def visual_servo(self,kPoints): #kPoints.skp=[sift_keypoint(0,0), sift_keypoint(0,10), sift_keypoint(10,0)] #kPoints.tkp=[sift_keypoint(0,0), sift_keypoint(0,10), sift_keypoint(5,0)] self.computationalTime = nKP = len(kPoints.tkp) #print("************ len nkp = "+str(nKP)) Np = 3; if(nKP > Np): self.ok_model = 0 nTimes = 0 while self.ok_model == 0 and nTimes < nKP: nInliers = Np data_ind = range(nKP) ###############INIT##################### #if(Np==0): # Np=1 #print("number of points for init = ", Np) kp_array = sift_keypoints_array() kp_array.header = kPoints.header for p in range(Np): ind = choice(data_ind) kp_array.skp.append(kPoints.skp[ind]) kp_array.tkp.append(kPoints.tkp[ind]) data_ind.remove(ind) #print("data_ind",data_ind) vel_init = self.cumputeCommand(kp_array) ################END_INIT########################## while len(data_ind) >= Np: kp_array_loc = sift_keypoints_array() kp_array_loc.header = kPoints.header for p in range(Np): ind = choice(data_ind) kp_array_loc.skp.append(kPoints.skp[ind]) kp_array_loc.tkp.append(kPoints.tkp[ind]) data_ind.remove(ind) #print("data_ind",data_ind) vel_to_compare = self.cumputeCommand(kp_array_loc) ransac = Float64() = abs(norm_angle(atan2(vel_to_compare[1,0],vel_to_compare[0,0]) - atan2(vel_init[1,0],vel_init[0,0]))) self.vel_pk.publish(ransac) if(abs(norm_angle(atan2(vel_to_compare[1,0],vel_to_compare[0,0]) - atan2(vel_init[1,0],vel_init[0,0]))) < 1): for p in range(Np): kp_array.skp.append(kp_array_loc.skp[p]) kp_array.tkp.append(kp_array_loc.tkp[p]) nInliers += Np if nInliers*1.0/len(kPoints.tkp) > 0.7: self.ok_model = 1 #print("--model ok--") self.vel = self.cumputeCommand(kp_array) pourcent = Float64() = nInliers*1.0/len(kPoints.tkp) self.vel_pourcent.publish(pourcent) nTimes += 1 ################END_REESTIM########################## if(self.ok_model == 0): print("!!!! no model found !!!!") vel = self.vel t = Twist() #vc = [vx vz wy] = [ros.vy ros.vx ros.wz] # transform the linear velocities from the camera frame to the robot frame v = PointStamped() v.header = kPoints.header v.point.x = vel[1,0] v.point.y = vel[0,0] v.point.z = 0 #v.point.x = vel[0,0] #v.point.y = 0 #v.point.z = vel[1,0] ((x,y,_),rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform(self.robotFrame,self.cameraFrame, rospy.Time(0)) self.listener.waitForTransform(self.cameraFrame, self.robotFrame, kPoints.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1.0)) v = self.listener.transformPoint(self.robotFrame,v) v.point.x = v.point.x-x v.point.y = v.point.y-y #the rotation is also brought back to the z axis t.linear.x = v.point.x t.linear.y = v.point.y t.linear.z = 0 t.angular.x = 0 t.angular.y = 0 t.angular.z = vel[2,0] vx = Float64() = v.point.x vy = Float64() = v.point.y wz = Float64() = vel[2,0] self.vx_pub.publish(vx) self.vy_pub.publish(vy) self.wz_pub.publish(wz) self.twist_pub.publish(t) self.computationalTime = - self.computationalTime self.Time_pub.publish(self.computationalTime)
def detect_and_draw(imgmsg): global skp, sd global im_ref #print 'number of KeyPoint objects skp', len(skp) br = CvBridge() temp = br.imgmsg_to_cv(imgmsg, "bgr8") im_height = temp.height im_length = temp.width cv.ShowImage("view", temp) cv.WaitKey(10) template = np.asarray(temp) tkp = detector.detect(template) tkp, td = descriptor.compute(template, tkp) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects tkp', len(tkp) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects skp', len(skp) flann_params = dict(algorithm=1, trees=4) flann = cv2.flann_Index(sd, flann_params) idx, dist = flann.knnSearch(td, 1, params={}) del flann dist = dist[:, 0] / 2500.0 dist = dist.reshape(-1, ).tolist() idx = idx.reshape(-1).tolist() indices = range(len(dist)) indices.sort(key=lambda i: dist[i]) dist = [dist[i] for i in indices] idx = [idx[i] for i in indices] skp_final = [] for i, dis in itertools.izip(idx, dist): if dis < threshold: skp_final.append(skp[i]) else: break tkp_final = [] for i, dis in itertools.izip(range(len(idx)), dist): if dis < threshold: tkp_final.append(tkp[indices[i]]) else: break h1, w1 = im_ref.shape[:2] h2, w2 = template.shape[:2] nWidth = w1 + w2 nHeight = max(h1, h2) hdif = (h1 - h2) / 2 newimg = np.zeros((nHeight, nWidth, 3), np.uint8) newimg[hdif:hdif + h2, :w2] = template newimg[:h1, w2:w1 + w2] = im_ref tkp_final skp_final #print 'number of KeyPoint objects in skp_final', len(skp_final) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects in tkp_final', len(tkp_final) for i in range(min(len(tkp), len(skp_final))): pt_a = (int(tkp_final[i].pt[0]), int(tkp_final[i].pt[1] + hdif)) pt_b = (int(skp_final[i].pt[0] + w2), int(skp_final[i].pt[1])), pt_a, int(tkp_final[i].size), (160, 32, 240), 1), pt_b, int(skp_final[i].size), (160, 32, 240), 1) cv2.line(newimg, pt_a, pt_b, (255, 0, 0)) cv.ShowImage("sift", cv.fromarray(newimg)) kp_array = sift_keypoints_array() kp_array.skp = [sift_keypoint(* for k in skp_final] kp_array.tkp = [sift_keypoint(* for k in tkp_final] pk_pub.publish(kp_array) key = cv.WaitKey(10) & 0xFF if key == ord('d'): im_ref = template skp = tkp sd = td
def detect_and_draw(self, imgmsg): self.computationalTime = #print 'number of KeyPoint objects skp', len(self.skp) br = CvBridge() temp = br.imgmsg_to_cv(imgmsg, "bgr8") im_height = temp.height im_length = temp.width cv.ShowImage("view",temp) cv.WaitKey(10) template = np.asarray(temp) tkp = self.detector.detect(template) tkp,td = self.descriptor.compute(template, tkp) if (self.init == 1): self.im_ref = template self.skp = tkp = td self.init = 0 command_cam = Axis() command_cam.pan = 0 command_cam.tilt = 0 command_cam.zoom = 1 self.command_cam_pub.publish(command_cam); #print 'number of KeyPoint objects tkp', len(tkp) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects skp', len(self.skp) flann_params = dict(algorithm=1, trees=4) flann = cv2.flann_Index(, flann_params) idx, dist = flann.knnSearch(td, 1, params={}) del flann dist = dist[:,0]/2500.0 dist = dist.reshape(-1,).tolist() idx = idx.reshape(-1).tolist() indices = range(len(dist)) indices.sort(key=lambda i: dist[i]) dist = [dist[i] for i in indices] idx = [idx[i] for i in indices] h1, w1 = self.im_ref.shape[:2] h2, w2 = template.shape[:2] skp_final = [] for i, dis in itertools.izip(idx, dist): if dis < self.threshold and self.skp[i].pt[1]*1.0 < 5*h1/6.0: skp_final.append(self.skp[i]) else: break tkp_final = [] for i, dis in itertools.izip(range(len(idx)), dist): if dis < self.threshold and self.skp[idx[i]].pt[1]*1.0 < 4*h1/6.0: tkp_final.append(tkp[indices[i]]) else: break nWidth = w1+w2 nHeight = max(h1, h2) hdif = (h1-h2)/2 newimg = np.zeros((nHeight, nWidth, 3), np.uint8) newimg[hdif:hdif+h2, :w2] = template newimg[:h1, w2:w1+w2] = self.im_ref tkp_final skp_final #print 'number of KeyPoint objects in skp_final', len(skp_final) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects in tkp_final', len(tkp_final) for i in range(min(len(tkp_final), len(skp_final))): pt_a = (int(tkp_final[i].pt[0]), int(tkp_final[i].pt[1]+hdif)) pt_b = (int(skp_final[i].pt[0]+w2), int(skp_final[i].pt[1])), pt_a, int(tkp_final[i].size),(160,32,240),1), pt_b, int(skp_final[i].size),(160,32,240),1) cv2.line(newimg, pt_a, pt_b, (255, 0, 0)) cv.ShowImage("sift",cv.fromarray(newimg)) kp_array = sift_keypoints_array() #kp_array.header = imgmsg.header kp_array.header.frame_id = imgmsg.header.frame_id kp_array.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) #Time().now() kp_array.skp = [sift_keypoint(* for k in skp_final] kp_array.tkp = [sift_keypoint(* for k in tkp_final] self.kp_pub.publish(kp_array) self.computationalTime = - self.computationalTime self.Time_pub.publish(self.computationalTime) key=cv.WaitKey(10) & 0xFF if key == ord('d'): self.im_ref = template self.skp = tkp = td
def detect_and_draw(imgmsg): global skp, sd global im_ref #print 'number of KeyPoint objects skp', len(skp) br = CvBridge() temp = br.imgmsg_to_cv(imgmsg, "bgr8") im_height = temp.height im_length = temp.width cv.ShowImage("view",temp) cv.WaitKey(10) template = np.asarray(temp) tkp = detector.detect(template) tkp,td = descriptor.compute(template, tkp) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects tkp', len(tkp) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects skp', len(skp) flann_params = dict(algorithm=1, trees=4) flann = cv2.flann_Index(sd, flann_params) idx, dist = flann.knnSearch(td, 1, params={}) del flann dist = dist[:,0]/2500.0 dist = dist.reshape(-1,).tolist() idx = idx.reshape(-1).tolist() indices = range(len(dist)) indices.sort(key=lambda i: dist[i]) dist = [dist[i] for i in indices] idx = [idx[i] for i in indices] skp_final = [] for i, dis in itertools.izip(idx, dist): if dis < threshold: skp_final.append(skp[i]) else: break tkp_final = [] for i, dis in itertools.izip(range(len(idx)), dist): if dis < threshold: tkp_final.append(tkp[indices[i]]) else: break h1, w1 = im_ref.shape[:2] h2, w2 = template.shape[:2] nWidth = w1+w2 nHeight = max(h1, h2) hdif = (h1-h2)/2 newimg = np.zeros((nHeight, nWidth, 3), np.uint8) newimg[hdif:hdif+h2, :w2] = template newimg[:h1, w2:w1+w2] = im_ref tkp_final skp_final #print 'number of KeyPoint objects in skp_final', len(skp_final) #print 'number of KeyPoint objects in tkp_final', len(tkp_final) for i in range(min(len(tkp), len(skp_final))): pt_a = (int(tkp_final[i].pt[0]), int(tkp_final[i].pt[1]+hdif)) pt_b = (int(skp_final[i].pt[0]+w2), int(skp_final[i].pt[1])), pt_a, int(tkp_final[i].size),(160,32,240),1), pt_b, int(skp_final[i].size),(160,32,240),1) cv2.line(newimg, pt_a, pt_b, (255, 0, 0)) cv.ShowImage("sift",cv.fromarray(newimg)) kp_array = sift_keypoints_array() kp_array.skp = [sift_keypoint(* for k in skp_final] kp_array.tkp = [sift_keypoint(* for k in tkp_final] pk_pub.publish(kp_array) key=cv.WaitKey(10) & 0xFF if key == ord('d'): im_ref = template skp = tkp sd = td