Example #1
def update_photo_commit_dates(starting_commit):
    The old redpandafinder update logic only worked on the basis of commits
    in the last week or so. When files are re-sorted, added, or removed for
    periods of time, it becomes meaningful to search the entire git repo,
    find when a photo URI first appeared, and then track it using its first
    commit-date into redpandafinder.
    uri_to_commit_date = {}
    repo = git.Repo(".")
    # List of sha1-name commits from the repo, oldest to newest
    commit_list = list(reversed(list(map(lambda x: x.hexsha, repo.iter_commits()))))
    if starting_commit != None:
            index = commit_list.index(starting_commit)
        except IndexError as e:
            raise CommitError("%s not a valid commit in this repo." % starting_commit)
        commit_list = commit_list[index:]   # All after, and including the given commit
    for index, commitish in enumerate(commit_list):
        # End of the commit list? Call it a day
        if commitish == commit_list[len(commit_list) - 1]:
        # Get the diff
        start = commitish
        end = commit_list[index + 1] 
        diff_raw = repo.git.diff(start, end, 
        patch = PatchSet(diff_raw)
        for change in patch:
            filename = change.path
            if filename.find(".txt") == -1:
                # Don't care about non-data files
            elif change.added <= 0:
                # No lines were added, so we don't care
                for hunk in change:
                    for line in hunk:
                        if line.is_added:
                            if re.match("photo.\d+:", line.value) == None:
                                # Not a photo line
                            if line.value.find(": ") == -1:
                                # No correct delimiter, which we see in old commits
                            if len(line.value.strip().split(": ")) != 2:
                                # Probably bad linebreaks
                            [key, value] = line.value.strip().split(": ")
                            if (value in uri_to_commit_date):
                                # Photo we've already seen
                            if (value.find("http") != 0):
                                # Not a URI, so not a photo reference
                            dt = repo.commit(end).committed_datetime
                            date = str(dt.year) + "/" + str(dt.month) + "/" + str(dt.day)
                            if value not in uri_to_commit_date:
                                # Only insert a comit date once
                                uri_to_commit_date[value] = date
    # print(str(uri_to_commit_date))
    # Now walk the repo, find all files with photo lines that have no commit dates,
    # and add commitdate to each photo that needs one
    for file_path in [PANDA_PATH, ZOO_PATH, MEDIA_PATH]:
        section = None
        for section_name in ["media", "zoos", "pandas"]:
            if section_name in file_path.split("/"):
                section = section_name.split("s")[0]   # HACK
        # Enter the pandas subdirectories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path):
            for filename in files:
                path = root + os.sep + filename
                # print(path)
                photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
                photo_count = photo_list.photo_count()
                photo_index = 1
                while (photo_index <= photo_count):
                    photo_option = "photo." + str(photo_index)
                    photo_uri = photo_list.get_field(photo_option)
                    date_option = photo_option + ".commitdate"
                    if photo_uri not in uri_to_commit_date:
                        photo_index = photo_index + 1
                    date_value = uri_to_commit_date[photo_uri]
                    photo_list.set_field(date_option, date_value)
                    # print(photo_uri + " ==> " + date_value)
                    photo_index = photo_index + 1
Example #2
def update_entity_commit_dates(starting_commit):
    When moving pandas, the old redpandafinder updater logic considered "new" 
    animals as anything that was a new file in a location. So when an animal
    moved zoos, it became _new_ again. Rectify this by tracking when the
    commitdate for each new animal is. Track commit dates for other files too,
    just for the hell of it.
    filename_to_commit_date = {}
    type_id_to_commit_date = {}
    repo = git.Repo(".")
    # List of sha1-name commits from the repo, oldest to newest
    commit_list = list(reversed(list(map(lambda x: x.hexsha, repo.iter_commits()))))
    if starting_commit != None:
            index = commit_list.index(starting_commit)
        except IndexError as e:
            raise CommitError("%s not a valid commit in this repo." % starting_commit)
        commit_list = commit_list[index:]   # All after, and including the given commit
    for index, commitish in enumerate(commit_list):
        # End of the commit list? Call it a day
        if commitish == commit_list[len(commit_list) - 1]:
        # Get the diff
        start = commitish
        end = commit_list[index + 1] 
        diff_raw = repo.git.diff(start, end, 
        patch = PatchSet(diff_raw)
        for change in patch:
            filename = change.path
            if filename.find(".txt") == -1:
                # Don't care about non-data files
            elif change.is_added_file == True:
                compare = "./" + filename
                dt = repo.commit(end).committed_datetime
                date = str(dt.year) + "/" + str(dt.month) + "/" + str(dt.day)
                just_file = filename.split("/").pop()
                just_type = None
                just_id = None
                if compare.find(PANDA_PATH) == 0:
                    just_type = "panda"
                    just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                elif compare.find(ZOO_PATH) == 0:
                    just_type = "zoo"
                    just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                elif compare.find(MEDIA_PATH) == 0:
                    just_type = "media"
                    just_id = filename   # Need full path for media files
                    continue    # Not a file we're tracking commitdates for
                filename_to_commit_date[just_file] = date
                type_id_to_commit_date[just_type + "_" + just_id] = date
    # print(str(filename_to_commit_date))
    # print(str(type_id_to_commit_date))
    # Now walk the repo, find all panda files without commit dates,
    # and add commitdate to each photo that needs one
    for file_path in [MEDIA_PATH, PANDA_PATH, ZOO_PATH]:
        section = None
        for section_name in ["media", "zoos", "pandas"]:
            if section_name in file_path.split("/"):
                section = section_name.split("s")[0]   # HACK
        # Enter the pandas subdirectories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path):
            for filename in files:
                path = root + os.sep + filename
                photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
                if photo_list.get_field("commitdate") == None:
                    if filename not in filename_to_commit_date:
                        # file's name was changed at some point
                        just_file = filename.split("/").pop()
                        just_type = None
                        just_id = None
                        if path.find(PANDA_PATH) == 0:
                            just_type = "panda"
                            just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                        elif path.find(ZOO_PATH) == 0:
                            just_type = "zoo"
                            just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                        elif path.find(MEDIA_PATH) == 0:
                            just_type = "media"
                            just_id = path   # Need full path for media files
                            continue    # Not a file we're tracking commitdates for
                        just_key = just_type + "_" + just_id
                        if just_key not in type_id_to_commit_date:
                            print("warning: %s commitdate undetermined" % filename)
                            date = type_id_to_commit_date[just_key]
                            photo_list.set_field("commitdate", date)
                        date = filename_to_commit_date[filename]
                        photo_list.set_field("commitdate", date)