# encoding * utf - 8 * """ Unit Test for Button Polling PASS input test 2: See if new method for polling works """ # Import import pygame as pg import shmup.inputhandler as inputhandler from shmup.config import * # Setup pg.init() inputhandler.setup(KEY_MAP) screen = pg.display.set_mode((500, 800)) font = pg.font.SysFont( pg.font.get_default_font(), 30 ) def screen_print(): for i, button in enumerate(KEYS): text = ">{}: {}".format(button, inputhandler.poll_button(button) ) im = font.render(text, False, GREEN, BLACK) screen.blit(im, (5, 5 + 30 * i)) game = True
# encoding * utf-8 * """ text.py test testing to see if I can actually post fonts in Notes: Want this for general purpose text drawing """ import pygame as pg from shmup.config import * import shmup.inputhandler as inputhandler import shmup.text as text # initialization pg.init() inputhandler.setup(DEBUG_MAP) screen = pg.display.set_mode(RESOLUTION) # Items to be tested go here # Game Loop clock = pg.time.Clock() game = True while game: dt = clock.tick(FPS) / 1000 for event in inputhandler.get(): if event.key == "QUIT": game = False elif event.key == "console" and event.down: # debug prompts go here pass