def main(pair, quantity, interval=Intervals.DAY, leverage=2, market=Markets.FUTURES, side=MarketSide.LONG, limit=0, target=1): order_filled = False global TARGET set_sleep_timeout(interval) if (side == MarketSide.SHORT): TARGET = 0 print( white.bold( '* Liquidity trading of: {} with {} as amount at {} candle with x{} leverage and at {} market starting at {} and finishing at {}.' .format(pair, quantity, interval, leverage, market, START_INTERVAL, END_INTERVAL))) while not TARGET_REACHED and (not order_filled or TIMES_GREEN < MAX_ORDER_RETRIES): if (check_open_trade_ready()): order_filled = trade_the_open(pair, interval, quantity, leverage, market, side, limit, target) if (not order_filled): time.sleep(SLEEP_TIMEOUT)
def open_position_binance_spot(pair, limit, pair_change, quantity, side=SpotSides.BUY): url = BINANCE_SPOT_BASE_URL + BINANCE_SPOT_CREATE_ORDER_ENDPOINT response = requests.get(BINANCE_SPOT_BASE_URL + BINANCE_SPOT_EXCHANGE_INFO_ENDPOINT) exchange_info = response.json() price_precision = 0 for item in exchange_info["symbols"]: if (item["symbol"] == pair): price_precision = item["baseAssetPrecision"] quantity_rounded = float(quantity) / float(pair_change) quantity_with_precision = "{:0.0{}f}".format(quantity_rounded, price_precision) parameters = {} if (side == SpotSides.BUY): parameters = { "symbol": pair, "side": SpotSides.BUY, "type": "LIMIT", "price": limit, "quantity": quantity_with_precision } else: parameters = { "symbol": pair, "side": SpotSides.SELL, "type": "STOP_LOSS", "quantity": quantity_with_precision, "stopPrice": quantity_with_precision } response =, data=parameters) print(response) print('***********') print(response.json()) print( white.bold( '\n\tOpening spot position type LIMIT for {} pair limit {} with quantity: {}.' .format(pair, limit, quantity))) print(green.bold( '\n\t\t✓ Limit order created at price: {}.'.format(limit)))
def check_best_trade(interval=Intervals.DAY): request_client = RequestClient(api_key=API_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY) # Request info of all symbols to retrieve precision response = requests.get(BINANCE_FUTURES_BASE_URL + BINANCE_FUTURES_EXCHANGE_INFO_ENDPOINT) exchange_info = response.json() price_precision = 0 best_wicks = [] print('Number of pairs to check approx: ', len(exchange_info['symbols'])) for item in exchange_info['symbols']: if (not item['contractType'] == 'PERPETUAL'): continue print('\t * Checking: {}'.format(item['symbol'])) candles = get_last_binance_candles(item['symbol'], interval, Markets.FUTURES) if (not len(candles) > 1): continue current_candle = candles[1] cc_open = float(current_candle[1]) cc_high = float(current_candle[2]) cc_low = float(current_candle[3]) cc_close = float(current_candle[4]) # Candle is green if (cc_open < cc_close): diff = cc_high - cc_close cc_wick = round((diff / cc_close) * 100, 2) best_wicks.append({'wick': cc_wick, 'symbol': item['symbol']}) #else: # Candle is red result = sorted(best_wicks, key=lambda k: k['wick'], reverse=True) print(white.bold('Best wicks to trade found are:')) for item in result[0:10]: print( green.bold('\t{} -> {} % wick.'.format(item['symbol'], item['wick'])))
def trade_the_open(pair, interval, quantity, leverage, market, side, limit, target): global LAST_CANDLE_RED global LAST_CANDLE_GREEN global LAST_LOW_PRICE global LAST_HIGH_PRICE global TIMES_GREEN global TIMES_RED global TARGET global TARGET_REACHED global STOP_LOSS_REACHED global STOP_LOSS try: candles = get_last_binance_candles(pair, interval, market) except: time.sleep(SLEEP_TIMEOUT) candles = get_last_binance_candles(pair, interval, market) """ Binance API response format [ [ 1499040000000, // Open time "0.01634790", // Open "0.80000000", // High "0.01575800", // Low "0.01577100", // Close "148976.11427815", // Volume 1499644799999, // Close time "2434.19055334", // Quote asset volume 308, // Number of trades "1756.87402397", // Taker buy base asset volume "28.46694368", // Taker buy quote asset volume "17928899.62484339" // Ignore. ] ]""" last_candle = candles[0] lc_open = float(last_candle[1]) lc_high = float(last_candle[2]) lc_low = float(last_candle[3]) lc_close = float(last_candle[4]) current_candle = candles[1] cc_open = float(current_candle[1]) cc_high = float(current_candle[2]) cc_low = float(current_candle[3]) cc_close = float(current_candle[4]) # Check if candlestick turned green if (side == MarketSide.LONG): if (cc_high >= float(TARGET)): TARGET_REACHED = True else: if (cc_low <= float(TARGET)): TARGET_REACHED = True if (cc_low <= float(STOP_LOSS)): STOP_LOSS_REACHED = True if (TIMES_GREEN > 1 and not STOP_LOSS_REACHED): return False # LONG trades if (side == MarketSide.LONG): if (cc_open < cc_close and cc_open >= cc_low): if (LAST_CANDLE_RED and cc_low < LAST_LOW_PRICE): print('***** INTENTO NUMERO: {} ******'.format(TIMES_GREEN)) TIMES_GREEN += 1 LAST_CANDLE_RED = False LAST_LOW_PRICE = cc_low else: print( ' x - Todavia esta verde como para volver a intentarlo, target reached?: ', TARGET_REACHED, TARGET) return False print(green.bold('\n\tCandle turned green.')) # Check if previous candle is green or red to apply fib retracement if (lc_open < lc_close): # Previous candle is green targets = fib_retracement(lc_close, lc_high) else: # Previous candle is red targets = fib_retracement(lc_open, lc_high) print( white.bold('\n\tTargets based on fib retracement: {}'.format( targets))) #if (not minimum_downside(cc_open, cc_low)): #return False if (check_safe_stop_loss(cc_low, cc_open)): if (market == Markets.FUTURES): open_position_binance_futures(pair, targets[target], cc_low, cc_close, quantity, leverage, side) else: open_position_binance_spot(pair, cc_close, cc_close, quantity, SpotSides.BUY) return True else: if not LAST_CANDLE_RED: LAST_CANDLE_RED = True print( yellow.bold( '\t Candle is still RED after the open. Checking again in {} seconds' .format(SLEEP_TIMEOUT))) return False else: #SHORT TRADES! if (cc_open > cc_close and cc_open <= cc_high): print(LAST_CANDLE_GREEN, cc_high, ' < ', LAST_HIGH_PRICE) if (LAST_CANDLE_GREEN and cc_high > LAST_HIGH_PRICE): print('***** INTENTO NUMERO: {} ******'.format(TIMES_RED)) TIMES_RED += 1 LAST_CANDLE_GREEN = False LAST_HIGH_PRICE = cc_high else: print(' x - Candle still red to try again. Target reached?: ', TARGET_REACHED, TARGET) return False print(green.bold('\n\tCandle turned red.')) # Check if previous candle is red to apply fib retracement if (lc_open < lc_close): # Previous candle is green targets = fib_retracement(lc_open, lc_low) else: # Previous candle is red targets = fib_retracement(lc_close, lc_low) print( white.bold('\n\tTargets based on fib retracement: {}'.format( targets))) print('COMPROBANDO SAFE SL') if (check_safe_stop_loss(cc_open, cc_high)): if (market == Markets.FUTURES): print('ABRO SHORT') open_position_binance_futures(pair, targets[target], cc_high, cc_close, quantity, leverage, side) else: open_position_binance_spot(pair, cc_close, cc_close, quantity, SpotSides.BUY) return True else: if not LAST_CANDLE_GREEN: LAST_CANDLE_GREEN = True print( yellow.bold( '\t Candle is still GREEN after the open. Checking again in {} seconds' .format(SLEEP_TIMEOUT))) return False
def open_position_binance_futures(pair, take_profit, stop_loss, pair_change, quantity, leverage, side): global STOP_LOSS global TARGET global STOP_LOSS_REACHED global STOP_LOSS_ORDER_ID global TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER_ID request_client = RequestClient(api_key=API_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY) # Cancel previous take profit and stop loss orders try: if (TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER_ID): request_client.cancel_order(symbol=pair, orderId=TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER_ID) except: print( red.bold('Take profit order id {} could not be cancelled'.format( TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER_ID))) try: if (STOP_LOSS_ORDER_ID): request_client.cancel_order(symbol=pair, orderId=STOP_LOSS_ORDER_ID) except: print( red.bold( 'Stop loss profit order id {} could not be cancelled'.format( STOP_LOSS_ORDER_ID))) STOP_LOSS_ORDER_ID = None TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER_ID = None # Change leverage try: request_client.change_initial_leverage(pair, leverage) except: print(red.bold('error changing leverage')) try: margin_type = request_client.change_margin_type( symbol=pair, marginType=FuturesMarginType.ISOLATED) except: print(red.bold('error changing margin type')) # Request info of all symbols to retrieve precision exchange_info = request_client.get_exchange_information() price_precision = 0 for item in exchange_info.symbols: if (item.symbol == pair): precision = item.quantityPrecision price_precision = item.pricePrecision # Create order quantity_rounded = float(quantity * leverage) / float(pair_change) quantity_with_precision = "{:0.0{}f}".format(quantity_rounded, precision) stop_loss = "{:0.0{}f}".format(stop_loss, price_precision) take_profit = "{:0.0{}f}".format(take_profit, price_precision) STOP_LOSS = stop_loss STOP_LOSS_REACHED = False TARGET = take_profit print( white.bold( '\n\tOpening future position {} at market ({}) with quantity: {} {} with take profit on: {} and stop loss: {}' .format(side, pair_change, quantity_with_precision, pair, take_profit, stop_loss))) order_side = OrderSide.BUY if (side == MarketSide.SHORT): order_side = OrderSide.SELL result = request_client.post_order(symbol=pair, side=order_side, quantity=quantity_with_precision, ordertype=OrderType.MARKET, positionSide="BOTH") orderId = result.orderId print(green.bold('\n\t\t✓ Market order created.')) # Set take profit and stop loss orders try: order_side = OrderSide.SELL if (side == MarketSide.SHORT): order_side = OrderSide.BUY result = request_client.post_order(symbol=pair, side=order_side, stopPrice=stop_loss, closePosition=True, ordertype=OrderType.STOP_MARKET, positionSide="BOTH", timeInForce="GTC") STOP_LOSS_ORDER_ID = result.orderId print( green.bold( '\n\t\t✓ Stop market order at: {} created.'.format(stop_loss))) result = request_client.post_order( symbol=pair, side=order_side, stopPrice=take_profit, closePosition=True, ordertype=OrderType.TAKE_PROFIT_MARKET, positionSide="BOTH", timeInForce="GTC") TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER_ID = result.orderId print( green.bold('\n\t\t✓ Take profit market at: {} creted.'.format( take_profit))) except: # Cancel order if something did not work as expected request_client.cancel_order(symbol=pair, orderId=orderId) print( red.bold( '\n\t\t x Something did not work as expected. Cancelling order' ))