def gen_layer(): if os.path.isfile(os.getcwd() + '\\config.cfg'): config_r = open(os.getcwd() + '\\config.cfg', 'r') lines = config_r.readlines() param_dic = {} for line in lines: line = line.split('\n') para = line[0].split('=')[0] val = line[0].split('=')[1] param_dic[para] = val # if 'fdir' in param_dic: try: sg_input_dir = sg.Input(param_dic['fdir'].decode('gbk')) sg_input_excel = sg.Input(param_dic['f_excel'].decode('gbk')) except: sg_input_excel = sg.Input('') sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') else: sg_input_excel = sg.Input('') sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') layout1 = [[sg.Text('输入图例Excel'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_excel, sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.Text('定义目录文件'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_dir, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.Text('不带*的用户名文件(如果不需要此功能请留空)'.decode('gbk'))], [sg.Input(''), sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.OK()] ] window1 = sg.Window('生成图层'.decode('gbk'),font=("Helvetica", 20)).Layout(layout1) while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() if event1 is None: break # print(values1) f_excel = values1[0].encode('gbk') fdir = values1[1].encode('gbk') additional_excel = values1[2].encode('gbk') # print(additional_excel) # exit() # print(fdir) # print(f_excel) config = + '\\' + 'config.cfg', 'w') config.write('fdir=' + fdir + '\n') config.write('f_excel=' + f_excel + '\n') config.close() p = multiprocessing.Process(target=kernel_gen_layer, args=(fdir, f_excel, additional_excel)) p.start() window1.Close() break
def merge(): if os.path.isfile(os.getcwd() + '\\merge_config.cfg'): config_r = open(os.getcwd() + '\\merge_config.cfg', 'r') lines = config_r.readlines() param_dic = {} for line in lines: line = line.split('\n') para = line[0].split('=')[0] val = line[0].split('=')[1] param_dic[para] = val # if 'fdir' in param_dic: try: sg_input_dir = sg.Input(param_dic['fdir'].decode('gbk')) sg_input_out_dir = sg.Input(param_dic['out_dir'].decode('gbk')) except: sg_input_out_dir = sg.Input('') sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') else: sg_input_out_dir = sg.Input('') sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') layout1 = [[sg.Text('输入需要合并的文件夹'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_dir, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.Text('输出目录'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_out_dir, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.OK()] ] window1 = sg.Window('合并图层'.decode('gbk'),font=("Helvetica", 20)).Layout(layout1) while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() if event1 is None: break # print(values1) indir = values1[0] outdir = values1[1] print(indir) print(outdir) # exit() config = + '\\' + 'merge_config.cfg', 'w') config.write('fdir=' + indir.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('out_dir=' + outdir.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.close() indir = indir.encode('gbk') outdir = outdir.encode('gbk') merge_shp.Merge().merge(indir,outdir) # yongcheng.Merge().merge_point_annotation_shp(indir,outdir) # yongcheng.Merge().merge_daoxian(indir,outdir) # yongcheng.main(fdir+'/',f_excel) sg.Popup('图层生成完毕!\n按OK结束'.decode('gbk')) window1.Close() break
def main(): # layout1 = [ # [sg.Radio('1.dwg转shp'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], # [sg.Radio('2.生成layer'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], # [sg.Radio('3.出图'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], # [sg.Radio('4.合并图层'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], # [sg.Radio('5.更新代码'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], # [sg.OK()] # ] layout1 = [[sg.InputCombo(('1.dwg转shp'.decode('gbk'), '2.生成layer'.decode('gbk'), '3.出图'.decode('gbk'), '4.合并图层'.decode('gbk'),'0.更新代码'.decode('gbk')), size=(20, 1))], [sg.OK()]] window1 = sg.Window('自动制图'.decode('gbk'),layout1,font=("Helvetica", 20)) while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() # print(values1) if event1 is None: break if values1[0] == '5.更新代码'.decode('gbk'): py_scrpit = 'd:\\zhongyaxianlutu\\cui_project_191116\\cui_project\\py27\\' update_script(py_scrpit) elif values1[0] == '1.dwg转shp'.decode('gbk'): dwg_to_shp() elif values1[0] == '2.生成layer'.decode('gbk'): gen_layer() elif values1[0] == '3.出图'.decode('gbk'): mapping() elif values1[0] == '4.合并图层'.decode('gbk'): merge() # while 1: # print('input number:') # print('0.更新代码\n1.dwg转shp\n2.生成layer\n3.出图\n4.合并图层') # input_num = raw_input('input:') # if input_num == '0': # py_scrpit = 'd:\\zhongyaxianlutu\\cui_project_191116\\cui_project\\py27\\' # update_script(py_scrpit) # elif input_num == '1': # dwg_to_shp() # pass # elif input_num == '2': # gen_layer() # pass # elif input_num == '3': # mapping() # pass # elif input_num == '4': # merge() pass
def main(): # layout1 = [[sg.Text('1.dwg转shp'.decode('gbk'))], # [sg.Text('2.生成layer'.decode('gbk'))], # [sg.Text('3.出图'.decode('gbk'))], # [sg.OK()]] layout1 = [ [sg.Radio('1.生成layer'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], [sg.Radio('2.出图'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], [sg.OK()] ] window1 = sg.Window('自动制图'.decode('gbk'),layout1,font=("Helvetica", 20)) while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() # print(values1) if event1 is None: break if values1[0]: gen_layer() if values1[1]: mapping()
def dwg_to_shp(): if os.path.isfile(os.getcwd() + '/config_dwg_to_shp.cfg'): config_r = open(os.getcwd() + '/config_dwg_to_shp.cfg', 'r') lines = config_r.readlines() param_dic = {} for line in lines: line = line.split('\n') para = line[0].split('=')[0] val = line[0].split('=')[1] param_dic[para] = val # if 'fdir' in param_dic: try: sg_input_dir = sg.Input(param_dic['input_dir'].decode('gbk')) sg_arcgis_python = sg.Input(param_dic['arcgis_python'].decode('gbk')) sg_input_python_script = sg.Input(param_dic['input_python_scrip'].decode('gbk')) sg_out_dir = sg.Input(param_dic['out_dir'].decode('gbk')) except: sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') sg_arcgis_python = sg.Input('') sg_input_python_script = sg.Input('') sg_out_dir = sg.Input('') else: sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') sg_arcgis_python = sg.Input('') sg_input_python_script = sg.Input('') sg_out_dir = sg.Input('') layout1 = [ [sg.Text('arcgis 的 python.exe'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_arcgis_python, sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.Text('dwg转shp脚本.py'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_python_script, sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.Text('dwg目录'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_dir, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.Text('dwg转shp输出目录'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_out_dir, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.OK()] ] window1 = sg.Window('dwg转shp'.decode('gbk'),font=("Helvetica", 20)).Layout(layout1) while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() if event1 is None: break arcgis_python = values1[0] input_python_script = values1[1] input_dir = values1[2] out_dir = values1[3] config = + '/' + 'config_dwg_to_shp.cfg', 'w') config.write('arcgis_python=' + arcgis_python.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('input_python_scrip=' + input_python_script.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('input_dir=' + input_dir.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('out_dir=' + out_dir.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.close() input_dir = input_dir.replace('/','\\') out_dir = out_dir.replace('/','\\') params = [arcgis_python,input_python_script,input_dir,out_dir] p = multiprocessing.Process(target=kernel_dwg_to_shp, args=[params]) p.start() window1.Close() break
def mapping(): if os.path.isfile(os.getcwd() + '/config_mapping.cfg'): config_r = open(os.getcwd() + '/config_mapping.cfg', 'r') lines = config_r.readlines() param_dic = {} for line in lines: line = line.split('\n') para = line[0].split('=')[0] val = line[0].split('=')[1] param_dic[para] = val # if 'fdir' in param_dic: try: sg_input_dir = sg.Input(param_dic['fdir'].decode('gbk')) sg_arcgis_python = sg.Input(param_dic['arcgis_python'].decode('gbk')) sg_input_python_script = sg.Input(param_dic['mapping_script'].decode('gbk')) sg_input_ditu = sg.Input(param_dic['input_ditu'].decode('gbk')) sg_out_pic_dir = sg.Input(param_dic['out_pic_dir'].decode('gbk')) sg_heng_template = sg.Input(param_dic['heng_template'].decode('gbk')) sg_shu_template = sg.Input(param_dic['shu_template'].decode('gbk')) except: sg_arcgis_python = sg.Input('') sg_input_python_script = sg.Input('') sg_input_ditu = sg.Input('') sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') sg_out_pic_dir = sg.Input('') sg_heng_template = sg.Input('') sg_shu_template = sg.Input('') else: sg_arcgis_python = sg.Input('') sg_input_dir = sg.Input('') sg_input_python_script = sg.Input('') sg_input_ditu = sg.Input('') sg_out_pic_dir = sg.Input('') sg_heng_template = sg.Input('') sg_shu_template = sg.Input('') layout1 = [ [sg.Text('arcgis 的 python.exe'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_arcgis_python, sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.Text('制图脚本.py'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_python_script, sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.Text('底图'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_ditu, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.Text('横mxd模板.mxd'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_heng_template, sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.Text('竖mxd模板.mxd'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_shu_template, sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.Radio('A0'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1"),sg.Radio('A3'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], # [sg.Radio('A3'.decode('gbk'), "RADIO1")], [sg.Text('制图目录'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_input_dir, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.Text('图片输出目录'.decode('gbk'))], [sg_out_pic_dir, sg.FolderBrowse()], [sg.OK()] ] window1 = sg.Window('arcpy制图'.decode('gbk'),font=("Helvetica", 20)).Layout(layout1) while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() # print event1 # print values1 if event1 is None: break arcgis_python = values1[0] mapping_script = values1[1] mapping_input_ditu = values1[2] heng_template = values1[3] shu_template = values1[4] a0 = values1[5] a3 = values1[6] fdir = values1[7] out_pic_dir = values1[8] config = + '/' + 'config_mapping.cfg', 'w') config.write('fdir=' + fdir.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('mapping_script=' + mapping_script.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('input_ditu=' + mapping_input_ditu.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('arcgis_python=' + arcgis_python.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('out_pic_dir=' + out_pic_dir.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('heng_template=' + heng_template.encode('gbk') + '\n') config.write('shu_template=' + shu_template.encode('gbk') + '\n') # config.write('a0=' + str(a0) + '\n') # config.write('a3=' + str(a3) + '\n') config.close() # print(arcgis_python+' '+mapping_script) fdir = fdir.replace('/','\\') out_pic_dir = out_pic_dir.replace('/','\\') size = '' if a0: size = 'a0' if a3: size = 'a3' params = [arcgis_python,mapping_script,fdir,out_pic_dir,mapping_input_ditu,heng_template,shu_template,size] p = multiprocessing.Process(target=kernel_mapping, args=[params]) p.start() window1.Close() break
def main(): valid_input = [] for i in range(10): valid_input.append(str(i)) valid_input.append(':') valid_input.append('.') # print(valid_input) # exit() text = sg.Text('input IP or domain and port', auto_size_text=1, font=Font) text1 = sg.Text('select IP and port', auto_size_text=1, font=Font) sg_input = sg.Input() fr = open('ipconfig.txt') lines = fr.readlines() fr.close() listbox = [] for line in lines: line = line.split('\n')[0] listbox.append(line) sg_listbox = sg.Listbox(listbox, size=(40, 10), font=Font) layout1 = [[text], [sg_input], [text1], [sg_listbox], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]] window1 = sg.Window('proxy').Layout(layout1) while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() if event1 == None: break break_flag = 0 # for str_ in values1[0]: # if str_ not in valid_input: # sg.Popup(u'输入有误', title=u'错误', font=Font) # break_flag = 1 # break if len(values1[0]) == len(values1[1]) == 0: sg.Popup(u'请选择', title=u'错误', font=Font) continue if break_flag == 1: sg_input.Update('') continue if len(values1[0]) > 0: # print(1) ip = values1[0] else: ip = values1[1][0] # sg_input.Update(ip) if ip == 0 or ip == 'clear': clear_proxy() else: set_proxy(ip) sg_input.Update('') # print(ip) # print(values1) # print(ip) pass
def main(): text = sg.Text( '请输入视频网址(例如:\n或输入搜索关键词(例如: 周星驰 或 喜剧之王):' .decode('utf-8'), auto_size_text=1, font=Font) layout1 = [ [text], [sg.Input(), sg.OK(u'搜索')], ] window1 = sg.Window('Download 532 Movies').Layout(layout1) # win2_active = 0 while 1: event1, values1 = window1.Read() if not check_connection(): sg.PopupError(u'连接错误\n请检查网络是否能连接', title=u'错误', font=Font) continue if event1 is None: break print(values1) key_word = values1[0] if len(key_word) < 2: sg.Popup('请多于2个关键词'.decode('utf-8')) continue if key_word.startswith('http'): movie_name, _ = get_vedio_url(key_word) movie_name = [movie_name] urls = [key_word] else: movie_name, urls = search(key_word) # key_word = key_word.encode('utf-8') for i in movie_name: print(i) movie_dic = {} listbox = [] for i in range(len(movie_name)): movie_dic[movie_name[i].decode('utf-8')] = urls[i] listbox.append(movie_name[i].decode('utf-8')) if len(movie_name) > 0 and not event1 is None: # listbox = movie_name sg_listbox = sg.Listbox(listbox, size=(50, 10), font=Font) text1 = u'%s\n 搜索结果:共有%s条,请选择要下载的影片' % (key_word, len(movie_name)) if os.path.isfile(os.getcwd() + '\\config.cfg'): config_r = open(os.getcwd() + '\\config.cfg', 'r') lines = config_r.readlines() param_dic = {} for line in lines: line = line.split('\n') para = line[0].split('=')[0] val = line[0].split('=')[1] param_dic[para] = val if 'movie_path' in param_dic: sg_input = sg.Input(param_dic['movie_path']) else: sg_input = sg.Input('') else: sg_input = sg.Input('') layout2 = [[sg.Text(text1, font=Font)], [sg_listbox, sg.OK(u'下载')], [sg.Text(u'下载路径', font=Font)], [sg_input, sg.FolderBrowse(u'浏览')]] window2 = sg.Window(u'搜索结果').Layout(layout2) while 1: ev2, vals2 = window2.Read() if ev2 is None: window2.Close() break if len(vals2[0]) == 0: sg.Popup(u'请选择一个电影', title=u'错误', font=Font) continue # print(vals2[0][0]) url = movie_dic[vals2[0][0]] # print(url) # print(vals2) movie_path = vals2[1] if len(movie_path) == 0: sg.Popup(u'请输入下载路径', title=u'错误', font=Font) continue # print(movie_path) config = open(os.getcwd() + '\\config.cfg', 'w') config.write('movie_path=' + movie_path + '\n') config.close() # sg_input.Update(movie_path) # movie_path = os.getcwd()+'\\' movie_path = movie_path + '/' print(movie_path) # exit() download_movies(url, movie_path) else: sg.Popup(u'无搜索结果,请检查关键词', title=u'错误', font=Font) if event1 is None: break
def download_movies(url, movie_path): ''' :param url: '' :return: None download *.ts to RAM write mp4 movie file to local disk from RAM ''' temp_file = str(time.time()) try: + temp_file, 'wb') except: sg.Popup(u'路径错误', font=Font) return None os.remove(movie_path + temp_file) movie_name, urls = get_vedio_url(url) invalid_char = '/\:*"<>|?' for ic in invalid_char: if ic in movie_name: movie_name = movie_name.replace(ic, '.') print(movie_name) # try: # print(movie_name.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8','ignore')) # except: # print(movie_name.split()[0].decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8','ignore')) # try: movie_name_utf8 = movie_name.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk', 'ignore') except: movie_name_utf8 = movie_name.split()[0].decode('utf-8').encode( 'gbk', 'ignore') episode = 0 flag = 0 # time_init = time.time() # time_start = time.time() if len(urls) == 1: if os.path.isfile(movie_path + movie_name.decode('utf-8') + '.mp4'): # print(movie_path + movie_name_utf8 + '.mp4 is already existed') sg.Popup(movie_path + movie_name.decode('utf-8') + u'已存在', font=Font) return None ts = split_videos(urls[0]) pool = ThreadPool(20) # bar_fmt = 'Downloading\t' + '|{bar}|{percentage:3.0f}%' results = list(tqdm_gui(pool.imap(download_ts, ts), total=len(ts))) plt.title('asdf') pool.close() pool.join() # print('Writing to disk...') movie = + movie_name_utf8 + '.mp4', 'wb') bar_fmt1 = 'writing to disk\t' + '|{bar}|{percentage:3.0f}%' for i in tqdm(range(len(results)), bar_format=bar_fmt1, ncols=50): movie.write(results[i]) movie.close() plt.close() sg.Popup(u'下载完成!', title=u'完成', font=Font) else: # episode_str = raw_input( # 'there are %s episodes, please input a series of numbers like this(e.g.:1,10,15 or 1-3,4-10)' % len(urls)) text = sg.Text(u'共有%s集\n请输入集数\n(例如:1,10,15 or 1-3,4-10)\n直接点击下载所有' % len(urls), auto_size_text=1, font=Font) layout = [ [text], [sg.Input(), sg.OK(u'下载')], ] window = sg.Window(u'选择集数').Layout(layout) while 1: ev, vals = window.Read() if ev is None: break # episodes = episode_str.split(',') print(vals) # continue if len(vals[0]) == 0: selected = range(1, len(urls) + 1) else: episodes = vals[0].split(',') selected = [] fail1 = 0 try: for e in episodes: if '-' in e: e_split = e.split('-') e_start = e_split[0] e_end = e_split[1] ee = range(int(e_start), int(e_end) + 1) for ei in ee: selected.append(ei) else: selected.append(int(e)) except: fail1 = 1 selected.sort() for s in selected: if s > len(urls): print('there are no episode %s' % s) fail1 = 1 elif s < 1: print('input error...') fail1 = 1 if fail1 == 1: sg.PopupError(u'输入有误', title=u'错误', font=Font) continue # print selected # continue text2 = sg.Text('') layout2 = [ [text2], [ sg.ProgressBar(len(selected), orientation='h', size=(20, 20), key='progressbar') ], ] window2 = sg.Window(u'下载进度').Layout(layout2) progress_bar = window2.FindElement('progressbar') flag1 = 0 for i in urls: ev2, va2 = window2.Read(timeout=0) if ev2 is None: break # selected_episodes = range(1, int(1e5)) text2.Update(i) episode += 1 if episode not in selected: continue TV_dir = movie_path + movie_name_utf8 + '\\' if not os.path.isdir(TV_dir): os.makedirs(TV_dir) if os.path.isfile(TV_dir + 'Episode ' + '%02d' % episode + '.mp4'): # print(TV_dir + 'Episode ' + '%02d' % episode + '.mp4 is already existed') flag += 1 # continue sg.Popup(movie_name.decode('utf-8') + 'Episode ' + '%02d' % episode + u'已存在', font=Font) continue pool = ThreadPool(20) ts = split_videos(i) bar_fmt = 'Episode %02d' % episode + '|{bar}|{percentage:3.0f}%' results = list( tqdm_gui(pool.imap(download_ts, ts), total=len(ts), ncols=50, bar_format=bar_fmt)) pool.close() pool.join() plt.close() movie = TV_dir + 'Episode ' + '%02d' % episode + '.mp4', 'wb') for r in results: movie.write(r) progress_bar.UpdateBar(flag1 + 1) flag1 += 1 window2.Close()