Example #1
    def defineMethods(self):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
Example #2
    def defineMethods(self):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
Example #3
 def defineMethods(self):
     # Declare methods
     self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
     self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
Example #4
class P300_analysis(object):
    def __init__(self, sampling, cfg={}, fields=8):
        self.fs = sampling
        self.fields = fields
    def defineConst(self, cfg):

        # moving avr & resample factor
        self.avrM = int(cfg['avrM'])
        # Concatenate number of CSP vectors
        self.conN = int(cfg['conN'])  

        # Define analysis time
        self.csp_time = np.array(cfg['csp_time'])
        self.tInit, self.tFin = self.csp_time
        self.iInit, self.iFin = np.floor(self.csp_time*self.fs)

        self.chL = len(cfg['use_channels'].split(';'))
        self.arrL = self.avrM

        self.nLast = int(cfg['nLast'])
        self.nMin = int(cfg['nMin'])
        self.nMax = int(cfg['nMax'])
        self.dec = -1

        # Arrays
        self.flashCount = np.zeros(self.fields)  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = np.zeros(self.fields) # Array4 d val
        self.dArrTotal = {}
        for i in range(self.fields): self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])
        self.sAnalArr = {}
        for i in range(self.fields): self.sAnalArr[i] = np.zeros( self.arrL*self.conN)
        # For statistical analysis
        self.per = np.zeros(self.fields)
        self.pPer = float(cfg['pPercent'])
        self.pdf = np.array(cfg['pdf'])

    def newEpoch(self):
        self.flashCount = np.zeros(self.fields)  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = np.zeros(self.fields) # Array4 d val

        for i in range(self.fields): self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])

    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        #~ self.sp.set_lowPass_filter_ds(self.avrM/(self.csp_time[1]-self.csp_time[0]))
    def prepareSignal(self, signal):
        return self.sp.prepareSignal(signal)
    def testData(self, signal, blink):

        # Analyze signal when data for that flash is neede
        s = np.empty( self.avrM*self.conN)
        for con in range(self.conN):
            s[con*self.avrM:(con+1)*self.avrM] = self.prepareSignal(np.dot(self.P[:,con], signal))
        # Data projection on Fisher's space
        self.d = np.dot(s,self.w) - self.c
        self.dArr[blink] += self.d
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = np.append(self.d, self.dArrTotal[blink])
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = self.dArrTotal[blink][:self.nMax]
        self.flashCount[blink] += 1
        #~ print "self.d: ", self.d
    def isItEnought(self):
        print "self.flashCount: ", self.flashCount
        if (self.flashCount <= self.nMin).any():
            return -1
        elif (self.flashCount >= self.nMax).all():
            return self.testSignificances()
    def testSignificances(self):
        Test significances of d values.
        If one differs MUCH number of it is returned as a P300 target.
        Temporarly, as a test, normal distribution boundries for pVal
        percentyl are calulated. If only one d is larger than that pVal
        then that's the target.
        print "++ testSignificances ++ "
        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:self.nLast].mean()
        self.per = [st.percentileofscore(self.pdf, x) for x in dMean]
        self.per = np.array(self.per)
        #~ print "dMean: ", dMean
        print "percentile: ", self.per

        # If only one value is significantly distant
        if np.sum(self.per > self.pPer) == 1:
            self.dec = np.arange(self.fields)[self.per==self.per.max()]
            self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])
            print "wybrano -- {0}".format(self.dec)

            return self.dec
            return -1

    def forceDecision(self):
        print " ++ forceDecision ++ "

        # If only one value is significantly distant 
        # Decision is the field with largest w value
        self.dec = np.arange(self.per.shape[0])[self.per==np.max(self.per)]
        self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])

        # Return int value
        return self.dec
    def setPWC(self, P, w, c):
        self.P = P
        self.w = w
        self.c = c

    def setPdf(self, pdf):
        self.pdf = pdf

    def getDecision(self):
        return self.dec

    def getArrTotalD(self):
        return self.dArrTotal

    def getRecentD(self):
        return self.d
    def getArrD(self):
        return self.dArr
    def getProbabiltyDensity(self):
        Returns percentiles of given scores
        from nontarget propabilty density function.
        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        nMin = self.flashCount.min()
        #~ print "nMin: ", nMin
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:nMin].mean()

        # Assuming that dValues are from T distribution
        p = map( lambda score: st.percentileofscore(self.pdf, score), dMean)
        return p
Example #5
class P300_train:
    def __init__(self, channels, Fs, avrM, conN, csp_time=[0.2, 0.6], pPer=90):

        self.fs = Fs
        self.csp_time = np.array(csp_time)
        self.channels = channels

        self.defineConst(avrM, conN, pPer)
    def defineConst(self, avrM, conN, pPer):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        # Define Const
        print "self.csp_time: ", self.csp_time
        self.tInit, self.tFin = self.csp_time
        self.iInit, self.iFin = np.floor( self.csp_time*self.fs)
        self.avrM = avrM  # Moving avr window length
        self.conN = conN  # No. of chan. to concatenate
        self.pPer = pPer # Nontarget percentile threshold

        # Target/Non-target arrays
        self.chL = len((self.channels).split(';'))
        self.arrL = self.avrM  # Length of data per channel

        # Data arrays
        totTarget = np.zeros( (self.chL, self.arrL))
        totNontarget = np.zeros((self.chL, self.arrL))

        # Flags
        self.classifiedFDA = -1 # 1 if classified with FDA
    def defineMethods(self):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        #~ self.sp.set_highPass_filter(wp=2., ws=1., gpass=1., gstop=25.)

    def getTargetNontarget(self, signal, targetTags, nontargetTags):
        Divides signal into 2 dicts: target & nontarget.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        # Reshapes data into trials x channels x data
        # Converts targets
        idxTarget = int(targetTags[0])
        target = signal[np.newaxis, :, idxTarget:idxTarget+self.fs]

        for tag in targetTags[1:]:
            index = int(tag)
            s = signal[np.newaxis, :, index:index+self.fs]
            target = np.concatenate( (target, s), axis=0)

        # Converts nontargets
        idxNontarget = int(nontargetTags[0])
        nontarget = signal[np.newaxis:, index:index+self.fs]
        for tag in ntrgTags[1:]:
            index = int(tag)
            s = signal[np.newaxis, :, index:index+self.fs]
            nontarget = np.concatenate( (nontarget, s), axis=0)
        return target, nontarget
    def prepareSignal(self, s):
        return self.sp.prepareSignal(s)

    def get_filter(self, c_max, c_min):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        """This returns CSP filters

            Function returns array. Each column is a filter sorted in descending order i.e. first column represents filter that explains most energy, second - second most, etc.

            c_max : ndarray
                covariance matrix of signal to maximalize.
            c_min : ndarray
                covariance matrix of signal to minimalize.

            P : ndarray
                each column of this matrix is a CSP filter sorted in descending order
            vals : array-like
                corresponding eigenvalues
        vals, vects = eig(c_max, c_min)
        vals = vals.real
        vals_idx = np.argsort(vals)[::-1]
        P = np.zeros([len(vals), len(vals)])
        for i in xrange(len(vals)):
            #~ P[:,i] = vects[:,vals_idx[i]] / np.sqrt(vals[vals_idx[i]])
            P[:,i] = vects[:,vals_idx[i]]
        return P, vals[vals_idx]

    def train_csp(self, target, nontarget):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        """Creates covariance matrices to be filtred with CSP.

            target : ndarray
                target signal matrix in shape TRIAL x CHANNELS x DATA.
            nontarget : ndarray
                not target signal matrix in shape TRIAL x CHANNELS x DATA.

            P : ndarray
                each column of this matrix is a CSP filter sorted in descending order
            vals : array-like
                corresponding eigenvalues

        # Calcluate covariance matrices
        covTarget = np.zeros((self.chL,self.chL))
        covNontarget = np.zeros((self.chL,self.chL))

        # Lengths
        trgTrialsNo = target.shape[0]
        ntrgTrialsNo = nontarget.shape[0]

        # Target
        for idx in range(trgTrialsNo):
            A = np.matrix(target[idx])
            covTarget += np.cov(A)

        # NonTarget
        for idx in range(ntrgTrialsNo):
            A = np.matrix(nontarget[idx])
            covNontarget += np.cov(A)

        #~ totTarget = np.matrix(np.mean(target, axis=0))
        #~ totNtarget = np.matrix(np.mean(nontarget, axis=0))

        covTarget /= trgTrialsNo
        covNontarget /= ntrgTrialsNo

        return self.get_filter( covTarget, covNontarget+covTarget)

    def crossCheck(self, signal, target, nontarget):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        Cross validation over target and nontarget.
        return self.valid_kGroups(signal, target, nontarget, 2)
    def valid_kGroups(self, signal, target, nontarget, K):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        Valid classifier.
        Divide signal into K groups then train classifier on K-1
        and test it on single groups.

        # Determin CSP filter matrix
        self.P, vals = self.train_csp(target, nontarget)

        # Divide dicts into K groups
        target_kGroups = self.divideData(target, K)
        nontarget_kGroups = self.divideData(nontarget, K)

        # Determin shape of new matrices
        tShape = target_kGroups.shape
        train_tShape = ((tShape[0]-1)*tShape[1], tShape[2], tShape[3])
        ntShape = nontarget_kGroups.shape
        train_ntShape = ((ntShape[0]-1)*ntShape[1], ntShape[2], ntShape[3])
        # Buffers for dValues to determine their distributions
        dWholeTarget = np.zeros(tShape[0]*tShape[1])
        dWholeNontarget = np.zeros(ntShape[0]*ntShape[1])

        # For each group
        for i in range(K):
            # One group is test group
            target_test = target_kGroups[i]
            nontarget_test = nontarget_kGroups[i]
            # Rest of groups are training groups
            target_train = np.delete( target_kGroups, i, axis=0)
            target_train = target_train.reshape( train_tShape)

            nontarget_train = np.delete( nontarget_kGroups, i,axis=0)
            nontarget_train = nontarget_train.reshape( train_ntShape )
            # Determin LDA classifier values
            w, c = self.trainFDA(target_train, nontarget_train)
            # Test data
            dTarget, dNontarget = self.analyseData(target_test, nontarget_test, w, c)
            # Saves dValues
            dWholeTarget[i*len(dTarget):(i+1)*len(dTarget)] = dTarget
            dWholeNontarget[i*len(dNontarget):(i+1)*len(dNontarget)] = dNontarget
        self.saveDisributions( dWholeTarget, dWholeNontarget)
        meanDiff = self.compareDistributions(dWholeTarget, dWholeNontarget)
        return meanDiff
    def compareDistributions(self, target, nontarget):
        #~ # Calculates mean distance od dValues
        #~ meanDiff = np.mean(dWholeTarget) - np.mean(dWholeNontarget)
        #~ percentileList = [st.percentileofscore(nontarget, t) for t in target]
        #~ percentileSum = sum(percentileList)/len(target)
        #~ result = percentileSum 
        result = st.mannwhitneyu(nontarget, target)[0]
        return result
    def analyseData(self, target, nontarget, w, c):
        Calculates dValues for whole given targets and nontargets.
        Perform by K-validation tests.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        # Test targets
        sTargetAnal = np.zeros((target.shape[0],w.shape[0]))
        sNontargetAnal = np.zeros((nontarget.shape[0],w.shape[0]))

        step = w.shape[0]/self.conN

        # Depending how many eigenvectors one want's to consider
        # from CSP,
        for idx in range(self.conN):
            # Dot product over all channels (CSP filter) and returns
            # array of (trials, data) shape.
            productTrg = np.dot( self.P[:,idx], target)
            productNtrg = np.dot( self.P[:,idx], nontarget)
            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductTrg = map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productTrg)
            analProductNtrg = map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productNtrg)
            # Fills prepared buffer.
            sTargetAnal[:,idx*step:(idx+1)*step] = analProductTrg
            sNontargetAnal[:,idx*step:(idx+1)*step] = analProductNtrg

        # Calc dValues as: d = s*w - c
        dTarget = np.dot(sTargetAnal, w) - c
        dNontarget = np.dot(sNontargetAnal, w) - c

        return dTarget, dNontarget
    def divideData(self, D, K):
        Separates given data dictionary into K subdictionaries.
        Used to perform K-validation tests.
          D -- numpy 3D matrix: EPOCH x CHANNEL x DATA
          K -- number of groups to divide to.
          kGroups -- numpy 4D matrix: GROUP_NO x EPOCH x CHANNEL x DATA
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        L = D.shape[0]
        keys = np.arange(L)
        # Fill keys list with random trails utill it's diveable into K groups
        while( len(keys) % K != 0 ):
            keys = np.append( keys, np.random.randint(L))
        # Shuffle list
        # Divide given matrix into K_groups
        step = len(keys)/K
        kGroups = np.empty( (K,step,D.shape[1], D.shape[2]))
        for idx in range(K):
            kGroups[idx] = D[keys[idx*step:(idx+1)*step]]

        return kGroups
    def trainClassifier(self, signal, trgTags, ntrgTags):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        target, nontarget = self.getTargetNontarget(signal, trgTags, ntrgTags)
        self.P, vals = self.train_csp(target, nontarget)
        self.trainFDA(target, nontarget)
    def trainFDA(self, target, nontarget):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        #~ target = np.matrix(target)
        #~ nontarget = np.matrix(nontarget)
        goodAnal = np.empty((target.shape[0],self.conN*self.avrM))
        badAnal = np.empty((nontarget.shape[0],self.conN*self.avrM))
        for con in range(self.conN):
            productCSPTrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], target)
            productCSPNtrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], nontarget)
            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductCSPTrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPTrg))
            analProductCSPNtrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPNtrg))

            goodAnal[:,con*self.avrM:(con+1)*self.avrM] = analProductCSPTrg
            badAnal[:,con*self.avrM:(con+1)*self.avrM] = analProductCSPNtrg

        ### TARGET
        gAnalMean = goodAnal.mean(axis=0)
        gAnalCov = np.cov(goodAnal, rowvar=0)

        bAnalMean = badAnal.mean(axis=0)
        bAnalCov = np.cov(badAnal, rowvar=0)
        # Mean diff
        meanAnalDiff = gAnalMean - bAnalMean
        #~ meanAnalMean = 0.5*(gAnalMean + bAnalMean)

        A = gAnalCov + bAnalCov
        invertCovariance = np.linalg.inv( A )

        # w - normal vector to separeting hyperplane
        # c - treshold for data projection
        self.w = np.dot( invertCovariance, meanAnalDiff)
        self.c = st.scoreatpercentile(np.dot(self.w, badAnal.T), self.pPer)
        #~ self.c = np.dot(self.w, meanAnalMean)

        #~ print "We've done a research and it turned out that best values for you are: "
        #~ print "w: ", self.w
        #~ print "c: ", self.c
        #~ print "w.shape: ", self.w.shape
        return self.w, self.c
    def isClassifiedFDA(self):
        Returns True, if data has already been classified.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        return self.classifiedFDA
    def getPWC(self):
        If classifier was taught, returns CSP Matrix as [P],
        classifier seperation vector [w] and classifier separation value [c].
        Else returns -1.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        if self.classifiedFDA:
            return (self.P, self.w, self.c)
            return -1
    def saveDisributions(self, dTarget, dNontarget):
        self.dTarget = dTarget
        self.dNontarget = dNontarget
    def getDValDistribution(self):
        return self.dTarget, self.dNontarget

    def saveDist2File(self, targetName, nontargetName):
        np.save(targetName, self.dTarget)
        np.save(nontargetName, self.dNontarget)
Example #6
    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)

        self.sp_ds = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
Example #7
class P300_draw(object):
    def __init__(self, fs=128.):

        self.fs = fs
        self.globalNCount = 0


    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)

        self.sp_ds = DataAnalysis(self.fs)

    def setCalibration(self, target, nontarget):
        # Sorting tags... (for no real reason)

        # Setting arrays/dicts
        self.target = target
        self.nontarget = nontarget

        self.trgTrials = target.shape[0]
        self.ntrgTrials = nontarget.shape[0]

    def setTimeLine(self, conN, avrM=None, csp_time=[0, 1]):
        self.conN = conN
        self.csp_time = csp_time
        if avrM == None: self.avrM = self.fs
        else: self.avrM = avrM

    def setCSP(self, P):
        self.P = P

    def plotSignal(self, savefile=None):


        # Determine size
        tmp = self.target[0]
        L = self.sp.prepareSignal(tmp[0]).shape[0]

        # P matrix
        if self.P == None: self.P = np.ones(tmp.shape)
        P = self.P

        # Set time limits
        self.simple_time = np.linspace(0, 1, L)

        # Create buffers
        allCSPTrg = np.empty((self.conN, self.target.shape[0], L))
        allCSPNtrg = np.empty((self.conN, self.nontarget.shape[0], L))

        allMeanCSPTrg = np.empty((self.conN, L))
        allMeanCSPNtrg = np.empty((self.conN, L))

        # Plot simple means
        productMeanTrg = self.target.mean(axis=1)
        productMeanNtrg = self.nontarget.mean(axis=1)

        analProductMeanTrg = np.array(
            map(lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanTrg))
        analProductMeanNtrg = np.array(
            map(lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanNtrg))

        py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, 1)  # 1st row
        py.title("Mean target")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist() *
                           analProductMeanTrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1, L))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanTrg, 'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0), 'g-')

        py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, 2 + self.conN)  # 2nd row
        py.title("Mean nontarget")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist() *
                           analProductMeanNtrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1, L))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanNtrg, 'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0), 'g-')

        ##  Plotting target  ##
        # Depending how many eigenvectors one want's to consider
        # from CSP,
        for con in range(self.conN):
            # Dot product over all channels (CSP filter) and returns
            # array of (trials, data) shape.
            productCSPTrg = np.dot(self.P[:, con], self.target)
            productCSPNtrg = np.dot(self.P[:, con], self.nontarget)

            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductCSPTrg = np.array(
                map(lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPTrg))
            analProductCSPNtrg = np.array(
                map(lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPNtrg))

            allCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg
            allCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg

            allMeanCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg.mean(axis=0)
            allMeanCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg.mean(axis=0)

            py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, 2 + con)
            py.title("CSP mean target vec" + str(con + 1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist() *
                               analProductCSPTrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1, L))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPTrg, 'r-')
            py.plot(self.simple_time, allMeanCSPTrg[con], 'g-')

            py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, self.conN + 1 + 2 + con)
            py.title("CSP mean nontarget vec" + str(con + 1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist() *
                               analProductCSPNtrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1, L))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPNtrg, 'r-')
            py.plot(self.simple_time, allMeanCSPNtrg[con], 'g-')

        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)

        ## Plotting Diff

        meanTarget = analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0)
        meanNontarget = analProductMeanNtrg.mean(axis=0)

        py.subplot(1, 1 + self.conN, 1)
        py.title("Diff simple mean")
        py.plot(self.simple_time, meanTarget - meanNontarget, 'r-')

        print "self.simple_time.shape: ", self.simple_time.shape
        print "allMeanCSPTrg[0].shape: ", allMeanCSPTrg[0].shape
        print "allMeanCSPNtrg[0].shape: ", allMeanCSPNtrg[0].shape

        for con in range(self.conN):
            #~ for con in range(1):
            py.subplot(1, 1 + self.conN, 2 + con)
            py.title("Diff CSP mean vec " + str(con + 1))
            py.plot(self.simple_time, allMeanCSPTrg[con] - allMeanCSPNtrg[con],

        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile + '_diff', dpi=150)


    def plotSignal_ds(self, savefile=None):


        L = self.avrM

        if self.P == None: self.P = np.ones(tmp.shape)
        P = self.P

        # Create buffers
        allCSPTrg = np.empty((self.conN, self.target.shape[0], self.avrM))
        allCSPNtrg = np.empty((self.conN, self.nontarget.shape[0], self.avrM))

        allMeanCSPTrg = np.empty((self.conN, self.avrM))
        allMeanCSPNtrg = np.empty((self.conN, self.avrM))

        # Time
        tMin, tMax = self.csp_time[0], self.csp_time[1]
        self.sp_ds.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        self.simple_time_ds = np.linspace(tMin, tMax, self.avrM)

        # X axis limits
        dx = self.csp_time[1] - self.csp_time[0]
        xMin = self.csp_time[0] - 0.25 * dx
        xMax = self.csp_time[1] + 0.25 * dx

        # Plot simple means
        productMeanTrg = self.target.mean(axis=1)
        productMeanNtrg = self.nontarget.mean(axis=1)

        analProductMeanTrg = np.array(
            map(lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanTrg))
        analProductMeanNtrg = np.array(
            map(lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanNtrg))

        py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, 1)  # 1st row
        py.title("Mean target")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist() *
                               (-1, self.avrM))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanTrg, 'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0), 'go')
        py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

        py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, 2 + self.conN)  # 2nd row
        py.title("Mean nontarget")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist() *
                               (-1, self.avrM))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanNtrg, 'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0), 'g')
        py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

        ##  Plotting target  ##
        # Depending how many eigenvectors one want's to consider
        # from CSP,
        for con in range(self.conN):
            # Dot product over all channels (CSP filter) and returns
            # array of (trials, data) shape.
            productCSPTrg = np.dot(self.P[:, con], self.target)
            productCSPNtrg = np.dot(self.P[:, con], self.nontarget)

            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductCSPTrg = np.array(
                map(lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPTrg))
            analProductCSPNtrg = np.array(
                map(lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPNtrg))

            allCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg
            allCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg

            allMeanCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg.mean(axis=0)
            allMeanCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg.mean(axis=0)

            py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, 2 + con)
            py.title("CSP mean target vec" + str(con + 1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist() *
                                   (-1, self.avrM))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPTrg, 'r.')
            py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, allMeanCSPTrg[con], 'g-')
            py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

            py.subplot(2, 1 + self.conN, self.conN + 1 + 2 + con)
            py.title("CSP mean nontarget vec" + str(con + 1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist() *
                                   (-1, self.avrM))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPNtrg, 'r.')
            py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, allMeanCSPNtrg[con], 'g-')
            py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)

        ## Plotting Diff

        meanTarget = analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0)
        meanNontarget = analProductMeanNtrg.mean(axis=0)

        py.subplot(1, 1 + self.conN, 1)
        py.title("Diff simple mean")
        py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, meanTarget - meanNontarget, 'r-')
        py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

        for con in range(self.conN):
            #~ for con in range(1):
            py.subplot(1, 1 + self.conN, 2 + con)
            py.title("Diff CSP mean vec " + str(con + 1))
                    allMeanCSPTrg[con] - allMeanCSPNtrg[con], 'r-')
            py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile + '_diff', dpi=150)


    def savePlotsD(self, dArrTotal, pVal, savefile=None):

        # Quick type check
        assert (type(pVal) == type(0.1))
        assert (type(dArrTotal) == type({}))

        # Determin what is the least number of blinks
        nBlink = 100
        for i in range(8):
            if nBlink > len(dArrTotal[i]): nBlink = len(dArrTotal[i])

        print "nBlink: ", nBlink
        # dMean is an array which has 8 columns and in rows mean value
        # after n blinks
        dMean = np.zeros((nBlink, 8))
        for n in range(nBlink)[::-1]:
            for i in range(8):
                dMean[n][i] = dArrTotal[i][nBlink - n - 1:].mean()

        print "dMean: ", dMean

        # "z" is treshold for difference in d and mean
        # "z" is calculated from pVal which is percentile
        z = st.norm.ppf(pVal)
        print "z: ", z
        for n in range(nBlink):
            py.subplot(2, (nBlink + 1) / 2, n + 1)

            # This blok calculates:
            # - mean for all except one
            # - std for all except on
            # - treshold boundries for pVal significance
            m = []
            yMaxArr = []
            for i in range(8):
                tmpArr = np.delete(dMean[n], i)
                mVal = np.mean(tmpArr)
                stdVal = np.std(tmpArr)

                yMaxArr.append(mVal + stdVal * z)

            # we want to have label on just one block (the left one)
            if n == 0:

            # plot mean for each field and for all without that one
            py.plot(dMean[n], 'ro')
            py.plot(m, 'bo')

            yMin, yMax = dMean[n].min(), dMean.max()
            ySpan = yMax - yMin
            yMin, yMax = yMin - ySpan * .1, yMax + ySpan * 0.1
            ySpan = yMax - yMin

            py.ylim((yMin, yMax))
            py.xlim((-1, 8))

            for idx in range(8):
                           ymin=(m[idx] - yMin) / ySpan,
                           ymax=(yMaxArr[idx] - yMin) / ySpan)

        # save all blinks into one plot, then on hdd
        self.globalNCount += 1
        if savefile == None:
            savefile = "online_{0}.png".format(self.globalNCount)
        py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)
        print "Zapisano obraz '{0}' w katalogu: {1}".format(
            savefile, os.getcwd())

    def plotDistribution(self, dTarget, dNontarget, savefile=None):
        Takes 1D numpy arrays of d values for target and nontarget.
        Plots and saves their histograms to file.
        bins = 20

        py.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        py.title("Target distribution")
        py.hist(dTarget, bins)
        py.axvline(dTarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.xlabel("d values")

        py.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        py.title("Nontarget distribution")
        py.hist(dNontarget, bins)
        py.axvline(dNontarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.xlabel("d values")

        py.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        py.title("Target/Nontarget distribution")
        py.hist(np.append(dTarget, dNontarget), bins)
        py.axvline(dTarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.axvline(dNontarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.xlabel("d values")

        if savefile == None:
            savefile = "distrib_{0}.png".format(self.globalNCount)
        self.globalNCount += 1

        py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)

Example #8
class P300_analysis(object):
    def __init__(self, sampling, cfg={}, fields=8):
        self.fs = sampling
        self.fields = fields
    def defineConst(self, cfg):

        # moving avr & resample factor
        self.avrM = int(cfg['avrM'])  # VAR !
        # Concatenate No. of signals
        self.conN = int(cfg['conN'])  # VAR !

        # Define analysis time
        self.csp_time = np.array(cfg['csp_time'])
        self.tInit, self.tFin = self.csp_time
        self.iInit, self.iFin = np.floor(self.csp_time*self.fs)

        self.chL = len(cfg['use_channels'].split(';'))
        #~ self.arrL = np.floor((self.iFin-self.iInit)/self.avrM)
        self.arrL = self.avrM

        self.nRepeat = int(cfg['nRepeat'])
        self.nMin = 3
        self.nMax = 6
        self.dec = -1

        # Arrays
        self.flashCount = np.zeros(self.fields)  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = np.zeros(self.fields) # Array4 d val
        self.dArrTotal = {}
        for i in range(self.fields): self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])
        self.sAnalArr = {}
        for i in range(self.fields): self.sAnalArr[i] = np.zeros( self.arrL*self.conN)
        # For statistical analysis
        p = float(cfg['pVal'])
        self.pVal = p
        self.z = st.norm.ppf(p)
        # w - values of diff between dVal and significal d (v)
        self.diffV = np.zeros(self.fields)
    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        #~ self.sp.set_lowPass_filter_ds(self.avrM/(self.csp_time[1]-self.csp_time[0]))
    def prepareSignal(self, signal):
        return self.sp.prepareSignal(signal)
    def testData(self, signal, blink):

        # Analyze signal when data for that flash is neede
        s = np.array([])
        for con in range(self.conN):
            tmp = self.prepareSignal(np.dot(self.P[:,con], signal))
            s = np.append( s, tmp)
        # Data projection on Fisher's space
        self.d = np.dot(s,self.w) - self.c
        self.dArr[blink] += self.d
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = np.append(self.d, self.dArrTotal[blink])
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = self.dArrTotal[blink][:self.nMax]
        self.flashCount[blink] += 1
        #~ print "self.d: ", self.d
    def isItEnought(self):
        if (self.flashCount < self.nMin).any():
            return -1

        return self.testSignificances()
    def testSignificances(self):
        Test significances of d values.
        If one differs MUCH number of it is returned as a P300 target.
        Temporarly, as a test, normal distribution boundries for pVal
        percentyl are calulated. If only one d is larger than that pVal
        then that's the target.
        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        nMin = self.flashCount.min()
        #~ print "nMin: ", nMin
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:nMin].mean()
        #~ dMean = self.dArr / self.flashCount
        self.diffV = np.zeros(self.diffV.shape)
        for sq in range(self.fields):
            # Norm distribution
            tmp = np.delete(dMean, sq)
            mean, std = tmp.mean(), tmp.std()
            # Find right boundry
            #~ v = mean + self.z*std
            # Calculate distance
            #~ self.diffV[sq] = dMean[sq]-v

            # Assuming that this is t distribution
            self.diffV[sq] = st.t.cdf(dMean[sq], self.fields, loc=mean, scale=std)            
            #~ print "{0}: (m, std, v) = ({1}, {2}, {3})".format(sq, mean, std, v)
            #~ print "{0}: (d, w) = ({1}, {2})".format(sq, dMean[sq], self.diffV[sq])
        #~ print "self.diffV: ", self.diffV

        # If only one value is significantly distant
        if np.sum(self.diffV>self.pVal) == 1:
            #~ return True
            self.dec = np.arange(self.diffV.shape[0])[self.diffV>0]
            self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])
            #~ print "wybrano -- {0}".format(self.dec)

            return self.dec
            return -1

    def forceDecision(self):

        # If only one value is significantly distant 
        # Decision is the field with largest w value
        self.dec = np.arange(self.diffV.shape[0])[self.diffV==np.max(self.diffV)]
        self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])

        # Return int value
        return self.dec
    def setPWC(self, P, w, c):
        self.P = P
        self.w = w
        self.c = c

    def getDecision(self):
        return self.dec

    def newEpoch(self):
        self.flashCount = self.flashCount*0  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = self.dArr*0 # Array4 d val

        for i in range(self.fields): self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])

    def getArrTotalD(self):
        return self.dArrTotal

    def getRecentD(self):
        return self.d
    def getArrD(self):
        return self.dArr
    def getProbabiltyDensity(self):
        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        nMin = self.flashCount.min()
        #~ print "nMin: ", nMin
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:nMin].mean()

        # Assuming that dValues are from T distribution
        p = st.t.cdf(dMean, self.fields, loc=dMean.mean(), scale=dMean.std())
        return p
Example #9
    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)

        self.sp_ds = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
Example #10
class P300_draw(object):
    def __init__(self, fs=128.):
        self.fs = fs
        self.globalNCount = 0
    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)

        self.sp_ds = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
    def setCalibration(self, target, nontarget):
        # Sorting tags... (for no real reason)

        # Setting arrays/dicts
        self.target = target 
        self.nontarget = nontarget
        self.trgTrials = target.shape[0]
        self.ntrgTrials = nontarget.shape[0]

    def setTimeLine(self, conN, avrM=None, csp_time=[0,1]):
        self.conN = conN
        self.csp_time = csp_time
        if avrM == None: self.avrM = self.fs
        else: self.avrM = avrM
    def setCSP(self, P):
        self.P = P
    def plotSignal(self, savefile=None):

        # Determine size
        tmp = self.target[0]
        L = self.sp.prepareSignal(tmp[0]).shape[0]
        # P matrix
        if self.P==None: self.P = np.ones(tmp.shape)
        P = self.P

        # Set time limits
        self.simple_time = np.linspace(0, 1, L)

        # Create buffers
        allCSPTrg = np.empty( (self.conN, self.target.shape[0], L))
        allCSPNtrg = np.empty( (self.conN, self.nontarget.shape[0], L))
        allMeanCSPTrg = np.empty( (self.conN, L))
        allMeanCSPNtrg = np.empty( (self.conN, L))
        # Plot simple means
        productMeanTrg = self.target.mean(axis=1)
        productMeanNtrg = self. nontarget.mean(axis=1)

        analProductMeanTrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanTrg))
        analProductMeanNtrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanNtrg))
        py.subplot(2, 1+self.conN, 1) # 1st row
        py.title("Mean target")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist()*analProductMeanTrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,L))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanTrg,'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0),'g-')

        py.subplot(2, 1+self.conN, 2+self.conN) # 2nd row
        py.title("Mean nontarget")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist()*analProductMeanNtrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,L))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanNtrg,'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0),'g-')

        ##  Plotting target  ##
        # Depending how many eigenvectors one want's to consider
        # from CSP,
        for con in range(self.conN):
            # Dot product over all channels (CSP filter) and returns
            # array of (trials, data) shape.
            productCSPTrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], self.target)
            productCSPNtrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], self.nontarget)

            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductCSPTrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPTrg))
            analProductCSPNtrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPNtrg))
            allCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg
            allCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg
            allMeanCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg.mean(axis=0)
            allMeanCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg.mean(axis=0)

            py.title("CSP mean target vec" +str(con+1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist()*analProductCSPTrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,L))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPTrg, 'r-')
            py.plot(self.simple_time, allMeanCSPTrg[con], 'g-')

            py.title("CSP mean nontarget vec" +str(con+1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time.tolist()*analProductCSPNtrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,L))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPNtrg, 'r-')
            py.plot(self.simple_time, allMeanCSPNtrg[con], 'g-')

        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)

        ## Plotting Diff
        meanTarget = analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0)
        meanNontarget = analProductMeanNtrg.mean(axis=0)
        py.subplot(1, 1+self.conN,1)
        py.title("Diff simple mean")
        py.plot(self.simple_time, meanTarget-meanNontarget, 'r-')
        print "self.simple_time.shape: ", self.simple_time.shape
        print "allMeanCSPTrg[0].shape: ", allMeanCSPTrg[0].shape
        print "allMeanCSPNtrg[0].shape: ", allMeanCSPNtrg[0].shape
        for con in range(self.conN):
        #~ for con in range(1):
            py.title("Diff CSP mean vec " + str(con+1))
            py.plot(self.simple_time, allMeanCSPTrg[con]-allMeanCSPNtrg[con], 'r-')
        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile + '_diff', dpi=150)
    def plotSignal_ds(self, savefile=None):
        L = self.avrM

        if self.P==None: self.P = np.ones(tmp.shape)
        P = self.P

        # Create buffers
        allCSPTrg = np.empty( (self.conN, self.target.shape[0], self.avrM))
        allCSPNtrg = np.empty( (self.conN, self.nontarget.shape[0], self.avrM))
        allMeanCSPTrg = np.empty( (self.conN, self.avrM))
        allMeanCSPNtrg = np.empty( (self.conN, self.avrM))
        # Time
        tMin, tMax = self.csp_time[0], self.csp_time[1]
        self.sp_ds.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        self.simple_time_ds = np.linspace(tMin, tMax, self.avrM)
        # X axis limits
        dx = self.csp_time[1] - self.csp_time[0]
        xMin = self.csp_time[0] - 0.25*dx
        xMax = self.csp_time[1] + 0.25*dx
        # Plot simple means
        productMeanTrg = self.target.mean(axis=1)
        productMeanNtrg = self. nontarget.mean(axis=1)

        analProductMeanTrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanTrg))
        analProductMeanNtrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productMeanNtrg))
        py.subplot(2, 1+self.conN, 1) # 1st row
        py.title("Mean target")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist()*analProductMeanTrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,self.avrM))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanTrg,'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0),'go')
        py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

        py.subplot(2, 1+self.conN, 2+self.conN) # 2nd row
        py.title("Mean nontarget")
        timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist()*analProductMeanNtrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,self.avrM))
        py.plot(timeArr, analProductMeanNtrg,'r.')
        py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0),'g')
        py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

        ##  Plotting target  ##
        # Depending how many eigenvectors one want's to consider
        # from CSP,
        for con in range(self.conN):
            # Dot product over all channels (CSP filter) and returns
            # array of (trials, data) shape.
            productCSPTrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], self.target)
            productCSPNtrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], self.nontarget)

            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductCSPTrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPTrg))
            analProductCSPNtrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.sp_ds.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPNtrg))
            allCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg
            allCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg
            allMeanCSPTrg[con] = analProductCSPTrg.mean(axis=0)
            allMeanCSPNtrg[con] = analProductCSPNtrg.mean(axis=0)

            py.title("CSP mean target vec" +str(con+1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist()*analProductCSPTrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,self.avrM))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPTrg, 'r.')
            py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, allMeanCSPTrg[con], 'g-')
            py.xlim(xMin, xMax)

            py.title("CSP mean nontarget vec" +str(con+1))
            timeArr = np.array(self.simple_time_ds.tolist()*analProductCSPNtrg.shape[0]).reshape((-1,self.avrM))
            py.plot(timeArr, analProductCSPNtrg, 'r.')
            py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, allMeanCSPNtrg[con], 'g-')
            py.xlim(xMin, xMax)
        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)
        ## Plotting Diff
        meanTarget = analProductMeanTrg.mean(axis=0)
        meanNontarget = analProductMeanNtrg.mean(axis=0)
        py.subplot(1, 1+self.conN,1)
        py.title("Diff simple mean")
        py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, meanTarget-meanNontarget, 'r-')
        py.xlim(xMin, xMax)
        for con in range(self.conN):
        #~ for con in range(1):
            py.title("Diff CSP mean vec " + str(con+1))
            py.plot(self.simple_time_ds, allMeanCSPTrg[con]-allMeanCSPNtrg[con], 'r-')
            py.xlim(xMin, xMax)
        if savefile:
            py.savefig(savefile + '_diff', dpi=150)
    def savePlotsD(self, dArrTotal, pVal, savefile=None):

        # Quick type check
        assert( type(pVal) == type(0.1) )
        assert( type(dArrTotal) == type({}) )
        # Determin what is the least number of blinks
        nBlink = 100
        for i in range(8):
            if nBlink > len(dArrTotal[i]): nBlink = len(dArrTotal[i])
        print "nBlink: ", nBlink
        # dMean is an array which has 8 columns and in rows mean value
        # after n blinks
        dMean = np.zeros((nBlink,8))
        for n in range(nBlink)[::-1]:
            for i in range(8):
                dMean[n][i] = dArrTotal[i][nBlink-n-1:].mean()
        print "dMean: ", dMean
        # "z" is treshold for difference in d and mean
        # "z" is calculated from pVal which is percentile
        z = st.norm.ppf(pVal)
        print "z: ", z
        for n in range(nBlink):
            py.subplot(2,(nBlink+1)/2, n+1)
            # This blok calculates:
            # - mean for all except one
            # - std for all except on
            # - treshold boundries for pVal significance
            m = []
            yMaxArr = []
            for i in range(8):
                tmpArr = np.delete(dMean[n], i)
                mVal = np.mean(tmpArr)
                stdVal = np.std(tmpArr)
            # we want to have label on just one block (the left one)
            if n == 0:
            # plot mean for each field and for all without that one
            py.plot(dMean[n], 'ro')
            py.plot(m, 'bo')
            yMin, yMax = dMean[n].min(), dMean.max()
            ySpan = yMax - yMin
            yMin, yMax = yMin-ySpan*.1, yMax+ySpan*0.1
            ySpan = yMax - yMin
            py.ylim((yMin, yMax))
            for idx in range(8):
                py.axvline(x=idx, ymin=(m[idx]-yMin)/ySpan, ymax=(yMaxArr[idx]-yMin)/ySpan)
        # save all blinks into one plot, then on hdd
        self.globalNCount += 1
        if savefile == None:
            savefile = "online_{0}.png".format(self.globalNCount)
        py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)
        print "Zapisano obraz '{0}' w katalogu: {1}".format( savefile, os.getcwd())
    def plotDistribution(self, dTarget, dNontarget, savefile=None):
        Takes 1D numpy arrays of d values for target and nontarget.
        Plots and saves their histograms to file.
        bins = 20
        py.title("Target distribution")
        py.hist(dTarget, bins)
        py.axvline(dTarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.xlabel("d values")
        py.title("Nontarget distribution")
        py.hist(dNontarget, bins)
        py.axvline(dNontarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.xlabel("d values")

        py.title("Target/Nontarget distribution")
        py.hist(np.append(dTarget,dNontarget), bins)
        py.axvline(dTarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.axvline(dNontarget.mean(), color='r')
        py.xlabel("d values")

        if savefile == None:
            savefile = "distrib_{0}.png".format(self.globalNCount)
        self.globalNCount += 1
        py.savefig(savefile, dpi=150)
Example #11
 def defineMethods(self):
     # Declare methods
     self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
     self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
Example #12
class P300_analysis(object):
    def __init__(self, sampling, cfg={}, fields=8):
        self.fs = sampling
        self.fields = fields
    def defineConst(self, cfg):

        # moving avr & resample factor
        self.avrM = int(cfg['avrM'])
        # Concatenate number of CSP vectors
        self.conN = int(cfg['conN'])  

        # Define analysis time
        self.csp_time = np.array(cfg['csp_time'])
        self.tInit, self.tFin = self.csp_time
        self.iInit, self.iFin = np.floor(self.csp_time*self.fs)

        self.chL = len(cfg['use_channels'].split(';'))
        self.arrL = self.avrM

        self.nLast = int(cfg['nLast'])
        self.nMin = int(cfg['nMin'])
        self.nMax = int(cfg['nMax'])
        self.dec = -1

        # Arrays
        self.flashCount = np.zeros(self.fields)  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = np.zeros(self.fields) # Array4 d val
        self.dArrTotal = {}
        for i in range(self.fields): self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])
        self.sAnalArr = {}
        for i in range(self.fields): self.sAnalArr[i] = np.zeros( self.arrL*self.conN)
        # For statistical analysis
        self.per = np.zeros(self.fields)
        self.pPer = float(cfg['pPercent'])
        self.pdf = np.array(cfg['pdf'])

    def newEpoch(self):
        self.flashCount = np.zeros(self.fields)  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = np.zeros(self.fields) # Array4 d val

        for i in range(self.fields): self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])

    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        #~ self.sp.set_lowPass_filter_ds(self.avrM/(self.csp_time[1]-self.csp_time[0]))
    def prepareSignal(self, signal):
        return self.sp.prepareSignal(signal)
    def testData(self, signal, blink):

        # Analyze signal when data for that flash is neede
        s = np.empty( self.avrM*self.conN)
        for con in range(self.conN):
            s[con*self.avrM:(con+1)*self.avrM] = self.prepareSignal(np.dot(self.P[:,con], signal))
        # Data projection on Fisher's space
        self.d = np.dot(s,self.w) - self.c
        self.dArr[blink] += self.d
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = np.append(self.d, self.dArrTotal[blink])
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = self.dArrTotal[blink][:self.nMax]
        self.flashCount[blink] += 1
        #~ print "self.d: ", self.d
    def isItEnought(self):
        #print "self.flashCount: ", self.flashCount
        if (self.flashCount <= self.nMin).any():
            return -1
        elif (self.flashCount >= self.nMax).all():
            return self.testSignificances()
    def testSignificances(self):
        Test significances of d values.
        If one differs MUCH number of it is returned as a P300 target.
        Temporarly, as a test, normal distribution boundries for pVal
        percentyl are calulated. If only one d is larger than that pVal
        then that's the target.
        #print "++ testSignificances ++ "
        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:self.nLast].mean()
        self.per = [st.percentileofscore(self.pdf, x) for x in dMean]
        self.per = np.array(self.per)
        #~ print "dMean: ", dMean
        #print "percentile: ", self.per

        # If only one value is significantly distant
        if np.sum(self.per > self.pPer) == 1:
            self.dec = np.arange(self.fields)[self.per==self.per.max()]
            self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])
            print "wybrano -- {0}".format(self.dec)

            return self.dec
            return -1

    def forceDecision(self):
        #print " ++ forceDecision ++ "

        # If only one value is significantly distant 
        # Decision is the field with largest w value
        self.dec = np.arange(self.per.shape[0])[self.per==np.max(self.per)]
        self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])

        # Return int value
        return self.dec
    def setPWC(self, P, w, c):
        self.P = P
        self.w = w
        self.c = c

    def setPdf(self, pdf):
        self.pdf = pdf

    def getDecision(self):
        return self.dec

    def getArrTotalD(self):
        return self.dArrTotal

    def getRecentD(self):
        return self.d
    def getArrD(self):
        return self.dArr
    def getProbabiltyDensity(self):
        Returns percentiles of given scores
        from nontarget propabilty density function.
        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        nMin = self.flashCount.min()
        #~ print "nMin: ", nMin
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:nMin].mean()

        # Assuming that dValues are from T distribution
        p = map( lambda score: st.percentileofscore(self.pdf, score), dMean)
        return p
Example #13
class P300_train:
    def __init__(self, channels, Fs, avrM, conN, csp_time=[0.2, 0.6], pPer=90):

        self.fs = Fs
        self.csp_time = np.array(csp_time)
        self.channels = channels

        self.defineConst(avrM, conN, pPer)
    def defineConst(self, avrM, conN, pPer):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        # Define Const
        print "self.csp_time: ", self.csp_time
        self.tInit, self.tFin = self.csp_time
        self.iInit, self.iFin = np.floor( self.csp_time*self.fs)
        self.avrM = avrM  # Moving avr window length
        self.conN = conN  # No. of chan. to concatenate
        self.pPer = pPer # Nontarget percentile threshold

        # Target/Non-target arrays
        self.chL = len((self.channels).split(';'))
        self.arrL = self.avrM  # Length of data per channel

        # Data arrays
        totTarget = np.zeros( (self.chL, self.arrL))
        totNontarget = np.zeros((self.chL, self.arrL))

        # Flags
        self.classifiedFDA = -1 # 1 if classified with FDA
    def defineMethods(self):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        #~ self.sp.set_highPass_filter(wp=2., ws=1., gpass=1., gstop=25.)

    def getTargetNontarget(self, signal, targetTags, nontargetTags):
        Divides signal into 2 dicts: target & nontarget.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        # Reshapes data into trials x channels x data
        # Converts targets
        idxTarget = int(targetTags[0])
        target = signal[np.newaxis, :, idxTarget:idxTarget+self.fs]

        for tag in targetTags[1:]:
            index = int(tag)
            s = signal[np.newaxis, :, index:index+self.fs]
            target = np.concatenate( (target, s), axis=0)

        # Converts nontargets
        idxNontarget = int(nontargetTags[0])
        nontarget = signal[np.newaxis:, index:index+self.fs]
        for tag in ntrgTags[1:]:
            index = int(tag)
            s = signal[np.newaxis, :, index:index+self.fs]
            nontarget = np.concatenate( (nontarget, s), axis=0)
        return target, nontarget
    def prepareSignal(self, s):
        return self.sp.prepareSignal(s)

    def get_filter(self, c_max, c_min):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        """This returns CSP filters

            Function returns array. Each column is a filter sorted in descending order i.e. first column represents filter that explains most energy, second - second most, etc.

            c_max : ndarray
                covariance matrix of signal to maximalize.
            c_min : ndarray
                covariance matrix of signal to minimalize.

            P : ndarray
                each column of this matrix is a CSP filter sorted in descending order
            vals : array-like
                corresponding eigenvalues
        vals, vects = eig(c_max, c_min)
        vals = vals.real
        vals_idx = np.argsort(vals)[::-1]
        P = np.zeros([len(vals), len(vals)])
        for i in xrange(len(vals)):
            #~ P[:,i] = vects[:,vals_idx[i]] / np.sqrt(vals[vals_idx[i]])
            P[:,i] = vects[:,vals_idx[i]]
        return P, vals[vals_idx]

    def train_csp(self, target, nontarget):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        """Creates covariance matrices to be filtred with CSP.

            target : ndarray
                target signal matrix in shape TRIAL x CHANNELS x DATA.
            nontarget : ndarray
                not target signal matrix in shape TRIAL x CHANNELS x DATA.

            P : ndarray
                each column of this matrix is a CSP filter sorted in descending order
            vals : array-like
                corresponding eigenvalues

        # Calcluate covariance matrices
        covTarget = np.zeros((self.chL,self.chL))
        covNontarget = np.zeros((self.chL,self.chL))

        # Lengths
        trgTrialsNo = target.shape[0]
        ntrgTrialsNo = nontarget.shape[0]

        # Target
        for idx in range(trgTrialsNo):
            A = np.matrix(target[idx])
            covTarget += np.cov(A)

        # NonTarget
        for idx in range(ntrgTrialsNo):
            A = np.matrix(nontarget[idx])
            covNontarget += np.cov(A)

        #~ totTarget = np.matrix(np.mean(target, axis=0))
        #~ totNtarget = np.matrix(np.mean(nontarget, axis=0))

        covTarget /= trgTrialsNo
        covNontarget /= ntrgTrialsNo

        return self.get_filter( covTarget, covNontarget+covTarget)

    def crossCheck(self, signal, target, nontarget):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        Cross validation over target and nontarget.
        return self.valid_kGroups(signal, target, nontarget, 2)
    def valid_kGroups(self, signal, target, nontarget, K):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        Valid classifier.
        Divide signal into K groups then train classifier on K-1
        and test it on single groups.

        # Determin CSP filter matrix
        self.P, vals = self.train_csp(target, nontarget)

        # Divide dicts into K groups
        target_kGroups = self.divideData(target, K)
        nontarget_kGroups = self.divideData(nontarget, K)

        # Determin shape of new matrices
        tShape = target_kGroups.shape
        train_tShape = ((tShape[0]-1)*tShape[1], tShape[2], tShape[3])
        ntShape = nontarget_kGroups.shape
        train_ntShape = ((ntShape[0]-1)*ntShape[1], ntShape[2], ntShape[3])
        # Buffers for dValues to determine their distributions
        dWholeTarget = np.zeros(tShape[0]*tShape[1])
        dWholeNontarget = np.zeros(ntShape[0]*ntShape[1])

        # For each group
        for i in range(K):
            # One group is test group
            target_test = target_kGroups[i]
            nontarget_test = nontarget_kGroups[i]
            # Rest of groups are training groups
            target_train = np.delete( target_kGroups, i, axis=0)
            target_train = target_train.reshape( train_tShape)

            nontarget_train = np.delete( nontarget_kGroups, i,axis=0)
            nontarget_train = nontarget_train.reshape( train_ntShape )
            # Determin LDA classifier values
            w, c = self.trainFDA(target_train, nontarget_train)
            # Test data
            dTarget, dNontarget = self.analyseData(target_test, nontarget_test, w, c)
            # Saves dValues
            dWholeTarget[i*len(dTarget):(i+1)*len(dTarget)] = dTarget
            dWholeNontarget[i*len(dNontarget):(i+1)*len(dNontarget)] = dNontarget
        self.saveDisributions( dWholeTarget, dWholeNontarget)
        meanDiff = self.compareDistributions(dWholeTarget, dWholeNontarget)
        return meanDiff
    def compareDistributions(self, target, nontarget):
        #~ # Calculates mean distance od dValues
        #~ meanDiff = np.mean(dWholeTarget) - np.mean(dWholeNontarget)
        #~ percentileList = [st.percentileofscore(nontarget, t) for t in target]
        #~ percentileSum = sum(percentileList)/len(target)
        #~ result = percentileSum 
        result = st.mannwhitneyu(nontarget, target)[0]
        return result
    def analyseData(self, target, nontarget, w, c):
        Calculates dValues for whole given targets and nontargets.
        Perform by K-validation tests.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]

        # Test targets
        sTargetAnal = np.zeros((target.shape[0],w.shape[0]))
        sNontargetAnal = np.zeros((nontarget.shape[0],w.shape[0]))

        step = w.shape[0]/self.conN

        # Depending how many eigenvectors one want's to consider
        # from CSP,
        for idx in range(self.conN):
            # Dot product over all channels (CSP filter) and returns
            # array of (trials, data) shape.
            productTrg = np.dot( self.P[:,idx], target)
            productNtrg = np.dot( self.P[:,idx], nontarget)
            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductTrg = map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productTrg)
            analProductNtrg = map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productNtrg)
            # Fills prepared buffer.
            sTargetAnal[:,idx*step:(idx+1)*step] = analProductTrg
            sNontargetAnal[:,idx*step:(idx+1)*step] = analProductNtrg

        # Calc dValues as: d = s*w - c
        dTarget = np.dot(sTargetAnal, w) - c
        dNontarget = np.dot(sNontargetAnal, w) - c

        return dTarget, dNontarget
    def divideData(self, D, K):
        Separates given data dictionary into K subdictionaries.
        Used to perform K-validation tests.
          D -- numpy 3D matrix: EPOCH x CHANNEL x DATA
          K -- number of groups to divide to.
          kGroups -- numpy 4D matrix: GROUP_NO x EPOCH x CHANNEL x DATA
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        L = D.shape[0]
        keys = np.arange(L)
        # Fill keys list with random trails utill it's diveable into K groups
        while( len(keys) % K != 0 ):
            keys = np.append( keys, np.random.randint(L))
        # Shuffle list
        # Divide given matrix into K_groups
        step = len(keys)/K
        kGroups = np.empty( (K,step,D.shape[1], D.shape[2]))
        for idx in range(K):
            kGroups[idx] = D[keys[idx*step:(idx+1)*step]]

        return kGroups
    def trainClassifier(self, signal, trgTags, ntrgTags):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        target, nontarget = self.getTargetNontarget(signal, trgTags, ntrgTags)
        self.P, vals = self.train_csp(target, nontarget)
        self.trainFDA(target, nontarget)
    def trainFDA(self, target, nontarget):
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        #~ target = np.matrix(target)
        #~ nontarget = np.matrix(nontarget)
        goodAnal = np.empty((target.shape[0],self.conN*self.avrM))
        badAnal = np.empty((nontarget.shape[0],self.conN*self.avrM))
        for con in range(self.conN):
            productCSPTrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], target)
            productCSPNtrg = np.dot( self.P[:,con], nontarget)
            # Each data signal is analysed: filtred, downsized...
            analProductCSPTrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPTrg))
            analProductCSPNtrg = np.array(map( lambda sig: self.prepareSignal(sig), productCSPNtrg))

            goodAnal[:,con*self.avrM:(con+1)*self.avrM] = analProductCSPTrg
            badAnal[:,con*self.avrM:(con+1)*self.avrM] = analProductCSPNtrg

        ### TARGET
        gAnalMean = goodAnal.mean(axis=0)
        gAnalCov = np.cov(goodAnal, rowvar=0)

        bAnalMean = badAnal.mean(axis=0)
        bAnalCov = np.cov(badAnal, rowvar=0)
        # Mean diff
        meanAnalDiff = gAnalMean - bAnalMean
        #~ meanAnalMean = 0.5*(gAnalMean + bAnalMean)

        A = gAnalCov + bAnalCov
        invertCovariance = np.linalg.inv( A )

        # w - normal vector to separeting hyperplane
        # c - treshold for data projection
        self.w = np.dot( invertCovariance, meanAnalDiff)
        self.c = st.scoreatpercentile(np.dot(self.w, badAnal.T), self.pPer)
        #~ self.c = np.dot(self.w, meanAnalMean)

        #~ print "We've done a research and it turned out that best values for you are: "
        #~ print "w: ", self.w
        #~ print "c: ", self.c
        #~ print "w.shape: ", self.w.shape
        return self.w, self.c
    def isClassifiedFDA(self):
        Returns True, if data has already been classified.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        return self.classifiedFDA
    def getPWC(self):
        If classifier was taught, returns CSP Matrix as [P],
        classifier seperation vector [w] and classifier separation value [c].
        Else returns -1.
        print "*"*5 + inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]
        if self.classifiedFDA:
            return (self.P, self.w, self.c)
            return -1
    def saveDisributions(self, dTarget, dNontarget):
        self.dTarget = dTarget
        self.dNontarget = dNontarget
    def getDValDistribution(self):
        return self.dTarget, self.dNontarget

    def saveDist2File(self, targetName, nontargetName):
        np.save(targetName, self.dTarget)
        np.save(nontargetName, self.dNontarget)
Example #14
class P300_analysis(object):
    def __init__(self, sampling, cfg={}, fields=8):

        self.fs = sampling
        self.fields = fields


    def defineConst(self, cfg):

        # moving avr & resample factor
        self.avrM = int(cfg['avrM'])  # VAR !

        # Concatenate No. of signals
        self.conN = int(cfg['conN'])  # VAR !

        # Define analysis time
        self.csp_time = np.array(cfg['csp_time'])
        self.tInit, self.tFin = self.csp_time
        self.iInit, self.iFin = np.floor(self.csp_time * self.fs)

        self.chL = len(cfg['use_channels'].split(';'))
        #~ self.arrL = np.floor((self.iFin-self.iInit)/self.avrM)
        self.arrL = self.avrM

        self.nRepeat = int(cfg['nRepeat'])
        self.nMin = 3
        self.nMax = 6

        self.dec = -1

        # Arrays
        self.flashCount = np.zeros(self.fields)  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = np.zeros(self.fields)  # Array4 d val

        self.dArrTotal = {}
        for i in range(self.fields):
            self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])

        self.sAnalArr = {}
        for i in range(self.fields):
            self.sAnalArr[i] = np.zeros(self.arrL * self.conN)

        # For statistical analysis
        p = float(cfg['pVal'])
        self.pVal = p
        self.z = st.norm.ppf(p)

        # w - values of diff between dVal and significal d (v)
        self.diffV = np.zeros(self.fields)

    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        #~ self.sp.set_lowPass_filter_ds(self.avrM/(self.csp_time[1]-self.csp_time[0]))

    def prepareSignal(self, signal):
        return self.sp.prepareSignal(signal)

    def testData(self, signal, blink):

        # Analyze signal when data for that flash is neede
        s = np.array([])
        for con in range(self.conN):
            tmp = self.prepareSignal(np.dot(self.P[:, con], signal))
            s = np.append(s, tmp)

        # Data projection on Fisher's space
        self.d = np.dot(s, self.w) - self.c
        self.dArr[blink] += self.d
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = np.append(self.d, self.dArrTotal[blink])
        self.dArrTotal[blink] = self.dArrTotal[blink][:self.nMax]

        self.flashCount[blink] += 1

        #~ print "self.d: ", self.d

    def isItEnought(self):
        if (self.flashCount < self.nMin).any():
            return -1

        return self.testSignificances()

    def testSignificances(self):
        Test significances of d values.
        If one differs MUCH number of it is returned as a P300 target.
        Temporarly, as a test, normal distribution boundries for pVal
        percentyl are calulated. If only one d is larger than that pVal
        then that's the target.

        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        nMin = self.flashCount.min()
        #~ print "nMin: ", nMin
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:nMin].mean()

        #~ dMean = self.dArr / self.flashCount
        self.diffV = np.zeros(self.diffV.shape)

        for sq in range(self.fields):
            # Norm distribution
            tmp = np.delete(dMean, sq)
            mean, std = tmp.mean(), tmp.std()

            # Find right boundry
            #~ v = mean + self.z*std
            # Calculate distance
            #~ self.diffV[sq] = dMean[sq]-v

            # Assuming that this is t distribution
            self.diffV[sq] = st.t.cdf(dMean[sq],

            #~ print "{0}: (m, std, v) = ({1}, {2}, {3})".format(sq, mean, std, v)
            #~ print "{0}: (d, w) = ({1}, {2})".format(sq, dMean[sq], self.diffV[sq])

        #~ print "self.diffV: ", self.diffV

        # If only one value is significantly distant
        if np.sum(self.diffV > self.pVal) == 1:
            #~ return True
            self.dec = np.arange(self.diffV.shape[0])[self.diffV > 0]
            self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])
            #~ print "wybrano -- {0}".format(self.dec)

            return self.dec

            return -1

    def forceDecision(self):


        # If only one value is significantly distant
        # Decision is the field with largest w value
        self.dec = np.arange(
            self.diffV.shape[0])[self.diffV == np.max(self.diffV)]
        self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])

        # Return int value
        return self.dec

    def setPWC(self, P, w, c):
        self.P = P
        self.w = w
        self.c = c

    def getDecision(self):
        return self.dec

    def newEpoch(self):
        self.flashCount = self.flashCount * 0  # Array4 flash counting
        self.dArr = self.dArr * 0  # Array4 d val

        for i in range(self.fields):
            self.dArrTotal[i] = np.array([])

    def getArrTotalD(self):
        return self.dArrTotal

    def getRecentD(self):
        return self.d

    def getArrD(self):
        return self.dArr

    def getProbabiltyDensity(self):

        dMean = np.zeros(self.fields)
        nMin = self.flashCount.min()
        #~ print "nMin: ", nMin
        for i in range(self.fields):
            dMean[i] = self.dArrTotal[i][:nMin].mean()

        # Assuming that dValues are from T distribution
        p = st.t.cdf(dMean, self.fields, loc=dMean.mean(), scale=dMean.std())

        return p
Example #15
class P300_analysis(object):
    def __init__(self, sampling, cfg={}, rows=6, cols=6):
        self.fs = sampling
        self.rows = rows
        self.cols = cols
    def defineConst(self, cfg):

        # moving avr & resample factor
        self.avrM = int(cfg['avrM'])
        # Concatenate number of CSP vectors
        self.conN = int(cfg['conN'])  

        # Define analysis time
        self.csp_time = np.array(cfg['csp_time'])
        self.tInit, self.tFin = self.csp_time
        self.iInit, self.iFin = np.floor(self.csp_time*self.fs)

        self.chL = len(cfg['use_channels'].split(';'))
        self.arrL = self.avrM

        self.nLast = int(cfg['nLast'])
        self.nMin = int(cfg['nMin'])
        self.nMax = int(cfg['nMax'])
        self.dec = -1

        # Arrays
        self.flashCount = {}
        self.flashCount['r'] = np.zeros(self.rows)
        self.flashCount['c'] = np.zeros(self.cols)
        self.dArr = {}
        self.dArr['r'] = np.zeros(self.rows)
        self.dArr['c'] = np.zeros(self.cols)
        self.dArrTotal = {}
        self.dArrTotal['r'] = [np.array([]) for x in xrange(self.rows)]
        self.dArrTotal['c'] = [np.array([]) for x in xrange(self.cols)]
        self.sAnalArr = {}
        self.sAnalArr['r'] = [np.zeros(self.arrL*self.conN) for x in xrange(self.rows)]
        self.sAnalArr['c'] = [np.zeros(self.arrL*self.conN) for x in xrange(self.cols)]
        # For statistical analysis
        self.pdf = np.array(cfg['pdf'])
        #~ self.pPer = float(cfg['pPercent'])
        self.pPer = 95.
        # w - values of diff between dVal and significal d (v)
        self.diffV = {}
        self.diffV['r'] = np.zeros(self.rows)
        self.diffV['c'] = np.zeros(self.cols)

    def newEpoch(self):
        Clears all buffor arrays.
        self.flashCount['r'] = np.zeros(self.rows)
        self.flashCount['c'] = np.zeros(self.cols)
        self.dArr['r'] = np.zeros(self.rows)
        self.dArr['c'] = np.zeros(self.cols)

        self.dArrTotal['r'] = [np.array([]) for x in xrange(self.rows)]
        self.dArrTotal['c'] = [np.array([]) for x in xrange(self.cols)]
    def defineMethods(self):
        # Declare methods
        self.sp = DataAnalysis(self.fs)
        self.sp.initConst(self.avrM, self.conN, self.csp_time)
        #~ self.sp.set_lowPass_filter_ds(self.avrM/(self.csp_time[1]-self.csp_time[0]))
    def prepareSignal(self, signal):
        return self.sp.prepareSignal(signal)
    def testData(self, signal, lineFlag, blink):
        Analysis given data and stores it's classifier value.
            signal - CHANNEL x DATA signal;
            lineFlag - Indicating which line blinked. Either 'c' (column) or 'r' (row);
            blink - Position of blink ( 0 < blink < max(lineFlag) );

        # Analyze signal when data for that flash is neede
        s = np.empty( self.avrM*self.conN)
        for con in range(self.conN):
            s[con*self.avrM:(con+1)*self.avrM] = self.prepareSignal(np.dot(self.P[:,con], signal))
        # Data projection on Fisher's space
        self.d = np.dot(s,self.w) - self.c
        self.dArr[lineFlag][blink] += self.d
        self.dArrTotal[lineFlag][blink] = np.append(self.d, self.dArrTotal[lineFlag][blink])
        self.dArrTotal[lineFlag][blink] = self.dArrTotal[lineFlag][blink][:self.nMax]
        self.flashCount[lineFlag][blink] += 1
        #~ print "self.d: ", self.d
    def isItEnought(self):
        print "self.flashCount['c']: ", self.flashCount['c']
        print "self.flashCount['r']: ", self.flashCount['r']
        for flag in ['r', 'c']:
            if (self.flashCount[flag] <= self.nMin).any():
                return -1

        if (self.flashCount['c'] >= self.nMax).all() and \
           (self.flashCount['r'] >= self.nMax).all():
            return self.forceDecision()
            return self.testSignificances()
    def testSignificances(self):
        Test significances of d values.
        If one differs MUCH number of it is returned as a P300 target.
        Temporarly, as a test, normal distribution boundries for pVal
        percentyl are calulated. If only one d is larger than that pVal
        then that's the target.
        print "++ testSignificances ++ "
        dMeanR = np.zeros(self.rows)
        dMeanC = np.zeros(self.cols)
        nLast = self.nLast
        dMeanR = np.array([ np.mean(self.dArrTotal['r'][i][:nLast]) for i in range(self.rows)])
        dMeanC = np.array([ np.mean(self.dArrTotal['c'][i][:nLast]) for i in range(self.cols)])
        # This substitution is to not change much of old code.
        # In future, try to change code for new variable.
        self.diffV['r'] = self.diffR = dMeanR
        self.diffV['c'] = self.diffC = dMeanC
        self.per = np.zeros(self.rows*self.cols)
        for r in range(self.rows):
            for c in range(self.cols):
                d = 0.5*(dMeanR[r] + dMeanC[c])
                self.per[c + r*self.cols] = st.percentileofscore(self.pdf, d)
        print self.per
        if np.sum(self.per > self.pPer) == 1:
            print "per: ", self.per
            self.dec = np.arange(self.rows*self.cols)[self.per==self.per.max()]
            self.dec = np.int(self.dec[0])
            print "wybrano -- {0}".format(self.dec)

            return self.dec
            return -1

    def forceDecision(self):
        print " ++ forceDecision ++ "

        print "per: ", self.per
        self.dec = int(np.arange(self.cols*self.rows)[self.per==self.per.max()][0])
        # Return int value
        return self.dec
    def setPWC(self, P, w, c):
        self.P = P
        self.w = w
        self.c = c

    def setPdf(self, pdf):
        self.pdf = pdf

    def getDecision(self):
        return self.dec

    def getArrTotalD(self):
        return self.dArrTotal

    def getRecentD(self):
        return self.d
    def getArrD(self):
        return self.dArr
    def getProbabiltyDensity(self):
        Returns percentiles of given scores
        from nontarget propabilty density function.
        dMeanR = np.zeros(self.rows)
        dMeanC = np.zeros(self.cols)
        nMinR = self.flashCount['r'].min()
        nMinC = self.flashCount['c'].min()
        dMeanR = np.array([ np.mean(self.dArrTotal['r'][i][:nMinR]) for i in range(self.rows)])
        dMeanC = np.array([ np.mean(self.dArrTotal['c'][i][:nMinC]) for i in range(self.cols)])
        self.per = np.zeros(self.rows*self.cols)
        for r in range(self.rows):
            for c in range(self.cols):
                d = 0.5*(dMeanR[r] + dMeanC[c])
                self.per[c + r*self.cols] = st.percentileofscore(self.pdf, d)
        return self.per