def tag(options): """Tag the version""" default_options = Config() default_options._load('./.tagitrc') default_options._use('TAGIT') default_options.update(vars(options['c'])) publish = default_options.get('publish', False) #changelog = default_options.get('changelog', '') increment = default_options.get('increment', 'patch') versource = default_options.get('versource', '') vertoml = default_options.get('vertoml', '') #checksource = default_options.get('checksource', True) #checktoml = default_options.get('checktoml', True) extra = default_options.get('extra', '') specver = options[POSITIONAL] or None ret = status(default_options, specver, True) if not ret: return tagver = _get_version_from_gittag() or Tag((0, 0, 0)) specver = specver or tagver.increment(increment) if versource: _log('Updating version in source file ...') _update_version_to_source(_getsrcfile(versource), specver) if vertoml: _log('Updating version in pyproject.toml ...') _update_version_to_toml(specver, vertoml) if extra: cmd = bash(c=extra).fg if cmd.rc != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to run %r' % extra) _log('Committing the change ...') try: git.commit({'allow-empty': True}, a=True, m=str(specver)).fg except CmdyReturnCodeError: # pre-commit fails, do it again _log('Pre-commit failed, try again ...') git.add('.') git.commit({'allow-empty': True}, a=True, m=str(specver)).fg _log('Pushing the commit to remote ...') git.push().fg _log('Adding tag %r ...' % specver) git.tag(str(specver)).fg _log('Pushing the tag to remote ...') git.push(tag=True).fg if publish: _log('Building the release ...') _log('Publishing the release ...') poetry.publish().fg _log('Done!')
def status(options, specver=None, ret=False): """Get the status of the project""" tagver = _get_version_from_gittag() exception = None gitstatus = git.status(s=True).str() cherry = git.cherry(v=True).str() if gitstatus or cherry: exception = UncleanRepoException( 'You have changes uncommitted or unpushed.\n\n' + git.status().str()) lastmsg = git.log('-1', pretty="format:%s", _sep='=').strip() if lastmsg == str(tagver): raise NoChangesSinceLastTagException('No changes since last tag.') tagver = tagver or Tag((0, 0, 0)) rcoptions = Config() rcoptions._load('./.tagitrc') rcoptions._use('TAGIT') rcoptions.update(vars(options)) changelog = rcoptions.get('changelog', '') increment = rcoptions.get('increment', 'patch') versource = rcoptions.get('versource', '') vertoml = rcoptions.get('vertoml', '') checksource = rcoptions.get('checksource', True) checktoml = rcoptions.get('checktoml', True) _log('Current version: %s' % str(tagver)) if ret: nextver = tagver.increment(increment) _log('New version received: %r' % (specver or nextver)) if exception: raise exception return _checkver(specver or nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml, checksource, checktoml) nextver = tagver.increment('patch') _log('Next auto patch version is: %s' % nextver) if _checkver(nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml, checksource, checktoml): _log(' You are good to go with this version.') shortcmd = '`tagit tag`, ' if increment == 'patch' else '' _log(' Run %s`tagit tag -c.i patch` or `tagit tag %s`' % (shortcmd, nextver)) nextver = tagver.increment('minor') _log('Next auto minor version is: %s' % nextver) if _checkver(nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml, checksource, checktoml): _log(' You are good to go with this version.') shortcmd = '`tagit tag`, ' if increment == 'minor' else '' _log(' Run %s`tagit tag -c.i minor` or `tagit tag %s`' % (shortcmd, nextver)) nextver = tagver.increment('major') _log('Next auto major version is: %s' % nextver) if _checkver(nextver, changelog, versource, vertoml, checksource, checktoml): _log(' You are good to go with this version.') shortcmd = '`tagit tag`, ' if increment == 'major' else '' _log(' Run %s`tagit tag -c.i major` or `tagit tag %s`' % (shortcmd, nextver)) if exception: raise exception