def test_generate_group(): # test 1, generate a group parse_dir = os.path.join(test_source_dir, 'TwoDSubduction', 'parse') _test_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'base.prm') _config_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'base_config_group.json') _odir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_group') if os.path.isdir(_odir): # remove older files rmtree(_odir) os.mkdir(_odir) # Read files with open(_test_prm_file, 'r') as fin: _inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) with open(_config_file, 'r') as fin: _json_inputs = json.load(fin) # Initial test group MyGroup = Parse.GROUP_CASE(TwoDSubduction.MYCASE, _inputs, _json_inputs) # Call __call__ to generate cases _extra = {'T660': 1663.0, 'P660': 21e9, 'LowerV': 1.5e-6} # extra configuration _operations = ['LowerMantle', "MeshRefinement"] # operations to do parse_operations = TwoDSubduction.MY_PARSE_OPERATIONS() MyGroup(parse_operations, _odir, operations=_operations, extra=_extra) # Assertions _case_names = ['ULV1.000e+02testIAR6', 'ULV1.000e+02testIAR8', 'ULV3.000e+01testIAR6','ULV3.000e+01testIAR8'] for _case_name in _case_names: _case_dir = os.path.join(_odir, _case_name) # case name is 'ULV3.000e+01_testIAR8' _prm_file = os.path.join(_case_dir, 'case.prm') assert(os.path.isfile(_prm_file))
def test_change_disc_values(): test_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'parse_test.prm') assert(os.access(test_file, os.R_OK)) with open(test_file, 'r') as fin: inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) _config = {'names': [['End time'], ['Material model', 'Visco Plastic', 'Reset corner viscosity constant']], 'values': ['80.0e6', '1e21']} Parse.ChangeDiscValues(inputs, _config['names'], _config['values']) # call function assert(inputs['End time'] == '80.0e6') assert(inputs['Material model']['Visco Plastic']['Reset corner viscosity constant'] == '1e21') pass
def test_get_snaps_steps(): case_dir = os.path.join(test_source_dir, 'foo') # call function for graphical outputs snaps, times, steps = Parse.GetSnapsSteps(case_dir) # assertions assert(snaps == [6, 7, 8, 9]) assert(times == [0.0, 100000.0, 200000.0, 300000.0]) assert(steps == [0, 104, 231, 373]) # call function for particle outputs snaps, times, steps = Parse.GetSnapsSteps(case_dir, 'particle') # assertions assert(snaps == [0, 1]) assert(times == [0.0, 2e5]) assert(steps == [0, 231])
def test_parse_from_file(): # test_file = 'fixtures/parse_test.prm' test_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'parse_test.prm') assert(os.access(test_file, os.R_OK)) with open(test_file, 'r') as fin: inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) assert(inputs['Dimension'] == '2') assert(inputs['Use years in output instead of seconds'] == 'true') assert(inputs['End time'] == '40.0e6') assert(inputs['Additional shared libraries'] == '/home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/aspect_plugins/subduction_temperature2d/, /home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/aspect_plugins/prescribe_field/')
def SlabMorph(case_dir, kwargs={}): """ Slab morphology Inputs: case_dir(str): directory of case kwargs(dict): options """ case_output_dir = os.path.join(case_dir, 'output') case_morph_dir = os.path.join(case_output_dir, 'slab_morphs') # Initiation Visit_Xyz = VISIT_XYZ() # a header for interpreting file format # note that 'col' starts form 0 header = { 'x': { 'col': 1, 'unit': 'm' }, 'y': { 'col': 2, 'unit': 'm' }, 'id': { 'col': 4 } } # depth range # this is for computing dip angles with different ranges depth_ranges = kwargs.get('depth_ranges', [[0, 100e3], [100e3, 400e3], [400e3, 6371e3]]) my_assert( type(depth_ranges) == list, TypeError, "depth_ranges mush be a list") # remove older results ofile = os.path.join(case_output_dir, 'slab_morph') if os.path.isfile(ofile): os.remove(ofile) # loop for every snap and call function snaps, times, _ = Parse.GetSnapsSteps(case_dir, 'particle') for i in snaps: visit_xyz_file = os.path.join(case_morph_dir, '' % i) Visit_Xyz(visit_xyz_file, header=header, ofile=ofile, depth_ranges=depth_ranges, time=times[i])
def test_visit_options(): case_dir = os.path.join(test_source_dir, 'foo') # initiate Visit_Options = Parse.VISIT_OPTIONS(case_dir) # call the Interpret function Visit_Options.Interpret() # compare to standard json_file = os.path.join(case_dir, 'odict_std.json') with open(json_file, 'r') as fin: odict_std = json.load(fin) assert(Visit_Options.odict == odict_std) pass
def test_parse_to_new_case(): # test usage1: # step a: read a parameter file # step b: initiate a CASE class with parameters # step c: call calss function UpdatePrmDict explicitly to update parameters # step d: call class __class__ function by method='manual' and filename=some_file test_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'parse_test.prm') assert(os.access(test_file, os.R_OK)) with open(test_file, 'r') as fin: inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) Case = Parse.CASE(inputs) _names = [['End time'], ['Material model', 'Visco Plastic', 'Reset corner viscosity constant']] _values = ['80.0e6', '1e21'] Case.UpdatePrmDict(_names, _values) assert(Case.idict['End time'] == '80.0e6') assert(Case.idict['Material model']['Visco Plastic']['Reset corner viscosity constant'] == '1e21') # call CASE: __call__ function to generate a output _ofile = os.path.join(_test_dir, 'foo.prm') if os.path.isfile(_ofile): # remove older file os.remove(_ofile) parse_operations = Parse.PARSE_OPERATIONS() Case(parse_operations, method='manual', filename=_ofile) assert(os.path.isfile(_ofile)) # test usage1: # step a: read a parameter file # step b: initiate a CASE class with parameters and a config dictionary # step d: call class __class__ function by method='auto' _odir = os.path.join('.test', 'test_case_by_auto') _ofile = os.path.join(_odir, 'case.prm') if os.path.isdir(_odir): # remove older directory rmtree(_odir) test_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'parse_test.prm') assert(os.access(test_file, os.R_OK)) with open(test_file, 'r') as fin: inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) Case = Parse.CASE(inputs, config={}) parse_operations = Parse.PARSE_OPERATIONS() Case(parse_operations, dirname='.test', basename='test_case_by_auto') assert(os.path.isfile(_ofile))
def test_get_sub_cases(): case_dirs = Parse.GetSubCases(test_source_dir) assert(case_dirs == ['/home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/aspectLib/tests/integration/fixtures/parse/foo1', '/home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/aspectLib/tests/integration/fixtures/parse/foo'])
def main(): ''' main function of this module Inputs: sys.arg[1](str): commend sys.arg[2, :](str): options ''' _commend = sys.argv[1] # parse options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='TwoDSubdunction Project') parser.add_argument('-b', '--base_file', type=str, default='./files/TwoDSubduction/base.prm', help='Filename for base file') parser.add_argument('-U', '--use_basename_as_base_file', type=int, default=1, help='Whether we use basename as base file') parser.add_argument('-j', '--json_file', type=str, default='./config_case.json', help='Filename for json file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', type=str, default='../TwoDSubduction/', help='Directory for output') parser.add_argument( '-e', '--operations_file', type=str, default=None, help= 'A file that has a list of operations, if not given, do all the available operations' ) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_dir', type=str, default=shilofue_DIR, help='A directory that contains the input') parser.add_argument('-s', '--step', type=int, default=0, help='timestep') parser.add_argument('-ex', '--extension', type=str, default='png', help='extension for output') _options = [] try: _options = sys.argv[2:] except IndexError: pass arg = parser.parse_args(_options) # execute commend if _commend == 'create_group': # create a group # example usage: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction create_group -j config_group.json 2>&1 > .temp # create a group of cases # read files # read configuration with open(arg.json_file, 'r') as fin: _config = json.load(fin) _base_name = _config.get('basename', '') # read base file if arg.use_basename_as_base_file == 1: _filename = './files/TwoDSubduction/%s.prm' % _base_name else: _filename = arg.base_file with open(_filename, 'r') as fin: _inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) if not os.path.isdir(arg.output_dir): os.mkdir(arg.output_dir) print('Now we create a group of cases:') # screen output else: print('Now we update a group of cases:') # screen output # create a directory under the name of the group _group_name = _config.get('name', 'foo') _odir = os.path.join(arg.output_dir, _group_name) # By default, we don't update update_ = _config.get('update', 0) if not update_: my_assert( os.path.isdir(_odir) is False, ValueError, 'Going to update a pr-exiting group, but update is not included in the option' ) if not os.path.isdir(_odir): os.mkdir(_odir) # initialte a class instance MyGroup = Parse.GROUP_CASE(MYCASE, _inputs, _config) # call __call__ function to generate _extra = _config.get('extra', {}) # add an entry for parse_operations parse_operations = MY_PARSE_OPERATIONS() _case_names = MyGroup(parse_operations, _odir, extra=_extra, basename=_base_name, update=update_) # generate # check if there is alread a preexisting group Parse.AutoMarkdownGroup(_group_name, _config, dirname=_odir) for _case_name in _case_names: _case_dir = os.path.join(_odir, _case_name) _case_json_file = os.path.join(_case_dir, 'config.json') with open(_case_json_file, 'r') as fin: _case_config = json.load(fin) Parse.AutoMarkdownCase(_case_name, _case_config, dirname=_case_dir) print(_group_name) for _case_name in _case_names: # ouptut to screen print(_case_name) elif _commend == 'create': print('Now we create a single case:') # screen output # create a case # read files # read configuration with open(arg.json_file, 'r') as fin: _config = json.load(fin) _base_name = _config.get('basename', '') # read base file if arg.use_basename_as_base_file == 1: _filename = './files/TwoDSubduction/%s.prm' % _base_name else: _filename = arg.base_file with open(_filename, 'r') as fin: _inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) if not os.path.isdir(arg.output_dir): os.mkdir(arg.output_dir) # Initial a case MyCase = MYCASE(_inputs, config=_config['config'], test=_config['test']) # call __call__ function to generate _extra = _config.get('extra', {}) # also add extra files _extra_files = _config.get('extra_file', {}) # add an entry for parse_operations parse_operations = MY_PARSE_OPERATIONS() _case_name = MyCase(parse_operations, dirname=arg.output_dir, extra=_config['extra'], basename=_base_name, extra_file=_extra_files) # generate markdown file _case_dir = os.path.join(arg.output_dir, _case_name) Parse.AutoMarkdownCase(_case_name, _config, dirname=_case_dir) print(_case_name) # check this group exist my_assert(os.path.isdir(arg.output_dir), FileExistsError, "%s doesn't exist" % arg.output_dir) # initial class instance, future # MyCase = MYCASE(_inputs, config=_config['config'], test=_config['test']) # call function to return case names # check that these cases exit pass elif _commend == 'update_docs': # update the contents of the mkdocs # example usage: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction update_docs -o /home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/TwoDSubduction -j post_process.json _project_dir = arg.output_dir _project_dict = Parse.UpdateProjectJson( _project_dir) # update project json file # load options for post_process # load the project level configuration as default project_pp_json = os.path.join(ASPECT_LAB_DIR, 'files', project, 'post_process.json') with open(project_pp_json, 'r') as fin: pdict = json.load(fin) # load explicitly defined parameters with open(arg.json_file, 'r') as fin: pdict1 = json.load(fin) pdict.update(pdict1) # append analysis analysis_file = os.path.join(ASPECT_LAB_DIR, 'analysis.json') if os.path.isfile(analysis_file): with open(analysis_file, 'r') as fin: analysis_dict = json.load(fin) else: analysis_dict = {} # update docs docs_dict = pdict.get('docs', {}) imgs = docs_dict.get('imgs', []) Doc.UpdateProjectDoc(_project_dict, _project_dir, images=imgs, analysis=analysis_dict) elif _commend == 'update': # update a case # example usage: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction update -o /home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/TwoDSubduction -j post_process.json _project_dir = arg.output_dir _project_dict = Parse.UpdateProjectJson( _project_dir) # update project json file # load options for post_process # load the project level configuration as default project_pp_json = os.path.join(ASPECT_LAB_DIR, 'files', project, 'post_process.json') with open(project_pp_json, 'r') as fin: pdict = json.load(fin) # load explicitly defined parameters with open(arg.json_file, 'r') as fin: pdict1 = json.load(fin) # update every entry in pdict1 for key, value in pdict1.items(): if type(value) == dict: try: _ = pdict[key] pdict[key].update(value) except KeyError: pdict[key] = value else: pdict[key] = value # update file for every case Parse.UpdateProjectMd(_project_dict, _project_dir) # plot figures for every case # get sub cases pp_source_dirs = pdict.get('dirs', []) _format = pdict.get('py_format', 'png') for pp_source_dir_base in pp_source_dirs: pp_source_dir = os.path.join(_project_dir, pp_source_dir_base) pp_case_dirs = Parse.GetSubCases(pp_source_dir) Plot.ProjectPlot(pp_case_dirs, _format, update=False, pdict=pdict) # deal with project defined plots ProjectPlot(pp_case_dirs, _format, update=False, pdict=pdict) elif _commend == 'plot_newton_solver_step': # Plot one step from Newton solver # use -i option as input and -o option as output dir # example usage: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction plot_newton_solver_step -i tests/integration/fixtures/test-plot/newton_solver -o .test -s 1 --extension pdf filein = arg.input_dir output_dir = arg.output_dir step = arg.step extension = arg.extension ofile_route = os.path.join(output_dir, 'NewtonSolverStep.%s' % extension) # plot newton solver output NewtonSolverStep = Plot.NEWTON_SOLVER_PLOT('NewtonSolverStep') # plot step0 NewtonSolverStep.GetStep(step) NewtonSolverStep(filein, fileout=ofile_route) pass elif _commend == 'plot_newton_solver': # plot the whole history outputs from Newton solver # use -i option as input and -o option as output dir # example usages: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction plot_newton_solver -i tests/integration/fixtures/test-plot/newton_solver -o .test filein = arg.input_dir output_dir = arg.output_dir step = arg.step ofile_route = os.path.join(output_dir, 'NewtonSolver.pdf') # plot newton solver output NewtonSolverStep = Plot.NEWTON_SOLVER_PLOT('NewtonSolver') # plot step0 NewtonSolverStep(filein, fileout=ofile_route) pass elif _commend == 'plot_machine_time': # plot the machine time output # use -i option as input and -o option as output dir # example usages: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction plot_machine_time -i tests/integration/fixtures/test-plot/machine_time -o .test filein = arg.input_dir output_dir = arg.output_dir ofile = os.path.join(output_dir, 'MachineTime.pdf') # plot newton solver output MachineTime = Plot.MACHINE_TIME_PLOT('MachineTime') # plot step0 MachineTime(filein, fileout=ofile) pass elif _commend == 'plot_slab_morph': # plot the slab morph output # use -i option as input and -o option as output dir # example usages: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction plot_slab_morph # -i /home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/TwoDSubduction/non_linear26/cr80w5ULV3.000e+01/output/slab_morph # -o /home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/TwoDSubduction/non_linear26/cr80w5ULV3.000e+01/img filein = arg.input_dir output_dir = arg.output_dir ofile = os.path.join(output_dir, 'slab_morph.png') # Init the UnitConvert class UnitConvert = UNITCONVERT() # Get options project_pp_json = os.path.join(ASPECT_LAB_DIR, 'files', 'TwoDSubduction', 'post_process.json') with open(project_pp_json, 'r') as fin: pdict = json.load(fin) plot_options = pdict.get('slab_morph', {}) Slab_morph_plot = SLAB_MORPH_PLOT('slab_morph', unit_convert=UnitConvert, options=plot_options) # plot Slab_morph_plot(filein, fileout=ofile) elif _commend == 'process_slab_morph': # process slab morphology from visit particle output # generate a file that can be used for plot # example usages: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction process_slab_morph -i # /home/lochy/ASPECT_PROJECT/TwoDSubduction/non_linear26/cr80w5ULV3.000e+01 -j post_process.json case_dir = arg.input_dir # process slab morph with extra options with open(arg.json_file, 'r') as fin: dict_in = json.load(fin) extra_options = dict_in.get('slab_morph', {}) try: SlabMorph(case_dir, extra_options) except FileNotFoundError: warnings.warn( 'process_slab_morph: file existence requirements are not met') elif _commend == 'plot_slab_morph_case': # plot the slab morph output for a case # first generate slab_morph output case_dir = arg.input_dir # process slab morph with extra options with open(arg.json_file, 'r') as fin: dict_in = json.load(fin) extra_options = dict_in.get('slab_morph', {}) try: SlabMorph(case_dir, extra_options) except FileNotFoundError: warnings.warn( 'process_slab_morph: file existence requirements are not met') # then plot the slab morph figure filein = os.path.join(case_dir, 'output', 'slab_morph') output_dir = os.path.join(case_dir, 'img') ofile = os.path.join(output_dir, 'slab_morph.png') # Init the UnitConvert class UnitConvert = UNITCONVERT() # Get options project_pp_json = os.path.join(ASPECT_LAB_DIR, 'files', 'TwoDSubduction', 'post_process.json') with open(project_pp_json, 'r') as fin: pdict = json.load(fin) plot_options = pdict.get('slab_morph', {}) Slab_morph_plot = SLAB_MORPH_PLOT('slab_morph', unit_convert=UnitConvert, options=plot_options) # plot Slab_morph_plot(filein, fileout=ofile) elif _commend == 'plot': # future # plot something pass elif _commend == 'visit_options': # output bash options to a file that could be # read by bash script # initiate class object case_dir = arg.input_dir Visit_Options = VISIT_OPTIONS(case_dir) # load extra options if arg.json_file == './config_case.json': # no json file is giving extra_options = {} else: with open(arg.json_file, 'r') as fin: dict_in = json.load(fin) extra_options = dict_in.get('visit', {}) # call function ofile = os.path.join(ASPECT_LAB_DIR, 'visit_keys_values') Visit_Options(ofile, extra_options) pass elif _commend == 'plot_test_results': # plot the result of tests # example: # python -m shilofue.TwoDSubduction plot_test_results -i # /home/lochy/softwares/aspect/build_TwoDSubduction/tests/ -o $TwoDSubduction_DIR/test_results source_dir = arg.input_dir # todo PlotTestResults(source_dir, output_dir=arg.output_dir) else: raise ValueError('Commend %s is not available.' % _commend)
def LowerMantle0(self, Inputs, _config): """ calculate flow law parameters, when phase transition only happens on mantle composition """ # parse from input jump = _config['upper_lower_viscosity'] T = _config['T660'] P = _config['P660'] V1 = _config['LowerV'] visco_plastic = Inputs["Material model"]['Visco Plastic'] prefactors_for_diffusion_creep = Parse.COMPOSITION( visco_plastic["Prefactors for diffusion creep"]) grain_size = float(visco_plastic["Grain size"]) grain_size_exponents_for_diffusion_creep = Parse.COMPOSITION( visco_plastic["Grain size exponents for diffusion creep"]) activation_energies_for_diffusion_creep = Parse.COMPOSITION( visco_plastic["Activation energies for diffusion creep"]) activation_volumes_for_diffusion_creep = Parse.COMPOSITION( visco_plastic["Activation volumes for diffusion creep"]) # call GetLowerMantleRheology to derive parameters for lower mantle flow law backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion = {} backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion[ 'A'] =['background'][0] backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion['d'] = grain_size backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion['n'] = 1.0 backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion[ 'm'] =['background'][ 0] backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion[ 'E'] =['background'][ 0] backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion[ 'V'] =['background'][0] backgroud_lower_mantle_diffusion = Rheology.GetLowerMantleRheology( backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion, jump, T, P, V1=V1, strategy='A') # future: add in choice of phases['background'] = [ backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion['A'], backgroud_lower_mantle_diffusion['A'] ]['background'] = [ backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion['m'], backgroud_lower_mantle_diffusion['m'] ]['background'] = [ backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion['E'], backgroud_lower_mantle_diffusion['E'] ]['background'] = [ backgroud_upper_mantle_diffusion['V'], backgroud_lower_mantle_diffusion['V'] ] # parse back visco_plastic[ "Prefactors for diffusion creep"] = prefactors_for_diffusion_creep.parse_back( ) visco_plastic[ "Grain size exponents for diffusion creep"] = grain_size_exponents_for_diffusion_creep.parse_back( ) visco_plastic[ "Activation energies for diffusion creep"] = activation_energies_for_diffusion_creep.parse_back( ) visco_plastic[ "Activation volumes for diffusion creep"] = activation_volumes_for_diffusion_creep.parse_back( ) return Inputs
def test_generate_case(): # Test 1: generate case with Lower Mantle viscosity parse_dir = os.path.join(test_source_dir, 'TwoDSubduction', 'parse') _test_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'base.prm') _config_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'base_config.json') _case_dir = os.path.join('.test', 'ULV3.000e+01') # case name is 'ULV3.000e+01' if os.path.isdir(_case_dir): # remove older files rmtree(_case_dir) _prm_file = os.path.join(_case_dir, 'case.prm') _standard_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'standard_base.prm') # Read files with open(_test_prm_file, 'r') as fin: _inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) with open(_config_file, 'r') as fin: _config = json.load(fin) # Initiate Class MyCase MyCase = TwoDSubduction.MYCASE(_inputs, config=_config) # call __call__ function _extra = {'T660': 1663.0, 'P660': 21e9, 'LowerV': 1.5e-6} # extra configuration # add operations parse_operations = TwoDSubduction.MY_PARSE_OPERATIONS() MyCase(parse_operations, dirname='.test', extra=_extra) # Assertions assert(os.path.isfile(_prm_file)) assert(filecmp.cmp(_standard_prm_file, _prm_file)) # Test 2: generate case with Lower Mantle viscosity with changed mesh_refinement _test_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'base.prm') _config_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'base_config_1.json') _case_dir = os.path.join('.test', 'ULV1.000e+02testIAR8') # case name is 'ULV3.000e+01_testIAR8' if os.path.isdir(_case_dir): # remove older files rmtree(_case_dir) _prm_file = os.path.join(_case_dir, 'case.prm') _standard_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'standard_base_1.prm') # Read files with open(_test_prm_file, 'r') as fin: _inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) with open(_config_file, 'r') as fin: _json_inputs = json.load(fin) _config = _json_inputs['config'] _test = _json_inputs.get('test', {}) # Initiate Class MyCase MyCase = TwoDSubduction.MYCASE(_inputs, config=_config, test=_test) # call __call__ function _extra = {'T660': 1663.0, 'P660': 21e9, 'LowerV': 1.5e-6} # extra configuration parse_operations = TwoDSubduction.MY_PARSE_OPERATIONS() MyCase(parse_operations, dirname='.test', extra=_extra) # Assertions assert(os.path.isfile(_prm_file)) assert(filecmp.cmp(_standard_prm_file, _prm_file)) # Test 3: generate case with non_liear rheology and test solver _test_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'non_linear_1e18.prm') _config_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'non_linear_1e18_config.json') _case_dir = os.path.join('.test', 'ULV3.000e+01testC4.000e-01MLT9.000e-01NST1.000e-04SBR10') # case name is 'ULV3.000e+01_testIAR8' if os.path.isdir(_case_dir): # remove older files rmtree(_case_dir) _prm_file = os.path.join(_case_dir, 'case.prm') _standard_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'standard_non_linear_1e18.prm') # Read files with open(_test_prm_file, 'r') as fin: _inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) with open(_config_file, 'r') as fin: _json_inputs = json.load(fin) _config = _json_inputs['config'] _test = _json_inputs.get('test', {}) _extra = _json_inputs.get('extra', {}) # Initiate Class MyCase MyCase = TwoDSubduction.MYCASE(_inputs, config=_config, test=_test, extra=_extra) # call __call__ function parse_operations = TwoDSubduction.MY_PARSE_OPERATIONS() MyCase(parse_operations, dirname='.test', extra=_extra) # Assertions assert(os.path.isfile(_prm_file)) assert(filecmp.cmp(_standard_prm_file, _prm_file)) # Test 4: generate case with phase transitions on all compositions and a eclogite transition of crustal layer _test_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'crust_terminate.prm') _config_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'crust_terminate_config.json') _case_dir = os.path.join('.test', 'crust_terminateULV1.000e+01') # case name is 'ULV3.000e+01_testIAR8' if os.path.isdir(_case_dir): # remove older files rmtree(_case_dir) _prm_file = os.path.join(_case_dir, 'case.prm') _standard_prm_file = os.path.join(parse_dir, 'crust_terminate_standard.prm') # Read files with open(_test_prm_file, 'r') as fin: _inputs = Parse.ParseFromDealiiInput(fin) with open(_config_file, 'r') as fin: _json_inputs = json.load(fin) _config = _json_inputs['config'] _test = _json_inputs.get('test', {}) _extra = _json_inputs.get('extra', {}) # Initiate Class MyCase MyCase = TwoDSubduction.MYCASE(_inputs, config=_config, test=_test, extra=_extra) # call __call__ function parse_operations = TwoDSubduction.MY_PARSE_OPERATIONS() MyCase(parse_operations, basename="crust_terminate", dirname='.test', extra=_extra) # Assertions assert(os.path.isfile(_prm_file)) assert(filecmp.cmp(_standard_prm_file, _prm_file))