def position_api_joint_space_handler(req): rospy.loginfo("Inside PositionAPIJointSpace Service call!") ''' This simple_script_server is a custom library that was created by the Fraunhofer institute. An action_handle will listen for position commands. ''' ah = simple_script_server.action_handle("move", "arm", "home", False, False) if False: return ah else: ah.set_active() # Form a list of the target joint angles: targetJointAngles = [req.joint1, req.joint2, req.joint3, req.joint4, req.joint5, req.joint6] rospy.loginfo("Joint Angle saved") ''' Encapsulate the target jointangles into another list (this forms a trajectory) ''' traj = [targetJointAngles] # Generate the trajectory message to send to the Powerball: traj_msg = JointTrajectory() traj_msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.5) traj_msg.joint_names = ['arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint'] point_nr = 0 # Set the target velocities of the target joints. They are set to 0 to denote stopping at the destinations: for point in traj: point_nr += 1 point_msg = JointTrajectoryPoint() point_msg.positions = point point_msg.velocities = [0] * 6 point_msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3 * point_nr) traj_msg.points.append(point_msg) # Send the position control message to the action server node: action_server_name = '/arm/joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' rospy.loginfo("Trajectory created") client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): print("Action server not ready within timeout. Aborting...") ah.set_failed(4) #return ah return 2 else: print("Action server ready!") rospy.loginfo("Creating message") client_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() client_goal.trajectory = traj_msg client.send_goal(client_goal) rospy.loginfo("Sending message to client") ah.set_client(client) ah.wait_inside() # return ah return 0
def powerball_remote(): ah = simple_script_server.action_handle("move", "arm", "home", False, False) if False: return ah else: ah.set_active() # Ask the user to input the desired joint angles: print("Joint 1 is the proximal joint (the base), Joint 6 is the distal joint (the wrist)") joint1 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 1: ")) joint2 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 2: ")) joint3 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 3: ")) joint4 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 4: ")) joint5 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 5: ")) joint6 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 6: ")) # This list holds the joint angles: jointAngles = [joint1, joint2, joint3, joint4, joint5, joint6] # Encapsulate the jointAngles in another list (the trajectory): traj = [jointAngles] # Generate the trajectory message to send: traj_msg = JointTrajectory() traj_msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.5) traj_msg.joint_names = ['arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint'] point_nr = 0 for point in traj: point_nr += 1 point_msg = JointTrajectoryPoint() point_msg.positions = point point_msg.velocities = [0] * 6 point_msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3 * point_nr) traj_msg.points.append(point_msg) # Send the message to the action server: action_server_name = '/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): print("Action server not ready within timeout. Aborting...") ah.set_failed(4) return ah else: print("Action server ready!") client_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() client_goal.trajectory = traj_msg client.send_goal(client_goal) ah.set_client(client) ah.wait_inside() return ah
def position_api_joint_space_handler(req): ''' This simple_script_server is a custom library that was created by the Fraunhofer institute. An action_handle will listen for position commands. ''' ah = simple_script_server.action_handle("move", "arm", "home", False, False) if False: return ah else: ah.set_active() # Form a list of the target joint angles: targetJointAngles = [req.joint1, req.joint2, req.joint3, req.joint4, req.joint5, req.joint6] ''' Encapsulate the target jointangles into another list (this forms a trajectory) ''' traj = [targetJointAngles] # Generate the trajectory message to send to the Powerball: traj_msg = JointTrajectory() traj_msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.5) traj_msg.joint_names = ['arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint'] point_nr = 0 # Set the target velocities of the target joints. They are set to 0 to denote stopping at the destinations: for point in traj: point_nr += 1 point_msg = JointTrajectoryPoint() point_msg.positions = point point_msg.velocities = [0] * 6 point_msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3 * point_nr) traj_msg.points.append(point_msg) # Send the position control message to the action server node: action_server_name = '/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): print("Action server not ready within timeout. Aborting...") ah.set_failed(4) return ah else: print("Action server ready!") client_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() client_goal.trajectory = traj_msg client.send_goal(client_goal) ah.set_client(client) ah.wait_inside() # return ah return 0
def position_api_coord_space_quat_handler(req): global jointStateCallbackEx ''' This simple_script_server is a custom library that was created by the Fraunhofer institute. An action_handle will listen for position commands. ''' ah = simple_script_server.action_handle("move", "arm", "home", False, False) if False: return ah else: ah.set_active() # Get the target (X, Y, Z) coordinates to move to: targetCoords = [req.position.x, req.position.y, req.position.z] # Get the desired rotation (in quaternion) to move to: targetRot = [req.orientation.w, req.orientiation.x, req.orientation.y, req.orientation.z] ''' Currently the Powerball requires a list of the 6 target joint angles to move. We can calculate these target joint angles by calling the inverse kinematics functions: ''' ''' First, get a list of the current joint angles. The joint angles can be found from rostopic /joint_states ''' sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, jointStateCallback) while jointStateCallbackEx == False: pass rospy.Subscriber.unregister(sub) jointStateCallbackEx = False # We need to convert the quaternion into a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix: homoMat = quaternion_matrix(targetRot) # Insert the desired target joint coordinate into the transformation matrix: homoMat[0,3] = req.xCoord homoMat[1,3] = req.yCoord homoMat[2,3] = req.zCoord ''' Calculate the inverse kinematics given the target rotation/position and the list of current joint angles: ''' targetJointAngles = kf.ikine(homoMat, jointAngles) if len(targetJointAngles) != 0: # We have a valid solution! Move the Powerball to this location: targetJointAngles = targetJointAngles[:6] # Encapsulate the targetJointAngles into a trajectory: traj = [targetJointAngles] # Generate the trajectory message to send to the Powerball: traj_msg = JointTrajectory() traj_msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.5) traj_msg.joint_names = ['arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint'] point_nr = 0 # Set the target velocities of the target joints. They are set to 0 to denote stopping at the destinations: for point in traj: point_nr += 1 point_msg = JointTrajectoryPoint() point_msg.positions = point point_msg.velocities = [0] * 6 point_msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3 * point_nr) traj_msg.points.append(point_msg) # Send the position control message to the action server node: action_server_name = '/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): print("Action server not ready within timeout. Aborting...") ah.set_failed(4) return ah else: print("Action server ready for Coordinate API Request") client_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() client_goal.trajectory = traj_msg client.send_goal(client_goal) ah.set_client(client) ah.wait_inside() return 0
def position_api_coord_space_quat_handler(req): #rospy.loginfo("Inside PostionAPICoordSpaceQuat Service call!") global jointStateCallbackEx #global joint_msg_leap['arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint','base_joint_gripper_left','base_joint_gripper_right'] #joint_msg_leap.position=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] #joint_msg_leap.velocity=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] #joint_msg_leap.effort=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] #rospy.loginfo("Inside server_callback!") ''' This simple_script_server is a custom library that was created by the Fraunhofer institute. An action_handle will listen for position commands. ''' ah = simple_script_server.action_handle("move", "arm", "home", False, False) if False: rospy.loginfo("Action server ready!") return ah else: ah.set_active() #rospy.loginfo("ah active!") # Get the target (X, Y, Z) coordinates to move to: targetCoords = [,,] #rospy.loginfo("TargetCoords read!") # Get the desired rotation (in quaternion) to move to: targetRot = [,,,] #rospy.loginfo("TargetRot read!") ''' Currently the Powerball requires a list of the 6 target joint angles to move. We can calculate these target joint angles by calling the inverse kinematics functions: ''' ''' First, get a list of the current joint angles. The joint angles can be found from rostopic /joint_states ''' sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, jointStateCallback,queue_size=1) pub = rospy.Publisher("joint_leap", JointState, queue_size=10) while jointStateCallbackEx == False: pass rospy.Subscriber.unregister(sub) jointStateCallbackEx = False # We need to convert the quaternion into a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix: homoMat = quaternion_matrix(targetRot) # Insert the desired target joint coordinate into the transformation matrix: homoMat[0,0] = 1 homoMat[1,0] = 0 homoMat[2,0] = 0 homoMat[0,1] = 0 homoMat[1,1] = 1 homoMat[2,1] = 0 homoMat[0,2] = 0 homoMat[1,2] = 0 homoMat[2,2] = 1 homoMat[0,3] = homoMat[1,3] = homoMat[2,3] = #RotxMat=numpy.array([[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,-1,0,0],[0,0,0,1]]) #RotyMat=numpy.array([[0,0,-1,0],[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1]]) #SolMat=numpy.array([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]) #SolMat=RotyMat*RotxMat*homoMat ''' Calculate the inverse kinematics given the target rotation/position and the list of current joint angles: ''' #print("homoMat is: ") #print(homoMat) #print(SolMat) #print(jointAngles) try: targetJointAngles = kf.ikine(homoMat, jointAngles) except ValueError: print("ERROR: Position out of Range") return 0 if len(targetJointAngles) != 0: # We have a valid solution! Move the Powerball to this location: # Code for Simulation #print(targetJointAngles) # Encapsulate the targetJointAngles into a trajectory: traj = [] joint1=targetJointAngles[0] joint1=targetJointAngles[0] joint2=targetJointAngles[1] joint3=targetJointAngles[2] joint4=targetJointAngles[3] joint5=targetJointAngles[4] joint6=targetJointAngles[5] traj.append(joint1) traj.append(joint2) traj.append(joint3) traj.append(joint4) traj.append(joint5) traj.append(joint6) #print(traj) position = [] # Generate the trajectory message to send to the Powerball: # End code simulation #Code real robot #targetJointAngles = targetJointAngles[:6] # Encapsulate the targetJointAngles into a trajectory: #traj = [targetJointAngles] traj_msg = JointTrajectory() traj_msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.5) traj_msg.joint_names = ['arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint'] point_nr = 0 # Set the target velocities of the target joints. They are set to 0 to denote stopping at the destinations: for point in traj: #print(point) #Position only in simulation position.append((point)) point_nr += 1 point_msg = JointTrajectoryPoint() point_msg.positions = point point_msg.velocities = [0] * 6 point_msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3 * point_nr) traj_msg.points.append(point_msg) # Send the position control message to the action server node: position.append(gripperPos[0]) obj1.position=position #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[0]) #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[1]) #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[2]) #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[3]) #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[4]) #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[5]) #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[6]) #rospy.loginfo(obj1.position[7]) resp = PositionAPICoordSpaceQuatResponse() resp.ret=1; resp.joint1=obj1.position[0] resp.joint2=obj1.position[1] resp.joint3=obj1.position[2] resp.joint4=obj1.position[3] resp.joint5=obj1.position[4] resp.joint6=obj1.position[5] #action_server_name = '/arm/joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' #pub.publish(obj1) #client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) #if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): # print("Action server not ready within timeout. Aborting...") # ah.set_failed(4) #return ah # return 0 #else: #print("Action server ready for Coordinate API Request") #client_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() #client_goal.trajectory = traj_msg #client.send_goal(client_goal) #ah.set_client(client) #ah.wait_inside() return resp
def position_api_coord_space_quat_handler(req): #rospy.loginfo("Inside PostionAPICoordSpaceQuat Service call!") global jointStateCallbackEx global gripper gripper=0.5 ''' This simple_script_server is a custom library that was created by the Fraunhofer institute. An action_handle will listen for position commands. ''' ah = simple_script_server.action_handle("move", "arm", "home", False, False) if False: rospy.loginfo("Action server ready!") return ah else: ah.set_active() #rospy.loginfo("ah active!") # Get the target (X, Y, Z) coordinates to move to: targetCoords = [,,] #rospy.loginfo("TargetCoords read!") # Get the desired rotation (in quaternion) to move to: targetRot = [,,,] #rospy.loginfo("TargetRot read!") ''' Currently the Powerball requires a list of the 6 target joint angles to move. We can calculate these target joint angles by calling the inverse kinematics functions: ''' ''' First, get a list of the current joint angles. The joint angles can be found from rostopic /joint_states ''' sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, jointStateCallback) pub = rospy.Publisher("joint_leap", JointState, queue_size=10) while jointStateCallbackEx == False: pass rospy.Subscriber.unregister(sub) jointStateCallbackEx = False # We need to convert the quaternion into a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix: homoMat = quaternion_matrix(targetRot) # Insert the desired target joint coordinate into the transformation matrix: homoMat[0,0] = 1 homoMat[1,0] = 0 homoMat[2,0] = 0 homoMat[0,1] = 0 homoMat[1,1] = -1 homoMat[2,1] = 0 homoMat[0,2] = 0 homoMat[1,2] = 0 homoMat[2,2] = -1 homoMat[0,3] = homoMat[1,3] = homoMat[2,3] = #RotxMat=numpy.array([[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,-1,0,0],[0,0,0,1]]) #RotyMat=numpy.array([[0,0,-1,0],[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1]]) #SolMat=numpy.array([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]) #SolMat=RotyMat*RotxMat*homoMat ''' Calculate the inverse kinematics given the target rotation/position and the list of current joint angles: ''' #print("homoMat is: ") #print(homoMat) #print(SolMat) #print(jointAngles) #try: #targetJointAngles = kf.ikine(homoMat, jointAngles) #except ValueError: #print("ERROR: Position out of Range") #return 0 #if len(targetJointAngles) != 0: if len(jointAngles) != 0: # We have a valid solution! Move the Powerball to this location: # Generate the trajectory message to send to the Powerball: # End code simulation # Code real robot #targetJointAngles = targetJointAngles[:6] jointAngles.append(req.gripper) #trajectory=jointAngles #trajectory.append(1.0) # Encapsulate the targetJointAngles into a trajectory: #traj = [targetJointAngles] traj = [jointAngles] #traj.append(gripper) traj_msg = JointTrajectory() traj_msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.5) traj_msg.joint_names = ['arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint','pg70_finger_left_joint'] point_nr = 0 for point in traj: print(point) #Position only in simulation #position.append((point)) point_nr += 1 print("Point num %d " % point_nr) point_msg = JointTrajectoryPoint() point_msg.positions = point point_msg.velocities = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,0.0, 0.0 ,0.0, 0.1] point_msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3 * point_nr) traj_msg.points.append(point_msg) action_server_name = '/arm/joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): print("Action server not ready within timeout. Aborting...") #ah.set_failed(4) #return ah return 0 else: print("Action server ready for Coordinate API Request") client_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() client_goal.trajectory = traj_msg client.send_goal(client_goal) print("goal send") #ah.set_client(client) #ah.wait_inside() return 1
def powerball_remote(): ah = simple_script_server.action_handle("move", "arm", "home", False, False) if False: return ah else: ah.set_active() # Ask the user to input the desired joint angles: print( "Joint 1 is the proximal joint (the base), Joint 6 is the distal joint (the wrist)" ) joint1 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 1: ")) joint2 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 2: ")) joint3 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 3: ")) joint4 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 4: ")) joint5 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 5: ")) joint6 = float(input("Please enter the desired angle for Joint 6: ")) # This list holds the joint angles: jointAngles = [joint1, joint2, joint3, joint4, joint5, joint6] # Encapsulate the jointAngles in another list (the trajectory): traj = [jointAngles] # Generate the trajectory message to send: traj_msg = JointTrajectory() traj_msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.5) traj_msg.joint_names = [ 'arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint' ] point_nr = 0 for point in traj: point_nr += 1 point_msg = JointTrajectoryPoint() point_msg.positions = point point_msg.velocities = [0] * 6 point_msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3 * point_nr) traj_msg.points.append(point_msg) # Send the message to the action server: action_server_name = '/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): print("Action server not ready within timeout. Aborting...") ah.set_failed(4) return ah else: print("Action server ready!") client_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() client_goal.trajectory = traj_msg client.send_goal(client_goal) ah.set_client(client) ah.wait_inside() return ah