Example #1
def send():
    params = bottle.request.query

    if 'text' not in params:
        raise HTTPError(400, 'Need text to send!')

    if 'label' in params:
        label = params.label.lower()
        label = 'A'

    text = params.text
    color = constants.get_color(params.get('color', 'NONE'))
    mode = constants.get_mode(params.get('mode', 'COMPRESSED_ROTATE'))

    text = color + text
    text = general.parse_colors(text)

    if label == 'A':
        text = parse_labels(text)

    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(read_raw_memory_table(), label)
    if len(text) >= memory_entry['size']:
        raise HTTPError(400, 'Not enough space allocated. Need at least %s bytes.' % (len(text) + 1))

    if label == 'A':
        sign.write(alphasign.Text(text, label=label, mode=mode))
        sign.write(alphasign.String(text, label=label))

    return {'result': 'Sucessfully sent text'}
Example #2
def send():
    params = bottle.request.query

    if 'text' not in params:
        raise HTTPError(400, 'Need text to send!')

    if 'label' in params:
        label = params.label.lower()
        label = 'A'

    text = params.text
    color = constants.get_color(params.get('color', 'NONE'))
    mode = constants.get_mode(params.get('mode', 'COMPRESSED_ROTATE'))

    text = color + text
    text = general.parse_colors(text)

    if label == 'A':
        text = parse_labels(text)

    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(read_raw_memory_table(), label)
    if len(text) >= memory_entry['size']:
        raise HTTPError(
            400, 'Not enough space allocated. Need at least %s bytes.' %
            (len(text) + 1))

    if label == 'A':
        sign.write(alphasign.Text(text, label=label, mode=mode))
        sign.write(alphasign.String(text, label=label))

    return {'result': 'Sucessfully sent text'}
Example #3
def check_ready():
    raw_table = read_raw_memory_table()

    bad = {
        'result': 'Sign is NOT ready for dead-simple.',
        'recommendation': 'hit <(URL)/dead-simple/reset> first.',
        'ready': False

    good = {
        'result': 'Sign IS ready for dead-simple!',
        'hit <(URL)/dead-simple/send?text=<text>> to get started',
        'ready': True

    text = sign.find_entry(raw_table, 'A')
    if text is None or text['type'] != 'TEXT':
        return bad

    for label in constants.dead_simple_string_labels:
        string = sign.find_entry(raw_table, label)
        if string is None or string['type'] != 'STRING':
            return bad

    return good
Example #4
def show_text(data):
    label = data['label']
    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(read_raw_memory_table(), label)
    if memory_entry['type'] != 'TEXT':
        raise HTTPError(400, 'The data at label %s must be of type TEXT. It is of type %s' % (label, memory_entry['type']))
    return {'result': 'Sign showing text at %s' % label}
Example #5
def show_text(data):
    label = data['label']
    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(read_raw_memory_table(), label)
    if memory_entry['type'] != 'TEXT':
        raise HTTPError(
            'The data at label %s must be of type TEXT. It is of type %s' %
            (label, memory_entry['type']))
    return {'result': 'Sign showing text at %s' % label}
Example #6
def validate_label(label, type_name=None, raw_table=None):
    if label not in constants.valid_labels:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(400, 'label %s is invalid' % label)
    if label in constants.counter_labels:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(400, 'label cannot be a counter (1-5)')
    if type_name is not None:
        if raw_table is None:
            raw_table = read_raw_memory_table()
        memory_entry = sign.find_entry(raw_table, label)
        if memory_entry is None:
            raise bottle.HTTPError(400, 'label %s not in memory table' % label)
        if memory_entry['type'] == type_name:
            raise bottle.HTTPError(400, 'label %s is of type %s, not %s' % (label, type_name, memory_entry['type']))
Example #7
def write_file(request, label):
    memory_table = read_raw_memory_table()

    if 'type' in request:
        general.validate_label(label, request['type'], memory_table)

    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(memory_table, label)
    memory_table = sign.parse_raw_memory_table(memory_table)

    file_type = memory_entry['type']

    if file_type == 'TEXT' or file_type == 'STRING':
        data = request['text']

        #Prepend color. Ignore invalid colors.
        data = constants.get_color(request.get('color', 'NO_COLOR')) + data

        #parse colors
        data = general.parse_colors(data)

        #text-specific processing
        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            data = general.parse_labels(data, memory_table)

        #check size
        if len(data) > memory_entry['size']:
            raise HTTPError(
                'Not enough memory allocated. Requires %s, only %s allocated.'
                % (len(data), memory_entry['size']))

        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            mode = constants.get_mode(request.get('mode', 'HOLD'))
            obj = alphasign.Text(data, label=label, mode=mode)
        elif file_type == 'STRING':
            obj = alphasign.String(data, label=label)

    elif file_type == 'DOTS':
        data = request['data']
        rows = memory_entry['rows']
        columns = memory_entry['columns']

        obj = alphasign.Dots(rows, columns, label=label)

        for i, row in enumerate(data[:rows]):
            obj.set_row(i, row)

    return {'result': 'memory written successfully'}
Example #8
def validate_label(label, type_name=None, raw_table=None):
    if label not in constants.valid_labels:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(400, 'label %s is invalid' % label)
    if label in constants.counter_labels:
        raise bottle.HTTPError(400, 'label cannot be a counter (1-5)')
    if type_name is not None:
        if raw_table is None:
            raw_table = read_raw_memory_table()
        memory_entry = sign.find_entry(raw_table, label)
        if memory_entry is None:
            raise bottle.HTTPError(400, 'label %s not in memory table' % label)
        if memory_entry['type'] == type_name:
            raise bottle.HTTPError(
                400, 'label %s is of type %s, not %s' %
                (label, type_name, memory_entry['type']))
Example #9
def write_file(request, label):        
    memory_table = read_raw_memory_table()
    if 'type' in request:
        general.validate_label(label, request['type'], memory_table)
    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(memory_table, label)
    memory_table = sign.parse_raw_memory_table(memory_table)
    file_type = memory_entry['type']
    if file_type == 'TEXT' or file_type == 'STRING':
        data = request['text']
        #Prepend color. Ignore invalid colors.
        data = constants.get_color(request.get('color', 'NO_COLOR')) + data
        #parse colors
        data = general.parse_colors(data)
        #text-specific processing
        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            data = general.parse_labels(data, memory_table)
        #check size
        if len(data) > memory_entry['size']:
            raise HTTPError(400, 'Not enough memory allocated. Requires %s, only %s allocated.' % (len(data), memory_entry['size']))
        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            mode = constants.get_mode(request.get('mode', 'HOLD'))
            obj = alphasign.Text(data, label=label, mode=mode)
        elif file_type == 'STRING':
            obj = alphasign.String(data, label=label)
    elif file_type == 'DOTS':
        data = request['data']
        rows = memory_entry['rows']
        columns = memory_entry['columns']
        obj = alphasign.Dots(rows, columns, label=label)
        for i, row in enumerate(data[:rows]):
            obj.set_row(i, row)
    return {'result': 'memory written successfully'}
Example #10
def parse_labels(text, memory=None):
    '''This function scans the text for label flags (ie, {C}) and replaces
    them with their alphasign call-character equivelents. It depends on the
    current memory table of the sign.
    types = {'STRING': alphasign.String, 'DOTS': alphasign.Dots}
    if memory is None:
        memory = sign.parse_raw_memory_table(read_raw_memory_table())
    memory_types = {entry['label']: types[entry['type']] 
                    for entry in memory if entry['type'] != 'TEXT'}
    def replacer(label):
        if label in memory_types:
            return memory_types[label](label=label).call()
        return None
    return parse_generic(text, replacer)
Example #11
def parse_labels(text, memory=None):
    '''This function scans the text for label flags (ie, {C}) and replaces
    them with their alphasign call-character equivelents. It depends on the
    current memory table of the sign.

    types = {'STRING': alphasign.String, 'DOTS': alphasign.Dots}
    if memory is None:
        memory = sign.parse_raw_memory_table(read_raw_memory_table())
    memory_types = {
        entry['label']: types[entry['type']]
        for entry in memory if entry['type'] != 'TEXT'

    def replacer(label):
        if label in memory_types:
            return memory_types[label](label=label).call()
        return None

    return parse_generic(text, replacer)
Example #12
def check_ready():
    raw_table = read_raw_memory_table()

    bad = {'result': 'Sign is NOT ready for dead-simple.',
           'recommendation':'hit <(URL)/dead-simple/reset> first.',
           'ready': False}

    good = {'result': 'Sign IS ready for dead-simple!',
            'recommendation': 'hit <(URL)/dead-simple/send?text=<text>> to get started',
            'ready': True}

    text = sign.find_entry(raw_table, 'A')
    if text is None or text['type'] != 'TEXT':
        return bad

    for label in constants.dead_simple_string_labels:
        string = sign.find_entry(raw_table, label)
        if string is None or string['type'] != 'STRING':
            return bad

    return good