)])

        df1 = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': polys1})
        df2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': polys2})
        df1['population'] = [500, 200]
        df1['pci'] = [75, 100]
        df1['income'] = df1['population'] * df1['pci']

        res_union = gpd.overlay(df1, df2, how='union')

        result_area = area_tables(df1, res_union)
        result_area_binning = area_tables_binning(df1, res_union)

                                       np.array([[25., 25., 0., 0., 0.],
                                                 [0., 0., 10., 15., 25.]]),

                                       np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                                                 [0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
                                                 [0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
                                                 [0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
                                                 [0., 0., 0., 1., 0.]]),

                                       np.array([[25., 0., 25., 0., 0.],
                                                 [0., 10., 0., 25., 15.]]),

        result_inte = area_interpolate(
            extensive_variables=['population', 'income'],
        result_inte_binning = area_interpolate_binning(
            extensive_variables=['population', 'income'],

                                       np.array([[250., 18750.], [40., 4000.],
                                                  18750.], [100., 10000.],
                                                 [60., 6000.]]),

                                       np.array([[75.], [100.], [75.], [100.],

                                       np.array([[250., 18750.],
                                                 [39.99999762, 3999.99976158],
                                                 [250., 18750.],
                                                 [100., 10000.],

                                       np.array([[75.], [100.], [75.], [100.],
    def aggregateByGrid(df, field, summary, gridSize):
        Aggregates the specified field with chosen summary type and user
            defined grid size. returns aggregated grids with summary

        df : geopandas dataframe
        field : string
            field to be summarized.
        summary : string
            type of summary to be sumarized. eg. min, max,sum, median
        gridSize : float
            the size of grid on same unit as geodataframe coordinates.

            Aggregated grids with summary on it

        def round_down(num, divisor):
            return floor(num / divisor) * divisor

        def round_up(num, divisor):
            return ceil(num / divisor) * divisor

        # Get crs from data
        sourceCRS = df.crs
        targetCRS = {"init": "EPSG:3857"}
        # Reproject to Mercator\
        df = df.to_crs(targetCRS)
        # Get bounds
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = df.total_bounds
        print(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        height, width = gridSize, gridSize
        top, left = round_up(ymax, height), round_down(xmin, width)
        bottom, right = round_down(ymin, height), round_up(xmax, width)

        rows = int((top - bottom) / height) + 1
        cols = int((right - left) / width) + 1

        XleftOrigin = left
        XrightOrigin = left + width
        YtopOrigin = top
        YbottomOrigin = top - height
        polygons = []
        for i in range(cols):
            Ytop = YtopOrigin
            Ybottom = YbottomOrigin
            for j in range(rows):
                    Polygon([(XleftOrigin, Ytop), (XrightOrigin, Ytop),
                             (XrightOrigin, Ybottom), (XleftOrigin, Ybottom)]))
                Ytop = Ytop - height
                Ybottom = Ybottom - height
            XleftOrigin = XleftOrigin + width
            XrightOrigin = XrightOrigin + width

        grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': polygons})
        grid.crs = df.crs

        # Assign gridid
        numGrid = len(grid)
        grid['gridId'] = list(range(numGrid))

        # Identify gridId for each point
        points_identified = gpd.sjoin(df, grid, op='within')

        # group points by gridid and calculate mean Easting,
        # store it as dataframe
        # delete if field already exists
        if field in grid.columns:
            del grid[field]
        grouped = points_identified.groupby('gridId')[field].agg(summary)
        grouped_df = pd.DataFrame(grouped)

        new_grid = grid.join(grouped_df, on='gridId').fillna(0)
        grid = new_grid.to_crs(sourceCRS)
        summarized_field = summary + "_" + field
        final_grid = grid.rename(columns={field: summarized_field})
        final_grid = final_grid[final_grid[summarized_field] > 0].sort_values(
            by=summarized_field, ascending=False)
        final_grid[summarized_field] = round(final_grid[summarized_field], 1)
        final_grid['x_centroid'], final_grid['y_centroid'] = \
            final_grid.geometry.centroid.x, final_grid.geometry.centroid.y
        return final_grid
Example #21
def kps_to_polygon(kps):
        Convert imgaug keypoints to shapely polygon
    pts = [(kp.x, kp.y) for kp in kps]
    return Polygon(pts)
    def spatioTemporalAggregation(df, field, summary, gridSize):
        Aggregates the given field on hour and weekday basis.
        Prepares data for mosaic plot

        df : geopandas dataframe
        field : string
            field to be summarized.
        summary : string
            type of summary to be sumarized. eg. min, max,sum, median
        gridSize : float
            the size of grid on same unit as geodataframe coordinates.

        geodataframes: one each for larger grid and other for subgrids
            (for visualization purpose only)
            Aggregated grids with summary on it

        def round_down(num, divisor):
            return floor(num / divisor) * divisor

        def round_up(num, divisor):
            return ceil(num / divisor) * divisor

        # Get crs from data
        sourceCRS = df.crs
        targetCRS = {'init': "epsg:3857"}
        # Reproject to Mercator\
        df = df.to_crs(targetCRS)

        # Get bounds
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = df.total_bounds
        height, width = gridSize, gridSize
        top, left = round_up(ymax, height), round_down(xmin, width)
        bottom, right = round_down(ymin, height), round_up(xmax, width)

        rows = int((top - bottom) / height) + 1
        cols = int((right - left) / width) + 1

        XleftOrigin = left
        XrightOrigin = left + width
        YtopOrigin = top
        YbottomOrigin = top - height
        polygons = []

        for i in range(cols):
            Ytop = YtopOrigin
            Ybottom = YbottomOrigin
            for j in range(rows):
                    Polygon([(XleftOrigin, Ytop), (XrightOrigin, Ytop),
                             (XrightOrigin, Ybottom), (XleftOrigin, Ybottom)]))
                Ytop = Ytop - height
                Ybottom = Ybottom - height
            XleftOrigin = XleftOrigin + width
            XrightOrigin = XrightOrigin + width

        grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': polygons})
        grid.crs = (targetCRS)

        # Assign gridid
        numGrid = len(grid)
        grid['gridId'] = list(range(numGrid))

        # Identify gridId for each point

        df['hour'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(
            x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')).dt.hour
        df['weekday'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(
            x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')).dt.dayofweek
        points_identified = gpd.sjoin(df, grid, op='within')

        # group points by gridid and calculate mean Easting,
        # store it as dataframe
        # delete if field already exists
        if field in grid.columns:
            del grid[field]

        # Aggregate by weekday, hour and grid
        grouped = points_identified.groupby(['gridId', 'weekday',
                                             'hour']).agg({field: [summary]})
        grouped = grouped.reset_index()
        grouped.columns = grouped.columns.map("_".join)
        modified_fieldname = field + "_" + summary

        # Create Subgrids
        subgrid, mainGrid, rowNum, columnNum, value = [], [], [], [], []
        unikGrid = grouped['gridId_'].unique()
        for currentGrid in unikGrid:
            dataframe = grid[grid['gridId'] == currentGrid]
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = dataframe.total_bounds
            xminn, xmaxx, yminn, ymaxx = xmin + \
                (xmax-xmin)*0.05, xmax-(xmax-xmin)*0.05, ymin + \
                (ymax-ymin)*0.05, ymax-(ymax-ymin)*0.05
            rowOffset = (ymaxx - yminn) / 24.0
            colOffset = (xmaxx - xminn) / 7.0
            for i in range(7):
                for j in range(24):
                    topy, bottomy, leftx, rightx = ymaxx-j*rowOffset, ymaxx - \
                        (j+1)*rowOffset, xminn+i * \
                        colOffset, xminn+(i+1)*colOffset
                        Polygon([(leftx, topy), (rightx, topy),
                                 (rightx, bottomy), (leftx, bottomy)]))
                    if len(grouped[(grouped['gridId_'] == currentGrid)
                                   & (grouped['weekday_'] == i)
                                   & (grouped['hour_'] == j)]) != 0:
                        this_value = grouped[
                            (grouped['gridId_'] == currentGrid)
                            & (grouped['weekday_'] == i)
                            & (grouped['hour_']
                               == j)].iloc[0][modified_fieldname]
        subgrid_gpd = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': subgrid})
        subgrid_gpd.crs = targetCRS
        # Reproject to Mercator\
        subgrid_gpd = subgrid_gpd.to_crs(sourceCRS)
        subgrid_gpd['gridId'] = mainGrid
        subgrid_gpd['Weekday'] = columnNum
        subgrid_gpd['hour'] = rowNum
        subgrid_gpd['gridId'] = subgrid_gpd.apply(lambda x: str(x[
            'gridId']) + "_" + str(x['Weekday']) + "_" + str(x['hour']),
        subgrid_gpd[modified_fieldname] = value
        subgrid_gpd = subgrid_gpd.dropna()
        grid = grid.to_crs(sourceCRS)
        grid = grid[grid['gridId'].isin(unikGrid)]
        return grid, subgrid_gpd
Example #23
 def test_buffer(self):
     original = GeoSeries([Point(0, 0)])
     expected = GeoSeries(
         [Polygon(((5, 0), (0, -5), (-5, 0), (0, 5), (5, 0)))])
     calculated = original.buffer(5, resolution=1)
     assert geom_almost_equals(expected, calculated)
Example #24
    def getInstallationAreaConstraints(self):
        getInstallationAreaConstraints: used to identify the nogo zones associated with the
        water depth installation constraints of the specific machine.

            self (class)

            the method update the following self.S_data attributes:
                .NogoAreas_bathymetry: create a list of polygons associated with unfeasible and feasible areas
                .Bathymetry: flatten the bathymetry for the wave case to the average value
        Bathymetry = self.S_data.Bathymetry
        # Bathymetry = np.array([-10])
        # print(Bathymetry)
        if (len(Bathymetry) == 1
                and (not Bathymetry >= self.M_data.InstalDepth[0]
                     or not Bathymetry <= self.M_data.InstalDepth[1])):
            errStr = ('Error[InstalDepth]:\nThe device installation '
                      'constraints do not fit the bathymetry of the area.'
                      "\nNo possible installation area has been found!")
            raise ValueError(
            )  # there is no valid zone for the installation of the devices

        elif (len(Bathymetry) == 1 and Bathymetry >= self.M_data.InstalDepth[0]
              and Bathymetry <= self.M_data.InstalDepth[1]):
            self.S_data.NogoAreas_bathymetry = None  # the whole lease area can be used
            if self.M_data.tidalFlag:
                X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.S_data.MeteoceanConditions['x'],
                Z = X * 0. + Bathymetry  # generate a flat bathymetry
                self.S_data.Bathymetry = np.vstack(
                    (X.ravel(), Y.ravel(), Z.ravel())).T
            (NoGo, unfeasible_points_mask) = get_unfeasible_regions(
            self.S_data.NogoAreas_bathymetry = NoGo

        if not self.M_data.tidalFlag:
            module_logger.warning('[Warning] The wave module cannot run with '
                                  'variable bathymetry\n'
                                  'The bathymetry is reduced to its average '
            module_logger.info('The averge bathymetry value is '
                               '{} m'.format(np.mean(Bathymetry[:, -1])))

            # calculate the average water depth withint he lease area and
            # outside the nogozones specified by the user
            active_area = Polygon(self.S_data.LeaseArea)
            mask_outofwater = Bathymetry[:,
                                         -1] <= 0  # true all points below swl
            mask_nan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(
                Bathymetry[:, -1]))  # true all valid points
            mask_lease = np.asarray([
                active_area.intersects(Point(el)) for el in Bathymetry[:, :-1]
            ])  # true all points inside
            mask_nogo = np.ones(mask_lease.shape, dtype='bool')

            if self.S_data.NogoAreas:
                if not isinstance(self.S_data.NogoAreas, list):
                    raise IOError('The nogo areas input by the user needs to '
                                  'be a list of numpy.ndarray')
                for el in self.S_data.NogoAreas:
                    nogo_poly = Polygon(el)
                    t = np.asarray([
                        not nogo_poly.intersects(Point(grid_p))
                        for grid_p in Bathymetry[:, :-1]
                    mask_nogo *= t  # true all point outside

            bathymetry_mask = (
                mask_lease * mask_nan * mask_outofwater * mask_nogo
            )  # only true point satisfy the above conditions

            if Bathymetry[bathymetry_mask, -1].size == 0:
                raise ValueError("No valid points found within lease area. "
                                 "Check depths and exclusion zones")

            self.S_data._average_water_depth = np.mean(
                Bathymetry[bathymetry_mask, -1])

Example #25
 def setUp(self):
     self.geometry = Polygon([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]])
     self.field = BboxArrayField()
Example #26
def check_collision(rect0, rect1):
    p1 = Polygon(tuple(map(tuple, rect0)))
    p2 = Polygon(tuple(map(tuple, rect1)))
    collision = (p1.intersection(p2).area > 0.0)
    return collision
Example #27
#width = 4e-3
#height = 4e-3
#rows = int(np.ceil((ymax-ymin) /  height))
#cols = int(np.ceil((xmax-xmin) / width))

XleftOrigin = xmin
XrightOrigin = xmin + width
YtopOrigin = ymax
YbottomOrigin = ymax - height
polygons = []
for i in range(cols):
    Ytop = YtopOrigin
    Ybottom = YbottomOrigin
    for j in range(rows):
            Polygon([(XleftOrigin, Ytop), (XrightOrigin, Ytop),
                     (XrightOrigin, Ybottom), (XleftOrigin, Ybottom)]))
        Ytop = Ytop - height
        Ybottom = Ybottom - height
    XleftOrigin = XleftOrigin + width
    XrightOrigin = XrightOrigin + width

grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': polygons})
grid.crs = {'init': 'epsg:32610'}
grid = grid.to_crs(epsg=32610)

grid.to_file('grid.JSON', driver="GeoJSON")

import geopandas as gpd
Example #28
    def transform_coords(self):
        """ Sends polygon's coordinates to AI """

        figures = self.drawing_place.find_all()
        coords = []
        co = []
        tags = []
        if len(figures) >= 1:
            for fig in figures:

            types = self.get_type_polygons()


            coordinates = []
            for shape in coords:
                poly = []
                for i in range(int(len(shape) / 2)):
                        [round(shape[i * 2], 2),
                         round(shape[i * 2 + 1], 2)])



            polygons = []
            for shape in coordinates:

            # Output can be polygon OR multipolygon
            output = PolygonUtils.merge(polygons)

            multipolygon = []
            if not isinstance(output, Polygon):
                multipolygon = list(output)
                multipolygon = [output]

            CanvasUtils.reset_canvas(self.drawing_place, self.labels)

            # Convert check multipolygon and convert it into list of polygon
            for sub_ref in multipolygon:

                xy = []
                for i in range(len(sub_ref.exterior.xy[0])):
                    xy.append(sub_ref.exterior.xy[0][i] * 100)
                    xy.append(sub_ref.exterior.xy[1][i] * 100)

                CanvasPolygon(xy, 'black', "origin", self.drawing_place,
                              self.magnet_slider, False)


            should_reset = SolvingThread.solve(output, types, self.window,
            if should_reset:
                CanvasUtils.reset_canvas(self.drawing_place, self.labels)
                self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close_event)

            # utils.draw_node(shapes, state, ref)

                "No polygons on canvas",
                "Please add at least one polygon before testing our AI")
Example #29
    def plan(self, start_point, goal_point, obstacle_list, animation=False):
        """Plans path from start to goal avoiding obstacles.

            start_point: tuple with start point coordinates.
            end_point: tuple with end point coordinates.
            obstacle_list: list of obstacles which themselves are list of points
            animation: flag for showing planning visualization (default False)

            A list of points representing the path determined from
            start to goal while avoiding obstacles.
            An list containing just the start point means path could not be planned.

        # Initialize start and goal nodes
        start = Node.from_coordinates(start_point)
        goal_node = Node.from_coordinates(goal_point)

        # Initialize node_list with start
        node_list = [start]

        # Calculate distances between start and goal
        del_x, del_y = start.x - goal_node.x, start.y - goal_node.y
        distance_to_goal = math.sqrt(del_x**2 + del_y**2)

        # Loop to keep expanding the tree towards goal if there is no direct connection
        if check_intersection([start_point, goal_point], obstacle_list):
            while True:
                # Sample random point in specified area
                rnd_point = self.sampler(self.sample_area, goal_point,

                # Find nearest node to the sampled point
                distance_list = [
                    (node.x - rnd_point[0])**2 + (node.y - rnd_point[1])**2
                    for node in node_list

                    # for python2
                    nearest_node_index = min(xrange(len(distance_list)),
                except NameError:
                    # for python 3
                    nearest_node_index = distance_list.index(

                nearest_node = node_list[nearest_node_index]

                # Create new point in the direction of sampled point
                theta = math.atan2(rnd_point[1] - nearest_node.y,
                                   rnd_point[0] - nearest_node.x)
                new_point = (
                    nearest_node.x + self.expand_dis * math.cos(theta),
                    nearest_node.y + self.expand_dis * math.sin(theta),

                # Check whether new point is inside an obstacles
                for obstacle in obstacle_list:
                    if Point(new_point).within(Polygon(obstacle)):
                        new_point = float("nan"), float("nan")

                # Expand tree
                if math.isnan(new_point[0]):
                    new_node = Node.from_coordinates(new_point)
                    new_node.parent = nearest_node

                # Check if goal has been reached or if there is direct connection to goal
                del_x, del_y = new_node.x - goal_node.x, new_node.y - goal_node.y
                distance_to_goal = math.sqrt(del_x**2 + del_y**2)

                if distance_to_goal < self.expand_dis or not check_intersection(
                     goal_node.to_tuple()], obstacle_list):
                    goal_node.parent = node_list[-1]
                    print("Goal reached!")

            goal_node.parent = start
            node_list = [start, goal_node]

        # Construct path by traversing backwards through the tree
        path = []
        last_node = node_list[-1]

        while node_list[node_list.index(last_node)].parent is not None:
            node = node_list[node_list.index(last_node)]
            last_node = node.parent

        if animation is True:
            RRT.visualize_tree(node_list, obstacle_list)

        return list(reversed(path)), node_list
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

from datetime import datetime

import pdb

import iris

# CMOPRH is 0 to 360 longitude . . .

polygon = Polygon(((73., 21.), (83., 16.), (87., 22.), (75., 27.)))

pcp_dom, longitude_dom, latitude_dom, time_dom = pickle.load(

# Load land sea mask.  TRMM land sea mask is in % of water coverage so 100% is all water
#nc = Dataset('/nfs/a90/eepdw/Data/Observations/Satellite/TRMM/TMPA_mask.nc')

#lsm_lons, lsm_lats = np.meshgrid(nc.variables['lon'][:],nc.variables['lat'][:])

lsm_cube = iris.load_cube('/nfs/a90/eepdw/Data/EMBRACE/dkbh/dkbhu/30.pp',