def test_fill():
    data = Data("cpu.utilization", filter=Filter('app', 'test-app'))\
        .fill(value=42, duration="1m")\
        .publish(label = 'a')
    assert data.call_stack[0].name =='fill'
    assert data.call_stack[0].args == [KWArg("value", 42), KWArg("duration", '1m')]
def test_kpss():
    data = Data("cpu.utilization", filter=Filter('app', 'test-app'))\
        .publish(label = 'a')

    assert data.call_stack[0].name == 'kpss'
    # mode should default to level
    assert data.call_stack[0].args == [
        KWArg("over", '1h'), KWArg("mode", 'level')

    data = Data("cpu.utilization", filter=Filter('app', 'test-app'))\
        .kpss(over='2m', mode='trend')\
        .publish(label = 'a')

    # should allow trend
    assert data.call_stack[0].args == [
        KWArg("over", '2m'), KWArg("mode", 'trend')

        Data("cpu.utilization", filter=Filter('app', 'test-app'))\
            .kpss(over='2m', mode='tr3nd')
        assert False
    except ValueError as ve:
        assert str(ve) == 'kpss mode must be level|trend'
def test_count_percentage_by_methods():
    # TODO consider making this test use dynamic fn calls to test all stream
    #      methods with the same signature.
    data = Data('cpu.utilization', filter=Filter('app', 'test-app'))\
        .top(count=3,  percentage=22.3, by=["env", "datacenter"])\
        .bottom(count=4, percentage=22.4, by=["env", "datacenter"])\

    assert data.call_stack[0].args  == [KWArg("count", 3), KWArg("percentage", 22.3), KWArg("by", ["env", "datacenter"])]
    assert data.call_stack[1].args  == [KWArg("count", 4), KWArg("percentage", 22.4), KWArg("by", ["env", "datacenter"])]
def test_ewma_happy():
    data = Data('foo').ewma(1)
    assert data.call_stack[0].args[0].arg == 1

    data = Data('foo').ewma(over='1m')
    assert data.call_stack[0].args[0] == KWArg("over", '1m')
def test_dimensions_method_happy():
    data = Data('bar').dimensions(aliases={'foo': 'baz'}).publish(label='foo')
    assert data.call_stack[0].args[0] == KWArg("aliases", {'foo': 'baz'})

    data = Data('bar').dimensions(renames={'foo': 'baz'}).publish(label='foo')
    assert data.call_stack[0].args[1] == KWArg("renames", {'foo': 'baz'})