Example #1
def test_reduce_equation():
    print "\nTest reduce equation"
    c = [4, 3, 2, 1]
    A = [[2, 3, 4, 4], [1, 1, 2, 1]]
    b = [6, 3]
    c = np.array(c)
    A = np.array(A)
    b = np.array(b)
    print "Primal Problem"
    print linprog(c, A_eq=A, b_eq=b)
    row, col = A.shape
    c_s = np.concatenate((np.zeros(col), np.ones(row)))
    A_s = np.concatenate((A, np.eye(row)), axis=1)
    basis = range(col, col + row)
    opt = simplex_revised(c_s, A_s, b, basis, ret_lu=True)
    null_row, null_var = find_null_variable(opt.basis,
    c_res, A_res, b_res, basis_res = reduce_equation(null_row, null_var, c, A,
                                                     b, basis)
    print "\nReduce Problem"
    print "A\n%s\n%s" % (str(A), str(A_res))
    print "b\n%s\n%s" % (str(b), str(b_res))
    print "c\n%s\n%s" % (str(c), str(c_res))
    print simplex_revised(c_res, A_res, b_res, basis_res)
Example #2
def init_basis_primal(A, b, **argv):
    Solve Artificial Linear Programming
        min 1*s 
        s.t s + A*x = b,
            s, x >= 0
        A: equation constraint
        b: equation constraint
        eps: tolerance
        max_iter: max number of iteration
        success: (basis, x, lambda)
        -1: invalid
        -2: infeasible, the minimum is not zero
    eps = argv.get("eps", 1e-10)
    row, col = A.shape
    cp = np.concatenate((np.zeros(col), np.ones(row)))
    Ap = np.concatenate((A, np.eye(row)), axis=1)
    basis = range(col, col + row)
    ret = simplex_revised(cp, Ap, b, basis, ret_lu=True)
    if type(ret) == int:
        sys.stderr.write("Problem invalid\n")
        return -1
    if not is_zero(ret.z_opt, eps):
        sys.stderr.write("Problem infeasible\n")
        return -2
    return ret
Example #3
def test_sudoku_p0():
    print "\nTest Sudoku p0"
    sd2 = Sudoku()
    idx = [1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16]
    val = [1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3]
    idx = idx[:0]
    val = val[:0]
    mat_set = sd2.make_sudoku_matrix(pre_set=(idx, val))
    row, col = mat_set.shape
    print "size %s %s" % (row, col)
    b = np.ones(row)
    c = np.zeros(col)
    A = mat_set.toarray()
    ## scipy linprog
    cur = time.time()
    ret = optimize.linprog(c, A_eq=A, b_eq=b)
    print "\nScipy time cost %5s" % (time.time() - cur)
    mat = sd2.vec2mat(ret.x)
    print ret
    print "Sudoku Matrix\n%s" % str(mat)
    ## simplex LU
    num_slack = row
    c = np.concatenate((c, np.ones(row)))
    A = np.concatenate((A, np.eye(row)), axis=1)
    basis = range(col, col+row)
    cur = time.time()
    opt = simplex_revised(c, A, b, basis, eps=1e-10, max_iter=1000)
    print "\nSimplexLU time cost %5s" % (time.time() - cur)
    mat = sd2.vec2mat(opt.x_opt)
    print opt
    print "Sudoku Matrix\n%s" % str(mat)
Example #4
def linprog_primal(c, A, b, **argv):
    Solve Linear Programming in standard form
        min c*x 
        s.t A*x = b,
            x >= 0
        c: object vector
        A: equation constraint
        b: equation constraint
        eps: tolerance
        max_iter: max number of iteration
        success: (basis, x, lambda)
        -1: illegal
        -2: unbounded
        -3: infeasible
    # Init
    eps = argv.get("eps", 1e-16)
    debug = argv.get("debug", False)
    is_neg = lambda x: x < -eps
    # size
    row, col = A.shape
    if debug:
        print "\nProblem size row %s col %s" % (row, col)
    # Make sure b >= 0
    for i in range(row):
        if is_neg(b[i]):
            b[i] = -b[i] 
            A[i] = -A[i] 
    # Init basic solution
    ret0 = init_basis_primal(A, b)
    if type(ret0) == int:
        sys.stderr.write("Problem infeasible\n")
        return -3
    basis = ret0.basis
    x0 = ret0.x_basis
    if debug:
        print "\nBasic Problem solved"
        print "basis\t%s" % str(basis)
        print "x0\t%s" % str(x0)
    null_row, null_var = find_null_variable(basis, A, x0, lu_basis=ret0.lu_basis)
    if len(null_row) != 0:
        sys.stderr.write("Reduce enable null_row %s null_var %s\n" % (str(null_row), str(null_var)))
        c, A, b, basis = reduce_equation(null_row, null_var, c, A, b, basis)
    check_basis_slack(basis, A)
    # Solve LP
    opt = simplex_revised(c, A, b, basis, debug=debug)
    if type(opt) == int:
        sys.stderr.write("Problem unsolved\n")
        return opt
    if debug:
        print "\nPrimal Problem solved"
        print "z_opt\t%s" % opt.z_opt
        print "x_opt\t%s" % str(opt.x_opt)
    return opt
Example #5
def test_revised():
    c = [-3, -1, -3]
    b = [2, 5, 6]
    A = [[2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 3], [2, 2, 1]]
    basis = [3, 4, 5]
    c = np.array(c)
    A = np.array(A)
    b = np.array(b)
    print "\nTest linprog"
    print linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b)
    basis = np.array(basis)
    num_slack = 3
    c = np.concatenate((c, np.zeros(num_slack)))
    A = np.concatenate((A, np.eye(num_slack)), axis=1)
    print "\nTest Revised Simplex"
    print simplex_revised(c, A, b, basis, debug=True)
    print "\nTest Two Phrase Method"
    print linprog_primal(c, A, b, debug=True)
Example #6
 def solve_sub(self, lmbd, lmbd_i, max_upper=1e16, debug=False):
     c_sub = self.c - self.L.T.dot(lmbd)
     if debug:
         print "sub c\t%s" % str(c_sub)
         print "sub intercept\t%s" % -lmbd_i
     ret = simplex_revised(c_sub, self.A, self.b, self.basis)
     if type(ret) == int:
         return max_upper
         basis = ret.basis
         x_b = ret.x_opt
         self.basis = basis
         self.x_b = x_b
         z_opt = np.dot(c_sub, x_b) - lmbd_i
         return z_opt
Example #7
def test_sudoku_p1():
    print "\nTest Sudoku p0"
    sdk = Sudoku(3)
    rows = "11 22222 33333 444 5555 666 77777 88888 99"
    cols = "59 24678 34679 379 2468 137 13467 23468 15"
    vals = "59 89461 42685 897 4173 251 91437 27598 81"
    rows = str2int(rows)
    cols = str2int(cols)
    vals = str2int(vals)
    print "Sudoku preset"
    row_sp = np.array(rows) - 1
    col_sp = np.array(cols) - 1
    print sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (row_sp, col_sp))).toarray()
    #mat_set = sdk.make_sudoku_matrix(pre_set=(rows, cols, vals))
    mat_set = sdk.make_sudoku_matrix()
    row, col = mat_set.shape
    print "size %s %s" % (row, col)
    b = np.ones(row)
    c = np.zeros(col)
    A = mat_set.toarray()
    ## scipy linprog
    cfg = {"maxiter": 10000}
    cur = time.time()
    ret = optimize.linprog(c, A_eq=A, b_eq=b, options=cfg)
    print "\nScipy time cost %5s" % (time.time() - cur)
    print ret
    if ret.success:
        mat = sdk.vec2mat(ret.x)
        print "Sudoku Matrix\n%s" % str(mat)
    ## simplex LU
    num_slack = row
    c_s = np.concatenate((c, np.ones(row)))
    A_s = np.concatenate((A, np.eye(row)), axis=1)
    basis = range(col, col+row)
    cur = time.time()
    opt = simplex_revised(c_s, A_s, b, basis, eps=1e-10, max_iter=10000, ret_lu=True)
    print "\nSimplexLU time cost %5s" % (time.time() - cur)
    print opt
    if opt.x_opt is not None:
        mat = sdk.vec2mat(opt.x_opt[:col])
        print "x_opt sum %s integer %s" % (opt.x_opt.sum(), is_integer_list(opt.x_opt, 1e-6))
        print "Sudoku Matrix\n%s" % str(mat)
    int_idx = range(col)