def _generate_controller(self, exp_def: XMLLuigi) -> None: if self.category not in self.controller_config: self.logger.fatal( "Controller category '%s' not found in YAML configuration", self.category) assert False if not any([ in config['name'] for config in self.controller_config[self.category]['controllers'] ]): self.logger.fatal( "Controller name '%s' not found in YAML configuration", assert False self.logger.debug( "Applying changes from controllers.yaml (all experiments)") for controller in self.controller_config[self.category]['controllers']: if controller['name'] != continue chgs = controller.get('xml', {}).get('attr_change', {}) for t in chgs: exp_def.attr_change(t[0], t[1], t[2]) chgs = controller.get('xml', {}).get('tag_change', {}) for t in chgs: exp_def.tag_change(t[0], t[1], t[2]) adds = controller.get('xml', {}).get('tag_add', {}) for t in adds: self._do_tag_add(exp_def, XMLTagAdd(t[0], t[1], t[2], False))
def apply_to_expdef(var, exp_def: XMLLuigi) -> tp.Tuple[tp.Optional[XMLTagRmList], tp.Optional[XMLTagAddList], tp.Optional[XMLAttrChangeSet]]: """ Remove existing XML tags, add new XML tags, and change existing XML attributes (in that order) for the specified variable. """ rmsl = var.gen_tag_rmlist() # type: tp.List[XMLTagRmList] addsl = var.gen_tag_addlist() # type: tp.List[XMLTagAddList] chgsl = var.gen_attr_changelist() # type: tp.List[XMLAttrChangeSet] if rmsl: rms = rmsl[0] for r in rms: exp_def.tag_remove(r.path, r.tag) else: rms = None if addsl: adds = addsl[0] for a in adds: exp_def.tag_add(a.path, a.tag, a.attr, a.allow_dup) else: adds = None if chgsl: chgs = chgsl[0] for c in chgs: exp_def.attr_change(c.path, c.attr, c.value) else: chgs = None return rms, adds, chgs
def __generate_visualization(self, exp_def: XMLLuigi): """ Generates XML changes for setting up rendering for a specific simulation """ self.logger.trace("Generating visualization changes for run%s", self.run_num) if self.cmdopts['platform_vc']: frames_fpath = os.path.join(self.run_output_path, config.kARGoS['frames_leaf']) exp_def.attr_change(".//qt-opengl/frame_grabbing", "directory", frames_fpath) # probably will not be present
def _generate_threading(self, exp_def: XMLLuigi) -> None: """ Generates XML changes to set the # of cores for a simulation to use, which may be less than the total # available on the system, depending on the experiment definition and user preferences. Does not write generated changes to the simulation definition pickle file. """ self.logger.trace("Generating changes for threading (all runs)") exp_def.attr_change(".//system", "threads", str(self.cmdopts["physics_n_engines"]))
def _generate_n_robots(self, xml: XMLLuigi) -> None: """ Generate XML changes to setup # robots if it was specified on the cmdline. Writes generated changes to the simulation definition pickle file. """ if self.cmdopts['n_robots'] is None: return self.logger.trace("Generating changes for # robots (all runs)") chgs = population_size.PopulationSize.gen_attr_changelist_from_list( [self.cmdopts['n_robots']]) for a in chgs[0]: xml.attr_change(a.path, a.attr, a.value, True) # Write # robots info to file for later retrieval chgs[0].pickle(self.spec.exp_def_fpath)
def _generate_controller_support(self, exp_def: XMLLuigi) -> None: # Setup controller support code (if any) chgs = self.controller_config.get(self.category, {}).get('xml', {}).get('attr_change', {}) for t in chgs: exp_def.attr_change(t[0], t[1], t[2]) chgs = self.controller_config.get(self.category, {}).get('xml', {}).get('tag_change', {}) for t in chgs: exp_def.tag_change(t[0], t[1], t[2]) adds = self.controller_config.get(self.category, {}).get('xml', {}).get('tag_add', {}) for t in adds: self._do_tag_add(exp_def, t)
def _generate_library(self, exp_def: XMLLuigi) -> None: """ Generates XML changes to set the library that controllers and loop functions are sourced from to the name of the plugin passed on the cmdline. The ``__CONTROLLER__`` tag is changed during stage 1, but since this function is called as part of common def generation, it happens BEFORE that, and so this is OK. If, for some reason that assumption becomes invalid, a warning will be issued about a non-existent XML path, so it won't be a silent error. Does not write generated changes to the simulation definition pickle file. """ self.logger.trace("Generating changes for library (all runs)") run_config = self.spec.criteria.main_config['sierra']['run'] lib_name = run_config.get('library_name', 'lib' + self.cmdopts['project']) exp_def.attr_change(".//loop_functions", "library", lib_name) exp_def.attr_change(".//__CONTROLLER__", "library", lib_name)
def _scaffold_expi(self, expi_def: xml.XMLLuigi, modsi: tp.Union[xml.XMLAttrChangeSet, xml.XMLTagAddList], i: int, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts) -> None: exp_dirname = self.gen_exp_dirnames(cmdopts)[i] self.logger.debug("Applying %s XML modifications from '%s' for exp%s in %s", len(modsi), self.cli_arg, i, exp_dirname) exp_input_root = os.path.join(self.batch_input_root, str(exp_dirname)) utils.dir_create_checked(exp_input_root, exist_ok=cmdopts['exp_overwrite']) for mod in modsi: if isinstance(mod, xml.XMLAttrChange): expi_def.attr_change(mod.path, mod.attr, mod.value) elif isinstance(mod, xml.XMLTagAdd): expi_def.tag_add(mod.path, mod.tag, mod.attr, mod.allow_dup) else: assert False,\ "Batch criteria can only modify or remove XML tags" # This will be the "template" input file used to generate the input # files for each experimental run in the experiment wr_config = xml.XMLWriterConfig([{'src_parent': None, 'src_tag': '.', 'opath_leaf': None, 'create_tags': None, 'dest_parent': None }]) expi_def.write_config_set(wr_config) opath = utils.batch_template_path(cmdopts, self.batch_input_root, exp_dirname) expi_def.write(opath)