Example #1
File: aggr.py Project: IncOQ/incoq
 def from_node(cls, node):
     checktype(node, L.Aggregate)
     if isinstance(node.value, L.DemQuery):
         assert all(isinstance(a, L.Name) for a in node.value.args)
         oper_demparams = tuple(a.id for a in node.value.args)
         oper_demname = node.value.demname
         oper = node.value.value
         oper_demparams = None
         oper_demname = None
         oper = node.value
     if isinstance(oper, L.Name):
         rel = oper.id
         relmask = Mask.U
         params = ()
     elif (isinstance(oper, L.SetMatch) and
           isinstance(oper.target, L.Name) and
         rel = oper.target.id
         relmask = Mask(oper.mask)
         params = L.get_vartuple(oper.key)
         raise L.ProgramError('Bad aggregate operand', node=node)
     return cls(node.op, rel, relmask, params,
                oper_demname, oper_demparams)
Example #2
    def from_node(cls, node):
        checktype(node, L.Aggregate)

        if isinstance(node.value, L.DemQuery):
            assert all(isinstance(a, L.Name) for a in node.value.args)
            oper_demparams = tuple(a.id for a in node.value.args)
            oper_demname = node.value.demname
            oper = node.value.value
            oper_demparams = None
            oper_demname = None
            oper = node.value

        if isinstance(oper, L.Name):
            rel = oper.id
            relmask = Mask.U
            params = ()

        elif (isinstance(oper, L.SetMatch) and isinstance(oper.target, L.Name)
              and L.is_vartuple(oper.key)):
            rel = oper.target.id
            relmask = Mask(oper.mask)
            params = L.get_vartuple(oper.key)

            raise L.ProgramError('Bad aggregate operand', node=node)

        return cls(node.op, rel, relmask, params, oper_demname, oper_demparams)
Example #3
def get_mapassign(node):
    """Match an Assign node of form
        <alpha>[<beta>] = <value>
    and returns alpha, beta, and value. As a special case, if alpha
    is the function call "globals()", do not match.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Assign) and
        len(node.targets) == 1 and
        isinstance(node.targets[0], Subscript) and
        isinstance(node.targets[0].slice, Index)):
        # Catch globals().
        target = node.targets[0].value
        if (isinstance(target, Call) and
            isinstance(target.func, Name) and
            target.func.id == 'globals'):
            return (node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].slice.value,
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_mapassign failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #4
File: mask.py Project: IncOQ/incoq
 def __new__(cls, parts):
     """Construct from a string, or a sequence of strings."""
     # Validate parts.
         checktype(parts, str)
     except TypeError:
         checktype_seq(parts, str)
     parts = tuple(parts)
     if not all(c == 'b' or
                c == 'u' or
                (c.isdigit() and c != '0') or
                c == 'w'
                for c in parts):
         raise ValueError('Invalid pattern mask: ' + ''.join(parts))
     if any(c.isdigit() and len(c) > 1
            for c in parts):
         raise ValueError('Equality constraints with index > 9 '
                          'not supported')
     if any(c.isdigit() and int(c) - 1 >= i
            for i, c in enumerate(parts)):
         raise ValueError('Equality constraint must refer to smaller '
                          'index than own occurrence')
     return super().__new__(cls, parts)
Example #5
def is_plainfuncdef(func):
    """Returns True if the function has no fancy arguments.
    (Note that func is a FunctionDef statement, not code.
    checktype(func, FunctionDef)
    plain_args = tuple(arg(a.arg, None) for a in func.args.args)
    plain_arguments = arguments(plain_args, None, (), (), None, ())
    return func.args == plain_arguments
Example #6
def extract_tree(L, tree, mode=None):
    """Given a tree rooted at a Module node, return a subtree as
    selected by mode, which is one of the following strings.
          Return the original tree, unchanged. (default)
          Get the list of top-level statements.
          The one top-level statement, or None if there are
          no statements.
          The one top-level statement.
          The one top-level expression.
          The one top-level expression, in Store context.
    checktype(tree, L.Module)
    if mode == 'mod' or mode is None:
    elif mode == 'code':
        tree = tree.body
    elif mode == 'stmt_or_blank':
        if len(tree.body) == 0:
            return None
        elif len(tree.body) == 1:
            tree = tree.body[0]
            raise ValueError('Mode "{}" requires zero or one statements '
                             '(got {})'.format(mode, len(tree.body)))
    elif mode in ['stmt', 'expr', 'lval']:
        if len(tree.body) != 1:
            raise ValueError('Mode "{}" requires exactly one statement '
                             '(got {})'.format(mode, len(tree.body)))
        tree = tree.body[0]
        if mode in ['expr', 'lval']:
            if not isinstance(tree, L.Expr):
                raise ValueError('Mode "{}" requires Expr node (got {})'
                                 .format(mode, type(tree).__name__))
            tree = tree.value
            if mode == 'lval':
                tree = ContextSetter.run(tree, L.Store)
    elif mode is not None:
        raise ValueError('Unknown parse mode "' + mode + '"')
    return tree
Example #7
def prefix_names(tree, names, prefix):
    """Given a tree and a sequence of names, produce a new tree
    where each occurrence of those names is prefixed with the given
    checktype_seq(names, str)
    checktype(prefix, str)
    subst = {n: prefix + n for n in names}
    return Templater.run(tree, subst)
Example #8
def is_plainfuncdef(func):
    """Returns True if the function has no fancy arguments.
    (Note that func is a FunctionDef statement, not code.
    checktype(func, FunctionDef)
    plain_args = tuple(arg(a.arg, None) for a in func.args.args)
    plain_arguments = arguments(plain_args, None, (),
                                (), None, ())
    return func.args == plain_arguments
Example #9
def get_name(node):
    """Match a Name node and return the identifier."""
    checktype(node, AST)

    if isinstance(node, Name):
        return node.id

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_name failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #10
def get_name(node):
    """Match a Name node and return the identifier."""
    checktype(node, AST)
    if isinstance(node, Name):
        return node.id
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_name failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #11
File: util.py Project: IncOQ/incoq
def prefix_names(tree, names, prefix):
    """Given a tree and a sequence of names, produce a new tree
    where each occurrence of those names is prefixed with the given
    checktype_seq(names, str)
    checktype(prefix, str)
    subst = {n: prefix + n for n in names}
    return Templater.run(tree, subst)
Example #12
def get_namematch(node):
    """Match a SetMatch over a Name, and return a triple of the name,
    mask, and key.
    checktype(node, SetMatch)
    if isinstance(node.target, Name):
        return (node.target.id, node.mask, node.key)
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_namematch failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #13
def get_namesmlookup(node):
    """Match a SMLookup node over a name, and return a triple of the
    name, mask, and key.
    checktype(node, SMLookup)
    if isinstance(node.target, Name):
        return (node.target.id, node.mask, node.key)
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_namesmlookup failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #14
def get_namematch(node):
    """Match a SetMatch over a Name, and return a triple of the name,
    mask, and key.
    checktype(node, SetMatch)

    if isinstance(node.target, Name):
        return (node.target.id, node.mask, node.key)

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_namematch failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #15
def get_namesmlookup(node):
    """Match a SMLookup node over a name, and return a triple of the
    name, mask, and key.
    checktype(node, SMLookup)

    if isinstance(node.target, Name):
        return (node.target.id, node.mask, node.key)

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_namesmlookup failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #16
def get_cmp(node):
    """Match a Compare node of two operands, and return a triple
    of the first operand, the operation, and the second operand.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Compare)
            and len(node.ops) == len(node.comparators) == 1):
        return node.left, node.ops[0], node.comparators[0]

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_cmp failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #17
def get_cmp(node):
    """Match a Compare node of two operands, and return a triple
    of the first operand, the operation, and the second operand.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Compare) and
        len(node.ops) == len(node.comparators) == 1):
        return node.left, node.ops[0], node.comparators[0]
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_cmp failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #18
def get_plaincall(node):
    """Match a call of a Name node with only positional arguments.
    Return the function name and a tuple of the argument expressions.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Call) and isinstance(node.func, Name)
            and node.keywords == () and node.starargs is None
            and node.kwargs is None):
        return node.func.id, node.args

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_importstar failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #19
def get_vartuple(node):
    """Match a Name or Tuple of Names and return a tuple of the
    checktype(node, AST)

    if isinstance(node, Name):
        return (node.id, )
    elif (isinstance(node, Tuple)
          and all(isinstance(item, Name) for item in node.elts)):
        return tuple(item.id for item in node.elts)

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_vartuple failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #20
def get_singletonset(node):
    """Match a singleton set, i.e.
    and return val.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if isinstance(node, Set) and len(node.elts) == 1:
        return node.elts[0]

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_singletonset failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #21
def get_vartuple(node):
    """Match a Name or Tuple of Names and return a tuple of the
    checktype(node, AST)
    if isinstance(node, Name):
        return (node.id,)
    elif (isinstance(node, Tuple) and
          all(isinstance(item, Name) for item in node.elts)):
        return tuple(item.id for item in node.elts)
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_vartuple failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #22
def get_singletonset(node):
    """Match a singleton set, i.e.
    and return val.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if isinstance(node, Set) and len(node.elts) == 1:
        return node.elts[0]
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_singletonset failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #23
 def f(*args, **kargs):
     ba = sig.bind(*args, **kargs)
     for name, val in ba.arguments.items():
         ann = sig.parameters[name].annotation
         if ann is Parameter.empty:
         elif ann == 'Str':
             checktype(val, L.Str)
             ba.arguments[name] = val.s
         elif ann == 'Num':
             checktype(val, L.Num)
             ba.arguments[name] = val.n
         elif ann == 'Name':
             checktype(val, L.Name)
             ba.arguments[name] = val.id
         elif ann == 'List':
             checktype(val, L.List)
             ba.arguments[name] = val.elts
         elif ann == 'ids':
             if not isinstance(val, (L.List, L.Tuple)):
                 raise TypeError('Expected List or Tuple node')
             checktype_seq(val.elts, L.Name)
             ba.arguments[name] = tuple(v.id for v in val.elts)
             raise TypeError('Unknown astarg specifier "{}"'.format(ann))
     return func(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)
Example #24
 def from_expr(cls, node):
     """Construct from a membership expression
         (<var>, <var>) in _M
     checktype(node, L.AST)
     left, op, right = L.get_cmp(node)
     checktype(op, L.In)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(left)
     assert len(lhs) == 2
     cont, item = lhs
     rel = L.get_name(right)
     assert is_mrel(rel)
     return cls(cont, item)
Example #25
def get_varassign(node):
    """Match an Assign node of form
        <Name> = <value>
    and return Name.id and value.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Assign) and len(node.targets) == 1
            and isinstance(node.targets[0], Name)):
        return node.targets[0].id, node.value

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_varassign failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #26
def get_singsub(node):
    """Match a singleton set subtracted from an expression, i.e.
        <expr1> - {<expr2>}
    and return the two expressions.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, BinOp) and isinstance(node.op, Sub)
            and isinstance(node.right, Set) and len(node.right.elts) == 1):
        return node.left, node.right.elts[0]

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_singsub failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #27
def get_attrassign(node):
    """Match an Assign node of form
        <alpha>.<attr> = <value>
    and returns alpha, attr, and value.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Assign) and len(node.targets) == 1
            and isinstance(node.targets[0], Attribute)):
        return node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].attr, node.value

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_attrassign failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #28
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from Enumerator node of form
            (<var>, <var>, <var>) in _MAP
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
        rel = L.get_name(node.iter)
        if not len(lhs) == 3:
            raise TypeError
        map, key, value = lhs
        if not is_maprel(rel):
            raise TypeError
        return cls(map, key, value)
Example #29
def get_delattr(node):
    """Match a Delete node of form
        del <alpha>.<attr>
    and return alpha and attr.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Delete) and len(node.targets) == 1
            and isinstance(node.targets[0], Attribute)):
        return node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].attr

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_delattr failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #30
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Enumerator node of form
         (<var>, <var>) in _M
     checktype(node, L.Enumerator)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
     rel = L.get_name(node.iter)
     if not len(lhs) == 2:
         raise TypeError
     cont, item = lhs
     if not is_mrel(rel):
         raise TypeError
     return cls(cont, item)
Example #31
def get_importstar(node):
    """Match an import statement of form
        from <mod> import *
    and return mod.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, ImportFrom) and len(node.names) == 1
            and node.names[0].name == '*' and node.level == 0):
        return node.module

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_importstar failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #32
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Enumerator node of form
         (<var>, <var>, <var>) in _MAP
     checktype(node, L.Enumerator)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
     rel = L.get_name(node.iter)
     if not len(lhs) == 3:
         raise TypeError
     map, key, value = lhs
     if not is_maprel(rel):
         raise TypeError
     return cls(map, key, value)
Example #33
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from Enumerator node of form
            (<var>, <var>) in _M
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
        rel = L.get_name(node.iter)
        if not len(lhs) == 2:
            raise TypeError
        cont, item = lhs
        if not is_mrel(rel):
            raise TypeError
        return cls(cont, item)
Example #34
    def from_expr(cls, node):
        """Construct from a membership expression
            (<var>, <var>) in _M
        checktype(node, L.AST)

        left, op, right = L.get_cmp(node)
        checktype(op, L.In)
        lhs = L.get_vartuple(left)
        assert len(lhs) == 2
        cont, item = lhs
        rel = L.get_name(right)
        assert is_mrel(rel)
        return cls(cont, item)
Example #35
def get_plaincall(node):
    """Match a call of a Name node with only positional arguments.
    Return the function name and a tuple of the argument expressions.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Call) and
        isinstance(node.func, Name) and
        node.keywords == () and
        node.starargs is None and
        node.kwargs is None):
        return node.func.id, node.args
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_importstar failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #36
def get_delattr(node):
    """Match a Delete node of form
        del <alpha>.<attr>
    and return alpha and attr.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Delete) and
        len(node.targets) == 1 and
        isinstance(node.targets[0], Attribute)):
        return node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].attr
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_delattr failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #37
def get_varassign(node):
    """Match an Assign node of form
        <Name> = <value>
    and return Name.id and value.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Assign) and
        len(node.targets) == 1 and
        isinstance(node.targets[0], Name)):
        return node.targets[0].id, node.value
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_varassign failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #38
def get_attrassign(node):
    """Match an Assign node of form
        <alpha>.<attr> = <value>
    and returns alpha, attr, and value.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Assign) and
        len(node.targets) == 1 and
        isinstance(node.targets[0], Attribute)):
        return node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].attr, node.value
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_attrassign failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #39
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from enumerator of form
            (tupvar, elt1, ..., eltn) in _TUPN
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
        rel = L.get_name(node.iter)
        if not is_trel(rel):
            raise TypeError

        tup, *elts = lhs
        arity = get_trel(rel)
        assert arity == len(elts)

        return cls(tup, tuple(elts))
Example #40
def get_vareqcmp(node):
    """Match a Compare node of form
        <Name 1> == <Name 2> == ... == <Name n>
    and return a tuple of the identifiers.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Compare)
            and all(isinstance(op, Eq)
                    for op in node.ops) and isinstance(node.left, Name)
            and all(isinstance(c, Name) for c in node.comparators)):
        return (node.left.id, ) + tuple(c.id for c in node.comparators)

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_vareqcmp failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #41
def get_importstar(node):
    """Match an import statement of form
        from <mod> import *
    and return mod.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, ImportFrom) and
        len(node.names) == 1 and
        node.names[0].name == '*' and
        node.level == 0):
        return node.module
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_importstar failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #42
def get_singsub(node):
    """Match a singleton set subtracted from an expression, i.e.
        <expr1> - {<expr2>}
    and return the two expressions.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, BinOp) and
        isinstance(node.op, Sub) and
        isinstance(node.right, Set) and
        len(node.right.elts) == 1):
        return node.left, node.right.elts[0]
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_singsub failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #43
def get_vareqcmp(node):
    """Match a Compare node of form
        <Name 1> == <Name 2> == ... == <Name n>
    and return a tuple of the identifiers.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Compare) and
        all(isinstance(op, Eq) for op in node.ops) and
        isinstance(node.left, Name) and
        all(isinstance(c, Name) for c in node.comparators)):
        return (node.left.id,) + tuple(c.id for c in node.comparators)
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_vareqcmp failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #44
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from Enumerator node of form
            <vars> in DemQuery(...)
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        if not isinstance(node.iter, L.DemQuery):
            raise TypeError
        if not all(isinstance(a, L.Name) for a in node.iter.args):
            raise TypeError
        demname = node.iter.demname
        demparams = tuple(a.id for a in node.iter.args)
        rhs = node.iter.value

        innernode = node._replace(iter=rhs)
        innerclause = factory.from_AST(innernode)

        return cls(innerclause, demname, demparams)
Example #45
def cmp(left, op, right):
    """Comparison with only two operands."""
    checktype(left, AST)
    checktype(op, AST)
    checktype(right, AST)

    return Compare(left, (op, ), (right, ))
Example #46
def cmp(left, op, right):
    """Comparison with only two operands."""
    checktype(left, AST)
    checktype(op, AST)
    checktype(right, AST)
    return Compare(left, (op,), (right,))
Example #47
def get_delmap(node):
    """Match a Delete node of form
        del <alpha>[<beta>]
    and return alpha and beta. As a special case, if alphas is
    the function call "globals()", do not match.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Delete) and len(node.targets) == 1
            and isinstance(node.targets[0], Subscript)
            and isinstance(node.targets[0].slice, Index)):
        target = node.targets[0].value
        if (isinstance(target, Call) and isinstance(target.func, Name)
                and target.func.id == 'globals'):
            return node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].slice.value

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_delmap failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #48
def get_setunion(node):
    """Match a union of set literals, set comprehensions, and names,
    and return a tuple of the individual set expression ASTs.
    checktype(node, AST)
    class Flattener(NodeVisitor):
        # BinOp nodes are tree-structured. Flatten the tree.
        class Failure(BaseException):
        def process(self, tree):
            self.parts = []
            return tuple(self.parts)
        def visit_BinOp(self, node):
            if not isinstance(node.op, BitOr):
                raise self.Failure
        def generic_visit(self, node):
            # Don't recurse. Just add this node as an operand.
        parts = Flattener.run(node)
        if all(isinstance(p, (Set, Comp, Name))
               for p in parts):
            return parts
    except Flattener.Failure:
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_setunion failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #49
    def __new__(cls, parts):
        """Construct from a string, or a sequence of strings."""
        # Validate parts.
            checktype(parts, str)
        except TypeError:
            checktype_seq(parts, str)
        parts = tuple(parts)

        if not all(
                c == 'b' or c == 'u' or (c.isdigit() and c != '0') or c == 'w'
                for c in parts):
            raise ValueError('Invalid pattern mask: ' + ''.join(parts))

        if any(c.isdigit() and len(c) > 1 for c in parts):
            raise ValueError('Equality constraints with index > 9 '
                             'not supported')

        if any(c.isdigit() and int(c) - 1 >= i for i, c in enumerate(parts)):
            raise ValueError('Equality constraint must refer to smaller '
                             'index than own occurrence')

        return super().__new__(cls, parts)
Example #50
def get_setunion(node):
    """Match a union of set literals, set comprehensions, and names,
    and return a tuple of the individual set expression ASTs.
    checktype(node, AST)

    class Flattener(NodeVisitor):

        # BinOp nodes are tree-structured. Flatten the tree.

        class Failure(BaseException):

        def process(self, tree):
            self.parts = []
            return tuple(self.parts)

        def visit_BinOp(self, node):
            if not isinstance(node.op, BitOr):
                raise self.Failure

        def generic_visit(self, node):
            # Don't recurse. Just add this node as an operand.

        parts = Flattener.run(node)
        if all(isinstance(p, (Set, Comp, Name)) for p in parts):
            return parts
    except Flattener.Failure:

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_setunion failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #51
def get_mapassign(node):
    """Match an Assign node of form
        <alpha>[<beta>] = <value>
    and returns alpha, beta, and value. As a special case, if alpha
    is the function call "globals()", do not match.
    checktype(node, AST)

    if (isinstance(node, Assign) and len(node.targets) == 1
            and isinstance(node.targets[0], Subscript)
            and isinstance(node.targets[0].slice, Index)):
        # Catch globals().
        target = node.targets[0].value
        if (isinstance(target, Call) and isinstance(target.func, Name)
                and target.func.id == 'globals'):
            return (node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].slice.value,

    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_mapassign failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #52
def get_delmap(node):
    """Match a Delete node of form
        del <alpha>[<beta>]
    and return alpha and beta. As a special case, if alphas is
    the function call "globals()", do not match.
    checktype(node, AST)
    if (isinstance(node, Delete) and
        len(node.targets) == 1 and
        isinstance(node.targets[0], Subscript) and
        isinstance(node.targets[0].slice, Index)):
        target = node.targets[0].value
        if (isinstance(target, Call) and
            isinstance(target.func, Name) and
            target.func.id == 'globals'):
            return node.targets[0].value, node.targets[0].slice.value
    from . import ts
    raise TypeError('get_delmap failed: ' + ts(node))
Example #53
def rewrite_compclauses(comp,
    """Apply a rewriter to each part of the comprehension, sometimes
    inserting new clauses to the left or right of the rewritten part.
    rewriter is applied to each clause in left-to-right order, and
    finally to the result expression. It returns a pair of the new
    clause/expression AST, and a list of clauses to be inserted
    immediately before or after this AST (depending on the after
    If clauses are generated for the result expression, they are
    always appended to the end of the clause list, regardless of
    the after flag.
    If enum_only is True, only process enumerator clauses, not
    condition clauses or the result expression. If enum_only is False
    but resexp is True, process all clauses but not the result
    If recursive is True, also call rewriter on the newly inserted
    clauses as well.
    checktype(comp, Comp)

    # Use a recursive function to handle the case of recursively
    # processing added clauses.

    def process(clauses):
        result = []
        for cl in clauses:
            if enum_only and not isinstance(cl, Enumerator):

            mod_clause, add_clauses = rewriter(cl)

            if recursive:
                add_clauses = process(add_clauses)

            if after:

        return result

    new_clauses = process(comp.clauses)

    # Handle result expression.
    if enum_only or not resexp:
        new_resexp = comp.resexp
        new_resexp, add_clauses = rewriter(comp.resexp)
        if recursive:
            add_clauses = process(add_clauses)

    return comp._replace(resexp=new_resexp, clauses=tuple(new_clauses))
Example #54
def ln(id):
    checktype(id, str)
    return Name(id, Load())
Example #55
def sn(id):
    checktype(id, str)
    return Name(id, Store())
Example #56
def dn(id):
    checktype(id, str)
    return Name(id, Del())
Example #57
File: util.py Project: IncOQ/incoq
def rewrite_compclauses(comp, rewriter, *,
                        after=False, enum_only=False, recursive=False,
    """Apply a rewriter to each part of the comprehension, sometimes
    inserting new clauses to the left or right of the rewritten part.
    rewriter is applied to each clause in left-to-right order, and
    finally to the result expression. It returns a pair of the new
    clause/expression AST, and a list of clauses to be inserted
    immediately before or after this AST (depending on the after
    If clauses are generated for the result expression, they are
    always appended to the end of the clause list, regardless of
    the after flag.
    If enum_only is True, only process enumerator clauses, not
    condition clauses or the result expression. If enum_only is False
    but resexp is True, process all clauses but not the result
    If recursive is True, also call rewriter on the newly inserted
    clauses as well.
    checktype(comp, Comp)
    # Use a recursive function to handle the case of recursively
    # processing added clauses.
    def process(clauses):
        result = []
        for cl in clauses:
            if enum_only and not isinstance(cl, Enumerator):
            mod_clause, add_clauses = rewriter(cl)
            if recursive:
                add_clauses = process(add_clauses)
            if after:
        return result
    new_clauses = process(comp.clauses)
    # Handle result expression.
    if enum_only or not resexp:
        new_resexp = comp.resexp
        new_resexp, add_clauses = rewriter(comp.resexp)
        if recursive:
            add_clauses = process(add_clauses)
    return comp._replace(resexp=new_resexp, clauses=tuple(new_clauses))
Example #58
def dn(id):
    checktype(id, str)
    return Name(id, Del())
Example #59
def sn(id):
    checktype(id, str)
    return Name(id, Store())
Example #60
def ln(id):
    checktype(id, str)
    return Name(id, Load())