Example #1
 def set_upload_file_flags(self):
     self._simulation_data = SimulationData(self._selected_operation_type, self._selected_operation)
Example #2
class Operation:
    parent class of Building, Plotting, Simulating
    _operation_dict = OrderedDict()  # depends on self._selected_operation_type
    _selected_operation = str()
    _selected_operation_type = str()
    _item = None  # class Build, Sim, or Plot (Item)
    _simulation_data = None  # class SimulationData

    def __init__(self, subject):
        :param subject: (class Subject)
        self._subject = subject

    def __del__(self):

    def selected_operation(self):
        return self._selected_operation

    def selected_operation_type(self):
        return self._selected_operation_type

    def select_operation(self, selected_operation):
        set self._selected_operation
        from user input if not already selected via previous loop or constructor of Environment
        else from setting.operation (which is passed to here as function argument)
            self._operation_dict (dict)
        :param selected_operation: (string, None if operation not already selected)
        print('Test subject {} {}\n             on {}'.format(
            self._subject.code, self._subject.branch, self._subject.computer))

        if selected_operation:
            self._selected_operation = selected_operation
            self._selected_operation = select_from_options(self._operation_dict, 'Select operation')

    def set_upload_file_flags(self):
        self._simulation_data = SimulationData(self._selected_operation_type, self._selected_operation)

    def set_numerics_and_processing_data(self, item_type, item_case, item_configuration,
                                         flow_process_name, element_type_name, setting_inst, location_of_operation):
        write files if on local computer and simulationData.ReadFileFlags are set
        :param item_type: (string)
        :param item_case: (string)
        :param item_configuration: (string)
        :param flow_process_name: (string)
        :param element_type_name: (string)
        :param setting_inst: (class Setting)
        :param location_of_operation: (string)
        if location == 'local':
            # do database queries
            if self._simulation_data.read_file_flags.numerics:
                setting_inst.set_numerics_data(self._simulation_data, item_case, item_configuration,
                                               flow_process_name, element_type_name)
                if location_of_operation == 'remote':
                    # file transfer
            if self._simulation_data.read_file_flags.processing:
                setting_inst.set_processing_data(self._simulation_data, item_type, item_configuration)
                if location_of_operation == 'remote':
                    # file transfer

    def run(self, item):
        direct to cluster or load data files (if necessary) and do operation
        :param item: (class Item (Build, Sim, Plot))
        :param simulation_data: (class SimulationData)
        self._item = item
        if self._subject.location == 'remote' and location == 'local' \
                and self._selected_operation_type != 'p':  # plotting operations are executed on local computer
            operate_on_cluster(self._subject, item,
                               self._selected_operation_type, self._selected_operation, self._simulation_data)
            if location == 'remote':
                # reload modules with data for numerics and parallelization
                if self._simulation_data.read_file_flags.numerics:
                if self._simulation_data.read_file_flags.processing:

            self.operate()  # call member of child class