def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("tabletest", 400, 8) fm = FileMgr(File("tabletest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) tm = TableMgr(True, tx) tcatLayout = tm.getLayout("tblcat", tx) print("Here are all the tables and their lengths.") ts = TableScan(tx, "tblcat", tcatLayout) while tname = ts.getString("tblname") slotsize = ts.getInt("slotsize") print(tname + " " + str(slotsize)) ts.close() print("\nHere are the fields for each table and their offsets") fcatLayout = tm.getLayout("fldcat", tx) ts = TableScan(tx, "fldcat", fcatLayout) while tname = ts.getString("tblname") fname = ts.getString("fldname") offset = ts.getInt("offset") print(tname + " " + fname + " " + str(offset)) ts.close()
def createView(self, vname, vdef, tx): layout = self.tblMgr.getLayout("viewcat", tx) ts = TableScan(tx, "viewcat", layout) ts.insert() ts.setString("viewname", vname) ts.setString("viewdef", vdef) ts.close()
def createIndex(self, idxname, tblname, fldname, tx): ts = TableScan(tx, "idxcat", self.layout) ts.insert() ts.setString("indexname", idxname) ts.setString("tablename", tblname) ts.setString("fieldname", fldname) ts.close()
def calcTableStats(self, tblname, layout, tx): numRecs = 0 numblocks = 0 ts = TableScan(tx, tblname, layout) while numRecs += 1 numblocks = ts.getRid().blockNumber() + 1 ts.close() return StatInfo(numblocks, numRecs)
def getViewDef(self, vname, tx): result = None layout = self.tblMgr.getLayout("viewcat", tx) ts = TableScan(tx, "viewcat", layout) while if ts.getString("viewname") == vname: result = ts.getString("viewdef") break ts.close() return result
def refreshStatistics(self, tx): self.tablestats = {} self.numcalls = 0 tcatlayout = self.tblMgr.getLayout("tblcat", tx) tcat = TableScan(tx, "tblcat", tcatlayout) while tblname = tcat.getString("tblname") layout = self.tblMgr.getLayout(tblname, tx) self.lock.release() si = self.calcTableStats(tblname, layout, tx) self.lock.acquire() self.tablestats[tblname] = si tcat.close()
def getIndexInfo(self, tblname, tx): result = {} ts = TableScan(tx, "idxcat", self.layout) while if ts.getString("tablename") == tblname: idxname = ts.getString("indexname") fldname = ts.getString("fieldname") tblLayout = self.tblmgr.getLayout(tblname, tx) tblsi = self.statmgr.getStatInfo(tblname, tblLayout, tx) ii = IndexInfo(idxname, fldname, tblLayout.schema(), tx, tblsi) result[fldname] = ii ts.close() return result
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("scantest2") fm = FileMgr(File("scantest2"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch1 = Schema() sch1.addIntField("A") sch1.addStringField("B", 9) layout1 = Layout(sch1) us1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) us1.beforeFirst() n = 200 print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T1.") for i in range(n): us1.insert() us1.setInt("A", i) us1.setString("B", "bbb" + str(i)) us1.close() sch2 = Schema() sch2.addIntField("C") sch2.addStringField("D", 9) layout2 = Layout(sch2) us2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) us2.beforeFirst() print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T2.") for i in range(n): us2.insert() us2.setInt("C", n - i - 1) us2.setString("D", "ddd" + str((n - i - 1))) us2.close() s1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) s2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) s3 = ProductScan(s1, s2) # selecting all records where A=C t = Term(Expression("A"), Expression("C")) pred = Predicate(t) print("The predicate is " + pred.__str__()) s4 = SelectScan(s3, pred) # projecting on [B,D] c = ["B", "D"] s5 = ProjectScan(s4, c) while print(s5.getString("B") + " " + s5.getString("D")) s5.close() tx.commit()
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("tabletest", 400, 8) fm = FileMgr(File("tabletest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("A") sch.addStringField("B", 9) layout = Layout(sch) for fldname in layout.schema().fields(): offset = layout.offset(fldname) print(fldname + " has offset " + str(offset)) print("Filling the table with 50 random records.") ts = TableScan(tx, "T", layout) for i in range(50): ts.insert() n = random.randint(0, 50) ts.setInt("A", n) ts.setString("B", "rec" + str(n)) print("inserting into slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(n) + ", " + "rec" + str(n) + "}") print("Deleting these records, whose A-values are less than 25.") count = 0 ts.beforeFirst() while a = ts.getInt("A") b = ts.getString("B") if a < 25: count += 1 print("slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + b + "}") ts.delete() print(str(count) + " values under 10 were deleted.\n") print("Here are the remaining records.") ts.beforeFirst() while a = ts.getInt("A") b = ts.getString("B") print("slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + b + "}") ts.close() tx.commit()
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("producttest") fm = FileMgr(File("producttest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch1 = Schema() sch1.addIntField("A") sch1.addStringField("B", 9) layout1 = Layout(sch1) ts1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) sch2 = Schema() sch2.addIntField("C") sch2.addStringField("D", 9) layout2 = Layout(sch2) ts2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) ts1.beforeFirst() n = 200 print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T1.") for i in range(n): ts1.insert() ts1.setInt("A", i) ts1.setString("B", "aaa" + str(i)) ts1.close() ts2.beforeFirst() print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T2.") for i in range(n): ts2.insert() ts2.setInt("C", n - i - 1) ts2.setString("D", "bbb" + str((n - i - 1))) ts2.close() s1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) s2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) s3 = ProductScan(s1, s2) while print(s3.getString("B")) s3.close() tx.commit()
def createTable(self, tblname, sch, tx): layout = Layout(sch) # insert one record into tblcat tcat = TableScan(tx, "tblcat", self.tcatLayout) tcat.insert() tcat.setString("tblname", tblname) tcat.setInt("slotsize", layout.slotSize()) tcat.close() # insert a record into fldcat for each field fcat = TableScan(tx, "fldcat", self.fcatLayout) for fldname in sch.fields(): fcat.insert() fcat.setString("tblname", tblname) fcat.setString("fldname", fldname) fcat.setInt("type", sch.type(fldname)) fcat.setInt("length", sch.length(fldname)) fcat.setInt("offset", layout.offset(fldname)) fcat.close()
def getLayout(self, tblname, tx): size = -1 tcat = TableScan(tx, "tblcat", self.tcatLayout) while if tcat.getString("tblname") == tblname: size = tcat.getInt("slotsize") break tcat.close() sch = Schema() offsets = {} fcat = TableScan(tx, "fldcat", self.fcatLayout) while if fcat.getString("tblname") == tblname: fldname = fcat.getString("fldname") fldtype = fcat.getInt("type") fldlen = fcat.getInt("length") offset = fcat.getInt("offset") offsets[fldname] = offset sch.addField(fldname, fldtype, fldlen) fcat.close() return Layout(sch, offsets, size)
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("scantest1") fm = FileMgr(File("scantest1"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch1 = Schema() sch1.addIntField("A") sch1.addStringField("B", 9) layout = Layout(sch1) s1 = TableScan(tx, "T", layout) s1.beforeFirst() n = 200 print("Inserting " + str(n) + " random records.") for i in range(n): s1.insert() k = random.randint(0, 50) s1.setInt("A", k) s1.setString("B", "rec" + str(k)) s1.close() s2 = TableScan(tx, "T", layout) # selecting all records where A=10 c = Constant(10) t = Term(Expression("A"), Expression(c)) pred = Predicate(t) print("The predicate is " + pred.__str__()) s3 = SelectScan(s2, pred) fields = ["B"] s4 = ProjectScan(s3, fields) while print(s4.getString("B")) s4.close() tx.commit()
class HashIndex(Index): NUM_BUCKETS = 100 # # * Opens a hash index for the specified index. # * @param idxname the name of the index # * @param sch the schema of the index records # * @param tx the calling transaction # def __init__(self, tx, idxname, layout): super(HashIndex, self).__init__() self.tx = tx self.idxname = idxname self.layout = layout # # * Positions the index before the first index record # * having the specified search key. # * The method hashes the search key to determine the bucket, # * and then opens a table scan on the file # * corresponding to the bucket. # * The table scan for the previous bucket (if any) is closed. # * @see simpledb.index.Index#beforeFirst(simpledb.query.Constant) # def beforeFirst(self, searchkey): self.close() self.searchkey = searchkey bucket = searchkey.__hash__() % HashIndex.NUM_BUCKETS tblname = self.idxname + bucket self.ts = TableScan(self.tx, tblname, self.layout) # # * Moves to the next record having the search key. # * The method loops through the table scan for the bucket, # * looking for a matching record, and returning false # * if there are no more such records. # * @see simpledb.index.Index#next() # def next(self): while if self.ts.getVal("dataval") == self.searchkey: return True return False # # * Retrieves the dataRID from the current record # * in the table scan for the bucket. # * @see simpledb.index.Index#getDataRid() # def getDataRid(self): blknum = self.ts.getInt("block") _id = self.ts.getInt("id") return RID(blknum, _id) # # * Inserts a new record into the table scan for the bucket. # * @see simpledb.index.Index#insert(simpledb.query.Constant, simpledb.record.RID) # def insert(self, val, rid): self.beforeFirst(val) self.ts.insert() self.ts.setInt("block", rid.blockNumber()) self.ts.setInt("id", rid.slot()) self.ts.setVal("dataval", val) # # * Deletes the specified record from the table scan for # * the bucket. The method starts at the beginning of the # * scan, and loops through the records until the # * specified record is found. # * @see simpledb.index.Index#delete(simpledb.query.Constant, simpledb.record.RID) # def delete(self, val, rid): self.beforeFirst(val) while if self.getDataRid() == rid: self.ts.delete() return # # * Closes the index by closing the current table scan. # * @see simpledb.index.Index#close() # def close(self): if self.ts is not None: self.ts.close() # # * Returns the cost of searching an index file having the # * specified number of blocks. # * The method assumes that all buckets are about the # * same size, and so the cost is simply the size of # * the bucket. # * @param numblocks the number of blocks of index records # * @param rpb the number of records per block (not used here) # * @return the cost of traversing the index # @staticmethod def searchCost(numblocks, rpb): return numblocks / HashIndex.NUM_BUCKETS