def test_load_xstable_model_fails_with_dir():
    """Check that the function fails with invalid input: directory

    The temporary directory is used for this (the test is skipped if
    it does not exist).

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        ui.load_xstable_model('tmpdir', tmpdir)

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
def test_load_table_model_fails_with_dev_null():
    """Check that load_table_model fails with invalid input: /dev/null

    This simulates an empty file (and relies on the system
    containing a /dev/null file that reads in 0 bytes).

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []

    # The error depends on the load function
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ui.load_table_model('devnull', '/dev/null')

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
def test_load_xstable_model_fails_with_dir(tmp_path):
    """Check that the function fails with invalid input: directory

    The temporary directory is used for this.

    tmpdir = tmp_path / 'load_xstable_model'

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        ui.load_xstable_model('tmpdir', str(tmpdir))

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
def test_load_table_model_fails_with_dev_null():
    """Check that load_table_model fails with invalid input: /dev/null

    This simulates an empty file (and relies on the system
    containing a /dev/null file that reads in 0 bytes).

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []

    # The error depends on the load function
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ui.load_table_model('devnull', '/dev/null')

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
Example #5
def _get_position_from_model(name):
    """Returns the xpos, ypos, ellip, and theta values for the
    given model, where name is either
       a model
       a string nameing a model

    Raises an ValueError if unable to retrieve a number.

    # Could try isinstance(val, sherpa.models.model.Model)
    # here instead, but stick with hasattr for now
    if hasattr(name, "xpos") and hasattr(name, "ypos") and \
       hasattr(name, "ellip") and hasattr(name, "theta"):
        return (name.xpos.val, name.ypos.val, name.ellip.val, name.theta.val)

    if isinstance(name, str):
        if name not in ui.list_model_components():
            raise ValueError(
                "Name of model argument does not appear to be a model: '{0}'".

        xpos = _get_parameter_value("xpos", "{0}.xpos".format(name))
        ypos = _get_parameter_value("ypos", "{0}.ypos".format(name))
        ellip = _get_parameter_value("xpos", "{0}.ellip".format(name))
        theta = _get_parameter_value("ypos", "{0}.theta".format(name))
        return (xpos, ypos, ellip, theta)

    raise ValueError(
        "Unrecognized argument to _get_position_from_model: '{0}'".format(
def test_delete_bkg_model(clean_astro_ui):
    """Check we can delete a background model"""

    channels = np.arange(1, 5)
    counts = np.zeros(channels.size)
    d = ui.DataPHA('src', channels, counts)
    b = ui.DataPHA('bkg', channels, counts)
    d.set_background(b, id=2)

    ui.set_bkg_source(ui.const1d.bmdl + ui.gauss1d.gmdl, bkg_id=2)
    assert ui.get_bkg_source(bkg_id=2) is not None


    # Expression has been removed
    with pytest.raises(ModelErr) as exc:

    assert str(
        exc.value) == 'background model 2 for data set 1 has not been set'

    # components still exist
    mdls = ui.list_model_components()
    assert set(mdls) == set(['bmdl', 'gmdl'])
def test_delete_bkg_model_with_bkgid(id, clean_astro_ui):
    """Check we call delete_bkg_model with non-default bkg_id"""

    ui.load_arrays(id, [1, 2, 3], [5, 4, 3], ui.DataPHA)
    bkg = ui.DataPHA('bkg', np.asarray([1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 0])
    ui.set_bkg(id, bkg, bkg_id=2)

    ui.set_bkg_source(id, ui.const1d.bmdl, bkg_id=2)
    assert ui.list_model_components() == ['bmdl']
    assert ui.get_bkg_source(id, 2).name == 'const1d.bmdl'

    ui.delete_bkg_model(id, bkg_id=2)
    assert ui.list_model_components() == ['bmdl']

    with pytest.raises(ModelErr) as exc:
        ui.get_bkg_source(id, 2)

    emsg = 'background model 2 for data set {} has not been set'.format(id)
    assert str(exc.value) == emsg
def test_load_xstable_model_fails_with_text_column(make_data_path):
    """Check that load_table_model fails with invalid input: text column

    The first column is text (and an ASCII file) so it is
    expected to fail.

    # Check that this file hasn't been changed (as I am re-using it for
    # this test)
    infile = make_data_path('table.txt')
    assert os.path.isfile(infile)

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []

    # The error depends on the load function.
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        ui.load_xstable_model('stringcol', infile)

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
def test_load_xstable_model_fails_with_text_column(make_data_path):
    """Check that load_table_model fails with invalid input: text column

    The first column is text (and an ASCII file) so it is
    expected to fail.

    # Check that this file hasn't been changed (as I am re-using it for
    # this test)
    infile = make_data_path('table.txt')
    assert os.path.isfile(infile)

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []

    # The error depends on the load function.
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        ui.load_xstable_model('stringcol', infile)

    assert ui.list_model_components() == []
Example #10
def save_components(filename, compIDstosave=None):
    if os.path.isfile(filename): raise Exception("Model already exists.")
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        print('Saving ' + filename)
        if compIDstosave is None: 
            compIDstosave = [c for c in shp.list_model_components() if c not in ['emap', 'psf']]
        f.write('components: ' + str(len(compIDstosave)) + '\n')
        for compID in compIDstosave:
            if compID not in ['psf', 'emap']:
                comp = shp.get_model_component(compID)
                f.write('.', ' ') + ' ' + str(len( + '\n')
                for par in
                    f.write( + ' ' +
                        str(par.min) + ' ' +
                        str(par.val) + ' ' +
                        str(par.max) + '\n')