Example #1
def simple_eval(text):
    def merge(a, b):
        ret = a.copy()
        return ret

    simpleeval.MAX_POWER = MAX_POWER_LEN
    s = simpleeval.SimpleEval(operators=merge(
        simpleeval.DEFAULT_OPERATORS, {
            ast.BitXor: operator.xor,
            ast.BitAnd: operator.and_,
            ast.BitOr: operator.or_,
            ast.RShift: operator.rshift,
            ast.LShift: operator.lshift,
    for k, v in math.__dict__.items():
        if not k.startswith('_'):
            if type(v) in [int, float]:
                s.names[k] = v
            elif callable(v) and k not in [
                    'exp', 'expm1', 'ldexp', 'pow', 'factorial'
                s.functions[k] = v
        lambda x: hex(x).replace('0x', '', 1).rstrip('L').upper(),
        lambda x: bin(x).replace('0b', '', 1).rstrip('L'),
        lambda x: oct(x).replace('0o', '', 1).rstrip('L'),
    return eval_or_error(s.eval, text)
Example #2
def check(val):
    '''Returns True if val is a valid infix expression and raises FormatError
    operators = {
        ast.Add: operator.add,
        ast.Sub: operator.sub,
        ast.Mult: operator.mul,
        ast.Div: operator.floordiv,

    # We don't actually care what the names evaluate to, as we're not using
    # SimpleEval() to actually evaluate anything; we're just using it as a
    # shortcut to check whether or not the expression is valid in-fix. So, all
    # the values given here are just dummy placeholders.
    names = {
        'A': 0,
        'B': 0,
        'C': 0,
        'D': 0,
    infix_eval = simpleeval.SimpleEval(operators=operators, names=names)

    except:  # noqa: E722
        # eval can throw anything the Python parser can throw, so it's hard to
        # catch every possible item. So, exempt ourselves from this particular
        # flake8 warning.
        raise jsonschema.exceptions.FormatError('"%s" is not valid infix' %

    return True
Example #3
 def validate(cls, v: StrIntFloat) -> "ExpressionInt":
     if isinstance(v, str):
         evaluator = simpleeval.SimpleEval()
         evaluator.operators[ast.And] = operator.and_
         evaluator.operators[ast.Or] = operator.or_
         evaluator.operators[ast.LShift] = operator.lshift
         evaluator.operators[ast.RShift] = operator.rshift
         v = evaluator.eval(v)
     return cls(v)
Example #4
    def __init__(self):
        # Load the skins template.xml file
        templatepath = os.path.join(SKINPATH, "template.xml")
        self.otherTemplates = []
            self.tree = xmltree.parse(templatepath)

            log("Loaded template.xml file")

            # Pull out the names and includes of the 'other' templates - used to generate accurate progress
            # and to build empty 'other' templates if necessary
            for otherTemplate in self.tree.getroot().findall("other"):
                includeName = "skinshortcuts-template"
                if "include" in otherTemplate.attrib:
                    includeName = "skinshortcuts-template-%s" % (
                if includeName not in self.otherTemplates:

            # Add the template.xml to the hash file
            self._save_hash(templatepath, xbmcvfs.File(templatepath).read())
            # We couldn't load the template.xml file
            if xbmcvfs.exists(templatepath):
                # Unable to parse template.xml
                log("Unable to parse template.xml. Invalid xml?")
                # No template.xml
                self.tree = None
                self._save_hash(templatepath, None)

        # Empty variable which will contain our base elementree (passed from buildxml)
        self.includes = None

        # Empty progress which will contain the Kodi progress dialog gui (passed from buildxml)
        self.progress = None
        self.percent = None
        self.current = None

        # List which will contain 'other' elements we will need to finalize (we won't have all the
        # visibility conditions until the end)
        self.finalize = []

        # Initialize simple eval
        self.simple_eval = simpleeval.SimpleEval()
        self.simple_eval.operators[ast.In] = operator.contains
Example #5
def _get_value(rx_compiled, value_expression, item):
    seval = simpleeval.SimpleEval()
    for match in [rx_compiled.search(item.title.lower())]:
        if not match:
        seval.names = {
            **simpleeval.DEFAULT_NAMES, 'price': item.price
        logger.info(f"Evaluating item {item}, match {match}")
            return seval.eval(value_expression)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning(f"Ignoring exception: {e}")
            return math.inf
    return 0
Example #6
 def __init__(self):
     """ Virtually private constructor. """
     other_functions = {
         "abs": abs.abs,
         "e": e.E(),
         "ePower": ePower.ePower,
         "factorial": factorial.factorial,
         "MAD": mad.mad,
         "π": PI.PI(),
         "power": power.power,
         "σ": sd.sd,
         "sin": sin.sin,
         "sqrt": sqrt.sqrt,
         "tenPower": tenPower.tenPower
     self.se = simpleeval.SimpleEval()
     self.se.functions = simpleeval.DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS.copy()
     self.precision = 10
     self.angleMode = 'deg'
     if MathTool.__instance != None:
         raise Exception("This class is a MathTool!")
         MathTool.__instance = self
 def __init__(self):
     other_functions = {
         "sin": np.sin,
         "cos": np.cos,
         "tan": np.tan,
         "abs": abs
         "mod": np.mod,
         "sign": np.sign,
         "floor": np.floor,
         "ceil": np.ceil
     self.s = simpleeval.SimpleEval()
     self.s.operators[ast.Mult] = np.multiply
     self.s.operators[ast.Pow] = np.power
     self.s.operators[ast.Mod] = np.mod
     self.s.functions = simpleeval.DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS.copy()
     del self.s.functions["str"]
     del self.s.functions["rand"]
     del self.s.functions["randint"]
     self.s.names = {"x": np.arange(256), "pi": np.pi}
     self.output = None
Example #8
def generate_eval_parser(**simpleeval_kwargs):
    value_parser = simpleeval.SimpleEval(**simpleeval_kwargs)
    value_parser.operators = {**value_parser.operators, **EVAL_OPERATORS_EXTRA}
    return value_parser
Example #9
    'none': 0,
    'full': 1,
    'top_half': 2,
    'bottom_half': 3,

def getDirectionFlags(ls):
    flags = 0
    for d in ls:
        if d in faceToOffset:
            flags |= (1 << faceToOffset[d])
    return flags

evaluator = simpleeval.SimpleEval()

def resolve(vertex):
    for i in range(len(vertex)):
        if type(vertex[i]) is str:
            vertex[i] = evaluator.eval(vertex[i])

def resolve2(vertex, vlookup):
    for i in range(len(vertex)):
        if i == 0:
            vertex[i] = vlookup[vertex[i]]
        elif type(vertex[i]) is str:
            vertex[i] = evaluator.eval(vertex[i])
Example #10
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'ipetrash'

# pip install simpleeval
import simpleeval

class Foo:
    class A:
        class B:
            class C:
                value = 3

        value = 25

my_eval = simpleeval.SimpleEval()
my_eval.names['foo'] = Foo

print(my_eval.eval('foo.A.B.C.value * 10 + foo.A.value'))  # 55
Example #11
    def __init__(self,
        self.pipelines = []

        # Used as a backup plan to be able to do things in a background thread
        # when doing so directly would cause a deadlock
        self.eventQueue = []
        self.eventListeners = {}
        self.variables = variables if not variables is None else {}
        self.commands = ScriptActionKeeper()
        self.contextCommands = ScriptActionKeeper()

        self.children = {}
        self.children_iterable = {}
        self.constants = constants if (not (constants is None)) else {}
        self.contextName = contextName

        # Cache whether or not any binding is watching a variable
        # or variable. False positives are acceptable, it's just a slight
        # Performance hit
        self.needRefreshForVariable = {}

        # Used for detecting loops.  .d Must be 0 whenever we are not CURRENTLY, as in right now, in this thread, executing an event.
        # Not a pure stack or semaphor, when you queue up an event, that event will run at one higher than the event that created it,
        # And always return to 0 when it is not actively executing event code, to ensure that things not caused directly by an event
        # Don't have a nonzero depth.

        # It'ts not even tracking recursion really, more like async causation, or parenthood back to an event not caused my another event.

        # The whole point is not to let an event create another event, which runs the first event, etc.
        self.eventRecursionDepth = threading.local()

        # Should we propagate events to children
        self.propagateEvents = False

        # Used to allow objects named foo.bar to be accessed as actual attributes of a foo obj,
        # Even though we use a flat list of vars.
        self.namespaces = {}
        self.contextName = "ScriptContext"

        self.timeEvents = {}
        self.poller = None
        self.slowpoller = None
        selfid = id(self)

        # Stack to keep track of the $event variable for the current event we are running,
        # For nested events
        self.eventValueStack = []

        # Look for rising edge detects that already fired
        self.risingEdgeDetects = {}

        if parentContext:

            def delf(*a, **K):
                with lock:
                    del parentContext.children[selfid]
                    parentContext.children_iterable = parentContext.children.copy(

            with lock:
                parentContext.children[id(self)] = weakref.ref(self, delf)
                parentContext.children_iterable = parentContext.children.copy()

        self.parentContext = parentContext

        # Vars that have changed since last time we
        # Cleared the list. Used for telling the GUI
        # client about the current set of variables
        self.changedVariables = {}

        def setter(Variable, Value):
            if not isinstance(Variable, str):
                raise RuntimeError("Var name must be string")
            if Variable in globalConstants or Variable in self.constants:
                raise NameError("Key " + Variable + " is a constant")
            self.setVar(Variable, Value)

        self.setter = setter
        self.commands['set'] = setter

        for i in predefinedcommands:
            self.commands[i] = predefinedcommands[i]

        def defaultVar(name, default):
                return self._nameLookup(name)
            except NameError:
                return default

        functions = functions.copy()
        functions['defaultVar'] = defaultVar
        functions['var'] = defaultVar

        c = {}

        # Wrap them, so the first param becomes this context object.

        def wrap(self, f):
            def wrapped(*a, **k):
                f(self, *a, **k)

            return wrapped

        for i in contextFunctions:
            c[i] = wrap(self, contextFunctions[i])

        self.functions = functions

        self.evaluator = simpleeval.SimpleEval(functions=functions,

        if not gil:
            self.gil = threading.RLock()
            self.gil = gil
Example #12
    same prefix in.

    Calling a PathLongener with a dict without ``depth`` or ``path``
    attributes is a no-op.
    def __init__(self, prefix: Union[Path, tuple] = ()):
        self.depth = len(prefix)
        self.path = Path.build(prefix)

    def __call__(self, res):
        p = res.get("path", None)
        if p is None:
        d = res.pop("depth", None)
        if d is None:
        if not isinstance(p, tuple):
            # may be a list, dammit
            p = tuple(p)
        p = self.path[:self.depth + d] + p
        self.path = p
        res["path"] = p

# path_eval is a simple "eval" replacement to implement resolving
# expressions in paths. While it can be used for math, its primary function
# is to process tuples.
_eval = simpleeval.SimpleEval(functions={})
_eval.nodes[ast.Tuple] = lambda node: tuple(_eval._eval(x) for x in node.elts)
path_eval = _eval.eval