def __init__(self, plan):

        self.plan4agents = plan
        rospy.init_node('pseudo_planner', anonymous=True)
        self.publish_plan = rospy.Publisher('/environment/plan',

        self.used_planID = []

        sim = simulation.Simulation0()
        self.tasks, self.unformattedTasks = sim.get_tasks('specs')
        'Agent with id: %d, delta: %f, theta: %f, has started successfully',
        agent_id, delta, theta)
    # Define the inputs/outputs to the agent (sensors, such as vision, tactile, message input etc)###
    # They will be given as topic names
    # This example consists of only the message channel
    # [[topic_name, callback_function], [], ...]
    inputs = [['bcasts_brain', 'bcasts_brain_callback']]
    sensors = [200]

    outputs = ['bcasts', '/environment/agent_position']
    actuators = [200]
    motors = []
    # Give a list of function names that represent the capabilities of the agent

    sim = simulation.Simulation0(pressure, abrupt)

    agentfile = "conf_" + str(agent_id)
    # Read agent configuration file
    agent_conf = sim.read_agent_conf(agentfile)
    print agent_conf
    # From the list of services select 30% (this number can be modified) for the agent to be providing - at random
    # [id time energy reward ...] ... -> dependencies on other services for instance 4 5 2 1
    # Active_servs format: [[5, 100, 3705, 42], [6, 97, 5736, 19], [9, 96, 9156, 4]]
    depends = 10  #Is this relevant for the rest of the code?
    active_servs = sim.select_services(agent_id, depends)

    # Health specification
    battery = 10000
    popSize = 2