Example #1
def analysis_spec(
        shift=0.005,  # Usually 5ms
        dftlen=4096,  # You can adapt this one according to your pipeline
    Estimate the amplitude spectral envelope.

    if sp.pystraight.isanalysiseavailable():
        # Use STRAIGHT's envelope if available (as in PML's publications)
        SPEC = sigproc.pystraight.analysis_spec(wav,

    elif sigproc.interfaces.worldvocoder_is_available():
            '''\n\nWARNING: straight_mcep is not available,
            but WORLD vocoder has been detected and will be used instead.
            Note that PML-related publications present results using STRAIGHT vocoder.
            The results might be thus different.
        ''', RuntimeWarning)

        # Then try WORLD vocoder
        import pyworld
        #_f0, ts = pyworld.dio(x, fs, frame_period=shift*1000)    # raw pitch extractor # Use REAPER instead
        pwts = np.ascontiguousarray(f0s[:, 0])
        pwf0 = pyworld.stonemask(wav, np.ascontiguousarray(f0s[:, 1]), pwts,
                                 fs)  # pitch refinement
        SPEC = pyworld.cheaptrick(
            wav, pwf0, pwts, fs,
            fft_size=dftlen)  # extract smoothed spectrogram
        SPEC = 10.0 * np.sqrt(
        )  # TODO Best gain correction I could find. Hard to find the good one between PML and WORLD different syntheses

        # Estimate the sinusoidal parameters at regular intervals in order
        # to build the amplitude spectral envelope
        sinsreg, f0sps = sp.sinusoidal.estimate_sinusoidal_params(
            wav, fs, f0s, nbper=3, quadraticfit=True, verbose=verbose - 1)

            '''\n\nWARNING: Neither straight_mcep nor WORLD's cheaptrick spectral envelope estimators are available.
         Thus, a SIMPLISTIC Linear interpolation will be used for the spectral envelope.
         Do _NOT_ use this envelope for speech synthesis!
         Please use a better one (e.g. STRAIGHT's).
         If you use this simplistic envelope, the TTS quality will
         be lower than that in the results reported.
        ''', RuntimeWarning)

        SPEC = sp.multi_linear(sinsreg, fs, dftlen)
        SPEC = np.exp(SPEC) * np.sqrt(float(dftlen))

    return SPEC
Example #2
def analysis_spec(wav, fs, f0s,
             shift=0.005,    # Usually 5ms
             dftlen=4096,    # You can adapt this one according to your pipeline
    Estimate the amplitude spectral envelope.
    if 0 and sigproc.pystraight.isanalysiseavailable():
        SPEC = sigproc.pystraight.analysis_spec(wav, fs, f0s, shift, dftlen, keeplen=True)
        # Estimate the sinusoidal parameters at regular intervals in order
        # to build the amplitude spectral envelope
        sinsreg, f0sps = sp.sinusoidal.estimate_sinusoidal_params(wav, fs, f0s, nbper=3, quadraticfit=True, verbose=verbose-1)

        # Estimate the amplitude spectral envelope
        print("    WARNING: straight_mcep is unavailable.")
        print("           A SIMPLISTIC Linear interpolation is used for the amplitude envelope.")
        print("           Please replace it with a better one (e.g. STRAIGHT's).")
        print("           If you use this simplistic envelope, the TTS quality is")
        print("           very likely to be lower than that in the results reported.")
        SPEC = sp.multi_linear(sinsreg, fs, dftlen)
        SPEC = np.exp(SPEC)*np.sqrt(dftlen)

    return SPEC