def copy_inside_dir(dirname, destination, overwrite=True, progressBar=None, percentage=100): list_dir = os.listdir(dirname) for file in list_dir: src = os.path.join(dirname, file) dst = os.path.join(destination, file) if os.path.isfile(src): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(dst): os.unlink(dst) shutil2.copyfile(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, percentage=percentage) elif os.path.isdir(src): if not overwrite and os.path.isdir(dst): shutil2.rmtree(dst) shutil2.copytree(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, percentage=percentage)
def copyInsideDir(self, r_dir_src, r_dir_dest, overwrite=True, progressBar=None): """ Copy the content a directory to a new location """ dir_src = xbmc.makeLegalFilename(r_dir_src) dir_dest = xbmc.makeLegalFilename(r_dir_dest) list_dir = os.listdir(dir_src) for file in list_dir: src = os.path.join(dir_src, file) dst = os.path.join(dir_dest, file) if os.path.isfile(src): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(dst): os.unlink(dst) shutil2.copyfile(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, curPercent=100) elif os.path.isdir(src): if not overwrite and os.path.isdir(dst): shutil2.rmtree(dst) shutil2.copytree(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, curPercent=100)
def Main(): try: if configs[ "XBMC_HOME_PATH" ].lower() != "q:\\": svn_rev, build_zip = parse_paths_txt() if bool( build_zip ) and os.path.exists( build_zip ): configs[ "SVN_REV" ] = svn_rev #"27495" configs[ "BUILD_ZIP" ] = build_zip #"G:\WebDownload\" configs[ "LISTITEMS_UPDATE" ] = listitems_update % configs configs[ "LISTITEMS_CLEANER" ] = listitems_cleaner % configs conf = base_xml % configs file( os.path.join( UPDATER_PATH, "update.xml" ), "w" ).write( conf ) try: default_save = os.path.join( "E:\\UDATA", "9e115330", "0064122817A8" ) #if not os.path.exists( default_save ): os.makedirs( default_save ) #from shutil import copy import shutil2 shutil2.copytree( os.path.join( UPDATER_PATH, "media", "UDATA" ), "E:\\UDATA", overwrite=True ) #copy( os.path.join( UPDATER_PATH, "skin", "Confluence", "UXSplash.jpg" ), os.path.join( default_save, "Splash.jpg" ) ) if os.path.exists( "X:\\0064122817A8" ): shutil2.copy( os.path.join( default_save, "Splash.jpg" ), os.path.join( "X:\\0064122817A8", "Splash.jpg" ) ) except: print_exc() xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.RunXBE(%s)" % os.path.join( UPDATER_PATH, "updater.xbe" ) ) return except: print_exc() print "impossible de faire la mise a jour!!!"
def copyInThread(self, src, des, IsADir): if IsADir: shutil2.copytree(src, des, isTagInstalled=checkTag) else: shutil2.copy2(src, des)
def copyDir(self, r_dir_src, r_dir_dest, overwrite=True, progressBar=None): """ Copy a directory to a new location """ # dir_src = xbmc.makeLegalFilename( r_dir_src ) # dir_dest = xbmc.makeLegalFilename( r_dir_dest ) dir_src = r_dir_src dir_dest = r_dir_dest if not overwrite and os.path.isdir(dir_dest): shutil2.rmtree(dir_dest) shutil2.copytree(dir_src, dir_dest, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, curPercent=100)
def copy_dir(dirname, destination, overwrite=True, progressBar=None, percentage=100): if not overwrite and os.path.isdir(destination): shutil2.rmtree(destination) shutil2.copytree(dirname, destination, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, percentage=percentage)
def copyDir(self, r_dir_src, r_dir_dest, overwrite=True, progressBar=None): """ Copy a directory to a new location """ #dir_src = xbmc.makeLegalFilename( r_dir_src ) #dir_dest = xbmc.makeLegalFilename( r_dir_dest ) dir_src = r_dir_src dir_dest = r_dir_dest if not overwrite and os.path.isdir(dir_dest): shutil2.rmtree(dir_dest) shutil2.copytree(dir_src, dir_dest, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, curPercent=100)
def copy_inside_dir( dirname, destination, overwrite=True, progressBar=None, percentage=100 ): list_dir = os.listdir( dirname ) for file in list_dir: src = os.path.join( dirname, file ) dst = os.path.join( destination, file ) if os.path.isfile( src ): if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( dst ) ): os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( dst ) ) if not overwrite and os.path.isfile( dst ): os.unlink( dst ) shutil2.copyfile( src, dst, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, percentage=percentage ) elif os.path.isdir( src ): if not overwrite and os.path.isdir( dst ): shutil2.rmtree( dst ) shutil2.copytree( src, dst, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, percentage=percentage )
def Main(): try: if configs["XBMC_HOME_PATH"].lower() != "q:\\": svn_rev, build_zip = parse_paths_txt() if bool(build_zip) and os.path.exists(build_zip): configs["SVN_REV"] = svn_rev #"27495" configs[ "BUILD_ZIP"] = build_zip #"G:\WebDownload\" configs["LISTITEMS_UPDATE"] = listitems_update % configs configs["LISTITEMS_CLEANER"] = listitems_cleaner % configs conf = base_xml % configs file(os.path.join(UPDATER_PATH, "update.xml"), "w").write(conf) try: default_save = os.path.join("E:\\UDATA", "9e115330", "0064122817A8") #if not os.path.exists( default_save ): os.makedirs( default_save ) #from shutil import copy import shutil2 shutil2.copytree(os.path.join(UPDATER_PATH, "media", "UDATA"), "E:\\UDATA", overwrite=True) #copy( os.path.join( UPDATER_PATH, "skin", "Confluence", "UXSplash.jpg" ), os.path.join( default_save, "Splash.jpg" ) ) if os.path.exists("X:\\0064122817A8"): shutil2.copy( os.path.join(default_save, "Splash.jpg"), os.path.join("X:\\0064122817A8", "Splash.jpg")) except: print_exc() xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.RunXBE(%s)" % os.path.join(UPDATER_PATH, "updater.xbe")) return except: print_exc() print "impossible de faire la mise a jour!!!"
def copy_dir( dirname, destination, overwrite=True, progressBar=None, percentage=100 ): if not overwrite and os.path.isdir( destination ): shutil2.rmtree( destination ) shutil2.copytree( dirname, destination, overwrite=overwrite, progressBar=progressBar, percentage=percentage )
def _show_context_menu(self): self.index = self.getCurrentListPosition() try: # On va ici afficher un menu des options du gestionnaire de fichiers item_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index - self. pardir_not_hidden].local_path # On extrait le chemin de l'item item_basename = os.path.basename(item_path) if ((self.getListItem(self.index).getProperty("Running") == "true") or self.curListType == TYPE_ROOT or self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN or self.curListType == TYPE_SCRAPER): # Options list for skin or add-ons currently in use buttons = {1003: _(161), 1005: _(185), 1006: _(1002)} elif (self.curListType == TYPE_SCRIPT) or (self.curListType in self.pluginDisplayList): # Options list for plugins, scripts and scrapers buttons = { 1000: _(160), 1001: _(157), 1002: _(156), 1003: _(161), 1004: _(162), 1005: _(185), 1006: _(1002) } else: # Options list for skins et scrapers buttons = { 1001: _(157), 1002: _(156), 1003: _(161), 1004: _(162), 1005: _(185), 1006: _(1002) } if os.path.exists(os.path.join(item_path, "description.xml")): buttons.update({999: _(1001)}) from DialogContextMenu import show_context_menu selected = show_context_menu(buttons, self.get_view_mode()) del show_context_menu if selected == 999: import infos infos.show_info(item_path) del infos elif selected == 1000: # Executer/Lancer if (self.curListType in self.pluginDisplayList): # Cas d'un sous-plugin (video, musique ...) # window id's : if (self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_VIDEO): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10025,plugin://video/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) elif (self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_MUSIC): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10502,plugin://music/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) elif (self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_PROGRAMS): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10001,plugin://programs/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) elif (self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_PICTURES): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10002,plugin://pictures/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) #TODO: case of Weather plugin elif (self.curListType == TYPE_SCRIPT): command = "XBMC.RunScript(%s)" % (os.path.join( item_path, ""), ) #on ferme le script en court pour pas generer des conflits self._close_dialog() self._close_script() #maintenant qu'il y a plus de conflit possible, on execute la command xbmc.executebuiltin(command) elif selected == 1001: # Renommer # Renommer l'element item_dirname = os.path.dirname(item_path) if (self.curListType in [TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index - self. pardir_not_hidden].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone icon_basename = os.path.basename(icon_path) default_basename = os.path.splitext(item_basename)[0] keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(default_basename, _(154)) keyboard.doModal() if (keyboard.isConfirmed()): inputText = keyboard.getText() # ne renomme pas l'item si le nouveau nom est le meme que le default if default_basename != inputText: self.fileMgr.renameItem(item_dirname, item_basename, inputText + '.xml') if icon_path != get_thumb(self.curListType): self.fileMgr.renameItem( item_dirname, icon_basename, icon_basename.replace( os.path.splitext(icon_basename)[0], inputText)) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(155), inputText) self.updateDataAndList() else: keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(item_basename, _(154)) keyboard.doModal() if (keyboard.isConfirmed()): inputText = keyboard.getText() # ne renomme pas l'item si le nouveau nom est le meme que le default if item_basename != inputText: self.fileMgr.renameItem(item_dirname, item_basename, inputText) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(155), inputText) self.updateDataAndList() elif selected == 1002: # Supprimer l'element if (self.curListType in [TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index - self. pardir_not_hidden].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone item_shortname = os.path.splitext(item_basename)[ 0] # Sans extension if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _(158) % item_shortname, _(159) % item_shortname): self.fileMgr.deleteItem(item_path) if icon_path != get_thumb(self.curListType): self.fileMgr.deleteItem(icon_path) self.updateDataAndList() else: if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _(158) % item_basename, _(159) % item_basename): self.fileMgr.deleteItem(item_path) self.updateDataAndList() elif selected == 1003: # copier l'element if (self.curListType in [TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): #TODO : A optimiser, on doit pouvoir faire mieux item_dirname = os.path.dirname(item_path) item_shortname = os.path.splitext(item_basename)[ 0] # Sans extension icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index - self. pardir_not_hidden].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone icon_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(icon_path))[1] new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse(3, _(167) % item_shortname, "files") if bool(new_path): src = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(item_dirname, item_shortname)) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(new_path, item_shortname)) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(_(163), _(165), src, dst): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create(_(176), _(178) + src, _(179) + dst, _(110)) try: shutil2.copy(src + ".xml", dst + ".xml", reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) if os.path.exists(src + icon_ext): shutil2.copy(src + icon_ext, dst + icon_ext, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(169), _(170), _(171)) print_exc() #self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() else: new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse(3, _(167) % item_basename, "files") if bool(new_path): src = os.path.normpath(item_path) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(new_path, item_basename)) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(_(163), _(165), src, dst): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create(_(176), _(178) + src, _(179) + dst, _(110)) try: if os.path.isdir(src): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) shutil2.copytree(src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) else: shutil2.copy(src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(169), _(170), _(171)) print_exc() #self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() elif selected == 1004: # deplacer l'element if (self.curListType in [TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): #TODO : A optimiser, on doit pouvoir faire mieux item_dirname = os.path.dirname(item_path) item_shortname = os.path.splitext(item_basename)[ 0] # Sans extension icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index - self. pardir_not_hidden].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone icon_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(icon_path))[1] new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse(3, _(167) % item_shortname, "files") if bool(new_path): src = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(item_dirname, item_shortname)) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(new_path, item_shortname)) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(_(164), _(166), src, dst): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create(_(177), _(178) + src, _(179) + dst, _(110)) try: shutil2.copy(src + ".xml", dst + ".xml", reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) self.fileMgr.deleteItem(src + ".xml") if os.path.exists(src + icon_ext): shutil2.copy(src + icon_ext, dst + icon_ext, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) self.fileMgr.deleteItem(src + icon_ext) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(169), _(172), _(173)) print_exc() self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() else: new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse(3, _(168) % item_basename, "files") if bool(new_path): src = os.path.normpath(item_path) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(new_path, item_basename)) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(_(164), _(166), src, dst): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create(_(177), _(178) + src, _(179) + dst, _(110)) try: if os.path.isdir(src): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) shutil2.copytree(src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) else: shutil2.copy(src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True) self.fileMgr.deleteItem(src) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_(169), _(172), _(173)) print_exc() self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() elif selected == 1005: # calcule de l'element src = os.path.normpath(item_path) DIALOG_PROGRESS.create(_(5), _(186), src) size = get_infos_path(src, get_size=True, report_progress=DIALOG_PROGRESS)[0] DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() self.getListItem(self.index).setProperty("size", size) elif selected == 1006: self._switch_media() else: pass except: print_exc()
def copy_dir( dirname, destination, overwrite=True ): if not overwrite and os.path.isdir( destination ): shutil2.rmtree( destination ) shutil2.copytree( dirname, destination, overwrite=overwrite )
def _show_context_menu( self ): self.index = self.getCurrentListPosition() try: # On va ici afficher un menu des options du gestionnaire de fichiers item_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index-self.pardir_not_hidden ].local_path # On extrait le chemin de l'item item_basename = os.path.basename( item_path ) if ( ( self.getListItem( self.index ).getProperty( "Running" ) == "true" ) or self.curListType == TYPE_ROOT or self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN or self.curListType == TYPE_SCRAPER ): # Options list for skin or add-ons currently in use buttons = { 1003: _( 161 ), 1005: _( 185 ), 1006: _( 1002 ) } elif ( self.curListType == TYPE_SCRIPT ) or ( self.curListType in self.pluginDisplayList ): # Options list for plugins, scripts and scrapers buttons = { 1000: _( 160 ), 1001: _( 157 ), 1002: _( 156 ), 1003: _( 161 ), 1004: _( 162 ), 1005: _( 185 ), 1006: _( 1002 ) } else: # Options list for skins et scrapers buttons = { 1001: _( 157 ), 1002: _( 156 ), 1003: _( 161 ), 1004: _( 162 ), 1005: _( 185 ), 1006: _( 1002 ) } if os.path.exists( os.path.join( item_path, "description.xml" ) ): buttons.update( { 999: _( 1001 ) } ) from DialogContextMenu import show_context_menu selected = show_context_menu( buttons, self.get_view_mode() ) del show_context_menu if selected == 999: import infos infos.show_info( item_path ) del infos elif selected == 1000: # Executer/Lancer if ( self.curListType in self.pluginDisplayList ): # Cas d'un sous-plugin (video, musique ...) # window id's : if ( self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_VIDEO ): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10025,plugin://video/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) elif ( self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_MUSIC ): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10502,plugin://music/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) elif ( self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_PROGRAMS ): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10001,plugin://programs/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) elif ( self.curListType == TYPE_PLUGIN_PICTURES ): command = "XBMC.ActivateWindow(10002,plugin://pictures/%s/)" % ( item_basename, ) #TODO: case of Weather plugin elif ( self.curListType == TYPE_SCRIPT ): command = "XBMC.RunScript(%s)" % ( os.path.join( item_path, "" ), ) #on ferme le script en court pour pas generer des conflits self._close_dialog() self._close_script() #maintenant qu'il y a plus de conflit possible, on execute la command xbmc.executebuiltin( command ) elif selected == 1001: # Renommer # Renommer l'element item_dirname = os.path.dirname( item_path ) if ( self.curListType in [ TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index-self.pardir_not_hidden ].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone icon_basename = os.path.basename( icon_path ) default_basename = os.path.splitext( item_basename )[ 0 ] keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard( default_basename, _( 154 ) ) keyboard.doModal() if ( keyboard.isConfirmed() ): inputText = keyboard.getText() # ne renomme pas l'item si le nouveau nom est le meme que le default if default_basename != inputText: self.fileMgr.renameItem( item_dirname, item_basename, inputText + '.xml' ) if icon_path != get_thumb( self.curListType ): self.fileMgr.renameItem( item_dirname, icon_basename, icon_basename.replace( os.path.splitext(icon_basename)[0], inputText) ) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( _( 155 ), inputText ) self.updateDataAndList() else: keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard( item_basename, _( 154 ) ) keyboard.doModal() if ( keyboard.isConfirmed() ): inputText = keyboard.getText() # ne renomme pas l'item si le nouveau nom est le meme que le default if item_basename != inputText: self.fileMgr.renameItem( item_dirname, item_basename, inputText ) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( _( 155 ), inputText ) self.updateDataAndList() elif selected == 1002: # Supprimer l'element if ( self.curListType in [ TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index-self.pardir_not_hidden ].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone item_shortname = os.path.splitext(item_basename)[0] # Sans extension if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _( 158 )%item_shortname, _( 159 )%item_shortname ): self.fileMgr.deleteItem( item_path ) if icon_path != get_thumb( self.curListType ): self.fileMgr.deleteItem( icon_path ) self.updateDataAndList() else: if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _( 158 )%item_basename, _( 159 )%item_basename ): self.fileMgr.deleteItem( item_path ) self.updateDataAndList() elif selected == 1003: # copier l'element if ( self.curListType in [ TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): #TODO : A optimiser, on doit pouvoir faire mieux item_dirname = os.path.dirname( item_path ) item_shortname = os.path.splitext(item_basename)[0] # Sans extension icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index-self.pardir_not_hidden ].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone icon_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( icon_path ))[1] new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse( 3, _( 167 ) % item_shortname, "files" ) if bool( new_path ): src = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( item_dirname, item_shortname ) ) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( new_path, item_shortname ) ) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _( 163 ), _( 165 ), src, dst ): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create( _( 176 ), _( 178 ) + src, _( 179 ) + dst, _( 110 ) ) try: shutil2.copy( src + ".xml", dst + ".xml", reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) if os.path.exists( src + icon_ext ): shutil2.copy( src + icon_ext, dst + icon_ext, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( _( 169 ), _( 170 ), _( 171 ) ) print_exc() #self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() else: new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse( 3, _( 167 ) % item_basename, "files" ) if bool( new_path ): src = os.path.normpath( item_path ) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( new_path, item_basename ) ) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _( 163 ), _( 165 ), src, dst ): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create( _( 176 ), _( 178 ) + src, _( 179 ) + dst, _( 110 ) ) try: if os.path.isdir( src ): if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( dst ) ): os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( dst ) ) shutil2.copytree( src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) else: shutil2.copy( src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( _( 169 ), _( 170 ), _( 171 ) ) print_exc() #self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() elif selected == 1004: # deplacer l'element if ( self.curListType in [ TYPE_SCRAPER_MUSIC, TYPE_SCRAPER_VIDEO]): #TODO : A optimiser, on doit pouvoir faire mieux item_dirname = os.path.dirname( item_path ) item_shortname = os.path.splitext(item_basename)[0] # Sans extension icon_path = self.currentItemList[ self.index-self.pardir_not_hidden ].thumb # On extrait le chemin de l'icone icon_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( icon_path ))[1] new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse( 3, _( 167 ) % item_shortname, "files" ) if bool( new_path ): src = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( item_dirname, item_shortname ) ) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( new_path, item_shortname ) ) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _( 164 ), _( 166 ), src, dst ): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create( _( 177 ), _( 178 ) + src, _( 179 ) + dst, _( 110 ) ) try: shutil2.copy( src + ".xml", dst + ".xml", reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) self.fileMgr.deleteItem( src + ".xml" ) if os.path.exists( src + icon_ext ): shutil2.copy( src + icon_ext, dst + icon_ext, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) self.fileMgr.deleteItem( src + icon_ext ) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( _( 169 ), _( 172 ), _( 173 ) ) print_exc() self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() else: new_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse( 3, _( 168 ) % item_basename, "files" ) if bool( new_path ): src = os.path.normpath( item_path ) dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( new_path, item_basename ) ) if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( _( 164 ), _( 166 ), src, dst ): DIALOG_PROGRESS.create( _( 177 ), _( 178 ) + src, _( 179 ) + dst, _( 110 ) ) try: if os.path.isdir( src ): if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( dst ) ): os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( dst ) ) shutil2.copytree( src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) else: shutil2.copy( src, dst, reportcopy=copy_func, overwrite=True ) self.fileMgr.deleteItem( src ) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( _( 169 ), _( 172 ), _( 173 ) ) print_exc() self.updateDataAndList() DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() elif selected == 1005: # calcule de l'element src = os.path.normpath( item_path ) DIALOG_PROGRESS.create( _( 5 ), _( 186 ), src ) size = get_infos_path( src, get_size=True, report_progress=DIALOG_PROGRESS )[ 0 ] DIALOG_PROGRESS.close() self.getListItem( self.index ).setProperty( "size", size ) elif selected == 1006: self._switch_media() else: pass except: print_exc()
def copy_dir(dirname, destination, overwrite=True): if not overwrite and os.path.isdir(destination): shutil2.rmtree(destination) shutil2.copytree(dirname, destination, overwrite=overwrite)
def copyStart(self): if self.twoFoldersChosen() != True: return print("Begin Copy Process") #create folder arrays self.initializeFolders() # Populate array with all the paths in selected source directory src_files = os.listdir(src) # Initialize variables for progress tracking i = 0 e = len(src_files) # Start for loop with every path in array for file_name in src_files: #used to move though alphabet j = 0 myFolder = "" while j < 26: if file_name[0] == alphabet[j]: print(file_name + " belongs in the " + folderName[j] + " folder") myFolder = folderName[j] j += 1 print(myFolder) # The full path is the concatination of the file name and the source path file_name_src = os.path.join(src, file_name) # Print the full path of source print("Copy from: " + file_name_src) if myFolder != "": file_name_client = os.path.join(des, myFolder) file_name_des = os.path.join(file_name_client, file_name) else: # The full path is the concatination of the file name and the source path file_name_client = des file_name_des = os.path.join(file_name_client, file_name) # Print the full path of destination print("Copy to: " + file_name_des) if os.path.exists(file_name_des) != True: # If the path is a file if (os.path.isfile(file_name_src)): if os.path.exists(file_name_client) != True: os.makedirs(file_name_client) # Copy the file by itself print("\tCopying...\n") shutil2.copy2(file_name_src, file_name_des) # If the path is a directory elif (os.path.isdir(file_name_src)): # Copy the full tree print("\tCopying...\n") shutil2.copytree(file_name_src, file_name_des, isTagInstalled=checkTag) # Add 1 to progress i += 1 # Calculate and Report progress to user percentComplete = str("{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File Copied \n") print(percentComplete) else: # Add 1 to progress i += 1 percentComplete = str("{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File Already Exists \n") print(percentComplete) print("Copy Process Complete")
def copyStart(self): # To stop monitor once process completes global stopMonitor # used to store and report copiedFiled global copiedFiles global allFiles # Used to report why file copy may have failed failCode = 0 # Don't start if two folders havent been chosed if self.twoFoldersChosen() != True: return # Let used know process has begun print("\nBegin Copy Process...\n") # Begin monitoring files in source folder self.startMonitoring() stopMonitor = False while monitoring != True: self.progressReport( "Waiting for file monitor to start" + "(" + str(monitorStatus) + ")", .5) print(bcolors.BLINK + "\n\nFILE MONITOR STARTED!\n" + bcolors.END) #create folder arrays self.initializeFolders() # Initialize variables for progress tracking i = 0 e = len(allFiles) #Get first file #file_name = self.getFile(availableFiles) theFile = self.getFile2("Available") file_name = theFile[1] print("Fetching from queue...\n") print("Got file " + bcolors.BOLD + str(file_name) + bcolors.END + " from queue:\n") # Start while loop until you can't receive any more files. while file_name != "": myFolder = self.getClientFolder(file_name) print("\t" + bcolors.BOLD + file_name + bcolors.END + " belongs in the " + bcolors.BOLD + myFolder + bcolors.END + " folder") # The full path is the concatination of the file name and the source path file_name_src = os.path.join(src, file_name) # Set the destination folder depending on file's first initial if myFolder != "": file_name_client = os.path.join(des, myFolder) file_name_des = os.path.join(file_name_client, file_name) else: # The full path is the concatination of the file name and the source path file_name_client = des file_name_des = os.path.join(file_name_client, file_name) # Print the full path of source print("\tCopy from: " + file_name_src) # Print the full path of destination print("\tCopy to: " + file_name_des) # Set and initialize boolean that will keep track of copying copiedSuccesfully = False # Begin Copy Procedure if os.path.exists(file_name_des) != True: # If the path is a file if (os.path.isfile(file_name_src)): if os.path.exists(file_name_client) != True: os.makedirs(file_name_client) # Copy the file by itself print("\tCopying...\n") try: shutil2.copy2(file_name_src, file_name_des) copiedSuccesfully = True except: failCode = 2 copiedSuccesfully = False #if copiedAvailableBytes == True: # Verify all bytes have been written #TODO: Write code to handle verification of a single file # If the path is a directory elif (os.path.isdir(file_name_src)): currentFolderSize = self.get_size(file_name_src) if currentFolderSize == theFile[2]: dirAvail = self.isDirInUse(start_path=file_name_src, printResults=True, stream=False, pollTime=10) if dirAvail != True: # Copy the full tree print("\r\tCopying...") try: shutil2.copytree(file_name_src, file_name_des, isTagInstalled=checkTag) copiedSuccesfully = True except: failCode = 0 copiedSuccesfully = False else: failCode = 1 copiedSuccesfully = False else: failCode = 2 copiedSuccesfully = False # Add 1 to progress i += 1 #Reporting if copiedSuccesfully == True: # Verify file size is the same filePass = self.verifyFiles(file_name_src, file_name_des) if filePass == True: # Calculate and Report progress to user percentComplete = str("{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File Copied \n") theFile = (theFile[0], theFile[1], theFile[2], "Copied") print(bcolors.GREEN + percentComplete + bcolors.END) else: # Add file to modified array self.modifiedInQueue([file_name]) # Calculate and Report progress to user percentComplete = str( "{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File Verification Failed \n") theFile = (theFile[0], theFile[1], theFile[2], "Failed Verification") print(bcolors.YELLOW + percentComplete + bcolors.END) else: #TODO: Add if statements for Failcode variables # Calculate and Report progress to user if failCode == 0: percentComplete = str( "{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File Copying Failed \n") theFile = (theFile[0], theFile[1], theFile[2], "Failed") print(bcolors.RED + percentComplete + bcolors.END) elif failCode == 1: percentComplete = str( "{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File In Use, Will Try Again Later \n") theFile = (theFile[0], theFile[1], theFile[2], "Busy") print(bcolors.YELLOW + percentComplete + bcolors.END) elif failCode == 2: percentComplete = str( "{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File Modified During Copy Process \n") theFile = (theFile[0], theFile[1], theFile[2], "Modified") print(bcolors.YELLOW + percentComplete + bcolors.END) else: # Add 1 to progress i += 1 percentComplete = str("{:10.2f}".format(i / e * 100) + "%" + " Complete - File Already Exists \n") theFile = (theFile[0], theFile[1], theFile[2], "Not Copied") print(bcolors.YELLOW + percentComplete + bcolors.END) fileIndex = theFile[0] allFiles[fileIndex] = theFile theFile = self.getFile2("Available") if theFile != "": file_name = theFile[1] print("Got file " + str(file_name) + " from queue:\n") else: while queueBusy: self.progressReport("Waiting for file", .5) theFile = self.getFile2("Available") if theFile != "": file_name = theFile[1] print("Got file " + str(file_name) + " from queue:\n") else: busyCount = self.countQueue("Busy") modifiedCount = self.countQueue("Modified") failedCount = self.countQueue("Failed") copiedCount = self.countQueue("Copied") answer = input( "There are no files available to copy,\nWould you like to check if Busy files are available now?" ) if answer == "Y": self.checkQueue() theFile = self.getFile2("Available") if theFile != "": file_name = theFile[1] print("Got file " + str(file_name) + " from queue:\n") else: file_name = "" else: file_name = "" stopMonitor = True time.sleep(5) print("Copy Process Complete\n") self.printReport()