def __init__(self, node_name): # initialize DTROS parent class super(RescueAgentNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name) # inialize attributes self.veh_name = rospy.get_param("~distressed_veh") self.veh_id = int(''.join([x for x in self.veh_name if x.isdigit()])) self.activated = False self.autobot_info = AutobotInfo(self.veh_id) # map file map_file_path = os.path.join( "/duckietown-world/src/duckietown_world/data/gd1", "maps/{}.yaml".format(os.environ["MAP_NAME"]), ) = SimpleMap(map_file_path) self.current_car_cmd = Twist2DStamped() self.current_car_cmd.v = 0 = 0 self.controller_counter = 0 self.v_ref = V_REF_CONTROLLER self.desired_pos = None self.desired_heading = None # closed loop controller self.controller = StuckController(k_P=KP_CONTROLLER, k_I=KI_CONTROLLER, c1=C1_CONTROLLER, c2=C2_CONTROLLER) self.tileType = None # Subscriber self.sub_distress_classification = rospy.Subscriber( "/{}/distress_classification".format(self.veh_name), String, self.cb_distress_classification) self.sub_autobot_info = rospy.Subscriber( "/{}/autobot_info".format(self.veh_name), AutobotInfoMsg, self.cb_autobot_info) # Publishers self.pub_rescueDone = rospy.Publisher("{}/rescueDone/".format( self.veh_name), BoolStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_car_cmd = rospy.Publisher( "/{}/lane_recovery_node/car_cmd".format(self.veh_name), Twist2DStamped, queue_size=1, ) self.pub_rescueStopped = rospy.Publisher("{}/rescueStopped/".format( self.veh_name), BoolStamped, queue_size=1)
def __init__(self, node_name): # initialize DTROS parent class super(RescueCenterNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name) # List of current bots self.veh_list = list() # Dictionary with up to date information on all bots self.id_dict = dict() ## parameters # threshold distance to consider bot not moving () self.parameters['~dist_thres'] = None # number of windows to use for filtering, currently not used self.updateParameters() # Subscribe to topics online localization self.sub_markers = rospy.Subscriber("/cslam_markers", MarkerArray, self.cbLocalization, queue_size=30) # for simple-localization self.sub_simpleLoc = rospy.Subscriber("/simple_loc_bots", Float64MultiArray, self.cbSimpleLoc, queue_size=30) # Prepare for bot-wise topics self.pub_trigger = dict() self.pub_rescue_classfication = dict() self.sub_fsm_states = dict() self.sub_rescueDone = dict() self.pub_autobot_info = dict() self.sub_rescue_stopped = dict() # build simpleMap, use the map specified when running container map_file_path = os.path.join( "/duckietown-world/src/duckietown_world/data/gd1", "maps/{}.yaml".format(os.environ["MAP_NAME"]), ) = SimpleMap(map_file_path) # which bots are being monitored self.bot_whitelist = set([]) self.log("Rescue center monitoring list: {}".format( list(self.bot_whitelist))) self.log("Rescue Center is initialized!")
def setup_level(self): self.current_level = self.levels[self.level_num] start_state = self.current_level["start_state"] #Add the game actors actors = {} actors["cat"] = Cat("cat", start_state['player'][0], start_state['player'][1]) for i in range(len(start_state["mice"])): m = start_state["mice"][i] name = "mouse %d" % i actors[name] = Mouse(name, m[0], m[1]) self.level_map = SimpleMap(self.current_level["map_object"], actors, self.assets) self.level_map.draw_map() self.state = STATE.RUN_LEVEL
def setup_level(self): self.current_level = self.levels[self.level_num] start_state = self.current_level["start_state"] #Add the game actors actors = {} actors["cat"] = Cat("cat", start_state['player'][0], start_state['player'][1]) for i in range (len(start_state["mice"])): m = start_state["mice"][i] name = "mouse %d" % i actors[name] = Mouse(name, m[0], m[1]) self.level_map = SimpleMap(self.current_level["map_object"], actors, self.assets) self.level_map.draw_map() self.state = STATE.RUN_LEVEL
class RescueCenterNode(DTROS): """Rescue Center Node - Monitors all bots currenty visible on the map and classifies if they are in distress or not - Responsible for launching and alarming Rescue Agents Args: node_name (): a unique, descriptive name for the node that ROS will use Attributes: - veh_list (list): A list of all vehicles visible on the map - veh_dict (dist): A dict of all vehicles visible on the map (key=id, value=AutobotInfo) - parameters: Used to pass certain parameters to the node via rosparam - map: A map of type SimpleMap(), necessary for classification - The following dictionaries to store the bot_wise subcribers and publishers for communication between rescue center and rescue agents: - pub_trigger - pub_rescue_classfication - sub_fsm_states - sub_rescueDone - pub_autobot_info - sub_rescue_stopped Subscriber: - sub_markers: /cslam_markers (:obj:`MarkerArray`): Rviz markers from the online localization systems - sub_simpleLoc: /simple_loc_bots (:obj: `Float64MultiArray`): Position and heading of the bots from the SimpleLoc system - sub_fsm_states[veh_id]: /autobot{}/fsm_mode (:obj:`FSMstate`) FSM state from every duckiebot - sub_rescueDone[veh_id]: /rescue/rescue_agents/autobot{}/rescueDone (:obj:`BoolStamped`) Used to get the signal from the rescue agent, that a rescue operation is done - sub_rescueStopped[veh_id]: /rescue/rescue_agents/autobot{}/rescueStopped (:obj:`BoolStamped`) Used to get the signal from the rescue agent, that a rescue operation has been stopped, without being finished (if monitoring is deactivated during rescue operation) Publisher: - pub_trigger[veh_id]: /autobot{}/recovery_mode (:obj:`BoolStamped`): Triggers the recovery mode for a certain bot (FSM state change) and activates its rescue agent - pub_rescue_classfication[veh_id]: ~/autobot{}/distress_classification (:obj: `String`): Gives the result of the latest classification to each rescue agent - pub_autobot_info[veh_id]: /autobot{}/autobot_info (:obj: `AutobotInfoMsg`): Passes all collected information about a duckiebot to the rescue agent """ def __init__(self, node_name): # initialize DTROS parent class super(RescueCenterNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name) # List of current bots self.veh_list = list() # Dictionary with up to date information on all bots self.id_dict = dict() ## parameters # threshold distance to consider bot not moving () self.parameters['~dist_thres'] = None # number of windows to use for filtering, currently not used self.updateParameters() # Subscribe to topics online localization self.sub_markers = rospy.Subscriber("/cslam_markers", MarkerArray, self.cbLocalization, queue_size=30) # for simple-localization self.sub_simpleLoc = rospy.Subscriber("/simple_loc_bots", Float64MultiArray, self.cbSimpleLoc, queue_size=30) # Prepare for bot-wise topics self.pub_trigger = dict() self.pub_rescue_classfication = dict() self.sub_fsm_states = dict() self.sub_rescueDone = dict() self.pub_autobot_info = dict() self.sub_rescue_stopped = dict() # build simpleMap, use the map specified when running container map_file_path = os.path.join( "/duckietown-world/src/duckietown_world/data/gd1", "maps/{}.yaml".format(os.environ["MAP_NAME"]), ) = SimpleMap(map_file_path) # which bots are being monitored self.bot_whitelist = set([]) self.log("Rescue center monitoring list: {}".format( list(self.bot_whitelist))) self.log("Rescue Center is initialized!") def updateSubscriberPublisher(self, veh_id): """Updates Subscriber and Publisher dictionaries, if new duckiebot is added Args: veh_id: ID of the new duckiebot spotted by the localization system (int) """ # 1. Publisher: Trigger self.pub_trigger[veh_id] = rospy.Publisher( "/autobot{}/recovery_mode".format(veh_id), BoolStamped, queue_size=1, ) # 2. Publisher: Distress classification self.pub_rescue_classfication[veh_id] = rospy.Publisher( "~/autobot{}/distress_classification".format(veh_id), String, queue_size=1, ) # 3. Subscriber: FSM state self.sub_fsm_states[veh_id] = rospy.Subscriber( "/autobot{}/fsm_mode".format(veh_id), FSMState, self.cbFSM, callback_args=veh_id, ) # 4. Subscriber: EverythingOK from Rescue_agend self.sub_rescueDone[veh_id] = rospy.Subscriber( "/rescue/rescue_agents/autobot{}/rescueDone".format(veh_id), BoolStamped, self.cbRescueDone, callback_args=veh_id, ) # 5. Publisher: AutobotInfo Msg self.pub_autobot_info[veh_id] = rospy.Publisher( "/autobot{}/autobot_info".format(veh_id), AutobotInfoMsg, queue_size=5, ) # 6. Subscriber: Rescue stopped (not finished) self.sub_rescue_stopped[veh_id] = rospy.Subscriber( "/rescue/rescue_agents/autobot{}/rescueStopped/".format(veh_id), BoolStamped, self.cbRescueStopped, callback_args=veh_id, ) def cbRescueStopped(self, msg, veh_id): """Callback of RescueStopped: - gets triggered, if rescue_agent has stopped rescue, but rescue is not finished yet. (happens, if autobot is stopped being monitored during a rescue operation) Args: msg: ROS message (BoolStamped) veh_id: autobot ID """ if # Note: this should always be the case self.log("Received \"rescue stop\" for bot <{}>".format(veh_id)) self.id_dict[veh_id].in_rescue = False self.id_dict[veh_id].last_moved = self.id_dict[veh_id].timestamp def cbFSM(self, msg, veh_id): """Callback when the fsm state of a bot changed Args: msg: ROS message (Float64Array) veh_id: ID of duckiebot """ if veh_id in self.id_dict: self.log( "Duckiebot [{}] FSM state changed from <{}> to <{}>".format( veh_id, self.id_dict[veh_id].fsm_state, msg.state)) self.id_dict[veh_id].fsm_state = msg.state def cbSimpleLoc(self, msg): """Callback of simpleLoc: - stores position and heading from simple Localization into the corresponding AutobotInfo() dictionary (Note: simpleLoc publishes for one duckiebot at a time) - determines msg timestamp as the time, where the duckiebot has moved last (Note: simpleLoc only publishes, if duckiebot moved) - publishes autobotInfo to corresponding duckiebot Args: msg: ROS message (Float64MultiArray) """ veh_id = int([0]) if veh_id in self.id_dict: # make sure duckiebot has already been spotted by global localization # (need it, in case simpleLoc msg comes in before the first /cslam msg) self.id_dict[veh_id].positionSimple = ([1],[2]) self.id_dict[veh_id].headingSimple =[3] self.id_dict[veh_id].current_pos = ([1],[2]) self.id_dict[veh_id].current_heading =[3] self.id_dict[veh_id].last_movedSimple =[4] # in s self.pub_autobot_info[veh_id].publish( self.id_dict[veh_id].autobotInfo2Msg()) def cbRescueDone(self, msg, veh_id): """Callback of RescueAgent, which signals that the rescue operation is over - rescue center will take over from rescue_agent - trigger state change from "Recovery" to "Lane Following" Args: msg: ROS message (Float64Array) veh_id: ID of duckiebot """ if == True: self.id_dict[veh_id].in_rescue = False self.id_dict[veh_id].last_moved = self.id_dict[veh_id].timestamp msg = BoolStamped() = False self.pub_trigger[veh_id].publish(msg) # turns on lane following def cbLocalization(self, msg): """ Callback when receiving online localization results: Checks if there are any new bots on the map saves position/heading/lastMoved into corresponding autobotInfo calls the Classifier for each bot that is currently not in rescue operation and for which rescue is activated Args: msg: ROS visualization message (MarkerArray) """ for m in msg.markers: # care only about duckiebots if m.ns != "duckiebots": continue idx = # Append new bots to veh_list and launch a rescue_agent for each if not idx in self.veh_list: self.veh_list.append(idx) self.id_dict[idx] = AutobotInfo(idx) # create relevant topic handlers for this bot self.updateSubscriberPublisher(idx) # create rescue agent for this bot with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fp: subprocess.Popen([ "roslaunch", "rescue_center", "rescue_agent.launch", "botID:={}".format(idx) ], stdout=fp) # wait until regard node has launched sleep(3) self.log("Launched rescue agent for bot <{}>".format(idx)) # Store position from localization system in AutoboInfo() self.id_dict[idx].update_from_marker(m) # Filter position and update last_moved time stamp self.id_dict[idx].update_filtered(self.parameters['~dist_thres']) # publish autobot_info to rescue_agent self.pub_autobot_info[idx].publish( self.id_dict[idx].autobotInfo2Msg()) # Check, if duckiebot is still monitored: add_bot = rospy.get_param('~add_duckiebot') rm_bot = rospy.get_param('~remove_duckiebot') rospy.set_param('~add_duckiebot', -1) rospy.set_param('~remove_duckiebot', -1) whitelist_updated = False # asked to add, not yet added if add_bot in self.id_dict and add_bot not in self.bot_whitelist: # append to whitelist self.bot_whitelist.add(add_bot) whitelist_updated = True # activate rescue system for this bot self.id_dict[add_bot].classificationActivated = True # to prevent time_diff being triggered self.id_dict[add_bot].last_moved = m.header.stamp.to_sec() self.id_dict[add_bot].last_movedSimple = m.header.stamp.to_sec( ) if rm_bot in self.id_dict and rm_bot in self.bot_whitelist: # remove from whitelist self.bot_whitelist.discard(rm_bot) whitelist_updated = True # deactivate rescue system self.id_dict[rm_bot].classificationActivated = False if whitelist_updated: self.log("Rescue center monitoring list: {}".format( list(self.bot_whitelist))) # continue, if we don't want to classify that duckiebot if not self.id_dict[idx].classificationActivated: continue # continue, if duckiebot is in rescue if self.id_dict[idx].in_rescue: continue # Classify duckiebot rescue_class = self.id_dict[idx].classifier( self.id_dict[idx].rescue_class = rescue_class self.log( "[{}] ".format(idx) + "not moved for: {}, ".format(self.id_dict[idx].time_diff) + "onRoad: {}, ".format(self.id_dict[idx].onRoad) + "delta_phi: {}, ".format(self.id_dict[idx].delta_phi) + "tile_type: {}".format(self.id_dict[idx].tile_type)) if rescue_class.value != 0: # publish rescue_class self.log("[{}] in distress <{}>".format(idx, rescue_class)) msg = BoolStamped() = True # turn duckiebot into rescue mode self.pub_trigger[idx].publish(msg) # notify rescue agent of the classification result self.pub_rescue_classfication[idx].publish( str(rescue_class.value)) # note down so can skip the next time self.id_dict[idx].in_rescue = True
class Game(object): @staticmethod def asset(name): return os.path.join(ASSET_BASE, name) def __init__(self, name=DEFAULT_GAME_NAME, levels=DEFAULT_LEVEL_FILE): pygame.init() #Setup frames per second clock self.fpsclock = pygame.time.Clock() #Setup the main display surface self.display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH, WINHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption(name) #Setup the fonts self.basic_font = pygame.font.Font(DEFAULT_BASIC_FONT, 18) self.assets = { 'uncovered goal': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('RedSelector.png')), 'covered goal': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Selector.png')), 'star': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Star.png')), 'corner': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Wall_Block_Tall.png')), 'wall': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Wood_Block_Tall.png')), 'inside floor': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Plain_Block.png')), 'outside floor': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Grass_Block.png')), 'title': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('the_path_title.png')), 'solved': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('star_solved.png')), 'princess': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('princess.png')), 'cat': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('cat.png')), 'mouse': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('mouse.png')), 'catgirl': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('catgirl.png')), 'horngirl': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('horngirl.png')), 'pinkgirl': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('pinkgirl.png')), 'rock': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Rock.png')), 'short tree': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Tree_Short.png')), 'tall tree': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Tree_Tall.png')), 'ugly tree': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Tree_Ugly.png')) } self.levels = [] self.level_map = None self.read_levels_file(levels) self.main_character = 'cat' #Starting Level self.level_num = 0 self.current_level = None self.state = STATE.START self.manual_mode = True def terminate(self): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def loop(self): if self.state == STATE.START: self.start_screen() elif self.state == STATE.SETUP_LEVEL: self.setup_level() elif self.state == STATE.RUN_LEVEL: self.run_level() def read_levels_file(self, filepath): if not os.path.exists(filepath): filepath = Game.asset(filepath) assert os.path.exists( filepath), "Cannot find the level file: %s" % (filepath) map_file = open(filepath, 'r') #Each Level must end with a blank line content = map_file.readlines() + ['\r\n'] map_file.close() levels = [] #Contains a list of levels level_num = 0 map_text_lines = [] #Contains the lines for a single level's map map_object = [] #The map objects made from the data in map text lines for line_num in range(len(content)): #Process each line line = content[line_num].rstrip('\r\n') if ';' in line: #Remove comments line = line[:line.find(';')] if line != '': #Usable Map Data map_text_lines.append(line) #Finished with data elif line == '' and len(map_text_lines) > 0: #Encountered a blank line, this is the end of a level map #Convert the text into an actual level max_width = -1 for i in range(len(map_text_lines)): if len(map_text_lines[i]) > max_width: #Adjust width max_width = len(map_text_lines[i]) #Add spaces to the end of the shorter rows. This ensures the map is #rectangular for i in range(len(map_text_lines)): map_text_lines[i] += ' ' * (max_width - len(map_text_lines[i])) #Convert map text lines to a map object for x in range(len(map_text_lines[0])): map_object.append([]) #Convert list of string to 2D Matrix of objects for y in range(len(map_text_lines)): for x in range(max_width): map_object[x].append(map_text_lines[y][x]) #Loop through the spaes in a map and find the @, ., and $ #Characters for the starting game state startx = None starty = None goals = [] mice = [] for x in range(max_width): for y in range(len(map_object[x])): if map_object[x][y] in ('@', '+'): startx = x starty = y if map_object[x][y] in ('.', '+', '*'): # '.' is goal, '*' is star & goal goals.append((x, y)) if map_object[x][y] in ('$', '*'): mice.append((x, y)) #Sanity Checks assert startx != None and starty != None, "Level %s (around line %s) in %s is missing a '@' or '+' to make the start point." % ( level_num + 1, line_num, filepath) #assert len(goals) > 0, 'level %s (around line %s) in %s must have at least one goal.' % (level_num + 1, line_num, filepath) #assert len(mice) <= len(goals), 'level %s (around line %s) in %s is impossible to solve. It has %s goals but ony %s mice.' % (level_num + 1, line_num, filepath, len(goals), len(mice)) game_state = { 'player': (startx, starty), 'step_counter': 0, 'mice': mice } level_object = { 'width': max_width, 'height': len(map_object), 'map_object': map_object, 'goals': goals, 'start_state': game_state, 'state': None } self.levels.append(level_object) map_text_lines = [] map_object = [] game_state = {} level_num += 1 def start_screen(self): """ Display the start screen """ title_rect = self.assets['title'].get_rect() top_coord = 50 = top_coord title_rect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH top_coord += title_rect.height # Unfortunately, Pygame's font & text system only shows one line at # a time, so we can't use strings with \n newline characters in them. # So we will use a list with each line in it. instruction_text = [ 'Path... or not, it\'s up to you...', 'Arrow keys to move, WASD for camera control, P to change character.', 'Backspace to reset level, Esc to quit.', 'N for next level, B to go back a level.' ] #Start Drawing a blank color to the entire window self.display_surface.fill(BGCOLOR) self.display_surface.blit(self.assets["title"], title_rect) #Position and draw the text for i in range(len(instruction_text)): inst_surf = self.basic_font.render(instruction_text[i], 1, TEXTCOLOR) inst_rect = inst_surf.get_rect() top_coord += 10 # 10 Pixels will go in between each line of text = top_coord inst_rect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH top_coord += inst_rect.height self.display_surface.blit(inst_surf, inst_rect) while True: #Loop till the user presses something for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.terminate() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.terminate() self.state = STATE.SETUP_LEVEL return pygame.display.update() self.fpsclock.tick() #Level Specific Functions def run_level(self): key_press = False player_move_to = None state = self.current_level['state'] for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT: # Player clicked the "X" at the corner of the window. self.terminate() if event.type == KEYDOWN: key_press = True if event.key == K_m: self.manual_mode = not self.manual_mode if self.manual_mode: if event.key == K_LEFT: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.LEFT if event.key == K_RIGHT: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.RIGHT if event.key == K_UP: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.UP if event.key == K_DOWN: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.DOWN redraw_map = False actors = self.level_map.get_actors() if self.manual_mode: if player_move_to is not None: #print "Move:" actors[self.main_character].move(player_move_to) self.level_map.draw_map() ''' #if player_move_to is not None: #cat = self.players["cat"] #moved = cat.make_move(self.players["cat"], player_move_to) #if moved: # state['step_counter'] += 1 # self.draw_map() ''' self.display_surface.fill(BGCOLOR_MANUAL) else: #Use the automatic movement self.display_surface.fill(BGCOLOR) for name in actors: actors[name].process(None) self.level_map.draw_map() map_surface = self.level_map.get_level_surface() map_surface_rect = map_surface.get_rect() = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT) self.display_surface.blit(map_surface, map_surface_rect) pygame.display.update() self.fpsclock.tick() def setup_level(self): self.current_level = self.levels[self.level_num] start_state = self.current_level["start_state"] #Add the game actors actors = {} actors["cat"] = Cat("cat", start_state['player'][0], start_state['player'][1]) for i in range(len(start_state["mice"])): m = start_state["mice"][i] name = "mouse %d" % i actors[name] = Mouse(name, m[0], m[1]) self.level_map = SimpleMap(self.current_level["map_object"], actors, self.assets) self.level_map.draw_map() self.state = STATE.RUN_LEVEL
class Game(object): @staticmethod def asset(name): return os.path.join(ASSET_BASE, name) def __init__(self, name = DEFAULT_GAME_NAME, levels = DEFAULT_LEVEL_FILE): pygame.init() #Setup frames per second clock self.fpsclock = pygame.time.Clock() #Setup the main display surface self.display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH, WINHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption(name) #Setup the fonts self.basic_font = pygame.font.Font(DEFAULT_BASIC_FONT, 18) self.assets = { 'uncovered goal': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('RedSelector.png')), 'covered goal': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Selector.png')), 'star': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Star.png')), 'corner': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Wall_Block_Tall.png')), 'wall': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Wood_Block_Tall.png')), 'inside floor': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Plain_Block.png')), 'outside floor': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Grass_Block.png')), 'title': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('the_path_title.png')), 'solved': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('star_solved.png')), 'princess': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('princess.png')), 'cat': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('cat.png')), 'mouse': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('mouse.png')), 'catgirl': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('catgirl.png')), 'horngirl': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('horngirl.png')), 'pinkgirl': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('pinkgirl.png')), 'rock': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Rock.png')), 'short tree': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Tree_Short.png')), 'tall tree': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Tree_Tall.png')), 'ugly tree': pygame.image.load(Game.asset('Tree_Ugly.png'))} self.levels = [] self.level_map = None self.read_levels_file(levels) self.main_character = 'cat' #Starting Level self.level_num = 0 self.current_level = None self.state = STATE.START self.manual_mode = True def terminate(self): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def loop(self): if self.state == STATE.START: self.start_screen() elif self.state == STATE.SETUP_LEVEL: self.setup_level() elif self.state == STATE.RUN_LEVEL: self.run_level() def read_levels_file(self, filepath): if not os.path.exists(filepath): filepath = Game.asset(filepath) assert os.path.exists(filepath), "Cannot find the level file: %s" % (filepath) map_file = open(filepath, 'r') #Each Level must end with a blank line content = map_file.readlines() + ['\r\n'] map_file.close() levels = [] #Contains a list of levels level_num = 0 map_text_lines = [] #Contains the lines for a single level's map map_object = [] #The map objects made from the data in map text lines for line_num in range(len(content)): #Process each line line = content[line_num].rstrip('\r\n') if ';' in line: #Remove comments line = line[:line.find(';')] if line != '': #Usable Map Data map_text_lines.append(line) #Finished with data elif line == '' and len(map_text_lines) > 0: #Encountered a blank line, this is the end of a level map #Convert the text into an actual level max_width = -1 for i in range(len(map_text_lines)): if len(map_text_lines[i]) > max_width: #Adjust width max_width = len(map_text_lines[i]) #Add spaces to the end of the shorter rows. This ensures the map is #rectangular for i in range(len(map_text_lines)): map_text_lines[i] += ' ' * (max_width - len(map_text_lines[i])) #Convert map text lines to a map object for x in range(len(map_text_lines[0])): map_object.append([]) #Convert list of string to 2D Matrix of objects for y in range(len(map_text_lines)): for x in range(max_width): map_object[x].append(map_text_lines[y][x]) #Loop through the spaes in a map and find the @, ., and $ #Characters for the starting game state startx = None starty = None goals = [] mice = [] for x in range(max_width): for y in range(len(map_object[x])): if map_object[x][y] in ('@', '+'): startx = x starty = y if map_object[x][y] in ('.', '+', '*'): # '.' is goal, '*' is star & goal goals.append((x, y)) if map_object[x][y] in ('$', '*'): mice.append((x, y)) #Sanity Checks assert startx != None and starty != None, "Level %s (around line %s) in %s is missing a '@' or '+' to make the start point." %(level_num + 1, line_num, filepath) #assert len(goals) > 0, 'level %s (around line %s) in %s must have at least one goal.' % (level_num + 1, line_num, filepath) #assert len(mice) <= len(goals), 'level %s (around line %s) in %s is impossible to solve. It has %s goals but ony %s mice.' % (level_num + 1, line_num, filepath, len(goals), len(mice)) game_state = { 'player': (startx, starty), 'step_counter': 0, 'mice': mice} level_object = {'width': max_width, 'height': len(map_object), 'map_object': map_object, 'goals': goals, 'start_state': game_state, 'state': None} self.levels.append(level_object) map_text_lines = [] map_object = [] game_state = {} level_num += 1 def start_screen(self): """ Display the start screen """ title_rect = self.assets['title'].get_rect() top_coord = 50 = top_coord title_rect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH top_coord += title_rect.height # Unfortunately, Pygame's font & text system only shows one line at # a time, so we can't use strings with \n newline characters in them. # So we will use a list with each line in it. instruction_text = ['Path... or not, it\'s up to you...', 'Arrow keys to move, WASD for camera control, P to change character.', 'Backspace to reset level, Esc to quit.', 'N for next level, B to go back a level.'] #Start Drawing a blank color to the entire window self.display_surface.fill(BGCOLOR) self.display_surface.blit(self.assets["title"], title_rect) #Position and draw the text for i in range(len(instruction_text)): inst_surf = self.basic_font.render(instruction_text[i], 1, TEXTCOLOR) inst_rect = inst_surf.get_rect() top_coord += 10 # 10 Pixels will go in between each line of text = top_coord inst_rect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH top_coord += inst_rect.height self.display_surface.blit(inst_surf, inst_rect) while True: #Loop till the user presses something for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.terminate() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.terminate() self.state = STATE.SETUP_LEVEL return pygame.display.update() self.fpsclock.tick() #Level Specific Functions def run_level(self): key_press = False player_move_to = None state = self.current_level['state'] for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT: # Player clicked the "X" at the corner of the window. self.terminate() if event.type == KEYDOWN: key_press = True if event.key == K_m: self.manual_mode = not self.manual_mode if self.manual_mode: if event.key == K_LEFT: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.LEFT if event.key == K_RIGHT: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.RIGHT if event.key == K_UP: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.UP if event.key == K_DOWN: player_move_to = DIRECTIONS.DOWN redraw_map = False actors = self.level_map.get_actors() if self.manual_mode: if player_move_to is not None: #print "Move:" actors[self.main_character].move(player_move_to) self.level_map.draw_map() ''' #if player_move_to is not None: #cat = self.players["cat"] #moved = cat.make_move(self.players["cat"], player_move_to) #if moved: # state['step_counter'] += 1 # self.draw_map() ''' self.display_surface.fill(BGCOLOR_MANUAL) else: #Use the automatic movement self.display_surface.fill(BGCOLOR) for name in actors: actors[name].process(None) self.level_map.draw_map() map_surface = self.level_map.get_level_surface() map_surface_rect = map_surface.get_rect() = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT) self.display_surface.blit(map_surface, map_surface_rect) pygame.display.update() self.fpsclock.tick() def setup_level(self): self.current_level = self.levels[self.level_num] start_state = self.current_level["start_state"] #Add the game actors actors = {} actors["cat"] = Cat("cat", start_state['player'][0], start_state['player'][1]) for i in range (len(start_state["mice"])): m = start_state["mice"][i] name = "mouse %d" % i actors[name] = Mouse(name, m[0], m[1]) self.level_map = SimpleMap(self.current_level["map_object"], actors, self.assets) self.level_map.draw_map() self.state = STATE.RUN_LEVEL
class RescueAgentNode(DTROS): """Rescue Agent Node - takes care of rescue operation, once duckiebot has been classified as "distressed" (from rescue center). - a "Rescue Agent" is launched for every duckiebot, which has been spotted by the localization system (in passive mode for non-distressed duckiebots) Args: node_name (): a unique, descriptive name for the node that ROS will use Attributes: - veh_name (str): name of the vehicle, e.g. autobot27 - veh_id (int): ID of the vehicle, e.g. 27 - activated (boolean): rescue agent sends rescue commands to duckiebot, if and only if self.activated == True - autobot_info(:obj:`AutobotInfo`): object, where all current information of the duckiebot is saved (e.g. position, heading, etc.) - map (:obj:`SimpleMap`): map object providing functions for calculating desired position and heading, reads in YAML file --> works for other maps as well - v_ref(float): backward velocity during closed loop rescue - controller_counter (int): counting up, after each rescue cmd. Stops after maximum number of rescue cmds - desired_pos(tuple (float, float)): current desired position for rescue operation - desired_heading (float): current desired heading for rescue operation (-180 DEG --> 180 DEG, 0 DEG facing positive x-Direction) - current_car_cmd (:obj:`Twist2DStamped`): car command, which is being sent to the duckiebot - tile_type (str): tile type, the duckiebot is driving/standing on: e.g. "asphalt", "curve", etc. Subscriber: - sub_distress_classification: /[self.veh_name]/distress_classification (:obj:`String`): distress classification from rescue center as rescue_class.value (int converted to String) - sub_autobot_info: /[self.veh_name]/autobot_info (:obj: `AutobotInfoMsg`): AutobotInfo message from rescue_center Publisher: - pub_rescueDone: [self.veh_name]/rescueDone/ (:obj:`BoolStamped`): publishes, if rescue operation has been finished 1. to FSM node, True triggers state transition to LANE_FOLLOWING 2. to rescue_center: True activates monitoring of duckiebot - pub_car_cmd: /[self.veh_name]/lane_recovery_node/car_cmd (:obj: `Twist2DStamped`): publishes rescue commands to car_cmd_switch_node - pub_test: /rescue_agents/test: test publisher to monitor certain values for debugging """ def __init__(self, node_name): # initialize DTROS parent class super(RescueAgentNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name) # inialize attributes self.veh_name = rospy.get_param("~distressed_veh") self.veh_id = int(''.join([x for x in self.veh_name if x.isdigit()])) self.activated = False self.autobot_info = AutobotInfo(self.veh_id) # map file map_file_path = os.path.join( "/duckietown-world/src/duckietown_world/data/gd1", "maps/{}.yaml".format(os.environ["MAP_NAME"]), ) = SimpleMap(map_file_path) self.current_car_cmd = Twist2DStamped() self.current_car_cmd.v = 0 = 0 self.controller_counter = 0 self.v_ref = V_REF_CONTROLLER self.desired_pos = None self.desired_heading = None # closed loop controller self.controller = StuckController(k_P=KP_CONTROLLER, k_I=KI_CONTROLLER, c1=C1_CONTROLLER, c2=C2_CONTROLLER) self.tileType = None # Subscriber self.sub_distress_classification = rospy.Subscriber( "/{}/distress_classification".format(self.veh_name), String, self.cb_distress_classification) self.sub_autobot_info = rospy.Subscriber( "/{}/autobot_info".format(self.veh_name), AutobotInfoMsg, self.cb_autobot_info) # Publishers self.pub_rescueDone = rospy.Publisher("{}/rescueDone/".format( self.veh_name), BoolStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_car_cmd = rospy.Publisher( "/{}/lane_recovery_node/car_cmd".format(self.veh_name), Twist2DStamped, queue_size=1, ) self.pub_rescueStopped = rospy.Publisher("{}/rescueStopped/".format( self.veh_name), BoolStamped, queue_size=1) def cb_autobot_info(self, msg): """Callback function triggered by self.sub_autobot_info: saves msg into self.autobot_info Args: - msg (:obj:`AutobotInfoMsg`): received message Parameters: None Returns: None """ self.autobot_info.timestamp = msg.timestamp self.autobot_info.fsm_state = msg.fsm_state self.autobot_info.filtered = (msg.filtered[0], msg.filtered[1]) self.autobot_info.last_moved = msg.last_moved self.autobot_info.last_movedSimple = msg.last_movedSimple self.autobot_info.in_rescue = msg.in_rescue self.autobot_info.onRoad = msg.onRoad self.autobot_info.current_heading = msg.current_heading self.autobot_info.current_pos = (msg.current_pos[0], msg.current_pos[1]) self.autobot_info.classificationActivated = msg.classificationActivated def cb_distress_classification(self, msg): """Callback function triggered by self.sub_distress_classification: - stops duckiebot, saves distress type in self.autobot_info and triggers rescue operation Args: - msg (:obj:`AutobotInfoMsg`): received message Parameters: None Returns: None """ distress_type_num = int( if distress_type_num > 0: # NOTE: this should always be the case # since rescue_center_node only publishes, if rescue_class > 0 # Added for AMoD class demo. Stop a little longer for LEDs to change if (rospy.get_param("~demo_mode")): rate = rospy.Rate(5) # 5Hz counter = 0 delay_time = 5 * 3 # 3 seconds while counter <= delay_time: self.stopDuckiebot() counter += 1 rate.sleep() self.stopDuckiebot() print("[{}] distressed at: pos = {}, phi = {}".format( self.veh_id, self.autobot_info.current_pos, self.autobot_info.current_heading)) self.activated = True self.autobot_info.rescue_class = Distress(distress_type_num) print("[{}] Distressed class: {}".format( self.veh_id, self.autobot_info.rescue_class)) def readyForLF(self, recalculateDesired=True, tol_angle=TOL_ANGLE_IN_DEG, tol_pos=TOL_POSITION_IN_M): """Checks, if duckiebot is ready for lane following (after rescue operation) Args: None Parameters: - recalculateDesired (Boolean): if True, function will recalculate desired position/heading and check tolerance based on those if False, function will use last desired position(heading) - tol_angle (float): allowed angle tolerance (+/-) - tol_pos (float): allowed position tolerance (+/-) Returns: - (Boolean): True, iff ready for lane following """ # for debugging: /rescue/rescue_agents/rescue_agent_[self.vehID]/everythingOK debug_param = rospy.get_param('~everythingOK') if debug_param: return True if self.autobot_info.rescue_class == Distress.STUCK_IN_INTERSECTION: if self.tileType == '4way' or self.tileType == '3way': return False # check,if duckiebot is back in lane if recalculateDesired: desired_pos = self.autobot_info.current_pos) desired_heading = else: desired_pos = self.desired_pos desired_heading = self.desired_heading delta_phi = abs(self.autobot_info.current_heading - desired_heading) delta_phi = min(delta_phi, 360 - delta_phi) delta_d = math.sqrt( (desired_pos[0] - self.autobot_info.current_pos[0])**2 + (desired_pos[1] - self.autobot_info.current_pos[1])**2) print("delta_phi: {}, delta_d: {}".format(delta_phi, delta_d)) if delta_d < tol_pos and delta_phi < tol_angle: return True # if duckiebot is not ready for LF return False def stopDuckiebot(self): """Stops duckiebot Args: None Parameters: None Returns: None """ car_cmd = Twist2DStamped() car_cmd.v = 0 = 0 self.current_car_cmd = car_cmd self.pub_car_cmd.publish(self.current_car_cmd) def goBackToLF(self): """Duckiebot goes back to lane following Args: None Parameters: None Returns: None """ self.activated = False self.autobot_info.rescue_class = Distress.NORMAL_OPERATION msg = BoolStamped() = True self.pub_rescueDone.publish(msg) self.controller_counter = 0 rospy.set_param('/rescue/rescue_center/trigger_rescue', False) def run(self): """Main loop of ROS node Args: None Parameters: None Returns: None """ # publish rate rate = rospy.Rate(4) # 10Hz # --- MAIN LOOP FOR RESCUE CONTROL -- # while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.activated: # in rescue operation # monitoring is deactivated if self.autobot_info.classificationActivated == False: self.activated = False self.stopDuckiebot() print( "[{}] Monitoring deactivated in rescue: stop duckiebot" ) msg = BoolStamped() = True self.pub_rescueStopped.publish(msg) self.controller_counter = 0 continue # --- GET CURRENT POSITION ON MAP ---# # self.updatePositionAndHeading() self.tileType = self.autobot_info.current_pos) print("[{}] Current: pos = {}, phi = {}".format( self.veh_id, self.autobot_info.current_pos, self.autobot_info.current_heading)) # --- CALCULATE DESIRED POSITION ---# desired_pos = self.autobot_info.current_pos, heading=self.autobot_info.current_heading) # check, if at bad position if desired_pos == float('inf') or desired_pos == None: # inf: out of map, None: out of map and no good entry point found # No good rescue point found: e.g. on asphalt next to curves print( '[{}] no good point found or out of map! Going backwards now...' .format(self.veh_id)) self.current_car_cmd.v = -self.v_ref = 0 self.pub_car_cmd.publish(self.current_car_cmd) sleep(T_EXECUTION) # stop car self.stopDuckiebot() sleep(T_STOP) continue # Check, if duckiebot drove into intersection: 4-way or 3-way: if self.tileType == '4way' or self.tileType == '3way': if self.autobot_info.rescue_class != Distress.STUCK_IN_INTERSECTION: print( "[{}] drove into Intersection, check, if ready for LF" .format(self.veh_id)) self.stopDuckiebot() if self.desired_pos: if self.readyForLF(recalculateDesired=False): print("[{}] Ready for LF".format(self.veh_id)) self.goBackToLF() # TODO: implement else case: go forward else: self.autobot_info.rescue_class = Distress.STUCK_IN_INTERSECTION continue # --- CALCULATE DESIRED HEADING--- # self.desired_pos = desired_pos # need this, because I want to use the old desired_pos in case of an intersection self.desired_heading = self.desired_pos) print("[{}] Desired: pos = {}, phi = {}".format( self.veh_id, self.desired_pos, self.desired_heading)) # --- EXECUTE CONTROL COMMANDS---# if self.controller_counter < NUMBER_RESCUE_CMDS: # Calculate controller output v_out, omega_out = self.controller.getControlOutput( self.autobot_info.current_pos, self.autobot_info.current_heading, self.desired_pos, self.desired_heading, v_ref=self.v_ref, dt_last=T_EXECUTION) print("[{}]: v = {}, omega = {}".format( self.veh_id, v_out, omega_out)) # Send cmd to duckiebot self.current_car_cmd.v = v_out = omega_out self.pub_car_cmd.publish(self.current_car_cmd) sleep(T_EXECUTION) # stop car self.stopDuckiebot() sleep(T_STOP) self.controller_counter += 1 print("Finished {} control action".format( self.controller_counter + 1)) # --- CHECK IF RESCUE IS FINISHED --- # else: print( "[{}] Finished rescue attempt. Check, if ok...".format( self.veh_id)) if self.readyForLF(recalculateDesired=False): print("[{}] Ready for LF".format(self.veh_id)) self.goBackToLF() else: self.controller_counter = 0 print( "[{}] Duckiebot still not ready for LF. New rescue attempt." .format(self.veh_id)) rate.sleep()