Example #1
def overlap_summary(groupbydata, valuedata, fieldmapping=[]):
    # prep
    data1,data2 = groupbydata,valuedata
    if fieldmapping: aggfields,aggtypes = zip(*fieldmapping)
    aggfunctions = dict([("count",len),
                         ("average",lambda seq: sum(seq)/float(len(seq)) ) ])

    # create spatial index
    if not hasattr(data1, "spindex"): data1.create_spatial_index()
    if not hasattr(data2, "spindex"): data2.create_spatial_index()

    # create new
    new = GeoTable()
    new.fields = list(data1.fields)
    if fieldmapping: 
        for aggfield,aggtype in fieldmapping:

    # for each groupby feature
    for i,feat in enumerate(data1.quick_overlap(data2.bbox)):
        geom = geoj2shapely(feat.geometry)
        geom = supershapely(geom)
        matches = []

        # get all value features that intersect
        for otherfeat in data2.quick_overlap(feat.bbox):        
            othergeom = geoj2shapely(otherfeat.geometry)
            if geom.intersects(othergeom):

        # make newrow from original row
        newrow = list(feat.row)

        # if any matches
        if matches:
            def make_number(value):
                try: return float(value)
                except: return None
            # add summary values to newrow based on fieldmapping
            for aggfield,aggtype in fieldmapping:
                values = [otherfeat[aggfield] for otherfeat in matches]
                if aggtype in ("sum","max","min","average"):
                    # only consider number values if numeric stats
                    values = [make_number(value) for value in values if make_number(value) != None]
                aggregatefunc = aggfunctions[aggtype]
                summaryvalue = aggregatefunc(values)

        # otherwise, add empty values
            newrow.extend(("" for _ in fieldmapping))

        # write feature to output
        new.add_feature(newrow, feat.geometry)

    return new
Example #2
 def within(feat, other):
     if geodetic:
         buff = geojson2shapely(geodetic_buffer(feat.geometry, radius))
         buff = geom.buffer(radius)
     superbuff = supershapely(buff)
     otherfeats = other.quick_overlap(buff.bounds) if hasattr(other, "spindex") else other
     for otherfeat in otherfeats:
         if superbuff.intersects(otherfeat._shapely):
             yield otherfeat
Example #3
def clip(data, other, clip_type, condition=None, where=None, by=None):
    Pairwise clip operation between each pair of features. 

    - clip_type: intersection, union, or difference

    # Note: if no by, then pairwise, if by, then accept fieldmapping (and clip_type will be run cumulatively within each group)
    # ie for union/dissolve/collapse, use clip(data, other, "union", by="ID", fieldmapping=...)
    # this way can also specify continguous dissolve, overlapping dissolve, disjoint dissolve, etc via the where param...
    # for isect and diff is different, only geom clip_type will be applied within each group, each row still intact.
    # hmmm...
    # create spatial index
    if not hasattr(data, "spindex"): data.create_spatial_index()
    if not hasattr(clipper, "spindex"): clipper.create_spatial_index()

    out = VectorData()
    out.fields = list(data.fields)

    if clip_type == "intersection":
        iterable = ((feat,feat.get_shapely()) for feat in data.quick_overlap(clipper.bbox))
        for feat,geom in iterable:
            supergeom = supershapely(geom)
            iterable2 = ((clipfeat,clipfeat.get_shapely()) for clipfeat in clipper.quick_overlap(feat.bbox))

            for clipfeat,clipgeom in iterable2:
                if key:
                    if key(feat,clipfeat) and supergeom.intersects(clipgeom) and not geom.touches(clipgeom):
                        intsec = geom.intersection(clipgeom)
                        if not intsec.is_empty and data.type in intsec.geom_type and intsec.area > 0.00000000001: # replace with optional snapping
                            out.add_feature(feat.row, intsec.__geo_interface__)
                    if supergeom.intersects(clipgeom) and not geom.touches(clipgeom):
                        intsec = geom.intersection(clipgeom)
                        if not intsec.is_empty and data.type in intsec.geom_type and intsec.area > 0.00000000001: # replace with optional snapping
                            out.add_feature(feat.row, intsec.__geo_interface__)

    elif clip_type == "difference":

    elif clip_type == "union":

    return out
Example #4
def spatial_stats(groupbydata, valuedata, fieldmapping=[], keepall=True, subkey=None, key=None, **kwargs):
    Summarizes the values of "valuedata" that overlap "groupbydata",
    and adds the summary statistics to the output data.

    "groupbydata" must be vector instance, but "valuedata" can be either either a vector or raster instance. 

    "fieldmapping" is a list of ('outfieldname', 'getvaluefunction', 'statistic name or function') tuples that decides which
    variables to summarize and how to do so. Valid statistics are count,
    sum, max, min, and average.

    Key is a function for determining if a pair of features should be processed, taking feat and clipfeat as input args and returning True or False

    from . import sql

    out = VectorData()

    # add fields
    out.fields = list(groupbydata.fields)
    out.fields.extend([name for name,valfunc,aggfunc in fieldmapping if name not in out.fields])

    # loop
    if not hasattr(groupbydata, "spindex"): groupbydata.create_spatial_index()
    groupfeats = groupbydata if keepall else groupbydata.quick_overlap(valuedata.bbox) # take advantage of spindex if not keeping all

    if isinstance(valuedata, VectorData):
        # vector in vector
        if not hasattr(valuedata, "spindex"): valuedata.create_spatial_index()
        for groupfeat in groupfeats: 

            if not groupfeat.geometry:
                if keepall:
                    newrow = list(groupfeat.row)
                    newrow.extend( (None for _ in fieldmapping) )
                    out.add_feature(newrow, None)

            geom = groupfeat.get_shapely()
            supergeom = supershapely(geom)
            print groupfeat
            valuefeats = ((valfeat,valfeat.get_shapely()) for valfeat in valuedata.quick_overlap(groupfeat.bbox))

            # aggregate
            if groupbydata.type == valuedata.type == "Polygon":
                # when comparing polys to polys, dont count neighbouring polygons that just touch on the edge
                def overlaps(valgeom):
                    if supergeom.intersects(valgeom) and not geom.touches(valgeom):
                        return True
                # for lines and points, ok that just touches on the edge
                def overlaps(valgeom):
                    return supergeom.intersects(valgeom)
            if key:
                matches = (valfeat for valfeat,valgeom in valuefeats
                           if key(groupfeat,valfeat) and overlaps(valgeom))
                matches = ((valfeat,valgeom) for valfeat,valgeom in valuefeats
                           if overlaps(valgeom))

            # clean potential junk, maybe allow user setting of minimum area (put on hold for now, maybe user should make sure of this in advance?)
            def cleaned():
                for valfeat,valgeom in matches:
                    yield valfeat
            matches = list(cleaned())

            if subkey:
                if matches:
                    for group in sql.groupby(matches, subkey):
                        aggreg = sql.aggreg(group, fieldmapping)

                        newrow = list(groupfeat.row)
                        newrow.extend( aggreg )
                        out.add_feature(newrow, geom.__geo_interface__)

                elif keepall:
                    newrow = list(groupfeat.row)
                    newrow.extend( (None for _ in fieldmapping) )
                    out.add_feature(newrow, geom.__geo_interface__)

                if matches:
                    aggreg = sql.aggreg(matches, fieldmapping)

                # add
                if matches:
                    newrow = list(groupfeat.row)
                    newrow.extend( aggreg )
                    out.add_feature(newrow, geom.__geo_interface__)

                elif keepall:
                    newrow = list(groupfeat.row)
                    newrow.extend( (None for _ in fieldmapping) )
                    out.add_feature(newrow, geom.__geo_interface__)

        # raster in vector
        # TODO: For very large files, something in here produces a crash after returning output even though memory use seems low...
        from .. import raster

        for f in groupfeats:
            print f
                cropped = raster.manager.crop(valuedata, f.bbox)
            # TODO: only check overlapping tiles
            # TODO: how to calc stat on multiple overlapping tiles           
            fdata = VectorData()
            fdata.add_feature([], f.geometry)
            clipped = raster.manager.clip(cropped, fdata)

            #import pythongis as pg
            #mapp = pg.renderer.Map()
            #mapp.add_layer(fdata, fillcolor=None)

            del fdata
            del cropped
            row = f.row + [None for _ in fieldmapping]
            outfeat = out.add_feature(row, f.geometry)
            for statfield,bandnum,outstat in fieldmapping:
                stat = clipped.bands[bandnum].summarystats(outstat)[outstat]
                outfeat[statfield] = stat

            del clipped

    return out
Example #5
def spatial_join(data, other, condition, subkey=None, keepall=False, clip=False, **kwargs):
    Pairwise joining with all unique pairs that match the spatial "condition" and the optional "subkey" function.
    Returns a new spatially joined dataset.

    Note: if the other dataset has fields with the same name as the main dataset, those will not be joined, keeping
        only the ones in the main dataset. 

        data: The main VectorData dataset to be joined to.
        other: The other VectorData dataset to join to the main one.
        condition: The spatial condition required for joining a pair of features.
            Valid options include:
                - "distance" (along with "radius" and/or "n" args)
                - "intersects", "within", "contains", "crosses", "touches", "equals", "covers"
                - "disjoint"
        subkey (optional): If set, acts as an additional non-spatial condition. Only the pairs that pass this condition
            will be tested for the spatial condition. Specified as a function that takes a pair of features as its argument,
            and returns True if they should be joined.
        keepall (optional): If True, keeps all features in the main dataset regardless (default), otherwise only keeps the 
            ones that match.
        clip (optional): If the user is interested in the unique spatial relationship of each feature, the clip argument can
            be used to clip or alter the geometry of each joined pair. The default behavior is for each joined pair to get the
            geometry of the original left feature. 

            Valid values include "intersection", "difference", "union", or a function
            expecting two features and returning a GeoJSON dict or None, which will be performed on the joined geometries.

            The clip argument can also be used to ignore geometries alltogether, especially since joins
            with many matching pairs and duplicate geometries may lead to a large memory footprint. To reduce the memory footprint,
            the clip argument can be set to a function that returns None, returning a non-spatial table without geometries. 

    # TODO: switch if point is other

    # NEW
    condition = condition.lower()
    # create spatial index
    if not hasattr(data, "spindex"): data.create_spatial_index()
    if not hasattr(other, "spindex"): other.create_spatial_index()

    out = VectorData()
    out.fields = list(data.fields)
    out.fields += (field for field in other.fields if field not in data.fields)
    otheridx = [i for i,field in enumerate(other.fields) if field not in data.fields]

    if isinstance(clip, basestring):
        clipname = clip
        # determine correct output type for each operation
        if clipname == 'intersection':
            # lowest dimension
            if 'Point' in (data.type,other.type):
                newtyp = 'Point'
                newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint
            elif 'LineString' in (data.type,other.type):
                newtyp = 'LineString'
                newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString
            elif 'Polygon' in (data.type,other.type):
                newtyp = 'Polygon'
                newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon
        elif clipname == 'union':
            # highest dimension
            if 'Polygon' in (data.type,other.type):
                newtyp = 'Polygon'
                newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon
            elif 'LineString' in (data.type,other.type):
                newtyp = 'LineString'
                newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString
            elif 'Point' in (data.type,other.type):
                newtyp = 'Point'
                newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint
        elif clipname == 'difference':
            # same as main
            newtyp = data.type
            if 'Point' in newtyp: newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint
            elif 'LineString' in newtyp: newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString
            elif 'Polygon' in newtyp: newmultiobj = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon

        def clip(f1,f2):
            clipfunc = getattr(f1.get_shapely(), clipname)
            #print 'clipping feat'
                geom = clipfunc(f2._shapely)
            except shapely.errors.TopologicalError:
                warnings.warn('A clip operation failed due to invalid geometries, replacing with null-geometry')
                return None
            if geom:
                #print geom.geom_type
                if geom.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection':
                    # only get the subgeoms corresponding to the right type
                    sgeoms = [g for g in geom.geoms if g.geom_type == newtyp] # single geoms
                    mgeoms = [g for g in geom.geoms if g.geom_type == 'Multi'+newtyp] # multi geoms
                    flatmgeoms = [g for mg in mgeoms for g in mg.geoms] # flatten multigeoms
                    geom = newmultiobj(sgeoms + flatmgeoms)
                    return geom.__geo_interface__
                elif newtyp in geom.geom_type:
                    # normal
                    return geom.__geo_interface__
                    # ignore wrong types
                    return None            

    if condition in ("distance",):
        radius = kwargs.get("radius")
        n = kwargs.get("n")
        geodetic = kwargs.get("geodetic", True)
        if not (radius or n):
            raise Exception("The 'distance' join condition requires a 'radius' or 'n' arg")

        # prep geoms in other
        for otherfeat in other:
            if not otherfeat.geometry:
            otherfeat._shapely = otherfeat.get_shapely()

        # match funcs
        def within(feat, other):
            if geodetic:
                buff = geojson2shapely(geodetic_buffer(feat.geometry, radius))
                buff = geom.buffer(radius)
            superbuff = supershapely(buff)
            otherfeats = other.quick_overlap(buff.bounds) if hasattr(other, "spindex") else other
            for otherfeat in otherfeats:
                if superbuff.intersects(otherfeat._shapely):
                    yield otherfeat

        def nearest(feat, otherfeats):
            # TODO: implement optional geodetic distance
            for otherfeat in sorted(otherfeats, key=lambda otherfeat: geom.distance(otherfeat._shapely)):
                yield otherfeat

        # begin
        for feat in data:

            #print feat
            if not feat.geometry:
                if keepall:
                    newrow = list(feat.row)
                    newrow += (None for i in otheridx)
                    out.add_feature(newrow, None)

            geom = feat.get_shapely()
            supergeom = supershapely(geom)

            # test conditions
            # first find overlaps
            overlaps = []
            nonoverlaps = []
            for otherfeat in other.quick_overlap(feat.bbox):
                if subkey and not subkey(feat,otherfeat):
                if supergeom.intersects(otherfeat._shapely):
                if n and len(overlaps) >= n:
                    # check if sufficient
            # otherwise proceed to nonoverlaps
            matches = overlaps
            proceed = len(matches) < n if n else True
            if proceed:
                # limit to those within radius
                if radius:
                    # test within
                    # NOTE: seems faster to just use existing spindex and exclude those already added
                    nonoverlaps = (otherfeat for otherfeat in within(feat, other)
                                   if otherfeat not in matches)
                # add remainder of nonoverlaps
                    for otherfeat in other.quick_disjoint(feat.bbox):
                # filter by key
                if subkey:
                    nonoverlaps = (otherfeat for otherfeat in nonoverlaps if subkey(feat, otherfeat))
                # then calc dist for nonoverlaps
                if n:
                    nonoverlaps = list(nonoverlaps)
                    #print "nearsort",len(nonoverlaps)
                    for otherfeat in nearest(feat, nonoverlaps):
                        # if it gets this far it will be slow regardless of n,
                        # since all dists have to be calculated in order to sort them
                        if n and len(matches) >= n:
                            #print "ne",len(matches)
                    # means radius is only criteria,
                    # so join with all (within radius)
                    #print "wt2",len(matches)

            # add
            if matches:
                for match in matches:
                    if clip:
                        geoj = clip(feat, match)
                        geoj = feat.geometry
                    newrow = list(feat.row)
                    newrow += (match.row[i] for i in otheridx)
                    out.add_feature(newrow, geoj)
            elif keepall:
                # no matches
                newrow = list(feat.row)
                newrow += (None for i in otheridx)
                out.add_feature(newrow, feat.geometry)
        return out

    elif condition in ("intersects", "within", "contains", "crosses", "touches", "equals", "covers"):
        # prep geoms in other
        for otherfeat in other:
            if not otherfeat.geometry:
            otherfeat._shapely = otherfeat.get_shapely()

        # begin
        for feat in data.quick_overlap(other.bbox):

            #print feat

            if not feat.geometry:
                if keepall:
                    newrow = list(feat.row)
                    newrow += (None for i in otheridx)
                    out.add_feature(newrow, None)

            # match funcs
            geom = feat.get_shapely()
            if condition in ("intersects", "contains", "covers"):
                supergeom = supershapely(geom)
                matchtest = getattr(supergeom, condition)
                matchtest = getattr(geom, condition)

            # get spindex possibilities
            matches = (otherfeat for otherfeat in other.quick_overlap(feat.bbox))
            # filter by subkey
            if subkey:
                matches = (otherfeat for otherfeat in matches if subkey(feat, otherfeat))
            # test spatial
            matches = [otherfeat for otherfeat in matches if matchtest(otherfeat._shapely)]
            if matches:
                for match in matches:
                    if clip:
                        geoj = clip(feat, match)
                        geoj = feat.geometry
                    newrow = list(feat.row)
                    newrow += (match.row[i] for i in otheridx)
                    out.add_feature(newrow, geoj)

            elif keepall:
                # no matches
                newrow = list(feat.row)
                newrow += (None for i in otheridx)
                out.add_feature(newrow, feat.geometry)
        return out

    elif condition in ("disjoint",):
        # prep geoms in other
        for otherfeat in other:
            if not otherfeat.geometry:
            otherfeat._shapely = otherfeat.get_shapely()

        # begin
        for feat in data:

            # check empty geom
            if not feat.geometry:
                if keepall:
                    newrow = list(feat.row)
                    newrow += (None for i in otheridx)
                    out.add_feature(newrow, None)
            # first add those whose bboxes clearly dont overlap
            nonoverlaps = []
            for otherfeat in other.quick_disjoint(feat.bbox):
                if subkey and not subkey(feat,otherfeat):

            # then check those that might overlap
            geom = feat.get_shapely()
            # get spindex possibilities
            closeones = (otherfeat for otherfeat in other.quick_overlap(feat.bbox))
            # filter by subkey
            if subkey:
                closeones = (otherfeat for otherfeat in closeones if subkey(feat, otherfeat))
            # test spatial
            closeones = [otherfeat for otherfeat in closeones if geom.disjoint(otherfeat._shapely)]

            # add
            matches = nonoverlaps + closeones
            if matches:
                for match in matches:
                    if clip:
                        geoj = clip(feat, match)
                        geoj = feat.geometry
                    newrow = list(feat.row)
                    newrow += (match.row[i] for i in otheridx)
                    out.add_feature(newrow, geoj)

            elif keepall:
                # no matches
                newrow = list(feat.row)
                newrow += (None for i in otheridx)
                out.add_feature(newrow, feat.geometry)

        return out
        raise Exception("%s is not a valid join condition" % condition)
Example #6
def overlap_summary(groupbydata, valuedata, fieldmapping=[], keepall=True, key=None, **kwargs):
    Summarizes the values of "valuedata" that overlap "groupbydata",
    and adds the summary statistics to the output data.

    "fieldmapping" is a list of ('outfieldname', 'getvaluefunction', 'statistic name or function') tuples that decides which
    variables to summarize and how to do so. Valid statistics are count,
    sum, max, min, and average.

    Key is a function for determining if a pair of features should be processed, taking feat and clipfeat as input args and returning True or False

    from . import sql

    out = VectorData()

    # add fields
    out.fields = list(groupbydata.fields)
    out.fields.extend([name for name,valfunc,aggfunc in fieldmapping])

    # loop
    if not hasattr(groupbydata, "spindex"): groupbydata.create_spatial_index()
    if not hasattr(valuedata, "spindex"): valuedata.create_spatial_index()
    groupfeats = groupbydata if keepall else groupbydata.quick_overlap(valuedata.bbox) # take advantage of spindex if not keeping all
    for groupfeat in groupfeats: 

        # testing
##        if groupfeat["CNTRY_NAME"] not in ("Taiwan",):
##            continue
        newrow = list(groupfeat.row)
        geom = groupfeat.get_shapely()
        supergeom = supershapely(geom)
        valuefeats = ((valfeat,valfeat.get_shapely()) for valfeat in valuedata.quick_overlap(groupfeat.bbox))

        # aggregate
        if groupbydata.type == valuedata.type == "Polygon":
            # when comparing polys to polys, dont count neighbouring polygons that just touch on the edge
            def overlaps(valgeom):
                if supergeom.intersects(valgeom) and not geom.touches(valgeom):
                    intsec = geom.intersection(valgeom)
                    if not intsec.is_empty and groupbydata.type in intsec.geom_type and intsec.area > 0.00000000001:
                        return True
            # for lines and points, ok that just touches on the edge
            def overlaps(valgeom):
                return supergeom.intersects(valgeom)
        if key:
            matches = (valfeat for valfeat,valgeom in valuefeats
                       if key(groupfeat,valfeat) and overlaps(valgeom))
            matches = ((valfeat,valgeom) for valfeat,valgeom in valuefeats
                       if overlaps(valgeom))

        # clean potential junk, maybe allow user setting of minimum area (put on hold for now, maybe user should make sure of this in advance?)
        def cleaned():
            for valfeat,valgeom in matches:
##                intsec = geom.intersection(valgeom)
##                if groupbydata.type in intsec.geom_type and intsec.area > 0.00000000001:
##                    yield valfeat
                yield valfeat
        matches = list(cleaned())

        # testing...
##        print "groupfeat",zip(groupbydata.fields,groupfeat.row)
##        groupfeat.view(1000,600,bbox=groupfeat.bbox, fillcolor="red")
##        for vf in matches:
##            print "valfeat",zip(valuedata.fields,vf.row)
##            vf.view(1000,600,bbox=groupfeat.bbox, fillcolor="blue")
##            from .data import Feature
##            intsec = groupfeat.get_shapely().intersection(vf.get_shapely())
##            print intsec.area
##            Feature(groupbydata, [], intsec.__geo_interface__).view(1000,500,bbox=groupfeat.bbox, fillcolor="yellow")
        if matches:
            aggreg = sql.aggreg(matches, fieldmapping)

        # add
        if matches:
            newrow.extend( aggreg )
            out.add_feature(newrow, geom.__geo_interface__)

        elif keepall:
            newrow.extend( ("" for _ in fieldmapping) )
            out.add_feature(newrow, geom.__geo_interface__)
##    # insert groupby data fields into fieldmapping
##    basefm = [(name,lambda f:f[name],"first") for name in groupbydata.fields]
##    fieldmapping = basefm + fieldmapping
##    out.fields = [name for name,valfunc,aggfunc in fieldmapping]
##    # group by each groupby feature
##    iterable = ([(feat,feat.get_shapely()),(otherfeat,otherfeat.get_shapely())]
##                for feat in groupbydata.quick_intersect(valuedata.bbox)
##                for otherfeat in valuedata.quick_intersect(feat.bbox))
##    for group in sql.groupby(iterable, lambda([(f,g),(of,og)]): id(f)):
##        # filter to only those that intersect
##        group = sql.where(group, lambda([(f,g),(of,og)]): g.intersects(og))
##        # make iter as usually expected by fieldmapping
##        group = ((of,og) for [(f,g),(of,og)] in group)
##        # aggregate and add
##        # (not sure if will be correct, in terms of args expected by fieldmapping...?)
##        row,geom = sql.aggreg(group, fieldmapping, lambda(itr): next(itr)[1])
##        out.add_feature(row, geom)

    return out
Example #7
def overlap_summary(groupbydata, valuedata, fieldmapping=[]):
    # prep
    data1, data2 = groupbydata, valuedata
    if fieldmapping: aggfields, aggtypes = zip(*fieldmapping)
    aggfunctions = dict([("count", len), ("sum", sum), ("max", max),
                         ("min", min),
                         ("average", lambda seq: sum(seq) / float(len(seq)))])

    # create spatial index
    if not hasattr(data1, "spindex"): data1.create_spatial_index()
    if not hasattr(data2, "spindex"): data2.create_spatial_index()

    # create new
    new = GeoTable()
    new.fields = list(data1.fields)
    if fieldmapping:
        for aggfield, aggtype in fieldmapping:

    # for each groupby feature
    for i, feat in enumerate(data1.quick_overlap(data2.bbox)):
        geom = geoj2shapely(feat.geometry)
        geom = supershapely(geom)
        matches = []

        # get all value features that intersect
        for otherfeat in data2.quick_overlap(feat.bbox):
            othergeom = geoj2shapely(otherfeat.geometry)
            if geom.intersects(othergeom):

        # make newrow from original row
        newrow = list(feat.row)

        # if any matches
        if matches:

            def make_number(value):
                    return float(value)
                    return None

            # add summary values to newrow based on fieldmapping
            for aggfield, aggtype in fieldmapping:
                values = [otherfeat[aggfield] for otherfeat in matches]
                if aggtype in ("sum", "max", "min", "average"):
                    # only consider number values if numeric stats
                    values = [
                        make_number(value) for value in values
                        if make_number(value) != None
                aggregatefunc = aggfunctions[aggtype]
                summaryvalue = aggregatefunc(values)

        # otherwise, add empty values
            newrow.extend(("" for _ in fieldmapping))

        # write feature to output
        new.add_feature(newrow, feat.geometry)

    return new