def sync_improves_metric(max_demand, sync_periods, timesteps, workload_name, ctrl_name, name=None, sa=0.3, ia=10, shape=0.5, show_graph=False, staleness=0): """Evalute the value of synchronization for a LinkBalanerCtrl by showing its effect on performance metric. We expect that for a workload which imparts server link imbalance across multiple domains, syncing will help improve the rmse_server metric. sa: the sslbc fractional load-balancing scale factor (0,1]. Controls what fraction of the imbalance we re-balance at each handle_request ia: the mean parameter for the expnentially distributed inter-arrival times of the expo workflow (value of x leads to mean of 1/x). Gets passed to random.expovariate(ia) shape: the weibull distribution shape parameter for flow duration """ if name == None: name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + "_" + ctrl_name + "_" + workload_name #for sync_period in [0] + [2**(x) for x in range(0, int(log(timesteps,2)))]: for sync_period in sync_periods: sync_period = float(sync_period) myname = '%(a)s_%(b)d_%(c)02d_%(d)01d' % {"a": name, "b": max_demand, "c": sync_period, "d": staleness}"starting %s", myname) if workload_name == 'expo': wave_period = timesteps/4 old_style=False workload = expo_workload(switches=['sw1', 'sw2'], period=wave_period, interarrival_alpha=ia, duration_shape=shape, timesteps=timesteps) elif workload_name == 'wave': old_style=True wave_period = timesteps/4 workload = dual_offset_workload(switches=['sw1', 'sw2'], period=wave_period, offset=wave_period/2.0, max_demand=max_demand, size=1, duration=2, timesteps=timesteps, workload_fcn=wave, y_shift=(1.0/3)) else: assert "No Valid Workload Specified" if ctrl_name == 'separate': ctrls = two_separate_state_ctrls(alpha=sa) elif ctrl_name == 'lbc': ctrls = two_ctrls() else: assert "No Valid Controller Specified" sim = LinkBalancerSim(two_switch_topo(), ctrls) sim.run_and_trace(myname, workload, old=old_style, sync_period=sync_period, show_graph=show_graph, staleness=staleness, ignore_remaining=True)"ending %s", myname)
def compare_random_dist_to_centralized(period=64, max_demand=8, show_graph=False): """ """ timesteps = period * 4 for sync_period in [0] + [2**x for x in range(0, int(log(period,2)))]: myname = '%(fname)s_%(num)02d' % {"fname": sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "num": sync_period}"starting %s", myname) workload = dual_offset_workload(switches=['sw1', 'sw2'], period=period, offset=period/2.0, max_demand=max_demand, size=1, duration=2, timesteps=timesteps, workload_fcn=wave) ctrls = two_random_ctrls() sim = LinkBalancerSim(two_switch_topo(), ctrls) sim.run_and_trace(myname, workload, old=True, sync_period=sync_period, show_graph=show_graph)"ending %s", myname)
def synced_dist_equals_central(period=64, max_demand=4, show_graph=False): """Ensure that a distributed controller simulation run with sync_period=0 yields exactly the same result as the same toplology and workload with a single controller.""" timesteps = period * 4 for sync_period in [0] + [2**x for x in range(0, int(log(period,2)))]: myname = '%(fname)s_%(num)02d' % {"fname": sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "num": sync_period}"starting %s", myname) workload = dual_offset_workload(switches=['sw1', 'sw2'], period=period, offset=0, max_demand=max_demand, size=1, duration=1, timesteps=timesteps, workload_fcn=wave) ctrls = two_ctrls() sim = LinkBalancerSim(two_switch_topo(), ctrls) sim.run_and_trace(myname+str(sync_period), workload, old=True, sync_period=sync_period, show_graph=show_graph)"ending %s", myname)
def demo_strictly_local_ctrls(max_demand=8, show_graph=False): """Demonstrate synchronization across domains makes no difference when LinkBalanerCtrl only handles requests within its own domain""" #TODO: demonstrate with more than 1 srv per controller domain period = 32 timesteps = period * 4 for sync_period in [0] + [2**x for x in range(0, int(log(period,2)))]: myname = '%(fname)s_%(num)02d' % {"fname": sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "num": sync_period}"starting %s", myname) workload = dual_offset_workload(switches=['sw1', 'sw2'], period=period, offset=period/2.0, max_demand=max_demand, size=1, duration=1, timesteps=timesteps, workload_fcn=wave) ctrls = strictly_local_ctrls() sim = LinkBalancerSim(two_switch_topo(), ctrls) sim.run_and_trace(myname, workload, old=True, sync_period=sync_period, show_graph=show_graph)"ending %s", myname)