Example #1
def read_rotation_files() -> Tuple[int, int, List[Card]]:
    runs_str = redis.get_str('decksite:rotation:summary:runs')
    runs_percent_str = redis.get_str('decksite:rotation:summary:runs_percent')
    cards = redis.get_list('decksite:rotation:summary:cards')
    if runs_str is not None and runs_percent_str is not None and cards is not None:
        return int(runs_str), int(runs_percent_str), [Card(c, predetermined_values=True) for c in cards]
    return rotation_redis_store()
Example #2
def get_file_contents(file: str) -> List[str]:
    key = f'decksite:rotation:file:{file}'
    contents = redis.get_list(key)
    if contents is not None:
        return contents
    with open(file) as f:
        contents = f.readlines()
    redis.store(key, contents, ex=604800)
    return contents
Example #3
def get_parents(repo: Repository, sha: str) -> List[str]:
    value = redis.get_list(f'github:parents:{repo.full_name}:{sha}')
    if value is None:
        # print(f'getting parents for {sha}')
        commit = repo.get_commit(sha)
        parents = [p.sha for p in commit.parents]
        return parents
    return value
Example #4
def search_scryfall(query: str,
                    exhaustive: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, List[str]]:
    """Returns a tuple. First member is an integer indicating how many cards match the query total,
       second member is a list of card names up to the maximum that could be fetched in a timely fashion.
       Supply exhaustive=True to instead retrieve the full list (potentially very slow)."""
    if query == '':
        return False, []
    redis_key = f'scryfall:query:{query}:' + ('exhaustive' if exhaustive else
    cached = redis.get_list(redis_key)
    result_data: List[Dict]
    if cached:
        total_cards, result_data = int(cached[0]), cached[1]
        url = 'https://api.scryfall.com/cards/search?q=' + fetch_tools.escape(
        result_data = []
        while True:
            for _ in range(3):
                    result_json = fetch_tools.fetch_json(url)
                except FetchException as c:
            if 'code' in result_json.keys():  # The API returned an error
                if result_json['status'] == 404:  # No cards found
                    return False, []
                print('Error fetching scryfall data:\n', result_json)
                return False, []
            for warning in result_json.get(
                []):  # scryfall-provided human-readable warnings
                print(warning)  # Why aren't we displaying these to the user?
            result_data += result_json['data']
            total_cards = int(result_json['total_cards'])
            if not exhaustive or len(result_data) >= total_cards:
            url = result_json['next_page']
        redis.store(redis_key, [total_cards, result_data], ex=3600)
    result_data.sort(key=lambda x: x['legalities']['penny'])

    def get_frontside(scr_card: Dict) -> str:
        """If card is transform, returns first name. Otherwise, returns name.
        This is to make sure cards are later found in the database"""
        # not sure how to handle meld cards
        if scr_card['layout'] in [
                'transform', 'flip', 'adventure', 'modal_dfc'
            return scr_card['card_faces'][0]['name']
        return scr_card['name']

    result_cardnames = [get_frontside(obj) for obj in result_data]
    return total_cards, result_cardnames