Example #1
def test_energy_fourier(N):
    B0 = FunctionSpace(N[0], 'F', dtype='D')
    B1 = FunctionSpace(N[1], 'F', dtype='D')
    B2 = FunctionSpace(N[2], 'F', dtype='d')
    for bases, axes in zip(((B0, B1, B2), (B0, B2, B1)),
                           ((0, 1, 2), (2, 0, 1))):
        T = TensorProductSpace(comm, bases, axes=axes)
        u_hat = Function(T)
        u_hat[:] = np.random.random(
            u_hat.shape) + 1j * np.random.random(u_hat.shape)
        u = u_hat.backward()
        u_hat = u.forward(u_hat)
        u = u_hat.backward(u)
        e0 = comm.allreduce(np.sum(u.v * u.v) / np.prod(N))
        e1 = fourier.energy_fourier(u_hat, T)
        assert abs(e0 - e1) < 1e-10
Example #2
def test_backward_uniform(family):
    T = FunctionSpace(N, family)
    uT = Function(T, buffer=f)
    ub = uT.backward(kind='uniform')
    xj = T.mesh(uniform=True)
    fj = sp.lambdify(x, f)(xj)
    assert np.linalg.norm(fj - ub) < 1e-8
Example #3
def test_padding_biharmonic(family):
    N = 8
    B = FunctionSpace(N, family, bc=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    Bp = B.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(B)
    u[:(N - 4)] = np.random.random(N - 4)
    up = Array(Bp)
    up = Bp.backward(u, fast_transform=False)
    uf = Bp.forward(up, fast_transform=False)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12
    if family == 'C':
        up = Bp.backward(u)
        uf = Bp.forward(up)
        assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12

    # Test padding 2D
    F = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B, F))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T)
    u[:-4, :-1] = np.random.random(u[:-4, :-1].shape)
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8

    # Test padding 3D
    F1 = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F1, F, B))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T)
    u[:, :, :-4] = np.random.random(u[:, :, :-4].shape)
    u = u.backward().forward()  # Clean
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8
Example #4
def test_padding_neumann(family):
    N = 8
    B = FunctionSpace(N, family, bc={'left': ('N', 0), 'right': ('N', 0)})
    Bp = B.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(B)
    u[1:-2] = np.random.random(N - 3)
    up = Array(Bp)
    up = Bp.backward(u, fast_transform=False)
    uf = Bp.forward(up, fast_transform=False)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12
    if family == 'C':
        up = Bp.backward(u)
        uf = Bp.forward(up)
        assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12

    # Test padding 2D
    F = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B, F))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T)
    u[1:-2, :-1] = np.random.random(u[1:-2, :-1].shape)
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8

    # Test padding 3D
    F1 = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F1, F, B))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T)
    u[:, :, 1:-2] = np.random.random(u[:, :, 1:-2].shape)
    u = u.backward().forward()  # Clean
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8
def test_project_2dirichlet(quad):
    x, y = symbols("x,y")
    ue = (cos(4*y)*sin(2*x))*(1-x**2)*(1-y**2)
    sizes = (18, 17)

    D0 = lbases.ShenDirichlet(sizes[0], quad=quad)
    D1 = lbases.ShenDirichlet(sizes[1], quad=quad)
    B0 = lbases.Orthogonal(sizes[0], quad=quad)
    B1 = lbases.Orthogonal(sizes[1], quad=quad)

    DD = TensorProductSpace(comm, (D0, D1))
    BD = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B0, D1))
    DB = TensorProductSpace(comm, (D0, B1))
    BB = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B0, B1))

    X = DD.local_mesh(True)
    uh = Function(DD, buffer=ue)
    dudx_hat = project(Dx(uh, 0, 1), BD)
    dx = Function(BD, buffer=ue.diff(x, 1))
    assert np.allclose(dx, dudx_hat, 0, 1e-5)

    dudy = project(Dx(uh, 1, 1), DB).backward()
    duedy = Array(DB, buffer=ue.diff(y, 1))
    assert np.allclose(duedy, dudy, 0, 1e-5)

    us_hat = Function(BB)
    uq = uh.backward()
    us = project(uq, BB, output_array=us_hat).backward()
    assert np.allclose(us, uq, 0, 1e-5)
    dudxy = project(Dx(us_hat, 0, 1) + Dx(us_hat, 1, 1), BB).backward()
    dxy = Array(BB, buffer=ue.diff(x, 1) + ue.diff(y, 1))
    assert np.allclose(dxy, dudxy, 0, 1e-5), np.linalg.norm(dxy-dudxy)
Example #6
def test_quasiGalerkin(basis):
    N = 40
    T = FunctionSpace(N, 'C')
    S = FunctionSpace(N, 'C', basis=basis)
    u = TrialFunction(S)
    v = TestFunction(T)
    A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
    B = inner(v, u)
    Q = chebyshev.quasi.QIGmat(N)
    A = Q*A
    B = Q*B
    M = B-A
    sol = la.Solve(M, S)
    f_hat = inner(v, Array(T, buffer=fe))
    f_hat[:-2] = Q.diags('csc')*f_hat[:-2]
    u_hat = Function(S)
    u_hat = sol(f_hat, u_hat)
    uj = u_hat.backward()
    ua = Array(S, buffer=ue)
    bb = Q*np.ones(N)
    assert abs(np.sum(bb[:8])) < 1e-8
    if S.boundary_condition().lower() == 'neumann':
        xj, wj = S.points_and_weights()
        ua -= np.sum(ua*wj)/np.pi # normalize
        uj -= np.sum(uj*wj)/np.pi # normalize
    assert np.sqrt(inner(1, (uj-ua)**2)) < 1e-5
Example #7
def test_backward2D():
    T = FunctionSpace(N, 'C')
    L = FunctionSpace(N, 'L')
    F = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
    TT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (T, F))
    TL = TensorProductSpace(comm, (L, F))
    uT = Function(TT, buffer=f)
    uL = Function(TL, buffer=f)

    u2 = uL.backward(kind=TT)
    uT2 = project(u2, TT)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uT2 - uT)

    TT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F, T))
    TL = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F, L))
    uT = Function(TT, buffer=f)
    uL = Function(TL, buffer=f)

    u2 = uL.backward(kind=TT)
    uT2 = project(u2, TT)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uT2 - uT)
Example #8
def test_backward2ND():
    T0 = FunctionSpace(N, 'C')
    L0 = FunctionSpace(N, 'L')
    T1 = FunctionSpace(N, 'C')
    L1 = FunctionSpace(N, 'L')
    TT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (T0, T1))
    LL = TensorProductSpace(comm, (L0, L1))
    uT = Function(TT, buffer=h)
    uL = Function(LL, buffer=h)
    u2 = uL.backward(kind=TT)
    uT2 = project(u2, TT)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uT2 - uT)
Example #9
def test_backward3D():
    T = FunctionSpace(N, 'C')
    L = FunctionSpace(N, 'L')
    F0 = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
    F1 = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
    TT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F0, T, F1))
    TL = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F0, L, F1))
    uT = Function(TT, buffer=h)
    uL = Function(TL, buffer=h)

    u2 = uL.backward(kind=TT)
    uT2 = project(u2, TT)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uT2 - uT)
Example #10
def test_padding_orthogonal(family):
    N = 8
    B = FunctionSpace(N, family)
    Bp = B.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(B)
    u[:] = np.random.random(u.shape)
    up = Array(Bp)
    if family != 'F':
        up = Bp.backward(u, fast_transform=False)
        uf = Bp.forward(up, fast_transform=False)
        assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12
    if family in ('C', 'F'):
        up = Bp.backward(u, fast_transform=True)
        uf = Bp.forward(up, fast_transform=True)
        assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12

    # Test padding 2D
    dtype = 'D' if family == 'F' else 'd'
    F = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype=dtype)
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F, B))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T)
    u[:] = np.random.random(u.shape)
    u = u.backward().forward()
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8

    # Test padding 3D
    F1 = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F1, F, B))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T)
    u[:] = np.random.random(u.shape)
    u = u.backward().forward()  # Clean
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8
Example #11
def test_backward():
    T = FunctionSpace(N, 'C')
    L = FunctionSpace(N, 'L')

    uT = Function(T, buffer=f)
    uL = Function(L, buffer=f)

    uLT = uL.backward(kind=T)
    uT2 = project(uLT, T)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uT2 - uT) < 1e-8

    uTL = uT.backward(kind=L)
    uL2 = project(uTL, L)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uL2 - uL) < 1e-8

    T2 = FunctionSpace(N, 'C', bc=(f.subs(x, -1), f.subs(x, 1)))
    L = FunctionSpace(N, 'L')

    uT = Function(T2, buffer=f)
    uL = Function(L, buffer=f)

    uLT = uL.backward(kind=T2)
    uT2 = project(uLT, T2)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uT2 - uT) < 1e-8
def main(N, family, bci, bcj, plotting=False):
    global fe, ue
    BX = FunctionSpace(N, family=family, bc=bcx[bci], domain=xdomain)
    BY = FunctionSpace(N, family=family, bc=bcy[bcj], domain=ydomain)
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (BX, BY))
    u = TrialFunction(T)
    v = TestFunction(T)

    # Get f on quad points
    fj = Array(T, buffer=fe)

    # Compare with analytical solution
    ua = Array(T, buffer=ue)

    if T.use_fixed_gauge:
        mean = dx(ua, weighted=True) / inner(1, Array(T, val=1))

    # Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
    f_hat = Function(T)
    f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

    # Get left hand side of Poisson equation
    A = inner(v, -div(grad(u)))

    u_hat = Function(T)

    sol = la.Solver2D(A, fixed_gauge=mean if T.use_fixed_gauge else None)
    u_hat = sol(f_hat, u_hat)
    uj = u_hat.backward()

    assert np.allclose(uj, ua), np.linalg.norm(uj - ua)
    print("Error=%2.16e" % (np.sqrt(dx((uj - ua)**2))))

    if 'pytest' not in os.environ and plotting is True:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        X, Y = T.local_mesh(True)
        plt.contourf(X, Y, uj, 100)
        plt.contourf(X, Y, ua, 100)
        plt.contourf(X, Y, ua - uj, 100)
def main(N, family, bci):
    bc = bcs[bci]
    if bci == 0:
        SD = FunctionSpace(N,
        SD = FunctionSpace(N, family=family, bc=bc, domain=domain)

    u = TrialFunction(SD)
    v = TestFunction(SD)

    # Get f on quad points
    fj = Array(SD, buffer=fe)

    # Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
    f_hat = Function(SD)
    f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

    # Get left hand side of Poisson equation
    A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))

    u_hat = Function(SD).set_boundary_dofs()
    if isinstance(A, list):
        bc_mat = extract_bc_matrices([A])
        A = A[0]
        f_hat -= bc_mat[0].matvec(u_hat, Function(SD))

    u_hat = A.solve(f_hat, u_hat)
    uj = u_hat.backward()
    uh = uj.forward()

    # Compare with analytical solution
    ua = Array(SD, buffer=ue)
    assert np.allclose(uj, ua), np.linalg.norm(uj - ua)
    if 'pytest' not in os.environ:
        print("Error=%2.16e" % (np.sqrt(dx((uj - ua)**2))))
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.plot(SD.mesh(), uj, 'b', SD.mesh(), ua, 'r')
Example #14
def test_quasiTau(bc):
    N = 40
    T = FunctionSpace(N, 'C')
    u = TrialFunction(T)
    v = TestFunction(T)
    A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
    B = inner(v, u)
    Q = chebyshev.quasi.QITmat(N)
    A = Q*A
    B = Q*B
    bb = Q*np.ones(N)
    assert abs(np.sum(bb[:8])) < 1e-8
    M = B-A
    M0 = M.diags().tolil()
    if bc == 'Dirichlet':
        M0[0] = np.ones(N)
        nn = np.ones(N)
        nn[1::2] = -1
        M0[1] = nn
    elif bc == 'Neumann':
        nn = np.arange(N)**2
        M0[0] = nn.copy()
        nn[1::2] *= -1
        M0[1] = nn
    M0 = M0.tocsc()
    f_hat = inner(v, Array(T, buffer=fe))
    gh = Q.diags('csc')*f_hat
    gh[:2] = 0
    u_hat = Function(T)
    u_hat[:] = scp.linalg.spsolve(M0, gh)
    uj = u_hat.backward()
    ua = Array(T, buffer=ue)

    if bc == 'Neumann':
        xj, wj = T.points_and_weights()
        ua -= np.sum(ua*wj)/np.pi # normalize
        uj -= np.sum(uj*wj)/np.pi # normalize
    assert np.sqrt(inner(1, (uj-ua)**2)) < 1e-5
Example #15
def test_padding(family):
    N = 8
    B = FunctionSpace(N, family, bc=(-1, 1), domain=(-2, 2))
    Bp = B.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(B).set_boundary_dofs()
    #u[:(N-2)] = np.random.random(N-2)
    u[:(N - 2)] = 1
    up = Array(Bp)
    up = Bp.backward(u, fast_transform=False)
    uf = Bp.forward(up, fast_transform=False)
    assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12
    if family == 'C':
        up = Bp.backward(u)
        uf = Bp.forward(up)
        assert np.linalg.norm(uf - u) < 1e-12

    # Test padding 2D
    F = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B, F))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T).set_boundary_dofs()
    u[:-2, :-1] = np.random.random(u[:-2, :-1].shape)
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8

    # Test padding 3D
    F1 = FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F1, F, B))
    Tp = T.get_dealiased(1.5)
    u = Function(T).set_boundary_dofs()
    u[:, :, :-2] = np.random.random(u[:, :, :-2].shape)
    u = u.backward().forward()  # Clean
    up = Tp.backward(u)
    uc = Tp.forward(up)
    assert np.linalg.norm(u - uc) < 1e-8
Example #16
SD = FunctionSpace(N, 'Hermite')
u = TrialFunction(SD)
v = TestFunction(SD)

# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(SD, buffer=fe)

# Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
f_hat = Function(SD)
f_hat = inner(v, -fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
A = inner(grad(v), grad(u))

f_hat = A / f_hat
uj = f_hat.backward()
uh = uj.forward()

# Compare with analytical solution
ua = Array(SD, buffer=ue)
print("Error=%2.16e" % (np.linalg.norm(uj - ua)))
assert np.allclose(uj, ua, atol=1e-5)

point = np.array([0.1, 0.2])
p = SD.eval(point, f_hat)
assert np.allclose(p, lambdify(x, ue)(point), atol=1e-5)

if 'pytest' not in os.environ:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    xx = np.linspace(-8, 8, 100)
    plt.plot(xx, lambdify(x, ue)(xx), 'r', xx, uh.eval(xx), 'bo', markersize=2)
Example #17
# Size of discretization
N = int(sys.argv[-2])

SD = FunctionSpace(N, family=family, bc='NeumannDirichlet', domain=domain)
u = TrialFunction(SD)
v = TestFunction(SD)

# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(SD, buffer=fe)

# Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
f_hat = Function(SD)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))

u_hat = Function(SD)
u_hat = A.solve(f_hat, u_hat)
uj = u_hat.backward()
uh = uj.forward()

# Compare with analytical solution
ua = Array(SD, buffer=ue)
print("Error=%2.16e" % (np.sqrt(dx((uj - ua)**2))))
assert np.allclose(uj, ua)
if 'pytest' not in os.environ:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(SD.mesh(), uj, 'b', SD.mesh(), ua, 'r')
gn = Array(FY, buffer=neumann_condition)
evaluate_x_bndry = FX.evaluate_basis_all(-1)
project_g = inner(gn, v_bndry)

bndry_integral = np.outer(evaluate_x_bndry, project_g)

rhs -= bndry_integral

Sol = sf.la.SolverGeneric2ND(mat)

u_hat = Function(T)
u_hat = Sol(rhs, u_hat)

u_ana = Array(T, buffer=ua)
l2_error = np.linalg.norm(u_hat.backward() - u_ana)
xx, yy = T.mesh()

X, Y = np.meshgrid(xx.squeeze(), yy.squeeze())
fig = plt.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, np.transpose(u_ana))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, np.transpose(u_hat.backward()))
Example #19
def test_eval_tensor(typecode, dim, ST, quad):
    # Using sympy to compute an analytical solution
    # Testing for Dirichlet and regular basis
    x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
    sizes = (22, 21)

    funcx = {
        '': (1 - x**2) * sin(np.pi * x),
        'Dirichlet': (1 - x**2) * sin(np.pi * x),
        'Neumann': (1 - x**2) * sin(np.pi * x),
        'Biharmonic': (1 - x**2) * sin(2 * np.pi * x)
    funcy = {
        '': (1 - y**2) * sin(np.pi * y),
        'Dirichlet': (1 - y**2) * sin(np.pi * y),
        'Neumann': (1 - y**2) * sin(np.pi * y),
        'Biharmonic': (1 - y**2) * sin(2 * np.pi * y)
    funcz = {
        '': (1 - z**2) * sin(np.pi * z),
        'Dirichlet': (1 - z**2) * sin(np.pi * z),
        'Neumann': (1 - z**2) * sin(np.pi * z),
        'Biharmonic': (1 - z**2) * sin(2 * np.pi * z)

    funcs = {
        (1, 0): cos(2 * y) * funcx[ST.boundary_condition()],
        (1, 1): cos(2 * x) * funcy[ST.boundary_condition()],
        (2, 0): sin(6 * z) * cos(4 * y) * funcx[ST.boundary_condition()],
        (2, 1): sin(2 * z) * cos(4 * x) * funcy[ST.boundary_condition()],
        (2, 2): sin(2 * x) * cos(4 * y) * funcz[ST.boundary_condition()]
    syms = {1: (x, y), 2: (x, y, z)}
    points = None
    if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        points = np.random.random((dim + 1, 4))
    points = comm.bcast(points)
    t_0 = 0
    t_1 = 0
    t_2 = 0
    for shape in product(*([sizes] * dim)):
        #for shape in ((64, 64),):
        bases = []
        for n in shape[:-1]:
            bases.append(Basis(n, 'F', dtype=typecode.upper()))
        bases.append(Basis(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode))

        for axis in range(dim + 1):
            #for axis in (0,):
            ST0 = ST(shape[-1], quad=quad)
            bases.insert(axis, ST0)
            # Spectral space must be aligned in nonperiodic direction, hence axes
            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm,
            print('axes', axes[dim][axis])
            print('bases', bases)
            #print(bases[0].axis, bases[1].axis)
            X = fft.local_mesh(True)
            ue = funcs[(dim, axis)]
            ul = lambdify(syms[dim], ue, 'numpy')
            uu = ul(*X).astype(typecode)
            uq = ul(*points).astype(typecode)
            u_hat = Function(fft)
            u_hat = fft.forward(uu, u_hat)
            t0 = time()
            result = fft.eval(points, u_hat, method=0)
            t_0 += time() - t0
            assert np.allclose(uq, result, 0, 1e-6)
            t0 = time()
            result = fft.eval(points, u_hat, method=1)
            t_1 += time() - t0
            assert np.allclose(uq, result, 0, 1e-6)
            t0 = time()
            result = fft.eval(points, u_hat, method=2)
            t_2 += time() - t0
            assert np.allclose(uq, result, 0, 1e-6), uq / result
            result = u_hat.eval(points)
            assert np.allclose(uq, result, 0, 1e-6)
            ua = u_hat.backward()
            assert np.allclose(uu, ua, 0, 1e-6)
            ua = Array(fft)
            ua = u_hat.backward(ua)
            assert np.allclose(uu, ua, 0, 1e-6)

    print('method=0', t_0)
    print('method=1', t_1)
    print('method=2', t_2)
Example #20
# Compute right hand side of biharmonic equation
f_hat = inner(v, fj)

# Get left hand side of biharmonic equation
if family == 'chebyshev':  # No integration by parts due to weights
    matrices = inner(v, div(grad(div(grad(u)))))
else:  # Use form with integration by parts.
    matrices = inner(div(grad(v)), div(grad(u)))

# Create linear algebra solver
H = SolverGeneric2NP(matrices)

# Solve and transform to real space
u_hat = Function(T)  # Solution spectral space
u_hat = H(f_hat, u_hat)  # Solve
uq = u_hat.backward()

# Compare with analytical solution
uj = ul(*X)
print(abs(uj - uq).max())
assert np.allclose(uj, uq)

points = np.array([[0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.5]])
p = T.eval(points, u_hat, method=2)
assert np.allclose(p, ul(*points))

if 'pytest' not in os.environ:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.contourf(X[0], X[1], uq)
Example #21
def test_eval_tensor(typecode, dim, ST, quad):
    # Using sympy to compute an analytical solution
    # Testing for Dirichlet and regular basis
    x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
    sizes = (25, 24)

    funcx = (x**2 - 1) * cos(2 * np.pi * x)
    funcy = (y**2 - 1) * cos(2 * np.pi * y)
    funcz = (z**2 - 1) * cos(2 * np.pi * z)

    funcs = {
        (1, 0): cos(4 * y) * funcx,
        (1, 1): cos(4 * x) * funcy,
        (2, 0): (sin(6 * z) + cos(4 * y)) * funcx,
        (2, 1): (sin(2 * z) + cos(4 * x)) * funcy,
        (2, 2): (sin(2 * x) + cos(4 * y)) * funcz
    syms = {1: (x, y), 2: (x, y, z)}
    points = np.array([[0.1] * (dim + 1), [0.01] * (dim + 1),
                       [0.4] * (dim + 1), [0.5] * (dim + 1)])

    for shape in product(*([sizes] * dim)):
        bases = []
        for n in shape[:-1]:
            bases.append(Basis(n, 'F', dtype=typecode.upper()))
        bases.append(Basis(shape[-1], 'F', dtype=typecode))

        if dim < 3:
            n = min(shape)
            if typecode in 'fdg':
                n //= 2
                n += 1
            if n < comm.size:
        for axis in range(dim + 1):
            ST0 = ST(shape[-1], quad=quad)
            bases.insert(axis, ST0)
            # Spectral space must be aligned in nonperiodic direction, hence axes
            fft = TensorProductSpace(comm,
            X = fft.local_mesh(True)
            ue = funcs[(dim, axis)]
            ul = lambdify(syms[dim], ue, 'numpy')
            uu = ul(*X).astype(typecode)
            uq = ul(*points.T).astype(typecode)
            u_hat = Function(fft)
            u_hat = fft.forward(uu, u_hat)
            result = fft.eval(points, u_hat, cython=True)
            assert np.allclose(uq, result, 0, 1e-6)
            result = fft.eval(points, u_hat, cython=False)
            assert np.allclose(uq, result, 0, 1e-6)
            result = u_hat.eval(points)
            assert np.allclose(uq, result, 0, 1e-6)
            ua = u_hat.backward()
            assert np.allclose(uu, ua, 0, 1e-6)
            ua = Array(fft)
            ua = u_hat.backward(ua)
            assert np.allclose(uu, ua, 0, 1e-6)
