Example #1
 def test_getHeadData_method(self): 
     '''Test the _getHeadData() method.
     This is a protected method that is called by the getData() method to
     format the header data for printing.
     head_data = \
     ['RIVER (Culvert Exit) CH:7932 - Trimmed to BT',
      '    15.078            1.111111      1000',
      '        18'
     # Get a RiverUnit object
     river = riverunit.RiverUnit(1, 1)
     # Set its header values with list created in setUp() method
     river.head_data = self.header_vars
     # Set the number of rows in the unit attribute
     river.unit_length = 18
     # Get the header data
     out_data = [] 
     out_data = river._getHeadData()
     # Test the data against our template
     self.assertEqual(head_data, out_data, 'getHeadData format failed')
Example #2
    def createUnit(self,
        # Update reach number info
        if not key == 'river' or key == 'comment':
            self.same_reach = False
        '''Need to deal with RiverUnit slightly differently because it records
        information about the reach number.
        Same is true for the InitialConditionsUnit as it can only know how 
        long it is by taking the number of units from the HeaderUnit.

        TODO: This needs looking into, perhaps either apply a reach number to
              all units or create a seperate lookup in the collection.
        if key == 'river':
            # River can also be used for Muskingham units
            if not contents[file_line + 1].strip() == 'SECTION':
                return file_line, False

            reach_no = self._getReachNumber(reach_number)
            unit = riverunit.RiverUnit(file_order, reach_no)

        elif key == 'initialconditions' or key == 'gisinfo':
            unit = self.available_units[key](file_order, self.ic_rows)

        elif key == 'bridge':
            if contents[file_line + 1].strip() == 'USBPR1978':
                unit = bridgeunit.BridgeUnitUsbpr(file_order)
                unit = bridgeunit.BridgeUnitArch(file_order)

        # All other units only need a file_order for their constructor.
            '''If no matching unit can be found False is return as the second
            part of the tuple and the datloader will know to start creating an
            if key in self.available_units.keys():
                unit = self.available_units[key](file_order)
                return file_line, False

        # Send contents to unit for construction.
        file_line = unit.readUnitData(contents, file_line)
        '''Need to grab the number of units in the initial conditions from the
        header unit because there's no way to know how long it is otherwise.
        if key == 'header':
            self.ic_rows = unit.node_count

        return file_line, unit
Example #3
 def test_readHeadData(self):
     '''Checks that the readHeadData() method works individually from the
     factory load in the test_river_object_vars_from_load() test.
     This should help to narrow down the problem if tests fail.
     # create a unloaded river unit to just check the readHeadData() method.
     r = riverunit.RiverUnit(0, 1)
     # Put the test data into the method
     r._readHeadData(self.unit_data_test, 0) 
     # Need to manually create the rowcount value here as it's not done in this method.
     r.head_data['rowcount'] = 18
     # Make sure they're equal
     self.assertDictEqual(self.header_vars, r.head_data, 'readHeadData() fail') 
Example #4
 def test_readRowData(self):
     '''Checks that the readRowData() method works individually from the
     factory load in the test_river_object_vars_from_load() test.
     This should help to narrow down the problem if tests fail.
     # create a unloaded river unit to just check the readHeadData() method.
     river = riverunit.RiverUnit(0, 1)
     # Put the test data into the readrowData() method
     river.readUnitData(self.unit_data_test, 0)
     # Check that everything matches. 
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.CHAINAGE).data_collection, self.chainage, 'River chainage load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.ELEVATION).data_collection, self.elevation, 'River elevation load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.ROUGHNESS).data_collection, self.roughness, 'River roughness load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.PANEL_MARKER).data_collection, self.panelmarker, 'River panelmarker load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.RPL).data_collection, self.rpl, 'River rpl load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.BANKMARKER).data_collection, self.bankmarker, 'River bankmarker load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.EASTING).data_collection, self.easting, 'River easting load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.NORTHING).data_collection, self.northing, 'River northing load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.DEACTIVATION).data_collection, self.deactivation, 'River deactivation load fail')
     self.assertListEqual(river.getRowDataObject(rdt.SPECIAL).data_collection, self.special, 'River special load fail')
Example #5
 def test_negativeChainageCheck_method(self):
     '''Tests the negative chainage check method.
     @note: The method doesnot need to check for any index issues because that 
            is done in the calling method.
     # Create RiverUnit object and give it a chainage object with some data
     river = riverunit.RiverUnit(1, 1)
     chainage = do.FloatData(0, rdt.CHAINAGE, format_str='{:>10}', default=None, no_of_dps=3)
     chainage.data_collection = self.chainage
     chainage.record_length = 18
     river.row_collection = RowDataCollection()
     # check that we catch a negative chainage increase - > value to the right
     self.assertFalse(river._checkChainageIncreaseNotNegative(6, 10.42), 'Catch negative chainage increase fail (1)')
     # check that we catch a negative chainage increase - < value to the left
     self.assertFalse(river._checkChainageIncreaseNotNegative(5, 8.4), 'Catch negative chainage increase fail (2)')
     # Check that we don't stop a non-negative chainage increase.
     self.assertTrue(river._checkChainageIncreaseNotNegative(7, 10.42), 'Let non-negative increase through fail')
     # check that we can insert at the end.
     self.assertTrue(river._checkChainageIncreaseNotNegative(17, 19.418), 'Let non-negative increase at end of list through fail')
Example #6
 def test_addDataRow_method(self):       
     '''Test adding a new row to the river section
     river = riverunit.RiverUnit(1, 1)
     river.head_data = self.header_vars
     river.unit_length = 18
     # Create some data objects
     objs = []
     objs.append(do.FloatData(0, rdt.CHAINAGE, format_str='{:>10}', no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(1, rdt.ELEVATION, format_str='{:>10}', no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(2, rdt.ROUGHNESS, format_str='{:>10}', default=0.0, no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.SymbolData(3, rdt.PANEL_MARKER, '*', format_str='{:<5}', default=False))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(4, rdt.RPL, format_str='{:>5}', default=1.000, no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.ConstantData(5, rdt.BANKMARKER, ('LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'BED'), format_str='{:<10}', default=''))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(6, rdt.EASTING, format_str='{:>10}', default=0.0, no_of_dps=2))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(7, rdt.NORTHING, format_str='{:>10}', default=0.0, no_of_dps=2))
     objs.append(do.ConstantData(8, rdt.DEACTIVATION, ('LEFT', 'RIGHT'), format_str='{:<10}', default=''))
     objs.append(do.StringData(9, rdt.SPECIAL, format_str='{:<10}', default='~'))
     # Populate the data
     objs[0].data_collection = [5.996, 6.936, 7.446, 7.635, 8.561, 9.551, 10.323, 10.904, 12.542, 13.74, 13.788, 13.944, 15.008, 16.355, 17.424, 18.449, 19.416, 19.420]    
     objs[1].data_collection = [37.56, 37.197, 36.726, 35.235, 35.196, 35.19, 35.229, 35.319, 35.637, 35.593, 35.592, 36.148, 36.559, 37.542, 38.518, 39.037, 39.146, 39.133]    
     objs[2].data_collection = [0.08, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08]    
     objs[3].data_collection = [False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False]    
     objs[4].data_collection = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]    
     objs[5].data_collection = ['LEFT', False, False, False, False, 'BED', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 'RIGHT']    
     objs[6].data_collection = [291391.67, 291391.43, 291391.3, 291391.25, 291391.01, 291390.75, 291390.55, 291390.4, 291389.98, 291389.67, 291389.66, 291389.62, 291389.34, 291389.0, 291388.72, 291388.46, 291388.21, 291388.21]    
     objs[7].data_collection = [86582.61, 86581.7, 86581.21, 86581.03, 86580.13, 86579.18, 86578.43, 86577.87, 86576.29, 86575.13, 86575.09, 86574.93, 86573.91, 86572.6, 86571.57, 86570.58, 86569.65, 86569.65]    
     objs[8].data_collection = ['LEFT', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 'RIGHT']    
     objs[9].data_collection = ['16', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '4095']    
     # Add the data object to the row data collection
     col = RowDataCollection() 
     for o in objs:
         o.record_length = 18
     river.row_collection = col
     # Add a new row
     river.addDataRow(row_vals={rdt.CHAINAGE: 9.42, rdt.ELEVATION: 35.2,
                                rdt.ROUGHNESS: 0.035, rdt.SPECIAL: '1264'}, 
     # Make sure that we get back the same values as we set.
     self.assertEqual(9.42, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.CHAINAGE].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get chainage value failed')
     self.assertEqual(35.2, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.ELEVATION].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get elevation value failed')
     self.assertEqual(0.035, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.ROUGHNESS].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get roughness value failed')
     self.assertEqual(False, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.PANEL_MARKER].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get panelmarker value failed')
     self.assertEqual(1.000, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.RPL].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get rpl value failed')
     self.assertEqual(False, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.BANKMARKER].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get bankmarker value failed')
     self.assertEqual(0.00, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.EASTING].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get easting value failed')
     self.assertEqual(0.00, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.NORTHING].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get northing value failed')
     self.assertEqual(False, river.row_collection._collection[rdt.DEACTIVATION].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get deactivation value failed')
     self.assertEqual('1264', river.row_collection._collection[rdt.SPECIAL].data_collection[5], 'Add new row - get special value failed')
     # This is how we expect the data to look when we get back out of the addRow() method
     new_chainage = [5.996, 6.936, 7.446, 7.635, 8.561, 9.42, 9.551, 10.323, 10.904, 12.542, 13.74, 13.788, 13.944, 15.008, 16.355, 17.424, 18.449, 19.416, 19.42]    
     new_elevation = [37.56, 37.197, 36.726, 35.235, 35.196, 35.2, 35.19, 35.229, 35.319, 35.637, 35.593, 35.592, 36.148, 36.559, 37.542, 38.518, 39.037, 39.146, 39.133]    
     new_roughness = [0.08, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08]    
     new_panelmarker = [False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False]    
     new_rpl = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     new_bankmarker = ['LEFT', False, False, False, False, False, 'BED', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 'RIGHT']    
     new_easting = [291391.67, 291391.43, 291391.3, 291391.25, 291391.01, 0.00, 291390.75, 291390.55, 291390.4, 291389.98, 291389.67, 291389.66, 291389.62, 291389.34, 291389.0, 291388.72, 291388.46, 291388.21, 291388.21]    
     new_northing = [86582.61, 86581.7, 86581.21, 86581.03, 86580.13, 0.00, 86579.18, 86578.43, 86577.87, 86576.29, 86575.13, 86575.09, 86574.93, 86573.91, 86572.6, 86571.57, 86570.58, 86569.65, 86569.65]    
     new_deactivation = ['LEFT', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 'RIGHT']    
     new_special = ['16', '', '', '', '', '1264', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '4095'] 
     # Make sure that we get back the same values as we set. I.e. the data objects are updated as expected.
     self.assertListEqual(new_chainage, river.row_collection._collection[0].data_collection, 'Chainage list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_elevation, river.row_collection._collection[1].data_collection, 'Elevation list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_roughness, river.row_collection._collection[2].data_collection, 'Roughness list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_panelmarker, river.row_collection._collection[3].data_collection, 'Panelmarker list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_rpl, river.row_collection._collection[4].data_collection, 'Rpl list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_bankmarker, river.row_collection._collection[5].data_collection, 'Bankmarker list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_easting, river.row_collection._collection[6].data_collection, 'Easting list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_northing, river.row_collection._collection[7].data_collection, 'Northing list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_deactivation, river.row_collection._collection[8].data_collection, 'Deactivation list comparison after insertion fail')
     self.assertListEqual(new_special, river.row_collection._collection[9].data_collection, 'Special list comparison after insertion fail')
     # Check that it recognises illegal input values
     self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: river.addDataRow({'trick': 39.1}))
     # Check that it recognises when it will cause a negative chainage increase
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: river.addDataRow({rdt.CHAINAGE: 10.42, 
                                                             rdt.ELEVATION: 35.3},
Example #7
 def test_getData_method(self):
     '''Test to check the suitability of the getData() method.
     river = riverunit.RiverUnit(1, 1)
     river.head_data = self.header_vars
     river.unit_length = 18
     # Create some data objects
     objs = []
     objs.append(do.FloatData(0, rdt.CHAINAGE, format_str='{:>10}', no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(1, rdt.ELEVATION, format_str='{:>10}', no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(2, rdt.ROUGHNESS, format_str='{:>10}', default=0.0, no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.SymbolData(3, rdt.PANEL_MARKER, '*', format_str='{:<5}', default=False))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(4, rdt.RPL, format_str='{:>5}', default=1.000, no_of_dps=3))
     objs.append(do.ConstantData(5, rdt.BANKMARKER, ('LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'BED'), format_str='{:<10}', default=''))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(6, rdt.EASTING, format_str='{:>10}', default=0.0, no_of_dps=2))
     objs.append(do.FloatData(7, rdt.NORTHING, format_str='{:>10}', default=0.0, no_of_dps=2))
     objs.append(do.ConstantData(8, rdt.DEACTIVATION, ('LEFT', 'RIGHT'), format_str='{:<10}', default=''))
     objs.append(do.StringData(9, rdt.SPECIAL, format_str='{:<10}', default='~'))
     # Populate the data
     objs[0].data_collection = [5.996, 6.936, 7.446, 7.635, 8.561, 9.551, 10.323, 10.904, 12.542, 13.74, 13.788, 13.944, 15.008, 16.355, 17.424, 18.449, 19.416, 19.420]    
     objs[1].data_collection = [37.56, 37.197, 36.726, 35.235, 35.196, 35.19, 35.229, 35.319, 35.637, 35.593, 35.592, 36.148, 36.559, 37.542, 38.518, 39.037, 39.146, 39.133]    
     objs[2].data_collection = [0.08, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08]    
     objs[3].data_collection = [False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False]    
     objs[4].data_collection = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]    
     objs[5].data_collection = ['LEFT', False, False, False, False, 'BED', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 'RIGHT']    
     objs[6].data_collection = [291391.67, 291391.43, 291391.3, 291391.25, 291391.01, 291390.75, 291390.55, 291390.4, 291389.98, 291389.67, 291389.66, 291389.62, 291389.34, 291389.0, 291388.72, 291388.46, 291388.21, 291388.21]    
     objs[7].data_collection = [86582.61, 86581.7, 86581.21, 86581.03, 86580.13, 86579.18, 86578.43, 86577.87, 86576.29, 86575.13, 86575.09, 86574.93, 86573.91, 86572.6, 86571.57, 86570.58, 86569.65, 86569.65]    
     objs[8].data_collection = ['LEFT', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 'RIGHT']    
     objs[9].data_collection = ['16', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '4095']    
     # Add the data object to the row data collection
     river.row_collection = RowDataCollection()
     for o in objs:
         o.record_length = 18
     # Setup the list that we expect to be returned from the getData() method 
     out_data = \
     ['RIVER (Culvert Exit) CH:7932 - Trimmed to BT',
      '    15.078            1.111111      1000',
      '        18',
      '     5.996    37.560     0.080     1.000LEFT       291391.67  86582.61LEFT      16        ',
      '     6.936    37.197     0.035*    1.000           291391.43  86581.70          ',
      '     7.446    36.726     0.035     1.000           291391.30  86581.21          ',
      '     7.635    35.235     0.035     1.000           291391.25  86581.03          ',
      '     8.561    35.196     0.035     1.000           291391.01  86580.13          ',
      '     9.551    35.190     0.035     1.000BED        291390.75  86579.18          ',
      '    10.323    35.229     0.035     1.000           291390.55  86578.43          ',
      '    10.904    35.319     0.035     1.000           291390.40  86577.87          ',
      '    12.542    35.637     0.035     1.000           291389.98  86576.29          ',
      '    13.740    35.593     0.035     1.000           291389.67  86575.13          ',
      '    13.788    35.592     0.035     1.000           291389.66  86575.09          ',
      '    13.944    36.148     0.035     1.000           291389.62  86574.93          ',
      '    15.008    36.559     0.080*    1.000           291389.34  86573.91          ',
      '    16.355    37.542     0.080     1.000           291389.00  86572.60          ',
      '    17.424    38.518     0.080     1.000           291388.72  86571.57          ',
      '    18.449    39.037     0.080     1.000           291388.46  86570.58          ',
      '    19.416    39.146     0.080     1.000           291388.21  86569.65          ',
      '    19.420    39.133     0.080     1.000RIGHT      291388.21  86569.65RIGHT     4095      ']
     # Get the data and check it against our template
     data = river.getData()
     self.assertEquals(out_data, data, 'getData() formatting failed')