def plot1D(variable, binnings, cutstring, histos, lumi, pdffile, ymin=1e-1, ymax=1e5, showdata = False): contains_data = False for label in histos.keys(): if not "Data" in label: histos[label].Scale(lumi) else: contains_data = True for label in histos: histos[label].SetLineWidth(2) shared_utils.histoStyler(histos[label]) histolist = [histos[histos.keys()[0]]] for label in histos: if not "Data" in label and not "Signal" in label: histolist.append(histos[label]) legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1 = 0.6, y1 = 0.4, x2 = 0.9, y2 = 0.8) canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() canvas.SetFillStyle(4000) lumi = float("%.2f" % (lumi/1e3)) if contains_data and showdata: hratio, pad1, pad2 = shared_utils.FabDraw(canvas, legend, histolist[0], histolist[1:], lumi = lumi, datamc = 'Data') else: print "No data" hratio, pad1, pad2 = shared_utils.FabDraw(canvas, legend, histolist[-1], histolist, lumi = lumi, datamc = 'Data') histolist[-1].SetTitle("") for i_label, label in enumerate(histos): histos[label].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin, ymax) for label in histos: if "Signal" in label: histos[label].Draw("same") legend.AddEntry(histos[label], histos[label].GetTitle()) hratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1,2.6) hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Data/MC') xlabel = variable xlabel = xlabel.replace("leptons_mt", "m_{T}^{lepton} (GeV)") xlabel = xlabel.replace("leadinglepton_mt", "m_{T}^{lepton} (GeV)") xlabel = xlabel.replace("dilepton_invmass", "m_{ll} (GeV)") hratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) for ibin in range(1,hratio.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1): if hratio.GetBinContent(ibin)==0: hratio.SetBinContent(ibin,-999) hratio.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) if "/" in pdffile: os.system("mkdir -p %s" % "/".join(pdffile.split("/")[:-1])) canvas.SaveAs(pdffile + ".pdf")
def makeplot(stacked_histograms, datahist, plotlabel, ratiovalues = False, ratiolabel = False, ratio_limits = False, header = False): foldername = outputfolder + "/%s/%s%s%s_%sFR" % (data_period, category.replace("short", "Short").replace("long", "Long"), region, plotlabel, fakeratevariable.replace("_", "").replace(":", "-")) if use_prompt_fakesubtraction: foldername += "_FakeSubtraction" canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1 = 0.6, y1 = 0.4, x2 = 0.9, y2 = 0.8) if header: legend.SetHeader(header) else: legend.SetHeader("%s, %s tracks" % (region, category)) ymin = 1e0; ymax = 1e2 datahist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin, ymax) for stacked_histogram in stacked_histograms: stacked_histogram.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin, ymax) stacked_histogram.GetYaxis().SetLimits(ymin, ymax) hratio, pads = shared_utils.FabDraw(canvas, legend, datahist, stacked_histograms, datamc = 'Data', lumi = lumi/1e3) stacked_histograms[-1].SetTitle("") if ratio_limits: hratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ratio_limits[0], ratio_limits[1]) else: hratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1,2.6) if "Run201" in dataid: hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Data/prediction') else: hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Fake pred./truth') if ratiolabel: hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ratiolabel) xlabel = variable xlabel = xlabel.replace("leptons_mt", "m_{T}^{lepton} (GeV)") xlabel = xlabel.replace("leadinglepton_mt", "m_{T}^{lepton} (GeV)") hratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) for ibin in range(1,hratio.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1): if ratiovalues: hratio.SetBinContent(ibin, ratiovalues.GetBinContent(ibin)) else: if hratio.GetBinContent(ibin)==0: hratio.SetBinContent(ibin,-999) hratio.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) os.system("mkdir -p " + foldername) canvas.SaveAs(foldername + "/" + pdffile + ".png")
gStyle.SetOptStat(0) TH1D.SetDefaultSumw2() tmva_folders = glob.glob("optimize-*/output.root") rocarea = {} ks_signal = {} ks_background = {} for phase in ["2016", "2017"]: for category in ["short", "long"]: histos = {} colors = range(209, 270) canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas("c1") legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=.17, y1=.17, x2=.75, y2=.6) legend.SetTextSize(0.035) rocarea["%s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)] = TH1F( "rocarea", ";depth, number of trees;area under ROC", 55, 0, 55) ks_signal["%s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)] = TH1F( "ks_signal", ";depth, number of trees;KS test (signal)", 55, 0, 55) ks_background["%s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)] = TH1F( "ks_background", ";depth, number of trees;KS test (background)", 55, 0, 55) shared_utils.histoStyler(rocarea["%s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)]) shared_utils.histoStyler(ks_signal["%s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)]) shared_utils.histoStyler(ks_background["%s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)])
def get_reweighting_factor(histofolder, suffix): periods = [ "Summer16", "Fall17", "Autumn18", "Run2016B", "Run2016C", "Run2016D", "Run2016E", "Run2016F", "Run2016G", "Run2016H", "Run2017B", "Run2017C", "Run2017D", "Run2017E", "Run2017F", "Run2018A", "Run2018B", "Run2018C", "Run2018D", ] histolabels = [ #"track_nValidPixelHits", #"track_nValidPixelHits_short", #"track_nValidPixelHits_long", "h_muonPtCand", #"h_muonPt2Cand", "h_muonPt", #"track_pt", "track_pt_short", "track_pt_long", ] hists = {} for period in periods: hists[period] = {} for label in histolabels: fin = TFile( "%s/histograms%s_%s.root" % (histofolder, suffix, period), "open") print label, histofolder, suffix, period hists[period][label] = fin.Get("Histograms/" + label) hists[period][label].SetDirectory(0) hists[period][label].SetLineWidth(2) shared_utils.histoStyler(hists[period][label]) fin.Close() print "all loaded" # hweight = histTarget_NPixHits.Clone(); hweight.Divide(histSimulation) hweight = {} for label in histolabels: hweight[label] = {} for year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]: canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.6, y1=0.6, x2=0.85, y2=0.85) colors = range(209, 250)[::3] for i, period in enumerate(sorted(periods)): if year not in period: continue if "Run2016" in period: mc = "Summer16" elif "Run2017" in period: mc = "Fall17" elif "Run2018" in period: mc = "Autumn18" else: continue #num = hists[period]["track_nValidPixelHits"].Clone() #denom = hists[mc]["track_nValidPixelHits"].Clone() num = hists[period][label].Clone() denom = hists[mc][label].Clone() if num.Integral() > 0: num.Scale(1.0 / num.Integral()) else: print label, year, period, num.Integral() if denom.Integral() > 0: denom.Scale(1.0 / denom.Integral()) else: print label, year, period, denom.Integral() hweight[label][period] = num.Clone() hweight[label][period].Divide(denom) hweight[label][period].SetName(period + "_" + label) shared_utils.histoStyler(hweight[label][period]) hweight[label][period].SetLineColor(colors.pop(0)) hweight[label][period].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 5) #hweight[label][period].SetTitle(";number of pixel hits;weight") hweight[label][period].SetTitle(";track p_{T} (GeV);weight") hweight[label][period].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 200) if i == 0: hweight[label][period].Draw("hist e") else: hweight[label][period].Draw("hist e same") # Draw overflow: last_bin = hweight[label][period].GetNbinsX() + 1 overflow = hweight[label][period].GetBinContent(last_bin) print overflow hweight[label][period].AddBinContent((last_bin - 1), overflow) legend.SetTextSize(0.035) legend.AddEntry(hweight[label][period], period) legend.Draw() shared_utils.stamp() canvas.SaveAs("plots/hweights_%s_%s.pdf" % (label, year)) # save weights: fout = TFile("hweights.root", "recreate") for label in histolabels: for period in hweight[label]: hweight[label][period].Write() fout.Close()
#"aug21v3-noDeltaPt", #"aug21v3-noPixelHits", #"aug21v3-noPixelHits-noDeltaPt", "jul21-noDeltaPt", ] extralabel = "commited" # ROC plot: histos = {} for category in ["short", "long"]: canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas("c1") legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=.17, y1=.17, x2=.6, y2=.6) legend.SetTextSize(0.035) drawhists = [] for i_phase, phase in enumerate(["2016", "2017"]): #colors = range(209,270) #colors = [kBlack, kBlue, kBlue-3, kBlue-9, kCyan, kCyan-3, kGreen, kGreen-3, kOrange, kRed, kPink, kMagenta, kMagenta-3] colors = [kAzure, kOrange, kCyan, kGreen-3, kRed, kMagenta, kRed-9, kAzure+2] color = 0 dicke = len(tmva_folders)+1 for i_tmva_folder, tmva_folder in enumerate(sorted(tmva_folders)):
def plot2D(variable, cutstring, histos, lumi, pdffile, ymin=1e-1, ymax=1e5, showdata=False, drawoption="colz"): # BDT sideband region plot for label in histos: histos[label].SetLineWidth(2) shared_utils.histoStyler(histos[label]) size = 0.059 font = 132 histos[label].GetZaxis().SetLabelFont(font) histos[label].GetZaxis().SetTitleFont(font) histos[label].GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(size) histos[label].GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(size) histos[label].GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) histos[label].GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(5) histos[label].SetMarkerStyle(20) histos[label].SetMarkerSize(0.2) histos[label].SetMarkerColorAlpha(histos[label].GetFillColor(), 0.5) variable = variable.replace("tracks_mva_loose", "MVA score") variable = variable.replace("tracks_dxyVtx", "d_{xy} (cm)") histos[label].SetTitle( ";%s;%s;Events" % (variable.split(":")[1], variable.split(":")[0])) legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.6, y1=0.4, x2=0.9, y2=0.8) canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() canvas.SetLogz(True) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.2) # combine backgrounds: histos["CombinedBg"] = 0 for label in histos: if "Signal" not in label and "CombinedBg" not in label: if histos["CombinedBg"] == 0: histos["CombinedBg"] = histos[label].Clone() else: histos["CombinedBg"].Add(histos[label]) if histos["CombinedBg"] == 0: del histos["CombinedBg"] #if "/" in pdffile: # os.system("mkdir -p %s" % "/".join(pdffile.split("/")[:-1])) # os.chdir("/".join(pdffile.split("/")[:-1])) for label in histos: if "CombinedBg" in label or "Signal" in label: histos[label].Draw(drawoption) shared_utils.stamp() canvas.SaveAs(pdffile + "_" + label.replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_") + ".pdf") # draw some funky lcines text = TLatex() text.SetTextFont(132) text.SetTextSize(0.059) if "short" in pdffile: #upper_line = TLine(0, -0.5, (1 + 0.5)/(0.65/0.01), 1) upper_line = TLine(0, -0.5, (0.8 + 0.5) / (0.65 / 0.01), 0.8) upper_line.SetLineWidth(2) upper_line.Draw("same") lower_line = TLine(0.02, -1, 0.02, 1) lower_line.SetLineWidth(2) lower_line.Draw("same") text.DrawLatex(0.005, 0.75, "SR") text.DrawLatex(0.03, 0.75, "CR") if "long" in pdffile: upper_line = TLine(0, -0.05, (1 + 0.05) / (0.7 / 0.01), 1) upper_line.SetLineWidth(2) upper_line.Draw("same") lower_line = TLine(0.02, -1, 0.02, 1) lower_line.SetLineWidth(2) lower_line.Draw("same") text.DrawLatex(0.003, 0.75, "SR") text.DrawLatex(0.03, 0.75, "CR") canvas.SaveAs(pdffile + "_" + label.replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_") + "_lines.pdf")
def plot1D(variable, cutstring, histos, lumi, pdffile, xlabel=False, ymin=1e-1, ymax=1e5, showdata=True): contains_data = False for label in histos.keys(): if not "Data" in label: histos[label].Scale(lumi) print "scaling with", lumi else: contains_data = True if "Signal" in label: histos[label].SetLineWidth(2) if contains_data: histolist = [histos[histos.keys()[0]]] else: histolist = [] histolistbg = [] for label in histos: if not "Data" in label and not "Signal" in label: histolistbg.append(histos[label]) histolistbg = sorted(histolistbg, key=lambda item: item.Integral()) histolist += histolistbg legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.6, y1=0.4, x2=0.9, y2=0.8) canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() canvas.SetFillStyle(4000) lumi = float("%.2f" % (lumi / 1e3)) if contains_data and showdata: hratio, pads = shared_utils.FabDraw(canvas, legend, histolist[0], histolist[1:], lumi=lumi, datamc='Data') else: print "No data" example = histos[histos.keys()[0]].Clone() print "example.GetXaxis().GetNbins()", example.GetXaxis().GetNbins() print "example.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(0)", example.GetXaxis( ).GetBinLowEdge(1) print "example.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(example.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1)", example.GetXaxis( ).GetBinLowEdge(example.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1) empty_histo = TH1D( "Data", "Data", example.GetXaxis().GetNbins(), example.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1), example.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(example.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1)) shared_utils.histoStyler(empty_histo) print canvas, legend, empty_histo, histolist, lumi hratio, pads = shared_utils.FabDraw(canvas, legend, empty_histo, histolist, lumi=lumi, datamc='MC') histolist[-1].SetTitle("") for i_label, label in enumerate(histos): histos[label].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin, ymax) for label in histos: if "Signal" in label: histos[label].Draw("same") legend.AddEntry(histos[label], histos[label].GetTitle()) hratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1, 2.6) hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Data/MC') if xlabel == False: xlabel = variable hratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(str(xlabel)) for ibin in range(1, hratio.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): if hratio.GetBinContent(ibin) == 0: hratio.SetBinContent(ibin, -999) hratio.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) if "/" in pdffile: os.system("mkdir -p %s" % "/".join(pdffile.split("/")[:-1])) canvas.SaveAs(pdffile + ".pdf")
def significances(sg_filelist, bg_filelist, phase, batchname, signalcut=""): bdt_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["BDT_short"][:-2]) bdt_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["BDT_long"][:-2]) #FIXME phase 1 dE/dx if phase == 1: bdt_short = bdt_short.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") bdt_long = bdt_long.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") lumi = 137000 else: lumi = 35000 histos = collections.OrderedDict() drawoptions = collections.OrderedDict() # get histograms: def fill_histos(label, variable, shortcuts, longcuts): histos["bg_short_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( bg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==1 && " + shortcuts, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) histos["bg_long_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( bg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==0 && tracks_nMissingOuterHits>=2 && " + longcuts, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) histos["sg_short_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( sg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==1 && tracks_chiCandGenMatchingDR<0.01 && " + shortcuts + signalcut, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) histos["sg_long_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( sg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==0 && tracks_nMissingOuterHits>=2 && tracks_chiCandGenMatchingDR<0.01 && " + longcuts + signalcut, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) # get common denominator: fill_histos( "study", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) fill_histos("denom", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15", "tracks_pt>40") # scale with lumi for label in histos: shared_utils.histoStyler(histos[label]) histos[label].Scale(lumi) # get efficiencies: efficiencies = {} for label in histos: if "denom" in label: continue efficiencies[label] = [] #denominator = histos[label.replace("study", "denom")].Integral(histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(-1), histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(1)) denominator = histos[label.replace("study", "denom")].Integral() #denominator = histos[label].Integral(histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(-1), histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(1)) for i_score in numpy.arange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.005): numerator = histos[label].Integral( histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(i_score), histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(1)) if denominator > 0: efficiencies[label].append( [i_score, numerator / denominator, numerator]) else: efficiencies[label].append([i_score, 0, numerator]) # build TGraphs graphs_roc = {} graphs_sgeff = {} graphs_bgeff = {} graphs_significance = {} scalingfactor = 1.0 signlabel = "" for label in efficiencies: if "bg" in label: continue graphs_roc[label] = TGraph() graphs_sgeff[label] = TGraph() graphs_bgeff[label] = TGraph() graphs_significance[label] = TGraph() for i in range(len(efficiencies[label])): score = efficiencies[label][i][0] eff_sg = efficiencies[label][i][1] eff_bg = efficiencies[label.replace("sg", "bg")][i][1] N_sg = efficiencies[label][i][2] N_bg = efficiencies[label.replace("sg", "bg")][i][2] graphs_roc[label].SetPoint(graphs_roc[label].GetN(), eff_sg, 1 - eff_bg) graphs_sgeff[label].SetPoint(graphs_sgeff[label].GetN(), score, eff_sg) graphs_bgeff[label].SetPoint(graphs_bgeff[label].GetN(), score, eff_bg) try: #N = 1000 #significance = N * eff_sg / math.sqrt(N*eff_sg+N*eff_bg) #signlabel = "#epsilon_{sg} / #sqrt{#epsilon_{sg} + #epsilon_{bg}}" #significance = 5e4 * N_sg / math.sqrt(5e4*N_sg + N_bg) significance = N_sg / math.sqrt(N_sg + N_bg) signlabel = "significance = N_{sg} / #sqrt{N_{sg} + N_{bg}}" #significance = 1e3 * N_sg / math.sqrt( N_bg + (0.2*N_bg)**2 ) #signlabel = "significance = 1e3 * N_{sg} / #sqrt{N_{bg} + (0.2*N_{bg})^{2}}" except: significance = 0 #scalingfactor = 1.0/1000 #scalingfactor = 1.0/100 graphs_significance[label].SetPoint( graphs_significance[label].GetN(), score, significance) for category in ["short", "long"]: # plot significances: ##################### canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() if category == "short": histo = TH2F("empty", "empty", 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1) else: histo = TH2F("empty", "empty", 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1) shared_utils.histoStyler(histo) histo.Draw() histo.SetTitle(";BDT response;efficiency, significance") legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.17, y1=0.2, x2=0.65, y2=0.45) first = True for label in graphs_significance: if category not in label: continue graphs_significance[label].Draw("same") graphStyler(graphs_significance[label]) graphs_significance[label].SetLineColor(210) graphs_sgeff[label].Draw("same") graphStyler(graphs_sgeff[label]) graphs_sgeff[label].SetLineColor(kBlue) graphs_sgeff[label].SetFillColor(0) graphs_bgeff[label].Draw("same") graphStyler(graphs_bgeff[label]) graphs_bgeff[label].SetLineColor(kRed) graphs_bgeff[label].SetFillColor(0) legendlabel = label.replace("sg_", "").replace( "short_", "short tracks ").replace("long_", "long tracks ").replace( "p0", " (phase 0)").replace("p1", " (phase 1)") legend.SetHeader("Phase %s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)) legend.AddEntry(graphs_sgeff["sg_short_study"], "signal efficiency #epsilon_{sg}") legend.AddEntry(graphs_bgeff["sg_short_study"], "background efficiency #epsilon_{bg}") legend.AddEntry(graphs_significance["sg_short_study"], signlabel) legend.Draw() shared_utils.stamp() canvas.Print("plots/significance_%s_%s_phase%s_completestats.pdf" % (batchname, category, phase)) canvas.Print("plots/significance_%s_%s_phase%s_completestats.root" % (batchname, category, phase))
def roc_and_efficiencies(sg_filelist, bg_filelist, phase, batchname, style="A"): mt2_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["MT2_short"]) mt2_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["MT2_long"]) exo_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_short"]) exo_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_long"]) exo_pt15_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_pt15_short"]) exo_pt15_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_pt15_long"]) exo_noeta_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_noeta_short"]) exo_noeta_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_noeta_long"]) exo_noetapt_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_noetapt_short"]) exo_noetapt_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["EXO_noetapt_long"]) bdt_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["BDT_short"][:-2]) bdt_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["BDT_long"][:-2]) bdt_nojets_short = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["BDT_noJetVeto_short"][:-2]) bdt_nojets_long = " && ".join(cutflow.cuts["BDT_noJetVeto_long"][:-2]) #FIXME phase 1 dE/dx if phase == 1: bdt_short = bdt_short.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") bdt_long = bdt_long.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") bdt_nojets_short = bdt_nojets_short.replace( "tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") bdt_nojets_long = bdt_nojets_long.replace( "tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") lumi = 137000 else: bdt_short = bdt_short.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") bdt_long = bdt_long.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") bdt_nojets_short = bdt_nojets_short.replace( "tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") bdt_nojets_long = bdt_nojets_long.replace( "tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") lumi = 35000 histos = collections.OrderedDict() drawoptions = collections.OrderedDict() # get histograms: def fill_histos(label, variable, shortcuts, longcuts): histos["bg_short_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( bg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==1 && " + shortcuts, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) histos["bg_long_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( bg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==0 && tracks_nMissingOuterHits>=2 && " + longcuts, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) histos["sg_short_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( sg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==1 && tracks_chiCandGenMatchingDR<0.01 && " + shortcuts, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) histos["sg_long_%s" % label] = plotting.get_all_histos( sg_filelist, "Events", variable, "tracks_is_pixel_track==0 && tracks_nMissingOuterHits>=2 && tracks_chiCandGenMatchingDR<0.01 && " + longcuts, nBinsX=200, xmin=-1, xmax=1) # get common denominator: #fill_histos("denom", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15", "tracks_pt>40") fill_histos("denom", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15", "tracks_pt>40") #fill_histos("denom", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) # get numerator, ROC curve scans: #fill_histos("pt10", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt10", "tracks_pt>10 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt10"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>10 GeV)", "same", kRed, 1, True, False] #fill_histos("noBLpt15", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short.replace("tracks_passleptonveto==1", "MHT>=0"), "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long.replace("tracks_passleptonveto==1", "MHT>=0")) #drawoptions["noBLpt15"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, no leptonveto)", "same", kYellow, 1, True, True] # #fill_histos("noBLpt15b", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short.replace("tracks_passpionveto==1", "MHT>=0"), "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long.replace("tracks_passpionveto==1", "MHT>=0")) #drawoptions["noBLpt15b"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, no pionveto)", "same", kYellow+1, 1, True, True] # #fill_histos("noBLpt15c", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short.replace("tracks_passjetveto==1", "MHT>=0"), "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long.replace("tracks_passjetveto==1", "MHT>=0")) #drawoptions["noBLpt15c"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, no jetveto)", "same", kYellow+2, 1, True, True] # #fill_histos("noBLpt15d", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0"), "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0")) #drawoptions["noBLpt15d"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, no dedx)", "same", kYellow+3, 1, True, True] if style == "A": fill_histos("pt15noEdep", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && " + bdt_long) drawoptions["pt15noEdep"] = [ "BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV)", "same", kOrange, 1, True, False ] fill_histos("pt30noEdep", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>40 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && " + bdt_long) drawoptions["pt30noEdep"] = [ "BDT (track p_{T}>40 GeV)", "same", kOrange, 1, False, True ] fill_histos( "pt30noEdep", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>40 && " + bdt_short.replace("tracks_passjetveto==1 &&", " "), "tracks_pt>40 && " + bdt_long.replace("tracks_passjetveto==1 &&", " ")) drawoptions["pt30noEdep"] = [ "BDT (track p_{T}>40 GeV, no jet veto)", "same", kOrange, 2, False, True ] fill_histos( "pt15_ratio12", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy<15 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.15 && " + bdt_long) drawoptions["pt15_ratio12"] = [ "BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, with cut on E_{dep}", "same", kRed, 1, True, True ] if style == "B": #fill_histos("pt15", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt15"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV), trained with E_{dep}", "same", kOrange, 1, True, True] fill_histos("pt15noEdep", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && " + bdt_long) drawoptions["pt15noEdep"] = [ "BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV)", "same", kOrange, 1, True, True ] fill_histos( "pt15_ratio12", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy<15 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.15 && " + bdt_long) drawoptions["pt15_ratio12"] = [ "BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, E_{Dep}<15 GeV (<0.15/p))", "same", kRed, 1, True, True ] #fill_histos("noBLpt15c", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_short.replace("tracks_passjetveto==1", "MHT>=0"), "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long.replace("tracks_passjetveto==1", "MHT>=0")) #drawoptions["noBLpt15c"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, no jet veto)", "same", kOrange, 2, True, True] #fill_histos("pt30", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2", "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt30"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>30 GeV)", "same", kOrange, 2, True, False] #fill_histos("pt15_nojets", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && " + bdt_nojets_short, "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_nojets_long) #drawoptions["pt15_nojets"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, no jet veto)", "same", kOrange, 2, True, True] #fill_histos("pt15_ratio12", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.12 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.12 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt15_ratio12"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, EDep/p<0.12)", "same", kOrange, 3, True, True] #fill_histos("pt15_ratio20", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt15_ratio20"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, not tr. on E_{dep}, E_{Dep}/p<20%)", "same", kRed, 1, True, True] #fill_histos("pt15_ratio30", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.30 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.30 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt15_ratio30"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, EDep/p<0.30)", "same", kOrange, 5, True, True] #fill_histos("pt15_moreiso", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_trkRelIso<0.1 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_trkRelIso<0.1 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt15_moreiso"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>15 GeV, relIso<0.1)", "same", kGreen-3, 1, True, True] #fill_histos("pt30", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2", "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && " + bdt_long) #drawoptions["pt30"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>30 GeV)", "same", kPink+4, 1, True, False] # get numerator, working points: if phase == 0: #fill_histos("wpA", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2>0.13 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.12 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2>0.13 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.12 && " + bdt_long) fill_histos( "wpA", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy<15 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.15 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpB", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>-0.02 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>0 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpC", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>0 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>0.05 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpB_pt150", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>-0.02 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>150 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>0 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpB", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>0.05 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.30 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.30 && " + bdt_long) elif phase == 1: #fill_histos("wpA", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2>0 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.12 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2>0 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.12 && " + bdt_long) fill_histos( "wpA", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>0.12 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy<15 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>0.15 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.15 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpB", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>-0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>-0.14 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpC", "tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>-0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>40 && tracks_mva_nov20_noEdep>0 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpB_pt150", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>-0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>150 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>-0.14 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.20 && " + bdt_long) #fill_histos("wpB", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2", "tracks_pt>15 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.30 && " + bdt_short, "tracks_pt>30 && tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15>0.1 && tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p<0.30 && " + bdt_long) drawoptions["wpA"] = ["working point", "same p", kRed, 21, True, True] #drawoptions["wpA2"] = ["working point A, pT>15", "same p", kRed, 22, True, False] #drawoptions["wpB"] = ["working point B", "same p", kMagenta, 20, True, True] #drawoptions["wpC"] = ["working point (loose)", "same p", kRed, 20, True, True] if style == "A": fill_histos("mt2", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", mt2_short, mt2_long) drawoptions["mt2"] = [ "SUS-19-005 tag", "same p", kTeal, 20, True, True ] #fill_histos("mt2_pt150", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", mt2_short, mt2_long + " && tracks_pt>150") #drawoptions["mt2_pt150"] = ["SUS-19-005 tag (track p_{T}>150 GeV)", "same p", kTeal, 22, False, True] fill_histos("exo", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", exo_short, exo_long) drawoptions["exo"] = [ "EXO-19-010 tag", "same p", kAzure, 20, True, True ] #fill_histos("exo_pt15", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2", exo_pt15_short, exo_pt15_long) #drawoptions["exo_pt15"] = ["EXO-19-010 tag (p_{T}>15 GeV)", "same p", kAzure+7, 20, True, True] fill_histos("exo_noeta", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", exo_noeta_short, exo_noeta_long) drawoptions["exo_noeta"] = [ "EXO-19-010 tag (no #eta cuts)", "same p", kAzure + 5, 20, True, True ] fill_histos("exo_noetapt", "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2_pt15", exo_noetapt_short, exo_noetapt_long) drawoptions["exo_noetapt"] = [ "EXO-19-010 tag (no p_{T} and #eta cuts)", "same p", kAzure + 5, 21, True, True ] # scale with lumi for label in histos: shared_utils.histoStyler(histos[label]) histos[label].Scale(lumi) # get efficiencies: efficiencies = {} for label in histos: if "denom" in label: continue efficiencies[label] = [] denom_label = label.split("_")[0] + "_" + label.split( "_")[1] + "_denom" denominator = histos[denom_label].Integral() if "mt2" in label or "exo" in label or "wp" in label: numerator = histos[label].Integral() if denominator > 0: efficiencies[label].append( [0, numerator / denominator, numerator]) else: efficiencies[label].append([0, 0, numerator]) else: for i_score in numpy.arange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.005): numerator = histos[label].Integral( histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(i_score), histos[label].GetXaxis().FindBin(1)) if denominator > 0: efficiencies[label].append( [i_score, numerator / denominator, numerator]) else: efficiencies[label].append([i_score, 0, numerator]) #efffile = "plots/roc_%s_phase%s.dat" % (batchname, phase) #with open(efffile, "w+") as fout: # for label in efficiencies: # fout.write("Label: " + label + "\n**************\n") # for item in efficiencies[label]: # fout.write("%s, %s, %s\n" % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) # fout.write("\n") # build TGraphs graphs_roc = {} graphs_sgeff = {} graphs_bgeff = {} graphs_significance = {} for label in efficiencies: if "bg" in label: continue graphs_roc[label] = TGraph() graphs_sgeff[label] = TGraph() graphs_bgeff[label] = TGraph() graphs_significance[label] = TGraph() for i in range(len(efficiencies[label])): score = efficiencies[label][i][0] eff_sg = efficiencies[label][i][1] eff_bg = efficiencies[label.replace("sg", "bg")][i][1] N_sg = efficiencies[label][i][2] N_bg = efficiencies[label.replace("sg", "bg")][i][2] graphs_roc[label].SetPoint(graphs_roc[label].GetN(), eff_sg, 1 - eff_bg) graphs_sgeff[label].SetPoint(graphs_sgeff[label].GetN(), score, eff_sg) graphs_bgeff[label].SetPoint(graphs_bgeff[label].GetN(), score, eff_bg) try: significance = N_sg / math.sqrt(N_sg + N_bg) #significance = N_sg / math.sqrt( N_bg + (0.1*N_bg)**2 ) except: significance = 0 graphs_significance[label].SetPoint( graphs_significance[label].GetN(), score, significance) for category in ["short", "long"]: # plot ROC curves: ################## canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() if category == "short": if phase == 0: histo = TH2F("empty", "empty", 1, 0, 1, 1, 0.9, 1) else: histo = TH2F("empty", "empty", 1, 0, 1, 1, 0.98, 1) else: if phase == 0: histo = TH2F("empty", "empty", 1, 0, 1, 1, 0.97, 1) else: histo = TH2F("empty", "empty", 1, 0, 1, 1, 0.97, 1) shared_utils.histoStyler(histo) histo.Draw() histo.SetTitle(";#epsilon_{ sg};1 - #epsilon_{ bg}") if category == "short": legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.17, y1=0.2, x2=0.65, y2=0.6) else: legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.17, y1=0.2, x2=0.65, y2=0.6) for label in sorted(graphs_roc): if category not in label: continue graphStyler(graphs_roc[label]) # e.g. drawoptions["pt30"] = ["BDT (track p_{T}>30 GeV)", "same", kPink+4, 1, True, True] optionslabel = "_".join(label.split("_")[2:]) if category == "short" and not drawoptions[optionslabel][4]: continue if category == "long" and not drawoptions[optionslabel][5]: continue legendlabel = drawoptions[optionslabel][0] if drawoptions[optionslabel][1] == "same p": graphs_roc[label].SetLineColor(kWhite) graphs_roc[label].SetMarkerStyle(drawoptions[optionslabel][3]) graphs_roc[label].SetMarkerColor(drawoptions[optionslabel][2]) else: graphs_roc[label].SetLineColor(drawoptions[optionslabel][2]) graphs_roc[label].SetLineStyle(drawoptions[optionslabel][3]) print label, optionslabel, drawoptions[optionslabel][3] graphs_roc[label].Draw(drawoptions[optionslabel][1]) if category == "long": legendlabel = legendlabel.replace("p_{T}>15 GeV", "p_{T}>40 GeV") legend.AddEntry(graphs_roc[label], legendlabel) #legend.SetTextSize(0.045) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) legend.SetHeader("Phase %s, %s tracks" % (phase, category)) legend.Draw() #shared_utils.stamp() pdfname = "plots/roc_%s_%s_phase%s_noedep.pdf" % (batchname, category, phase) if style == "A": pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_styleA.pdf") canvas.Print(pdfname)
else: label = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % ( dataset, variable.replace( ":", "_"), region, fakeratetype, category) print label histos[label].SetLineColor(color) histos[label].SetTitle(category + " tracks, " + dataset) if category == "combined": break legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.15, y1=0.7, x2=0.5, y2=0.83) legend.SetTextSize(0.04) canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() maxvalue = 0 for i, label in enumerate(histos): if i == 0: histos[label].Draw("hist e") else: histos[label].Draw("hist e same") histos[label].GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(6) binmax = histos[label].GetMaximumBin()
scaledhisto.Scale(official_lumis[dataperiod] / integral) if not hists[mcperiod][label + category]: hists[mcperiod][label + category] = scaledhisto.Clone() else: hists[mcperiod][label + category].Add(scaledhisto) for category in categories: for label in variables: if category == "" and "h_muon" not in label: continue if "h_muon" in label and category != "": continue canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.6, y1=0.55, x2=0.85, y2=0.85) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.0) pad1.SetLeftMargin(0.12) pad1.SetGridx() pad1.Draw() pad2 = TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.3) pad2.SetTopMargin(0.0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.4) pad2.SetLeftMargin(0.12) pad2.SetGridx() pad2.SetGridy() pad2.Draw()
def main(options): histofolder = options.histofolder suffix = options.suffix plotfolder = "plots_%s" % options.suffix os.system("mkdir -p %s" % plotfolder) if options.mc_reweighted: periods = [ "Run2016B", "Run2016C", "Run2016D", "Run2016E", "Run2016F", "Run2016G", "Run2016H", "Run2017B", "Run2017C", "Run2017D", "Run2017E", "Run2017F", "Run2018A", "Run2018B", "Run2018C", "Run2018D", "Summer16rwRun2016B", "Summer16rwRun2016C", "Summer16rwRun2016D", "Summer16rwRun2016E", "Summer16rwRun2016F", "Summer16rwRun2016G", "Summer16rwRun2016H", "Fall17rwRun2017B", "Fall17rwRun2017C", "Fall17rwRun2017D", "Fall17rwRun2017E", "Fall17rwRun2017F", "Autumn18rwRun2018A", "Autumn18rwRun2018B", "Autumn18rwRun2018C", "Autumn18rwRun2018D", ] else: periods = [ "Run2016B", "Run2016C", "Run2016D", "Run2016E", "Run2016F", "Run2016G", "Run2016H", "Run2017B", "Run2017C", "Run2017D", "Run2017E", "Run2017F", "Run2018A", "Run2018B", "Run2018C", "Run2018D", "Summer16", "Fall17", "Autumn18", ] exact = "layers_remaining==track_trackerLayersWithMeasurement && " cuts = { "baseline": { "base_cuts": "layers_remaining>=3 && ", "taggedextra": "", "legendheader": "baseline", }, #"lowdxydz": { # "base_cuts": "layers_remaining>=3 && ", # "taggedextra": "track_dxyVtx<0.01 && track_dzVtx<0.01 && ", # "legendheader": "lowdxydz", # }, } if not options.get_from_tree: cuts = { "baseline": { "base_cuts": "", "taggedextra": "", "legendheader": "baseline", }, } for cut_label in cuts: if options.weightkinematic: cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] += " weight_kinematicMLP2>0 && " elif options.weighttrackprop: cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] += " weight_trackpropMLP2>0 && " histolabels = { "h_tracks_reco": [ "track_reco", cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] + "track_reco==1", 1, 1, 2 ], "h_tracks_rereco_short": [ "track_reco", cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] + cuts[cut_label]["taggedextra"] + exact + " track_rereco==1 && track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2 ], "h_tracks_rereco_long": [ "track_reco", cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] + cuts[cut_label]["taggedextra"] + exact + " track_rereco==1 && track_is_pixel_track==0", 1, 1, 2 ], "h_tracks_tagged_short": [ "track_reco", cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] + cuts[cut_label]["taggedextra"] + exact + " track_preselected==1 && track_mva>0.1 && track_pt>25 && track_is_pixel_track==1 && (track_matchedCaloEnergy<15 || track_matchedCaloEnergy/track_p<0.15)", 1, 1, 2 ], "h_tracks_tagged_long": [ "track_reco", cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] + cuts[cut_label]["taggedextra"] + exact + " track_preselected==1 && track_mva>0.1 && track_pt>40 && track_is_pixel_track==0 && (track_matchedCaloEnergy<15 || track_matchedCaloEnergy/track_p<0.15)", 1, 1, 2 ], #"h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] + cuts[cut_label]["taggedextra"] + exact + " track_preselected==1 && track_tagged==1 && track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2], #"h_tracks_tagged_long": ["track_reco", cuts[cut_label]["base_cuts"] + cuts[cut_label]["taggedextra"] + exact + " track_preselected==1 && track_tagged==1 && track_is_pixel_track==0", 1, 1, 2], #h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", base_cutstagged + "track_tagged==1 && track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2], #"h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", base_cutstagged + "track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2], #"h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", base_cuts + exact + " abs(track_dxyVtx)<0.005 && abs(track_dzVtx)<0.005 && track_tagged==1 && track_pt>25 && track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2], #"h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", base_cuts + exact + base_cutstagged + " track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2], #"h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", exo + " && track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2], #"h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", base_cuts + "track_pt>25 && track_dxyVtx<0.001 && track_dzVtx<0.001 && track_tagged==1 && track_is_pixel_track==1", 1, 1, 2], #"h_tracks_tagged_short": ["track_reco", "track_rereco==1 && track_is_pixel_track==1 && " + exo, 1, 1, 2], } categories = ["_short", "_long"] # get all histos: hists = {} for period in periods: if "Run201" in period and "rw" not in period: is_data = False else: is_data = True hists[period] = {} for label in histolabels: print period, label filename = "%s/histograms%s_%s.root" % (histofolder, suffix, period) if options.get_from_tree: tree = TChain("Events") tree.Add(filename) # apply weights before getting the histograms from the tree: treecuts = "(%s)" % histolabels[label][1] if not is_data and options.weightkinematic: treecuts += "*weight_kinematicMLP2/(1.0-weight_kinematicMLP2)" if not is_data and options.weighttrackprop: treecuts += "*weight_trackpropMLP2/(1.0-weight_trackpropMLP2)" if options.mc_reweighted: treecuts += "*weight_ptreweighting" hists[period][label] = plotting.get_histogram_from_tree( tree, histolabels[label][0], cutstring=treecuts, nBinsX=histolabels[label][2], xmin=histolabels[label][3], xmax=histolabels[label][4]) hists[period][label].SetDirectory(0) hists[period][label].SetLineWidth(2) else: fin = TFile(filename, "open") print "%s/histograms%s_%s.root" % (histofolder, suffix, period) hists[period][label] = fin.Get("Histograms/" + label) hists[period][label].SetDirectory(0) hists[period][label].SetLineWidth(2) fin.Close() shared_utils.histoStyler(hists[period][label]) # denom. fix: for period in periods: hists[period]["h_tracks_reco_short"] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_reco"].Clone() hists[period]["h_tracks_reco_long"] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_reco"].Clone() # global SF: fitresults = {} fitresults["fit_sf"] = {} fitresults["fit_uncert"] = {} fitresults["fit_sfreco"] = {} fitresults["fit_uncertreco"] = {} fitresults["fit_sftag"] = {} fitresults["fit_uncerttag"] = {} # calculated histograms: finaleff_global = {} finaleff_reco = {} finaleff_tag = {} finaleff_global_num = {} finaleff_reco_num = {} finaleff_tag_num = {} finaleff_global_denom = {} finaleff_reco_denom = {} finaleff_tag_denom = {} h_sf_global = {} h_sf_reco = {} h_sf_tag = {} g1_global = {} g1_reco = {} g1_tag = {} for category in categories: # first, get efficiencies: finaleff_global[category] = {} finaleff_reco[category] = {} finaleff_tag[category] = {} finaleff_global_num[category] = {} finaleff_reco_num[category] = {} finaleff_tag_num[category] = {} finaleff_global_denom[category] = {} finaleff_reco_denom[category] = {} finaleff_tag_denom[category] = {} for period in periods: finaleff_global_num[category][period] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_tagged" + category].Clone() finaleff_global_denom[category][period] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_reco" + category].Clone() finaleff_global[category][period] = finaleff_global_num[ category][period].Clone() finaleff_global[category][period].Divide( finaleff_global_denom[category][period]) finaleff_reco_num[category][period] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_rereco" + category].Clone() finaleff_reco_denom[category][period] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_reco" + category].Clone() finaleff_reco[category][period] = finaleff_reco_num[category][ period].Clone() finaleff_reco[category][period].Divide( finaleff_reco_denom[category][period]) finaleff_tag_num[category][period] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_tagged" + category].Clone() finaleff_tag_denom[category][period] = hists[period][ "h_tracks_rereco" + category].Clone() finaleff_tag[category][period] = finaleff_tag_num[category][ period].Clone() finaleff_tag[category][period].Divide( finaleff_tag_denom[category][period]) # get SF: h_sf_global[category] = {} h_sf_reco[category] = {} h_sf_tag[category] = {} g1_global[category] = {} g1_reco[category] = {} g1_tag[category] = {} for period in periods: print category, period if "rw" in period: continue if "Run201" not in period: continue if not options.mc_reweighted: if "Run2016" in period: mcperiod = "Summer16" elif "Run2017" in period: mcperiod = "Fall17" elif "Run2018" in period: mcperiod = "Autumn18" else: if "Run2016" in period: mcperiod = "Summer16rw" + period elif "Run2017" in period: mcperiod = "Fall17rw" + period elif "Run2018" in period: mcperiod = "Autumn18rw" + period if not options.get_from_tree: print "fitting global SF..." g1_global[category][period] = TF1('g1_global', '[0]', 3, 20) h_sf_global[category][period] = finaleff_global[category][ period].Clone() h_sf_global[category][period].Divide( finaleff_global[category][mcperiod]) fit = h_sf_global[category][period].Fit( g1_global[category][period], "", "same", 3, 20) fitresults["fit_sf"][ period + category] = g1_global[category][period].GetParameter(0) if "short" in category: fitresults["fit_uncert"][ period + category] = h_sf_global[category][ period].GetBinError(4) else: fitresults["fit_uncert"][ period + category] = h_sf_global[category][ period].GetBinError(6) print "fitting reco SF..." g1_reco[category][period] = TF1('g1_reco', '[0]', 3, 20) h_sf_reco[category][period] = finaleff_reco[category][ period].Clone() h_sf_reco[category][period].Divide( finaleff_reco[category][mcperiod]) fit = h_sf_reco[category][period].Fit( g1_reco[category][period], "", "same", 3, 20) fitresults["fit_sfreco"][ period + category] = g1_reco[category][period].GetParameter(0) if "short" in category: fitresults["fit_uncertreco"][ period + category] = h_sf_reco[category][ period].GetBinError(4) else: fitresults["fit_uncertreco"][ period + category] = h_sf_reco[category][ period].GetBinError(6) print "fitting tagging SF..." g1_tag[category][period] = TF1('g1_tag', '[0]', 3, 20) h_sf_tag[category][period] = finaleff_tag[category][ period].Clone() h_sf_tag[category][period].Divide( finaleff_tag[category][mcperiod]) fit = h_sf_tag[category][period].Fit( g1_tag[category][period], "", "same", 3, 20) fitresults["fit_sftag"][ period + category] = g1_tag[category][period].GetParameter(0) if "short" in category: fitresults["fit_uncerttag"][ period + category] = h_sf_tag[category][period].GetBinError( 4) else: fitresults["fit_uncerttag"][ period + category] = h_sf_tag[category][period].GetBinError( 6) else: # using the tree: h_sf_global[category][period] = finaleff_global[category][ period].Clone() h_sf_global[category][period].Divide( finaleff_global[category][mcperiod]) fitresults["fit_sf"][period + category] = h_sf_global[ category][period].GetBinContent(1) fitresults["fit_uncert"][period + category] = h_sf_global[ category][period].GetBinError(1) h_sf_reco[category][period] = finaleff_reco[category][ period].Clone() h_sf_reco[category][period].Divide( finaleff_reco[category][mcperiod]) fitresults["fit_sfreco"][period + category] = h_sf_reco[ category][period].GetBinContent(1) fitresults["fit_uncertreco"][ period + category] = h_sf_reco[category][period].GetBinError(1) h_sf_tag[category][period] = finaleff_tag[category][ period].Clone() h_sf_tag[category][period].Divide( finaleff_tag[category][mcperiod]) fitresults["fit_sftag"][ period + category] = h_sf_tag[category][period].GetBinContent(1) fitresults["fit_uncerttag"][ period + category] = h_sf_tag[category][period].GetBinError(1) # Lumi-weighting: if options.lumiweighted: official_lumis = { "Run2016B": 5.8, "Run2016C": 2.6, "Run2016D": 4.2, "Run2016E": 4.0, "Run2016F": 3.1, "Run2016G": 7.5, "Run2016H": 8.6, "Run2017B": 4.8, "Run2017C": 9.7, "Run2017D": 4.3, "Run2017E": 9.3, "Run2017F": 13.5, "Run2018A": 14, "Run2018B": 7.1, "Run2018C": 6.94, "Run2018D": 31.93, } for runyear in ["Run2016", "Run2017", "Run2018"]: print "runyear", runyear fitresults["fit_sf"][runyear + category] = 0 fitresults["fit_uncert"][runyear + category] = 0 fitresults["fit_sfreco"][runyear + category] = 0 fitresults["fit_uncertreco"][runyear + category] = 0 fitresults["fit_sftag"][runyear + category] = 0 fitresults["fit_uncerttag"][runyear + category] = 0 sum_lumi = 0.0 for lumiyear in official_lumis: if runyear in lumiyear: sum_lumi += official_lumis[lumiyear] fitresults["fit_sf"][ runyear + category] += fitresults["fit_sf"][ lumiyear + category] * official_lumis[lumiyear] fitresults["fit_uncert"][ runyear + category] += fitresults["fit_uncert"][ lumiyear + category] * official_lumis[lumiyear] fitresults["fit_sfreco"][ runyear + category] += fitresults["fit_sfreco"][ lumiyear + category] * official_lumis[lumiyear] fitresults["fit_uncertreco"][ runyear + category] += fitresults["fit_uncertreco"][ lumiyear + category] * official_lumis[lumiyear] fitresults["fit_sftag"][ runyear + category] += fitresults["fit_sftag"][ lumiyear + category] * official_lumis[lumiyear] fitresults["fit_uncerttag"][ runyear + category] += fitresults["fit_uncerttag"][ lumiyear + category] * official_lumis[lumiyear] print runyear, sum_lumi fitresults["fit_sf"][runyear + category] /= sum_lumi fitresults["fit_uncert"][runyear + category] /= sum_lumi fitresults["fit_sfreco"][runyear + category] /= sum_lumi fitresults["fit_uncertreco"][runyear + category] /= sum_lumi fitresults["fit_sftag"][runyear + category] /= sum_lumi fitresults["fit_uncerttag"][runyear + category] /= sum_lumi # efficiencies: print "plot SF..." output_rootfile = TFile( "%s/allperiods_sf_combined.root" % (plotfolder), "recreate") for category in ["short", "long"]: canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.47, y1=0.65, x2=0.85, y2=0.85) legend.SetHeader("%s tracks %s" % (category, cuts[cut_label]["legendheader"])) legend.SetTextSize(0.035) h_sf_short = {} h_sf_long = {} for label in ["fit_sf", "fit_sfreco", "fit_sftag"]: if options.lumiweighted: h_sf_short[label] = TH1F("h_sf_short[label]", "", 3, 0, 3) h_sf_long[label] = TH1F("h_sf_long[label]", "", 3, 0, 3) else: h_sf_short[label] = TH1F("h_sf_short[label]", "", 16, 0, 16) h_sf_long[label] = TH1F("h_sf_long[label]", "", 16, 0, 16) shared_utils.histoStyler(h_sf_short[label]) shared_utils.histoStyler(h_sf_long[label]) i_short = 0 i_long = 0 binlabels_short = [] binlabels_long = [] for i, period in enumerate(sorted(fitresults[label])): sf = fitresults[label][period] uncert = fitresults[label.replace("_sf", "_uncert")][period] if options.lumiweighted: if period.split("_")[0] == "Run2016" or period.split( "_")[0] == "Run2017" or period.split( "_")[0] == "Run2018": pass else: continue print category, period if "short" in period: h_sf_short[label].SetBinContent(i_short + 1, sf) h_sf_short[label].SetBinError(i_short + 1, uncert) i_short += 1 binlabels_short.append( period.replace("Run", "").replace("_short", "").replace( "_long", "")) elif "long" in period: h_sf_long[label].SetBinContent(i_long + 1, sf) h_sf_long[label].SetBinError(i_long + 1, uncert) i_long += 1 binlabels_long.append( period.replace("Run", "").replace("_short", "").replace( "_long", "")) if category == "short": if label == "fit_sf": h_sf_short[label].Draw("hist e") else: h_sf_short[label].Draw("hist e same") outhist = h_sf_short[label].Clone() outhist.SetDirectory(0) outhist.SetName(label + "_" + category) outhist.Write() if "reco" in label: h_sf_short[label].SetTitle( ";;fitted track reconstruction scale factor") elif "tag" in label: h_sf_short[label].SetTitle( ";;fitted track tagging scale factor") else: h_sf_short[label].SetTitle(";;fitted scale factor") h_sf_short[label].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.4, 1.6) else: if label == "fit_sf": h_sf_long[label].Draw("hist e") else: h_sf_long[label].Draw("hist e same") outhist = h_sf_long[label].Clone() outhist.SetDirectory(0) outhist.SetName(label + "_" + category) outhist.Write() if "reco" in label: h_sf_long[label].SetTitle( ";;fitted track reconstruction scale factor") elif "tag" in label: h_sf_long[label].SetTitle( ";;fitted track tagging scale factor") else: h_sf_long[label].SetTitle(";;fitted scale factor") h_sf_long[label].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.4, 1.6) if label == "fit_sf": #h_sf_short[label].SetLineStyle(1) #h_sf_long[label].SetLineStyle(1) h_sf_short[label].SetLineWidth(3) h_sf_long[label].SetLineWidth(3) h_sf_short[label].SetLineColor(kRed) h_sf_long[label].SetLineColor(kBlue) if category == "short": legend.AddEntry(h_sf_short[label], "combined SF") else: legend.AddEntry(h_sf_long[label], "combined SF") if label == "fit_sfreco": #h_sf_short[label].SetLineStyle(2) #h_sf_long[label].SetLineStyle(2) h_sf_short[label].SetLineColor(97) h_sf_long[label].SetLineColor(62) if category == "short": legend.AddEntry(h_sf_short[label], "reconstruction SF") else: legend.AddEntry(h_sf_long[label], "reconstruction SF") elif label == "fit_sftag": h_sf_short[label].SetLineStyle(2) h_sf_long[label].SetLineStyle(2) h_sf_short[label].SetLineColor(97) h_sf_long[label].SetLineColor(62) if category == "short": legend.AddEntry(h_sf_short[label], "tagging SF") else: legend.AddEntry(h_sf_long[label], "tagging SF") for i, i_binlabel in enumerate(binlabels_short): h_sf_short[label].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, i_binlabel) for i, i_binlabel in enumerate(binlabels_long): h_sf_long[label].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, i_binlabel) if options.lumiweighted: h_sf_short[label].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.09) h_sf_short[label].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.09) h_sf_long[label].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.09) h_sf_long[label].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.09) else: h_sf_short[label].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) h_sf_short[label].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) h_sf_long[label].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) h_sf_long[label].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) legend.Draw() shared_utils.stamp() pdfname = "%s/allperiods_sf_combined_%s_%s.pdf" % ( plotfolder, category, cut_label) if options.get_from_tree: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_tree.pdf") if options.mc_reweighted: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_mcreweighted.pdf") if options.lumiweighted: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_lumiweighted.pdf") if options.weightkinematic: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_weightkinematic.pdf") if options.weighttrackprop: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_weighttrackprop.pdf") canvas.SaveAs(pdfname) #canvas.SaveAs(pdfname.replace(".pdf", ".root")) #fout = TFile(pdfname.replace(".pdf", ".root"), "recreate") #canvas.Write() #h_sf_short.SetName("h_scalefactor_short") #h_sf_short.Write() #h_sf_long.SetName("h_scalefactor_long") #h_sf_long.Write() #fout.Close() output_rootfile.Close() if options.lumiweighted: #this_periods = finaleff_global_num[category].keys() this_periods = [ "Run2016", "Run2017", "Run2018", ] else: this_periods = periods # plot underlying efficiencies and SFs: if not options.lumiweighted and not options.get_from_tree: for i_finaleff, finaleff in enumerate( [finaleff_global, finaleff_reco, finaleff_tag]): for year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]: for category in categories: canvas = shared_utils.mkcanvas() legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.6, y1=0.6, x2=0.85, y2=0.85) legend.SetHeader("%s tracks (%s)" % (category.replace("_", ""), year)) legend.SetTextSize(0.035) colors = [kBlack, 97, 94, 91, 86, 81, 70, 65, 61, 51] for i_period, period in enumerate(this_periods): if "rw" in period: continue if year == "2016": mcperiod = "Summer16" elif year == "2017": mcperiod = "Fall17" elif year == "2018": mcperiod = "Autumn18" if period == mcperiod or year in period: color = colors.pop(0) if i_period == 0: drawoption = "p e" else: drawoption = "hist e same" print finaleff[category].keys() if period != mcperiod: finaleff[category][period].SetMarkerStyle( 20) finaleff[category][period].SetMarkerColor( color) finaleff[category][period].Draw(drawoption) finaleff[category][period].SetLineColor(color) finaleff[category][period].SetLineStyle(1) finaleff[category][period].SetTitle( ";number of remaining tracker layers;efficiency, scale factor" ) finaleff[category][period].GetXaxis( ).SetRangeUser(0, 20) finaleff[category][period].GetYaxis( ).SetRangeUser(0.4, 1.6) legend.AddEntry(finaleff[category][period], period) # include scale factor with fit result...: if "Run" in period and "rw" not in period: if i_finaleff == 0: h_sf_global[category][period].Draw( "e same") h_sf_global[category][ period].SetLineColor(color) h_sf_global[category][ period].SetLineWidth(2) g1_global[category][period].Draw( "same") g1_global[category][ period].SetLineColor(color) g1_global[category][ period].SetLineWidth(2) #legend.AddEntry(g1_global[category][period], "scale factor") elif i_finaleff == 1: h_sf_reco[category][period].Draw( "e same") h_sf_reco[category][ period].SetLineColor(color) h_sf_reco[category][ period].SetLineWidth(2) g1_reco[category][period].Draw("same") g1_reco[category][period].SetLineColor( color) g1_reco[category][period].SetLineWidth( 2) #legend.AddEntry(g1_reco[category][period], "scale factor") elif i_finaleff == 2: h_sf_tag[category][period].Draw( "e same") h_sf_tag[category][ period].SetLineColor(color) h_sf_tag[category][ period].SetLineWidth(2) g1_tag[category][period].Draw("same") g1_tag[category][period].SetLineColor( color) g1_tag[category][period].SetLineWidth( 2) #legend.AddEntry(g1_tag[category][period], "scale factor") #finaleff_global_num[category][period].Draw("e same") #finaleff_global_num[category][period].SetLineColor(color) #finaleff_global_num[category][period].SetLineWidth(2) #finaleff_global_denom[category][period].Draw("e same") #finaleff_global_denom[category][period].SetLineColor(color) #finaleff_global_denom[category][period].SetLineWidth(2) #finaleff_global_denom[category][period].SetLineStyle(2) legend.Draw() shared_utils.stamp() if i_finaleff == 0: pdfname = "%s/underlying%s%s.pdf" % ( plotfolder, category, year) elif i_finaleff == 1: pdfname = "%s/underlying_reco%s%s.pdf" % ( plotfolder, category, year) elif i_finaleff == 2: pdfname = "%s/underlying_tag%s%s.pdf" % ( plotfolder, category, year) if options.get_from_tree: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_tree.pdf") if options.mc_reweighted: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_mcreweighted.pdf") if options.lumiweighted: pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_lumiweighted.pdf") #if not plot_sf: # pdfname = pdfname.replace(".pdf", "_numdenom.pdf") canvas.SaveAs(pdfname)
def plot_cutflow(files, header, is_signal, prefix): if is_signal: signal_cutstring = " && tracks_chiCandGenMatchingDR<0.01" else: signal_cutstring = "" histos = {} for label in cuts: histos[label] = TH1D(label, label, 20, 0, 20) # get consecutive cuts: cuts_consecutive = {} for label in cuts: cuts_consecutive[label] = [] for i, cut in enumerate(cuts[label]): cuts_consecutive[label].append(" && ".join(cuts[label][:i + 1])) # get nev: counts = {} for label in cuts_consecutive: counts[label] = [] for i, cut in enumerate(cuts_consecutive[label]): if "p1" in prefix: #FIXME phase 1 dE/dx cut = cut.replace("tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel>2.0", "MHT>=0") h_tmp = plotting.get_all_histos(files, "Events", "tracks_is_pixel_track", cut + signal_cutstring, nBinsX=2, xmin=0, xmax=2) if h_tmp: count = h_tmp.Integral() else: count = 0 counts[label].append(count) histos[label].Fill(i, count) # normalize histos: for label in histos: normalization = histos[label].GetBinContent(1) if normalization > 0: histos[label].Scale(1.0 / normalization) # set alphanumeric x-axis labels: for label in histos: for i in range(histos[label].GetNbinsX()): if i <= len(cuts[label]): binlabel = cuts[label][i - 1] if "tracks_is_pixel_track" in binlabel: binlabel = "category" elif "tracks_ptErrOverPt2" in binlabel: binlabel = "#Delta p_{T}" elif "tracks_neutralPtSum/tracks_pt" in binlabel: binlabel = "nt. #Sigma p_{T}/pT" elif "tracks_neutralPtSum" in binlabel: binlabel = "nt. pTSum" elif "tracks_chargedPtSum/tracks_pt" in binlabel: binlabel = "ch. #Sigma p_{T}/pT" elif "tracks_chargedPtSum" in binlabel: binlabel = "ch. #Sigma p_{T}" elif "tracks_pt" in binlabel: binlabel = "p_{T}" elif "tracks_passmask" in binlabel: binlabel = "mask" elif "tracks_trackQualityHighPurity" in binlabel: binlabel = "purity" elif "tracks_eta" in binlabel: binlabel = "#eta" elif "tracks_dzVtx" in binlabel: binlabel = "d_{z}" elif "tracks_dxyVtx" in binlabel: binlabel = "d_{xy}" elif "tracks_trkRelIso" in binlabel: binlabel = "relIso" elif "tracks_trackerLayersWithMeasurement" in binlabel: binlabel = "layers" elif "tracks_nValidTrackerHits" in binlabel: binlabel = "tracker hits" elif "tracks_nMissingInnerHits" in binlabel: binlabel = "miss. inner hits" elif "tracks_nValidPixelHits" in binlabel: binlabel = "pixel hits" elif "tracks_passPFCandVeto" in binlabel: binlabel = "PFCand" elif "tracks_passleptonveto" in binlabel: binlabel = "lepton veto" elif "tracks_passpionveto" in binlabel: binlabel = "pion veto" elif "tracks_passjetveto" in binlabel: binlabel = "jet veto" elif "tracks_deDxHarmonic2pixel" in binlabel: binlabel = "dE/dx" elif "tracks_mva_tight_may20_chi2" in binlabel: binlabel = "BDT" elif "tracks_matchedCaloEnergy/tracks_p" in binlabel: binlabel = "EDep/track p" elif "tracks_nMissingOuterHits" in binlabel: binlabel = "miss. outer hits" elif "tracks_nMissingMiddleHits" in binlabel: binlabel = "miss. middle hits" elif "tracks_exo_leptoniso" in binlabel: binlabel = "lepton iso" elif "tracks_exo_trackiso" in binlabel: binlabel = "track iso" elif "tracks_exo_jetiso" in binlabel: binlabel = "jet iso" elif "tracks_matchedCaloEnergy" in binlabel: binlabel = "EDep" elif "tracks_mt2_leptoniso" in binlabel: binlabel = "lepton iso" elif "tracks_mt2_trackiso" in binlabel: binlabel = "track iso" elif "tracks_pixelLayersWithMeasurement" in binlabel: binlabel = "pixel layers" histos[label].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, binlabel) for label in histos: if "long" in label: continue canvas = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 630) canvas.SetBottomMargin(.16) canvas.SetLeftMargin(.14) canvas.SetGrid() if "bg" in prefix: canvas.SetLogy() if is_signal: legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.17, y1=0.17, x2=0.4, y2=0.4) else: legend = shared_utils.mklegend(x1=0.6, y1=0.7, x2=0.9, y2=0.9) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) shared_utils.histoStyler(histos[label]) histos[label].Draw("hist") histos[label].SetLineColor(kRed) histos[label].SetTitle(";;percentage of tracks remaining") legend.AddEntry(histos[label], "short tracks") if "bg" in prefix: histos[label].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-4, 2e0) else: histos[label].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.1) label_long = label.replace("short", "long") shared_utils.histoStyler(histos[label_long]) histos[label_long].Draw("hist same") histos[label_long].SetLineColor(kBlue) histos[label_long].SetTitle(";cut stage;tracks") legend.AddEntry(histos[label_long], "long tracks") legend.SetTextSize(0.045) legend.SetHeader(header + ", " + label.replace("_short", "").replace("_", " ") + " tag") legend.Draw() shared_utils.stamp() batchname = files[0].split("/")[2] canvas.Print("plots/cutflow_" + batchname + "_" + prefix + "_" + label.replace("_short", "") + ".pdf")