Example #1
def user_owned_res_confs(configuration, client_id):
    """Extract a map of resources that client_id owns.

    Returns a map from resource IDs to resource conf dictionaries.

    Resource IDs are anonymized unless explicitly configured otherwise, but
    the resource confs are always raw.
    owned = {}
    resource_map = get_resource_map(configuration)

    # Map only contains the raw resource names - anonymize as requested

    anon_map = {}
    for res in resource_map.keys():
        anon_map[res] = resource_map[res][RESID]

    for (res_id, res) in resource_map.items():
        if vgrid_allowed(client_id, res[OWNERS]):
            owned[anon_map[res_id]] = res[CONF]
    return owned
Example #2
def refresh_vgrid_map(configuration):
    """Refresh map of users and resources with their direct vgrid
    participation. That is, without inheritance. Uses a pickled dictionary for
    Resource and user IDs are stored in their raw (non-anonymized form).
    Only update map for users and resources that updated conf after last map
    dirty = {}
    vgrid_changes = {}
    map_path = os.path.join(configuration.mig_system_files, "vgrid.map")
    lock_path = os.path.join(configuration.mig_system_files, "vgrid.lock")
    lock_handle = open(lock_path, 'a')
    fcntl.flock(lock_handle.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
    vgrid_map, map_stamp = load_vgrid_map(configuration, do_lock=False)
    vgrid_helper = {default_vgrid: {RESOURCES: '*', OWNERS: '', MEMBERS: '*'}}
    if not vgrid_map.has_key(VGRIDS):
        vgrid_map[VGRIDS] = vgrid_helper
        dirty[VGRIDS] = dirty.get(VGRIDS, []) + [default_vgrid]
    if not vgrid_map.has_key(RESOURCES):
        vgrid_map[RESOURCES] = {}
        dirty[RESOURCES] = dirty.get(RESOURCES, [])
    if not vgrid_map.has_key(USERS):
        vgrid_map[USERS] = {}
        dirty[USERS] = dirty.get(USERS, [])

    # Find all vgrids and their allowed users and resources

    (status, all_vgrids) = vgrid_list_vgrids(configuration)
    if not status:
        all_vgrids = []

    conf_read = [(RESOURCES, configuration.vgrid_resources, vgrid_resources),
                 (OWNERS, configuration.vgrid_owners, vgrid_owners),
                 (MEMBERS, configuration.vgrid_members, vgrid_members)]

    for vgrid in all_vgrids:
        for (field, name, list_call) in conf_read:
            conf_path = os.path.join(configuration.vgrid_home, vgrid, name)
            if not os.path.isfile(conf_path):
                configuration.logger.warning('missing file: %s' % (conf_path)) 
                # Make sure vgrid dict exists before filling it
                vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid] = vgrid_map[VGRIDS].get(vgrid, {})
                vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid][field] = []
                dirty[VGRIDS] = dirty.get(VGRIDS, []) + [vgrid]

            elif not vgrid_map[VGRIDS].has_key(vgrid) or \
                   os.path.getmtime(conf_path) >= map_stamp:
                (status, entries) = list_call(vgrid, configuration,
                if not status:
                    entries = []
                vgrid_changes[vgrid] = (vgrid_map[VGRIDS].get(vgrid, []),
                vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid] = vgrid_map[VGRIDS].get(vgrid, {})
                vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid][field] = entries
                dirty[VGRIDS] = dirty.get(VGRIDS, []) + [vgrid]
    # Remove any missing vgrids from map
    missing_vgrids = [vgrid for vgrid in vgrid_map[VGRIDS].keys() \
                   if not vgrid in all_vgrids]
    for vgrid in missing_vgrids:
        vgrid_changes[vgrid] = (vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid], [])
        del vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid]
        dirty[VGRIDS] = dirty.get(VGRIDS, []) + [vgrid]

    # Find all resources and their vgrid assignments
    # TODO: use get_resource_map output instead?
    all_resources = list_resources(configuration.resource_home, only_valid=True)
    real_map = real_to_anon_res_map(configuration.resource_home)
    for res in all_resources:
        # Sandboxes do not change their vgrid participation
        if vgrid_map[RESOURCES].has_key(res) and sandbox_resource(res):
        conf_path = os.path.join(configuration.resource_home, res, "config")
        if not os.path.isfile(conf_path):
        if os.path.getmtime(conf_path) >= map_stamp:
            vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res] = get_all_exe_vgrids(res)
            assigned = []
            all_exes = [i for i in vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res].keys() \
                        if not i in RES_SPECIALS]
            for exe in all_exes:
                exe_vgrids = vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res][exe]
                assigned += [i for i in exe_vgrids if i and i not in assigned]
            vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res][ASSIGN] = assigned
            vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res][ALLOW] = vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res].get(ALLOW, [])
            public_id = res
            anon_val = get_resource_fields(configuration.resource_home, res,
                                           ['ANONYMOUS'], configuration.logger)
            if anon_val.get('ANONYMOUS', True):
                public_id = real_map[res]
            vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res][RESID] = public_id
            dirty[RESOURCES] = dirty.get(RESOURCES, []) + [res]
    # Remove any missing resources from map
    missing_res = [res for res in vgrid_map[RESOURCES].keys() \
                   if not res in all_resources]
    for res in missing_res:
        del vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res]
        dirty[RESOURCES] = dirty.get(RESOURCES, []) + [res]

    # Update list of mutually agreed vgrid participations for dirty resources
    # and resources assigned to dirty vgrids
    configuration.logger.info("update res vgrid participations: %s" % vgrid_changes)
    update_res = [i for i in dirty.get(RESOURCES, []) if i not in MAP_SECTIONS]
    # configuration.logger.info("update vgrid allow res")
    for (vgrid, (old, new)) in vgrid_changes.items():
        # configuration.logger.info("update res vgrid %s" % vgrid)
        for res in [i for i in vgrid_map[RESOURCES].keys() \
                    if i not in update_res]:
            # Sandboxes do not change their vgrid participation
            if sandbox_resource(res):
            # configuration.logger.info("update res vgrid %s for res %s" % (vgrid, res))
            if vgrid_allowed(res, old) != vgrid_allowed(res, new):
    # configuration.logger.info("update res assign vgrid")
    for res in [i for i in update_res if i not in missing_res]:
        allow = []
        for vgrid in vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res][ASSIGN]:
            if vgrid_allowed(res, vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid][RESOURCES]):
            vgrid_map[RESOURCES][res][ALLOW] = allow

    configuration.logger.info("done updating vgrid res participations")

    # Find all users and their vgrid assignments
    # TODO: use get_user_map output instead?
    all_users = list_users(configuration.user_home)
    real_map = real_to_anon_user_map(configuration.user_home)
    for user in all_users:
        settings_path = os.path.join(configuration.user_settings,
                                     client_id_dir(user), settings_filename)
        profile_path = os.path.join(configuration.user_settings,
                                    client_id_dir(user), profile_filename)
        settings_mtime, profile_mtime = 0, 0
        if os.path.isfile(settings_path):
            settings_mtime = os.path.getmtime(settings_path)
        if os.path.isfile(profile_path):
            profile_mtime = os.path.getmtime(profile_path)

        if settings_mtime + profile_mtime > 0:
            conf_mtime = max(settings_mtime, profile_mtime)
            user_conf = get_user_conf(user, configuration)
            conf_mtime = -1
            user_conf = {}
        if conf_mtime >= map_stamp:
            vgrid_map[USERS][user] = user_conf
            vgrid_map[USERS][user][ASSIGN] = vgrid_map[USERS][user].get(ASSIGN,
            vgrid_map[USERS][user][ALLOW] = vgrid_map[USERS][user].get(ALLOW,
            public_id = user
            if user_conf.get('ANONYMOUS', True):
                public_id = real_map[user]
            vgrid_map[USERS][user][USERID] = public_id
            dirty[USERS] = dirty.get(USERS, []) + [user]
    # Remove any missing users from map
    missing_user = [user for user in vgrid_map[USERS].keys() \
                   if not user in all_users]
    for user in missing_user:
        del vgrid_map[USERS][user]
        dirty[USERS] = dirty.get(USERS, []) + [user]

    # Update list of mutually agreed vgrid participations for dirty users
    # and users assigned to dirty vgrids
    update_user = [i for i in dirty.get(USERS, []) if i not in MAP_SECTIONS]
    for (vgrid, (old, new)) in vgrid_changes.items():
        for user in [i for i in vgrid_map[USERS].keys() \
                    if i not in update_user]:
            if vgrid_allowed(user, old) != vgrid_allowed(user, new):
    for user in [i for i in update_user if i not in missing_user]:
        allow = []
        for vgrid in vgrid_map[USERS][user][ASSIGN]:
            if vgrid_allowed(user, vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid][OWNERS]) or \
                   vgrid_allowed(user, vgrid_map[VGRIDS][vgrid][MEMBERS]):
            # users implicitly assign all vgrids
            vgrid_map[USERS][user][ASSIGN] = allow
            vgrid_map[USERS][user][ALLOW] = allow

    if dirty:
            dump(vgrid_map, map_path)
        except Exception, exc:
            configuration.logger.error("Could not save vgrid map: %s" % exc)