def computational_func(mode): if mode == 'crossroads': return [ wkb_loads(geom) for geom, count in counter.most_common() if count >= 3 ] elif mode == 'dead_ends': return [ wkb_loads(geom) for geom, count in counter.most_common() if count == 1 ] elif mode == 'sections': return [ wkb_loads(geom) for geom, count in counter.most_common() if count == 2 ]
def build_boundaries(params): start_time = time.time() init_logging(app) site_name = params[0] output_file = params[1] current_app.logger.debug("build_boundaries started. Site: %s Outfile: %s" % (site_name, output_file)) try: boundaries = db.session.query(Boundary) \ .join(Project_Area, == Boundary.project_site_id) \ .filter(Project_Area.area_name == site_name).all() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) else: try: with open(output_file, "w") as boundary_file: #Write header row = 'WKT,Name\n' boundary_file.write(row) for boundary in boundaries: #Construct the boundary geometry object from the well known binary. boundary_geom = wkb_loads(boundary.wkb_boundary) row = '\"%s\",\"%s\"\n' % (boundary_geom.wkt, boundary.boundary_name) boundary_file.write(row) except (IOError, Exception) as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) current_app.logger.debug("build_boundaries finished in %f seconds" % (time.time()-start_time))
def timings(): print 'loading' data = pg.VectorData( r"C:\Users\kimok\Desktop\gazetteer data\raw\global_urban_extent_polygons_v1.01.shp", encoding='latin') #data = list(pg.VectorData(r"C:\Users\kimok\Desktop\gazetteer data\raw\ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp", encoding='latin')) * 3 print len(data) print 'making shapely (no copy)' t = time() shapelys = [asShape(f.geometry) for f in data] print time() - t print 'making shapely (copy)' t = time() shapelys = [shape(f.geometry) for f in data] print time() - t print 'dump geoj (interface)' t = time() geojs = [s.__geo_interface__ for s in shapelys] print time() - t ##print 'dump geoj (mapping)' ##t = time() ##geojs = [mapping(s) for s in shapelys] ##print time()-t print 'load geoj asShape (no copy)' t = time() shapelys = [asShape(geoj) for geoj in geojs] print time() - t print 'load geoj shape (copy)' t = time() shapelys = [shape(geoj) for geoj in geojs] print time() - t print 'dump wkt' t = time() wkts = [s.wkt for s in shapelys] print time() - t print 'load wkt' t = time() shapelys = [wkt_loads(wkt) for wkt in wkts] print time() - t print 'dump wkb' t = time() wkbs = [s.wkb for s in shapelys] print time() - t print 'load wkb' t = time() shapelys = [wkb_loads(wkb) for wkb in wkbs] print time() - t
def project_shapely_geometry(geom,from_sr,to_sr): if from_sr.IsSame(to_sr) == 1: ret = geom else: ogr_geom = CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.wkb) ogr_geom.AssignSpatialReference(from_sr) ogr_geom.TransformTo(to_sr) ret = wkb_loads(ogr_geom.ExportToWkb()) return(ret)
def drop_duplicates_geometry(self, geometry): self.__assert_multipart_geometry(geometry) unique_points = list(set([new.wkb for new in geometry.geoms])) new_geometry = type(geometry)( [wkb_loads(coords) for coords in unique_points]) return new_geometry
def project_shapely_geometry(geom, from_sr, to_sr): from ocgis.environment import ogr CreateGeometryFromWkb = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb if from_sr.IsSame(to_sr) == 1: ret = geom else: ogr_geom = CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.wkb) ogr_geom.AssignSpatialReference(from_sr) ogr_geom.TransformTo(to_sr) ret = wkb_loads(ogr_geom.ExportToWkb()) return ret
def test_wkt_wkb(wkt, ngw_txn): ogr_geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt) assert ogr_geom is not None, gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() wkt_iso = ogr_geom.ExportToIsoWkt() shp_geom = wkt_loads(wkt) wkb_shp = shp_geom.wkb assert shp_geom.wkt == wkt_iso, "Shapely WKT didn't return ISO WKT" wkb_iso = _pg_wkt_to_wkb_iso(wkt) wkb_ext = _pg_wkt_to_wkb_ext(wkt) assert wkb_shp == wkb_ext, "PostGIS EWKT and Shapely WKB didn't match" assert wkb_loads( wkb_iso).wkt == wkt_iso, "Shapely didn't understand ISO WKB" assert wkb_loads(wkb_ext).wkt == wkt_iso, "Shapely didn't understand EWKB" assert _pg_wkb(wkb_iso) == wkb_ext, "PostGIS didn't understand ISO WKB" assert _pg_wkb(wkb_ext) == wkb_ext, "PostGIS didn't understand EWKB" assert Geometry.from_wkb( wkb_iso).wkt == wkt_iso, "ISO WKB parsing has failed" assert Geometry.from_wkb(wkb_ext).wkt == wkt_iso, "EWKB parsing has failed" assert Geometry.from_wkt(wkt_iso).wkb == wkb_ext, "WKT parsing has failed"
def convert_df_wkb_to_shapely(df, cols=[]): """Convert geometry columns of DataFrame from WKB to shapely object columns Parameters ---------- df : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame` cols : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Column names Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame with converted columns """ for col in cols: df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: wkb_loads(x, hex=True)) return df
def _load_shapely(self): '''wkb buffer to shapely''' # TODO: its possible that each reference to geom column in query creates a new geom instance from the db for each # in that case, storing ._shp doesnt help and shapely creation becomes very duplicative # explore accessing a dict of cached geometry instances based on the wkb bytes? ## wkb_bytes = self._wkb.tobytes() ## cached = CACHE.get(wkb_bytes, None) ## if cached: ## #print 'getting cached' ## shp = cached ## else: ## #print 'loading new' ## shp = wkb_loads(wkb_bytes) ## CACHE[wkb_bytes] = shp ## self._shp = shp # non-cache approach self._shp = wkb_loads(self._wkb.tobytes())
def sqlite_geoms(): print 'load shapefile' t = time() #data = pg.VectorData(r"C:\Users\kimok\Desktop\gazetteer data\raw\global_urban_extent_polygons_v1.01.shp", encoding='latin') #data = pg.VectorData(r"C:\Users\kimok\Desktop\gazetteer data\raw\atlas_urban.geojson", encoding='latin') data = pg.VectorData( r"C:\Users\kimok\Desktop\gazetteer data\raw\global_settlement_points_v1.01.shp", encoding='latin') #data = pg.VectorData(r"C:\Users\kimok\Desktop\gazetteer data\raw\ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp", encoding='latin') print time() - t print 'making shapely' t = time() shapelys = [ shape(f.geometry) for f in data ] # CRUCIAL SPEEDUP, SHAPELY SHOULD BE FROM SHAPE, NOT ASSHAPE WHICH IS INDIRECT REFERENCING print time() - t print 'dump wkb' t = time() wkbs = [s.wkb for s in shapelys] print time() - t print 'convert to binary' from sqlite3 import Binary t = time() blobs = [Binary(wkb) for wkb in wkbs] print time() - t print 'insert wkb into db' fields = ['ID', 'geom'] typs = ['int', 'BLOB'] w = Writer('testgeodb::data', fields=zip(fields, typs), replace=True) t = time() for i, blb in enumerate(blobs): w.add([i, blb]) print time() - t print 'load wkb from db' t = time() shapelys = [wkb_loads(bytes(blb)) for ID, blb in'*')] print time() - t
def __getattr__(self, name): if self.obj is None: self.obj = wkb_loads(self.wkb) return getattr(self.obj, name)
def fulltextsearch(self): try: lang = self.request.registry.settings["default_locale_name"] except KeyError: return HTTPInternalServerError(detail="default_locale_name not defined in settings") try: lang = self.languages[lang] except KeyError: return HTTPInternalServerError(detail="%s not defined in languages" % lang) if "query" not in self.request.params: return HTTPBadRequest(detail="no query") query = self.request.params.get("query") maxlimit = self.settings.get("maxlimit", 200) try: limit = int(self.request.params.get("limit", self.settings.get("defaultlimit", 30))) except ValueError: return HTTPBadRequest(detail="limit value is incorrect") if limit > maxlimit: limit = maxlimit try: partitionlimit = int(self.request.params.get("partitionlimit", 0)) except ValueError: return HTTPBadRequest(detail="partitionlimit value is incorrect") if partitionlimit > maxlimit: partitionlimit = maxlimit terms = "&".join(w + ":*" for w in query.split(" ") if w != "") _filter = "%(tsvector)s @@ to_tsquery('%(lang)s', '%(terms)s')" % { "tsvector": "ts", "lang": lang, "terms": terms, } # flake8 does not like `== True` if self.request.user is None: _filter = and_(_filter, FullTextSearch.public == True) # NOQA else: _filter = and_( _filter, or_( FullTextSearch.public == True, # NOQA FullTextSearch.role_id == None, FullTextSearch.role_id ==, ), ) # The numbers used in ts_rank_cd() below indicate a normalization method. # Several normalization methods can be combined using |. # 2 divides the rank by the document length # 8 divides the rank by the number of unique words in document # By combining them, shorter results seem to be preferred over longer ones # with the same ratio of matching words. But this relies only on testing it # and on some assumptions about how it might be calculated # (the normalization is applied two times with the combination of 2 and 8, # so the effect on at least the one-word-results is therefore stronger). rank = "ts_rank_cd(%(tsvector)s, " "to_tsquery('%(lang)s', '%(terms)s'), 2|8)" % { "tsvector": "ts", "lang": lang, "terms": terms, } if partitionlimit: # Here we want to partition the search results based on # layer_name and limit each partition. row_number = ( func.row_number() .over(partition_by=FullTextSearch.layer_name, order_by=(desc(rank), FullTextSearch.label)) .label("row_number") ) subq = DBSession.query(FullTextSearch).add_columns(row_number).filter(_filter).subquery() query = DBSession.query(, subq.c.label, subq.c.params, subq.c.layer_name, subq.c.the_geom) query = query.filter(subq.c.row_number <= partitionlimit) else: query = DBSession.query(FullTextSearch).filter(_filter) query = query.order_by(desc(rank)) query = query.order_by(FullTextSearch.label) query = query.limit(limit) objs = query.all() features = [] for o in objs: if o.the_geom is not None: properties = {"label": o.label, "layer_name": o.layer_name, "params": o.params} geom = wkb_loads(str(o.the_geom.geom_wkb)) feature = Feature(, geometry=geom, properties=properties, bbox=geom.bounds) features.append(feature) # TODO: add callback function if provided in self.request, else return geojson return FeatureCollection(features)
def geom_to_coords(geom): coordinates_shp = wkb_loads(geom, hex=True) coordinates = [coordinates_shp.x, coordinates_shp.y] return coordinates
def bounds(self): if self.obj is None: self.obj = wkb_loads(self.wkb) if self._bounds is None: self._bounds = self.obj.bounds return self._bounds
def from_wkb(wkb_buf): # wkb buffer to shapely shp = wkb_loads(bytes(wkb_buf)) return shp
def create_geom_in_row(rowdict): if rowdict: rowdict['geometry'] = wkb_loads(binascii.unhexlify(rowdict['geometry'])) return rowdict
for layer, key in zip(layers, layer_map.keys()): print " Features: %i" % layer.featureCount() provider = layer.dataProvider() allAttrs = provider.attributeIndexes() # start data retreival: fetch geometry and all attributes for each feature feat = QgsFeature() while provider.nextFeature(feat): # fetch geometry geom = feat.geometry() print " Feature ID: %s" % features.append( dict( wkt=wkt_dumps(wkb_loads(geom.asWkb())), key=key, desc=layer_map[key] ) ) print "Total features: %i" % len(features) flush_and_transmit(features) dstor_qgis() remove_temp(dir_out)
def __geo_interface__(self): from shapely.wkb import loads as wkb_loads shp = wkb_loads(self.wkb) geoj = shp.__geo_interface__ return geoj
def fulltextsearch(self): try: lang = self.request.registry.settings['default_locale_name'] except KeyError: return HTTPInternalServerError( detail='default_locale_name not defined in settings') try: lang = self.languages[lang] except KeyError: return HTTPInternalServerError( detail='%s not defined in languages' % lang) if 'query' not in self.request.params: return HTTPBadRequest(detail='no query') query = self.request.params.get('query') maxlimit = self.settings.get('maxlimit', 200) try: limit = int( self.request.params.get('limit', self.settings.get('defaultlimit', 30))) except ValueError: return HTTPBadRequest(detail='limit value is incorrect') if limit > maxlimit: limit = maxlimit try: partitionlimit = int(self.request.params.get('partitionlimit', 0)) except ValueError: return HTTPBadRequest(detail='partitionlimit value is incorrect') if partitionlimit > maxlimit: partitionlimit = maxlimit terms = '&'.join(w + ':*' for w in query.split(' ') if w != '') _filter = "%(tsvector)s @@ to_tsquery('%(lang)s', '%(terms)s')" % \ {'tsvector': 'ts', 'lang': lang, 'terms': terms} # flake8 does not like `== True` if self.request.user is None: _filter = and_(_filter, FullTextSearch.public == True) # NOQA else: _filter = and_( _filter, or_( FullTextSearch.public == True, # NOQA FullTextSearch.role_id == None, FullTextSearch.role_id == # The numbers used in ts_rank_cd() below indicate a normalization method. # Several normalization methods can be combined using |. # 2 divides the rank by the document length # 8 divides the rank by the number of unique words in document # By combining them, shorter results seem to be preferred over longer ones # with the same ratio of matching words. But this relies only on testing it # and on some assumptions about how it might be calculated # (the normalization is applied two times with the combination of 2 and 8, # so the effect on at least the one-word-results is therefore stronger). rank = "ts_rank_cd(%(tsvector)s, " \ "to_tsquery('%(lang)s', '%(terms)s'), 2|8)" % { 'tsvector': 'ts', 'lang': lang, 'terms': terms } if partitionlimit: # Here we want to partition the search results based on # layer_name and limit each partition. row_number = func.row_number() \ .over( partition_by=FullTextSearch.layer_name, order_by=(desc(rank), FullTextSearch.label)) \ .label('row_number') subq = DBSession.query(FullTextSearch) \ .add_columns(row_number).filter(_filter).subquery() query = DBSession.query(, subq.c.label, subq.c.params, subq.c.layer_name, subq.c.the_geom) query = query.filter(subq.c.row_number <= partitionlimit) else: query = DBSession.query(FullTextSearch).filter(_filter) query = query.order_by(desc(rank)) query = query.order_by(FullTextSearch.label) query = query.limit(limit) objs = query.all() features = [] for o in objs: if o.the_geom is not None: properties = { "label": o.label, "layer_name": o.layer_name, "params": o.params, } geom = wkb_loads(str(o.the_geom.geom_wkb)) feature = Feature(, geometry=geom, properties=properties, bbox=geom.bounds) features.append(feature) # TODO: add callback function if provided in self.request, else return geojson return FeatureCollection(features)
def fulltextsearch(request): try: lang = request.registry.settings['default_locale_name'] except KeyError: return HTTPInternalServerError( detail='default_locale_name not defined in settings') try: lang = _language_dict[lang] except KeyError: return HTTPInternalServerError( detail='%s not defined in _language_dict' % lang) if 'query' not in request.params: return HTTPBadRequest(detail='no query') query = request.params.get('query') maxlimit = request.registry.settings.get('fulltextsearch_maxlimit', 200) try: limit = int(request.params.get( 'limit', request.registry.settings.get('fulltextsearch_defaultlimit', 30))) except ValueError: return HTTPBadRequest(detail='limit value is incorrect') if limit > maxlimit: limit = maxlimit try: partitionlimit = int(request.params.get('partitionlimit', 0)) except ValueError: return HTTPBadRequest(detail='partitionlimit value is incorrect') if partitionlimit > maxlimit: partitionlimit = maxlimit terms = '&'.join(w + ':*' for w in query.split(' ') if w != '') _filter = "%(tsvector)s @@ to_tsquery('%(lang)s', '%(terms)s')" % \ {'tsvector': 'ts', 'lang': lang, 'terms': terms} # flake8 does not like `== True` if request.user is None: _filter = and_(_filter, FullTextSearch.public == True) # NOQA else: _filter = and_( _filter, or_(FullTextSearch.public == True, FullTextSearch.role_id == None, FullTextSearch.role_id == # NOQA # The numbers used in ts_rank_cd() below indicate a normalization method. # Several normalization methods can be combined using |. # 2 divides the rank by the document length # 8 divides the rank by the number of unique words in document # By combining them, shorter results seem to be preferred over longer ones # with the same ratio of matching words. But this relies only on testing it # and on some assumptions about how it might be calculated # (the normalization is applied two times with the combination of 2 and 8, # so the effect on at least the one-word-results is therefore stronger). rank = "ts_rank_cd(%(tsvector)s, " \ "to_tsquery('%(lang)s', '%(terms)s'), 2|8)" % { 'tsvector': 'ts', 'lang': lang, 'terms': terms } if partitionlimit: # Here we want to partition the search results based on # layer_name and limit each partition. row_number = func.row_number() \ .over( partition_by=FullTextSearch.layer_name, order_by=(desc(rank), FullTextSearch.label)) \ .label('row_number') subq = DBSession.query(FullTextSearch) \ .add_columns(row_number).filter(_filter).subquery() query = DBSession.query(, subq.c.label, subq.c.layer_name, subq.c.the_geom) query = query.filter(subq.c.row_number <= partitionlimit) else: query = DBSession.query(FullTextSearch).filter(_filter) query = query.order_by(desc(rank)) query = query.order_by(FullTextSearch.label) query = query.limit(limit) objs = query.all() features = [] for o in objs: if o.the_geom is not None: properties = {"label": o.label, "layer_name": o.layer_name} geom = wkb_loads(str(o.the_geom.geom_wkb)) feature = Feature(, geometry=geom, properties=properties, bbox=geom.bounds) features.append(feature) # TODO: add callback function if provided in request, else return geojson return FeatureCollection(features)
layers.append(import_shapefile(dir_out, "%s.shp" % k)) features = [] for layer, key in zip(layers, layer_map.keys()): print " Features: %i" % layer.featureCount() provider = layer.dataProvider() allAttrs = provider.attributeIndexes() # start data retreival: fetch geometry and all attributes for each feature feat = QgsFeature() while provider.nextFeature(feat): # fetch geometry geom = feat.geometry() print " Feature ID: %s" % features.append( dict(wkt=wkt_dumps(wkb_loads(geom.asWkb())), key=key, desc=layer_map[key])) print "Total features: %i" % len(features) flush_and_transmit(features) dstor_qgis() remove_temp(dir_out)