Example #1
def get_page():
    # We get all value we want
    time_stamp = request.forms.get('time_stamp', int(time.time()))
    host_name = request.forms.get('host_name', None)
    service_description = request.forms.get('service_description', None)
    return_code = request.forms.get('return_code', -1)
    output = request.forms.get('output', None)

    # We check for auth if it's not anonymously allowed
    if app.username != 'anonymous':
        basic = parse_auth(request.environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', ''))
        # Maybe the user not even ask for user/pass. If so, bail out
        if not basic:
            abort(401, 'Authentication required')
        # Maybe he do not give the good credential?
        if basic[0] != app.username or basic[1] != app.password:
            abort(403, 'Authentication denied')

    # Ok, here it's an anonymouscall, or a registred one, but mayeb teh query is false
    if time_stamp == 0 or not host_name or not output or return_code == -1:
        abort(400, "Incorrect syntax")

    # Maybe we got an host, maybe a service :)
    if not service_description:
        cmd = '[%s] PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%s' % (time_stamp, host_name, return_code, output)
        cmd = '[%s] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%s;%s' % (time_stamp, host_name, service_description, return_code, output)

    # Now create the external command and put it in our main queue()
    # so the arbiter will read it :)
    ext = ExternalCommand(cmd)
Example #2
def get_page():
    # We get all value we want
    time_stamp = request.forms.get('time_stamp', int(time.time()))
    host_name = request.forms.get('host_name', None)
    service_description = request.forms.get('service_description', None)
    return_code = request.forms.get('return_code', -1)
    output = request.forms.get('output', None)

    # We check for auth if it's not anonymously allowed
    if app.username != 'anonymous':
        basic = parse_auth(request.environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', ''))
        # Maybe the user not even ask for user/pass. If so, bail out
        if not basic:
            abort(401, 'Authentication required')
        # Maybe he do not give the good credential?
        if basic[0] != app.username or basic[1] != app.password:
            abort(403, 'Authentication denied')

    # Ok, here it's an anonymouscall, or a registred one, but mayeb teh query is false
    if time_stamp == 0 or not host_name or not output or return_code == -1:
        abort(400, "Incorrect syntax")

    # Maybe we got an host, maybe a service :)
    if not service_description:
        cmd = '[%s] PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%s' % (time_stamp, host_name, return_code, output)
        cmd = '[%s] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%s;%s' % (time_stamp, host_name, service_description, return_code, output)

    # Now create the external command and put it in our main queue()
    # so the arbiter will read it :)
    ext = ExternalCommand(cmd)
Example #3
        host_name_list = request.forms.getall(key='host_name')
        logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] host_name_list: %s" % (host_name_list))
        service_description_list = request.forms.getall(key='service_description')
        logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] service_description_list: %s" % (service_description_list))
        return_code_list = request.forms.getall(key='return_code')
        logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] return_code_list: %s" % (return_code_list))
        output_list = request.forms.getall(key='output')
        logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] output_list: %s" % (output_list))
        commands_list = get_commands(time_stamp_list, host_name_list, service_description_list, return_code_list, output_list)
    except Exception, e:
        logger.error("[Ws_arbiter] failed to get the lists: %s" % str(e))
        commands_list = []

    # We check for auth if it's not anonymously allowed
    if app.username != 'anonymous':
        basic = parse_auth(request.environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', ''))
        # Maybe the user not even ask for user/pass. If so, bail out
        if not basic:
            abort(401, 'Authentication required')
        # Maybe he do not give the good credential?
        if basic[0] != app.username or basic[1] != app.password:
            abort(403, 'Authentication denied')

    # Adding commands to the main queue()
    logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] commands =  %s" % str(sorted(commands_list)))
    for c in sorted(commands_list):
        ext = ExternalCommand(c)

    # OK here it's ok, it will return a 200 code
Example #4
        logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] service_description_list: %s" %
        return_code_list = request.forms.getall(key='return_code')
        logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] return_code_list: %s" % (return_code_list))
        output_list = request.forms.getall(key='output')
        logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] output_list: %s" % (output_list))
        commands_list = get_commands(time_stamp_list, host_name_list,
                                     return_code_list, output_list)
    except Exception, e:
        logger.error("[Ws_arbiter] failed to get the lists: %s" % str(e))
        commands_list = []

    # We check for auth if it's not anonymously allowed
    if app.username != 'anonymous':
        basic = parse_auth(request.environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', ''))
        # Maybe the user not even ask for user/pass. If so, bail out
        if not basic:
            abort(401, 'Authentication required')
        # Maybe he do not give the good credential?
        if basic[0] != app.username or basic[1] != app.password:
            abort(403, 'Authentication denied')

    # Adding commands to the main queue()
    logger.debug("[Ws_arbiter] commands =  %s" % str(sorted(commands_list)))
    for c in sorted(commands_list):
        ext = ExternalCommand(c)

    # OK here it's ok, it will return a 200 code