def pick_scenario(): while True: print('Select scnenario:') print('[1] Random Scnenario') print('[2] Custom Scnenario') input_value = input('>>>') try: selection = int(input_value) except ValueError: print('Please input an integer!') continue if selection < 1 or selection > 2: print('Please input a number from the list!') else: break if selection == 1: while True: input_value = input( 'Select random seed for random scenario [None]: ') try: seed = int(input_value) break except ValueError: if input_value == '' or input_value == 'None': seed = None break else: print('Please input an integer!') continue scenario = RandomScenario(seed=seed) elif selection == 2: scenario = CustomScenario() return scenario
def run_sim_PID_once(pname, runtime, meals, controller_params): ''' Run the simulation a single time on a single patient with the PID controller. Parameters ---------- pname: str patient name runtime: int simulation time, in hours. meals: (timedelta, int) a tuple containing the time of meal (as referenced from simulation start) and the meal size, in grams. targetBG: int the target blood glucose for the controller, in mg/dl lowBG: int the pump suspension glucose for the controller, in mg/dl Returns ------- A pandas dataframe containing the simulation results. axis=0: time, type datetime.datetime axis=1: data category, type str ''' sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom') pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') scenario = CustomScenario(start_time = datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0,0,0), scenario=meals) obj = SimObj(T1DSimEnv(T1DPatient.withName(pname), sensor, pump, scenario), controller.PIDController(controller_params, pname), timedelta(hours=runtime), animate=False, path=None) return sim(obj)
def __init__(self, patient_name=None, reward_fun=None): ''' patient_name must be 'adolescent#001' to 'adolescent#010', or 'adult#001' to 'adult#010', or 'child#001' to 'child#010' ''' seeds = self._seed() # have to hard code the patient_name, gym has some interesting # error when choosing the patient if patient_name is None: patient_name = 'adolescent#001' patient = T1DPatient.withName(patient_name) sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=seeds[1]) hour = self.np_random.randint(low=0.0, high=24.0) start_time = datetime(2018, 1, 1, hour, 0, 0) # scenario = RandomScenario(start_time=start_time, seed=seeds[2]) # Added a custom scenario with no meals # scen = [(7, 45), (12, 70), (16, 15), (18, 80), (23, 10)] scen = [(0, 0)] scenario = CustomScenario(start_time=start_time, scenario=scen) pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') self.env = _T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario) self.reward_fun = reward_fun # Added by Jonas -- state space is now 10 * sample_time = 30 minutes long self.state_space_length = 10 self.insulin_history = np.zeros(4)
def test_batch_sim(self): # specify start_time as the beginning of today now = start_time = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time()) # --------- Create Random Scenario -------------- # Create a simulation environment patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001') sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1) pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') scenario = RandomScenario(start_time=start_time, seed=1) env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario) # Create a controller controller = BBController() # Put them together to create a simulation object s1 = SimObj(env, controller, timedelta( days=2), animate=True, path=save_folder) results1 = sim(s1) # --------- Create Custom Scenario -------------- # Create a simulation environment patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001') sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1) pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') # custom scenario is a list of tuples (time, meal_size) scen = [(7, 45), (12, 70), (16, 15), (18, 80), (23, 10)] scenario = CustomScenario(start_time=start_time, scenario=scen) env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario) # Create a controller controller = BBController() # Put them together to create a simulation object s2 = SimObj(env, controller, timedelta( days=2), animate=False, path=save_folder) results2 = sim(s2) # --------- batch simulation -------------- s1.reset() s2.reset() s1.animate = False s = [s1, s2] results_para = batch_sim(s, parallel=True) s1.reset() s2.reset() s = [s1, s2] results_serial = batch_sim(s, parallel=False) assert_frame_equal(results_para[0], results1) assert_frame_equal(results_para[1], results2) for r1, r2 in zip(results_para, results_serial): assert_frame_equal(r1, r2)
def run_sim_once(simtime, meals, controller, patients): # times run_time = timedelta(hours=simtime) start_time = datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0,0,0) scenario = CustomScenario(start_time = start_time, scenario=meals) envs = build_envs(scenario, start_time, patients) # must deepcopy controllers because they're dynamic controllers = [copy.deepcopy(controller) for _ in range(len(envs))] sim_instances = [SimObj(env, ctr, run_time, animate=False, path='./results') for (env, ctr) in zip(envs, controllers)] # run simulations results = batch_sim(sim_instances, parallel=False) # create dataframe with results from 1 sim return pd.concat(results, keys=[ for s in sim_instances])
def run_sim_PID(no_runs, patients, runtime, meals, controller_params): ''' Run the simulation a single time on a list of patients with the PID controller. Parameters ---------- no_runs: int the number of separate simulation runs. patients: list of str a list of patient name strings. Patient name strings can be found in the params/Quest.csv file inside simGlucose. runtime: int simulation time, in hours. meals: (timedelta, int) a tuple containing the time of meal (as referenced from simulation start) and the meal size, in grams. targetBG: int the target blood glucose for the controller, in mg/dl lowBG: int the pump suspension glucose for the controller, in mg/dl Returns ------- A pandas dataframe containing the simulation results. axis=0: time, type datetime.datetime axis=1: MultiIndex level 0: data category, type str level 1: patient id, type str level 2: run number, type int (starts at 1) ''' sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom') pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') scenario = CustomScenario(start_time = datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0,0,0), scenario=meals) sim_objs = [] keys = [] for run in range(0, no_runs): for pname in patients: sim_objs.append(SimObj(T1DSimEnv(T1DPatient.withName(pname), sensor, pump, copy.deepcopy(scenario)), # because random numbers. controller.PIDController(controller_params, pname), timedelta(hours=runtime), animate=False, path=None)) keys.append((run + 1, pname)) p_start = time.time() print('Running batch simulation of {} items...'.format(len(patients * no_runs))) p = pathos.pools.ProcessPool() results =, sim_objs) print('Simulation took {} seconds.'.format(time.time() - p_start)) return pd.concat(results, axis=1, keys=keys)
def __init__(self, patient_name=None, reward_fun=None, scen=None, start_time=None, sensor_name=None, pump_name=None): #, scenario_tup=None, startTime=None ''' patient_name must be 'adolescent#001' to 'adolescent#010', or 'adult#001' to 'adult#010', or 'child#001' to 'child#010' ''' seeds = self._seed() # have to hard code the patient_name, gym has some interesting # error when choosing the patient if patient_name is None: patient_name = 'adolescent#001' if sensor_name is None: sensor_name = 'Dexcom' if pump_name is None: pump_name = 'Insulet' print(patient_name) print(sensor_name) print(pump_name) print(scen) patient = T1DPatient.withName(patient_name) sensor = CGMSensor.withName(sensor_name, seed=seeds[1]) #hour = self.np_random.randint(low=0.0, high=24.0) #start_time = datetime(2018, 1, 1, hour, 0, 0) scenario = CustomScenario( start_time=start_time, scenario=scen ) #RandomScenario(start_time=start_time, seed=seeds[2]) pump = InsulinPump.withName(pump_name) self.env = _T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario) self.reward_fun = reward_fun
def pick_scenario(start_time=None): while True: print('Select scnenario:') print('[1] Random Scnenario') print('[2] Custom Scnenario') input_value = input('>>>') try: selection = int(input_value) except ValueError: print('Please input an integer!') continue if selection < 1 or selection > 2: print('Please input a number from the list!') else: break if start_time is None: start_time = pick_start_time() if selection == 1: while True: input_value = input( 'Select random seed for random scenario [None]: ') try: seed = int(input_value) break except ValueError: if input_value in ('', 'None'): seed = None break print('Please input an integer!') continue scenario = RandomScenario(start_time, seed=seed) else: custom_scenario = input_custom_scenario() scenario = CustomScenario(start_time, custom_scenario) return scenario
def __init__(self, patient_name=None, reward_fun=None, Initial_Bg=0): ''' patient_name must be 'adolescent#001' to 'adolescent#010', or 'adult#001' to 'adult#010', or 'child#001' to 'child#010' ''' seeds = self._seed() # have to hard code the patient_name, gym has some interesting # error when choosing the patient if patient_name is None: patient_name = 'adolescent#001' patient = T1DPatient.withName(patient_name, Initial_Bg) sensor = CGMSensor.withName('GuardianRT', seed=seeds[1]) #Dexcom hour = 20 #self.np_random.randint(low=0.0, high=24.0) start_time = datetime(2018, 1, 1, hour, 0, 0) # scenario = RandomScenario(start_time=start_time, seed=seeds[2]) # custom scenario is a list of tuples (time, meal_size) # scen = [(0,float(Initial_Bg)),(13, 45), (16, 10), (18, 35), (22, 10)]#, (23, 10)] scen = [(13, 45), (16, 10), (18, 35), (22, 10)] #, (23, 10)] scenario = CustomScenario(start_time=start_time, scenario=scen) pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') self.env = _T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario) self.reward_fun = reward_fun
ki +=.000001 print('kp=' + str(ki)) # (kp, ki, kd, target, low) PIDparams = (0.00025, round(ki, 7), 0, 120, 70) dfs = run_sim_PID(n, adults, t, meals, PIDparams) filename = 'dfs/' + 'p_' + str(PIDparams[0]) + ' i_' + str(PIDparams[1]) + ' d_' + str(PIDparams[2]) + ' target_' + str(PIDparams[3]) + '.bz2' dfs.to_pickle(filename) ======= pname = "adult#001" t = 9 meals = [(timedelta(hours=2), 50)] sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom') pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') scenario = CustomScenario(start_time = datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0,0,0), scenario=meals) keys = [] # forward horizon horizon = 50 controller_params = (140, 80, horizon) obj= SimObj(T1DSimEnv(T1DPatient.withName(pname), sensor, pump, copy.deepcopy(scenario)), # because random numbers. controller.MPCNaive(controller_params, pname), timedelta(hours=t), animate=False, path=None) keys.append((1, pname)) p_start = time.time() results = sim(obj)
# Create a controller controller = BBController() # Put them together to create a simulation object s1 = SimObj(env, controller, timedelta(days=1), animate=False, path=path) results1 = sim(s1) print(results1) # --------- Create Custom Scenario -------------- # Create a simulation environment patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001') sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1) pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') # custom scenario is a list of tuples (time, meal_size) scen = [(7, 45), (12, 70), (16, 15), (18, 80), (23, 10)] scenario = CustomScenario(start_time=start_time, scenario=scen) env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario) # Create a controller controller = BBController() # Put them together to create a simulation object s2 = SimObj(env, controller, timedelta(days=1), animate=False, path=path) results2 = sim(s2) print(results2) # --------- batch simulation -------------- # Re-initialize simulation objects s1.reset() s2.reset()
sim_pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet') # env setup RANDOM_SEED = 5550 RUN_TIME = 48 sim_start_time = datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) sim_run_time = timedelta(hours=RUN_TIME) # random scenario random_scen = RandomScenario(start_time=sim_start_time, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # custom scenario # meals is a list of tuples, each tuple containing a timedelta (time after start of sim) and a meal size, in g CHO. meals = [(timedelta(hours=12), 100)] # generate the custom scenario with the list of meals custom_scen = CustomScenario(start_time=sim_start_time, scenario=meals) # choose scenario environment = T1DSimEnv(patient, sim_sensor, sim_pump, custom_scen) # choose controller controller = PController(gain=0.04, dweight=.5, pweight=1, target=120) # script saves csv(s) into this path results_path = './results/' simulator = SimObj(environment, controller, sim_run_time, animate=False, path=results_path) results = sim(simulator)