def env_start(self): # Randomly generate new routes routeGenProcess = subprocess.Popen("python %s" % (self.routeScript), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) # Start SUMO sumoProcess = subprocess.Popen("%s -c %s --no-warnings" % (self.sumoBinary, self.sumoConfig), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) traci.init(self.traciPORT) self.state = State("1") # Reset these variables when episodes starts self.vehicleDict = {} self.currentVehList = [] self.previousVehList = [] self.totalCumWaitingTime = 0 returnObs = Observation() returnObs.intArray = self.state.carState.flatten() self.simStep = 1 return returnObs
def run(self, save=False): # Randomly generate new routes routeGenProcess = subprocess.Popen("python %s" % (self.routeScript), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) # Start SUMO sumoProcess = subprocess.Popen("%s -c %s" % (self.sumoBinary, self.sumoConfig), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) traci.init(self.PORT) state = State("1") state1d = State1D("1") # Reset these variables when episodes starts mapCarToRoute = {} routeDict = defaultdict(list) traveltimeDict = defaultdict(int) traffic_light_dict = defaultdict(list) vehicleDict = {} currentVehList = [] previousVehList = [] totalCumWaitingTime = 0 actionList = [] wait_count_list = [] previous_index = 0 traffic_light_counter = 1 licycle = itertools.cycle(range(len(self.Stages))) speedDict = defaultdict(float) emergency_stop_list = [] # freeflow_dict = {'eastSouth':40, 'eastWest':42, 'westSouth':40, \ # 'westEast':42, 'southEast':40, 'southWest':41} freeflow_dict = {'eastSouth':42, 'eastWest':42, 'eastNorth':41, \ 'westEast':42, 'westSouth':41, 'westNorth':42, \ 'southEast':41, 'southWest':42, 'southNorth':42, \ 'northEast':42, 'northWest':41, 'northSouth':42} if self.gui: self.view = traci.gui.getIDList()[0] step = 0 # stageIndex = 2 # run simulation until it reaches a terminal state while step == 0 or traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0: # print "Step: {}".format(step) if step == 0: observation = state.carState.flatten() # observation = state1d.laneState.sum(axis=1) # print observation # plt.imshow(state.carState, interpolation='nearest') # # stageIndex = self.take_action(observation) # if step % 10 == 0: # stageIndex = # if self.take_action(observation) == 0: # stageIndex = stageIndex = random.choice(range(len(self.Stages))) actionList.append(stageIndex) # print "stageIndex: {}".format(stageIndex) traci.trafficlights.setRedYellowGreenState("1", self.Stages[stageIndex]) # Count time a specific stage index has been active if step == 0: previous_index = stageIndex if stageIndex == previous_index: traffic_light_counter += 1 else: traffic_light_dict[previous_index].append(traffic_light_counter) traffic_light_counter = 1 # Take a step traci.simulationStep() currentVehList = traci.vehicle.getIDList() state.updateState(currentVehList) # state1d.updateState(currentVehList) observation = state.carState.flatten() # observation = state1d.laneState.sum(axis=1) # print observation # Get the activations of the last hidden layer if self.tsne_dataset: # Get high level representation o = state.carState reshaped_o = self.reshape_output(o) self.states_shared.set_value(reshaped_o) activations = self.get_activations() # Add activations to array if hasattr(self, 'activation_X'): self.activation_X = np.vstack((self.activation_X, \ activations)) else: self.activation_X = activations # Get value/label q_val_outputs = activation_labels = sum(q_val_outputs) self.label_list.append(activation_labels) # If value is interesting, save screen shot traci.gui.screenshot(self.view, 'tsne/screenshots/step_'+'{}'.format(step)+'.png') # Increment wait count and calculate speed diffs cumulative_speed_diff = 0 wait_count = 0 for car in currentVehList: if traci.vehicle.getWaitingTime(car) > 0: wait_count += 1 speed_diff = traci.vehicle.getAllowedSpeed(car) - traci.vehicle.getSpeed(car) cumulative_speed_diff += speed_diff wait_count_list.append(wait_count) # Detect emergency stop total_deceleration = 0 es_count = 0 for vehicle in currentVehList: a = traci.vehicle.getSpeed(vehicle) - speedDict[vehicle] if a < -4.5: es_count += 1 total_deceleration += a speedDict[vehicle] = traci.vehicle.getSpeed(vehicle) emergency_stop_list.append(es_count) # Calculate reward result = -cumulative_speed_diff + 100 * total_deceleration print "Reward: {}".format(result) # Increment traveltime for all cars for car in currentVehList: if car not in mapCarToRoute.keys(): mapCarToRoute[car] = traci.vehicle.getRouteID(car) traveltimeDict[car] += 1 # Add traveltime to routeDict, then delete entry from # the traveltimeDict for car in traveltimeDict.keys(): if car not in currentVehList: route_id = mapCarToRoute[car] routeDict[route_id].append(traveltimeDict[car]) del traveltimeDict[car] del mapCarToRoute[car] """ # NOW OBSOLETE birthList = checkVehBirth(self.currentVehList, self.previousVehList) if birthList != []: for veh in birthList: self.vehicleDict[veh] = VehicleTimer(veh) for key in self.vehicleDict: inc = self.vehicleDict[key].incrementWaitingTime() totalWaitingTime += inc killedVehicles = checkVehKill(vehicleDict) for vehicle in killedVehicles: del vehicleDict[vehicle] """ previousVehList = currentVehList previous_index = stageIndex step += 1 delay_dict = self.calculate_delay_dict(freeflow_dict, routeDict) # Produce plots self.plot_route_dist(routeDict) self.plot_actions(actionList) self.plot_route_diagnostics(routeDict) self.plot_wait_count(wait_count_list) self.plot_travel_time_dist(routeDict) self.plot_traffic_light_time(traffic_light_dict) self.plot_emergency_count(emergency_stop_list) print traffic_light_dict action_frequency = self.action_freq(actionList, step) print "Action frequency: {}".format(action_frequency) print "Mean delay: {}".format(self.calculate_mean_delay(delay_dict)) if save: with open('eval_1D_LINEAR_T.pkl', 'wb') as f: cPickle.dump([routeDict, wait_count_list, \ traffic_light_dict, action_frequency, \ emergency_stop_list], f) if self.tsne_dataset: if not traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0: # Pickle time_str = time.strftime("_%m-%d-%H-%M_", time.gmtime()) with open('tsne/activations_X'+ time_str +'.pkl', 'wb') as f: cPickle.dump(self.activation_X, f, -1) with open('tsne/activations_Y'+ time_str +'.pkl', 'wb') as f: temp = np.asarray(self.label_list) cPickle.dump(temp, f) traci.close() sys.stdout.flush()
class SumoEnvironment(Environment): """docstring for SumoEnvironment""" def __init__(self, traffic_situation): super(SumoEnvironment, self).__init__() if traffic_situation == 'simpleT': # Actions for SimpleT self.stage01="GGgrrrrGGG" self.inter0102="GGgrrrryyy" self.stage02="GGGrrrrrrr" self.inter0203="yyyrrrrrrr" self.stage03="rrrGGGGrrr" self.inter0301="rrryyyyrrr" # self.Stages=[self.stage01, self.stage02, self.stage03]; self.Stages = [self.stage01, self.inter0102, self.stage02, \ self.inter0203, self.stage03, self.inter0301] self.sumoConfig = "simulation/SimpleT/simpleT.sumocfg" self.routeScript = "simulation/SimpleT/" elif traffic_situation == 'simpleX': # Actions for SimpleX self.stage01="GGGGggrrrrrrGGGGggrrrrrr" self.inter0102="yyyyggrrrrrryyyyggrrrrrr" self.stage02="rrrrGGrrrrrrrrrrGGrrrrrr" self.inter0203="rrrryyrrrrrrrrrryyrrrrrr" self.stage03="rrrrrrGGGGggrrrrrrGGGGgg" self.inter0304="rrrrrryyyyggrrrrrryyyygg" self.stage04="rrrrrrrrrrGGrrrrrrrrrrGG" self.inter0401="rrrrrrrrrryyrrrrrrrrrryy" self.Stages=[self.stage01, self.stage02, self.stage03, self.stage04]; self.sumoConfig = "simulation/SimpleX/simpleX.sumocfg" self.routeScript = "simulation/SimpleX/" self.sumoBinary = "sumo" self.vehicleDict = {} self.currentVehList = [] self.previousVehList = [] self.totalCumWaitingTime = 0 self.speedDict = defaultdict(float) self.licycle = itertools.cycle(range(len(self.Stages))) self.stageIndex = 0 # Initialise stage index self.traciPORT = 8813 def env_init(self): # return "VERSION RL-Glue-3.0 PROBLEMTYPE episodic DISCOUNTFACTOR 1.0 OBSERVATIONS INTS (0 1) ACTIONS INTS (0 {}) REWARDS (-1.0 1.0) EXTRA rl_glue_sumo_environment(Python) by Tobias Rijken.".format(len(self.Stages)-1) return "VERSION RL-Glue-3.0 PROBLEMTYPE episodic DISCOUNTFACTOR 1.0 OBSERVATIONS INTS (0 1) ACTIONS INTS (0 1) REWARDS (-1.0 1.0) EXTRA rl_glue_sumo_environment(Python) by Tobias Rijken." def env_start(self): # Randomly generate new routes routeGenProcess = subprocess.Popen("python %s" % (self.routeScript), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) # Start SUMO sumoProcess = subprocess.Popen("%s -c %s --no-warnings" % (self.sumoBinary, self.sumoConfig), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) traci.init(self.traciPORT) self.state = State("1") # Reset these variables when episodes starts self.vehicleDict = {} self.currentVehList = [] self.previousVehList = [] self.totalCumWaitingTime = 0 returnObs = Observation() returnObs.intArray = self.state.carState.flatten() self.simStep = 1 return returnObs def env_step(self, thisAction): # Process action # self.stageIndex = thisAction.intArray[0] if thisAction.intArray[0] == 0: self.stageIndex = # print "stageIndex: {}".format(self.stageIndex) traci.trafficlights.setRedYellowGreenState("1", self.Stages[self.stageIndex]) traci.simulationStep() self.simStep += 1 # print "Simulation step: {}".format(self.simStep) self.currentVehList = traci.vehicle.getIDList() self.state.updateState(self.currentVehList) episodeTerminal=0 # Check if state is terminal if traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() == 0: theObs = Observation() theObs.intArray=self.state.carState.flatten() episodeTerminal=1 traci.close() theObs=Observation() theObs.intArray=self.state.carState.flatten() returnRO=Reward_observation_terminal() returnRO.r=self.calculate_reward() # returnRO.r=self.calculate_delay() # print "Reward: {}".format(returnRO.r) returnRO.o=theObs returnRO.terminal=episodeTerminal killedVehicles = checkVehKill(self.vehicleDict) for vehicle in killedVehicles: del self.vehicleDict[vehicle] self.previousVehList = self.currentVehList return returnRO def env_cleanup(self): pass def env_message(self, in_message): """ The experiment will cause this method to be called. Used to restart the SUMO environment. Otherwise, the system will be terminated because multiple SUMO sessions will be listening to the same port. """ #WE NEED TO DO THIS BECAUSE agent_end is not called # we run out of steps. if in_message.startswith("episode_end"): traci.close() elif in_message.startswith("finish_epoch"): traci.close() elif in_message.startswith("start_testing"): pass elif in_message.startswith("finish_testing"): traci.close() else: return "I don't know how to respond to your message" def calculate_delay(self): birthList = checkVehBirth(self.currentVehList, self.previousVehList) # print "New born vehicles: {0}".format(birthList) totalWaitingTime = 0 if birthList != []: for veh in birthList: self.vehicleDict[veh] = VehicleTimer(veh) # print "Vehicle dictionary: {0}".format(self.vehicleDict) for key in self.vehicleDict: inc = self.vehicleDict[key].incrementWaitingTime() # print "Delta for car {0}: {1}".format(key, inc) totalWaitingTime += inc # print "Cum. Waiting time for veh {0}: {1}".format(key, self.vehicleDict[key].cumWaitingTime) # print "Total cumulative waiting time: {0}".format(self.totalCumWaitingTime) # Return negative reward self.totalCumWaitingTime += -totalWaitingTime return -totalWaitingTime def calculate_speed_diff(self): """ Returns the cumulative speed difference between the allowed speed and the car's speed for every car """ cumulative_speed_diff = 0 for car in self.currentVehList: speed_diff = traci.vehicle.getAllowedSpeed(car) - traci.vehicle.getSpeed(car) cumulative_speed_diff += speed_diff return -cumulative_speed_diff def identify_emergency_stop(self): """ Identifies if an emergency stop occurs and sums the decelerations of all the cars that make an emergency stop """ total_deceleration = 0 for vehicle in self.currentVehList: a = traci.vehicle.getSpeed(vehicle) - self.speedDict[vehicle] if a < -4.5: total_deceleration += a self.speedDict[vehicle] = traci.vehicle.getSpeed(vehicle) return total_deceleration def calculate_reward(self, tau=100): """ Return a weighted sum of the speed diff reward and the emergency stop reward """ result = self.calculate_speed_diff() + \ tau * self.identify_emergency_stop() return result
def run(self, commands): # Randomly generate new routes # routeGenProcess = subprocess.Popen("python %s" % (self.routeScript), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) # Start SUMO sumoProcess = subprocess.Popen("%s -c %s" % (self.sumoBinary, self.sumoConfig), shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout) traci.init(self.PORT) state = State("1") # Reset these variables when episodes starts mapCarToRoute = {} routeDict = defaultdict(list) traveltimeDict = defaultdict(int) traffic_light_dict = defaultdict(list) vehicleDict = {} currentVehList = [] previousVehList = [] totalCumWaitingTime = 0 actionList = [] wait_count_list = [] previous_index = 0 traffic_light_counter = 1 speedDict = defaultdict(float) emergency_stop_list = [] step = 0 self.last_action = 0 # run simulation until it reaches a terminal state while step == 0 or traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0: if step == 0: observation = state.carState.flatten() # TAKE THE HUMAN ACTION HERE # print "1" try: stageIndex = int(commands.get(False)) # print "2" except Queue.Empty, e: stageIndex = self.last_action # print "3" print "Index: {}".format(stageIndex) if stageIndex not in self.admissable_index: print "admissable_index: {}".format(self.admissable_index) stageIndex = self.last_action self.last_action = stageIndex # print "4" # print "Index: {}".format(stageIndex) actionList.append(stageIndex) # print "stageIndex: {}".format(stageIndex) traci.trafficlights.setRedYellowGreenState("1", self.Stages[stageIndex]) # Count time a specific stage index has been active if step == 0: previous_index = stageIndex if stageIndex == previous_index: traffic_light_counter += 1 else: traffic_light_dict[previous_index].append(traffic_light_counter) traffic_light_counter = 1 traci.simulationStep() currentVehList = traci.vehicle.getIDList() state.updateState(currentVehList) observation = state.carState.flatten() # Increment wait count wait_count = 0 for car in currentVehList: if traci.vehicle.getWaitingTime(car) > 0: wait_count += 1 wait_count_list.append(wait_count) # Detect emergency stop es_count = 0 for vehicle in currentVehList: a = traci.vehicle.getSpeed(vehicle) - speedDict[vehicle] if a < -4.5: es_count += 1 speedDict[vehicle] = traci.vehicle.getSpeed(vehicle) emergency_stop_list.append(es_count) # Increment traveltime for all cars for car in currentVehList: if car not in mapCarToRoute.keys(): mapCarToRoute[car] = traci.vehicle.getRouteID(car) traveltimeDict[car] += 1 # Add traveltime to routeDict, then delete entry from # the traveltimeDict for car in traveltimeDict.keys(): if car not in currentVehList: route_id = mapCarToRoute[car] routeDict[route_id].append(traveltimeDict[car]) del traveltimeDict[car] del mapCarToRoute[car] previousVehList = currentVehList previous_index = stageIndex step += 1