def build_region(self, dataset_metadata_dict, min_lod_pixels=100, max_lod_pixels=-1, min_fade_extent=200, max_fade_extent=800): """ Builds a KML Region using simplekml. lod parameters are the measurements in screen pixels that represents the maximum limit of the visibility range for a given Region. :param min_lod_pixels: :param max_lod_pixels: -1 the default, indicates "active to infinite size." :param min_fade_extent: :param max_fade_extent: :return: region object in simplekml """ region = simplekml.Region( latlonaltbox="<north>" + str(dataset_metadata_dict['latitude_max']) + "</north>" + "<south>" + str(dataset_metadata_dict['latitude_min']) + "</south>" + "<east>" + str(dataset_metadata_dict['longitude_max']) + "</east>" + "<west>" + str(dataset_metadata_dict['longitude_min']) + "</west>", lod="<minLodPixels>" + str(min_lod_pixels) + "</minLodPixels>" + "<maxLodPixels>" + str(max_lod_pixels) + "</maxLodPixels>" + "<minFadeExtent>" + str(min_fade_extent) + "</minFadeExtent>" + "<maxFadeExtent>" + str(max_fade_extent) + "</maxFadeExtent>") return region
def _makeKmlRegion(self, level, tileIndex): '''Sets up the KML region object for a single tile''' # Stop showing the low res tiles when they exceed their natural size maxLod = self._tileSize + 128 if level == 0: # The highest res tiles stay regardless of zoom level maxLod = -1 return simplekml.Region( latlonaltbox=self._getLatLonAltBox(level, tileIndex), lod=simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels=128, maxlodpixels=maxLod)) # TODO: Set this?
def strat_kml(self): ################################################## try: data_yuan = MyMainWindow.data_table1 if self.shanqu.isChecked() == True and self.biaoji.isChecked( ) == True: lon_n = self.comboBox.currentText() # 下拉菜单选择的项目赋值变量 lat_n = self.comboBox_2.currentText() fw_n = self.comboBox_3.currentText() id_n = self.id_box.currentText() banjing_n = self.banjing.text() #获取单行输入框 jia_jiao = self.lineEdit_3.text() #获取单行输入框 shiye_n = self.lineEdit.text() #获取单行输入框 xiangsu_n = self.lineEdit_2.text() #获取单行输入框 gaodu_n = self.lineEdit_4.text() toumingdu = self.horizontalSlider.value() #滑动取值spinbox yanse_shanqu = MyMainWindow.shanquyanse yanse_xiantiao = MyMainWindow.xiantiaoyanse print(lon_n, lat_n, fw_n, id_n, jia_jiao, toumingdu, yanse_shanqu, yanse_xiantiao) print(1) data_yuan['gaodu'] = int(gaodu_n) print(2) data_yuan_shi = self.add_sectors( df=data_yuan, coords=[lon_n, lat_n, 'gaodu', fw_n], has_z=True) # data_yuan_shi.to_csv('d:/up/shuchu.csv',index=False,encoding = 'gbk') ##======================================== row_table = data_yuan_shi.copy() kml = simplekml.Kml() # colour = 'ff00ffff' # ^^设置一个颜色 colour_alpha_x = simplekml.Color.changealphaint( int(toumingdu), yanse_xiantiao) # ^^^^^将颜色添加透明度0-255 colour_alpha_m = simplekml.Color.changealphaint( int(toumingdu), yanse_shanqu) style = simplekml.Style() style.iconstyle.icon.href = None # 不显示图标 style.linestyle.color = colour_alpha_x # 最终线条上色 style.polystyle.color = colour_alpha_m # 最终形状上色 style.labelstyle.scale = 0.8 # 字体大小1是正常 poif = kml.newfolder(name='名称') polf = kml.newfolder(name='扇区') lod1 = simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels=xiangsu_n, maxlodpixels=-1, minfadeextent=None, maxfadeextent=None) for i in range(len(row_table.index)): row_1 = row_table.iloc[i, :] df2 = row_1.filter(regex="[^geometry,^lon_n,^lat_n]") id_n_v, polygon1, lon_yuan, lat_yuan, fw_yuan = row_1[[ id_n, 'geometry', lon_n, lat_n, fw_n ]] lon_dd, lat_dd, lon1_dd, lat1_dd = self.lod_lon_lat( lon=lon_yuan, lat=lat_yuan, azimuth=45, azimuth1=225, radius=int(shiye_n)) latlonaltbox = simplekml.LatLonAltBox(east=lon_dd, north=lat_dd, south=lat1_dd, west=lon1_dd, minaltitude=None, maxaltitude=None, altitudemode=None) pol = polf.newpolygon( name=id_n_v) # ,description = biaozhu_r pol.region.latlonaltbox = latlonaltbox pol.region.lod = lod1 # polygon2=ast.literal_eval(polygon1) pol.outerboundaryis = polygon1 # polygon_1 是一个扇区 # lieming = row_1[['小区中文名','空口上下行业务字节数KByte']]#^^^^^^标注可选择,不选则全部 lie_ming = list(df2.index) for i in lie_ming: # ^^^^^^可选去掉不加标注 pol.extendeddata.schemadata.newsimpledata(i, df2[i]) pol.extrude = 1 # 高度需添加 pol.altitudemode = simplekml.AltitudeMode.relativetoground # 高度需添加 # pol.snippet.maxlines = 1 #名字下面的间隔 # pol.snippet.content = "名字下面的文字" lon_b, lat_b = self.point_lon_lat(lon=lon_yuan, lat=lat_yuan, azimuth=lat_yuan, radius=int(banjing_n) * 0.7) pnt = poif.newpoint(name=id_n_v) pnt.region.latlonaltbox = latlonaltbox pnt.region.lod = lod1 pnt.coords = [(lon_b, lat_b)] = style = style lu_name = MyMainWindow.data_name res_kml_name = lu_name.split(".")[0] if self.radioButton_4.isChecked() == True: + ".kml") print('ok1') QMessageBox.about(self, "标题", "图层制作完成") else: + ".kmz") print('ok1') QMessageBox.about(self, "标题", "图层制作完成") elif self.shanqu.isChecked() == True and self.biaoji.isChecked( ) == False: """无标注代码后面再加""" lon_n = self.comboBox.currentText() # 下拉菜单选择的项目赋值变量 lat_n = self.comboBox_2.currentText() fw_n = self.comboBox_3.currentText() id_n = self.id_box.currentText() banjing_n = self.banjing.text() #获取单行输入框 jia_jiao = self.lineEdit_3.text() #获取单行输入框 shiye_n = self.lineEdit.text() #获取单行输入框 xiangsu_n = self.lineEdit_2.text() #获取单行输入框 gaodu_n = self.lineEdit_4.text() toumingdu = self.horizontalSlider.value() #滑动取值spinbox yanse_shanqu = MyMainWindow.shanquyanse yanse_xiantiao = MyMainWindow.xiantiaoyanse print(lon_n, lat_n, fw_n, id_n, jia_jiao, toumingdu, yanse_shanqu, yanse_xiantiao) print(1) data_yuan['gaodu'] = int(gaodu_n) print(2) data_yuan_shi = self.add_sectors( df=data_yuan, coords=[lon_n, lat_n, 'gaodu', fw_n], has_z=True) # data_yuan_shi.to_csv('d:/up/shuchu.csv',index=False,encoding = 'gbk') ##======================================== row_table = data_yuan_shi.copy() kml = simplekml.Kml() # colour = 'ff00ffff' # ^^设置一个颜色 colour_alpha_x = simplekml.Color.changealphaint( int(toumingdu), yanse_xiantiao) # ^^^^^将颜色添加透明度0-255 colour_alpha_m = simplekml.Color.changealphaint( int(toumingdu), yanse_shanqu) style = simplekml.Style() style.iconstyle.icon.href = None # 不显示图标 style.linestyle.color = colour_alpha_x # 最终线条上色 style.polystyle.color = colour_alpha_m # 最终形状上色 style.labelstyle.scale = 0.8 # 字体大小1是正常 poif = kml.newfolder(name='名称') polf = kml.newfolder(name='扇区') lod1 = simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels=xiangsu_n, maxlodpixels=-1, minfadeextent=None, maxfadeextent=None) for i in range(len(row_table.index)): row_1 = row_table.iloc[i, :] df2 = row_1.filter(regex="[^geometry,^lon_n,^lat_n]") id_n_v, polygon1, lon_yuan, lat_yuan, fw_yuan = row_1[[ id_n, 'geometry', lon_n, lat_n, fw_n ]] lon_dd, lat_dd, lon1_dd, lat1_dd = self.lod_lon_lat( lon=lon_yuan, lat=lat_yuan, azimuth=45, azimuth1=225, radius=int(shiye_n)) latlonaltbox = simplekml.LatLonAltBox(east=lon_dd, north=lat_dd, south=lat1_dd, west=lon1_dd, minaltitude=None, maxaltitude=None, altitudemode=None) pol = polf.newpolygon( name=id_n_v) # ,description = biaozhu_r pol.region.latlonaltbox = latlonaltbox pol.region.lod = lod1 # polygon2=ast.literal_eval(polygon1) pol.outerboundaryis = polygon1 # polygon_1 是一个扇区 # lieming = row_1[['小区中文名','空口上下行业务字节数KByte']]#^^^^^^标注可选择,不选则全部 # lie_ming = list(df2.index) # for i in lie_ming: # ^^^^^^可选去掉不加标注 # pol.extendeddata.schemadata.newsimpledata(i, df2[i]) pol.extrude = 1 # 高度需添加 pol.altitudemode = simplekml.AltitudeMode.relativetoground # 高度需添加 # pol.snippet.maxlines = 1 #名字下面的间隔 # pol.snippet.content = "名字下面的文字" lon_b, lat_b = self.point_lon_lat(lon=lon_yuan, lat=lat_yuan, azimuth=lat_yuan, radius=int(banjing_n) * 0.7) pnt = poif.newpoint(name=id_n_v) pnt.region.latlonaltbox = latlonaltbox pnt.region.lod = lod1 pnt.coords = [(lon_b, lat_b)] = style = style lu_name = MyMainWindow.data_name res_kml_name = lu_name.split(".")[0] if self.radioButton_4.isChecked() == True: + ".kml") print('ok1') QMessageBox.about(self, "标题", "图层制作完成") else: + ".kmz") print('ok1') QMessageBox.about(self, "标题", "图层制作完成") elif self.pot.isChecked() == True: #制作点'''''' kml = simplekml.Kml() row_table = MyMainWindow.data_table1.copy() lon_n = self.comboBox.currentText() # 下拉菜单选择的项目赋值变量 lat_n = self.comboBox_2.currentText() id_n = self.id_box.currentText() shiye_n = self.lineEdit.text() #获取单行输入框 xiangsu_n = self.lineEdit_2.text() #获取单行输入框 style = simplekml.Style() pot_ss = MyMainWindow.k zz = pot_style.dict[pot_ss] style.iconstyle.icon.href = zz print(pot_ss, zz) lod_p = simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels=xiangsu_n, maxlodpixels=-1, minfadeextent=None, maxfadeextent=None) for i in range(len(row_table.index)): row_v = row_table.iloc[i, :] mingcheng, lon_p, lat_p = row_v[[ id_n, lon_n, lat_n ]] # +++++++++++++++++++++++名称和经纬度必须 # -----------添加lod lon_dd, lat_dd, lon1_dd, lat1_dd = self.lod_lon_lat( lon=lon_p, lat=lat_p, azimuth=45, azimuth1=225, radius=int(shiye_n)) latlonaltbox_p = simplekml.LatLonAltBox(east=lon_dd, north=lat_dd, south=lat1_dd, west=lon1_dd, minaltitude=None, maxaltitude=None, altitudemode=None) rgn_p = simplekml.Region(latlonaltbox_p, lod_p) # ------------创建点 pnt = kml.newpoint(name=mingcheng, region=rgn_p) # pnt.coords = [(lon_p, lat_p)] = style # lie_ming = list(row_v.index) # 标注全部列 # for i in lie_ming: # pnt.extendeddata.schemadata.newsimpledata(i, row_v[i]) lu_name = MyMainWindow.data_name res_kml_name = lu_name.split(".")[0] if self.radioButton_4.isChecked() == True: + "_pot.kml") print('ok1') QMessageBox.about(self, "标题", "图层制作完成") else: + "_pot.kmz") print('ok1') QMessageBox.about(self, "标题", "图层制作完成") except: QMessageBox.warning(self, "标题", "请核对经纬度方位角不为空,或者特殊字符")
screen2.size.y = 0.08 screen2.size.xunits = simplekml.Units.fraction screen2.size.yunits = simplekml.Units.fraction print 'Screen Overlay completed' ## GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SHAPE FILES AND KML FILES ## if vchoice == 'Y': ## CREATING A SIMPLEKML OBJECT ## kml = simplekml.Kml() box = simplekml.Box(north=46.86, south=4.32, east=-57.523, west=-90) lod = simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels=128, maxlodpixels=-1, minfadeextent=0, maxfadeextent=0) reg = simplekml.Region(box, lod) c = interpolate(float(len(levels)), palette) hex = [] for i in c: hex.append(rgb_to_hex(i)) createcolorbar(hex, levels) screen(kml) else: ## DEFINING SPATIAL REFERENCE ## crs = { 'no_defs': True, 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'longlat' } ## DEFINING OGR DRIVER ##
def make_parent(con, ground_boxes): # add tiles kmls = find_kml('./temp/kml') cur = con.cursor() # make the parent parent = simplekml.Kml() camera = simplekml.Camera( latitude=52.39296111111111, longitude=13.012166666666667, altitude=10000, altitudemode=simplekml.AltitudeMode.relativetoground, tilt=0) = camera for tile in kmls: # get bb tile_id = re.findall('([0-91].*)_', tile) statement = get_sql('sql/get_tile_bb.sql') statement = statement % tile_id[0] cur.execute(statement) the_str = cur.fetchone() # get the coords only coords = make_coords(the_str[0]) # add region and link coords = np.array(coords).astype(float) east = max(coords[:, 0]) west = min(coords[:, 0]) north = max(coords[:, 1]) south = min(coords[:, 1]) box = simplekml.LatLonAltBox(minaltitude=0, maxaltitude=20, altitudemode='clampToGround', east=east, west=west, north=north, south=south) the_link = parent.newnetworklink( name=tile, region=simplekml.Region(box, lod=simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels=2400))) = tile # add ground kmls for the_set in ground_boxes: the_id = the_set[1] coords = make_coords(the_set[0]) # add region and link coords = np.array(coords).astype(float) east = max(coords[:, 0]) west = min(coords[:, 0]) north = max(coords[:, 1]) south = min(coords[:, 1]) box = simplekml.LatLonAltBox(minaltitude=0, maxaltitude=20, altitudemode='clampToGround', east=east, west=west, north=north, south=south) the_link = parent.newnetworklink( name='ground_%s' % the_id, region=simplekml.Region(box, lod=simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels=360))) = 'kml/ground/%s.kml' % the_id cur.close() make_screen(parent)'./temp/parent.kml')
def updateKml(self, *args, **kwargs): print("updateKml: args=%s kwargs=%s" % (args, kwargs)) if not self._need_update: print("No update needed...") return nupstring print("Update needed, regenerating...") kml = simplekml.Kml() pnt = kml.newpoint(name="Machu Picchu, Peru") ##pnt.coordinates = simplekml.Coordinates(-72.516244) pnt.lookat = simplekml.LookAt(gxaltitudemode=simplekml.GxAltitudeMode.relativetoseafloor, latitude=-13.209676, longitude=-72.503364, altitude=0.0, range=14794.882995, heading=71.131493, tilt=66.768762) # Generate data for states for state in geo_state["features"]: val, col, desc = self.mapData(data_state[state["properties"]["STATE"]], indexmap_state) fold = kml.newfolder(name = state["properties"]["NAME"]) geo = fold.newmultigeometry() = state["properties"]["NAME"] box = simplekml.LatLonBox(north=-1000, south=1000, west=1000, east=-1000) if state["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon": p = geo.newpolygon() p.altitudemode = "relativeToGround" p.extrude=1 p.outerboundaryis = self.addZ(state["geometry"]["coordinates"][0], (((self._scale * val)/1000)*2692)+308) update_box(box, state["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]) else: for poly in state["geometry"]["coordinates"]: p = geo.newpolygon() p.altitudemode = "relativeToGround" p.extrude=1 p.outerboundaryis = self.addZ(poly[0], (((self._scale * val)/1000)*2692)+308) update_box(box, poly[0]) switchsize = 600 fadesize = 100 geo.region = simplekml.Region(box, simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels = 0, maxlodpixels = switchsize, minfadeextent = 0, maxfadeextent = fadesize)) # Network link for counties clink = kml.newnetworklink(name = "Counties for %s" % clink.region = simplekml.Region(box, simplekml.Lod(minlodpixels = switchsize - fadesize, maxlodpixels = -1, minfadeextent = fadesize, maxfadeextent = 0))"" % state["properties"]["STATE"] = "onInterval" = 2 = 0 # Map data to color geo.description = desc = col geo = None stateskml = kml self._need_update = False return stateskml.kml(False)
# Region latlonaltbox = simplekml.LatLonAltBox( north=-11.63011499099052, south=-26.04605302582592, east=51.58283094574556, west=42.72857522419672, minaltitude=0, maxaltitude=0, ) lod = simplekml.Lod( minlodpixels=8192, maxlodpixels=-1, minfadeextent=0, maxfadeextent=0, ) region = simplekml.Region(latlonaltbox=latlonaltbox, lod=lod) # Styles green = simplekml.Style() green.iconstyle.color = green.iconstyle.icon.href = "" green.iconstyle.scale = 1.0 yellow = simplekml.Style() yellow.iconstyle.color = simplekml.Color.yellow yellow.iconstyle.icon.href = "" yellow.iconstyle.scale = 1.0 orange = simplekml.Style() orange.iconstyle.color = orange.iconstyle.icon.href = ""