Example #1
def test_profile_is_noop(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setitem(config['cherrypy'], 'profiling.on', False)
    profiled = profile(some_function)
    assert profiled is some_function

    monkeypatch.setitem(config['cherrypy'], 'profiling.on', True)
    profiled = profile(some_function)
    assert profiled is not some_function
Example #2
def set_renderable(func, public):
    Return a function that is flagged correctly and is ready to be called by cherrypy as a request
    func.public = getattr(func, 'public', public)
    new_func = profile(timed(cached_page(sessionized(restricted(renderable(func))))))
    new_func.exposed = True
    return new_func
Example #3
def set_renderable(func, access):
    Return a function that is flagged correctly and is ready to be called by cherrypy as a request
    func.restricted = getattr(func, 'restricted', access)
    new_func = profile(timed(cached_page(sessionized(restricted(renderable(func))))))
    new_func.exposed = True
    return new_func